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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  March 14, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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channel. go to greta and tell us what you thought about tonight's show. you can tell us what you didn't like about tonight's show good, night from washington. edition of mr. bill. >> "the o'reilly factor" is on. tonight: >> fox news shilling for him every day no offense, brian, but i see it. >> even though rick santorum won mississippi and alabama last night he still believes the media, including fox news is not giving him a fair shake. we'll analyze it. >> i was actually speaking out about students and about low income women across the country who need access to this care. >> now, sandra fluke says she wasn't talking about her own birth control situation. only protecting american women. we'll run a truth serum report on that statement. >> tea party [inaudible] >> and comedian chris rock gets very upset after a
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conservative author confronts him about the tea party. we'll tell you what that's all about. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. captions by closed captioning services >> bill: hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. we'll have the best coverage anywhere in the republic presidential sweepstakes in a moment. talking points memo more proof that the left left-wing media is blatantly dishonest in this country. before he died, andrew breitbart spoke to the hollywood reporter. that was the last interview he ever did. mr. breitbart was upset because he believed the left-wing media was trying to destroy him. he pointed to media matters as the primary offender. breitbart went on to accuse the far left web site of receiving orders from the democratic national committee and directly passing those orders on to msnbc. the blogger called it a rigged
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operation and was furious that a news agency as powerful as nbc would engage in dishonest practices. for years talking points has been telling you that media matters, heavily funded by people like george soros has been corrupting the editorial process in america. tonight we will give you one more vivid example. as you may know i have been very critical of the oil companies jacking up gas prices when there is plenty of supply available in the u.s.a. also i have criticized president obama for doing nothing about it when he could call the oil chief domes into the white house and get behind legislation to limit oil speculation. enter media matters calls me a hypocrite because they say i didn't hammer president bush when gas prices rose during his tenure. here is what media matters ran on its web site. >> bill: so the next time you hear a politician say he or she will bring down oil prices, understand its complete b.s. americans want lower gas prices? cut back.
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>> bill: now media matters posted that clip nine days ago but they dishonestly edited it. here's the full clip. >> bill: the republic party pretty much let's big oil do whatever it wants and refuses to reign in corrupt speculators who drive up the price of oil. so the next time you hear a politician say he or she will bring down oil prices? understand its complete b.s. if americans want lower gas prices? cut back. >> bill: i believe president bush is a republic, is he not? so, media matters lied. , as it always does. it takes video clips out of context every single day. and guess who went wild calling me hypocritical? nbc news in the form of msnbc. i know you are shocked. here is the bigger picture. we know that most of the media is actively rooting for president obama to be reelected. it used to be that the liberal
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press tilted coverage ignoring stories that reflected positively on republicans. and hipg stories that help democrats and liberals. now actual news agencies are actually lie talking using out-of-context quotes that they get from web sites. and fabricating things all in an effort to advance the liberal agenda. later in this broadcast, you will hear conservative rick santorum criticize fox news for not helping him out o. interesting. so the next time you hear fox news is a right wing operation, just mention rick santorum's contention. the danger here is that the presidential election will not be reported honestly. and that americans who do not pay close attention will be deceived and, therefore, their vote unfairly influenced. that's on them, of course, you can't force people to be fair and wise. but if andrew breitbart's contention is true, that the democratic party is now coordinating with the media matters, who is coordinating with msnbc, that is troubling and a blatant corruption of
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the first amendment. and that's the memo. now for the top story, reaction, joining us from miami, the purveyor of bernard mr. goldberg. do you think this kind of corruption we just proved yard will have a direct effect on the presidential vote? >> a direct effect, bill, i'm going to say, no. i don't think so. media matters certainly has friends in the mainstream media. but they are mainly media writers. they are not the most important journalists at places like the "new york times," the elite journalists who cover political campaigns. so that's one reason i don't think so. another is, look, we all know it's no bulletin. journalists are by and large liberal to begin with, with or without media matters' influence. and the idea that david broke, the fellow who runs media matters is some kind of wizard behind the curtain pulling the strings and telling people like jill abrahamsome the
