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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  March 6, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PST

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that are inappropriate and i apologized, the forgiving culture that we are. if you remember, a forgiving religion, time to forgive rush and move on. >> dana: well said. thanks. see you tomorrow. welcome to "red eye." i am known as the guy who stairs at you. let's go to andy levy. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> get a grip, america. coming up, are rich people more likely to lie and cheat? yes, we are. i am kidding of course. not about the yes part, but about the we part. why are companies dropping the sponsorship of rush limb about you's story? it is the story i am sick of and we haven't covered it up. and they will stop production of the chevy volt for five weeks. >> thank you, andy. >> happy super tuesday. >> we will talk about that later in the show. >> i know.
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>> it seems silly to talk about it now. >> i know. >> it is almost like you did this to avoid talking about anything. >> i know. >> well played. >> i know. >> go away. let's welcome our guests. she is so hot she sleeps in an oven mitt. it is leeann tweeden. and he has been sleeping in our studio since friday and wearing the same shirt, gavin mcguinness. and his book how to [bleep] in public comes out in march and it is terrible -- ly wonderful. i am halfway through and enjoy every disgusting page. it is not for children. and writer and comedian jesse joyce. his latest cd is called pro-joyce. it is selling like hotcakes that nobody likes.
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?i way. anyway. and she is chairman of the board of the american saw say tee of the totally adorable. it is fox news contributor and writer for "the daily caller." before we go to the first story. where can people get your andrew breitbar t-shirt? >> i am selling them now at street and i am donating 100% of the proceeds to breitbart's family. >> so it is so? because that is his favorite saying and street carnage dots. >> -- street >> yes. >> okay. it is here like something that wasn't here, but now it is. i speak of super tuesday or suesday as the kids like to call it. caucus voting kicking off in 10 states that i think is half the country. i don't know. i am already board with this story. and with 437 delegates at stake it is fair to say this could be the most important day in the history of this great nation. so will tuesday be i got the blues day for
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rick santorum? that seems to be the view of many high-profile republicans. if the former senator loses ohio his campaign will go bye-byeo. yes, it took an hour to come up with that one. the race is too close to call. even if some argue the bitter nomination battle 1* hurting the party and santorum should get out if he loses the buckeye state. but santorum scoffed at the idea and said, quote, we have a long, long way to go. for analysis let's go live to the super tuesday election command center. >> this is why this thing will never end. nobody is doing any work. good to see you. when will this end?
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will santorum drop out and become the light for the republican party? >> i know you want me to pain painstakingly break down each delegate and how they are portioned. the bottom line is you may end up with a mixed result again. it looks like it will come out with most of the headlines, but there could be a split in the delegates and enough to keep newt going and santorum going. >> thank god for that. jesse, have you been following politics for 30 or 40 years. this is your bread and butter. have you seen anything like this? >> you mean to tell me that after five months of coming on this show and having to research [bleep] about gingrich and it will be the guy everyone thought it would be in the first place and we could have done dudes who staple their dongs to their leg like we do at the end of the show? i spent all of this time
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learning this nonsense for nothing. >> i think we learned a lot about the candidates. we had to to go through the process. am i right? >> you are right. i am sick of it. i would wish they would just go with one person so the fighting would stop and somebody focus on beating obama whoever it is. but pretty soon let's pick one guy. >> gavin, look at this. this was a mud fight. it was not just a mud fight. it was a mud fight adored by the media. it got worse. when obama ran, i'm sure you don't remember that because you were high. there was nothing that stuck. am i making any sense? >> it was a lot more boring because it was the same story about the messiah. >> and there was no mud. >> santorum had mud in his own ad. it was not a smart move. she said let's cut the crap it is romney. and then somebody said, you
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hipocrite. you said bad things about him four years ago and she said, so. >> that's the thing. the difference between the republicans and the democrat is there was no chaperon on this long date. there was nobody there to go, can you get your hands-off newt? get your hands-off ron paul. >> with the democrats it was invented by the mediament the story line was like, oh my gosh, two amazing historic choices, how can we go wrong? that was the story line when they weren't occasionally beating hillary up, but obama got almost none of it. there is a satisfaction with mitt. that's where this comes from. >> and i have to say, people are hard on mitt romney. he doesn't connect with the common man. have you connected with the common man? he is not very nice. a common man tried to attack me last night. >> i'm sorry about that. all i can say is since when is
