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tv   The Five  FOX News  March 22, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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greta you can tell us what you like and didn't like about tonight ace show. good night from washington, d.c.. ybod that. thank you. >> eric: hello, i'm eric bolling with andrea tantaros, bob beckel, dana perino, greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 at the ohio state university. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> eric: gasoline soared to a new record for marm today, topping $3.88 a gallon. that is 39 out of the last 40 days gas has risen. sensing the devastating blow to the re-election hopes, president obama hopped aboard partisan one and hit the campaign trail but in an attempt to come across as concerned, the president may have let a few little fibs out. check out the president in his own words. also note the newest graphic
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the barack obamater to find presidential mistakes. >> i'm directing my administration to cut through the tape and get through the hurdles to make the project a priority. >> people are worried about what is happening with iran. it doesn't have to do with the domestic oil production. so we are drilling all over the place. right now. that's not the challenge. that is not the problem. we're opening up 75-point of the oil resources offshore. america uses 20% of the world's oil and we have 2% of the world's oil reserve. >> eric: grossly misinformed or willing to say anything to get re-elected? >> bob: first, i want to dissociate myself with that new thing. said we have a new -- i don't. the president made a good point. drilling more today than in a
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long time. i go back and i don't know why i have to go over this over and over again -- >> eric: before you get that. the producers want to know why you are wearing sunglasses. >> bob: my eyes are hurting me. you're hurting me. >> andrea: corey hart just calls and he wants the sunglasses back. >> bob: very funny. >> eric: president obama claims that we are drilling more. >> bob: any republican in this, in the house who called for alternative energy. it's all about drill, drill, drill. i'm telling you, i just take -- what is called again? >> eric: barack obamater. >> bob: did you create that? that's impartial right there. >> eric: there are a lot of missed statements. he is speaking as we speak later at ohio state university.
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talking about alternative energy. claiming on board with drilling for a long time. >> dana: there is capital on energy, but give him credit. he decided to go out there and say the same statements over and over,, they go over it every morning to say wait, these three things are stretches of the truth or are not true. yet, they still don't change their tune. saying he will move it forward, this is a minor routine check that the army corps of engineer does regularly. 1,179-mile gap that actually needs attention that would have been helpful, but that's one he personally lobbied against last week. >> andrea: he has been openly hostile to fossil fuel for a long time. thank you for your meter, eric, but i think every person
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watching his speeches continuously, though he is trying to convince us otherwise see it's not adding up. this president has come out against drilling. it was his administration that shut it down. after the b.p. spill. now they gave b.p. a safety award. yet they shut down the drilling in the gulf. much to dismay of democratic senators. he has a problem on his hands when he says he's doing everything he can. drilling is up because of bush and clinton. not because of barack obama. >> bob: there are 4,000 more drilling rigs today under barack obama. [ overtalk ] >> eric: that is not right. >> bob: it is right. leaving that aside, you say -- i see, we had the biggest oil spill in the history of the world and not stop oil drilling. >> andrea: a big car wreck on the highway do you shut down the highway? >> eric: you are wearing sunglasses. greg, jump in here.
