tv Red Eye FOX News March 20, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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with us. thanks for watching. see you back here tomorrow. welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld. i am the guy who does squats in a leather one see. now to andy levy for a pre game report. happy monday or tuesday morning. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> our top story tonight, did president obama promise to do a cameo if there is an entourage story? and america's favorite reality show is back. the latest from occupy wall street is coming up. >> kony 2012 has a second hit video in as many weeks. why do these children co founder have visible jenna tale yaw. >> see new a bit. >> no, i don't. >> you quit? >> no, i president do -- no i
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don't quit. somebody is sleeping on the couch again to it into. let's welcome our guests. she is so steamy that old people often complain that it is not the heat, it is the jedediah bila. her latest book is called "outnumbered." she is on the cover and looking serious. he is so bright he belches fire flies. i want to welcome a first time guest, fox business network anchor dennis neil with a silent k. he is suffering from madness but it is from the sigh los, it is bill schulz. and he is with the skinny jean con sorties yum. his latest comma de cd is called called -- comedy cd is called "pro joyce." good to see you pinch. >> according to a trifle called comscore, the paper of record has lost the top spot as the world's biggest
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newspaper website to "the daily mail." i don't know what a website is, but i will say this, in a vernacular these numbers with balderdash and popycock. jay you didn't have to say -- >> you didn't have to say that. >> that's what they say. is bho the ultimate bro? like most people from kenya, i mean harvard, our nation's 44th president was a huge fan of "entourage" and even scheduling sunday night conference calls around the awful, awful show during his 2008 campaign. mercifully "entourage" ended in 2011 and they look alike there, but there has been speculation about a film feature based on this repulsive series. and now the show's star says if the rumored movie gets made, the commander-in-chief will make an appearance that is brief. yes, on friday the actor
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posted a picture, not seen here, of himself with the president on his facebook wall writing under it, quote, i promise to make the "entourage" movie if he would do a cameo, and he agreed. seriously. he is staring in a new movie though, a tender story about a dog and a slide. i believe we have a clip. >> go on lad. go on lad. down you come. >> it is a good point. >> how disgusting is it that we have is a president to be on this awful, awful show.
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it is like finding out he could be a secret muslim. >> i figured you would be more upset he was taking time with the conference calls. i figured that would be the angle and i would have to point out that president bush was late for every budget meeting because he was being dragged away watching the microwave. >> you were playing off the fact that he can't tell the difference between a microwave. >> wait for it. it is going to ding. >> all right. he is one of the world's greatest precedents. i will forgive you for that. welcome to the program. you are the business guy here tonight. could this promiseed cameo by the president be even worse than obama care? if that is possible because obama care is the worst thing that ever was. >> well, it obviously is a trifling topic, but there are a couple of reasons that make it interesting.
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why is it that hollywood is so incredibly liberal and clearly loves the democrats and owe -- and obama even though they make more money and they are taxed more and will be taxed more if obama's plan goes through? and why isn't the president able to work a dvr? they had to schedule around "entourage" because he couldn't come back to it? i thought he was so smart. >> but dvr takes the excitement out of the show when it is first run. a lot of our fans will watch "red eye" live because it is so exciting to know that it is happening in realtime. that's rather than dvring it the next morning. >> or because they are alcoholics. >> one of the best ways to watch "red eye" is not to dvr it, but to have them repeat it via oral ledge end. jed do dye you yeah, nice to see you. is this going to be one of the broken promises 1234* he is a legacy of broken promises. >> you know what, i am going to shock you and tell you that i think it is kind of cool.