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it not the american dream to be successful and have money and to do well? since when do you villa fie somebody in america for being successful? my wife has a um could cars. i think that is cool. i strive to be successful and to do will. to do well. i would love to be a multimillionaire and own companies hire people and employ people. when was that a bad thing? when did that turn bad? >> when did you start demonizing the rich. >> maybe you wouldn't get attacked so frequently if you didn't leave your drapes open and walk around pantless like you do. >> it is not about the money so much. when the liberals do that, they end up doing more harm than bad for themselves. people go, two cadillacs, cool. >> and romney hosted cadillacs and michelle obama has a couple of companies. >> it is not the money. it is the mormon. >> i actually think it is because he doesn't connect. there is no -- there is
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nothing there. >> mormonnism teaches you -- well i am not a mormon, but it teaches you to be humble. this guy has a problem extolling his virtue. >> he has no swagger. >> he has no swagger. >> we have a guy -- >> i want nonswagger. i want complete -- i want calvin coolidge with gl hair. >> -- great hair. >> the thing about obama and romney, obama has the swagger, but is not a good president. mitt would run the country like a business which is what we need. >> i think we have beaten this into the ground. who knew it would go this long? from voting to do moating, are those with loot likely to dupe? according to a new study, folks are likely to cheat, lie and take candy from children. psych jises at berkeley, surprise, and the university of toronto came to their conclusions after a series of experiments. for example drivers of mercedes and bmw's cutoff more
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people than those who drive camrys orca roll laws. or corollas. and finally when given a jar of candy and told they could take some even though it was for children in a nearby lab they smashed the jar on the head of a weeping infant. that didn't really happen. they just took more candy than anybody else. according to one egghead, it suggests that richer people are less concerned with what others think of their actions than poorer people. let's go live to someone who knows a lot about stealing squirrel burger. >> somebody in the housekeeps stealing my food. i don't know which of the roommates it is. every time i turn around there is food missing. i am really getting sick of it. i pay a lot for these groceries. >> well done squirrel burglar. we covered this in the earlier topic. i am not even sure we covered it now. we created an environment, and
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you are a wealthy drug dealer, that it is now easy to demonize people who are successful. >> it is not just easy, it is fun. this is like cat anybody for the -- catnip for the media. there are these social psychology things being fraudulent. there is a guy who was caught doing 150 studies or something. the media loves them. and that being said i will take a tootsie roll from your baby at anytime. >> why. they will forget? taking candy from a baby, that's true. the rich are compassionate to save your baby from choking. >> the kid will have a melt down if he has that much sugar. tragic. >> greg, what you forgot to mention is they said it in the story that it is rich people driving mercedes and bmw's and priuses. i didn't put prius in the group of rich people generally because when i cutoff a prius they tend to honk and give me the one finger salute like
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"i'm number one" so i don't think those are the people trying to run you over. let's be fair. when they said do you wnt some candy? we have kids next door. it is not fair to go, take some candy and then get slapped on the hand when you do. >> on the other hand as a poor comedian do you find you tend to do the right things in most situations? for example you rarely steel from the register when you work at chess king. >> no, that's a good point. maybe i would be less broke if you didn't crap on my cd every time you promoted. i would like to say the hippie, i am not shocked he has a squirrel problem in his house. what i am trying to say is this is misleading. if you read the study it didn't say the rich took candy from children. it says they were given a jar of candy that were told was for thirn.
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children. there were not children there so they thought they were taking candy from children. in reality there were secret moderators were posing as children which i imagine how most of your chat rooms go. >> last question about this. rhetoric of class warfare turns into real warfare, doesn't it? >> no, once you get a cabin in the woods. no one knows rich people. we don't tell people we are rich because they would tax us to death. in the 50s it is like, woo-hoo i'm rich. now i think i am the only one that fraternizeks with the commoners. once once you take care of the squirrel problem in the apartment. >> he called the tree a
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penthouse. isn't that cute? he is way up there. it is called gavin's clubhouse, and it says no girls allowed and the s is backwards. >> it is a little penthouse. >> and the skirl is his only friend. from the rich to the rush. critics whale and sponsors bail. advertisers are abandoning limbaugh over insults. it was aimed at reproductive rights activist sandra flook. nine sponsors have split including aol and all state. over the weekend rush issued a statement uh apologizing and then he addressed the stir. >> this was the mistake i made. in fighting them on this issue last week i became like them. i descended to their level when i used two those words to describe sandra flook.
