tv The Five FOX News March 27, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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liberal hollywood slam conservative women. they try to marginize her about slurs with her ability to lead. s pelosi faces constant mudslinging from liberals. get this anti-war liberal activists january fonda is going to play nancy reagan in upcoming movie called "the bult ler." ronnie is probably saying, here they go again. [ laughter ] >> dana: it actually looks good as a scary thing. true color. >> bob: actually i have a lot of these things. i want to say also. jane fond dark but i was proudly arrested at first demonstration
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at pentagon protesting against the war in vietnam. soldiers treated relatively nicely. i put flowers. >> you were anti-war. >> bob: no. i wear this around here because i'm wearing this nor ratings. same reason you wear the silly hat you wear. >> tomorrow you will do the jane fonda work out for us. >> bob: i no people that did. a lot of people. let me say this in defense of jane fonda, she made very bad mistake where she was against the war in vietnam. so i was i. so were a lot of people. it was a bad war. it cost us 55,000 americans not to mention hundreds of thousands of civilians but she apologized for this, it was the wrong thing to do. met with vietnam veterans, i think you could give her a
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break. it was very short period of her life. >> eric: i think she may have even called president war criminals. >> bob: they were. >> what is it with hollywood and liberal media trashing it. >> kimberly: she should be off-limits. she dignified woman that has served her country well. it's unfair given her age everything she has been through. i don't think why they think it's necessary. but apparently popularity points to bash conservatives and to attack her. >> greg: i think this is incredibly challenging role for jane, he is going to play a human being. i want to say a new bio movie coming out of jane fonda. i actually have been working
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with them and making suggestions to play jane fonda. the first one is steve bushemme and danny treho. from ma thet at this but my favorite michael berrington would be a great jane fonda. >> dana: last time i seeing jane fonda was like in mother-in-law. imagine going from that to playing nancy reagan. i got an e-mail from press secretary to mrs. reagan in the white house years. she says i love this one, i thought was cheese si and not very good script. because of jane fonda over the years she would not be able to lose herself in the role and actually try to emulate her.
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it's similar to meryl streep when she played margaret thatcher. she doesn't mention margaret thatcher in her thank you speech. >> bob: in vietnam, they lied about it. they made up the gulf of tonkin. it was illegal wars in laos and cambodia. it was the most despicable war going. >> movie about nancy reagan. there is hundred more wonderful qualified ago tretsz to play her. this is stunt casting in order to get people to talk about it and it worked. >> kimberly: we're doing it. >> kimberly: it's kind of like pochoen tas attire. >> bob: you take this off and use it as a tourniquet.
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>> does it bother you one of the writers of "the butler," one of writers is game changers, sarah palin hit job. >> can you imagine that to connect the dots on this one. >> bob: i will say they provide a lot of material. >> you're not a medium anymore. >> this medium. notices at medium. [ laughter ] go ahead. >> eric: if president obama what about the unions and hugo chavez i wonder what tricks he has up his sleeve. [ laughter ] ♪ ♪ ♪
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what he said he was trying to explain in the next two months when the election is getting hot and heavy he won't be as able as flexible. i didn't buy it and neither did charles krauthammer. >> it's a huge gaffe. this is president himself i'll be unleashed. i can governor hard left. i can do all this stuff unmolested. that his way of telling people you have no idea of what myend agenda is going to be the second term but let me tell you, it's pretty hard left. >> dana: and what about shake of the head. what do you think. >> greg: when he said, without my wife we can party. i know he is saying, don't be less stressed but i won't be as tough as i normally am. what is the message it sends to the polls and ukrainians but
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they will be bringing their silverware and learning russian. >> kimberly: i do think it's a big deal. it reminds me during the kerry-bush campaign, bear fight in 2004 when john kerry said i voted for it before i voted against it. that became a defining moment that defined him as a flip-flopper. i think it defined everybody about president obama but i know you don't agree. >> bob: i admire krauthammer a lot. he is off the wall. you are taking a conversation and every conservative and every republican pretty much is saying oh, that means he is going to be weak with the russians on defense and missile defense shield after the elections. unless you negotiate these things and how complex they are and what a pain in the neck to try to get the russians to help them with iranians and nukes and north koreans.