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executive editor of the "new york times" what to do and when to do it. i just don't believe it are they annoying, bill? yeah, they're real annoying. are they going to directly affect the election? i don't think so. no. >> bill: okay. you just saw what they did with that clip. all right? >> reprehensible. >> bill: all right. that clip went out to, as we mentioned, msnbc and a lot of other media that clip went out to, all right? and they played it. they didn't check it. they didn't look at the transcript. all easily done by the way. easily done, all right? they didn't do anything. they just threw it on. so you are going to tell me that these media outlets and there are a lot of them. local news, you can't even track how many times that happens. okay? that's not going to have any influence on voters who really don't pay attention? i mean, it has to. >> well, a couple of things. i didn't see it would have no influence. the question you asked was
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would it have a direct effect on the election? i don't think it's going to throw the election. you raise another point in the talking points and just now among less sophisticated voters, yeah. those are the ones i worry did b. a lot. frankly, and here is ammunition for media matters right now, i don't think those people should even be allowed to vote unless they have some i'm going to get in trouble for that. >> the attorney general going to come get you. >> i don't think they should have to read the constitution in greek or anything like that. >> bill: hey, bernie, come on. you can't even get them to show an i.d. at the polls now you want them to take a quiz? >> that's a good point. >> bill: what i'm saying to you is i think this election is going to be raiser close, all right, in november. going to be very, very close. and i also believe that there are going to be people who go to the polls with a totally fictitious, totally fictitious narrative about the
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candidates. and it will tilt toward president obama. because it's not only the news media, it's the entertainment media we ran a story a couple weeks ago about the late night guys and how they pile on the republicans three to one over piling on the democrats. mocking them and all of this. and i'm telling you, i think it's worth five popular vote percentage votes, 5 to barack obama. >> i just don't believe that. >> bill: five. >> i don't believe it. >> bill: no? >> first of all, a certain number of people who watch this stuff are going to vote for barack obama no matter what. >> bill: yes, that's true. >> i mean, they could have -- you could produce a tape that barack obama shot lincoln and they would still vote for barack obama. so, you have got to eliminate them to begin with. but, look, i want to make clear my position here. media matters doesn't exist simply oset the record straight. if it did, i wouldn't have a problem with that. it exists. >> bill: one more question to challenge your contention which i think is wrong. why would a guy like george
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soros invest tens of millions of dollars in this operation if he didn't think it was going to have a very concrete payoff to his far-left agenda? why would he do it? >> look, i want to make very clear, media matters is not a media watchdog group so much as it is a political group. i totally agree with that. and, george soros can want that to happen, that doesn't mean it's going to happen. he could pull his stunt on some local stations and he could pull it even on some media writers at important newspapers. i just don't believe that as liberal as a lot of political reporters are at the most important news organizations in america, i just don't believe that when they see something from media matters they're automatically going to run with it and quote and effect the election. >> they got the number one nightly newscast in the country and, yes, nbc news per se isn't using it but their cable arm is and that goes out to a lot of places. that's why i disagree with
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you. >> yeah. well, they effect about 12 people who watch msnbc. >> bill: more than that you would be surprised. >> really? >> bill: it's on othe internet -- it's more internet driven you are right they have no audience and good reason for that all internet driven and all propaganda. it's the election is being propagandized. >> they are annoying, very annoying, but let's not worry about them to the extent that you are right now. not yet. >> bill: all right. bernie goldberg, everyone. next on the rundown, dick morris on the republic vote last night. was rick santorum really the big winner? later, the senator says fox news not giving him a fair shot. take a look at that controvers
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does that mean anything? >> it does. romney is really on a path to most likely win the nomination. right now he has got about 53% of the delegates that have been selected. he has been at about that clip straight through. and what's happening is after march ends, you have a bunch of really important winner-take-all primaries in huge states. have you illinois next week. 69 delegates. you have new york in april which is in effect winner take all. it's sort of proportional but it's not 95 delegates, california in june, 172. new jersey 50. utah 40. and i think he is going to sweep those states. that will give him about 400 more delegates. put him at about 900ment then you have a bunch of really small statements that are also winner take all that he is he going to win. montana oregon south dakota, rhode island, connecticut, maryland, washington, d.c. he will lose pennsylvania, he will lose north carolina.