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i apologize for using those two words to describe her. i do not think she is either of those two words. >> you are to apologize because it was flook and knots flook. they believed contraception cap cost as much as $3,000. limbaugh's apology changes nothing. surprised? >> i don't think a statement like this issued saying his chit of words was not the best p. especially when that statement is issued and he is under sig president cay pressure from his sponsors who have begun to pull their support. >> you know who is unaware of the continue controversy? shell gang cat.
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>> better luck next time. look, there was a legitimate debate going on, and i call it an unforced error which happens on the left. it is seemingly ignored. the real story is how unsettling it is when a grown adults is demanding you subsidize her sex life, and then saying it costs this much money which i don't understand how it could cost that much money. it is like 3,000 to $4,000 -- are people taking their birth control pills with done pergnone? i don't know. >> you saw her. she was a riveting woman. it was an unforced error and that's the problem. her testimony is idiotic, and
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there are so many problems and insin you weighingses that can't be proven. i find it bizarre that this strong independent feminist woman is going to congress and then waiting for this call from the president who tells her her parents should be proud of her. she calls them a kind man. i am woman, hear me roar. >> are you feminist. you should be able to buy your bills. your pills. of the four here, you two are the strongest women here. >> all i have to say was what rush said is completely wrong. i don't agree with him calling names. but i have a problem with a grown woman who is 30 years old going to law school and lying about how much the cost of birth control pills is. when i was on birth control pills and didn't have insurance there was no way they were almost $300 a month. that's a lie.
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>> you have a co pay. >> you have to work to get to $3,000. >> from you in-law school you can get free pills if you are that desperate. i have a problem asking somebody to pay for my birth control. it is like saying, i bought bicycle, but i want you to pay for my helmet too. when does somebody ask you to play for other things. there are plenty of ways to find contraception and it is not about using birth control. it is a problem asking anybody else to pay for it. >> you hate the war against -- it is a war against women. >> it is not a war against women's health. >> i hate to bring up a double standard. it is instances of masogany.
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>> i want to take a step back here. i don't want to think of it as a bad word. i don't like the cake that that was beyond the bounds of civil discourse. or i am glad they urinated on the taliban. when we don't a a proper burial for obama -- >> osama. >> one of those guys. i keep forgetting who it was. i love sinking to their level. >> if you sink to their level, then there are other people who have to the debate and defend. i want to defend. i want to fight the debate. that's because you are sticking to the civil discourse crap. >> we are running out of time. gavin -- jesse have you ever had to uh poll rise for a joke? >> yes. all the time.
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i made melissa rivers walk out of the joan rivers roast. i said they used the same plastic surgeon as michael jackson. they both spent money to look like old white ladies and more popular now that they are dead and raised a chimp. >> now you have to apologize again. >> dl are cheaper ways than birth control. i am a road comic that spent my 20s -- there is nobody else to show for that because i only had sex near power lines. we have to take a break. can you balance career, family and a meth habit? we discuss the new book, "having it all." and the chevy vol was named european calf of the year.
