tv The Five FOX News March 13, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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>> demand it. >> if the cable operator isn't doing it, i have relatives. let's go by his house. shall we? that's all i'm saying. see you tonight. >> dana: hello, everyone. i'm dana perino with andrea tantaros, tamara holder, eric bolling and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: well, last week if you believe the mainstream media, president obama was a shoo-in for re-election. but two polls out rained on their parade. the "washington post" and the "new york times" coming out with similar results. overall approval is slipping and on the economy, two-third say the policies have not worked or hurt the economy. add to that, women are souring on him, despite the calculated contraception distraction, gas prices are high and the republicans are about to focus their energy on him, not each other. it's hard to see how the numbers improve, andrea.
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there is also a number and if you add it together on the economy, a full 80% say they are not better off than they were four years ago. what do you think the mood was like in chicago at obama headquarters today? >> andrea: one word. gulp! i don't think they were expecting this at all. when you have the "new york times" writing and not editorializing this is dangerous position for him to be in, you know you are in trouble. that was in the first or second graph of the story. a couple things are also interesting. foreign policies, his numbers went down. i think the white house thought it was a strong suit for the president. i think gas prices probably plays in to this as well. but dig in the numbers, 56% of americans believe that the president can do something about gas prices. so they are look at him to get answers. as you read in your opening women. they thought this was a winner for them. almost double digits women not going with the president. so, their war on women, that talking point is not working. it's backfiring.
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>> dana: tamara, do you think their polling says something different? like their internal polling at the campaign of the white house? my gut instinct was it wasn't going well for them. bob said i was crazy. >> the liberals and the democrats have been aware of this problem for a long time. you heard it from my side of the aisle. as your opening stated i respectfully disagree with you that the mainstream media believes this is a shoo-in for obama. he has been aware that his numbers are relying, or his popularity and re-election is possibly because of jobs. >> dana: i was just talk about last week when the headlines was that obama was on the up-swing. polling has been a little volatile because people not sure and in the middle of a primary. eric, more than 50% don't think he has the ability to make the right decisions on the economy. >> eric: that was fast.
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that bump he had from the war on religion. turning it into a war on women. trying to say that republicans had a war on religion didn't last long. the problem, we have 31 of the last 32 days gasoline prices have gone up. the longer we were talking about the contraceptive debate, the bishop debate, it skewed the argument away from the important thing. the economy. america is upset with the economy. quickly, this is how tone deaf the guy is. the president today spends whole day with british prime minister cameron. and then tonight he is going to fly to dayton, ohio, and watch a basketball game. pull up a picture. i had a guy e-mail me a picture today. a picture of a gasoline pump with diesel prices on it. $4.19. it cost him, the top number. $726 to fill up his tank. >> dana: is that a truck? >> eric: yeah.
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18-wheel driver. but you wonder why the prices of bread are going up. the prices of clothes are going up. the prices of everything is going up. and obama is going to go watch hoops tonight. >> dana: let's talk about another poll. >> greg: how much was that? he is driving a ferris wheel to the carnival. that is not fair. can i say something about the polls, because we talk about the polls. every week they are up and down. they are a shirt at mardi gras. we have to admit it will change in a couple of days and i don't think we can go to hoahooray and hooray mode. there are two things about this. pills and drills. president obama made fundamental error when he thought all teachers were expecting the sex lives to be subsidized. not all women are like that. and then drilling, americans see expensive gas as a problems. liberals see expensive gas as a solution. some of the administration were expected to have higher gas prices, because it helps
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curve consumption. that is the issue. they don't see president obama caring about the economy. >> be nice. i don't want to punch you out right now. >> greg: i'd like that. >> i don't think that the american person actually believes this is obama's fault. that the gas prices are all obama's fault. a lot has to do with the market and other things that are outside of president obam obama. we can blame him for a lot of things. >> blame bush. >> "washington post" yesterday, we held this up. you were here. gasoline, obama's handling of gasoline prices, 65% disagree and disapprove with his handling of the gasoline. that's the "washington post." i think the american public does blame obama. >> andrea: "new york times" poll said the same. they believe he controls gas prices. but i think that the liberals
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look as women issue as monolith, one-issue voters. they only care about abortion. they don't. they are at home making the budget, making healthcare decisions for the home and families. the white house is going you're distracted. i'm not laying awake at night worrying about my birth control. i worry about my job, my husband's job. >> dana: speaking of distraction, another poll got news which was interesting. the public pol policy polling group. they ask a question in their poll, the south. we have mississippi and the alabama primaries today. we will have results later for you on fox news. one of the questions was do you think that president obama is a muslim? 45% said yes.
