tv Red Eye FOX News March 23, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> bob: good job. >> andrea: the most envied producer in the building. >> eric: leave it there. that's it for "the five." see you tomorrow welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld, reminding you that my house boys will be performing at the gardens this saturday. of course, the garden refers to the crawlspace outside my basement. i expect you to be there. let's go to andy levy for a pre game report. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> sit back, relax and enjoy the show. bill marr calls for an end to the outrage. they discuss the op-ed next. and a virginia middle school teacher has his students do opposition research on republican presidential candidates. the shocking story that could not be possibly less shocking. and an occupy wall street protestor is arrested for noxious matter. we will try to figure out what he was doing with bill schulz's clothing straight
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ahead. >> unnecessary to start on bill before the show even starts. >> i don't think it was. >> do you think right now is a good time to start? >> by any means necessary. >> then i am with you, good man. let's welcome our guests. she is more adorable than a harloquin stuffed in a my little pony stuffed in a smurf. and he is the mouth from the south, fresh from the today show and from the awesome country duo big and rich, the singer and song writer, john rich. and his third nipple has a third nipple, my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and it is the delightful jim norton who is performing at caroline's in new york city march 29th through april 1st. you better go. and he is still here living in fear. our new york times correspondent, good to see you, pinch. >> he looks back to the 1800's for a properly bitter cocktail. as the knickerbocker, i always
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found it jim fizzy to fit the bill. it is the jim crowe dandy and the child labor mcgee. those were popular ones back then. we used to call it tipling. it was a better time when men were men and women weren't allowed at the bars. >> very good. >> it is very good. >> all right. >> right on. >> stop it. >> it is stopped. bob -- should we rethink making a stink and turn the page? bill marr makes the case in an op-ed saying if it weren't for throwing caniption fits. it included the over heated response by the left and the right to robert deniro's now infamous first lady joke. the actor eventually had to say his remarks were not meant to offend. marr asks, when do we get it
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in our heads that we have the right to never hear anything we don't like? meanwhile, media matters is spending $100,000 on a campaign attacking rush limbaugh. in one of the ads listeners are urged to call to say, quote, we don't talk to women like that. speaking of not taking responsibility for his actions cash dash. >> jayden, look at this mess. did you do that? did you make this mess? jayden, did you make this mess? >> i don't believe he closed that door. that was a sham. >> dogs don't have hands. good to see you. as always i love your sweater. >> good to be here. >> where does mark get off writing that op-ed. his insensitivity is appalling. >> he is 100% right, and every
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person who talks to are a living . every time somebody has a verbal faux-pas we use it to jockey for position in the next argument. the liberals are frauds and gingrich should shut his stupid mouth and so should every liberal mocking outrage. who cares? we like to be heard. when somebody says something we use it to feel victimized and the people have to listen to us. i am sick of the apologies. i only apologize in less than ten seconds. >> that's a lot. >> i'm sorry. >> if that's the case, i am still waiting for my uh apology. >> welcome to the show. >> thanks. >> nice to see you here. >> nice to be here. >> do you agree with jim that apologies are almost like this endless manufactured game of ping-pong. >> i am going to say this one time. i would like to shoot bill
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marr in the [bleep] with a bb gun. right in the middle of one of those sentences. that is if he has any. i want to pop him. >> i can't condone that violence. but you evaded the question successfully. >> to me bill marr is like the tick you left on your dog for too long, should have pulled it off a longtime ago and huey is so full of blood and you pull him off and you put him on the ground and step on him and it is like a grape. he is a tick on the dog. >> do you think he is wrong about this, about the americans begging for apologies? >> i think bill marr -- listen, here is the thing, anybody that convicted about what he believes in, i wish the conservatives were that -- i don't like what he says, but i like the fact that he puts his first up and comes at us. why are we a bunch of sisy boys and girls. what is the problem? why not put our fists up and
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say what we think one time? why does he get to say what he thinks. >> the one that does put their fist up is thrown under the bus. >> that wasn't a smart way to say that. >> are you right. 99.9% of what he says is correct. >> but future us would say that's not a good idea. don't say it like that. >> that's the .1% of where he is wrong. they cling on to the 1% and throw him under the bus. meanwhile bill marr can call sara pay lynn the c-word and laura ingram the s-word. >> what is wrong with cute and sensitive? i said them all the time and i never get one letter. >> that's not what he said. >> cuddly and schloopy? no, that is not a word. >> they went after letterman for sara pay lynn and they went after bill maar. >> but did it turn into this
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month-long story and did we put out ads against him? >> it is a fair point. the left is better at it. don't you think they have been doing it longer? >> the left controls most of the media, but they do with the exception of this net, would. and it is true. that's why the story seems to go longer when it is a liberal being. >> blah, blah, blah. that's what i say, blah, blah, blah. country music we say what it is and we sing about it. we make careers out of the truth in country music. i will tell you right now, these people that really believed the things that are against what bill maar is saying ought to put their dukes up and come at them and say, say what you are going to say and i'll say what i will say. he doesn't want to hear what a trailer park -- what a kid from a trailer park has to say about capitalism. he cannot rebut -- >> i am available to do this show. >> that's right.