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their for gnaw indicating was more than excruciating. that's according to a student who claims a randy rooney ruined her life. she says a roommate and boyfriend would engage in carnal activity as she tried to sleep mere feet away. see, gavin, that's how you talk about things. and now she is suing the school for $150,000 saying housing officials violated laws by not giving reasonable alternatives for escaping the bad living situation. she says she suffers from depression and add moved into a hotel where her symptoms worsened, which cannot help her case. i don't know. they say there and two sides and sometimes more to every
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story. that is profound. my roommate sometimes bugs me by playing music when i am trying to sleep. i believe we have tape. blp >> i don't mind the music, but it is the time. she chooses the weirdest times to play. not living together anymore. it didn't work out. mcat shouldn't this have been settled between roommates 1234* do you have to sue when you can't get sleep because they are doing things? >> my roommate in college smoked a lot of weed and her boyfriend ordered a lot of wings and i was forced to eat them at midnight and 1:00 in the morning for free. but we worked it out. >> if you extend that metaphor to this, m-cat -- >> whatever. they are very liberal on the campuses these days. >> something tells me you didn't mind it. let me go to you, jesse, how
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should this have been handled? >> grow up. when my roommates and i used to sleep each other with bb guns when we slept. i had a friend who put a dead bird in my sock drawer. what did i do? i photo shopped a picture of his mom's face on a still from the movie "deliverance" and posted it in all of h us classrooms like a grown up would. >> that is mature. does he have a point? are they incapable of dealing with things? no one can take responsibility? >> i heard my parents' head board banging against the wall. >> but your dad repaired head boards. >> it sounded like satanic ceremonies or holding kkk rallies. it is intercourse and supposed to be nice. >> i disagree with you.
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it is not nice. it is simple. >> somebody with a bed across from you doing that, that is worse than clipping your toe nails at work, andy levy. >> it is not that bad. it is college. the girl sounds like she had problems anyway, add and depression and she is mad her friend is having a boy friend 1k3* having sex? i don't know maybe that's why she is upset. you would think you are an adult by the time you go to college. sue, i am not appreciating the having sex three hours away -- three feet away from me, but maybe in between when i am coming home from class or do it when i am not here. whatever. >> i am taking her side. how can you sleep while that is happening? >> are you suing the college? i yew i am suing everybody. >> it is a sign of extreme american pure tinnism. what is her name? blank meyer? why don't we say her name?
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>> are you silly. do you have a comment on the show 1234* e mail us. it is red eye at fox and to leave a voicemail on my direct line, 212-462-5050. i am trying to think of what her name would be. the half time report from tv's andy levy. >> tonight is sponsored by starfish, the marine invert bretts with six tiny bodies extending from a single fish. thanks, starfish.
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welcome back. let's see if we got anything wrong so far. now to andy levy. how are you doing? >> good. how are you? >> pretty chipper. that's the name of my dog growing up. >> pretty chipper? >> yes. >> super tuesday. greg, you mentioned 10 states are involved. you believe that is half the country? >> yes. >> 10.57. >> you can break that down to a more reasonable number. >> no you can't because 57 a prime number. >> i knew there was a solution. >> and greg you said many high-profile republicans believe his campaign will go bye-byeo and you said it took you an hour to come up with
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that one? it took me five seconds. jesse, you seemed upset you wasted your time learning about the come nents in romney is the nominee. a you spent no time and b, you left nothing. >> i am trying to remember anything that was per accept tiff on the show. perceptive on the show. >> i had to see if there was somebody from a -- with a funny name. >> like what, read the headlines? >> yes. >> and the chimp thing. >> you said there is a genuine dissatisfaction with mitt. any idea why that might be? >> he does be -- he doesn't do it for people. if he was qlor roommate he wouldn't bather you as much. >> he would. >> but wouldn't pitch in for the beer. >> i don't know about that.
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>> that's true. i met a few mormons who could drink. >> don't say that. >> diet coke. caffeine free diet coke. >> leeann you said since when do you villa fie somebody for being successful? i think the 1930s is when that started. >> my bad. nothing you say is bad, leeann. >> hi, andy. i miss you. >> i miss you too. >> rich people cheat and lie. you found the drivers cutoff more pedestrians than drivers of cheaper cars. 1k3* prius is invited in. the prius part gets to something i have always found. to me the rudest drivers are always the ones with the liberal bumper stickers. >> which are on a lot of priuses.