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>> greg: chuck todd mentioned this. this is a robo calls so they are not talking to somebody. imagine if you are a 14-year-old kid, and you get a phone call. press 1 if you think obama is a christian. press 2 if you think he is a muslim. i'm going to press muslim because i'm a kid. it's funny to me that you have that suggestion as a robo call. imagine like republicans would be equivalent of calling berkeley. press one if you think republicans eat babies. press 2 if you think they eat puppies. it's a ridiculous thing. most people said muslim as a joke or because they don't like obama. they don't actually think that. >> dana: is it a stereotype that liberals are trying to solidify? >> eric: sure. absolutely. public policy, p.p.p., leaning left, try to drive a wedge and say look at what is going on in the south. these are conservative republicans. they attack the base. the base, they say, you don't want to be like them. you want to be moderate. you want to be centrist and
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they say don't be like them. just by default. it pushes voters away from whoever -- >> dana: before we, let me get your take on this and i'll go to bill maher. >> it's either to beat up on either side and it's not fair. especially when i believe in honesty and voracity in politics. i want to believe they did the right thing here. it wasn't just necessarily a left leaning plot to, you know, target muslims. >> eric: who cares? >> here is my idea. i think it's because of the sarah palin movie that came out. there were suggestions in there, in the movie about muslims, about evolution. about those things that were questioned in the poll that happened after the movie. >> greg: i thought this was about making southerners look stupid. that was the point. >> dana: you ask a question
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about evolution as well. >> andrea: why would they do this? don't you think he needs virginia and he needs florida? a lot of demographics in the states are considered southern. >> dana: remember clinging to gods and guns. i want to get to one thing, because this follows. bill maher who we of course love, sent alexander pelosi, speaker pelosi's to the south, to the point of making them look stupid. let's take a look. >> alexandra pelosi is our videographyer. she is great. we sent her out to talk to real americans in the south. >> why is mississippi so conservative? >> well, in the heart of t t bible belt. we believe in family. we believe in adam and eve, not adam and steve. >> i hate obamacare. it's retarded and pointless. >> but a lot of people in mississippi need healthcare. >> yes. >> back when i was growing up and my parents were growing up and my grandparents were
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growing up, we didn't have that and people still made it. people pulled their own weight back then. they didn't wait for everyone else to take care of them. >> you don't care about the economy? >> no. it will take care of itself. if you put god back in the saddle it will all be okay. >> something is not working here. voting republican hasn't worked for you. >> but it could. >> dana: greg, take it away. >> greg: you heard people laughing at poor people. isn't that hilarious? send an elitist snob down south and laugh at poor people living in chanties. imagine if you replace white folks with blacks in poor neighborhood like detroit. when is bill maher going to send her to worst part of detroit and poke fun of them. >> eric: with an hbo microphone. bill maher i'd call him a pig but it would be insulting to pigs. awful. the guy just out does himself week after week.
