tv Forbes on FOX FOX News March 17, 2012 8:00am-8:30am PDT
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fossil fuels and yet they are socialist. >> it is socialist medicine and all of that. guys, thank you all very much. david asbin next on forbes on fox. here's davy. >> well, it may not guarantee you land a job. but the white house said another 28 billion will go a long ways to helping you look for one. it is called universal displaced worker program. they will get $4000 a year for job training and child care and transportation and $1250 for relocation expenses. some say they have a better idea. get them a job instead. welcome to forbes on fox . go in focus with steve forbes. and morgan and victoria and rick and mike. steve, what do you think about the jobs program. >> it is an explosion year ploy and will not create jobs.
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if you want to create taxes cut taxs and get rid of obama care. that would get the economy moving. you get training in a local college or on the jobs training. only job we train for is for president obama after november. >> oh, dear. rick, what do you think? >> we are talking about that or the election. and talking to you about the job training program. this is what i want to understand. figures came out and said tell us that 93 percent of every bit of upside in the first year of the recovery went into the pocket of the one percent. they didn't spend it on creating jobs. and now people come along and want to complain that a measly 2. something a year will retrain people to find work. we are complaining about that? no. stop complaining and putting the blame on government.
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people will not spend money to hire people is stopping the recovery. >> rich, for a moment look at the track record of the job creation programs . they don't work well even though labor department admitted that. overall, it appears possible that ultimate gains for participation in job training programs are small or nonexistent. that was in 2 you and 2010 there was a job training program for the stimulus and why pour more money down something that is not working. >> you are right. they don't work because if you are out of a job, last person to give you credible advice of how to get back in the work force is a social worker from government. if they knew anything they would do productive jobs themselves. steve is right. improve the overall economy. in terps was charity. what president obama should
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do. is ask churchs and faith-based organizations to get people from the private sector to volunteer to help train people. this is what my church does. saturdays where hr managers tell people how to do a job interview. get people from the real world who know something about what it is like to get a job. >> morgan, that might be helpful. i don't want to discourage that plan. but job training program don't create yobs, businesses do. >> these two actually can go together. and exist together. it is a job training programs exist for a decade now. and as far as the effectiveness of job training programs are concerned. that's the point for this new proposal and restructuring of two programs that exist to make them morective and cut the red tape. we are looking at 150,000
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workers that got aid from the program that this restructuring is around. the white house projected 500,000 people will be bettered by the program. >> we are restructuring programs and i guess you could go back to fdr. they are reorganized and reshuffled but according to the labor department they don't work well. >> they don't. the government accounting office said 18 billion in taxpayer money that was spent on 47 program. they don't score themselves to see how they are doing . they are constantly shut down. and redone. put the 18 billion back in the pockets of consumers. >> victoria. programs that score well are scored by the people hosting the programs and states and localities that get money from the fed's job training program
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and score them high . say they work great. they have a vested interest in them working well. >> that's probably not a coincidence david. i think they are some what tragic in the sense that they give people who show up for them false hope. >> if you look at numbers was displaced workers. largest chunk is in manufacturing. what i don't understand, they are living in place that is have high unemployment because manufacturing left those areas . so we are going to train them to do what? move to california and work for a solar company? is the government forcing the economy this way. instead you want overall growth because of a rising tide. and imagine, morgan to victoria's point. one of the stimulus job training programs focused on solar energy and training people to work in the solar
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industry. imagine how they are gone and talk about building false expectations. and to the point we talked about. the tech industry and it does not have enough trained skilled quorkersment >> those conditions require more and you can't do that in a summer course. >> no, rising gas prices with the high cost of the child care is help and empower health care worker to go out and get the training. >> rick unger said that the job training programs could work on the short term, go ahead, rick. >> we are totally mischaracterizing what the program is, we are talking about giving people money to pay for the community colleges so they can learn to be computer programmers this is not someone volunteering their time on the weekend to get counseling.
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we tried it before. they don't work well. and yet, if you look at what the program is going to do, it is going to stream line the entire process. that is not true. the key -- wait, wait, wait. the key arcticle was publish detroit news where they were complaining that the program we had helped to train tons of people in michigan and they were afraid it would go away. >> victoria you are shaking your head no, go ahead. >> rick, you are arguing that we train someone in virginia to work in facebook? that doesn't make sense. computer jobs are going abroad. and tech companies are high skilled jobs. >> we know to create an environment for job creation . we had job shortage as we had for time to time. and companies have an incentive to train people they wouldn't have trained before. they do it quickly because
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they want those people on line. steve fosh bes. thank you and thank you, gang. did you see this? fans already lining up going wild and cheering up waiting for more. what are they waiting for? more primary coverage on the fox business network. we are stretching the truth. they are all excited about this thursday before 8:00 p.m. eastern. and we'll have the results from the illinois primary and all over the world. watch it and profit from it. >> spring breakers and vacationers everywhere have something besides the end of winter to celebrate. what one airport is doing that could mean shorter lines and cheaper fares. we'll have the details coming up. i'm consolidating my assets. i'm not paying hidden fees or high commissions.