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>> greg: well're overlooking an important fact. can we show picture of obama speaking today? a little known fact that america is not aware of is obama is four inchs tall and he's standing in front of a pack of cigarettes. >> andrea: fascinating. >> greg: ugh every photo op, president obama keeps losing an article of clothing. roll up his sharifs, removes his tie, unbutton his shirt. if the campaign doesn't turn around he will only be wearing the harvard glass ring by memorial day. i'm concerned. >> bob: are you in favor of alternative energy? >> greg: i'm in favor of all energy. especially positive energy. >> bob: besides fossil fuel? >> greg: wind mills are a joke. solar power i can live with. we are exaggerating the importance. >> bob: so your important is drill, drill, drill, and we'd
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be fine? >> andrea: i don't know what this position really is. greg talks about rolling up his sleeves. isn't that half the battle in politics to convince the public you are doing something, when you're really not? >> eric: can we bring this back to what this is? president obama got on his airplane and jetted around a couple of states. four stops. a couple of things he is saying. we use 20% of the world's oil and only have 2% of the world's reserves. unequivocally incorrect, even his energy department says it's not so. why is he using the numbers? >> dana: i'm baffling by the decision-making. it's not fair and it's ridiculous to say that people on the republican side just want to drill. if that were true they wouldn't have the doe loans because they're passed by democratic congress. >> bob: but if -- >> dana: if i could get one thought out without you
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interrupting me. >> bob: sorry. >> dana: it's not just the republicans that came up that the pipeline, he didn't have to approve the pipeline. bloomberg news said it won't be if pipeline. cnn, more theater than substance. the problem is not with the vast right wing, reporting the wind mill or solar power and geo thermal. the market is doing that. the problem is they have a record they can't sustain if they will make the political argument they are making today. >> eric: jump in. all right, i'll correct one of your numbers. one of your numbers. currently 1,984 drilling rigs in america. we've had as many as 4,850. we have had 488. when the price of oil goes up, the drilling rig counts go up. on week-to-week, we track the number of rigs. the number of more four times under bush, and that's incorrect. >> bob: i did not say that. >> eric: okay. president obama has been
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saying and a lot of people on the left. >> greg: when they were talking about solyndra earlie earlier. >> eric: take a listen. >> obviously, we wished solyndra didn't go bankrupt. part of the reason they did is the chinese were subsidizing their solar industry and flooding the market in ways solyndra couldn't compete. but understand, this was not our program per se. >> greg: if solyndra succeeded it would have been their program. but it failed. so not our program per se. first question, who is per se and what does the french guy have to do with solyndra? [ laughter ] >> bob: they can't get away from solyndra not being the obama administration program. for sure. but the argument that the chinese are undercutting our solar industry, solar panels is right. we will see the entire industry -- >> andrea: let them. it's too expensive.
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even germany -- >> bob: so you are not for alternative energy? >> andrea: i am. but i'd rather have the private market do it. we're just throwing money away. why does the administration keep changing the reasons? first it was environmental reasons and now they're blaming congress. they think american public is stupid and they're not following what they are saying. they are watching everything. they're savvy on gas prices. miscalculation they are not. >> dana: the problem with solyndra they were trying to do single technology that wasn't necessary. solar market in america, especially the southwest is quite robust. we have good solar makers here. we're fighting with the chinese. world trade organization by the u.s. and european countries monday saying look at the chinese practice of subsidize the solar market. you know what the chinese
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said? great. look in america's too. see how that turns out. >> eric: free market -- >> bob: i wonder how many more chinese solar panels are here than made in the united states? depend on chinese to provide it for you? good. >> eric: depend on the free market. >> bob: i'd rather depend on america herself. not get your head in the sand. mitt romney has not come up with a single alternative proposal. not one. >> greg: do you think jason matero would mistake bob beckel for bono? >> dana: maybe. >> eric: leave it there. coming up, is the silent majority in america about to explode? rush limbaugh thinks so. rush when we come back. don't forget to e-mail us at ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back to "the five." we'll move on and talk about something more broad-based, is
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there an undercurrent of frustration going on in the country, and is it about to explode? rush limbaugh has some though thoughts. >> silent majority are the people who get up and go to work. try to play by the rules. try to do everything right according to the morality, and their sense of ethics and the right and wrong. my gut instinct about the silent majority is it's about to explode. it's about had enough. a lot of small instrumental things that happened over 20 and 30 years, but now with obama the small incremental things are becoming bigger. and more impactful with each instance. >> dana: rush limbaugh has been doing this for a long time and he has an amazing knack to spot trends. he looks ahead to see what is coming. general sense of exasperation if you stand for what you believe in, follow the rules
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and instability. a friend of mine called it subtle majority, not just the silent majority. what do you think? >> greg: who is he talking about? i don't think he is talking about just conservatives but both parties that is mocked by the media, the silent majority of takers who we hear the most from lately. the good news is when the silent majority explodes, they don't vandalize. they don't defecate on cars. they throw a picnic and they vote. >> dana: then they go back to paying the bills. >> bob: historical perspective, silent majority was richard nixon and spiro agnew. it was used as a racist code in the south and used to turn people against the vietnam war protesters, a terrible word used. if there are frustrated people, that's why. silent majority has a history, negative history.
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used by two of the most corrupt approximatelytitions in america. if you want to align yourself with that, if you're rush limbaugh. >> greg: i dent neif that is tra. >> andrea: let's rename it the get your blad pressure down. the mood majority. >> greg: the quiet storm. >> eric: let's talk about what rush said. he said a group that goes to work every day, works hard, pays their taxes, just wants to be, wants to have a voice. the problem is that kind of defines the tea party. looks like a conservative, tea party. the problem is it's almost not a majority anymore. people who are takers are almost more than 50% of america. >> tea party is less than 20% of the country. >> eric: talking about people paying taxes versus those who aren't. 49% of american households don't pay federal income tax.
