tv Red Eye FOX News March 9, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PST
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>> i'm so glad i didn't have to comment on that. thanks for watching. see you right back here tomorrow 5:00 p.m. east coast. ♪ ♪ now with extra fiber and no saturated fat. what do you have? >> no saturated fat. >> big doings tonight. that's what we have down here in america's newsroom coming up on this evening's broadcast, when is a college mascot not just some pimply kid in a fluffy costumes that hasn't been washed in years and smells like the class of 1957?
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we will take you there. and month is more massage nistic? rish limbaugh or bill mar? that sounds like a question only dames care about. is it proper for you to post pictures of you and your pal posting nothing but clown noses while doing a line off the back of the carni you met 1234* all that and more. we start with my favorite reporter sandra smith. and joining us adam shapiro. bill schulz, he thinks she on the set of whitney. and sitting next to me is sherrod small. it doesn't matter if you are
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black or white as long as you are black comes out next week. and his pages are filled with all sorts of swill. good to see you pinch. >> gas prices are making amtrak's outrageous charges a bargain. as one railway traveler told me, and you need to stop faking and come on with me ♪ i want to take you home with me ♪ and be alone with me ♪ i can see you want to hide it ♪ please don't knock it ♪ ♪ until you ride it michelle, tamika ♪ ♪ and tonya wanna ride this train ♪ >> this show is going in the time capsule. should america boo the fighting sioux? the ncaa thinks so and is banning the university of north dakota of participating in post season play due to the fact their name violates the association's rule against mascots that are, quote,
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deemed hostile or demeaning toward native americans. nothing like starting it off with a long sentence. others like the florida state seminoles avoided sanctions by gaining support of local tribes. many of the north dakota sioux don't like how the university do, as it were. a saw local -- a columnist writes, would anybody defend a team called the boston blacks or the new york jews with mascots with ethnic stereo types ? sure notre dame's fighting irish has a stereo type, but two wrongs don't make a right. don't they, david? let's go live to the university of south dakota's mascot who plays in the same division of the sioux for analysis. what do you have for us, pin head pete? >> watch this. >> well, made a lot of good points. sorry about that. sandra, welcome to the show. >> thank you. >> are you a former college
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athlete as you constantly remind everybody. what is your take here. >> my take is if they had the support of the sioux tribe in nod -- in north dakota, fair game. keep the name. i am all about it. i really am. i defended this point many times. the second i saw that they failed to gain the support of the tribe, game over. change the name. >> i kind of agree with you. the bio handed to me minutes before the show says you are a minority. >> check my tax returns. it says negro. the w2. >> as sandra was saying, how about you use this as a rule. if members of an ethnic group don't like a mascot or team name, you get rid of it. if they don't mind, like what seems to be the case with the fighting irish, it is okay. >> the fighting irish, let's
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be honest, they are probably drunk, the irish. i can say that. i am half irish. >> no you are not. >> southern island. >> south central? >> they also said they want to take a majority vote like for the state, a statewide vote. nothing like a majority to look out for the minority. that vote won't work. >> this is the reason this is a weird story. the university itself doesn't want the name fighting sioux. there was a mandated state law they use it. it was repealed so they didn't face sanctions. then there was a petition signing drive that the law went back into affect. now my head hurts from reading all of that. can you say something? >> at the end of the day these fights go on all the time. what sandra said is accurate. get rid of it. make life easy. get rid of the name. you are talking to a guy who loved the cleavland indians
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and this battle plays out every year on opening day. >> maybe if the cleavland indians put forward a season -- >> look at the logo for the fighting sioux and then look at chief wa-hoo. >> you raise a valid point. >> that's a good question. should we get rid of sports mascots altogether? they are all stupid, aren't they? >> no, they are not. >> that's ridiculous. >> mascots are meant to reflect the history and the character of the district they are in. that's why when you go to utah, salt lake city reflects the amazing jazz history they have with their nba franchise. you go to detroit -- >> no, syracuse, the orange men, before then they were the sal teen warrior and that's because of the fight over native americans -- >> i thought it was the saltine cracker jie. what are
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we saying? collectively we can only name our mascots after animals? we need to set a guideline. >> you can name them after the pirates. you won't have the pirates in court saying, arr. >> there are no phones in somalia. >> the new york giants, is that offensive to little people? >> valid point. >> no, it is not. it is the dumbest thing i ever heard and i said it. sherrod, is there a difference between using the name of a local indian tribe without an adjective. the fighting sioux or the florida state seminoles. if it was the university of north dakota sioux. >> maybe they would be open to that. if it wasn't a fighting or violent description. >> like the guy said, the new york jews. that's weird. it is not necessarily offensive. but if it was new york media owning jews it would be offensive. it is true --