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>> then why do you focus on it? republicans have an obsession with bill maher where everything he does is under a microscope. there is some kind of humor in the things he does. i'm sorry -- >> dana: how is that funny? >> anything that he does the republicans think is absolutely -- >> andrea: if it happened on the right, if it happened on the right, you'd -- >> greg: with rush, right? >> andrea: you would have a number of groups jumping up and down saying that republicans are racist. the left called republicans racist. they don't agree with the simple policy position of the president. >> we are talking about one person here. >> andrea: some on the left tend to believe, not all but some on the left believe anything between new york and l.a. is a scene from "deliver "delivernce." >> greg: bill maher loves to pick on republicans because we talk about it and it helps his ratings. but not to the extent of the degree done toward
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conservative figures like rush limbaugh. if bill maher says something stupid it lasts couple of days. if rush says something it lasts a month. >> but he is to comedian. there is a difference between a comedian and a person who reads the news every day. >> dana: then he is also raising money through a super pac for obama. he crossed back over himself. coming up, is eric holder's justice department opposed voter integrity in elections? a man that used to work there says so and you will hear from him. you can e-mail us at ♪ ♪
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texas passed a law requiring the same level of identification if you want to vote for the next president of the united states. guess what the obama administration did? they stepped in and said texas was breaking the law. is this about rights or politics? listen to jay christian adams earlier today. >> the states that enacted voter i.d. tried to make it free and readily available. some states will come to your house and give it to you, like georgia or south carolina. this isn't enough for the holder justice department. they are radically opposed to the election measures. >> eric: big claim. what do you think? >> dana: most people -- this is a check against voter fraud. everyone has an i.d. for everything. if you don't have an i.d. we should help people get one so
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they can do the things you talked about doing. basic way of society. the supreme court upheld the indiana voter i.d. law 6-3. from what i understand it's not materially different from the one in texas. >> they didn't lose in court. they had a choice, tamara, to go to court or to the department of justice. >> tamara: they went to the d.o.j. has i said yesterday, whether or not you agree with the law on its face, they are required to prove that it does not have discriminatory impact. with the statistics they provide, department of justice does not feel like it occurred. i agree with dana with regard to getting people registered but the people who live in the states live around the state in something where there aren't driver's license locations available to them. they have no problem d. if they can vote, they can get an i.d. >> tamara: this is not about
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fraud. >> dana: it is a check against the possibility of fraud. voter fraud is a real problem across the country. >> tamara, no, not to this extent. >> eric: the department of justice said that the law didn't apply to things like buying pack of six-pack. you don't have the constitutional right to do those things on the screen. but you do have a constitutionable right to get married and in washington, department of justice says that you need an i.d. to get married. >> this seems basic. you are going to vote for the president of the united states. they're not asking for a blood sample. they are not asking for fingerprints. they are asking for i.d. i don't like how if you speak up about this or are concerned about this, somehow you are trying to suppress voting against hispanics or blacks. that's not it at all. democrats and republicans should want a system to upheld rules and regulation to have
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integrity, which it doesn't in a lot of cases. >> greg: the evidence shows it doesn't suppress voting at all. if you look at the research in georgia voter turn-out went up 140% in 2004 for hispanics and up 42% for blacks in the same year. in 2010, they had similar results. the point is it gets people to vote. which makes holder's situation weird. it's like he doesn't want them to vote. the i.d.s are free. it's not a poll tax. can i say the most important thing, getting an i.d. is awesome. when you get a picture, i got my first i.d. i was excited about it. then you get your fake i.d. which is even cooler. the whole point of an i.d. is get a fake i.d. >> eric: this is not hard -- >> tamara: i got fake i.d. it won't admit to violating the law on the show. it's very easy but it's become hard as well. for people in the rural county throughout the country.
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not just texas -- >> greg: the expectations for the folks it's like they're not human for you. they can't get a picture i.d.? >> tamara: they don't have one. so the point is with regard to the law they don't have the i.d. if they're free, why don't we set something up where they can -- there is a travelling bus. >> dana: they did in south carolina. >> eric: they will deliver it to your home. you probably need an i.d. to turn the electricity on. >> andrea: what is it now? just the blockbuster card? what is the baseline here? say i'm greg gutfeld? >> dana: baseline is a major manufacturer controversial by the justice department and huge waste of time for the federal taxpayers who have, who fund the justice department salaries and people in the state of texas who have to defend them. >> eric: very good. leave it there. coming up, hillary clinton says extremists are trained to marginalize women. the extremists are in america. we show you where when we come back. ♪
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♪ ♪ >> tamara: recently, hillary clinton was speaking at a women's summit in new york and has a warning for women in america and around the world. >> why extremists always focus on women remains a mystery to me. it doesn't matter what country they are in, or what religion they claim. they all want to control women. they want to control how we dress. they want to control how we act. they want to control the decisions we make about our own health and our own bodies. >> is it hard to believe, but even here at home we have to
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stand up for women's rights and reject efforts to marginalize any one of us. >> tamara: which extremists do you think she was talking about? >> eric: the only in america i can think of is the sandra fluke group, extremists that way. >> greg: it's fluke. i'm tired of you mutilating her name. >> dana: you're just trying to control her. >> greg: control her last name. >> eric: i think what happened a couple of weeks ago on the hill -- that is the only extremist i heard of with women extremists. ask one of the women, will you please? >> andrea: she is trying to compare, we get the joke here. trying to compare republican men to radical, islamic, muslims in the middle that really oppress women, which minimizes what they are doing to women overseas. this is classic clinton.