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this is perfect time, give me some room. he does not want to be negotiating this missile treaty right now. by the way, europe alleys are firm behind -- allies are behind this position, absolutely. >> but an open mic, it's for kareoke a at hooters. >> kimberly: what bothered me about it today his explanation he was acting like it's inconsequential and i think you'll see it in campaign ads because it's telegraphing his position and with respect to what going hard left. >> bob: let's assume that he has no intention of discussing missile defense. let's say he does have an intention to change everything or unveil his whole i don't know agenda if he wins four more
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years. what about cap and trade. what about paying back all the people who helped him get re-elected through green energy slush funds. >> dana: let's talk about the media treatment, as well. that is one of my great interests. today this was on the front page of the "wall street journal" but in the "new york times" it was page 14. in the "washington post" it was page 11 and go back in 2006 when another hot mic gaffe became all the news. take a listen. >> dana: that was press secretary at the time. the president said the "f" word but he wanted to get hezbollah to attack innocent people. this was a different hot mic situation we can go back and say what they said at the time. when president bush did that it was much bigger deal.
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if you were the editor. >> i change my mind completely. open mics should only be for hooters. we would not know anything. >> kimberly: luke here during the commercial break. >> bob: you are making assumptions, first of all. negotiations shall ongoing right now. they are highly technical and the ideas to convince the soviets we're going to use defense on them but missiles coming out of the mideast. we made a decision to pull back the czech republic and poland we would nut put missile batteries there. >> dana: why would you do it on an open mic and somebody that is not your peer. if he wants to deliver a message to vladimir putin. why doesn't he deliver a message. he doesn't need to do it on hot mic.
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>> bob: he is still president of the 7 toyota union. prediction that putin doesn't last two years. >> eric: most concerned about the hot mic. >> come on. >> dana: look at the difference. >> israelis are our allies and now look at the reaction, come on. >> bob: they use the election for an excuse and it's a good idea. it doesn't deserve to object page 16. >> president bush was talking about an enemy and i think was deserving. >> maybe the press overreacted. maybe they did. i use it. >> dana: hot mic, open mic, hot mic date is better branding. we're going to work on that on the break.
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brand-new $2 billion facility in utah, blufftail, utah. i was thinking about something else. [ laughter ] >> bob: listen, here is the thing to be concerned about. this is now the largest computer facility in the worlding as more storage than any place in the world of them plan to intercept they say foreign information, foreign phone calls, e-mails, internet traffic even business from libraries to people. i suggest many critics have suggested that is quite possible they are going to be looking at your e-mail, your phone calls, your facebook. be careful. what do you think. >> dana: it doesn't bother me. i guess because. >> bob: because it's you, right. [ laughter ] >> unlike you and me bob, dana does not send jpegs of their
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vacation in thailand. >> dana: did you don't have anything to worry about. during the bush administration when the terrorist surveillance program was revealed by the "new york times" after being asked not to because a secret because was trying to capture conversations overseas and here. but patriotic act was passed 98-0 in the zero and president obama worked hard to get the bill done. i trust the nsa and maybe i shouldn't. i trust the government on this. in particular trust somebody who help create the problem that was general mike hayden who worked at nsa and created the program in the first place. >> bob: what do you think. >> eric: i do. it's a data center and i'm for compiling more data for people that are trying to kill us. that a good thing.
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clapper is nsa. that was the guy that was stumped by culture host in the morning not knowing about the london bombing taking place or attempted thwarted bombing. >> that was clapper. >> he was national intelligence director. >> bob: that is why military men run it. >> dana: i think they are solid grounds to do this. it's going to create a lot of jobs in terms of administrators and people they need there, i.t. people. so good for utah. in terms, my stuff is entertaining. >> i can't believe you are willing to give your own stuff to the government. you guys are always jumping on the government.
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>> greg: do i have an opinion on this? every one of your segments you never come to me. everybody, we live in a culture where everybody is sharing everything until suddenly they find out somebody might be listening to it. the solution to in is to take this thing and turn into a network. then everybody will be want to be on on it. everybody likes to do this. how is this not facebook? what they are doing and what they are buying, go on to facebook. by the way, spying is cool. >> bob: do you want the government looking at your e-mails? what i do they have absolutely no right to get into neighbors phone calls or anybody's e-mails that are not terrorists. >> eric: it's probably under the patriot act. >> dana: i understand where you are coming from. when police abuse and f.b.i. abuse was a problem and people
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had very deep concerns. i totally understand it. i knew somebody like eric chase, your son by 13, by the time he is 21 or 18 and voting. i think there will be a totally different viewpoint at that point. >> bob: a veiled shot. you are right. no, dana is right. when i was in college, we intercepted by the f.b.i. followed by the f.b.i. there were enemies' list and we didn't trust the government then. i still don't trust them. >> correction it's keefe alexander that runs the agency. i'm all for it. >> greg: there is no karaoke at hooters. i've been going there faithfully undercover. [ laughter ] >> there is still hooters at
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hooters. >> kelly: oh, boy, rob. >> speaking of which, dick cheney got a heart transplant. and i'm glad he is doing well. some people and particularly on the liberal side aren't quite happy with this situation. he is going to tell us about it next. that wasn't what was in the prompter but i'm not going to be able to read the prompter. ♪ ♪ ♪ [ female announcer ] here in california, our schools need help.
