tv The Five FOX News April 5, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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the lines, and the paperwork. zap. it's our fastest and easiest way to get you into your car. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz. house is up to tonight on fbn. >> kimberly: hello. i'm kimberly guilfoyle with bob beckel, andrea tantaros, dana perino and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> kimberly: the obama administration and the department of justice are on the defense after the president took a sot at the supreme court this week. just this afternoon, attorney general eric holder was forced to respond to a question from the fifth circuit court of appeals after the president said this. >> for year what is we heard is the biggest problem on the bench is judicial activism for lack of judicial restraint. an unelected group of people
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would somehow overturn a duly constituted and passed law. >> kimberly: the court demanded a letter from the department of justice to clarify whether the administration respects the authority of the judicial branch. today, mr. holder sent that letter. the d.o.y. acknowledged that the court has the final say. is this going to put the issue to rest or is this still a problem for them? >> andrea: it should put it to rest. 200 years of precedent and the president was wrong when he made the comments so it should. one thing to criticize the court as he did, which is taboo behavior. he's done it before. another thing to defend the criticisms in court like they did today. i don't see if the mandate is struck down, i don't see how the president does nothing but demagogue this court after the decision. i think he will be so convinced that it's the only way how he defended and wasted
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the last four years of not just his time, but our time, too. taxpayers time. members of congress' time. with a big he knew that was clearly unconstitutional. i think it's a real conundrum for the president. embarrassing what he had to do. the court did smack them back and say we are a separate branch, don't mess with us. i do predict the demagoguing of the court if the mandate is struck down will go on and on. i said this the other day. i can hear it already. the only thing standing between universal and the american people are a few bush appointees. >> bob: first, keep this clear. it wasn't the fifth circuit court of appeals. a three-judge republican-appointed panel. mr. smith who wrote the letter was completely out of bounds. nothing to do with the case in front of him. he got in a political hissy fit and got mad and demanded a letter. why don't you go mr. obama and write 1,000 times on the board about what the judges have the
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right to do. he had no right to write the letter. it was a political item. that's all it was. by a reagan appointee. >> andrea: he is trying to politicize the court. you don't think the remarks -- >> bob: is there precedent to write a letter to executive branch? is there precedent? >> andrea: there isn't but there also isn't precedent for what the president did. >> bob: sure there is. >> kimberly: the criticism going back and forth is bush has had problems with the supreme court, too. but when you compare and contrast how the administration handled this, very different. >> dana: we lost big cases in particular on terrorism. terrorist policy. and detainee policy. i remember when it came down and kennedy was the deciding vote and the one who wrote the opinion. and president bush, on the record remarks and behind the scenes said this is the court's decision and we will figure out a way to deal with it from here on out.
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the court planned and practiced the answer that the president gave on monday, they spent four days trying to clean up. look at how he says it. unprecedented, extraordinary and unelected. make sure you say those three things. now they are cleaning up for it. holder's response to the court actually is much more humble than the president's original comments. i think that in some ways that will simmer down on the judicial side of things. they is v a problem on their hands. i'll disagree with one thing you said. the president knew it would waste our time because it was unconstitutional. aapparently i don't think he does know that. given what he said on monday. nobody in the room prepping him for press conference says maybe it's not a good idea to attack the court. >> andrea: shouldn't he know the law as a law professor? in 2008 he told hillary clinton the individual mandate, remember, was unconstitutional. he admitted that. >> bob: virtually every
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court decision is overturned the commerce clause has been not about the economic issues. this is the first that did it. why we're spending all this time because a hissy-fit judge, reagan appointee gets mad and writes a letter to get even with barack obama. you're right. >> greg: i read the letter. it has it in problem with me. the big problem with his writing is the jargon. they cite cases as evidence and know as americans we don't follow up on the cases. how do we know any of the cases that they use in the tv shows actually happen? >> bob: they're old, too. >> greg: for example if i used everyday conversation, went up to kimberly and said hey, do you want to go for a drink? you say no, greg, you're gross. i'll say well, according to the 1934 case of wineberger versus mills it was decided that the buyer of the drink has jurisdiction over the invitee since the inviteer is
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four inchs shorter and has a shrine built out of you out of driftwood. you have to go. >> dana: make you sen her e-mail to explain why she is not going to go? >> greg: absolutely. >> kimberly: apparently now i'm constitutionally and legally mandated to attend. thanks for clearing that up. >> bob: you are the legal expert. can you cite another time when a circuit court of appeals taking on another law and the head of that goes back to the united states, the week before, nothing to do with the law in front of him and decide to demand a letter. who is he to demand the let her? >> kimberly: he has the right to do so. the other part of your question is something that doesn't happen routinely. no. it's pretty much unproduce dented, but nevertheless it doesn't mean he was outside his scope in doing so. look at it. the president shouldn't have said what he said. >> bob: unprecedented -- >> kimberly: let's take a
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listen to nikki haley. >> what is amazing is what a bully president obama suddenly has become. he came in with hope and change and now bullying his way on paul ryan saying he is not coming up with adequate budget. budgeting the supreme court saying they won't reverse this, won't go against this. that is not how things work. he has to lead. >> greg: i don't think he is a bully at all. he's whining. he is missing the vice president, which is the media. they usually come to help him. he says transparent administration, but the healthcare bill was not. so it's as transparent as the hoover dam. he needs help. the media has to kick in and support him. >> dana: they are hemming him. what he really meant was, that's not what he meant. no, no, no. every politician does it.