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remember the vast right wing conspiracy. really? a woman got her and tried to take her down. she went on a run for president. secretary of state now. i think someone is in d.c. going this is women's history month. who can we roll out on the birth control stuff? nobody looks at people except for radical feminists and say women are being oppressed these days. that's just not true. >> greg: there are -- the women oppressed are being oppressed by women. if you read women's magazine, nothing more impressive than the cover line. >> tamara: how do you explain the lawsuit women have against the military and against gates for suppressing their rain charges? things that were happening in the military? this isn't just a birth control issue. >> greg: it is about birth control. she is talking about what is happening in the last two weeks. >> tamara: she is not.
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she did not say birth control. >> greg: but she is talking -- c'mon. the fact is she comes from long line of moral equivalenc equivalency. she can't make sense of what is objectively true. a republican is no different than radical islamist. >> andrea: if she was talking about secretary gates isn't that a problem for obama administration to answer? >> dana: democrats don't have the corner market on women's issues. they would like to think so, but as we talk about when we start the show, the recent events have made women sour on them. the poll numbers have gone down. i respectfully success to the first lady, her predecessor and secretary of state put women at the center of their issues. they think women can bring peace in the world.
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>> greg: i am upset. you bring up rain stuff. where were the feminists with the occupy wall street or where were they then? this has to do with ideology. that's what it is. >> tamara: women have been fighting for women's rights. >> greg: where were they when it came to occupy wall street? >> tamara: what are you talking about? you are trying to cloud idahoology with race. >> eric: during this sandra fluke controversy and attacking rush and whatever, so then it started to come back toward the economy. the left's attempt to bring the discussion to the table, this stuffba , to women's rights. he does, they do better when we talk about that. >> andrea: they are not talking about women study
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professor. most normal women -- >> eric: what do you do than call republican extremist against women. >> andrea: i don't know any woman that lays awake at night sitting around, tamara, with all due respect, i don't know a woman that lays around that can't sleep worried about birth control pills or vaginal sonogram. >> greg: this is embarrassing. this is embarrassing for you to do that. to compare what happens in america to what is going on in afghanistan or iraq is embarrassing. >> tamara: she called them extremists. she said they were extremists. political extremists aren't necessarily murdering people in the streets. >> greg: i don't think she made it that clear. >> tamara: coming up, an 11-year-old girl asked a question not many journalists would have the courage to ask. you'll see it next on "the five." ♪ ♪
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i'm bret baier in washington. the big story here today, the republican presidential race and two big southern primaries. along with caucuses in hawaii. and american samoa. tonight on "special report" we'll have the latest on the voting in alabama and mississippi. carl cameron and john roberts are in dixie, which could prove to be a turning point in the race. james rose listen have a first look at the exit poll results just coming in. also have an in-depth examination of the energy situation. ed henry reports most people believes the president has some control over the price of gasoline. jim angle looks at one of the president's proposed fixes, raising taxes on big oil. does it make sense? jennifer griffin on the pentagon has the latest on the massacre in afghanistan, and will be in the hands of the
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american soldier. today, the public outcry began in afghanistan. "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. with election updates throughout the night. now back to new york and "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> andrea: baby, give it up! not without birth control, though. your favorite face of to oppressed women everywhere is back. sandra fluke has an op-ed in cnn where she starts to push obamacare, proving that the administration doesn't seem to think there is a problem with putting the hearsay witness out, even more dana to talk about obamacare, which the president didn't even reference in the "state of the union."
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you know how this works. >> dana: you go to "wall street journal" and they turn you down. i've been there. >> andrea: i don't think they expected this to run on the day the numbers are down with women. do you think they pulled back on this? >> dana: in one way she captivates a lot of people. maybe some people on the left are energized by her presence. they admire her courage. i have to say, i admire her. she put herself out there and will stick with it. i disagree with her but i don't have anything against her personally. what they have done in white house and the administration is start a brush fire they cannot contain. doing an op-ed like this that talks to the audience that already agrees with you is not going to necessarily advance the ball. i would imagine she probably fades away in the next month. >> andrea: do you think she should fade away sooner? if you're in the white house and look at the "wall street journal" poll saying we have a problem. this might not be working
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looking at the last couple of weeks. should we back off and get on gas prices and other things or just keep pushing this to energize the base? >> tamara: i think that it's like dating, really liking a guy. you like he likes you. then all of a sudden you're stalking him nonstop. not that i would do that. >> andrea: it sounds like you know about that. >> tamara: it's too much of a good thing. i agree with that. it's enough already. ride the wave. and don't just make it such a big deal. i think there are benefits as a liberal woman to having her speak out. but like you said, dana, too much of a good thing is like overkill. >> andrea: the point of this isn't a good thing. women like you, tamara, your friends are probably going to vote for the president anyway. it's the independent women that aren't thinking about conception and -- that same "wall street journal" poll what i found fascinating is rick santorum, one of the extremists, has been leading. i gas it was 14 points over mitt romney in that poll. he has been the face of the social issues.