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>> bob: obama's point -- >> eric: he is pushing that line closer and closer. >> dana: can we talk about one of the stories that started the conversation by rush limbaugh. there is a fox story about new york stony brook university. they decided, policy they are no longer going to offer, no holidays for either jewish or christian holidays because they didn't want people to be offended or feel left out. do you think this is sort of the feeling of oh, my gosh, lay off of us? >> andrea: i think it is feeding it. i think he is referring to, all the talk of the millionaires and billionaires and then the takers, people who are not paying taxes. there is a group of people in the midthat are middle class and people who worked hard to be successful. they fall right in the middle area. they are getting hammered. the folks in the middle class look at barack obama say tax the rich. eventually you can't tax the rich 100%. eventually you've got to tax the middle class. they are looking at this now
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and saying there is two classes. it's not just the makers and the takers. the politically connected and people who don't play by the rules. i play by the rules. if you play by the rules you lose. if you support barack obama or union or someone else, you get carve-out, special treatment. two classes. we're creating two classes. the president is pushing two classes. >> bob: try to say this with a smile on my face. the fact of the matter is most tax breaks have come to people who are rich. in the last 20 years. including other democrats. >> andrea: paul ryan is trying to do but you yell at him. >> bob: he is not responsible for this. the last major tax overhaul was good. it was good. most of the people were dropped off the roles at the bottom were under the bush tax plan. good idea because they were not in a position to pay for it. >> andrea: i'm what lusnating. a few days ago you demonized paul ryan budget plan that
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makes effort to reform the tax code. under his plan, millionaires and billionaires, the rich would be paying more than now. >> bob: $350,000 less. >> dana: i don't think this is just about taxes. this goes to storyline of political correctness and overabundance of an attempt to be tolerant at the expense of christians and jew jews who have holidays they observe, no longer going to get at this university. it doesn't have anything to do with taxes. >> eric: well, i don't know. aren't we moving to a society that is worried about ignoring religion. you know, we don't -- we want obamacare, take care of people. birth control, ignoring what the values are and entitlement society? i understand -- >> bob: what was the question? dana said this was absurd position for the university to take. it's about political correctness. it's not about entitlement
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society. >> dana: let's get the expert on, overabundance of tolerance. you're thinking about this lately. >> greg: i was. the wayk look at it, contraception issue ignored a large portion of society. if you compare it to thenatetive american issue about the bald eagle, that carve-out was simple. people are saying wait, there are people, groups of people that get carve-out and group of people ignored. >> dana: i think that is what he was meaning more, we'll talk about it for several months, maybe years. coming up, virginia school teacher made the students do opposition research on g.o.p. candidate and wants to learn how to pass it to the obama campaign. is that appropriate for the classroom? we'll debate it next. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> greg: welcome back. virginia school teacher recently made student do opposition research in class against republican presidential candidates. the school district rep told us that the eighth graders at liberty middle school weren't forced to send the dirt they found on the obama camp. but the teacher only asked kids to find out where the stuff should be sent. nothing to see here. parents are ticked off but they're wrong. this teacher, michael denman should be teacher of the year. for all he was doing is preparing the kids for college. after all, opposition research against republicans defines most college courses. he was just readying them for the starbucks socialism in the
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lounges. college isn't just dinging up dirt against the right but against america. remember ward churchill, an je la davis? you couldn't find a more anti-u.s. crowd west of islamabad. this is where i'm spending my retirement. when the brats come of age, america will be plagued by brainwashed activists who can't read or wry but will know how to rage against the dwindling entitlement. i am blaming parents of both parties. if you allow activists in your school it's on you when junior sends you in. why do they ignore the fruit of their major? they spend years touting america as op res somewhere, but then they're successful and they're like john wayne. like bill ayers never existed. the school changed the policy. they are now going to include the opposition research on president obama in the this kerfuffle. a word i love to use. you are the king of opposition
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research. if you were a teacher what would you tell them? >> bob: get every republican candidate. and you start on their taxes, then on their personal lives and then on to anything they have done. we control the i.r.s., you get in their background. we put together a big document. anything they said since they were two years old. including blah, blah, blah. you make it part of opposition research against republicans. this school making a deseg after pressure from us to go after barack obama is obscene. stick with the republicans, that's the right place to go. >> greg: you can say this is an exception. but i heard stories from people in my family who went through similar things. how about you? >> dana: i'm at the age now where a lot of my friends have kids and going to school. the stuff they say later, it's
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counterweight to being at home. you don't want to say you should think this way or that way, you want to encourage independent think something you might play devil's advocate. i have a quick story. a friend of mine whose little girl was in gym class. the kids had to line up on one side of the room. game, everybody who loves blue roven that way a.m. that whittles it down. everybody who runs unicorns, you'd run that way. the last question everybody who loves barack obama run that way. she was the only one that didn't run. the other kids laughed at her. >> andrea: good for her. >> eric: i have a 13 years old. needs are 12 rapid 13. not high school kids doing the opposition research or learning something about politics. their minds areing formed. my son goes to public school. last year i went to school a opened the textbook. they read like liberal opposition research. like bill ayers wrote this stuff.
