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tv   America Live  FOX News  April 6, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT

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that's all we know at this point. jenna: the military can confirm in fact it was a 2-seater and both pilots ejected safely, according to our latest information. more breaking news ahead for you now. jon: we'll see you in a minute. >> mig welcome, we begin with a foxuse will letter out of virginia beach
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megyn: the smoke resulting there from. i want to dip in and take a
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listen to the local affiliate, wtkr reporting. >> two crew members did eject from the jet and parachute safely with only minimal harm to themselves into the area what i can them you from nothing dozens and dozens of oceania pilots and military aircraft operators, i will promise you right now there was no sal srapbling of the aircraft in the air. i've covered several mishaps and crashes in virginia beach where pilots did everything they humanly could some steer the aircraft out and away from the population areas. i have seen them put the pedal to the metal and put the aircraft over the water before they ejected. it is incredibly telling that these gifted pilots were not able to get that jet away from the population area. we are only probably a quarter mile or more to the atlantic ocean. a lot of times when the aircraft is in trouble in these patterns
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they can, in some cases just put that plane into essentially over drive and try to get it as far away from the property areas as possible and into the water and eject from there. the fact that they've ejected and landed just tells you right away there was nothing they could do to recover this jet. come back here, we have more equipment coming in. this is the virginia beach's new mobile kpwhapb command unit here. they bring this out for the most significant incidences here. we have fire department command units. megyn: want to bring you to our other local affiliate who is speaking to emergency responders right now, i believe, let's take a listen. no, sorry, aob just lee we've all hearobviously we've heard that sound from time to time. look the the plume of smoke from what we are told is an apartment complex which has not been confirmed. that is according to initial
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reports. a navy jet has gone down, has crashed, we are told according to a u.s. military official that it was a fa-18 super hornet, a sue seater, that both pilots ejected safely and the jet crashed into a residential area. they did not say it crashed into a building, the navy is looking into those reports. there are other reports out there that it crashed into an apartment complex, into a residence there. we can see for ourselves the smoke rising from above. according to reports two apartment buildings hit by the plane. reports of heavy fire from the scene. we are trying to get more details on this and find out whether there were any injuries or worse. as soon as we find out more we will bring it to you. a lot of other news to bring it to you including this. an alert on new details on a video spoof that sparked a
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federal investigation into abuse of your tax dollars. welcome to live life on a busy afternoon. i'm megyn kelly. it was dubbed several worker american idle, spelled i-d-l-e, not accidentally, as if not doing anything. it was featured at a talent contest in vegas for the general services administration, members of it. it features federal workers that you pay mocking the agency for spending more than $800,000 on a single gathering for 300 people. this is the one in which they hired the mind reader and the clown. you see them bragging how they will never get caught, let alone investigated. that turned out to be incorrect but they got away with it for quite some time. trace gallagher live with more. as far as we know people in that video right there work for gsa. >> reporter: they do still work for gsa. the man you saw, that was the winning video. that was a talent come teugs, they were doing a paradeon the
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bruno mars song, i want to be a billionaire, but instead he wants to be the gsa commissioner. ♪ >> want to be commissioner so freakin bad, for all the things that buildings never had. a brand-new computer and underground parking, and a corner office with a theme. ♪ ♪ >> reporter: gsa manages federal buildings and land. they are supposed to help keep the government's costs down yet this video is all about spending lavish leon buildings and giving huge bonuses to government workers. listen again. ♪ i buy everything i feel i can afford, gsa forget about that award. love to the nation, i'll never
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be under oyg investigation. >> reporter: those awards were actually given out at the same conference that he won the award for top video. those awards $250,000, things like ipods and such. the man right there was named the commissioner for a day, that was his award. gsa is now investigating by the office of investigative inspector general, rather, for holding that $835,000 conference outside of las vegas. you mentioned the clowns, megyn, well $835,000, oig says it was designed to be over the top,ee lab brat cocktail receptions. $75,000 for a bike-building exercise. $3,200 for a mind reader. a spokesman for gsa says, and i'm quoting, this video is another example of the complete lack of judgment exhibited during the 2010 western regions conference. our agency continues to be appalled by this indefensible behavior. the white house says the
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president is also outraged, but darrell issa, the congressman from california says, and i'm quoting, this administration knew about this 11 months ago and they didn't act until the press got wind of it. this is typically what has been happening in this administration when they are transparent only when they are discovered. and, again, the video that he just saw won first place at that gsa conference, megyn. megyn: in terms of issa comment that they knew about it 11 months ago, was that the beginning of the inspector general investigation? why does he time it to 1 11 months ago. >> reporter: that is exactly what it was. the beginning of the investigation when they got word of this. these videos were posted on the gsa website. they have since been taken down. when this investigation began the videos were posted. the conference happened back in 2 2010. after that they posted the videos, it was a paradeal a
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parody phaegdz it show. megyn: it shows you how many people spend their time on the website. what does this do for president obama's re-election? he's praising that agency right around the time of that conference. >> it's about creating a culture where as martha johnson puts it, work is what you do, not where you are. because in the end we believe that all of this isn't just about providing a better work experience for our employees, it's about providing better, more efficient service for the american people. megyn: that's got to be one of those things where the white house says, why, why. he didn't know when he was saying that that martha johnson is overseeing this organization that is wasting almost -- let's not even -- he didn't know, right? can we assume he didn't know at that time chris stirewalt, fox news digital politics editor.
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>> he didn't know, just like he didn't know solyndra was going to bankrupt and default. it was a good pr thought at the time. he wanted to praise the agency for what he thought was an innovative way to try to encourage people to do a better job for the taxpayers. megyn: it's laugh or cry, stirewalt. >> depends on whether you've paid your taxes yet. look, the truth is that for the president he can't be held personally responsible for what happened with this sort of silliness, but there is another factor here, and remember, megyn, his central pitch this year is that we need a government that works, we need a government that has the resources and funding. when he went on the attack this week against mitt romney for supporting paul ryan in very tough terms, his message is this. republicans want to cut down a government that works well and helps the people. when you see stuff like this. it reinforces in the mind of persuadable voters the fact that
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oftentimes government doesn't work, and under this administration, which touts it's good government cr credentials, you have stuff that doesn't work. megyn: look how happy they are? that is important for productivity, isn't it? i feel we are being too hard on the gsa workers. >> we are going to get some ukeleles, down here and i bet productivity will go through the roof. megyn: do people say, you get redick just bureaucrats that spinned ou spend our money. and that we can't control what happens to our money once the people take it from us. >> it's not that they think that president obama arranged the junket to las vegas for this. but it under cuts his talk of
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government. people are skeptical of the ability of the government to function effectively and efficiently and take the money they give to a good end. megyn: that's what i want looking out for me, who the government contracts with and who does not. that's what that gsa does. don't you want mr. ukelele to be driving a hard bargain at that table? as far as we know he is still working for them driving that hard bargain. thank you. we'll be talking more about that in our next hour. new controversy today over president obama's comments that the g.o.p. has moved so far to the right that even president ronald reagan would not get through the current primaries, is that true? or is it that the democrats have moved too far left, or both? michael reagan, right after the break. and she claims she is one of three people who won the large ilargest lottery jackpot in history. now she says she can't find the
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ticket, that's today's story. why this may all be part of a clever strategy to claim the entire jackpot. we examine that in "kelly's court." structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today. your doctor will say get smart about your weight. that's why there's new glucerna hunger smart shakes. they have carb steady, with carbs that digest slowly to help minimize blood sugar spikes. [ male announcer ] new glucerna hunger smart. a smart way to help manage hunger and diabetes. here's a chance to create jobs in america.