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i will shoot you in the [bleep] with a bb gun. >> you met him, right? >> yes, i met him at the sky bar in l.a. he was walking around like a big shot. he is actually -- i don't know. >> he is my height. >> you are a way bigger man than hi. i did meet him and i said, hey, man, i disagree with you, but i appreciate your vigor and the way you go at it. i do. i disagree with bill marr and i can't stand listening to him, but he goes for it. and where are the fighters? where are the knuckle busters. >> it might take away -- john rich for president. i will be your campaigner. >> he lost a gig on abc for what he said. a lot of comics have lost something of that proportion. but he did lose a gig for it. >> that's a fair point. the idea of an apology from somebody who doesn't mean it is inherently worthless. if you really care enough watch the guy and -- bill marr
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was punished. i didn't like what he said and he lost his job. he had to apologize on leno, i think, right? >> yes, it was a half-budded apology. it was an apology nonetheless. i think he is being insensitive to these people. outrage much like methamphetamines is an addiction. i am about outrage awareness. it is as bad -- more people are con flicked it with outrage and it is rampant in hollywood. for me i want to create outrage uh -- >> are you exhausting. >> well, i can see you are getting outraged. >> i am exhausted and not outraged. >> i need money so i can further outrage awareness programs. >> if obama wants the independents to vote for him he needs to put it back in his pocket and say i don't want your money. guess what that would do. turn on the independents and say, that guy made a good move right there.
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our president manned up and said that's a good call. he picked up a bunch of independents and he didn't do that. he is greedy. >> when was the last time anybody went out and stuck up for somebody they didn't like. it doesn't happen. when is the last time any conservative was defending anybody or any liberal defending anybody for saying something racist. they use it to jockey for a position in the overall fight. >> bill says what he says. why can't people on the other side put their dukes up. >> you are not a politician. i am talking about on the political level where they are being voted for. >> the other thing is the media needs to fill these buckets every day. so if a politician comes out, then the politician is the focus of the story. if i say -- i didn't agree with what jim norton said, but i will defend my right, and the next thing you know is i am being crucified. >> yous being a normal human
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being. any normal human being would not use the c-word against a female. they would say, i am not taking that money. >> well, then nobody could ever give any money. that's not fair. >> when has a politician ever turned down money on either side? >> they should. >> you are right. it is a great move. >> they should do that. every politician is scummy. the best they will ever be is a liar. you will never get that far in politics without a bunch of creepy friends. they are all creeps and their all friends are creeps. >> never mind. i will step back. unless it is a policy of crazy people like lefty, communists. >> i don't mind that. >> reverend wright. >> i prefer associated with them than watching the president hold hands with a guy in saudi arabia. look who they all associate with. the problems with the middle east and these guys are holding hand and kissing on the cheek?