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winner take all and get clobbered in texas which is proportional but he will absolutely get killed there i think when all of that is said and done he ends up at about 1250 to 1300, which is enough to win the nomination i are willing to put dick morris on the line that he have enough by june to sew the nomination. that's the dick morris prediction? >> you got it. >> bill: i do something every night for the bill o' premium members called the no spin zone news. tonight i may have made a fuel out of myself. i want to give the audience upfront on this. i want your opinion on this. don't pile on. give me your honest opinion. i said that the reportage today about the alabama and mississippi votes was driven by the left wing media i feel like a paranoid guy because they want to portray mitt romney as a loser. i didn't hear on cbs radio,
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abc radio any of the newscasts for today that mitt romney won more delegates than santorum and gingrich in the four situations that voted counting samoa and hawaii. i never heard that one time. i'm saying to myself why didn't i hear that? delegate count is important. it's because, i think, the liberal media feels that romney is going to get it and they want to portray him as a loser. am i wrong? am i crazy? >> give him a little slack. those returns came in very late at night because of the time zone i'm talking today, not last night. now. >> i believe you are right about that i think that, look, there is no doubt that obama is doing everything he possibly can to get santorum as his opponent. that's why he did the contraception fight. they are winning negative ads
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on romney primary states seven months before election day. >> bill: trying to help -- >> cast by democrats cross over to help santorum. >> bill: senator santorum has run an excellent campaign. >> is he not encouraging it. they are using him. >> bill: no, no. no your theory is that the obama white house and the press that sympathizes with them thinks that romney is a bigger threat than santorum so they would like to run against santorum because of the social issue problems that the senator might have in the general independent population. now,. >> precisely. >> bill: newt gingrich then becomes a factor because without gingrich and santorum much, much stronger. but newt gingrich won't leave the arena. despite not taking any southern states other than his own o. so, how do you calibrate that? why do you think the speaker is staying in? >> well, it's easy to add santorum and gingrich's vote and say they would all go to
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santorum if newt pulled out. politics doesn't work that way. they might go 60, 40 to santorum. 40 do romney. i think romney would still win the list of states that i went to. newt is staying in because is he bitter. he hates romney. >> bill: yeah, but by going out, it hurts romney. him leaving the field, it hurts romney. it's helping him by staying in. >> well, i don't know. newt gingrich's mind is hard to explore. but i think that -- i think that he will stay in for a while. i don't actually think it makes a whole lot of difference. i think that that romney is going to proceed to win those major states. nobody is going to take california or new york. >> bill: i agree with that. >> or maryland or d.c. >> bill: the speaker says the same thing about your mind, morris it is very hard to explore. you are both on an even field there dick morris living large in arizona. ahead on the rundown, dennis
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miller on president obama's falling poll numbers and another beef with al gore. hard to believe. sandra fluke says she has been misunderstood she didn't want her birth control paid for by the taxpayers. it was for other women. a truth serum report coming on up. [ male announcer ] the game of life with the prius c! ♪ oh, my maltipoo's depressed. but my affordable prius c means i can pay for his acupuncture. whew. i love my pooch. oh no! my homemade sushi... turned p-ushi! use estimated 53 mpg to find a gluten-free alternative. look, this means i'm a chef. [ male announcer ] be a winner with the all-new prius c from toyota. ♪
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>> bill: continuing with now with the sweepstakes. new poll says president obama's job approval rating falling fast down nine months in a month. 41% to 47% disapproving. new fox news poll better for the president. also in a bloomberg poll governor romney and president obama tied; supporting 420941 in bloomberg survey. joining us from boston
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marianne march and washington kirsten powers who fnc. why do the president's poll numbers for cbs falling so quickly, deer citizen? >> i think their take on it was because it was because of rising gas prices. typically you do see and this happened with president bush as well, you do see a correlation between poll numbers and gas prices because it is the thing that really pinches americans. they really feel t in their pocketbook right away. and i think when there is still frustration about the economy. and i think that, you know, you will see it, that said, there are a lot of other polls that have shown him ticking up. pew, gallup, and reuters all did polls after this poll and showed him actually ticking up and pew has him above 50. >> bill: we're the fascist network on the right and we have a much better poll for president obama. such a joke. but, and i agree with deer kirsten got to be oil prices driving it down in that survey. president obama looks to have
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no solution at all for the oil prices. he doesn't like it. it's not good. there is a lot of suspicion that the president's energy policies per se along with secretary chu coming out and saying, yeah, we don't really care whether they go up or not a lot of that like he doesn't really care and we are getting hammered. i think that's what it is, march. >> i think it's something even more specific, bill. the fact is those gas prices really hit the working class the toughest. that's the group of voters that president obama struggles with, especially white working class voters, no college degree makes from 30 to 100,000 in a household. he struggles with them and they got hit hard on the gas prices. more important factor here is the thing that predicts whether you are going to get elected president or not is your personal favorability rating. on that score, obama overwhelmingly kills everybody else. his rating in the latest pew poll is 56%. romney is 29%. >> shepard: they don't know romney and santorum. >> then you just discredited all the other polls you put up there in the numbers.