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megyn: fox news alert, a quick update for you now on the situation in virginia beach. we are getting word of a navy jet crash near a virginia air base. details still coming inment but the reports are that it is an fa-18 hornet according to military officials and it went down by a major road. we are told that the two pilots were able to safely eject. our affiliate on the scene is reporting that two people have been taken to hospitals with injuries. we have one report that one of the injuries is at a hospital, so we are not sure if the two people taken to the hospitals are the pilots or others. there are reports now that this could have been a training jet, because this particular type of jet is often used for training younger, less experienced pilots, we're told, but that is
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unconfirm right now. again, reports are that the one jet has come down and hit two apartment buildings causing a two alarm fire. we'll get back to the situation as news warrants right here. president obama slamming paul ryan's budget plan this week and using it to accuse the entire republican party of moving far too far to the right. at an event this week he takes the argument even further suggesting that ronald reagan was too moderate to make it through this year's g.o.p. primary season, something mitt romney then countered when the new exchanged shots this week. >> proponents of this budget will tell us we have to make all these draconian cuts because our deficit is so large. >> we want to make america strong again with the best environment for business in the world. >> ronald reagan could not get through a republican primary today.
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>> ronald reagan would win handily in a primary, and frankly in all the primaries. >> what's changed is the center of the republican party. >> i cannot wait to get my hands-on washington. megyn: michael reagan is the chairman of the reagan group and with us now. michael, first of all does it ever stun you that people are still making your dad the center of presidential politics all this time later? >> boy, if i got a penny every time they mention his name i'd own fox news, wouldn't i? megyn: yeah, both democrats and republicans. >> oh, yeah, democrats, republicans, i mean bring up his name more often than not. you'd think ronald reagan was running for the presidency of the united states in 2012 and there are a lot of people who wish that he would. both of them are right here. the fact that barack obama said ronald reagan would have a hard time going through the primaries, yes he would. it is different today than it was back in 1980. today they look at ronald reagan
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as a union leader, raised taxes, signed an abortion bill, signed no fault divorce. so the debates would really buy him out. i'd like to think he'd still win the debates and go on. vice versa on the democrats side, the icon of the democrats, john f. kennedy. promilitary, for lore erring taxes, how would he do in democratic primaries today? the world has absolutely changed. when it comes to paul ryan, i've got to tell you ronald reagan would be all over that and be supportive of it and look at paul ryan and say, you know young man, you remind me a lot of me when i became governor of california because i'm the one that instituted work fair. megyn: paul ryan is not proposing tax hikes, and this is what president obama, among other things has a problem with. he's trying to paint the republican party as too radical to really be trusted to deal with our budget and our deficit issues because he says they just
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won't impose any revenue generating measures. >> yeah, well what ronald reagan learned while he was president of the united states, when you say trust but verify you should be talking about the democrats on that, not just the former soviet block, because when ronald reagan did raise taxes during the 1980s, the democrats promised him $3 in spending cuts for every dollar in new taxes. the republican party remembers what happened. ronald reagan raised taxes but he died in 2004 waiting for those spending cuts to come around. owe is stilhe is still waiting in 2012. i would say to barack obama, start living by the promises that you make and it would start by having harry reid pass a budget. megyn: when democrats point to your dad as somebody who did raise taxes, and cut spending, in an effort to cut the deficit, your point is the only reason he agreed to raise the taxes is because he was promised some
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spending cuts that he never got? >> yes, he was offered spending cuts that he absolutely never got as president of the united states of america. people forget, and you go back, this is great history, go check it, back to 1974, the budget reconciliation act which took the authority away from the president to be able to hold back funds that were budget bu busters. 1974 the congress took that over and under threat of court the president of the united states has to spend every dollar that the congress appropriates. if in fact the president does not he can be taken to court. ronald reagan was threatened with court twice by mr. byrd in the sin at of the united states. megyn: michael reagan, thank you, sir. >> thank you. megyn: clint hill is the agent who courageous ly ran on the back of the limousine in the midst of the shooting in november of 1963. he made sure the first lady was safe but was unable to save the president. in ten minutes we get to ask him
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for the first time about that awful day and what he saw in his four years protecting jackie kennedy. [ male announcer ] drinking a smoothie with no vegetable nutrition? ♪ [ gong ] strawberry banana! [ male announcer ] for a smoothie with real fruit plus veggie nutrition new v8 v-fusion smoothie. could've had a v8. can help you build a plan that fits your life. we'll even throw in up to $600
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megyn: fox news alert, a navy jet with two pilots aboard has crashed into an apartment building in virginia beach, according to the navy as well as media reports. while there were no immediate reports of injuries on the ground. and if that is trite is something of a miracle. our affiliate says it has seen a lot of stretchers going into the apartment building. trace gallagher track being the breaking news from our breaking news desk, trace. >> reporter: it's important to hold off on that. we don't know. we are hearing at least one, possibly two apartment complexes could be on fire. you see the live pictures in virginia beach.
