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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  March 5, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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>> from the beginning the ayatollah regime has broken every international norm and violated every international rule. it seizes embassies, it has targeted diplomats. it sends its own children through mine fields. it hangs gays, it stones women. it supports assad's brutal slaughter of the syrian people. it is the world's foremost sponsor of terrorism. it sponsors hamas in gaza and terrorists throughout the middle east, africa and even south
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america. iran's proxies have dispatched hundreds of suicide bombers. they have planted thousands of roadside bombs. and they fired over 20,000 missiles at civilians. so from terror to skies and terror on the ground, iran is responsible for the murder of hundreds if not thousands of americans. in 1983 iran's proxy blew up the marine barracks in lebanon killing 240 marines. in the last decade it's been responsible for murdering and maiming american soldiers in afghanistan and iraq. just a few months ago. it tried to assassinate the saudi ambassador to the united states. this is in a restaurant just a few blocks from here. the assassins didn't care if several senators and congressmen would have been murdered in the process. iran accuses -- iran accuses the
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american government of orchestrating 9/11. that is as brazen as denying the holocaust which they do. [ applause ] >> iran calls for israel's destruction and they work for this destruction. they work for this every day, each day. relentlessly. i say all that to make one point clear. this is how iran behaves today without nuclear weapons. think of how they will behave tomorrow with nuclear weapons. iran will be even more reckless and a lot more dangerous. now, there has been plenty of talk recently about the cost of stopping iran.
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i think it's time we started talking about the costs of not stopping iran. [ applause ] a nuclear armed iran would dramatically increase terrorism by giving terrorists a nuclear umbrella. let me ex whian what that means. it means that iran terror plot like hezbollah and hamas will be em bold tondz attack the united states and others because they'll be backed by a power that has atomic bombs. so the terrorism we see today could grow ten field if not month more. a nuclear armed iran could choke
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off the world's oil supply and could make real the threats to close the strait of hormuz. if you are worried about the price of oil today, imagine how high oil prices could get once a nuclear armed iran starts blackmail the world. then you'll really have a problem with oil prices. if iran gets nuclear weapons this would set off mad dash, by saudi arabia, turkey and egypt to acquire nuclear weapons of their own. the world's most volatile region would be a nuclear tinderbox waiting to go off. here is the worst nightmare of all. with nuclear weapons, iran could threaten all of us with nuclear terrorism. it could put a nuclear device in a ship heading to any port or in a truck parked in any city
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anywhere in the world. i want you to think about what it would mean to have nuclear weapons in the hands of those radicals who lead millions of people in chants of death to america, death to israel. i want you to think about all that. i'm sure when you do, you will reach a simple conclusion. for the sake of our prosperity, for the sake of our security, for the sake of our children, iran must not be allowed to acquire nuclear weapons. [ applause ] now, of course, the best out
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come to would be if iran decided to abandon its nuclear weapons program peacefully. no one would be happier than me and the people of israel. if iran dismantles its program, but so far that hasn't happened. for 15 years i've been warning that a nuclear armed iran is a grave danger to my country and to the peace and security of the entire world. for the last decade international community has tried diplomacy. it hasn't worked. for six years international community has applied sanctions. that hasn't worked either. i appreciate president obama's recent efforts to impose tougher
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sanctions against iran. these sanctions are hurting iran's economy. but unfortunately iran's nuclear program continues to march forward. my friends, israel has patiently waited for the international community to resolve this issue. we've waited for diplomacy to work. we've waited for sanctions to work. none of us can afford to wait much longer. [ applause ] >> as prime minister of israel, i will never let my people live in the shadow of annihilation. [ applause ]
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>> ladies and gentlemen, some commentators would have you believe that stopping iran from getting the bomb is more dangerous than letting iran have the bomb. they say that military confrontation with iran would undermine the efforts already under way, that it would be ineffective and that it would provoke an even more vindictive response by iran. i have heard these arguments before. in fact i've read them before. at my desk i have copies of an
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exchange of letters between the world jewish congress and the u.s. war department. the year was 1944. the world jewish congress implored the american government to bomb auschwitz. the reply came five days later. i want to read it to you. quote, operations will be executed only by diverting considerable air support essential to the success of our forces elsewhere. in any case, it would be of such doubtful efficacy that it would not warrant the use of our
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resources. my friends, here is the most remarkable sentence of all. i quote, such an effort might provoke even more vindictive action by the germans. think about that. even more vindictive action than the holocaust. my friends, 2012 is not 1944. the american government today is different. it's different. [ applause ] >> you heard that in president obama's speech yesterday, but here is my point. the jewish people are also different. today we have a state of our own and a purpose of a joint state.