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>> bill: no, i didn't. you are talking personal popularity. the folks don't know the candidates. by the way, marianne, president bush had the same kind of personal popularity with his poll numbers cratering during iraq. that's a little bit of advantage for barack obama but i think he is he going to be overwhelmed. >> it's substantial. >> bill: all right. the republic side, you agree with me, kirsten that the media is basically rooting for santorum as dick morris said because that's how it would be better for president obama to run against him than romney, do you buy into that at all. >> i would say democrats are rooting for rick santorum. >> do you think the media is probably generally favorable to mitt romney. >> bill: yeah. >> typically hear is that mitt romney is the prohibited frontrunner, right? >> bill: yeah. >> and they tend to, you know,
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that's the narrative that they havement and i feel like they have gone after rick santorum in a much harder way to try to take him out. >> bill: they have on occasion to demonize him. now i think there may be different marching orders. marianne, you work with these people. they hire you. i mean, i just get from the reportage on last night, i said, you know, romney got more delegates but that wasn't even reported. it wasn't reported anywhere. it was. >> i said it, bill. i said it. >> you are brilliant. powers. we can't put you with everybody else. are you buying into my con spur toler deal here tonight, marianne or no? >> you know, can i see where you might think that bill, but the reality is, i think romney is proving to be the not very good candidate we all thought he was. that's getting reported. regular folks out there don't understand caucuses or delegate counts. you win a state or lose a statement everyone said mitt romney is the frontrunner, he came in third. >> bill: he didn't come in third where it counts with delegates. he came in first. >> in a regular primary, where you come in the order, he came in third.
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that's what most folks get. >> bill: that's not what counts. >> delegate counting is inside baseball. >> bill: that doesn't count. >> well, i agree with -- disagree with morris i don't think romney is going to have the delegates come june. is he going to cut deals. >> bill: walk and chew gum at the same time. the delegate count doesn't count at all. except for powers. factor moves along this evening, dennis miller on president obama's unfavorable poll numbers. dennis miller has another deef with al gore. say it ain't so. sandra fluke says it's all a big misunderstanding. she doesn't want us to pay for her contraception. is that true? we hope you stay tuned to those reports. i'm a marathon runner, in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... "get me an aspirin"... yeah... i knew that i was doing the right thing, when i gave him the bayer. i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables.
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>> bill: in the did you see that segment. as we reported last week the whole sandra fluke is bogus. poor women getting priority. now ms. fluke is back
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peddling. >> i wanted people to understand this is neither government subsidized contraception nor is contraception as incredibly cheap as some people have shared. i was actually speaking out about students and low income women across the country who need access though this care. it's unfortunate that some folks have made it about me and my access because that's not what my testimony was about. >> bill: oh, but is that true? here now fox news correspondent juliet huddy. >> no. >> bill: truth serum so you say that she is not really being straight up? >> i think what happened is she wayman sort of this left wing martyr. you have even said that then she started getting the tomatoes thrown at her. and i think she is, as you said, back peddling now. she wants the be the champion of low income women. she did talk about herself many times. >> bill: let's walk through this the former evidence the congressional black caucus first brings miss fluke into capitol hill to testify in a church state hearing.