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>> i judge santorum for the people he hands out with because they are boring. i would never want to hang out with them. >> they don't want to hang out with you, bill, after what you did in the backyard. >> and i had a newspaper. from marr to bizarre. was his project less than prudent? a virginia middle school teacher made -- say he broke everyone into four groups and assigned each to look into the background of one republican contender and find their weaknesses and write a strategy paper on how those weaknesses could be exploited and then figure out how to forward it to the obama campaign. as one dad said, this assignment was creepy beyond belief. it was something out of east germany during the cold war. a school district spokesperson says they were not instructed to send them to the campaign, but that the teacher asked the students to find out the name of the office that would
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receive such information. well that makes it not creepy at all. so what does the class ferret think about all of this? >> i laugh because that has happened to me. being a little guy and trying to get out of the tub. i installed a stair device. i think it is called a ladder. that was the word i was looking for, a ladder. i couldn't think of it. john, this should bother you regardless of political belief, right? it is not a liberal conservative thing. it is a brainwashing thing in a way. >> you can only be brainwashed if you are weak of mind. >> are people paying attention? we are going to brain wash somebody and blame it on the brain washers. i don't blame it on the brain
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washers. i blame it on the folks listening to the brainwashing and having their brainwashed. pay attention. read, listen for yourself. i think people need to pay the hell attention and make up their own mind. >> but they are young, and they are -- kids will do anything for a grade. that's true, but that is different. >> why? >> that is a successful enterprise. >> did i throw a curve ball at you? >> the most successful enterprise we have is the military and that's because it is left alone. it is unrun by unions and beurocracy and everybody who teaches there. >> i agree with john and i think it is like ob-wan-kanobe says who is the bigger fool, the fool or the fool who follows him? your turn. >> this is so wrong. academia is about questioning and the free flow of knowledge.
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this teacher gave the students the conclusion and says, now, you guys go, find the premise. tell me what your conclusion is. that's what is so wrong about this. >> we are trying to figure out what premise means and conclusion. >> this is a song. do you remember the teacher in new jersey who made her elementary school sing that song about barak hussein obama? do you think you were the author of the song? >> no. >> the point is there is a pattern. the schools are infested with the left wing teachers, and this is the message. they graduate and come out of school and this is all they heard, barak hussein obama. >> last word to you, bill. i believe this teacher should be teacher of the year. i said so earlier on "the five" because he is preparing these students for college where they are just going to be inundated with even worse left wing ideology. he should get a promotion.
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>> why are these kids complaining? the assignment was to find weaknesses in the republican candidates. they should be happy because it is so easy. that's not even homework. barak hussein obama, mmmmm. they are talking about eating the president. that is not liberal and i am against it. we don't even know he is tasty. >> children these days are disgusting. coming up, is america going to hell? jim norton discusses his new book "america going to hell in a hand basket." first, why is it neat to eat red meet? we report and you bring the cich up.
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true, kaylie, says devouring the steak cuts the risk of depression in half. that's 50%. and if you extrapolate, that explains why vegetarians are so miserable. extrapolates means kissing hobos, right? one catch, of course, the study was conducted in a population of women which i find sexist. says one of the lab coats, quote, when we looked at women consuming less than the recommended amount of red meat we found they were twice as likely to have a disorder as those consuming the recommended amount. that is so boring. you know what keeps me happy? doing extreme sports. i believe we have tape from last weekend. >> great. i recovered though. i look great. a little plastic surgery they ever hurt anybody. john, were you at all surprised that red meat eaters
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are happier? >> it looked like mitt romney in the south. >> way it bring it into the primary. very good. should you just quit now? >> whatever you want, man. by the way, i love your show. thanks for having me in. i think red meat is a part of being a human being in my opinion. of course you are happier when you eat more of it. >> not happier for the animal though. >> that's not the only reason i am happy. obviously the look on his face. >> i think a woman who denies herself -- who is eating less red meat is denying other things, so she is probably a person who doesn't do a lot of fun things. it is a symptom of something else. i don't think meat chippers you up. >> so it is a correlation instead of a causation. >> if i didn't drop out of high school, those are the terms i would have used. instead i said meat okay. >> kailey would you date a vegetarian? >> no. that is not a real man if are
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you a vegetarian. how confusing are these studies? one day they say red meat will kill you. the next is it will save your life. i will eat my taco bell and crunch supremes and it makes me happy. >> i bet your roommate is thrilled about that. >> i don't have a roommate. >> i think it was all the tacos. billy, you eat whatever is found in the park. that's where you sleep. and you have gotten used to the taste of inning pen. pigeon. do you have a stain on your shirt? >> yes, i spilled some water. i usually get most of fie food from hobo jim who i was extrap plating with last night. and he told me an important thing, yes, meat makes you happier and it kills depression, and so does crystal meth. what we learned is they are both equally as good for you. i also get crystal meth from the same hobo i extrap plate from. >> i have a theory, john, and you can verify this if you