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the reason this is news is because immediately upon hearing it, i was like oh! i can't believe they did that. they will have a fire storm on their hand. >> kimberly: four days later they're still dealing with it. >> dana: the president tried to walk it back. >> bob: in brown versus board of education lambasted the court in the worse way for interfering with the state's right. every republican and democrats for that matter came out and jumped on the activism liberal courts have nothing to say on that. >> how can you not say the president was wrong? >> bob: i don't think he's wrong. >> dana: even the president said he was wrong. ten president had to clarify. >> bob: take on the supreme court. sure. it's politics. >> andrea: unprecedented what happened, with know it wasn't true. the court's job is overturn laws. then he walks it back and said i meant the commerce clause. there is precedent for that, too.
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>> bob: not economic precedent. i'm delighted he practiced it. i wish he practice for five. four was good. >> andrea:/think he is bull bullying. >> kimberly: a nice exchange. i want your reaction. carney, henry, go. >> do you think average americans know about the court case 75 years ago? c'mon. >> what is your point? >> are you suggesting -- i just want to know, are you suggesting that -- >> unprecedented. >> i'm telling you and he told you and others like me have said on the day of that what he meant and what he made clear yesterday and he was a law professor, and he understands constitutional law and constitutional precedent and the role of the supreme court, was reference to the supreme court history in ruling of matters about this. >> the president said strongly majority of the democratic
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elected congress. it was passed 219-212. >> here we go. you go with the facts. imagine that. [ laughter ] >> he was not a strong majority. the republicans pushed through the ryan budget with republican votes. you guys would not call that a strong majority, would you? >> no. >> kimberly: here we go with the facts, greg. >> greg: every time i look at carney, i think shouldn't he be at a frat party getting a toga ready? i can see him in the fraternity named the carnivore and he was a barrel of laughs. >> kimberly: very "american pie." >> bob: he does have a hard time dealing with things. >> dana: a different way to approach this, is the president addressed this yesterday, ed. i got nothing left for you. on the holder letter and say i refer you to the attorney general because he can answer it. and try to just like stop things. >> bob: that comes from somebody who knows what she is talking about.
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i conquer with dana on this. >> andrea: the last sound we played where asked if he was a bully, i think he is bullying. fdr didn't bully the congress but when he came out with his court stacking scheme where he said he would make the justices retire at age 70, if they didn't he'd appoint a new justice. guess what happened? that court felt political pressure the same obama is trying to apply. they overturned the legislation. see similarity there? >> bob: i do. this is huge legislation and time to bully. >> andrea: you admit he is a bully. >> bob: i think he should bully. i listen to the republicans. the liberal supreme court, and they are getting a little taste of their own medicine. so what? >> andrea: bullying the court. >> kimberly: glad we did this. on bright news i found something i like about eric holder. his signature. all right. coming up, a song many americans know by heart. ♪ there ain't no doubt i love
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♪ there ain't no doubt i love this land ♪ ♪ god bless the usa ♪ >> dana: put this in the category of you cannot make this stuff up. but it seems we're able to do it every week. a new elementary school every week does something kind of crazy. this is one called stallbrook elementary school, in bellingham, massachusetts. having the school play. they are going to sing the
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song "god bless the usa" that you heard lee greenwood sing but change the line so instead of "god bless the usa" to "we love the usa." now lee greenwood had a statement about this. if we can put that up there. i think that would be great. interesting he responded. he said the most important word in the piece of music "god." it's played at every naturalization ceremony behind the national anthem. if it's good enough to be played under the setting in those circumstances, surely it should be good enough for our children." so, greg, this school has had more position on this than my yoga class, because they are never going to drop the whole thing and not sing it at all. now they are going to sing it you can say "god." >> greg: of course god bless the usa is offensive. it has godded on our country.