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she denied testimony. she can't testify. then nancy pelosi appears suddenly like an an aberration who takes ms. fluke and has bogus hearing where miss fluke says what. >> what makes her expert on this topic of contraception and she says again you saw this clip where she says it's not about me. she says i'm an american woman who uses contraception, so let's start there so that debunks. >> bill: she did define it in her personal terms. >> then she defined it by the terms of a lot of her friends. she kept on bringing up friends who have had issued with contraception not being able to get contraception. it was one friend after another. these are a part of her world so it is part of her life. >> bill: she defined herself as george town law student $3,000 over three year term that's what she said and she couldn't afford it and other of her friends couldn't afford it that's the bottom bottom linn that. >> that's what got rush going crazy on that. you go to wal-mart, sam's club
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or neighborhood market for instance, any of these neighborhood pharmacist you don't have to have a member some of these places. you go in and pay $9 a month. >> bill: is that true. >> that is true. $9 a month. 100 bucks a year. >> bill: to me, it would cost more for insurance companies to administrate this than it would for people to buy it what's that two lattes at some she she coffee place? >> that's what a college student spends a week on beer. not you. >> bill: doesn't look like ms. fluke is out there pounding the beers. >> i'm not saying that she was. generally college students. >> bill: in general in the truth serum context she did talk about herself. >> yes. >> bill: she did make it personal. now she is telling cnn she didn't and whole thing is bogus because anybody could afford this and title 10 gives it to you free anyway. >> absolutely. covers 7 a% of the counties across this country and 95% of the women. >> bill: covers her because she doesn't have a job making money. right in with title 10 and get
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it free. >> run over to c.v.s. in georgetown i have been there before not for this particular reason but you can go and spend 33 bucks on contraception. good to see you as well. >> bill: when we come right back, dennis miller on president obama's poll numbers and al gore doing something miller doesn't like. miller is next. are you still sleeping? just wanted to check and make sure that we were on schedule.
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my feet and exactly where i needed more support. i had tired, achy feet. until i got my number. my dr. scholl's custom fit orthotics number. now i'm a believer. you'll be a believer, too. learn where to find your number at >> bill: thanks for staying with us, i'm bill o'reilly in the miller time segment tonight. big congratulations to our pal dennis who signed a long term deal with the dial global network to continue his nationally syndicated radio program. thus, miller becomes even richer. the sage of southern california joins us now from santa barbara. way to go, miller, what's my cut in this. >> same split as i'm getting on the dead lincoln book, billy. >> bill: that means i'm not getting anything, miller,
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nothing. [ laughter ] >> no, everybody -- >> bill: you had nothing to do with killing lincoln. i made you. shouldn't there be a fruit basket coming back at me or something? >> all right. i will throw you a naner back there. >> bill: president obama's poll numbers falling in the cbs poll. not so much in the fox news poll. you say? >> i say i'm shocked he has any approval rating. you know why? because this is crap what's going on. crap right now. everybody knows it's crap. they will tell you 83 is the new 46. the unemployment rate is good. they will tell you bush was a moron and this guy's goodwill spending is he a genius. the fact is even if president bush put a knot in the clof hitch four years ago this guy can't unty -- untie it barack obama's presidency happens out of earshot. everybody is telling them this is great exactly what they hoped for. everybody knows it's crap.
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i'm surprised he has any approval numbers. i think the only reason he does is for the same reason the kardashians made 70 million. nobody is paying attention. this is a kardashian presidency. >> bill: you have to pay attention as the ladies pointed out earlier to gas prices. gas prices have doubled under president obama, doubled. all right? that's not bush's fault. bush had nothing to do with that. >> i'm not saying that. >> bill: let me just define it they double under president obama. now they are shooting up. and everybody is paying attention knows there is plenty of supply. plenty of gas and oil supply in the u.s. so, you know, the prices are going up with plenty of supply. that's not free marketplace. that doesn't happen. the president has no solution to it. none, zero. so you would think that his approval rating would be even lower than it is as you pointed out some people don't mind whatever happens. >> listen, what's happening is the gas prices might be the tip of the spear but there is a loft things that are driving