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like. i don't crave vegetables. i don't crave fruits of the i am a big fan of science, and i know if you don't crave something it has to be bad for you, correct? we crave meat which means it is good. is that a fair scientific -- >> what is your question? >> i wanted you to agree with me. >> that was more of a statement. >> it sounds like you are trying to qualify your own existence at this point because we know you are a vegan. >> i eat nothing but meat and nuts. that's a euphemism, by the way. >> you crave marlboro lights too. >> just add tobacco and basketball and you are in. >> you can argue that cigarettes are evolutionary necessity for stress. >> you could argue. they just make the dopamine fall out. >> they die younger and
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certain cancers. could it be that women are less depressed because they out live the men? >> the last 10 years is a real barn burner for them. >> i will say that i only have one male friend who is a vegetarian. and he is actually a good guy. he is a comedian. everybody else is women. why is that? >> i couldn't tell you. the only thing i like is ground beef. that's it. it has to be ground, taco bell, burger king and that's it. >> that's weird. >> i only find women vegetarians. >> i know the answer. women are more compassionate and women are more worried about their weight. so for them the meat is a hell thing they can cut out and more likely to be compassionate. getting back to the look factor, wem are more into their looks. obviously we don't care if we spill on ourselves, but if women are having barbecue it
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is not as good for them and their dress and overall appearance. >> but making out with a girl that just ate a barbecue sandwich is a good time. >> depends if it is still in her teeth. >> it is like having an hor'dourve. it is a beautiful thing. >> a funny fact about me since you said you liked science. i love uh spare gus. that's all i wanted to say. >> don't eat uh spare gus on a first date. >> terrible things they are saying. i don't understand what it means. >> you mark your territory and make it wreak. do you have a comment on the show? e mail us. and to leave a voicemail on my direct line, 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy.
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>> i care. >> thanks for checking in with me. >> somebody asked. >> it is something you don't do enough. >> i would appreciate a phone call. >> i know, you could choke to death in your lonely apartment. >> thank you. >> you have nothing but cats. and they might eat you and your lifeless body. >> i have already told them and they are free to do so. >> congratulations. >> bill maar's op ed. i completely agree with him and you that people need to stop getting outraged over things and more importantly they need to stop feigning outrage. it was ridiculous gingrich and the first lady's office made a big deal or any deal over what deniro said and bigger deal he felt he needed to apologize. marr is full of crap. at this point all he has going for him is outraging people. that's all he tries to do.
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his tweets about tim tebow, they were not funny and he wants to outrage people and he feeds off of it. >> that's his right to do so and he suffers no penalty other than going he is not funny. >> absolutely, but he is calling for people to stop being outraged, but all he wants to do is outrage people. >> i understand what you mean, but i don't get outraged at other people's tweets. i wouldn't read something i disagree with. >> you are saying he trolls for outrage and then says don't get outraged. >> he trolls for outrage because his ego is yay big. >> when you say something other people think is filthy or whatever, there is also a point in the sense that it is funny.
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marr has reached a point he is not trying to be funny anymore. all he is trying to do is get a rise out of someone. >> his audience would find what he says funny and what i say to be opinionated and repulsive. whatever he says is fine. if people like it they should read it. if not, just block them. >> i agree with that part. i totally agree with that part. i just think he is a hipocrite because he wants the outrage. i don't think tweets he sends out are necessarily for his audience. i think they are aimed at conservatives because he wants them to be outraged. >> so if he wants to assault them or assault their ideology or their sacred cows, maybe his motive is not outrage and maybe it is important to insult those things. >> it is the fault -- we said this and it is the fault of people to take the bait. >> i agree.
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>> this is what he does. >> and if you know that is what he wants don't give it to him. >> honestly, i don't know what bill tweets because i don't follow him on twitter. he can't outrage me because it is irrelevant to me what somebody else says. >> i totally agree. i am just saying he is doing things because he wants to spark outrage, while at the same time he is writing an op-ed saying, stop being outraged. so he is a hipocrite. >> i don't know if he is trying to spark outrage. he is saying things that are compelling. >> the bottom line is i am calling on bill marr to apologize for his op-ed and a boycott of the new york times. john you said you would like to shoot bill maar in the groin were a bb gun. >> i said [bleep]. >> i know. i am trying to save our editors. by raising the topic again i cost them more.
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why just once? >> andy. >> because i'm pretty sure if he has any [bleep] he only has one so shoot it. >> i do not condone this conversation. >> neither do i. i just want to know. >> and i want to add, he has two, trust me. call me, bill. >> that is like literally you made the same joke this show. >> calling, talking? >> never mind, never mind. let's talk about the media matters thing. is calling for a boycott or taking out ads against someone , is that wrong? >> it is not wrong, but if the liberals do it against us, the republicans never do it against the liberals organs marr. it is lopsided. >> to be fair, ed schulz, wasn't he suspended?