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i know i just said something good about obama. it is something that crazy needs to happen. i think i would love to see gop candidates do something like this. this is the way you get through to the pop culture and it is cool. and he could win an emmy and how cool would that be? >> it is in the movies. >> i am all for exciting kids, but not in this manner. >> you have done a lot of accidental cameos on the overpass where you sleep. please answer any question you feel capable of. >> i do have a question. is this oral legend a porn version of a bad tom cruise movie? secondly, i don't believe any of this. i think adrian is cursed to only play adrian. the guy needs work. the "entourage" movie is the only thing happening. he probably got a picture of obama at a stupid celebrity
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thing. he put it on his facebook page for one reason and one reason only. adrian needs to get laid. >> his come on-line is, i am the guy from "entourage" and now it is, i am the guy that used to be on" entourage." this came from a long line of presidents who made cameos. zachary taylor made a cameo on " golden girls." james polk played the younger brother in "wild, wild west." >> you are absolutely right. one time i walked into a best buy and opened a microwave and bush was staring and spinning around the little thing saying, this is amazing. >> it is a joke you can return to. >> i feel like i physicalled it. like i fixed it. it could set off further culture are whats. "entourage" celebrates a lifestyle in which you want to go out and have sex or smoke a
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dubie. should a president actually bring the office of the presidency into that kind of a -- >> that's fair. >> i would watch "entourage" as they referred to smoking pot as smoking dubies. i would watch the crap out of that show. >> it would great if he wasn't the president and he was a hot dog vendor. like the next scene would be like, isn't that crazy 40u67 -- how much that hot dog vendor looks like president obama? >> and it would be one job he is actually qualified for. >> you are giving me the bait here. you are leaving out one added bonus. more time for acting, and less time to destroy the country. >> there you go. this is certainly a fair and balanced look. >> just quickly, hot dog, bush's favorite thing to watch explode in the microwave. >> i hope that is not what you laughed at. >> i want you to president continue this -- i want you to continue this through the whole show. >> i had more stuff to say,
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but i think we have had enough here. from movies to movements. it is spring training, and we are complaining. occupy wall street is back and bacier than ever. a few hundred protesters sprung up like throw betters in lower manhattan to mark the anniversary of the anti-capitalist crusade with some marching through the streets chanting "bankers are gangsters." that doesn't even rhyme. and they were cursing at cops. the police made 73 arrests mostly during a late-night raid. in other words the whole thing worked. one press rep said, quote, every time they used violence to put us down it increases the number of people em pathetic to the cause. mayor bloomburg did a great deal of help by fund raising. meanwhile, police are trying to track down a twitter user called smakama1 who said "we won't make a difference if we don't kill a cop or two." the brave and anonymous dude behind the tweet said "it was a joke. it is not like i meant
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anything of it. who takes anything like that seriously? i am in florida. what are you going to do? i use that excuse all the time." you know who takes a clean desk to be seriously? the don't put it here cat. >> he wants his face protected. >> he does. it is like the pen is a metaphor for our own borders. jedediah, does this follow the weather port closer to any other in history. you only hear from them when it is nice outside jie. or a holiday and you can't distinguish between drunk people and the occupy protesters. it is one of those two cases. >> it's true. st. patrick's day, bad choice? >> as an irish-american the
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only thing i hate more than yahoos getting drunk and publicly urinating is hippies dressing like leprechauns public leer urinating -- publicly urinating. you know what you do if you put a wig on? shakira. >> they are like, they are always after me. >> you have street troops and guitar playing sing along. that's a typical friday night for you at the moon tower. >> that's right and thanks for dressing like an easer -- like an easter basket tonight. >> that is hurtful. >> if only they took a camera shot of me sulking. >> they didn't even do that. >> they will put it in post. >> is this a bad sign that helps us thrive from scraps on police and getting arrested?
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>> it was a very revealing statement when they said "it helps us with fundraising." and that is part of what ows has become about is fundraising. it raises money from unions and people who are sympathetic. the problem with ows is it really is a movement driven by envy and self-entitlement. in america we awls try to -- i'm trying to be serious, but we try to guarantee equal opportunity, and we need to work on that. >> no, we don't. >> but they want guarantee of equal outcome. they want everything to be equal. but in countries with the most even pay across the entire society, they have the worst economy and the worst growth in countries with a huge gap between rich and poor, they have more job growth and basically more things to help the poor. >> i agree with everything you said. but don't come out against the gap. they have a lot of good things. >> this anonymous guy, his name is rusty braxton. could he have been a ringer? with a name like rusty, i'm not sure he can be a left
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winger anymore. >> and he is in florida. the only democrats are in certain areas of south beach, and i don't think they have computers. secondly i would also say that this guy described himself as an arm chair quarterback. he never participated in anything occupy wall stree. -- wall street. he has observed it from his on clave in florida. arm chair quarterback refers to people watching the nfl and chastising the quarterback as he does stuff that a dumb chair quarterback couldn't do. it has nothing to do with threatening a police officer. >> i love how this guy thought he was going to say that and get away with it. no one would investigate it. you can just say on the internet i will kill a police officer or it is a good idea to kill a police officer. >> people are not accustomed to what twitter empowers them and the violent nature of it. regular people reach half a million people, and they are going to mess up jie. that's a good point. most don't know what they are doing. they think they are sending an
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e mail to friends. >> look, all of the domestic terrorism and the cyber threats aside, i want him sentenced to 25 years for being utterly humorless. you say "kill a cop" and you call that a joke? you have the audacity to call that a joke? without even attempting a punch line like if you kill a cop on st. patrick's day at least it won't be hard to book a bagpipe. >> despicable. >> let's remember there is the first amendment on out there that is supposed to protect all, but the worst of speech. if the cops go after this guy, and we realize he is in florida, and he didn't mean it at all, they are going after his free speech right to say inappropriate things. >> but that is deemed as a threat. i think you would have the responsibility to investigate that. you can't just say anything. >> actually, yes you can say anything. that's the idea of the first
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amendment. >> but if you make a threat, it has to be investigated, and then the person should be -- my feeling is the person should always be billed are to the investigation. it is like -- >> that's actually not a bad idea. >> you brought it on yourself. >> the government could abuse that and go after you on purpose because you don't want to be billed. >> there is another element we are not looking at. has all outrage addiction gotten so bad that we turned one anonymous yaw hue who is not a public figure who did one tweet into front page news. that in and of itself is surprising. >> it is not front page news. it was on page six in "the daily news" and it is" red eye." everybody knows that page six in "daily news" is page one everywhere else. that's where the scoop is. >> to make a kind of serious pointt is satire is always protected under freedom of speech. but this douche clown is hiding under the -- i was joking. buts that is not funny. there is no joke.