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>> but jews on the field, who owns the team? >> a really, really stupid owner by the way, i should point out. >> what is so bad about the fighting. it is not the nazi sympathizing sioux. >> the argument is you are assigning that adjective as if that is the only way to describe that tribe, oh, all they do is fight. >> the tribe has to agree to it. like in the negro league they had black this and that's what the black players agreed to. they wanted to distinguish themselves so it was the black yankees. >> sandra, here is a weird thing though, dakota is also a native american word meaning trend or alley. but the dakota people is another name for the sioux, so do they have to change the name of the state? >> this goes back to the original point. is it okay if it honors a heritage? if it honors the founders or
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the settlers of a particular area, i think that's more honoring those people. using it as a mascot is a completely different situation. i will throw it out there. there is a lot of inappropriateness out there. my school was the madison mow hawks. nobody argued that should stay. it was awful. some schools do need to change. if the tribe wants to defend it, i am for it. >> what about dakota fanning? i find her offensive. >> she is beautiful. >> i know, i kid. >> a little bit. >> adam, unlike -- you have teams like the atlanta braves. you brought up the indians and the washington redskins which is the most truly offensive name. >> but it is washington dc so they get a pass. >> that's because the redskins suck. >> as a football team, they are awful, they suck and they are hateful. the people offended by the fighting sioux are actually
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paying taxes. this is a state school. they have to drop the name, don't they? >> yes, absolutely. if the majority of the people in north dakota have said let's drop this name, listen to the majority of the people get a new mascot. the fighting irish. >> north dakota? why not. >> i'm sure there is somebody who is irish there. >> i don't think ever. actually i am told it is the only state in the union an irish person never lived in. >> not even a kevin somewhere? >> no. >> i want to believe in you. >> bill, you play in a homeless soccer league. what is the name of your team? >> we change every year. last year it was the gonna rheas. >> had a good season. >> this season it is the hepititis c. i am the captain. this year we will honor our dealer, the sherrod smalls. >> did you have a shirt made up that said "the hep." >> i am the hep? >> no, it was recalled.
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sherrod, try to stay with the show. into. from mascots to pot shots. if you can't condemn something rude how can you stand up to ma mud. axel rod says romney's unwillingness to call out rush limbaugh means he craps the bed. he said if mitt cooperate stand up to, quote, the most stria dent voices in hoar party how can he stand up to the challenges of the presidency? what did mitt say about the remarks ? >> that's not the language i would have used. >> that's basically an endorsement. meanwhile axel rod is trying to spend time with what some say is his party's most stria dent voices. they say he is scheduled to appear on the late night show in the next few weeks.
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last week he was on to perform. can we see that tape? >> "living on a prayer" is such a great song. you said in the green room axel rod made a good point about mitt. >> not an unbelievably good point. >> back me up. >> what do you expect him to do? of course he will say it. the obama administration will be attacking mitt romney every chance they can. the problem is that mitt romney's handlers should have anticipated this kind of thing and prepared him for a response which essentially would have said what happened
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to decency and respect. you candice agree with people, but don't call people names. personally as an american, most americans find that name calling deplorable. that's all romney had to say. >> sandra i want to go to you. should mitch's response to the comments be stronger? was it okay? >> what i am saying was mitt romney responded the way a child would. when he hears an insult. say a classmate is insulted in grade school and your mom says it is not worth it. there is no reason to respond. it gives that person attention. the difference is you are talking about:00 ma din gnaw joked and a threat and you are president of the united states of america, yes you hillary act much differently than an insult. you are talking about an insult and potentially a big threat. you are dealing with two things. mitt romney handled it just fine. >> david axel rod has the best porn name of anybody in
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government right now. >> i think he should change his first name. he could have a better first name. >> i would watch that movie right now. >> you have weird taste in porn. >> i don't think mitt romney because he didn't come out and attack rush doesn't mean he can't handle an arab dude this a members only jacket. >> i don't trust mike baker. i want to point out he is persian. >> all right, persian with a members only jacket. >> axel rod and the administration, this will not be the last time. every chance they get they will attack mitt romney for anything he said. >> that's not to react harshly. >> save your bullets. >> mar has said disgusting things about women. he gets a pass because he is a comedian. he is now doing fundraisers for the democratic party in dam dam.