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i won't call out teachers but unbelievable what goes on in school. >> bob: when you talk about the universities and the schools, schools teach a liberal abbott american stuff. see if i get it right. pomota, university of texas-ame-a&m and hundreds of schools teaching republican courses. >> eric: but you can choose where they go to college. >> andrea: if i were a parent i'd be furious. look at the scores, the ice of reading, writing irith ma tick. why are we lagging behind other countrys when it comes to the basic? we study other topics that do you middle school students need to do this? this has got obvious crazy. >> bob: if you ask most miles per hours and why the
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department is in trouble for closing down department of education. most people think they are sending their kids to good schools. but you are suggesting they send them to comemy instruction is insult to the school. >> i'd say that but liberal blogs would go crazy. >> bob: unfair that parents do not have access to -- >> andrea: what if this happened in bush was in office? they had the kids do opposition research on obama. find his birth certificate. what do you think would happen if they try to find his berth certificate? take a trip to kenya a visit his aunt and brother. coid you imagine? could you imagine? >> bob: i dote know. >> greg: what should happen to the teacher? do they have a policy in the school you aren't supposed to mix politics with education? >> bob: probably shouldn't. truth is, bad assignm.
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i happen to enjoy that. but alone on thatm >> andrea: you want to hire some of the kids. >> bob: well trained. at this age, not a good idea. mo of the civic courses and the rest of them are weakfyway. >> eric: civics, that's where it is. are most of the liberal bias comes in. it was post tea party. printed post seahawks. very, very, just complete distortion of the tea party. curious for the next rewrite. occupy -- >> try to balance it out a little bit. is there a reason you don't that. they get paid such little amount of money you get people drawn to school with a ternal sontous about what they do a they're liberal. >> greg: that's it. directly ahead, are you heard
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about boopbe noises in a small town in wisconsin? tum residents are streaked out. if you a for theorist, leave now stick arp. if yo -- stick around. ♪ ♪ 6:00 eastern.
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now back to new york and "the five." ♪ ♪ >> andrea: this is a fox news alert. the los angeles county coroner's office release findings of the autopsy on song bird whitney houston deeming there is no foul play, but that cocaine was involved. now there is a number of other drugs they detected like marijuana but said these drugs did not contribute to her death. so bob, you first. i don't think people are surprised with the press report of the years of whitney houston and years of substance abuse.