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i can say fire in a crowded theater. that's the defined line. that's where they draw line in the supreme court where the freedom of speech ends. i can get away with it. i can find a way to make it satire and make it funny. th guy is not being funny. oh that was a joke. >> i can kind of believe you, but i keep thinking of bushes in microwaves. >> i don't know, we will have to agree to disagree. >> what do we agree? he insulted comedy? >> and i think we can all agree that that is a stupid shirt. >> you said that about this? >> i am offended by that observation. i look like an easter basket as well. >> by the way, you look like you just guest starred in "miami vice" st. patrick's day edition. that took me awhile, but i got there. coming um, can you wear
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she has graced many covers in blue brock's covers. elle mcpherson outed obama as a socialist. the model turned marxist says she supports the president because of his socialist tendencies. check it out, check it outers. >> who should be the next president of the united states, elle mcpherson? >> i think obama is going to do it. >> you think obama will get it? >> yes. i am living in london and i am
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a socialist, so what do you expect? >> that's what a secret comme will do. it raises the question, do great danes make great beds? >> i'm sorry, but i can't condone that behavior. >> they are the two different types of dog breeds. it could go really far. it could go in a dark and ugly direction. jesse, did elle mcpherson just confirm what everybody knew, that obama is a socialist? and isn't it fantastic that a fashion model of her stature has come out and said so? >> if you are going to suddenly -- when did we start taking elle mcpherson's thoughts seriously?
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if we do that we have to accept them all. she also said "i haven't heard anything unless i have written it" and then she said" i believe men and women are different therefore the concept of equal rights sits differently with me." what are your thoughts on the complexity of the electoral prost success? >> have i to say two out of three ain't bad. does anybody really care -- a supermodel doesn't have to worry about her thoughts because even a dictator will go, oh she is a supermodel. i will let her in. so socialism and facism doesn't matter. >> no matter what she says people will forgive her because she is a up supermodel. can you be a multimillion-dollar supermodel and be a socialist? i don't think you can. >> she will when she gets older. >> she has built a great amount of wealth. >> but she has never actually worked. it comes from the way she looks. the moment she has to work is on the home shopping channel
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and she will become a capitalist. >> do you think she was a joke? she was making light of critics who say obama is a socialist? >> i think she is serious, but i don't think she knows what the word socialist means. i did a little research and found she is worth $$45 million, and not just for being a supermodel. she owns a production company. she launched a fitness line of clothing and workout videos, a line of lingerie, maternity wear lines. socialist my tooshi. she is a capitalist. she made a ton of money off the system. she needs to look up socialist in the dictionary. she would be no where if she was a socialist. >> one thing about this the obama people are cringing because she has done this. it would be cool to be associated with her. >> it is like taking cameron to the basketball game and cameron said in an interview "i am surprised the game was so fast and furious." he was like, oh! exnay on that. >> i think republicans need to
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look up socialist. the last seven presidents, the top three biggest spenders were republicans. if obama was a socialist, what is regan? carl marx. >> he redistributed the wealth. >> secondly, if elle mcpherson is as vacant as we claim, isn't the opposite of what she said true, and obama is something but a centrist? >> put a t in the word. >> and thirdly -- >> no more points? >> elle has freavage. she has freckles in the cleavage. once you notice it you can't look away and it proves something. i am straight. >> a model claiming she is a socialist is like a panda claiming he belongs to the knights of columbus. it has no affect on your actual life because you live beyond the rules. a panda doesn't have to go to the meetings.