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they are taking about the mayfair muse apartment complex, one, two, three, four bedrooms, near schools in that area. there could be as many as two buildings on fire. the first responders are on scene trying to get a better idea of when they can actually go into these apartment complexes and check to see if there is anybody in there at this time. it is spring break across most of the nation. we do not know in this area if the kids are out of school or not. o krerbgs ania are thoceania are the top guns. this fa-18 is used as a traeurpb. it apparently went out of control and crashed into two apartment complexes. both are being observed and looked at at local hospitals. there are reports of others at hospitals, but again very unclear if they are people on
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the ground or if they are the pilots. we'll continue to watch this. we look at live pictures coming out of virginia beach. clearly, this thing, as first responders just arrived has a long way to go before we find out if people on the ground, in the apartment complexes were affected by this. megyn. megyn: trace, thank you. we are also following new developments today in the fast and furious investigation. congress wants to know why a low-ranking atf agent in phoenix, that's where the operation was run out of, was sharing emails in the middle of this gun running sting with someone's on the national security team. one of the congressional investigators asking questions joins us live. plus, president obama addressing a white house women's forum this morning. what role does this play in his re-election campaign? according to the white house this has nothing to do with politics. really? we'll take a look at both sides. plus, a life lesson this friday,
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a hospice nurse shares the five most common regrets patients say they have before dying, and the powerful message they contain about how to live. don't miss that. ♪ you can never surrender. ♪ ♪
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megyn: fox news alert we're continuing to follow the breaking news on a navy jet crashing into an apartment complex in virginia beach. look at these pictures. these are really something. you can see the up-close look at the destruction there. a navy jet with two pilots aboard has crashed into an apartment building. we are told that the pilots managed to eject and have been taken to the hospital, at least one of them has. we are told that they obviously survived the crash. there were no immediate reports of injuries on the ground, but our affiliate is reporting having seen a lot of stretchers going into this apartment building. look, look at the destruction on the left hand side of your screen. i mean it is charred remains of a building. there appear to be at least two, perhaps as many as three or more structures affected by the remnants of this jet. the jet you cannot see. you can only see the charred remains of the building. look at the roof on screen left as the good firefighters in the
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area have contained the blaze, but are working to continue with that. we will bring you the breaking news as we get more updates on it right here on "america live." they are just wrapping up a forum on women and the economy at the white house right now, an event that was not without a little controversy. yesterday press secretary jay carney was challenged whether this is really a campaign event held at the white house and paid for by the taxpayer dime. >> i'm wondering why you're only focusing in this conference on women's issues, men also have a role on the economy. >> why are we focusing on small businesses with the small businesses act, are we discriminating against big businesses? there are important issues with regard to women in the economy, women's safety, women in education, things that are important and we are proud to host the conference. megyn: on special report
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syndicated columnist charles krauthammer a called his remarks over the top and accused the white house of manufacturing a war on media. >> you get stories in the mainstream media, i think i saw a headline this morning that said, republicans claim that there is no war on women. this is actually in the news part of a paper, which of course is promoting. the idea is that because there was some objection on religious liberty grounds to forcing catholic institutions to dispense them for free it's a war on women. they want to deny access to contraception as if they want to shut the door to any american pharmacies for women looking for contraception. obama said women aren't an interest group. of course they are in the eyes
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of this administration, that's why he's holding the conference. megyn: simon rosenberg is here, a clinton campaign adviser. and mark thesen, a former george w. bush speech writer. are you really at war? are you at war on me, mark ph. >> no, not at all. there is no war against woman. what there is is a war for the women's vote and it's a war that barack obama is losing. in 2009 he had 70% approval rating with women. today his approval rating with women according to gallop is 47%. he knows he's got to turn that around if he's going to get reee hrebted. he's either creating or waeugd into all of these controversies. he's entering the fightin' to whether women should be allowed into the augusta national golf club. they are putting all poison pill
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amendments in the women's act to get republicans to block it. that's why we have this controversy where the president is forcing religious employers to offer contraception to women because he wants the fight. he could have easily blocked that fight by extending the exemption that was offered to churches to religious employers but he wanted the fight and that's what he's doing. megyn: is this simon about good politics for the white house? >> look, i think, mark i just want to say that was a great effort, because what's happened in the polling in the last couple of weeks is there's been a 20-point shift among women away from the republicans towards the democrats. it's had a dramatic impact in the presidential race. the president is now up in some polls by as much as 10 points. this is a really serious issue for the election, and i think what's happened is that women are waking up to the fact that the current republican party -- let's just take three examples, right, if the republicans have their way, tens of millions of
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women and their families will lose health insurance. if the republicans have their way there be massive cuts in education, daycare, transportation services that help families deal with their daily lives and make sure they have the kind of lives for their kids that they want to have. you'll see us go back to an economic strategy that got us into this economic mess in the first place. whenever a political party is complaining about the rules or is working the refs it means that they are losing. the republicans would be smart if they deal with why it is that there's been this dramatic shift in the last few weeks away from their party and towards the democrats. that is the issue. megyn: that's what charles seems to be saying. the reason that there is this perception is he talks about a compliant media that is perpetuating what he thinks is a myth, a war on women. does he have a point this it's resonating with women? according to the usa gallop poll
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barack obama is leading mitt romney by a 30 to 60% margin among younger women in battleground states. this isn't the right poll. he's leading romney considerably with women. >> usa today poll. i hope president obama believes what simon is saying, because it's good for the republican party. if you look at that poll, it's not surprising that romney against obama after he just had a six-month battle royale in the republican party that romney's numbers are down. they ask women what are your top issues that you're concerned about. number one issue healthcare. the fact is polls show that women oppose obamacare more than men do. the second most important issue is gas prices, not a winning issue for president obama. third most important issue unemployment. this is issues for women. the unemployment numbers we just had a bad jobs report today. fourth important issue is the debt. this is the president who raise he the debt more. you know where contraception comes in in the priority list for women in that usa today poll that simon was sighting?
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six out of six. women are not voting on contraception. they are voting on the economy on healthcare, on jobs and gas prices. if the democrats want to have this war on women strategy by all means. if he wants to waste this fight over contraception i can't wait until inauguration day. megyn: if the women care about all those issues and the president has been struggling on some of the issues in terms of disapproval on healthcare, gas prices and so on, then why are the numbers so in his favor, obama's favor, president obama when it comes to a match up against romney. >> contraception is healthcare. the republican party wants to get rid of a healthcare provider that services one quarter of women in all of the united states. megyn: planned parenthood. they don't want to get rid of it. they don't want taxpayer funding for it. >> but it will have the net impact of substantially reducing the ability of planned
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parenthood to servicewomen in the united states. and it's a provider that is very popular with women, and imagine taking on any institution that serves a quarter of all the women in the united states. the republicans are paying a terrible price for the way they've handled this issue. on the economy let's be clear, the talking points all day from the republican party is this was a bad jobs report. the unemployment rate went down. i don't really understand how the argument that we are hearing, that somehow the economy is going in the wrong direction, we just had the best quarter of job creation in six years, and all the trend lines are heading in the right direction, which is one of the reasons why the republicans are in troeubl right no trouble right now in the national polls. on the two issues here, the economy and healthcare the democrats are in the right place skwraoeu don' place. megyn: i don't think i've ever seen simon get so fiery. that is very fiery for simon. the than the unemployment rate went down. i think that must be true, simon doesn't usually get so upset.