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still sad. >> bob: arterio schlerosis, there is connection between cocaine use and hardening of arteries. one reason i'm still alive is i got off the stuff. it is accidental, true. but that is the result of a major contributing factor of cocaine. my guess is she probably had a minor heart attack in the bathtub and drowned. but cocaine and artero schleros kill a lot of people. it may not have contributed to it but if you look at what the drugs are, this is a list of anything, that anybody should stay away from. dangerous things. xanax, one of the worst to get. plexerol, benadryl, all of these things are downers. you put it on top something like cocaine and your body goes in a convulsion. it makes sense to me and sad thing. we know her lifestyle
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contributed to it. >> andrea: the report before her death, they said she was busting in to interviews, one with brandy and she was acting odd. at the same time; she was talking to clyde davis how she wanted to get her career back on track. when i look at the results of the coroner's report, how could he is have got it back on track. >> greg: the surprising findings surprising as groundhog day. you have to be careful when you demonize legal prescription drugs that help people. the mixing of drugs is what is dangerous. >> bob: yeah. if i didn't make that clear. there is reason to use xanax if you have anxiety by itself. but if you put it together you put your body in a condition where it's forced up and down and simultaneously. an you've got a bad heart. >> greg: there is an interesting thing. why was she in the bathtub? if people overdose on drugs, other people put them in a bathtub to revive them and only way to find out if it's
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true, if there is water dripping below in the roof, or in the floor. but i don't know. that would mean somebody with her. >> bob: she passed out because she drowned. >> dana: if you are watching the story, you have taken some of the drugs and lose self-control. what would somebody do now? if there was a moment, what -- bob? >> bob: san antonio nax is prescribed for dose -- xanax is prescribed for purposes. they get to addictive drugs and they start with one and then they're up to ten. they have to be careful. follow your doctor's direction. >> eric: that is an important point. the doctor's direction. if the doctor was prescribing this stuff, is it another michael jackson incident for you. are you sure she should have
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been prescribed all of this, benadryl and xanax on top of knowing -- >> andrea: listen to the news here. the coroner is saying cocaine and you add it to the prescription drug. this is an illegal substance. you admit to this many times and dangerous drug that you do over and over and over. combine it with drinking and prescription drugs and get in a bathtub. >> greg: we're putting this in reverse. she is taking the prescription medication to bring her down from the cocaine. when you are up on coke, you take xanax to take the edge off or smoke dope. it's not like she's taking other things and coke knocked her out. not that i would know. >> andrea: that's very informative. >> bob: it can take your blood pressure from 120 to 250 easily. if you've got arterio schleoris, blocking of the artery in her heart, cocaine increasing the blood pressure would have forced blood to the heart. couldn't have handled it.
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>> eric: enablers. had to have enablers across the spectrum. >> bob: behind every death there is somebody who enabled her. >> greg: also individually responsibility. >> andrea: right. bob, could she have quit at that point? you talk about people too far gone. you saved yourself, but -- >> bob: most, i think, you know, there are programs now, six month to a year she would have needed. but she went in short-term rehab. we call them spin dries. they go in for three weeks and feel better and put them out to work again. what hasn't changed the underlying psychological situation she is faced with and people making money on her. who are interested in her being out there. being out there. >> andrea: very sad. having an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation being out there. >> andrea: very sad. puts you at 5 times greater risk of stroke. don't wait. go to for a free discussion guide to help you talk to your doctor about reducing your risk.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> bob: yo, attention conspiracy theorists, here is a story for you. there is something eerie going on in a neighborhood in wisconsin. look what is happening. the people are hearing loud noises, banks, slamming doors
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and all of that. let's just listen to what some of the residents said about what they hear. >> i thought it was gases underneath the ground. they ruled that out. >> constant boom, boomk boom. >> not like a heavy duty thunderstorm. it was shaking. >> a big boom and one good shake. >> hearing rumblings and the boom going on. >> i don't know what it is, but it's nerve-wracking. everybody is trying to figure this out. >> one thing they said here is immediate thought it was an earthquake activity, but the seismologists tech which ecking a in the university of wisconsin said they're on heavy granite. no earthquake fault or anything through there. my own suspicion, i believe in ghosts as you know. i'm not sure this is ghosts but something that is not easily explainable. it may be ghosts. >> greg: no, it's gas. the earth has gas. simple drilling down, deposits of pepto, case closed.