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people crazy that are catching up with this guy the keystone pipeline even the afl-cio may not give as much money this year. the worst thing is this debt clock. remember the time machine rod taylor sitting in there looking at the dress stop and that thing is spinning when he threw the cube shifter into fifth. that's what's happening with the debt clock right now. it's three years. in they are going to tell you it's going great but most people know it's crap right now. that's why his numbers are going down. because it's coming to the end of his first term and it looks like crap to people. >> bill: that's how reagan beat carter. four years ago you better off? >> i know jimmy carter is a genius. he could, you know, parallel park a submarine. but everybody knew it was crap. >> bill: okay. texas wants voter i.d. law and you heard earlier bernie goldberg says he wants a quiz in order to vote you have to pass bernie's quiz. a couple of questions like who the vice president may be
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something like that. anyway, our pal, and i know you admire him very much eric holder the attorney general is fighting, fighting texas' i.d. law. and you say? >> well, steadman is smart enough to realize that the black vote is maxed out in this country. they get a 95% bang for their buck. it's monolithic and at this point they have got to find new people to scare and that's the hispanics. that's the renewable energy source for the democrats. they have got to find some new people to freak out. and they are going to start freaking out the hispanics and say they are coming for them because they have maxed the black vote out. that's what this all comes down to. >> bill: you think there are some hispanic americans that don't have identification that they won't be able to vote. and so that's who they are targeting to get them all upset? because it really doesn't make any sense on the face of it as everybody knows you have got to have an i.d. to buy cigarettes. got to have beer. got to have an i.d. to do anything but you can go to vote. looking for the video. we may use it the kid, the guy
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who runs around embarrassing people. what's his name? tell me in my ear piece what's his name? >> dick morris? dick morris? dick morris? >> bill: not the tear. the guy who brought the camera up to vermont. this guy o'keefe. he brings the camera up to vermont and he takes pictures of guys voting under dead names and all of that. we may run that later on. everybody knows there is plenty of voter fraud around. why not have an i.d. that's the duty of a citizen. the justice department is fighting it. it's crazy. >> billy, all i know if somebody looks you in the eye and says i can't get an i.d. together the them out. >> you can't buy all four kiss albums from the columbia record and tape club without an i.d. >> bill: that's a shame. i think that's wrong. >> that is wrong. >> bill: al gore says democracy is being hacked. what did you say and what is it? >> he is down south and
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southwest now if you want to do me a favor. stroll across the border line down there and become an illegal american guy in mexico, okay? now, i saw this week, billy, the danish people said there was some research. they said co 2 might be the cause of our obey -- owe would he say city. i'm looking at gore -- obesity. he is looks like they are chucking bear claws down his mouth like tic-tacss not his dietary habits that's made him obese. >> bill: the guy with the beard and the green hankie, did you see that parade by you? >> yeah, did i. >> bill: who is that guy? looked like fu man chu? who is that guy? what's going on? [ laughter ] >> bill: can you throw that up again? i love that guy. come on, throw it up. they can't. they can't throw it up. somebody broke their finger. >> billy, let me say this about gore.
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gore has gotten to that weird point where he finds out that it is getting hotter and, guess what, we all like it. [ laughter ] >> we like having a warm winter. he is the only guy who is bummed out about it. that's got to drive him crazy. >> bill: throw more coal on the barbie. >> bill: there he is who is this guy? who is he? >> i don't know. i think that's the batman's butler in mandarinville. >> look at that guy. we have got to get him on the factor. dennis miller, everybody quick reminder. mother's day coming up, father's day coming up. all of you in the midwest what better gift for mom and dad than bolder fresher. friday night indianapolis. friday afternoon june 23rd chicago rose month theater. tickets are going to sell out. mom and dad get them what they deserve, miller, i'm just a toss in. details on bill o' laura ingraham on deck. fox is shilling for mitt romney, miss laura will react moment [ female announcer ] feeling that flu all over your body?