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why not readministration the whole sentence. it came up with lyrics to fit in better. the first one is instead of god bless usa. supernatural creator of your choice. bless this diverse group. the second benevolent being exalt the realm we currently have. divine spirit, sprinkle us with nonjudgmental goodness and protect us from real spiritualty. lastly, non-religion, inoffensive non-denying creature, obsolve from the intolerance and inherent racism against organized groups. >> dana: are you putting it to music? >> greg: i am performing in times square without my pants on. >> andrea: not again. >> bob: can by your agent? besides the fact that those of white house heard lee greenwood sing this time 14,532 times, who's counting,
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it's a nice song. i don't understand what the school board -- what do you do? get a school board meeting here to say all right, we'll talk about lee greenwood. >> dana: as a mother of a young son, kimberly, i know he's only five, but if you found out the school was doing this, would you think they were wasting their time? >> kimberly: look, they said they would do the songs and they modifie modified the lyricn they said now we're pulling it altogether. lee makes a great point. this is what is happening. they went completely secular society. that's it. i don't understand why they make such a big deal about this. >> andrea: i love the parent's response. there is a movement to take god out. but thileave god in. they're outraged.
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but they're outraged that they took it out. leave it in and sing the song or don't sing the song. it's political correctness. they're scared to have an aclu member at their protest for saying, "god." ridiculous. >> dana: the school is like all of their different positions today walking it back is like watching the white house in the last four days the healthcare remark. >> bob: that is being a bully toward the president. >> dana: all right. talk about something else. on the topic of christianity. "newsweek" two years ago had a story, a cover story, provocative to suggest christianity was on the way out. no they have andrew sullivan, a blogger guy, forget the church, follow jesus. his point in this is -- it's an interesting article. there have been some people that misuse christianity for their own personal gain and if you follow christ you will have a good and fulfilling life. you like this article.
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>> bob: i did a lot. jefferson cut out the bible. only kept in pieces that were the direct sayings of jesus christ. to the basics of christianity. this is right. not saying we love one another -- not just love one another but love your enemy and forgive those. follow your truest father, not your mother -- jesus walked away from his own mother and father and told other people to do that. to give up power over others because power meanous to have a threat of violence. violence is incompatible with christianity. they're right on the money here 106789% of th. 10% fewer declare to be christian. part of that in the catholic and protestant denomination they are taking religion and taking it from god, where christ did not want it, in politics. >> kimberly: to me this is obvious. they never had respect for the catholic church. what else is new. >> andrea: i think they're going after organizeded
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religion. >> kimberly: they are. >> andrea: liberals don't like organized religion. "newsweek" they do this every spring. two years ago it was is christianity dead? a year to the date later they went bankrupt. so "newsweek" was dead. keep an eye on christ because people will always let you down. that's one thing that my mom said. keep your eyes on christ. people are sinners, too. >> bob: rides christian.>> wis. >> greg: "newsweek" is thinner than the brochure on osteoporosis i see at the pharmacy. incredible. when the media does something on christianity, it's the media that is in a crisis at that point. they hate competition. religion is competition to the media. if you believe in god, you are less likely to believe in the media. >> bob: organized religion does interpret jesus the way
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they want to. and catholics, why we have problems with the catholics, catholicism is interruption on the way to relationship with god. >> kimberly: i think that is such an offensive statement. >> bob: it may be to you but i do not believe there is one holy living human being that we have to go through to get to god. >> kimberly: you can have a problem with the pope but don't disparage the god-fearing christians, catholics out there in this country. >> dana: we have opened up a can of worms or caterpillars. another story today. >> greg: that's what happens when you buck religion over the holidays. >> dana: coming up we're going to change the subject and talk about octomom on welfare. christie brinkley is bawling over her divorce. you want to hear all about it or maybe you think it's tmi. >> bob: what is t.m.i.? >> dana: we'll discuss it. that's coming up. ♪ notice
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♪ ♪ >> greg: privacy advocates fear that uncle sam is scanning facebook and twitter for stuff on terror strikes, protest and so on. they want congress to act against big brother who may be spying as you pose that shot of yourself drinking cappuccino in the shower. why would hemmer do that? modern culture is nothing but oversharing. social media is a public rejection of self-restraint where everyone wants to tell you everything about nothing. now they worry someone might