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>> i don't think it is anti-liberal. i just happened to notice it. if a car cut me off or somebody wouldn't let me to get into a lane, more than likely there was a lefty bumper steeker on that car. >> pretty much. i work on the street where a lot of people park. people who want to speed up and cut you off, i am one of those people who speed up and get on somebody's become per and don't let them in. a lot of time priuses have the sticker on them. >> vegas next weekend. are you going to to be there? >> where? >> vegas. >> when, next weak? >> yes. >> no, i can't. >> this is like "moonlighting." >> without the tension. gavin thank you for pointing out that greg is paranoid. it is something that isn't said nigh. said enough around here. >> a few years ago it was rim
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people yelling and now it it is anarchy. >> you laugh, but when you come knocking on my for press asking for gun rounds. >> i guarantee he will be on dooms day planet. >> we fuelly have go bags and plans and water food. >> and in our trucks and garage. >> i am paranoid and i have none of this? >> i am failing at being paranoid. >> greg if you owned a gun within four days of purchasing the gun you would be dead. >> so? >> good point limbaugh and flook. you called him a rights activist. do they fight for the cause
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for people to reproduce? >> no, the right to reproduce. >> i am all for that. >> a good point was raised. it is the idea birth control pills are for your health, but condoms are for for are yo help because they prevent std's. they need to say she is implying that babies are a disease or something. >> aren't they? >> and no woman who has gone to a doctor will help with possible cervical cancer that they never denied a person. i don't know what she is talking about. >> you cooperate figure out the claim that it cost her $3,000 over the three years. the pill is available at bk air, target and wal-mart for $9 a month which is $308 a year.
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which is 2,678 less than the $3,000 she climbs. >> can i say something? >> and that's without insurance. >> >> he said there is about 75 million female registered voters. what this is about is the democrats think oaks republicans hate women. the republicans are saying, oh, the democrats hate catholics. they are trying to put together everything. >> republicans are better at tripping these mines. >> m cat that is something i want to be clear about. unless i am wrong this isn't about government subsidized birth control. this is not about taxpayers paying for birth control. but it is about the government forcing religious institutions to pay for things and cover things i'm for rail. >> you can say, no i don't want to pay for that.
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it is the foreseeable expenses. i do not have insurance for car washes. >> i don't disagree, but no one -- the crux of this argument is not the government should be providing free -- >> they already do and the republicans vote for it. >> i can't tell you how many times i left my car to be de sailed and there is a baby in the trunk. joy is that chapped. -- >> also i want to bring this up. you talked a little about the double standard here with rush and with people on the left. we agree what rush said was ill. in addition to powers' letter who had a good piece in the daily beast she wrote that
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"rolling stone described her as manish a pre-op version and female impersonator. he wrote at length about one reporter's size of rear end and called the other a squirrely b-word. i don't remember for a boycott of the rolling stones advertisers. >> do they have advertisers? >> and people still read "rolling stone." >> i don't know if people do. >> i don't know. >> lastly on women suing the college. greg, i am with you. none of us besides greg thinks this girl has a case? yin? >> no. >> she tried to -- i did my research by talking to my neighbor, and it turns out she was offered a new room twice when she tried to move. >> they gave her an option and one was the party dorm.
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she was given a few options. >> then i agree with all of you. >> i do agree with you, greg fntle -- greg. it is rude what her roommate did. what if she had done something to herself over this? would that have been construed as bullying and did something because she was depressed because she couldn't handle living with two people having sex. would that beacon strewed as bullying. >> the bottom line is the roommate and her boyfriend were selfish and didn't ask her to join in. >> oh, andy. not everybody is as sick and twisted as you. >> you don't know that. >> fair point. >> i'm done. >> see you later. coming up, stories so good i don't remember what they are. but first, is ikea selling pre
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made homes with all of the fusht? no. as if it will stop us from doing this story.
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they are taking a stab at selling pre-fab. one of ikea's stores in portland, oregon, an actual city joined with a design firm called eye de yaw box to sell pre made homes with ideas from it sounds mythical. the homes cost $86,000 or what i spend on hormone treatment each month. and they promise to deliver to your plot of land in one or two pieces. it is your own euro designer plat only where you want it. adding it is the best of everything. the best of everything would be a horse with a cat body. let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning
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rooooouuuunnnnndd. lightning round. >> jesse, this seems like the perfect idea for lazy jerks like you. it is like ordering a takeout house. >> it doesn't apply to me at all. i would live in a trailer. >> that is a glorified trailer. >> right. it is like i'm a russian dj, but i want to live in a trailer park so what do i do? i don't think there is a swedish translation for the three little pigs for that story. do you want to be the pig who lived in a houseful of par tau cal board? it was disintegrated in the slight bit of rain. >> there were prefabbed homes around for a longtime. i think ikea was the only one to put it together. it is funny they took back what they said. ikea is like, that's not our idea. >> that's not the first time they denied things.