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>> 52% oppose obamacare as opposed to 48% of men. obamacare is intensely unpopular with this country and it's unpopular with women in fact. the unemployment rate is better, absolutely, but you know what unemployment went up for women more dramatically under president obama from the time he took office until today. it was 7% when he took office, it's 8.1% for women today. women's unemployment isn't great. i don't know last time simon went to fill up his tank in the gas station. that is the number three issue and it's not working for obama. megyn: it's a depressing experience. i can speak to that personally. >> the unemployment rate has come down two entire percentage points, the biggest drop in modern history. thank you very much. megyn: thank you for being here. i want to get back to our breaking news. a navy jet with two pilots aboard has crashed into an apartment building. they were able to parachute to
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safety. we are told they are both okay. one was taken to a hospital i don't know about the other. two apartment complexes are on fire. we got navy commander phil rosie on the phone. i'm told you are getting updates from people on the scene here. what do we know? >> well, megyn, good afternoon, and thanks. we do have some updates, again not more than what you have -- you've already talked to, but i can tell you a little bit about what we know. it was a two-seat aircraft as you pointed out. a strike fighter f-a-18 d assigned to strike fighter squadron 106, which is based ot naval air station oceania and it crashed just after take off about 12:05pm this afternoon, just off of the base there at the naval air station in virginia beach. megyn: were these pilots in training, sir? >> again, this is a training squadron, i don't have details about the air crew that we can release at this point. the mission of the squadron is
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to train replacement aviators. megyn: do you have any details on the pilots? we heard one was taken to a hospital we don't know about the other. >> i can't provide you with any information about the air crew. one did eject safely, they were both on the ground, again i don't have any specifics as to their medical condition right now. megyn: do you have any information on what caused the crash? >> certainly at this point we are looking very closely at all the details, but it's some early to say what the causal factors were. megyn: from where we are it looks like a beautiful day in virginia, do you have any reason to believe that weather mighting be a factor. >> too early to make any determination on that, megyn and wouldn't want to speculate one way or the other. we'll do a full investigation at this point, but right now the navy is working very closely with virginia beach local authorities on this. megyn: do you have any knowledge of injuries of folks in the apartment complexes or on the ground.
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>> i do not, megyn, i have not heard any updates on thabgt. megyn: it's a disturbing scene at the least. we can all hope and pray on this good friday that folks there are okay. commander, thanks for your time. >> thanks, megyn. megyn: new details emerging on one of the darkest days in american history, the day john f. kennedy was assassinated. a firsthand account of that painful day from a man who was just a few feet away from the president and first lady as the gunshots rang out. jacqueline kennedy's secret service agent seen here has now released a memorandum wary counting the assassination. the new book called "mrs. kennedy and me" by clint hill. mr. hill joins me right now. mr. million thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. megyn: when i've seen you speak about this it seems you really had an a finance a tee for the former first lady and still to this day can recall that event in a very emotional way. has the trauma of that ever really left you. >> no, and it probably never will. i don't expect it to. it's something that's engrained
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in me and embedded in my mind and i'm sure it will never leave. megyn: your job that day was to protect the first lady. clearly once you knew there was danger you rushed to it, and we see you in the video rushing onto the back of the president and first lady's car and we see the pictures, there you are and we see the pictures of jacqueline kennedy trying to get out of the back of the car, or what appeared to be trying to get out of the back of the car. what was she doing. >> she was trying to retrieve some material that came off the president's head from the wound which she had suffered. the wound was so severe that portions of the bone matter, blood, and brain matter were scattered all over the car. some of it came off to the right rear and she was trying to retrieve it. megyn: you got her back into the car, and the president collapsed on her. you said you remembered what she was shouting at that time. what was it? >> she said they've shot his head off. she said, jack, jack, what have they done to you.
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megyn: i imagine the first lady was in a state of shock. how do you as a secret service agent function in that situation. >> you're trying to handle every situation. in that day i just reacted, and i just -- i knew i had to keep going. we still had a stkwrob do and that was to get him to the hospital in this instance as quickly as possible. megyn: you got them to the hospital and you said the first lady didn't want to get out of the car. >> she didn't want to let go of the president's body. she didn't people to see the condition he was in. it was very, very bad. so i realized that, finally, and i took my jacket off and covered his head and back. when i did that she let go and we carried the president into the hospital. >> what was her emotional state, if you can describe that. >> she was in a state of shock. from the moment it happened she got back into the seat when i pushed her down into it and absolutely in a state of shock from that point on. she was very stoic, very matter-of-fact, she didn't have hardly anything to say, she was
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obviously in a state of shock. megyn: you were there when she had her last final minutes with the president's remains. she scud for pair of sis ors. >> she wanted to view the president in the east room of the white house and her brother-in-law robert kennedy was with her. we opened the casket and allowed her and the attorney general to view the president. as she began to she turned and asked me to provide her a pair of scissors. i got the sis ors and gave them to her. i stood there and i could hear the clip, clip, clip of the scissors. i knew she was cutting a lock of his hair. they finished viewing the body, they closed the casket, robert kennedy did. as she turned and started to walk back to go to the he wil elevator to the second floor she handed me the scissors. megyn: you were with her for
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another year. did you see her attempt to rebuild her life. >> somewhat. she tried to keep busy from december and up until the time i left her in november of 1964. we traveled a lot. she went skiing, we went to antigua for a while, too and from new york often because she had bought a house in the georgetown section of washington, and a tour operator decided he was going to run buses by her house, and we couldn't get him to stop, and so eventually she said that was it, she just couldn't stand it any more, and she decided to buy a house, or a place in new york, so we went to new york and found a place on 10th and 45th avenue and she decided to move there. megyn: a lot of the world look at folks like you, secret service agents, and look at you and say you are stoic, professionals on the job. but you write in your book that you were quite devastated and went into a depression after the
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assassination. >> yes i did i. was fine as long as i was very, very busy. when i finally got a desk job and was given the opportunity to sit and think that's what i thought about. it ate at me and over a period of time i slowly digressed and my depression got worse and worse and finally after i was retired i stayed in my home and satisfactory lewded myself in my home with a big bottle of scotch and a lot of cigarettes and i cut myself off from friends and family, and the friends would come by and i just didn't want anything to do with anybody. finally in 1982 -- megyn: this is you tolding john jr. >> that's correct, off of cape cod, off of high and is port. that's the president and mrs. kennedy on the president's father's yacht the marlin. we were about to transport john over to be with his mother and father. megyn: i know for you as for the nation one of the hardest images of the whole event was little
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john-john, j. f. k. standing saluting at his father's funeral. you were there still hand. >> yes, it still does today, it still gets to me. megyn: clint hill, thank you very much for sharing your memories of that event with us. we appreciate it. >> thank you very much. megyn: thank you for your service as well. >> thank you. megyn: all the best, sir. new questions arising today in the fast and furious investigation as the obama administration is accused of stonewalling lawmakers. the concern over what we are not learning. plus we told you last winter about patrick green an atheist who threatened to sue over a nativity scene that was on public property down in texas. when green got sick recently some local christian christians raised money to help him out and you will not believe the inspiring place this story has gone now just ahead. [ gans ] [ marge ] psst.