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they shut him down pretty fast, i believe. >> i believe he was suspended with pay which greg as you know is vacation. i was trying to get suspended with pay many times. >> i believe she was talking about charles schulz and he was never suspended. >> i don't believe that is who kailey was talking about. i feel she was better at that. >> what about those who want to take out an ad. i have never cared enough about somebody else's speech. >> unless there is a motive. >> i don't care if people don't agree with me. >> the motive is to silence somebody. >> they want attention and they are leaching like you get into a special interest group and they leap off you.
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>> i honestly think it is like going to the gym for your aggressive chemicals. they like to work out and it is the feel good of the then they move on to somebody else. >> if you say something you didn't mean to say, like you accidentally say something and you honestly -- you miss speak or say something that it turns out was factually correct. i am just tired of the apologies because someone was offended. there is a difference there, isn't there? >> i wrote an apology for somebody i bashed in my book. easy felt genuinely bad about it. there was no pressure and i met the guy once and i said, i feel like a tool for doing that. >> i apologize for that. >> your name is greg and not -- [bleep]. >> teacher assigns a project for students.
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basically he is training them to be journalists. a little jab at the mainstream media there. you earned your raise. >> john, you said people need to read and learn things for thelzs. themselves. you said young people drive tanks tanks tanks and fire bough zoo caws. where do you live? >> i live in nashville. i was just going to say -- >> do not go to nashville. >> hip ma ties me, i dare you. >> i hypnotized you to say that an hour ago. >> i told you to deny it. >> your eyeballs look like watermelon jolly ranchers. >> i am trying, but i can't get there. >> if he could lick his own eyeballs -- >> man, i would never leave home. >> i don't agree the teacher
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gave the kids the conclusion and then find the prep physician. premise. what do you think she did? >> i think this assignment would have been fine if there was a group assigned to do the same thing as president obama. then i think it is a legitimate assignment to teachers and him how the political process works. >> the problem was there was only one side and the embedded conclusion was there was something wrong. had the teacher done that, that would have been fair. >> australian researchers, and yes they have them there. why did you think there were no researchers in australia? >> i don't know. i have never been. i'm sorry. they have fun in australia. they don't need to apologize. >> okay. we can all be friends. >> john, you said red meat is a part of being a human.
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the study shows too much red meat is bad. they say eating more than the recommended amount of red meat is linked to depression and anxiety. >> cook the steak on the grill and put some hickory chips out there and cook that dag-gum meat. i take mine medium rare chew it and eat a little red wine with it. i'm stronger than he is. >> kailey is a woman. >> no, you. >> you are border line feminine. >> normalily i am a he maphrodie. >> if i catch you from the wrong angle you look like a girl. >> have i to finish up here. you said these studies are
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dpetting confusing and one day they will cool you and the next you are happy. can it be both? eating red meat is linked to health risks, but it makes you happy. you become hap yes, -- happier and then you die? >> that's a fair point. you are had good tonight. >> i am going to be honest, you look hammered. you look like you are having a good time right now. you look hammered as well. >> are you talking to me? >> i'm talking to you. your eyes are sagging and you have this glassy look. >> there are other things going on. >> lastly, going into break you say i smell like uh spare gus. >> did i say that? >> that is simply not true. you know this. i showed all of the essential bath oils i bathed with.
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well, now they are making a stink, literally and figure figuratively. an occupy protestor dumped a tub of human waste. the scientific word is feces. it went down a stirwell and inside a bank. in lower manhattan -- it was in lower manhattan and it was caught on tape. they arrested the disgusting dude for possession of noxious matter. jordan brooks amos and his accomplice would have gotten away with the prank if not for a witness who took down their license plate number.
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yes, they own a car. capitalists. we must discuss this in the -- >> lightning roooooouuuunnnnnddd. lightning round. >> john, was there ever any doubt this is where occupy would end up, throwing crap in banks? it is the most literal translation of their movement. >> it is a more positive end than i thought it would have. >> do you think so? >> yes. >> are you all for it? >> no, i mean, i expected something way worse than that to happen, actually. >> summer just started. jim, you must be disgusted. you are looking at it going, all that waste going to waste. >> greg, have i june vats in my -- i have giant vats in my home and i cover them with tin foil. talk about the pressure to not stop short. that's all i have on the feces buckets. >> kailey, as a political statement does this work? >> no, i don't think it does.