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>> new details on an american soldier suspected in a deadly shooting spree in afghanistan. army staff sergeant robert bales held in fort leavonworth, kansas. he was not charged yet but suspected in killing 16 afghans. he is a husband and father of two children. he served three tours in iraq. and was injured twice. >> former general petraeus knighted in holland. he was recognized for service to the netherland and commander of international forces in afghanistan. he by the way is the first american general since world war ii to receive this honor. back to forbes on fox for all of the latest headlines. log on to fox mikey mouse's home town
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airport is not mickey mousing with frisky screeners. orlando airport is trying to oust the government screeners and replace them with private workers. it would make flying cheaper. >> it has competition where you get people trying to do it better in an effective way. you don't have to raise your hand and they look in your pockets and all of that stuff. but the bottom line make it fast exer safe yer competition will do it and you will have screeners who will be higher paid and better trained out there . spot the terrorist and get you through if you are not a terrorist. >> rick, do you think it would work? >> i like hearing teave saying private industry would be higher pay more than government. he usually complains government pays too much. the answer to the question is can we find a more effective
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way to do this. the piece of the security line in jfk. who knew it was for cavuto's show. we have to do a better job. it doesn't work the way we are doing. >> how do you know that? >> emac, the private sector might pay more, but the fact is, the government costs more. it is not necessarily the pay scale that the government is, it is all of the bureaucratic express that makes it cost more. >> i hear what you are saying and whether it will make us safer and more efficient screening process versus the government paid burrcrat that are basically wanting to be unionized. it is working in montana and other parts of the country. and even though they privatize
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the screeners homeland security can reject that move to privatize. you will get government regulated anyway. and so why try it? >> victoria, what do you think? >> i have to agree with rick. i generally hate to do that. >> and it doesn't feel that. i am sorry, rick. it is the process, right. if you took private workers in here and you are not fixing the problem and i don't see how you do that and it is worse now that we are forcing people to check bags. everyone is carrying as much as they can on the plane and that makes the security process more lengthy. >> we do have an example. government of israel owns 13 percent of the ll. they have terrific security private and boy oh, boy. a great tracker. they have had one high jacking
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in the existence. >> why would you want to work to the tsa to protect you from terrorist? better let the airlines to do it to get people quickly through. airlines do a bad job, they lose passengers. tsa does a bad job. nothing happens and we give them more money. >> dennis, which saves more money. private sector solution? >> no question that private solutions are more efficient and productive okay. i am glad we are having the debate today. it shows we have largely healed a lot since 9/11. but the morning of 9/11 when we saw the hijacking, oh, my gosh. we didn't have government military officers in charge of airport security. i think we ought to have marines and navy seals and washington and la . places like orlando san ford
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privatize it >> steve, what about the military coming in airports to assist. >> the military is there to protect us from known enemies. and having us pat us down they have more important thing to do. >> retired marines. it would be a constitutional issue putting our military in charge. >> and in the tsa line. oh, my god. >> bring it back to the private sector. rich unger. i think you are a fan of what ll does. they are primary a private sector example. >> i am a huge fan of what ll does and i hope liz can travel ll. she will not get through a security line after what she called the federal workers. >> rich troll burrcrats. >> oh, my goodness. >> isn't ll showing us that
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private sector can do it better? >> clearly ll doesn't have people like that. they have one or two people that interview people before they get on the plane. to be fair they are deal far fewer flights. it works much, much better than the crazy system we have. that makes people angry. >> you have the private sector at work. if you pass a certain test you can get through quickly instead of talking about it and you would get machines and technology it is in their about and everyone's interest. >> victoria why are we assuming private sector will do that. >> you are talking about ll. they are profiling . they do it effectively. i don't see us doing that. it seems unamerican. i don't see it happening. >> it is the fact that they spent three hours talking to each individual passenger. it may not be practical. but as bill said.
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government does twice as expensive. and if you didn't do your job, you wouldn't get paid. why should congress get paid for not doing their job? that may be about to change. cancelling class to go out and protest, this is how teachers say they are standing up for the students. are they right or wrong? man: 1939 -- my parents ran across an ad for a hot dog cart. my mother said, "well, maybe we ought to buy this hot dog cart and set it up someplace." so my parents went to bank of america. they met with the branch manager and they said, "look, we've got this little hot dog cart, and it's on a really good corner. let's see if we can buy the property." and the branch manager said, "all right, i will take a chance with the two of you."
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>> teacher in louisiana saying they are standing up for student to protest education reformings. rich, you say it is exactly why we need the reforms that they are walking out on. >> yeah, give me a break. teachers are not standing up for anybody but themselves and their unions and all of us on the show agree that we support teachers and we support ones that really care and what i don't get about the unions is why they spent so much time protecting the incompetence and border line pedophiles and people like that. >> teachers are protesting teacher evaluations and changes in tenure. we know how it is abused and three changes in pensions and other benefits. they are causes that the states and localities have. >> you have to be careful. i wish the unions would use
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the money to do a better job of public relations. this is not the way to make sure point. going out on strike, it is not the way to do it. >> if you look at what governor gendal has in mind. it is too onerous. are we going to support teachers or not. we should not be defending teachers that pull the students here in los angeles. they are sitting in the rubber room 20 years and getting paid and for not getting in trouble. i don't support that. it is the bad teachers that we are trying to get rid of and not the good ones. >> my concern with all of this, yes, let's get the reform and the teachers are out for themselves and not nationalize it. the point about education if we think it is important. keep it local. and the good school systems
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and ged rid of the pedophiles and that will attract parents and students. and ones that do badly will repel them. that is why he was against the public unions. and the issue is. quee on want to pay teachers. and when teachers fib and say we are striking for professional development. that is not setting a good example. >> george, it is impossible to bargain with the government; was he right. >> they knew it would be undermining the trade unions. why not a dual system . take the money as a scholarship and that is fine. >> give people a choice is
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