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>> pandas are pretty lazy. >> they are. >> it does have an affect in a way. young girls will see that and they think socialist is a good thing. it means zero prosperity and no money and elle mcpherson doesn't become elle mcpherson. >> number one, young girls don't listen to anything but their i-pods. >> sexism. i am crying sexism. >> it is cool to say socialism. that's why anybody who is an under grad always talks about socialism and carries around their books. >> you know what it is called? fleavage. girls, go out and get some sun, no sun block. on that note, do you have a comment on the show? 212-462-5 050. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by cherry blossom. the flower of the chap niece
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welcome back. let's find out if we have anything wrong so far. let's go to andy levy. hi, andy. >> how was your st. paddy's day. >> uneventful, thankfully. >> did you walk around with your pot of gold? >> that's what i call it. i know i have a problem. sometimes i can't get to the bathroom. >> i understand.
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president obama says he will do a cameo in an entourage movie. nice job getting your anti-bush joke in there even though greg didn't go anywhere near where you thought he was going. >> i even called back successfully. >> you are a pro. >> i know what i'm doing. >> dennis, you said obviously this is a trifling topic. first of all, you take that back, sir. this is our lead. >> withdrawn, your honor. >> appreciate that. there is nothing trifling about "entourage." it is death and depravity and disgustingness which is a word i think i just made up. >> indeed you did. but "entourage" is a boy fan -- fantasy thing. >> awful show. >> why do you guys think it is awful? i think "entourage" is a lot of fun and all of us wish we could be that guy. >> not me. i was that guy. >> you were that guy, that's why you don't wish it. >> it is escapism.
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>> i don't know what that means. >> thanks, nerd bill. >> just because people called you turtle in high school doesn't mean you were there. >> you know what the problem is with "entourage," if a song showed up on" entourage" you could never listen to it again. it would be linked to them walking around. it would be a great song and then in your mind you say they poohed on a great song. >> obviously we could talk about this all night as greg you and i often do. >> yes. >> but the first couple seasons it was a terrific show, and then it was unnecessary. >> terrible. >> jedediah, you think it was cool obama was doing that. nothing cool about "entourage." >> but it would be thighs if one of the gop candidates did something like that that the young people could say, that's cool. just something cool. give me something. romney, give me something. >> i think romney did
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"hee-haw" in the 70s. >> wasn't santorum on "sex and the city" for awhile? >> yes, remember the guy that was dating -- >> carrie? >> yes, carrie. and he had issues and then that thing happened and he left a post-it note on the refrigerator saying i gotta go? that was santorum. >> bill, you say you don't believe any of this that adrian had his picture with obama at a fundraiser? i think the picture was him and a wax figure of the president. >> see, he has a lot of spare time on his hands. wax museum could fit in his schedule. i don't think this will happen at least while he is in office. if it is "entourage" it is rated r and there will be nudity and sex and no president would get involved. >> i would see a pg version of "entourage" just to see how horrible it could be. >> perfect example, "hangover
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2". even bill clinton said no at the last minute. even bill clinton. >> and that movie was tame compared to bill clinton's real life. >> george w did do a cameo on the second kumar movie. >> he was doing some damage. looking at microwaves. >> that joke is too priceless to drop. >> i suggest you work it in the performance in hilarities. >> now i don't have to waste my time. >> hilarities. it is in cleavland. you can't spell cleavland. >> i am moving on, greg. >> occupy wall street, you said on saturday a few hundred protesters sprung up. i believe you meant sprang. >> i stand corrected. >> dennis, you thought it was
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a revealing statement when the ows guys said all of the arrests, quote, did a big help last night in terms of fundraising. but to be fair the rest of the guy's quote was, quote, but it is not just about the financial aspects. it is not about people writing checks, although they will. >> but who wants to be fair, right? i didn't think that would be the object at all. >> it is my object, sir. it is always my object, sir. >> you have to add that second part. it is better to cut it out. never let the facts get in the way of a good story. >> jesse, i don't -- i could be wrong here, but i don't believe this guy ever said he was trying to be funny when he tweeted that thing about killing a cop or two. he took it out of context and hement for the u.s. to have the kind of resolutions they have overseas, but he claims he wasn't advocating it. did he claim he was -- >> he said it was a joke. >> i don't think he meant in a a -- do you have it there? >> i do.