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who knew that carrying your feces around was a crime. he was walking around luging them over his left shoulder. no idea it was a crime. >> bill, at the very least they should make these guys clean it up, right? >> if they can find them, perhaps. i don't like the message it sends. it besmirches all of those in new york like myself who merely use the bank of americas when they cannot find a bathroom. between the hours of 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. in the morning. we do it out of necessity, greg. that political statement necessary. >> it is smearing those wishing to make an actual deposit. >> thank you. >> you know what really upsets me, in nashville we have some folks camping out. and what really upsets me is when they tweet me from their ipads in their tent down there about how they are being so
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misused. that's what affects me. i say, wow, these people are hurtin. >> you have to understand that they are way, way in debt, but they can still afford those things. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. these occupiers have tents? they have way more than i have. i have a wet box. and it is not good this time of year. >> next topic before something happens. on the next issue of "elle" jessica simpson is naked and posing. as jes sigh they thought she was overexposed and you ever cked up the issue of the the manager says he was unaware of the sensorship. the cover is as stale as something stale. others have done this way, way, way going back since demi including cindy crawford here and britney spears. i like how we are censoring this. and most recently bill. there you are.
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bill, congratulations on getting that photo shoot, by the way. >> that was my second child. i think i was with shaquifa. >> and tough pregnancy. >> do you want to see my cesarean scars? >> no. >> a lot of people are uh end ifed -- offended, but you only buy the pregnant issues. >> that's right. i am a big fan of [bleep] magazine. >> don't bother explaining it. >> i am not offended by the cover at all. we should be offended by her singing. that should bother people. i should have just quit while i was ahead. >> john, why do the editors in cyst on repeating the search -- the same stupid cover? >> who doesn't want to see that? >> who doesn't? >> well you are talking about it right now. you got your answer. >> he called me big boy which makes me nice.
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>> this reminds me of the couple pictures where the woman is pregnant and it was awkward and the guy is tilting his head and clutching her belly. i think it is weird. >> the hands coming from behind. i like how women stand and they are touching. okay, we get it. >> how do you know. >> maybe it is true. we have to take a break. don't leave now. i have stuff in my ear, and we have more to talk about.
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you may recall at auction many, many, many of my drawings for charity. everybody who won sent me a check and once it cleared they got their drawing framed and autographs. we made thousands of dollars for military charities. one of our so-called winners never sent a check. so we will auction a picture of off and it will go to a special cause. here is the unclaimed masterpiece. it is me and a unicorn head on my stomach. it was the tribute to the time
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i had appendicitis. it is already autographed and it is going to be framed. to win this you have to make a bid on it. you e mail the bid to red eye at fox and the subject header put auctionment the highest bid will win, and your donation will go to a trust fund announced for the children of andrew breitbart. the deadline is to debt it in by next week. if you would like to make a donation to the fund, checks or money orders can be sent to breitbart's trust. that's los angeles, california 90049. there you go. we will close things out with the post game wrap up with tv's andy levy. i can't stand that guy. to see recent clips, go to fox eye.
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i will see you back here at 5:00 p.m. for "the faff" and catch me on the owe riley factor. on the next "red eye." terry safford and patti ann browne and chris moody. >> time to go back to an -- andy levy. >> what is the star next door? >> missed it, sorry. i didn't have the thing in my ear. >> what is the star next door? >> the star next door is a one 80 at american idol. it is where i actually move into the house with the talent instead of them coming in with us we are moving them. if they have to flip a burger, i flip it. if they have a dirty diaper to change, i am changing it.
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>> can somebody ask john if he is working on a new album? >> are you working on a new album? >> yes, "big and rich." the first one in three years. >> all right, jim, any upcoming gigs? >> yes, caroline. what a dope i was to give john the real answer. i should have said -- he asked if i was going to see you and i gave a literal response. tickets are available. but they are going fast, grinning. gang. >> caroline, what is happening on friday. >> i am launching the redesign of my website so stop by, you included andy. >> okay. all right. bill anything to plug? >> yes, andy told me to tell you he is never going on your website. >> that's not nice. >> i will. >> bill, we told you not to tell her that. >> i don't remember things. >> i thought i did a great job on
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