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in alabama. he goes on cnn and talks politics. is he more of a comedian? >> he goes under the umbrella of jokes. if he is getting laughs from people, go for it. >> it doesn't matter where he is doing it? >> that's right. he is doing it for comedy. >> you strongly agree? >> he is a member of the anne colter -- the ann coulter witness protection plan. >> allegedly. >> bill, let me ask you, is it hipocritical for axel rod to not call out romney, or is that okay? >> they are two different things. as axel rod said, i tell romney to boycott rush's show and not be a guest, that is hipocritical. but he won't go on there because it is not scripted enough for him. as you say i have my finger on the pulse of what the average american voter wants and this is the main thing they are calling for. >> actually the people you usually have your finger on don't have a pulse.
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>> i wake up with that. i always say to myself, better them than me. >> how did this happen again? >> i must have strunger veins. stronger veins. >> does it mean that he is supporting maar's comments? >> yes. >> it does. what if he goes on the show and calls mar out for those comments. >> that would be pleasantly welcome by many people. and it would be necessary to have the discussion which i'm sure they will. but that is reinforcing that it is okay for him to talk the way he has. >> you are saying bill owe -- o'reilly is supporting it. >> literally his head would explode. >> and bill mar is corny. >> he is not funny. >> he is hour risk. horrific.
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>> axel rod's comment about romney not being able to stand up to:00 ma din gnaw joked, that was funny because he was a guy who worked for the president and did nothing to support the iranian people when they were dying and protesting:00 ma din gnaw joked. >> again it is from the playbook and it does president matter what party you are from. uh -- attack, attack. >> and your point is accurate. this is not the same as standing up to a dictator who is threatening to kill people in other countries. >> i think we all agree. >> members only jacket. coming up, how important is guam to the gop race for president? super important or we wouldn't be talking about it. stupid question. you are watching "red eye" on fnc. stick around.
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pat robertson? more like pot robertson. the 700 club host has come out as a marijuana advocate for mla. he said in an interview, quote, i believe we should treat marijuana the way we treat beverage alcohol. i never used marijuana and i don't intend to, but it is one of the things -- one of the reasons the war on drugs has not worked. he said, quote, it is completely out of control. prisons are over run with people like sherrod. the penaltyies could gee 10 years for possession for a joint of marijuana. >> preach. >> fans are getting stoned welcome the comments. they said "pat robertson has an audience of millions of people like sherrod, and they respect what he has to say. he is not backtracking. he is doubling down." you know who else is doubling down on chilling out and
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eating snacks ? this little guy. >> sherrod, i go to you first for no special reason. >> because i'm your dealer. >> like many i was surprised to find you and pat robertson have something in common. i think we have a graphic. can we see it? a little diagram and -- >> you know what when you smoke with old people it gives you a lot in common. he is already forgetting stuff. i forget stuff. he is baking cookies. i eat cookies. >> we actually found some other things that you and robertson have in common. >> i think we have one more.
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>> usually together. calgon take me away. >> sherrod, what do you think of this? >> pat robertson is right. >> what? >> why are people filling up the jails for nonsense and you can get it in canada. canada is laughing at us. they are laughing. they are wasting money on the judicial system with all of these lawyers and judges and cops over time to chase weed? >> did you ever think in your life you would say in your life i agree with pat robertson. >> i always agree with him, children raising. >> children raising. >> robertson is known as a family values kind of guy. >> we are all looking at you. >> we are condemning you with our eye holes. >> does this policy fly in the face of his policy? >> i think more and more that they are leaning toward, come on, let's change the system
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here. we are not having the government step into our classrooms and determine what the kids can and cannot eat. let's let them decide what they can ingest and what they can smoke and what they can drink. it is something we should strive for. >> basically are you tired of 5-o being all over you. >> yes, i have a real problem. >> you already can smoke pot anytime you like, right? >> you can. >> here is the thing, people go to amsterdam to smoke pot. you don't have to be a super criminal to do it here. just close the door. >> they are doing this to sherrod. >> i didn't smoke anything or drink anything until i was like 26 years old. i was a late starter. i don't think kids should do this. if you are an adult you can do what you want, can't you?