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be reading it. the fact is if you think the law wants to mind your post, you're nuts. the worst job in the world for any cop is to pour through hiku poetry about their cat. they want to read people their rights. even more, if protesters can film cops, why can't the cops film them back? the protest at the santa monica college where they taped the meeting and then were pepper sprayed. they do it to orchestrate outrage. what you see there? >> are you crazy? we won. we won. they pepper sprayed us. >> greg: there you go. "we won, we won they pepper sprayed us." they want to be sprayed because it creates artificial heroes and the media then embraces. as always, cameras reveal the truth so i installed one in bob's dressing room. i know he stole my satin shorty robe. i just need the truth. >> bob: hemmer can do it
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because he is hemmer. i can't. believe me, i can't. who has something to say about to be subject? [ laughter ] >> greg: i don't know. dana? if you pose something publicly? >> dana: i thought that was the whole point about your life is going to be on twitter. if you are a 40-year-old guy and you are posting things it's different than if you are a 15-year-old. the 40-year-old, that is a new world. the 15-year-old is going to have everything about his life or her life is going to be online. so they need to know that. i don't know how the parents are actually going to deal with that. if i was in a position to hire somebody, i am totally going to google them. if i'm a cop, i'm going to look at what they're saying because you need to know. that is how you find out information. >> bob: if it' it's the shortest posting there is. >> kimberly: if you use the shortest posting. some people to advertise, et cetera. you are putting yourself out
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there. >> bob: why do the cops have access, particularly to your facebook? i read it. it sounds risque, i think. >> andrea: no, it's not! c'mon, do you think i would put -- >> dana: think how many people will scan your page. >> andrea: it's my facebook. >> bob: twitter where -- okay. >> greg: it's public. >> andrea: your cat haiku is awesome. don't stop writing them. the cops aren't looking for the haiku. if they won't to look for them, great. but if they hack in greg's account that is a problem. they shouldn't google him and look at the page. >> bob: why should cops goggle anything? >> andrea: give me a break. >> bob: seriously. why look at the hidden parts of facebook? >> kimberly: perfect. go ahead and do it. honestly. i don't want them to waste too much time on me because i'm committing crimes. why bob -- here we go, here we go.
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well behaved. bob, you don't have expectation of privacy if you are sitting there doing all of this and you are doing tweets and facebook, you put it out there. it's a useful law enforcement tool, because the dumb-dumbs, the felony stupids out there post stuff like pictures of the burglaries or the home invasion. >> bob: that is the argument, because you do it yourself, therefore it's open. >> andrea: you show up in an era without social media. i can't imagine if in the '60s there was facebook and twitter what yours -- >> bob: i grew up in an era without telephones? party lines. we learn more about our neighbors on party lines because you could listen in on what they're saying. >> kimberly: outrage! >> greg: wait a minute. in your past the word "party line" meant something a little different. >> kimberly: subtle difference. >> bob: it did. we shared party lines. i want you to know that. jimenez explains a lot. >> bob: coming up are
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said interrupts a relationship with god. in one way or another. if i got catholics upset, i'm sorry. i didn't mean it that way, though i believe there was not just one -- >> kimberly: okay. offended 28 million people. >> bob: kate winslet, let's listen -- your "titanic" grossed $1.1 million when the movie came out. it was all over the world. it won how many oscars? like a bunch of oscars. now the two big stars think it's a dump. i don't know why. listen to what kate winslet says about why she doesn't like it and won't take her kids to see it. >> kimberly: she is hot. >> bob: she is. >> we're all tweeting. oh. don't -- somebody says no. now. no, really, really? american accent. i'm not so sure i even like that. >> dana: what does she have against american accent. >> bob: i can't understand a word she said.
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anybody who watched that movie who didn't like the scene in the car with the two of them in the model-t ford whatever it was was missing out on one of the great scenes of all time. i don't know why she's embarrassed -- >> kimberly: the sex scene? >> bob: i didn't want to embarrass people. like i'm based catholics. they didn't like it. beautiful movie. >> andrea: they were young at the time. it's hollywood egos. think about it, this movie put them on the map. starring dilecaprio. it wasn't got growing pains." a great movie. they should go back. it's hard. not comparable at all but if i look at footage of myself on tv four years ago, i don't want to watch myself now. the movie made them rich. >> dana: i love the movie. it found out something interesting, greg has never seen it. >> greg: true, true. yeah. yeah. i just haven't gotten around to it. >> kimberly: you could have movie night together.