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megyn: ceremonies around the world marking good friday today. in roam pope benedict the xvi performing the stations of the cross as thousands of christian pilgrims remembered the crucifixion of jesus christ in a proceed testing through the city. leland vittert is live. >> reporter: there were thousands of pill grams who made their way through the old city, on the via del rosa, which translates t from latin.
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many of the group's representing the cross as they make this pilgrimage here as people pray and sing in every imaginable language it shows how diverse the community is here. people come from all over the world to walk in the footsteps of jesus. they say being here on these stones makes hem feel so much closer to their faith. >> to follow the life of jesus, a person you've read about your whole life and pray to, to follow his live is an amazing experience. >> reporter: there are 14 stations of the cross where jesus was convicted. this is the third station of the cross where the bible says he fell down carrying his load, and then proceeded off to the church of the church where he was crucified. >> for all christians you can't help but to grow spiritually and
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grow to love him more when you've followed in his footsteps. >> reporter: this is not only good friday, it's also passover the beginning of the jewish holiday here in israel. megyn, security is extremely tight. we had hundreds if not thousands of israeli soldiers there in the old city. the israeli military has sealed off the west bank and canceled all of it's passover vacations for all of its soldiers to try to have more people on base just in case anything happens. back to you. megyn: thank you. back to virginia beach in three minutes where we are now getting new video from the navy jet crash that is really frightening. we are told emergency teams will not be able to get into these apartment buildings until some of the smoke clears. live to the scene when we come back. plus government workers singing and dancing about spending your money, as more than 800,000 of it goes out the window for a lavish party so this guy could go to the beautiful sights and sounds of the ocean. what were they thinking? and what does this mean when washington calls to raise taxes
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megyn: a fox news alert on this u of ay jet crash in virginia beach. two hours adough a navy jet -- two hours ago a navy jet crashed in virginia beach. trace gallagher has new details as we watch a stretcher take a person off scene. >> reporter: that apparently was a woman who lived in that apartment complex. she was taken from a wheelchair and placed into the stretcher. there are reports five other people on the ground who apparently were inside that building have been taken to a
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hospital. their conditions so far are unknown. if you look at the aerial view of this apartment complexion it's devastating. it appears the complex which is filled with one, two, three and four bedroom apartments. there are three buildings by our count that are damaged or destroyed. the mayor of virginia beach said firefighters were waiting for this toxic smoke to clear before when went in the building. we are getting reports of people coming home who live in this apartment complex. they are trying to get in and find out if their loved ones or others may have been inside this apartment complex. but as you mightage there are not being allowed anywhere near the scene. we don't yet know if there are more victims inside. we talk about toxic smoke. consider this. we are not just talking about the wood fire.
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we are talking about jet fuel, and oil and wood fire all mixed up together which is why the firefighters simply cannot go inside and check this out right now. we should point out the military has confirmed this juan an fa-18. it crashed. we do not note cause. we do know both pilots ejected safely. neither one has life-threatening injuries. they are being checked out at a local hospital. the mayor is planning to give a press conference coming up in the minutes or hours ahead and police will do the same. but right now this is a very fluid investigation and the information about the people inside which is most critical so far has not gotten back to us except for the five who have been taken to local hospital. but look at the smoke when this thing first began, megyn. megyn: trace, thank you.
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fox news alert on operation fast and furious as an important deadline comes and is ignored by the administration. allegations that the administration is stonewalling the investigation into those running the gun-running scheme and the white house. they are asking why william newell went around his chain of command to communicate directly with the white house official about "operation fast & furious." the letter says we want to interview this former white house national security staffer. part of the letter reads during the hearing on fast and furious, newell was unable to explain why the emails were inappropriate or why he had direct contact with
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o'reilly about an ongoing investigation. april 4 came and went. joining me now, republican congressman jason cha vets who sets on the house committee. you get these emails from this guy in the atf office up to a national security guy in the administration. our viewers know the emails read, quote, you didn't get this from me. i just don't want atf headquarters to find out, especially since this is what they should be doing, briefing you. but, congressman, what was he talking about? what was this atf talking about with this national security rep. >> what makes us so furious is they have been stonewalling.
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we issued 22 sets of subpoenas. 13 of those categories of seen as, the white house has provided zero documents. the only reason we know this happened is a brave whistleblower stepped up and gave us these documents. we went back to the counsel and said why didn't you provide these documents to the committee and they decided they wouldn't important and they didn't need to give them to us which is totally unacceptable. megyn: you issue subpoenas to the department of justice and to the government saying turn over everything you have relating to operation fast and furious. this document from this guy in atf in phoenix. that's the group running fast and furious writing to a national security official, this email was not included in what you got. >> no, we never got that. then we went back -- our investigators went back and said a whistleblower gave us these
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documents, how come you didn't give them to us? then they did produce them. this is not an isolated case. we know from the inspector general within the department justice there are 80,000 documents pertaining to fast and furious. they have given us less than 10% of those documents. that's totally unacceptable. you cannot just ignore subpoenas. that's why we are on a collision course where we'll have to come to the decision to say are we going to hold the department of justice. eric holder in contempt and go through contempt proceedings? you cannot just ignore subpoenas in this country. that's not who we are as a people. megyn: you want to get to the bottom of whether this guy william newell, what was he talking to kevin o'reilly about? did it have to do with fast and furious? how much did the officials know about fast and furious. you called newell to testify an
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said i don't remember what that exchange was about. let's talk to the guy on the other end of the emails. that's kevin o'reilly the former national security staffer. i understand mr. o'reilly through this attorney has said i'm happy to talk to you. so why hasn't he? >> his personal attorney indicated that he's more than willing to talk to the committee on the record under oath. it is only the white house and the white house counsel that is saying they will not make him available. he's currently serving in iraq. he's willing to talk. we have an ongoing investigation. we have subpoenas, and it's only the white house holding him back from testifying. if it's an innocent explanation, then why do you have the atf agent in phoenix saying i don't remember that. then you have the person who is at the white house or at the department -- in the white house
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not able to provide information, the white house doesn't want to us talk to him. it smells so bad. it doesn't pass the basic test to say what else are they covering up here? why won't they continue to give us the documents? megyn: has there been an acknowledgment that this email does have some do with fast and furious? if i'm the doj and i don't give you this email and you get it from a whistleblower. when you say why wasn't this produced, if my position was this has nothing to do with fast stan furious, did they say that to you? >> there are three different sets of emails here. and, megyn, it's crystal clear this has to do with fast and furious on the operation. there is no other way to read through those documents. the white house is absolutely not complying with the seen a, they are playing games. they are stone walling us.