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[ applause ] >> it is to defend jewish lives and secure the jewish future. [ applause ] >> never again will the jewish people be powerless. never again. [ applause ] >> that is why israel must have the ability to defend itself against any threats. [ applause ] >> my friends would deeply appreciate the great alliance between our two countries, but
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when it come is to israel's survival. we must always remain the masters of our fate. [ applause ] ladies and gentlemen, israel's fate is to continue to be the full position of freedom in the middle east. the only place in the middle east where minorities enjoy full civil rights. the only place in the middle east where arabs enjoy full civil rights. over one million citizens live in israel, enjoy full and equal civil rights. only place in the middle east where christians are free to practice their faith. only place in the middle east
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where real judges protect the rule of law. as prime minister of israel, i will always protect israel's democracy, always. [ applause ] most especially never tolerate any discrimination against women. [ applause ] >> ladies and gentlemen, this week will read how one woman
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changed jewish history. in synagogues throughout the world. jewish people will celebrate the festival of porem. read how 2500 years ago a persian tried to annihilate the jewish people. we will read how that plot was spoiled by one courageous woman, ester. you can applaud ester. she deserves a little more. [ applause ] >> my friends, in every generation there are those that wish to destroy the jewish people. in this generation, we are bless today live in a time when there is a jewish state capable of defending the jewish people.
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we're doubly blessed to have so many friends like you, jews and non-jews alike who love the state of israel and support its right to defend itself. [ applause ] >> so as i leave you tonight i thank you for your friendship. i thank you for your courage. i thank you for standing up for the one and only jewish state! thank you all. thank you. ♪ ♪ >> you've been watching israeli benjamin netanyahu speaking to the american israel public affairs committee. some believe israel could launch a preemptive strike by spring.
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now here to go on the record. karl rove. your reaction tonight to the prime minister's speech. >> it was a powerful statement of israel's belief and its right to self-defense. i thought he did a marvelous job with a few clear sentences the iranian claim not to be interested in nuclear weapons. he made it clear that israel will have the right to act. it will act alone if necessary. it was very strong speech. >> greta: when you say israel's right to self-defense. i don't think anyone would dispute that. is it preemptive you have a country, a neighboring country seeking nuclear weapons with a state mission to destroy your country? >> you stated it quite well. the object here of the iranians as you pointed out the claim
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that medical isotopes they are attempting to create. they are developing intercontinental delivery systems. they have facilities deep under ground well out of the range of conventional weapons. they are building centrifuges to enrich this far beyond what you would need to enrich uranium for isotopes. ifhave a bomb and this regime's record over the last 40 years one ought to give everybody pause and give the israelis deep concern this is the question. it literally goes to the survival of the jewish people and the state of israel. >> greta: i realize the prime minister need to come here and speak to president obama. the united states, we have a strong relationships with israel. i know there is some suggestion that the united states wants to
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continue with sanctions, but why does israel need to come and almost get permission from the united states? >> we're close allies. united states decided it was going to punish the israelis for acting protect their society, their country, it could do great damage to our relationship and the standing of israel. i think it was important, president obama is clearly concerned about support from the jewish american community for his reelection. he himself is going to speak at aipac. i think it's important for netanyahu to give a strong statement of his government's position of the israeli position in order to keep the president's feet to the fire. president has in the past given the israelis and americans jewish voters strong reasons to be deeply concerned about his approach to these issues.
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there is a famous moment where margaret thatcher said, president obama george h.w. -- this was netanyahu, don't go wobble on us mr. obama. >> greta: what is the media talking about with super tuesday hours away. jobs, gas prices? the media is talking about rush limbaugh and contraception controversy. one of the candidates is not happy about that. that is next. also two of the g.o.p. candidates, they are not on virginia primary. is that fatal for them. bob mcdonald goes on the record. [ male announcer ] this is lawn ranger -- eden prairie, minnesota. in here, the landscaping business grows with snow. to keep big winter job on track, at&t provided a mobile solution that lets everyone from field workers to accounting, initiate, bill, and track work in real time.