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>> no. i am against murder. >> adam, do you think robertson supports the legalization and it could sway voters and religious leaders? >> i think it could. he carries weight with those people. and he makes a good point. on a serious note, we looked into this, medical marijuana, and the obama administration ramped up its crackdown on states where it is legal. and so none of this is making sense, but in places like california where there are three strikes you are out rule, you could be a kid and there are a lot of kids who try marijuana and three strikes and you are out. do you really want to be clogging up the prisons for that? >> obama -- the next white president will loosen it up. obama can't be the black president and the dude who freed up weed. >> i want to go to bill really quickly. bill robertson said the earthquake in haiti happened because the hatian people made a pact in the devil. he said if people prayed in the midwest they wouldn't have been hit by tornadoes. is it possible he was high when he said all of these
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things? >> he is just saying what we are all thinking. the war on drugs is ridiculous, always has been. and secondly, that the end of the world is nye. so in conclusion, repent! >> i'm going to let that one breathe. do you have a comment on the show? e mail us. it is red eye at fox and to leave a voicemail on greg's direct line, 212-462-5050. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by elephant racing. the contests that put the land mammals on a set court. thanks, elephant racing.
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bsu fans out there. oregon state topped washington state. well done, beavers. and boston college lost a big one to nc state, 78-57. who cares? go boston university, go bu. >> you find more ways to avoid actually doing this job than anything else that we have fill in. >> i was getting a lot of tweets during the a and b block asking about how the games were going so i am doing a public service. you know what, unfortunately i have sad news, andy. this week i had to let the entire graphics department go. as far as charts and graphs go, we are on the thin side tonight. i can tell you february sprockets are up. the relative values are showing some stress. other than that you have to check tomorrow morning's papers. let's go to story number one. >> without the charts none of
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that made sense. without the charts it is like you are making it up. >> the regular viewers know what we are talking about. >> mascots, story number one. san -- sandra you said in support of the situation you have defended this point numerous times. >> stumbling over that one, are you? >> in case we never done the show -- every time i go -- it means i i wasn't paying attention. >> that's okay. >> you said you defended this point many times. and then you are following up saying, i agree with you. andy, what were you agreeing with? >> with the point. >> the point she has made many, many times. >> so you were listening. >> the whole time were you filling in your brackets. >> let's po nie t out a couple things before we move on. >> move on then. >> it is like, you know what, you have to stay up.
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the sioux nation, i want to give you a little background. the sioux nation are several tribes. the sioux call themselves dakota that means friend or ally or one who is friendly. >> i said that. >> in fairness you didn't say one who is friendly. >> the sioux consider the family the center of the universe. interestingly enough, the mascot of the sioux was some white north dakota kid named blake. i think the tables have turned and that's why he was upset. >> it was the fighting blakes. >> adam, you said during the course of the conversation about the fighting sioux, you said you are talking to a guy who loved the cleavland indians. who are you loving now? >> not the cleavland indians. this from a guy who if you put a beard on you look like the evil leb pro con from the --
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leprechaun from the movies ? >> there has never been animosity between the two of us. who is your favorite team now? >> chicago cubs. >> it is still cleavland. >> i lived there for so long. the last time they got a world series was 47? they didn't get the world series. >> there were seven games. and they lost. >> charlie sheen was pitching for them the last time. >> talking about the cleavland indians and the viewers tuned out two minutes ago. >> i believe in "major league" they won the world series. >> bill, i don't know if we were advertise, this but we happen to be playing on the same fox news football team now. do we have a mascot yet? >> that's a good -- well our name is fox and friends with benefits, so kill me is our mascot, naked kill me. >> no one will come out to see
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that. so, andy, you are okay just to make this point, you are okay with a mascot called the new york jews? >> i don't care. >> you don't mind? >> i think it would be weird. >> what does a mascot -- what would the mascot look like? >> i would think it looked like me. >> this is interesting that mike asked that. he was angry when we wanted to call our team the new york wasps. he -- i thought it was tasteful for the khaki colored uniform. >> we would be tasteful with the polo. >> sandra is falling asleep, a heads up. >> nothing that i had anything to do with. the sioux were great warriors so it is honoring their heritage. >> not if they are not in support of the school using their tribe name. >> don't give me that face when you give me that face when you are discussing your point. >> you never gave me an opportunity to respond.