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i don't. i thought i did. >> i don't think he meant in a ha-ha joke kind of way. it was in a he didn't mean it kind of a way. >> it doesn't matter. it is not a joke. >> why does your cat hate having pens on the desk so much? >> i don't get that. >> there was a video of a cat. i forget you leave. >> you have anything about bush in a microwave? >> elle mcpherson says she supports obama because she is a socialist. jedediah you said her net worth was $45 million. various networks say it is closer to 55 or 60 million. i hope it is closer to 60 because i am worried. and kathy ireland is the richest supermodel with a net worth of $350 million.
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>> you know why? she is a capitalist and she does the home shopping network thing. >> and fleavage. and andy i want to add something. the call mark regan thing was a line used in the study about regan and democrat things. i apologize for reading "news week." >> bill, you did say that if elle was as empty headed as we are saying, isn't it possible that the opposite of what she said is true and obama is a centrist. i don't think that is the opposite. >> i didn't say that. >> yes, you did. >> he said the opposite is true which is a cent ri st. >> you said he was a centrist. >> it president matter. he -- it doesn't matter. he lost the point. >> jesse, last chance. any microwave jokes? >> that's not how call backs work.
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>> i don't think you know how call backs work. are you sure? >> yes. i will expense the timing. >> president bush put something in a microwave. >> a dead horse in the microwave apparently. >> you got nothing 1234*. >> it is not that i don't have anything, andy, the timing is bad. >> story of my life. >> you know, if you ever asked president bush to do something he would just do it. he wouldn't say the timing is bad. i think we learned a lesson here. president bush, eh. jesse george, eh. >> be careful with that. coming up, it is the new season of "mad men." not here but on some other show. and coming up, the new close up video of kony twenty 12 creator's epic melt down.
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last week the creator of the crazy viral video kony 2012 was obtained in san diego for striping naked in public and possible whree -- possibly masterbating in public. it was spread by celebrities bike oprah and crien secrist and lady gag a and viewed by more than 80 million views on youtube. the now video of russell's melt down obtained by t sm z is set -- tmz is setting the internet on fire.
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i hear that every morning in the park. russell's wife is blaming the outburst on critics of the film. he said it manipulates the facts and over simplifies the issue. his family released a statement and he never had a substance abuse or drinking problem. it was not caused by either of those things. it was, of course, extreme pawsion -- exhaustion and dehydration. it caused him 20* freak the f out. oh yes. people say russell won't be charged. it was my least favorite. let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning round. lightning round. >> jedediah, i was away on vacation in florida when this whole kony thing hit. i have no idea what it is about. i lost interest.
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when the guy behind the message has a total naked melt down does it help or hurt? >> it discredits some of what was happening. i don't know if it should. the problem is they said he was cawed and dehydrated. i don't know about you guys, but when i am exhausted and dehydrated i get water and i take a nap. people might think there is something else going on. >> if only. >> that's what i'm talking about. >> he was dehydrated and in extreme exhaustion that is a guy who knows how to masterbate. >> aren't thousands of people doing this after the new york marathon? >> that's an slept question. what he did, bill, looks like a typical tuesday to you. what did he do? >> we are missing the point. you watch the video and you listen to the stuff he was yelling and the inflection of the whole thing. the most shocking part of the
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story is not what he did, but the fact that he has a wife. that is what really surprised me. i heard him refer to her as his friend, and that to me makes a lot of sense. >> dennis, are you a medical doctor. >> yes. >> diagnosis for this. >> i will be very surprised if indeed it is proved through toxicology tests and everything that drugs or alcohol or something wasn't playing a big role in that. it is something that so many people do take substantives to have an experience like he is having without drugs at all. something is going on there, but maybe it is fear of success. what will get more downloads, his naked video or the kony 2012 videos that brought him to fame? >> who was the female comedian who said kudos for him forgetting two viral videos in a week. i can't remember her name. >> i don't like your guys generalizing what is a disease afflicting many americans. i for one from day one have been working against exhausting awareness. i wear a bow for it. it is not on my person where
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you can see it. >> i think this is an extension of his artistic vision. he is trying to raise awareness for invisible child soldiers, and he does so by discharging millions of invisible children in mailboxes and park benches. >> you are a weird owe. i think he is the real hero. >> i think perhaps this will taint his image. >> it will taint your shirt. i think exhaustion is an epidemic. >> it is a disease. >> but i'm telling you, the only time people do this is after you do drugs. unless you are mentally ill -- >> i play patty cake all the time. >> you know what, you say that, but as you remember, lyndsay lohan suffered from cawsion many times. exhaustion many times and no drugs were involved. also another person with fleavage. next topic, a california tv weather man, is there any other kind, is suing cbs, a network, for sex and age