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>> greg: i heard president obama -- >> dana: i heard that president obama is going to take a side trip there. >> greg: go pink. >> eric: this is liberalling hitting the ground because they are trying to recall scott walker, not working out. keep falling. >> bob: very good. let's continue on with the theme of our show. >> andrea: that noise that eric was just making, "i'm" not going to tell the whole story. put it this way. there was the same story happening in my apartment building a couple of years ago. i won't say what it was. put it this way, it was my neighbor. not good. >> bob: tell us what it was. it was a spanking machine. >> andrea: i can't verify that, bob. hearsay from my doorman. >> bob: he probably had it right. most doormen know what is going on. >> andrea: who knows? lived in a funky place. >> bob: that would be a funky spanker if this is it. shake a whole town. i tell you one thing -- never
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mind. [ laughter ] they hear the boom, boom, boom and the noise. no earthquakes. nobody can explain it. greg explanation is greg. your explanation makes more sense than any so far. >> andrea: wow! >> bob: you're my friends. >> greg: point out that we started the segment off with the song "ghostbusters" by ray parker junior, a direct ripoff of "i want to do drugs" by heuy lewis and the news. >> andrea: he is awesome. >> bob: do you believe in ghosts? >> greg: i don't. >> bob: they're there. they're there. >> eric: what is the name of the town? >> greg: no, there had to be a joke in there being clintonville, but i figured it was so obvious so why do a joke about boom, boom, boom
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with clintonville. >> bob: you did the joke. >> greg: i explained why i wasn't going to do the joke. >> andrea: it could be wind? >> bob: i'm telling you, it's so weird. this happened in two other towns in the last ten years apparently in the north of the united states. i don't know. telling you, on the ghost thing. i have heard them. i have the not seen them. but directly i had conversation with the old farmhouse. i heard them talking in old english. i was sober then. i'm telling you, they are there. i'm telling you there are ghosts. they won't hurt you. if you dismiss ghosts to out of hand, too much evidence of them. >> greg: no one has seen ghosts. >> bob: yes, they have. >> dana: the lady's whose hair turned white overnight. >> andrea: i would say that
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the doorman said he saw a ghost in our building, too, but he is the one who told me about my neighbor. >> bob: that means you're neighbor is kinky. okay. one for ming coming up tonight featuring jesse waters who has a tough job of talking to some coed spring breakers for the o'reilly factor on women go wild. that wasn't it. >> what is obama's grade on gas. >> "d." >> i remember when it was 99 cents. >> when was that? 1940? >> those are historical babes. ♪ ♪ [♪...] >> announcer: bank robbery certainly is a frightening crime. after all, bank robbers stole $43 million in one year. but identity thieves? try 18 billion! and guess how identity thieves are getting some of that money.
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11:55 pm
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♪ ♪ >> eric: one more thing. >> greg: roughly three weeks ago that the great andrew breitbart passed away. i want to make everyone aware of the breitbart children's trust, set up for his pour wonderful kids. they're young, beautiful kids. there is the address up there. 149 s. barrington avenue, number 735, l.a., 90049. >> eric: great. >> bob: i'd like to see liberals. this is bipartisan.
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it would be good for all of us. >> eric: fantastic. >> bob: i'm, dana was telling me in the break that the republicans have all the above energy policy. now we have done 138 show on solyndra. and i'd like to see if somebody out there could produce and the republican leadership of the house and the senate, a major republican bill with alternative energy in it, not just drill, drill, drill and let's have the pipeline done. i would lake to see it. i want to see if you have alternative energy proposal. be specific, send us a piece of legislation. if you do and major piece of the legislation, you i will eat my hat. >> dana: define major. >> bob: on the floor, and a vote. >> dana: you can't get a vote if reid doesn't give you a vote on anything. >> andrea: natural gas act. >> eric: one more thing. >> andrea: i'm just saying. natural gas. super man, you know him. tim tebow. we get him in the big apple. look at the cover.
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last night i was talking to friends and asking what headline do you think they will have. it has to do with religion. "new york post"; god him." and daily news. amen. interested how the new york media, the most ruthless media in the country will handle young -- >> dana: i advise he not read it. focus on the game. >> andrea: two christians in a sinful city. jeremy lin, media doesn't talk about and tebow they can't stop talking about. do they go after tebow like a lot of athletes? >> eric: if he takes sanchez's spot they will go after him. let's go. >> dana: one of my friends here, jesse waters, working with the o'reilly factor. he has a very, very tough job as you can see. >> give obama a grade on the economy. >> he doesn't have that much to do with it. >> i actually don't know anything about the economy. >> what do you give him? >> i'll the the interview.
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>> do you know what the unemployment rate is right now? >> 99%. >> what? >> do you know what that is right now? >> no. inform me. >> it's like 17 gazillion. >> the debt, you can get out of it. absolutely cow can. >> how did i get chosen for this interview? [ laughter ] >> dana: america's future so right we have to wear bob's shades. >> bob: speaking of that, that was 30 years ago, that would have been my dates. before we go, this morning, i ran into this deaf dog. >> eric: a beautiful dog. his owner told us, told me that a lot of the dogs that are born deaf are put down because owners didn't know what to do with them. he is fantastic, beautiful job. had to say, bob, kiefer, good boy! >> dana: that's all i got. still stunneddy waters'


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