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight, we believe we have been fair to rick santorum on the factor. sure sean hannity likes him. for a while people thought he was co-anchoring with greta van susteren he was on so much. still, the senator feels that fox news has been favoring mitt rom ninchts he has had all the organizational advantage. he has fox news shilling for him every day, no offense, brian but i see it he can't seal the deal because he just doesn't have the goods to be able to motivate the republic base and win this election. >> bill: wow, joining us now to react radio talk show host and fox news analyst laura ingraham in washington this evening. thanks for subbing for me the last couple of nights. >> that was fun. good time. thank you. >> bill: santorum, does he have a point? we're are not doing him fair or what? >> well, look, two points on
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that. number one, it's never really helpful for a candidate to complain all that much about media coverage. i mean, it's fun in the debates to make a point here or there. you tend to look a little bit whiney, okay? that's one point. second do i think most people at fox think that romney is probably going to be the nominee? i don't know. i have not done a poll. but 80% of the country thinks romney is going to be the nominee. 80% of republicans, i should say. so maybe a majority of people at fox think that but, at the same time, i think rick santorum has been on more shows on fox than -- i would imagine romney has. and he has gone on and i think he has gotten fair treatment i don't know what specifically is he talking about. i think i have been fair to him and i think have you been fair to him. i'm not sure what he is talking about. >> bill: talking about the hard news guys cammeron and those guys kind of always
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putting in perspective that romney is ahead and santorum doesn't like that. here is the data. santorum since he announced his candidacy has been on the factor four times. mitt romney three times. and newt gingrich seven times. okay? now, i want to explain that we don't put candidates on this program unless there is a reason. so there has got to be a reason, a controversy, something they said or done. we just don't say okay here is four minutes and give me what your rehearsed speech is. >> i don't know what specifically he is talking about. i don't think -- even if there was something to it, i don't know what the point is of raising it. i don't see really what the point. >> bill: is he frustrated. >> laura: everyone could be frustrated. >> bill: better job on the campaign. is he angry that gingrich won't drop out. he wants gingrich to drop out. he thinks is he beat romney one-on-one. >> laura: i understand that here is what we need to talk about and this is one point, bill, i know you have touched on before. look, it is true that mitt
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romney is winning the delegate game. he has incredible organization. he won more delegates last night. there is no denying that. there is no denying that. >> bill: it wasn't reported. >> laura: yeah, it wasn't reported enough, certainly and bernie was right. it did break weight. but, look, that is a fact. at the same time, it is a facts and romney's campaign is grappling with this he has not been able, to even in the states where he has won, except for virginia to get over 50% of any republic electorate voting supporting him. >> bill: are you really surprised by that? come on. let's be honest. >> i'm not surprised by it. >> bill: caucuses are dominated by very committed conservative individuals. >> romney is not that. >> billy, precisely right, however, i think what's happened here is that the base of the party, which was disappointed in 2008, and they are still frustrated even after the 2010 elections some are frustrated with, i guess,
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boehner. some are frustrated with the process in d.c. they think they are not fighting obama hard enough. they are mad about obama care. so, and so there is a lot of frustration and a lot of angst. and they are not all that happy that the quote, establishment, whatever that means, only gave them really one alternative. that was mitt romney. i talked to these people every day on my radio show. they are very angry. they are very upset. they are channeling it to rick santorum now. he is the beneficiary of that. he has home spun very patriotic message. even if they don't think he is the nominee they want to stamp their feet that is a wakeup call. >> bill: i always say angst you say ongst. >> maybe it's a connecticut thing i don't know why i say that. >> bill: jaw gets clinked. >> we need miller back. he would settle it for us. >> bill: working overtime this week. thank you. pinheads and patriots on deck. chris rock getting very upset with a conservative questioner.
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>> first the mail... >> really? i thought i can not speculate. >> you have to wise uponr up, rich. two liberal congress beg people allow miss fluke access to capitol hill. and he was taken on as a client
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pro bono. and who is the boss? anita dunn, former white house communications director. no speculation, no spin. >> no, there are others doing a good job. example, "the wall street journal" editorial page, good source of accurate information. >> i hope you're wrong, frank.
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>> it got lost in the tsunami of political correctness, robert. verboten is forbidden in german. no cliche intended. i would have done it in a little arnie, wloos his name -- arnie johnson accept. >> don't forget, if you sign up for bill o' premium membership, you get a free copy of "killing lincoln," the book or the audio.
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>> you're welcome, that is corrects for showing up. i will be in west palm beach friday. and melbourne, on saturday. we are in napeles, we are in tampa and sarasota, great time everywhere. thanks again. and pinheads & patriots. not easy being a celebrity in america. everybody's got a camera, looking at you. sometimes bad things can happen. a conservative author, jason mattera, walked up to chris rock and -- well -- roll the tape. >> big fan. grew up in brooklyn. how's it going. >> can i get a picture? >> sorry, sorry. [overlapping dialogue] >> all right. mr. jason mattera is a pinhead because he misrepresented
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himself. rock was kind enough to give him the picture and then he turns around and ambushes him. you don't want to do that, all right? even though he reacted poorly, can't call mr. rock a pinhead because that has happened to me and i don't always react in the best way. i wish civility would take hold in this country. we dont need to do this stuff. that's it. check out the fox news factor web site, different from bill o' tonight's an interesting night about dishonesty, at the highest levels of the national media. also, we would like you to spout off about the factor from anywhere in the world. name and town if you wish to opine. the word of the day... no swagdum, if -- swiekdom, this word is a real word. i'll tell what you it means tomorrow. but it is nowhere to be


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