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>> i did knock you down. are you on the football team? >> i will be the mascot. >> all right. >> i wouldn't want to play. whatever. >> yes, whatever. sherrod, what was your high school mascot? >> we were the lions. brooklyn, new york, catholic school. >> story number two, the story about axel rod and something he was talking about, adam, you said that he mishandled the whole issue, just to repeat your point, if you were responsible for mitt's campaign, what would you have said when mitt came out with the comments? >> i would have prepared mitt romney with questions from the press. they will have a strong response to it. >> it seems perfectly logical. >> why do you think they didn't do that? >> i don't think his response
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was as strong as it could have been. the fact we are talking about it tells you it lives on. he could have said, most americans find this thing deplorable. i am not even going to address it. >> what did he say about me? next time you see him tell him i am looking for him. the theks time you see him tell him mitt is looking for him. >> that was an uncanning mitt romney. >> that was my point. i closed my eyes for a minute and i thought it was mitt. >> sherrod, do you think uh ma din gnaw joked would make a good radio host? >> he has a face forayed yow. for radio. and sandra, your point was interesting. with rush's comments, you basically treat it like a toddler who just learned how to say thed with poop. you just ignore them or otherwise youen cirnlg it. >> that's thought -- you encourage it. >> that's not what i meant.
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>> i have a toddler who says poop. >> i also have a toddler who greets everybody by trying to punch him in the -- what are you going to do about that? >> he is a good kid. >> and finally the last story of the afternoon or the evening, pat robertson legalizing weed. i was curious, if we legalize weed, where do we draw the line? >> at weed. i don't have to legalize heroin or meth. >> come on. what's wrong with you this. >> everybody is watching right now. >> bill, i am going to give you the last question. sentimia or kentucky blue? >> you have to go with kentucky blue. >> is that jay z and beyonce's baby name? >> all right, andy, that's it
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while guam doesn't have an electoral votes and can't vote in the election, the gop is letting the u.s. territory seen here adore blee hold a caucus and send 9 delegates to the convention. the front runners are going for guam. mitt romney is sending his son , matt, meaning guam is one letter away from having an actual candidate visit. and rick santorum talked to the gop leaders for more than an hour about guam issues. it is my fourth favorite issue. and he apologized for a joke he made about banishing judges to the island of guam.
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how important is the remote territory? look at this map from 2008. anyway, let's discuss in the -- >> lightning rooooouuuuunnnnndd. lightning round. >> thank you, sherrod. all right, sandra, let's be honest. the gop gave guam delegates so party leader cans write off trips there, right? >> i guess you can -- i don't particularly know what guam's issues are. perhaps they are of significance. but there is no electorates, they cannot vote in the presidential election, so i am confused. i am also confused why we are talking about did. >> that's great. >> in a lot of ways this show is like the guam of fox news. we feel a certain kinship. sherrod, you are an expert in
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the region, ie, you have been there. what is the mood like there? are they excited about matt romney coming to visit? >> no, but they are excited about a new shipment of spam from the philippines. >> really? >> front page news. >> what happened to puerto rico? are they getting pushed around? i don't know what they want, but they are still there and floating in the middle of nothing. >> they gave us great baseball players. >> they used to. >> what do you mean they? >> they are americans, right? >> adam, why not let guam vote? way let hawaii vote? -- we let hawaii vote. they are not part of america america. >> hold on. hawaii is a tiny, tiny island nation. hawaii is not a state. >> they don't even speak american. they speak hawaii an. >> don't come back on my show until you know anything. >> what was the word you had for the citizens of guam?