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>> bob: you would like it. >> greg: i'll defend kate winslet. nobody likes the first thing they did that made them success. i can't look at the art films i did in germany. i'm embarrassed. >> kimberly: you keep sending them to me. >> bob: i'd be on a boat with her anytime. there is another thing gong on, i think is talk about sacrilege. james bond, my hero, what kind of drink did he drink? martini. shaken not stirred. in the new movie that is coming out, they are going to change it to heineken. from a martini. as a former drinker, you need to drink 50 heineken to get a buzz on. you can get a buzz on with a good 15 martini. >> andrea: the new bottle. >> bob: can you imagine they take it away from james bond? >> greg: it's a promotional thing. it's just to sell more beer.
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but the consumer keeps hearing shaken not stirred, gets confused and shakes the heineken. we'll have a big problem. >> dana: this reminds me about the british say about american beer that it's like making love in a canoe so close to water. get it? >> bob: i don't get it at all. >> kimberly: this is not sexy at all. >> bob: i don't either. he has the aston martin. >> bob: the woman walks out of the water with the bikini on. >> kimberly: the white bikinis. it bought one i was so moved by it. >> bob: let's go up and have a heineken. are you kidding me? >> andrea: they do product placement in all of the movies. >> bob: i did this segment because we have to get out of here but if somebody figured out what dana said with the joke, e-mail us and let us know what it is. coming up, narcissism on
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> andrea: welcome back to "the five." if your blood isn't boiling from bob's comments earlier, it might start to boil with this segment. we'll talk about narcissists on parade. we have a number of narcissists we'll discuss. this one gets me angry. octomom. she said over and over she wouldn't take welfare assistance, she posed topless. she got $8,000 and burned through that with all of her kids. now she is taking food stamps, welfare assistance. $2,000 a month. here is what she told matt lauer on the "today" show.
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>> it's 100% about my children. they deserve everything. they deserve the best. it's temporary. how prevalent it is. how many that abuse the system. but if it's used -- >> you don't feel you are abusing it? >> i just started it. it's only food stamps. if you do it temporarily it's a resource. >> andrea: this is greg, one of the quandaries because she got pregnant on her own will. she did in vitro fertilization. some people say look, the government should get involved here. now we have to support a woman who got herself pregnant. should government be involved in telling people how many kids they should have? >> greg: i would like to applaud her lifestyle choice. she is an american hero. the one important thing she said is that no matter what kind of financial straits she is in, she will not do adult films. i can say on behalf of
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america, thank you. >> bob: she had eight kids. she didn't expect to have eight kids. >> greg: the fertility doctor would argue otherwise. >> bob: how many people had eight kids? at one time, right? >> andrea: she wanted all the kids. given the name octomom. >> bob: the kids should have food to eat. if they can't afford it, food stamps should be provided we all ought to pay for it. >> kimberly: she did have children prior to these eight children. she had special needs children, and there is needs for the children here as well. it breaks my heart. they are suffering. i don't want to deprive her of food stamps or whatever she needs. sad, she is posing -- this is very heart-breaking to me. that loser scumbag doctor that impregnated her knowingly should have to pick up the bill instead of the state. >> bob: i would like to apologize for kimberly using that word. >> kimberly: all right. >> andrea: moving on. another narcissist, christie
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brinkley, you have seen her shed tears before on "today" show and she shed more tears on "the view" about her divorce. >> i am putting up resources on my facebook page. links so that they can understand and they don't ever have to feel alone. they don't ever have to feel diminished or less than. i'm sorry. >> andrea: now she says her husband is an ego maniac. she always seems to be talking about her husband, dana, she has a broadway play that is out. it wonder if this is a p.r. strategy. they say go on the show. they will ask you about your divorce. talk about it. start crying and then shows like "the five" will talk about it. >> andrea: when i see her, i think it's sincere. i think she is heart-broken and i think he is a jerk. she is gorgeous. >> andrea: beyond. >> dana: she is amazingly talented. so in a way i think why doesn't she just say you know what to the guy?