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i fear they are trying to slow walk us through the election. there is smoke here. we deserve to make sure this never happens again. we have a dead u.s. agent out there and i can't look brian terry's family in the face unless we pursue this to the end. megyn: congressman chaffetz, thank you, sir. this navy jet crashed inteen apartment complex. we are expecting a news conference from the mayor in the area. trace is today they aring some information but we are getting some reports on the scene from our affiliates, wtkr in virginia beach. we'll listen to that for a minute. >> they want to do a staging area, but that always something they do when they have to do difficult rescue work that we expect to be done here today. we have nothing confirmed about
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injuries on the ground directly related to the crash. we saw a woman transferred from a wheelchair to a stretcher. they were giving oxygen to these people. we have seen several episodes of that, evolving as the day goes on. but we have not yet seen what we expect to be a more involved search of that apartment building. we do know there were several, several police officers and firefighters and rescue workers all gathered together getting some tactical information about that building, what it will look like. what the layout would be and how they need to get it and do some searches. it will be a difficult search. it's at least a 2 or 3-story building. the center section has collapsed. it's nothing but charred, blackened rubble and brick. so there will be some sifting to do there. there will be a lot of digging to do to get inside to see what
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has happened. you see some people crown there in suits. they are detectives. we have seen the virginia beach police chief here. those are detectives from the first precinct downtown in the court house area. we have seen homicide detectives. special operations units. everybody available in virginia beach, including animal control officers and sheriff's deputies are down here trying to keep people from getting into the scene. this is what we are seeing here. a lot of people trying to either get to the scene and take a look -- but what we are seeing is people trying to get to their loved ones and they are fall this little pockets. it's difficult for somebody coming down here to reconnect with a husband or wife. not only getting through the traffic, but once you get here it's a maze of yellow tape and
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rescue trucks. the police are doing the best they can to keep this area clear. but behind us there are several griewpts of rescuers -- several groups of rescuers, getting a look at what they expect to be the lay of the building and they will be walking through the rubble very soon. megyn: you heard the local reporting on the scene as we are getting our best pictures on the ground. i want to get to trace gallagher with an update from our breaking news desk. >> reporter: to ex pound on what he was saying. we know the apartment complex is two stories high. one, two, three, and four bedroom apartments. when the authorities do finally go in it will be unclear who was in what apartment complex or apartment building. keep in mind we just saw a picture -- we haven't got a video yet, but there are
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pictures of the tail section of this f.a.-18 that's smack dab in the middle of one of these apartment buildings it's arrive thing picture. he was talking about the search and why firefighters have yet to go in. you can see the aerials spraying water into this area, into the apartment complexes. there are three separate buildings that have collapsed or been badly damaged. you can see the tail section of the fa-18. that would be smack dab in the middle of one of these apartment complexes. there are three that we know of. and we have reports of five people on the ground being taken to local hospitals including one woman who was taken from a wheelchair and placed into a stretcher and taken to the hospital. the reason they are not going in yet is because you can see the smoke, the firefighters believe is very toxic.
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it's that mix. not just the wood smoke. you have got jet fuel and oil from that fighter. it's unclear from the military if this plane had just taken off, was it fully loaded with fuel? had it been flying for a long time and there wasn't that much fuel onboard? that will be a key whether firefighters determine when they should go in there to look for bodies. the picture that was most riveting is the people waiting across the street. we believe as our reporter on scene says, those are the people who live in this apartment complex who may have loved ones in this apartment complex. right now they are on cell phones trying to contact authorities because they have no idea if or what they are planning or going to find in there. we are keeping our eye on breaking news. you see more firefighters arriving on scene and live pictures. we'll get back to you as soon as we find out more about the mayor's press conference which we anticipate will be coming up in the next 45 minutes or so.
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megyn: thank you. i want to go back to the controversial gsa video we told you about. federal worker, american idle. it shows federal workers singing with lavish spending and joking there will never an investigation. some question whether it's an apt metaphor for the democrats out of control spending. ♪ love to the nation ♪ i'll never be under oig investigation ♪ megyn: throw the hair out of the bun.
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whooho! it's either laugh or cry. you know -- i think whatever your partisan stripes are, you can all agree, this is ridiculous. raise your hand if you think this is ridiculous. >> i'm raising my hand. megyn: though i love her with the bun. i'm going to vegas. the problem is it happened under president obama's watch. we have record deficits where people are complaining about tax hikes. we can't trust the government to spend our money because they don't oversee sit well enough. this adds fuel to that fire, doesn't it, lars? >> it does. it shows a disrespect for those of us who pay taxes to those who earn their salaries from taxpayers. can you imagine what mr. murdoch would do if you made a video hon how lavishly you spend fox's
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money? it shows an eliteism. they compared the salaries of average federal workers to average american. the federal workers make double and have better benefits. this is a disrespects for the american taxpayer that should be. megyn: . to do, lunch. there he is walking around. this guy is from hawaii. it looks like he took advantage of the sights and sound around him. to be submitted at the gsa contest. he was the winner. they so loved the messaging that he was the winner and became commissioner for a day and they spent almost $1 million of our taxpayer money on this nonsense >> i agree with lars there was
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no excuse for this. but we need to look to every single administration with the gsa. lars, i love, it's good friday, i'll be good. but those in glass houses should not throw stones. we did have a gsa jack i bomboff. -- abramoff. i agree ping slips should come. because they haven't come yet doesn't mean they are not forthcoming. megyn: should this guy be fired? in his defense he was told to do this by his bosses >> when your bosses decide you have enough time not serving the taxpayers' needs that you can make funny videos to be presented at an expensive conference, $3,000 per person at an agency that increased its budget more than 100% under
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president obama. all this agency does is provide for the building needs, the vehicle needs and the travel needs of government employees and they more than doubled the budget under obama at a time when the country is in the tank and the budget is in the red. megyn: people want to make sure this isn't happening at other agencies. the problem on the optics, one of the reporters asked jay carney, can you be sure there are no other instances of this happening? harry reid got upset at the house congressman who was trying to hold hearings on the matter. and called him personal names. on the optics of it, ideal? not so much. >> this is an area where to me it doesn't come down to politics. i don't care which president and
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which platform they are on. every single agency should be in light of transparency especially for the american people scriewlt needs with money. not just in this administration. past administrations going forward. i think all the congressional members. i think we find things interesting left or right. and if this video mad never come up the american people wouldn't know about how much spending and they wouldn't know about that attitude. it's good in a sense. megyn: can you imagine media at the white house. they blew almost $1 million. and there is video. not just that. it turns out the video has been posted on the gsa's web site for months. >> i'm surprised at leslie to say it doesn't matter. when you have a president who took over a financial disaster of the country and disaster in federal spend and more than doubled or aloud his agent heads to more than double the budget.
