tv Red Eye FOX News April 10, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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that is it for "the five." thank you for watching. see you tomorrow. ♪ ♪ welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld. i'm greg gutfeld and welcome to "red eye." andy, what is coming up on tonight's show, old sport? >> there is unrest in the forest. is arizona trying to make it illegal to leave nasty comments on the internet? and will the world see an economic collapse in 2030? hang on. okay there is a chance i will still be alive then, so this is serious. and what happens when we send bill schulz on the streets and ask about getting rid of the penny? hopeful leahy is beaten with rolls with them. >> thank you, ante.
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andy. how was your easter? >> i don't sell brit easter. -- celebrate easter. >> baron van slautenberg showed up and we watched "game of throwns" together. >> he was going to spend easter in his an rest rey'all home, but i guess at the last minute he couldn't get a flight. >> that's a shame. we spent the afternoon powdering each other. >> i guess you did. >> guess he can't use a three-shot because that wouldn't be too smart. you don't want to do that because our producer is probably still hung over from the night before. too late now. let's welcome our guests. she is cuter that strawberry short cake hugging a baby penguin on a rainbow made of dolphins. i am here with patti ann brown. and if hilar tie y was a ketchup bottle, it is joe devito and he still thinks he is on the set of taxi. it is bill schulz. and she knows stocks and bonds
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like i know magic wands. i love a good illusion. sitting next to me, gerri willis host of "the willis report." and he wants for the left and always lacks pep. good to see you, pinch. >> on today's front page, quote, super peck aimes blitz a the obama, end quote. and super pack side boy will attack with a newly acquired laser ring and power of flight. holy mccain and feingold, batman. you weren't even paying attention. >> i wasn't. i was pissed off at our producer. should what you say on-line cost you jail time? should a comment that tars puts you behind bars? a bill passed in the house and the senate too in arizona making it illegal to put on-line the intent to terrify, harass, threat, annoy or offend. translation, no more anonymously slamming my
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workout routines, patti ann. i know it is you. anyway, free speech advocates says it violates the first amendment. stunned by the backlash, law i can makers say they tend to clarify that what is banned is unwanted communications. that so the bill doesn't interfere with the free speech rights. it sounds a little like interfering. explains the bill's author, chad -- his name is chad campbell. quote, the intent was to go after stalkers with one on one conversations that are threatening. if there are some concerns there is time to fit it. but you have to trash the bill to fix it. for more we go live to our stock and correspondent, world's creepiest ice cream man. >> that is the scariest thing i have ever heard. >> god, make it stop.
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>> i think what we have learned that is if you just buy that music and you put it in any vehicle technically you are an ice cream truck. you don't even have to sell ice cream. >> i know whraw doing on i tunes tonight. >> i think they do sell that on i tunes. joe, i go to you first because you claim to be a comedian. how is this not a first amendment issue? don't be sad. i was joking. and can they possibly fix this bill? >> well, what i am starting to realize is arizona is a text kitchen for unpopular laws. from you an inlegal immigrant are you in trouble. >> that can sells each other out though and it is perfectly legal. >> i suppose if you are advertising a hole in the chicken wire, maybe you would prosecute that. i think the law is nonsense and there is no way it will holdup. obnoxious tweets, that's the most important part of twitter. that's when you get to see celebrities and athletes at their most exposed before a publicist gets in and you can see what is really going in their mind.
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to try and criminalize, it is one thing if it is harassing and threatening, but just because somebody may take offense, they are an opt in technology. if you don't want to be offended by something, you don't follow that person. you don't go seeking it out. >> is a you know, i leave anonymous comments about you not just on-line, but in the fox news bathrooms. is this any different? like if i were to go into a bathroom and write horrible things about you, is that free speech? i don't know. >> we are not sending you to jail for that, right? all of these high school kids would be in jail, right? >> that's true. >> it is vandalism. >> annoying the standard of annoying, there would be five people in jail before i got to work. it is a low standard. >> and greg has been writing these things about you in a high school bathroom. >> but it was all nice, right? >> no, actually some was dirty and twisted and wrong. i am surprised because i did put your direct line under everything that you haven't got some of the phone calls at
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least from the teachers because they are the real perverts. patti ann browne even though we find people sad and pathetic, isn't that why we do it? >> they can let out their aggression with words. you know, sticks and stones may break my bones. it is a harmless way of doing. it but i agree with the other two. the standard of annoying -- how do you go to trial with that and have a jury trying to decide whether or not a certain tweet was actually annoying? it depends on the recipient. there is no way to define annoying besides bill schulz. >> speaking of bills i would like to fix. you often lead disgusting comments about yourself. all truthsful. >> i am a cuter, but i don't like blood, so that's the best way to do it. the internet was built to offend , annoy and intimidate. look at the people who made it. they are all annoying looking. as far as arizona is concerned on one hand you are jan brewer