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>> i already found three of them on craigs list. i am taking them home. >> they say come on over and take a look. gavin we didn't get to this story on friday. do you remember what you were going to say? >> i am much more spontaneous than that. you don't need to summon old jokes. but i do remember it fnlt it was that couch is going to be a bachelor pad. when we go to ikea we get in the worst fight and i sleep on the couch. then when you are building thing swearing at kids, there will be no wife and kids next to the guy who gets this and he will be alone there. >> it is a weird place. in the 90s it was something, but now it seems like it should go away. remember the 90s were a time when people put the red pepper pepper -- the red chili pepper lights indoors. they did that in jonathon demi movies. >> people stand doing that at
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some point? >> i am going to throw a party. let's outfit the giew raj with ikea crap. >> to me it is when you are in college. to me when you are 30 you shouldn't have ikea purnt for the most part. i mine, i don't know that's how i felt. you are like, it is cheap and i put it together myself and my roommate helped. it is particle board fusht. >> the cliche is it always falls apart. you have five screws left over and you say, what did i do? >> you have your house and you are lib, where does this doorknob go? there is a toilet seat somewhere. >> it is a euro fab pre made home. except you don't have denmark or paris or anything cool to live in your home. >> you are in alabama.
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>> i love alabama. >> it is one of the greatest states in the union. it is time to take a break. when we come back. more wonderful stuff.
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gm announced it will stop production of the chevy volt. the production stoppage will be a third of more than a month -- the third in more than a month since the car went on sale in december of 2010. gavin, do you have to stop production when u.s. auto sales are up, you know the car sucks, right? >> yes. and if the average salary of the person who buy itself is $170,000, that just says everything, doesn't it? we have been hearing about the new electric cars taking over before we were born. i have seen old dusty yellow newspapers that says in 1937, everyone will have an electric car. and now you still need to make $170,000 to buy one. let's give up. >> you should come on as pinch's grandfather, the gazette.
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>> and it is in exto -- next to an ad that says "if you are pregnant, try a lucky strike." >> do you think this car will last? >> it doesn't work. it occasionally sets on fire. it cost $4,000. people can't afford it. and this is on top of the subsidee you get for it and the $60 billion we paid for gm. this is the great success, and the president is campaigning on it. >> i don't know, jesse. david axel rod came out about it. >> i think the problem with this is it is in detroit. they have a lot of empty buildings with no electricity. maybe they should make the
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cars run on things. maybe they can fuel a car on the empty detroit lions trophy cases. >> a couple things. i think the idea we will have electric cars and won't use as much fossil fuel and burn gas has n come to fruition. there is not a lot of places to say the whole world will drive electric cars. >> at disneyland they do. >> okay, that's disneyland. >> and they are having their own issues. and people who can't afford $40,000 electric cars right now are not buying volts. it is a fact. >> two quick points. people are buying it or not buying buying it as their primary car. they are adding an extra car to the glut of cars there. if the government buys tons of cars for their fleets of cars, their government officials, why don't they buy volt?
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>> obama said it ran pretty good. >> we will close things out with a post game wrap up from andy levy. go to fox eye.
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quick program note. no show tomorrow. we are bumped for fox news coverage's of suesday or super tuesday. coming up on the next "red eye" patti ann browne. >> back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> i hear you did something a little unusual on your honeymoon. >> i climbed kilimanjaro. >> that's not what i was referring to, but okay. >> but the next feet, i will pay for my birth control by myself. >> wow. like magic. >> leeann, what is this new app?
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>> it is getting ready to come out. i am filming the video for it. it will be an app by interact, and it will be an app you can get all of my stuff and you can buy my lingerie line. if you want me to send you some, send me the address. >> it is like you don't know my address, please. gavin, book tour? >> yes, i am doing a book tour to promote my book, how to [bleep] in public. and i will be in boston march 16th and canada the next day. toronto, ottawa, coming back to albany and brooklyn. it will be insane. i will be doing bill cosby jokes and going like this. >> jesse, you ever hear of a place in indianapolis called crackers comedy club? >> yes. i am


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