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eric, i want to ask you and greg, too. a great editorial in the "wall street journal" stopping about where does it stop? if you talk about birth control what is next? two cups of coffee, beneficial to your health. red wine, gym memberships. >> greg: i get emotional over this. my roommate scott is a flight attendant and he gets severe migraines if he doesn't take a monthly vacation to aruba. so i think it should be subsidized by sandra fluke and the rest of the social welfare junkies who feel like a sunny day is a right. >> andrea: i have that same problem. >> eric: it feels to me like they put it out there. they thought they were going to get mileage out of it and said she went and had a big thing on capitol hill. rush said something and went after rush. we got him. now it's starting to turn. coming back, wait. too much. too much. stop. she is not stopping. she is on msnbc all day, cnn
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all day, doing op-eds. now they're like what did we create? >> greg: health insurance is great for catastrophic stuff but it's not for things that anybody can afford. we know how much pills cost. we went through it every week. >> andrea: to build on your point i want to stay with this. an 11-year-old reporter asking the first lady the same sort of thing, right? food, nutritional standards and that type of thing. something that a lot of people argued. is that really necessary? [ inaudible ] >> you know, that is absolutely right. >> it's not about that.
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it's that government doesn't have all the answers. >> andrea: however, when you look back, the comments from the first lady, she does talk about this specifically. eat vegetables. one, delivering new remarks at an event in california. she said look, people want to pick up a head of lettuce and make a salad, they shouldn't have to get on a bus to go do it. why not? >> dana: that is about a lot of grocery stores decide not to put businesses in lower income because they're not profitable. that is starting to change. wal-mart, wall green walgreens s are doing that. i think the first lady should push whatever sort of policy they want to push. this one is pushing for choices. not a bad thing that people should be encouraged to eat it. what the reporter was asking, she was smart to say why
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should the government be telling people what to eat. there is a line. >> eric: i have to point out. that they signed a law to tell every american they have to have healthy. they tell the kids. >> tamara: they don't want a burden of fat kids who become fat adults and have heart disease and everything else wrong with them. what is wrong with teaching children how to eat properly? if their parents have no idea. >> eric: it's mandating healthcare part. >> andrea: mandating it is something else to eat gourmet foods. >> greg: can i say that young adorable child, will be a great reporter. she posed the question, how do you respond to the critics? very clever. >> andrea: all right, coming up.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back to "the five." new study from ohio state suggests listening to rock 'n' roll causes white people to favor their race over others. the theory is that they were white and listening to it makes you like white more i guess. whatever. i don't know. it appears the researchers forgot rock 'n' roll was the first sport to america to break the color barrier. but fun to watch bruce springstein get smeared with the crud. this is why i love the modern cottage industry. they ask what is racism? if you like vanilla over chocolate pudding you're racism. if you like white russian over black label, bigot. favorite cracker jack over
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mike and ike. the relationship between mike and ike disturbs you and that makes you a hoa homophobe. aren't the real crazed folks the researchers themselves who spread color-obsessed dogma. in a freak bubble like academia it pays. competition is replaced by peer acceptance that pushes academics to return to racial politics. the fact is, rock 'n' roll may not make you racist but one thing i can guarantee, ohio state can make you look like an idiot. >> dana: and you're back. >> greg: is that the dumbest thing you heard, andrea? i mean, dana? wow! too much water. [ laughter ] >> dana: it goes back, we could have a segment every day about stupid academic studies. that are basically a waste of time and money. >> greg: yeah. this is one of them. definitely.