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that blame has to go right to the president. he's the guy in charge. he's the ceo and his department heads are out there throwing our money away. you should put the responsibility where it lies with president obama and his cabinet secretary. megyn: o'reilly is already saying, this is the kind of thing that makes him not want to hand more money over to the feds. as funny as that girl with the bun is, he doesn't want to give her any more money. panel, thank you both. things got testing at white house media briefing. here is a sample. >> he made a mistake and you can't admit it. megyn: how toss the president's inner circle view the media coverage? do they think the mainstream media has a bias? how do they see themselves stacking up against the bush
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team? some members of the president's team join us fear special segment just ahead. a hospice nurse shares the five most common regrets dying patients share. [ nadine ] buzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz, bzzzz, you know, typical alarm clock. i am so glad to get rid of it. just to be able to wake up in the morning on your own. that's a big accomplishment to me. i don't know how much money i need.
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>> i heard three big loud booms. soy got up on the couch and went to my back door. when i looked out i saw a pilot on the ground parachute hang from the building. facial lacerations. i ran outside to see what i could do to help him. i'm retired rescue. i didn't know if the plane hit the building until i saw the smoke. then we had to get a bunch of neighbors together to get him
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out of the air and pick him up and take him to safety. >> reporter: was he able to speak? >> he apologized for hitting our complex. i told him don't worry about it, let's just get you out of here and get to you safety. >> reporter: was he hurt otherwise? >> i did a body survey on him. he was in shock. still strapped to his seat. we just picked him up and dragged him away from the fire to a rescue to get on the scene. >> reporter: there was a second person in the aircraft. did you see the second person come out? megyn: that was incredible. an eyewitness talking about this breaking news out of virginia beach where a navy jet has crashed into an apartment complex. trace, what an incredible account from -- this guy whose
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apartment complex has been hit by a plane being calm, cool and collect, helping save the pilot. and the pilot who just ejected from a plane crash saying -- i'm sorry, i'm sorry my plane hit your apartment. >> reporter: their objective is if they are going to fly this thing they will fly it away from any populated areas. you can imagine this pilot tried everything he could to get this thing as far away from populated areas before he ejected. it appeared they ejected late. did you hear the man say was still in his seat when he got to the pilot? a good indication they ejected at the last second and didn't have all that much air time which is why the seat would still be attached to the pilot. eyewitnesses saying it appears it was circling as fit was
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preparing to land. the oceana naval air base is only five miles away from this crash. the witness says it appears the plane just kind of fell out of the sky. that it stalls. keep in mind in aviation terms when you stall it doesn't mean the engine cuts out. it means there is no longer enough air flowing over the wing to keep the plane airborne. that picture is devastating. firefighters still have not gone inside to see if there are victims in these three separate buildings that are damaged or destroyed from this jet crashing in there. when we get more information about anybody else except for the five people taken to the hospital we'll jump back in. megyn: trace, thank you. coming up. an interesting new theory in the case of the alleged mega millions winner in maryland. are this woman and her lawyer
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playing dumb to avoid splitting the jackpot? we'll take that up in today's "kelly's court." the white house spent the week explaining and clarifying the president's controversial remarks. now they are saying the media is blog this out of proportion. how does this inner circle view the coverage he's getting. a couple of them are here. >> he made a mistake and you can't admit it. zap technology. arrival. with hertz gold plus rewards, you skip the counters, the lines, and the paperwork. zap. it's our fastest and easiest way to get you into your car. it's just another way you'll be traveling at the speed of hertz.
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megyn: new fallout as the white house is grilled over the president's remarks on the supreme court. the president seemed to suggest overturning the healthcare law would be judicial activism. here is some of the back and forth we saw yesterday at the white house press briefing. >> what he said monday was an obvious misspoken moment because he talked about the court not being in a position to overturn the bill. because he made a mistake and you can't admit it. >> no, no, i'm acknowledging. you are sharing in the righteous indignation here. megyn: how do some of the
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president's inner circle view the media coverage of this and the president's press in general. joining me the former chair of the council of economic advisors, a democratic political analyst and a deputy press secretary for president obama. thank you all so much for being here. cory, let me start with you, somebody in the press office. you have got to feel for jay carney on this. it's never ideal when you are take that incoming and press from all organizations are firing tough questions at you. do you think it was a fair characterization to say the president misspoke and how do you think the press has covered this. >> i don't know the white house spend a lot of time thinking about how things are covered or if there is a particular bias. i do know in this business when you work in the white house or poll nicks general. you are going to win some some day and lose some. this week the white house has put in the position of offering
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clarifying statements on what the president said monday. if you look at what he said monday, his clarifying statements and what jay carney is saying. the president has a healthy respect for the supreme court. he has appointed two supreme court justices. he's a former constitutional law professor. based on his knowledge of the court and the commerce clause and the economy and commerce. he believes the supreme court will rule in favor of the healthcare law and it will stand. you have to defend these positions sometimes. it can be tough, but i think that's what the president and jay were trying to point to. megyn: some were accusing the administration of seeming frustrated by the press coverage. jay carney said the president misspoke. then the president said something sort of offered an admonishment for the media when they are covering his positions. this is from april 3. watch this.