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... >> greta: hours away from super tuesday, 409 delegates at stake. that is lot. what the most important question. this may surprise you. it wasn't gas or jobs. it was a contraception controversy. anger david gregory asked gingrich about inflammatory remarks about rush limbaugh. >> what does it say about the coed susan fluke who goes before
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a congressional committee and essentially says she must be paid to have sex? what does that make her? >> it makes her a slut, right? it makes her a prostitute. she wants to be paid to have sex. >> greta: he apologized for those comments. that didn't end the uproar. on meet the press, speaker gingrich was asked about it and he did not seem happy. >> david, i'm astonished the desperation of the elite media to avoid rising gas prices, to avoid the president's apology to religious fanatics in afghanistan. to avoid the trillion dollar sift. the longest period of. and suddenly decide that is the issue of the week. >> is he right or are questions like these fair game? we're back with karl rove. when you watch someone else do
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it. another member of the media, you cringe a little bit. i'm sure i'm guilty of doing it but is it fair question of the speaker? >> god bless speaker gingrich for taking david gregory and giving him a whooping. david gregory's question, first question, i know there are important issues, what do you think about rush limbaugh thing. how big of a problem is it, says david gregory. speaker gingrich took him outside and did what he needed to do and tanned his hide. good for him. we have seen media attempt to do this kind of stuff. imagine what would happen if david gregory had started talking off about gas prices and asking tough questions about jobs and the economy. things of substance and then at
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some point, said, i want to ask you a question about this issue. speaker gingrich could not have given the answer he gave and might have said. is it problem or isn't a problem. but he had to lead with this and got dealt severely and deserved to be treated that way. >> greta: you would have thought he might have learned in asking a question of speaker gingrich, i remember speaker gingrich took off the skin of john king during a debate. it was sort of like handing the ball to speaker gingrich so he can shove it down his throat. >> sort of lining, john king you are right. david gregory, too, threw the ball and gingrich with the batted on his shoulder sand seeing the ball approach in slow motion and pounds it out of the park. i'm glad that he did. >> greta: let's talk about super
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tuesday. 419 delegates are up. what if? if governor romney has a big night, that may be the end of the whole story. he secures pretty much and headed toward the nomination. if speaker gingrich wins georgia and if he wins tennessee, does it change things? >> first of all. let's define what a big night is. we're going to have lots of definitions. i think there is a chance tomorrow night, every chance that romney could come out with a strong plurality of delegates that are up for grabs and in the contest last saturday in washington state and coming saturday in wyoming. i think there is a chance he could come out with a majority. if he wins a strong plurality or majority of the delegates and at least half the contests, half that are up tomorrow night or half from last saturday to next saturday and the others are all split up, this could be very
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strong point in the campaign. speaker gingrich in my opinion has to win georgia but also got to win elsewhere in the country, only other places he has a chance to win are oklahoma and tennessee. if he does, then he becomes a regional candidate. if he doesn't, he becomes a favorite son candidate. neither one of them is adequate to go all the way. same with rick santorum. he has to win, ohio. i think he may win ohio tomorrow night, but i think it's going to be mathematically impossible to win a majority of the delegates. you probably have shared this with your viewers before. senator santorum did not file delegates in three congressional districts. nine delegates are up in congressional districts. so congressional district six and fine into a independent and didn't file enough delegates in
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six other seats. filed only one in cd 4, cd so is which is dayton and only filed one delegate in cd 3 which is in columbus. cd 8, john boehner's district which could be good turf for him and north of columbus and the suburbs and rural counties. 18 of the 66 delegates up tomorrow he can't compete for including nine in three congressional districts he has no chance whatsoever at. >> greta: best job of being campaign manager of governor romney but santorum's campaign or gingrich's campaign from a campaign manager's point of view which campaign would you rather be in charge of why? >> senator santorum because he
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has demonstrated thus far an ability in midwestern states, minnesota as an missouri. he has demonstrated some strength in the polls in oklahoma and tennessee, but again he has an uphill climb. he has won iowa, which netted him some delegates but they don't apportion them or lock them in that night. then three contests missouri, minnesota and colorado where delegates are not awarded. so tomorrow night is first chance to lock in delegates under the party rules. the rest of these are estimates of what he is likely to come out with. gingrich and santorum, i would rather have santorum. he has demonstrated western strength and southern strength, midwestern strength. he has actually demonstrated broader depth than speaker gingrich. >> greta: karl, thank you.