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discrimination. he claims his job applications were ignored because he was not an attractive young woman. this happened to me a lot. kyle hunter, seen here. he is looking sassy. he is seeking unspecified damages after he says he was passed over for jobs at two cbs stations for women with no qualifications despite his years of experience. he looks like david bowie. a spokesman says the complaint is frivolous and based on misstatement of facts. dennis, gloria all re d is his lawyer. does it make you dislike him more or like him more? >> number one goal is to make sure i say nothing on this show that could wreck my career. you guys are crazy here. you don't say anything. so, it makes me dislike him more that she is his lawyer. that lawyer has an amazing nose foregoing after news-generating cases even if she doesn't go after terribly just causes sometimes. however, in this case, i have
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suffered the arrows he has. i have people with half my experience go on because they had wonderful looks. >> they looked remotely human? >> yes. >> i kid him. not you, jesse. i don't kid you at all. are you a hideous human being. can you vouch for this man's concern? >> here is the deal. he is really kind of leathery looking these days. >> i thought he was quite handsome. >> when the tv kicks you off, just go back into the microwave as he has been doing. look. have you seen his real? go to youtube and check out his real. when he delivers the weather he gyrates. he is like what would happen if kathy kathy lee gifford has sex with an impersonator. >> who says she didn't? >> wait a second though. are we looking at the same photo. i'm looking at that photo and
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he is one cycle away from being an attractive woman. i think i have seen him as an attractive woman at vince's cabaret on dollar beer nights. allegedly. >> bill, you are one to talk. >> the pot calling the kettle black. he is an attractive man, jedediah. >> i am the pot calling the kettle gorgeous. >> the only reason you would watch weather men is if they are good looking. >> they are all wrong 90% of the time. i think we can all say we would rather see somebody attractive. i think he is cute. it is not like he sogly or odd looking -- ugly or odd looking. >> fox news has excellent looking and talented weather men and weather girls. >> his body is awesome. >> you want to work in another microwave joke? >> no, it is interesting that you say the word reporting the weather on television like a jewish last name. you say weather men.
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we are going to red eye at fox the red eye robots will answer because i don't have time for the shaw fan gnaw agains. somebody who didn't leave a name says "how much time off does gutfeld get off anyway? he was already on vacation the first week of january, and he has had so many day offs in between, more explaw nation points, what a disgrace. >> first of all, why are you yelling? do you need a robot hug? just remember that it is not your fault. second, if you are not getting enough greg, feel free to visit him at his home. his address is 4432 henry street , apartment 18 new york, new york. ps he hides a key outside the plant on the door. and pps, he likes surprises.
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>> and then, do you actually read all of these? is it still possible to refer to a person as a cat? >> kevin if by cat you mean actual cats, then yes. we have a staff of over 20 cats who read every single e mail that gets sent to us. we have trained them to use bill schulz as a scratching post. and his desk is a toilet. >> that's interesting. >> what's the point of being a robot. >> finally, fred from kansas writes, 57 is a prime number and nobody called him on it. the kids have been left behind. no 57 is not a prime number because 57 is 19 times 3. >> fred, you know what number comes to mind. anyway, math was never my strong suit, but i did once
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have an affair with a texas instrument calculater. okay i lied. it was a casio. >> i would be ashamed of a casio. >> we will close things out with a post game -- thanks, did i nail that? at least i didn't use a microwave joke. oh another george bush. i'm answer edgy comedian. >> we will close things out with a post game wrap up from tv's andy levy. to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye.
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now back to andy levy. >> how is the website going? >> it is going great, and i have new stuff coming out for subscribers. come to jed do -- come to jedediah for good stuff. >> always deal with apple's big announcement. >> they had an all-time high because they would pay a dividend for one of the first time in recent history. here is why you need to worry about it. usually you have to pay a dividend to people because your stock doesn't go up as much as it used to. does apple know something we don't know? and your dividend gets paid -- you pay taxes on it so it is like getting taxed on a 50% rate when you receive a dividend. >> i am nodding which i understand. >> jesse, are you telling george bush microwave jokes jokes in cleavland? >> nose those, but i will be there the week of the 20th. >> the comedy show different from a joke? >> i stated it caulk wardly.
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