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>> andrea: i know divorces are tough. but at what point does she shut her mouth for the good of her kids? >> kimberly: i hear what you are saying. >> bob: i shed tears when i had divorce that i owned $17,000 in alimony a month until she got married again. everybody cries when they get divorced. usually it costs you double. >> kimberly: okay, bob. negative things about the ex-husband. poisonous relationship. it's sad. children are suffering. both the kids are really nice. she is a nice person. look how beautiful she is. everybody loves her. she is a sweetheart. >> andrea: ultimate display of narcissism. remember the woman who was too darn beautiful for everybody? well, she has more remarks to make. she isn't singing a different tune. take a listen. >> yes. >> do you regret writing the article? >> no, i don't regret writing it. i think the whole point of the
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article i wanted to make when i wrote it, i picked the article, had to align why do people hate attractive women. women do not like attractive women. that's proved to me by the thousands of vile remarks i've got. thousands of vile e-mails to my personal account. messages i've had on my own. >> andrea: she does not struggle with humility, does she? >> greg: wow. that is all i got to say. she really is a knockout. >> dana: this is what i think will happen in britain. she will get her own reality show. her last name is brick. to brick by brick, building back your self-esteem. >> bob: you say women are 2 at 10:00 and then 10 at 2:00. that is a bow-wow. >> kimberly: she is not. believe me. you would have -- >> andrea: one more thing is up next.
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♪ ♪ >> bob: she is bow-wow. ♪ ♪ ♪ i remember the day my doctor told me i have an irregular heartbeat, and that it put me at 5-times greater risk of a stroke. i was worried. i worried about my wife, and my family. bill has the mos common type of atrial fiillation, or afib. it's not caused by a heart valve problem. he was taking warfarin, but i've put him on pradaxa instead. in a clinical trial, pradaxa 150 mgs reduced stroke risk 35% more than warfarin without the need for regular blood tests. i sure was glad to hear that. pradaxa can cause serious, sometimes fatal, bleeding. don't take pradaxa if you have abnormal bleeding, and seek immediate medical care for unexpected signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. pradaxa may increase your bleeding risk if you're 75 or older, have a bleeding condition like stomach ulcers, or take aspirin, nsaids, or bloodthinners, or if you have kidney problems, especially if you take certain medicines.
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tell your doctor about all medicines you take, any planned medical or dental procedures, and don't stop taking pradaxa without your doctor's approval, as stopping may increase your stroke ri. other side effects include indigestio stomach pain, upset, or burning. pradaxa is progress. if you have afib not caused by a heart valve problem, ask your doctor if you can reduce your risk of stroke with pradaxa.
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remember the story we brought you earlier in week with greg's monolong about the gsa meeting? >> dana: they met in vegas on your taxpayer dollars. well, we found out today there was a contest, where you could submit a video. let's take a look at what you just paid for. >> ♪ ba obama ♪ [ inaudible ] ♪ gsa ♪ they can't afford the propaganda ♪ ♪ got money >> sometimes dreams do come true. so i'm here to officially make you commissioner for a day. >> dana: it gets worse. check it out on youtube. greg, as you said, the mind reader they hired should have told them they were going to be embarrassed in front of the nation. >> greg: i thought that was a work of art. >> dana: he won the contest. >> bob: were you going to ask me a question? >> kimberly: it's your turn. >> dana: so here is the
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question. all the tweeters have been waiting for. today there is a big controversy about should women be allowed to play at augusta. what do you think? >> bob: they shouldn't. it's too long. they're better putters and short-gamers and it's too long. >> dana: president obama thinks they should. >> greg: you are break something many records. >> dana: to you it's not that it's a private club. it's more about golf. >> bob: private club, kept everybody out of there, who wants to go to the club an anyway? they're not going to like that, are you? real quick, last night muhammad ali, one of the greatest athletes ever, greatest boxer ever threw out the first ball at the florida marlins game. he looked very, very bad. very sick. it may be the last time you see him, folks. he was a great, great, great athlete and boxer. the best there ever was. >> andrea: the only nice
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thing you said the whole show. all right. to whoever was watching the final four, many of you on monday night. did you notice this? did you notice this little spelling error? see that. did you catch it? >> bob: no. >> andrea: all right. >> dana: how do you spell "atlanta." >> andrea: look in the upper right. it says alanta. not atlanta. it's supposed to be "plant" not "alanta." >> greg: to remind everybody, the john stossel special at 9:00 p.m. on fox business. it's called "the media get it wrong." ly be on with tucker and other people. >> kimberly: mention a great organization to follow on twitter. @petsforpatriots and they outreach and put together pets for homeless and military. wonderful group. check them out on the website. pets for you
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