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>> go main yen. >> no they #r* guamericans. >> the go -- the guamanian parade. you get a sausage and the parade is over. >> we are getting no angry letters from guam. >> bill, you have a daughter who lives in guam. has she accepted santorum's apology? >> i wanted to talk to her. i realize i don't have her number. i didn't really remember her name, and i am not clear if she is still alive. other than that i will get back to you. >> i am not a good father. if you paid attention to the other red eye shows, it is awful. the next topic, in what is easily the best news of the day joe biden is hitting the campaign trail. he will deliver speeches in four battleground states starting starting with costa recaw. i mean ohio. according to an aid, they are
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to layout the issues that will define the general election and the democratic party. sherrod, you have to be excited anytime joe biden is out there talking. >> first of all joe biden will throw his back out. >> obama is in a good position already. >> do you think before he goes out there he sits him down for the talk -- >> do you have to screw things up so much? >> as much as you say don't screw things up -- >> he is out there with cocktail waitresses, two and three times at a time. >> the great thing about biden, you get him drunk and wants to hear what comes out of his mouth. he will deflect attention from the president and it will be biden and the president can stand back and say wasn't me.
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i will walk in america's funniest home video waiting. >> sandra, do you think is the gop happy that he is hitting the road? >> there is going to be an an amusing quality to it. >> he throws away any cue cards or tele prompters. there is nothing like it. it is fantastic. >> bill, not a lot of people know this. >> it is very specific. you can predict vice president joe biden's delightful gas. what can you tell us about his upcoming trip? >> he will go to cleavland, and he will tell the people there that his favorite player is lebron james and that his favorite calf is devalot.
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are retweets from athletes the digital form of autographs? well, yes, according to the associated press. retweets from athletes are the digital form of autographs. says one social media expert, ie somebody who needs to get a life, it is almost like capturing a photo of yourself. for a second you breached their celebrity. >> sandra, this story is about athletes. >> people just want to feel some sort of connection with athletes and movie stars, whatever. >> that's fine. i thought getting an autograph was to keep it, save it and maybe when you are down-and-out 30 years from now you could sell it or something. or is it just for personal collection. i have never been into it. >> i don't get it either.
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sherrod, as a comedian do you get requests for retweets? >> a lot. usually it is miami. they have ladies night on thursday, can you retweet? i retweet and quote people all the time when they say something i enjoy and i like. they get a quick out of it. >> that's the thing. bill, there is something cool about being rewheated. retweet. i don't understand -- i think it is weird when people ask for a retweet. >> have i gotten that from the same miami play. i was like, come on. he just sent it out. at first i was ready to make fun of it, but i did the same thing. as you know i had a love for hoe do kop -- hoda. i did that with replies. my only favorite tweet was a reply of hers which was
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essentially, please stop tweeting me. >> but you had that, but you also have framed -- you have the restraining order. >> which is better than an autograph. i am in her head. >> i did "the today show." i was with her. >> what do you mean with her? >> i was with her and kathy lee. >> put in a good word. >> so now you know why the retweeting is so big. >> did i hear what i just heard? >> i am confuse bed what we just said. i am going to move on. it may be bleeped. jay i have an autograph from warren burger i got a thousand years ago on a copy of the constitution he was handing out at the time because it was the anniversary. there is a personal connection
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when you get an autograph in person, the retweet thing, when you hear social media, i am from the era that when you hear social the next is disease. >> just the feeling it gave you, how does it make you feel? >> i have to say. >> look how i dress for your show. the u.s. constitution and needs to form a justice. >> i have a signed ball and my qex is how much it will cost once he dyes. we will close things out with a post game wrap up. to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye.
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time to go back to mike baker for the post game wrap up. >> you are right. she was the one in the middle. sherrod i heard your show was a hit. >> it was a success, thank you. >> where can the viewers go to see it? >> it is called video on trial and it comes on every thursday at 12:30 a.m. check it out. >> thursday at 12:30 a.m. is there any chance you can get higher ratings at 5:00 a.m. than two hot blondes? >> no, fox and friends will beat us. >> you can get your own blonde. sandra, where can viewers see your smart insights? >> that was an odd transition. fox business network, tune in. my segment is called the trade. it is for your portfolio and what you can do to make money, tune in. >> andy, back to you. >> thanks, mike.
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