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that a world famous author would make such a dull joke. but flabby boob like rusty like any salmon can trade a present wife for a new one. biggest joke is rusty was protected by people like can cheney after they put a price on his head. but he wasn't the on one to go there. wondered if dick cheney deserved that heart transplant. so like rushdie did predictability. do you think they would asking this question if it were jimmy carter? but it's dick cheney so here you go. >> people say it's unlikely the 71-year-old jumped the line but nonetheless it has raised a lot of ethical questions, moral about whether the vice president should have received this heart ahead of other people.
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and raising a question how old is too old to receive a precious transplant. >> greg: raises one question, maybe nancy schneiderman needs a heart transplant, too. >> my goodness. >> greg: whenever people are trying to create a news story, people have said or this has raised a lot of ethical concerns. no, you are the one that raising it. everybody is i don't think dick cheney should have a heart transplant. >> dana: i remember wire service had in their lead, blah, blah, george bush, people say. i called them, who are the people? do you have the people. who are people they didn't have one. what i like about rushdie he can write in 140 characters or less. that is an amazing accomplishment. >> he is the most overrated actor, nobody would read his
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books. >> you call him salmon. >> greg: i call him salmon. >> you did the predictable joke at the end of the monologue. >> greg: on purpose. i know you have disagreements with cheney but you had have had heart surgery which is good. >> how do you know i won't. i haven't got bolling out an alley yet. >> bob: first of all i know dick cheney when his wife and i did a tv show. i'm glad he is doing well. i used to meet him. where did you get.
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>> kimberly: you said he. >> bob: and but here is the question. all i want to be sure of if s and i think everybody would like to feel comfortable with this, and cheney family. was there in the same place was he on that list a 40-year-old guy with three young kids who didn't get the heart transplant? that is the issue. wait a minute. i'm just saying, question would be. question would be raised if it were jimmy carter. >> let me have to prove all the people. he deserves the heart. it's been life changing for hill. he waited 20 months. everybody is trying to make dick cheney got a heart out of order. >> one of the things that they outfitted every single religious organization in washington, d.c. churches with heart
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defibrillaters so they could save a life. >> bob: i don't believe for a second he jumped ahead of anybody. i think the guy suffered a lot. i'm happy for his family. these questions are going to be raised. it would be a good thing to know. >> greg: all right. eric's predictions, coming true. i wonder who wrote that tease? and if you leave now there will be no pillow fights. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> kelly: this bob beckel being bad. he is here all week. one more thing. i just noticed today that bob and eric did not get the memo because the three of us did get the pulitzer and i'm delighted to be here with you all. it's very cute. >> one more thing. now, we're going to greg who was reluctant participant in puppy gate? >> i saw the movie called young adult. woman who returns to her high
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school and college to pick up her boyfriend is now married. but it's such an indictment on modern narcism and champion of family values. i would say one of more conservative movies i've seen in my lifetime, it's called "young adult." it's brought to the people by juno. >> kelly:. >> kimberly: and jane fonda is not in it. >> and he beats barack obama in landslide victory and housing market recovers the stockton market recovers but the labor market is going to be bad for a long time, sorry. >> this week ends the first quarter on friday, stocks are raging. s&p 500 up 127, nasdaq up 20%. two stocks, apple a massive 51%.
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mri 14%. it's been a great -- i.b.m. also up. >> and eric you got it. >> kelly: amazing. real quarterback i want to take you to that place. kardashian land. this is a fox news alert is quitting peta over her sister kim getting flower bombed. as you recall he posed naked for peta and she is intense had the person that got flour bomb has ties to peta. >> bob: no time. this is one of our producers here, this is a picture of eric bombing. okay? this is what -- bolling. a million dollar j
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