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what do you think? >> eric: i'm trying to figure out what does the study say? does it say that rock causes people to become more racist or people who are inherently racist gravitate toward rock music? >> greg: the way i read it is because what you are listening to is played by whites, it makes you happier about being white. makes you whiter. >> you gravitate to -- >> greg: yes. whitening toothpaste for your skin i guess. i have no idea. >> tamara: there is a better, stupiddier poll, the one that a couple of weeks ago that marijuana made you more lazy in the workplace. it's like, really? are you serious that smoking pot makes you lazy? i would love to have a study that paid me to make something up. >> greg: i tried to read that but i gave up on it. >> andrea: fell asleep.
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>> greg: obvious joke. would they have done it with rap music? whatever thing they find it's untouchable. >> andrea: rap music poetry. if you are in ohio you should be angry. if you are a taxpayer in ohio you should say i want my money back. this is ridiculous. if you listen to country music -- is this a priority in ohio state university? >> greg: here is something weird. what is going on south by southwest, the music festival, an organization, company has actually turned homeless people to wi-fi spots. basically they give them wireless routers and t-shirts that say i'm a hot spot. you can walk up and log on to their network with your phone. you can pay the homeless person whatever they, whatever you feel is right for that. is this kind of weird, dana? i got your name right. this is weird. >> dana: i think it's weird. when we say we want to create jobs and have innovation in america, i don't know if this
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is exactly what we're going for. but then i saw some of the homeless people said we're for it. so yeah. >> greg: that is the one thing. if it's actually -- it's the ultimate entry level job. except what if you said i want you to hang my coat on you? how is that different? >> eric: this is all marketing. this is all b.b.a. fantastic marketing. everyone is talking about it. all they're doing is giving a homeless guy or whoever may or may not be homeless is an iphone. this is a wi-fi. turn in a wi-fi spot. it's all about the marketing. good job. >> andrea: i like this. they are make money. it's a job. although if newt gingrich came out and said this is one of his policy proposals, he would be destroyed. >> greg: if this happened at the rnc, how ugly would it be if it was at the convention? >> tamara: it would be about racism. we'd just be very mad. it's definitely a racist, right wing conspiracy. for sure. >> greg: next up, eric whips out the telestrator. i hope he draws me a unicorn.
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>> dana: time for one more thing. >> greg: before i went on vacation i took a book with me that i read 20 years ago. i thought i'd reread it, because it's more important today than ever and i didn't get it. it's called "envy." a book bike philosopher and it shows how envy influences everything from social revolution to human existence. you got to read the book. one of the books you underline every fourth sentence. >> eric: i wish i had that book. >> greg: here. >> eric: i'm kidding. >> greg: you can have it. >> i'm envious. >> greg: era of class warfare, this is the book to read. you'll love it. >> andrea: he highlighted all the good parts. i'm in such a good mood today because did anyone watch season finale of "batch lar" last night? just kidding. i cannot take the show anymore. i can't. i should have been watching hannity where tamara and i were debating each other last night but i couldn't pull my
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eye away from the train wreck. does anyone really think that this is going to work out? >> greg: his hair is terrible. >> dana: it's funny that john who writes for the "new york post" tweets about the bachelor all the time. that's how i keep up with it. >> tamara: like a horror movie. >> andrea: the host has the best job in america. all he has to do is say that this is the most dramatic rose ceremony ever. >> dana: say it perfectly. >> tamara: i'm a liberal so i have to take more than one thing. i'm a taker. the first is the that governor blagojevich doing his final press conference at 5:00 tomorrow so it may cut in the show. the second thing is thank you for having me on yesterday and today. it's an honor. >> dana: great to have you. >> tamara: thank you. >> dana: wow us with the tell straiter. >> eric: full screen straight away. the white house has a problem. they have $3.80 and 8.3% unemployment. it turns out that an that anitan
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has a new p.r. firm that has a relationship with who? sandra fluke. interesting, right? who decides that the most important issue around is war on religion. her other issue is -- look at this. she represents "game change" the movie who has an issue with conservatives. what better way for the white house to turn the dialogue away from gas prices and the economy and toward social issues than through their best friend at hbo and on the other side main stream media. >> greg: no unicorn. >> dana: we can work on the unicorn which is while i do my one more thing. we wish our colleague, way ahead of us, charles krauthammer's birthday and hopefully you see him on "special report" with bret baier. happy birthday. g i wanted a unicorn. eric said he would draw me a unicorn. >> i'm trying. >> dana: thank you, everybody for watching us and that is not a unicorn. that is the lockness monster. thank you for
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