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>> straight ahead, congressman ron paul's campaign is calling it a two-man race. they are talking about tomorrow's virginia primary. will the state give a fatal blow to two candidates who are not on the candidate. bob mcdonald next. anything can happen, hours before the polls open and all important ohio primary. too close to call. attorney general surprised us all. he switched his pick for president. why did he do that? we'll ask him. he is here. the capital one cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet?
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>> virginia governor has endorsed governor romney and he joins us. good evening, sir. >> thanks for having me on. this should be a big night for your candidate, mitt romney. how many delegates are likely to be handed over to the governor? >> 49 are at stake, greta. ats a proportion at assignment for the winner, but if the candidate gets more than 50%, that person takes all. i think it will be a good night for mitt romney in virginia. he will take all 49. he is going into this with more
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delegates than anybody else. heville a good night in idaho, massachusetts, virginia and others. he will come out as the clear frontrunner and hopefully, we start winding it down toward facing obama in november. >> it seems electric politically fatal for senator santorum and speaker gingrich, both with homes in your state and neither was successful getting on the ballot. huge political blunder, is it not? >> i think so. it takes money, it takes message and organization to be a candidate for president of the united states. we have a high bar here in virginia, gret a. it's 10,000 valid signatures. diit twice. it takes a little bit of work. but if you want to be president of the united states, you ought to be able to get 10,000 signatures. i wish they were on. we valid more people coming out and more republicans we could identify for the november election. so it's really too bad. but it bodes well for mitt romney. look, at the end of the day, he's the right guy for this time
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because his message on taxes and spending, on jobs. and he's the right leader. >> explain to me your theory on this. in 2008, president obama, a democrat, won your state by 6 points n. 2009, when you ran for governor, you won, a republican by about -- i don't know, 17 or 18 points. >> right. >> i mean, what happened -- is there anything you can point to that shows which way youritate state's going to go come november? >> i think after 2008, president obam winning, it took virginians just a year to realize that that message of hope and change while it sounded good and uplifting, was a lot of empty rhetoric. we had unemployment skyrocket to nearly 9% and the greatest increase in debt in any one term of a presidency and i think people thought, this is not the direction we want to go. virginia's a right of center
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state. it has been for a long time. they saw the leftward shift that the president was takingitous. it was a correction, i would say, with our win and we won three congressional seats in '10, the largest number of delegates in the house for republicans 3 months ago. so i think virginia, being a commonsense, conservative state, has a great chance to go for mitt romney in november. >> i'm curious how much the impact of the obama campaign money to mobilize democrats may make somewhat of a difference in that. obviously, when you ran in 2009, you didn't have the enthusiasm of president obama in the race. he ran '08, not '0 19, obviously. i wonder how much that accounts for some of that gap? >> we had a 25-point dropoff between the turpout in the presidential and the turnout in my race. but i can tell you, the enthusiasm gap flipped 180 from '08 to '09 because i think people were pleased with our
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team. but we ran against president obama's policy on cap and trade, deficit spending, one size fits all policies from washington, violating what we thought was the 10th amendment, trying to control what's going on in the states. i think it was a visceral reaction the last couple of years in virginia. i think that people around the country are very concerned, particularly independent voters, about what is happening with this president and why the independent volters will vote for mitt romney at this time. >> governor, thank you. >> okay, greta. thank you. >> straight ahead, all eyes on ohio. a lot's happening there. mike dewine changed his mind -- who he wants to win. it was hard to tell him apart from george w. bush, the man known for his spot-on impressions, steve bridges' and one of his most famous performance, coming up. [ kyle ] my bad.