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>> so as all of you are doing your reporting, i think it's important to remember that the positions i'm taking now on the binge the and a host of other issues -- if we had been having this discussion 20 years ago, or even 15 years ago, would have been considered squarely centrist positions. what's changed is the center of the republican party. and that's certainly true with the budget. megyn: do you sense any frustration by the president today on how the media are covering him? >> probably a little bit. i think that the way he just described that about the budget doesn't feel inaccurate to me. i largely chalk that up to a lot
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of the political reporters looking at these budgetary issues as too technical and they don't know the details of the history. it's been notable that a position that says having spending cuts two or three times bigger than any tax increases, that that's somehow viewed as a leftist position is a little odd. megyn: you and cory were in the administration. you worked for president obama behind the scenes. you heard people say, president obama, chris wallace said the administration is a cry baby when it comes to media coverage. is that something that we pay too much attention to? press versus the white house or people in the administration do they have their eye on something else >> i would was on the economic policy team at a time when the bottom was falling out on the economy. so i was not as focused on the
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press maybe as it should have been. certainly than what it seems like the press is focused on the relationship. megyn: i'll go to john in a second. cory, would i like to get your input as somebody in the white house press office. >> i think this white house has been very direct and communicating to members of the media when they believe they have gotten a story wrong. it's part of their responsibilities as the communication staff for the president to insure when his message goes forth to the american people that it's done so in the full intent and meaning that the president intended. that's my position on that. megyn: what do you make of the coverage and whether it's a distraction for the white house? >> i think to some extent it's been a distraction. what is frustrating for me as $supporter is seeing the
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attention played whether he was referencing the commerce clause when we have justice scalia trashing the law and saying he never read it. megyn: do you think any of the supreme court justices read it? megyn: the congressmen didn't read it. why should they read it when the congressmen who passed it didn't right. >> i used to read this every week for classes. it's not that much. scalia got a lot of laughs for that line. but it's a big deal. if the supreme court is going to act as a second legislature. megyn: do you think the supreme court has read all 2,700 pages? megyn: he signed it into law. he signed it into law. you are telling me the supreme
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court justices have a higher burden of familiarity with a law than the lawmakers and the president who made it law in the first time? >> i think the ruling on the biggest case in years, i think it's pretty important. megyn: my head is about to explode. you guys -- at least two of you who were in the administration. it feels partisan. in an election year it gets even more so. do you feel like in an election year either leading up to november or afterward, there is any chance of americans being americans first and partisan second? >> i wish. you are not going to get anywhere in washington with that attitude, megyn. there is a lot of insight to that. i hope that, you know, after we get through a season like the one we are in that after the election is over we can at least try to identify -- here are some things that would be good for the country, and if there is 50
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things people disagree on, there must be five thing we could agree on. let's start with those things. i don't see why we don't do that. megyn: do any of you believe that woman in maryland has the winning ticket? >> i thought i had the winning ticket. megyn: not one of the three winners in any of the states has presented their ticket yet. so don't throw yours away. there is a reason i mention that. it's coming up next on "kelly's court." but we want to bring you more from this plane crash we have been watching in virginia beach. three people are being treated for injuries at the hospital. trace heard he heard up to five were injured. one of the those is one of the pilots. and we just heard an amazing accounts of how one of the pilots apologized. that's the first thing he did when he was found by some folks who lived in the apartment complex. apologizing for the crash. we'll update you in 3 minutes. as i mentioned.
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she claimed she bought one of the winning tickets in one of the largest lottery jackpots ever. now she says she can't find. could this be part of a clever strategy by her and her attorney to claim the entire thing? [♪] wake up! that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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megyn: "kelly's court" is back in session. on the docket today, a new theory emerges. could this self-proclaimed winner and her attorney be trying to play dumb as part of a strategy to keep the jackpot from her co-workers? originally she claimed she bought the ticket but she says it's separate from a group of tickets she bought with her coworkers. then she claims she hid the
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ticket somewhere at that mcdonald's. today she is saying she los it. joining me to skits, kimberly guilfoyle cohost of "the five." and jonna spilbor. this theory is emerging more and more on the blogs. a man purporting to be the "new york times" best selling author wrote me a 10-paragraph email which i forward to you which is fascinating. and this guy writes crime novels. he's not only one to have this theory. you tell us, what is the theory? >> that this woman is in possession of the ticket and that after a certain period of time passes that another individual that cannot be directly traced to her will come forward to claim the prize. the people will think that sweet
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swine -- is in possession of her faculties, she doesn't want to have the dispute and her holdings, the financial winnings of this withheld by the lottery commission because it's a disputed tickets and mcdonald's workers would file a dispute. megyn: if she wants to avoid paying out to the office pool, can she lie low for a couple years or for however long, then have some on the are party cash it in. they do it and a couple years later they start paying her. >> in theory she could get away with it. but there isn't a statute of limitations on when that ticket needs to be presented. megyn: in maryland it's september. >> if she stole this particular fret her co-workers, then that theory will not fly.
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megyn: it would all be under the radar. maybe she changes her name. she shows up in rio. >> after tax $105 million. >> it would be a private agreement and they would pay the person over the course of time to when the statute of limitation would run so a future claim couldn't be made. megyn: when we saw her at the press conference, i'm bored, i'm taking phone calls. then the lawyer came on yesterday, there are thing that are more important than money, and i haven't seen the ticket and i don't want to seat ticket. today it's i lost it. this could be part of a big elaborate scheme or she could be a big old liar. she could be making up the whole thing. she doesn't have the ticket and
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she wants attention. >> she is getting face time right now. she'll continue to get face time. nobody has come forward with the ticket as far as i know. isn't that interesting? no one has come forward. so she hasn't been exposed to be lying about this. or has attention seeking disorder. she may actually have it. she may have it. but this is crafty. accept you ruined it for her because you brought it out on "kelly's court." now the i.r.s. and everyone is hello. megyn: here's what's interesting to me. this is claim she makes today. i have no idea where it is. i'm not sure i have it. she claims she hadn't even checked the uniform she was wearing the night she bought it. quote, i'm still looking for it. i haven't looked in my uniform pants yet. you are telling me she was wearing her uniform when she bought it. she thinks she won $105 million. and she hasn't checked in her
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uniform pants. how would she even know that she won if she hadn't checked? and what kind of sane person doesn't check the ticket? >> the only way she would know is if those were her numbers. i'm still checking tickets and i know i didn't win. megyn: what is the motivation to lie? attention seeking or -- >> financial gain. show me the money. megyn: the co-workers clap it was a group ticket. she has every reason in the world to try to get those coworkers off her path. >> it many a mcdonald's in the deep fryer. oh, no, it's with my uniform at the dry cleaner. it's in the sock drawer with my lucky rabbit's foot. where is the ticket if she isn't a winner. megyn: what does the video show. where does the money go if nobody claims it. >> back to the states.
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they could pay people's tax or put it back in the pool. megyn: and, thank you. we'll be right back.
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a megyn: you can learn a lot from those facing the end of their lives. a hospice nurse who has had the honor of helping many such patients is revealing people's most common regrets. trace gallagher has the list. >> reporter: she took care of
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these people the last 12 weeks of their lives for many many years and she wrote this blog called inspiration and now she is writing a book. she says she talks about the great clarity people have at end of their life and common regrets that came up time and time again. the number one regret. i wish i had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. if it makes you happy do it. number two, i wish i hadn't worked so hard. she said this mostly was with men who worked so hard they did not see the youth of their children and they dearly regretted that. number three, i wish i had the courage to express my feelings. if you love say you love. if you are angry, say you are angry. i wish i had stayed in touch with my friend. you liked them once, there is a
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reason. stay in contact with them or get in contact with them again. and number five, i wish that i had let myself be happier. do what you love, love what you do. she has a book coming out. very inspirational. you look at this overall and think what would you regret in the clarity megyn: i hate that one about i wish i hadn't worked so hard. most of us have to work. and you have family, too. you have to try to strike a balance. you always wish you could be looking at the beautiful faitss of your children. realities of life take you in a different direction at times. >> reporter: i think more children -- if you have a regret would i like to have more kids. at the time how are we going to atlanta these. but the end you think i would love to have more. megyn: my two are so good i would like to have 10 more. that's not an announcement. just a thought.
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