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>> from america's news headquarters, milder temperatures on tuesday should help rescue and cleanup crews across the nation's tornado-ravaged midsection. that wasn't the case when a winter storm hit ken tucky and indiana with nearly 5 inches of snow, which could bring down buildings already weakened by friday's swarm of tornados tornd hamper the search for more victims. 39 people have been killed in five stateds. the chevrolet volt has been named 2012 european car of the year. the volt also produced under the opal and voxol names in europe was named world green car last year. sluggish u.s. sales have forced g.m. to announce a temporary shutdown of a detroit volt plan
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and now back to "on the record." . >> greta: the state to watch, ohio, 63 delegates up for grabs tomorrow. senator rick santorum was in the lead but the latest polls show romney picking up speed. according to a new poll, governor rick santorum edges him up 34% to 31%. ohio attorney general switched his support to santorum. why? he joins us. good evening. >> so tell me. you obviously wanted governor romney at some point. thought he was right guy then you switched to senator santorum? >> i made a mistake. i bought into the conventional wisdom that everybody was thinking at the time. number of months ago that governor romney would be the
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strongest candidate in the fall. we have campaigns for a reason. this campaign has played out and matured. it became clear to me that governor romney is not related to the average ohioan. i don't think he'll do well in the general election. i hope he wins but i don't think he can reach out to the people we have in ohio, blue collar we used to call reagan democrats. sometimes will voted for republican, employs democrat but they will cross over and vote for the republicans. when we win in ohio, we get a significant number of these folks. whatever it is, i don't know, but there is no connection. rick santorum on the other hand has a real connection i think to average ohioans. you see it. i've been with him as we have traveled around the state time and time again. his crowds have been two or three times as big as governor romney's. people come out average ohioans
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they bring their kids. tremendous amount of energy in this campaign. i think you'll see that same energy for rick santorum in the fall. >> greta: what happens if tomorrow night at this time ohio's polls close and ohio goes to governor romney. you have miscalled what sort of average ohio voter wants? i would say they would have then chosen governor romney? >> i don't think they are going to do that. let's be realistic about this. let's talk about what has been going on. rick santorum has tremendous energy behind him, but the governor romney has done, he has come in and spent, this is unbelievable i've never seen it happen in ohio. $12 million in two weeks. he has outspent santorum about
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12 to 1. very nasty robo calls. tv ads. so that is how he has been able to narrow this gap depending on which poll you look at. there was one poll that had santorum up by three or four. another one had it just the opposite way. it's a deed heat now. by spending that amount of money he has been able to do it. what is amazing is, that even though he spent 12-1. $12 million in week. i got five robo calls on sunday all of them against santorum and in favor of romney. in spite of that, it's still a dead heat. >> greta: are you saying that governor romney has more money who are or he is playing dirty? >> look, negative campaigns work. we know that. that is why campaigns do that.
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what i'm simply saying, it shows to me that he is not going to be a strong candidate in the fall. he is not that strong a candidate because the only thing he can do is with a massive amount of money. if this race was anywhere near santorum or had half the money to spend for the campaign in ohio, it won't be close. >> greta: we'll be watching to see what happens tomorrow night. thank you, sir. straight ahead, kaurl caught straight ahead, kaurl caught on camera, a spectacle of americans are always ready to work hard for a better future. since ameriprise financial was founded back in 1894, they've been committed to putting clients first. helping generations through tough times. good times. never taking a bailout. there when you need them. helping millions of americans over the centuries. the strength of a global financial leader. the heart of a one-to-one relationship.
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nearby woods. she says he shows up every day. woman went to the store and turkey blocked her to get her front door. turkeys are known to defend their territory. woman has named the turkey godzilla. >> now to some animals that are getting big welcome. cute leopards are making their debut at berlin park. they come from indonesia. berlin park is only park outside of indonesia to have this kind of cat. java leopards, there is less than 250 of them in the world. there is the best of the rest. >> now, coming up. >> now, coming up. we'll remember who made firstwe. right. but... home security systems can be really expensive. so to save money, we actually just adopted a rescue panther.
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10:59 pm
tonight comedian steve bridges is being remembered. over the weekend, bridges, 48 has died. he spent four years refining his impressions of president bush and in 2006 performed alongside the real president bush. >> i could are home asleep, little bernie curled up at my feet but no. i've got to pretend i like being here. i'm deleted -- delighted to be here. as is laura. she's hot. >> mal


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