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talking about big government, and then on the other hand she passes a bill like this. it doesn't make sense. you can read more, but if you read it in arizona i might go to jail. >> you know what i love about this, i did some reading of my own. it is something i like to do or to have somebody do for me. the bill has its roots in the old telephone stocking law which was in a time when you would crank call people. you would have obscene phone calls. and it was an odd time in the 70s to get like panting phone calls. i could get that -- are you sure they were for your sisters? >> i was doing them. but how can that be the same as harassing somebody on-line? it is completely different. and crank calls were like part of growing up. >> they were awesome. caller id killed that off. >> i don't think you can possibly do a crank call now. >> and they still have prince albert in a can waiting to make the call. >> well, anything that
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costs -- here is my feeling. if a threat or anything costs law enforcement money make the person pay. don't make it against the law, just fine them. but i guess they would have to go to jail if they didn't pay the fine. >> which could be a better result. if you see people who make fun of me on-line, go to jail. >> policing things like amazon and wick caw peaked yaw. that's something that does not fall on the responsibility of the anonymous commenter, but the people who run it. >> have you ever read the comment section for anything? it makes you think that this democracy voting system is not going to work. >> but if you are going back to it like a dog to its own vomit, that's your fault. >> there should be no anonymous commenting. when i put a comment on anything, i put my name right there. if you want to say something, have some guts. >> but your real name is captain scuffles so there is nobody to beat up. from being rude to saying
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we're screwed. with -- will the economy careen if we don't go green? four decades ago a study by mit researchers concluded that unless we change our ways global economic collapse and presipitous population decline could occur by the year 2030. now an australian researcher, yes they have researchers, they say their prediction is on track to coming true. the original study was done in 1972 for a think tank called the club of rome. and they used something called computers to model scenarios. predicted without, quote, drastic measures from environmental protection everyone would die and economies would collapse by the year of 2030. so graham turner -- this is going to be a long story. i feel like i should be a child here falling asleep. graham turner physicist revisited the study by looking at real world data from 70 to 2,000 and tells the smithsonian magazine -- this
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goes on and on. there is a very clear warning bell being running here -- rung here. we are not on a sustainable trajectory. also not on a sustainable trajectory is that story and this little fella. >> somebody had taco bell. please don't be offended by that, pab. patti ann browne, if you buy this doomed outlook, and i think you do, should we run off together? life is short. >> i love these scenarios. it gives everybody a chance to tell their death bed confessions. i just have one day to live. >> do you agree? >> just don't tell anybody.
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i just think that the globe might have an economic collapse, but it might not be due to the green issues. it would be because the smart people were heading in the wrong direction. >> that's a good point. all of these studies by these i guess apocalyptic researchers say if you don't switch environmental policies as opposed to entitlement policies because we are looking at the world right now, what is on the verge of collapse? places like greece and spain and italy and other countries i would throw out there but have no real proof. >> our federal government possibly? >> or california. so it doesn't seem like it is an environmental threat but an entitlement threat. >> amen and amen. you look back at these predictions. i don't know how many myan calendars out there there are, a fell law named hubbard in 1925 said we will run out of oil and pump our last drop of oil in the late 60s. he was wrong. it didn't happen.
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every week, every two weeks on our network on fox business network we have somebody on that says the stock market is going to crash in a year, and we are all going to be december tiewt. tess tau tiewt. it doesn't happen. >> there is a belief that population out strips resources. but the people who make the prediction do not factor human innovation and human creativity. they have a pessimistic look of how the world looks and cannot see that we will suddenly make more food and people won't star of. starve. joe, why is the sky always falling? is there a profit mode to make these predictions ? >> everybody has their own agenda. the researchers predicted the world would be over run by motorcycle gangs in the desert lead by tina turner. so you you can't take what they are saying -- >> i wish that would happen. i keep saying when i watch "the road warrior" i say what is the downside if you are on the other side? if you are the victim you are being chased by these people then, yes, it is wrong. but if you just decide during
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the uh apocalypse that "i will be the bad guy. it works out. i went with lord humongous for his outfits. by the way, you can get that in chelsea right now for about $45. did i cut you off? >> no. if you look back to the 1970s one of the best seller was paul er lie ch's book "population bomb." the humans have a great ability to destroy the world, but have the ability to wheeze swrel our way out of trouble. maybe we will be riding around on motorcycles, but we won't complain about the gas being $5. the world ending in 2030, i thought it was supposed to be 2012. i am trying to run up some credit card debt here. i am trying to straighten this out. >> get more credit cards. bill, regardless of whether the study is right, the world will be better with one less
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person. >> i think the opposite. every time i go to work and i am bumping into these people with their jobs and agendas i look around a saying, this would be better if it was all left to me. if everyone else was god. what i don't want is a bunch of vampire-zombie and human hybrids running around. even if i have a companion german shepherd. >> that was the remake of "i am legend." >> no that was a documentary and i believe it is going on in australia. >> the original movie "omega man" was far more entertaining. >> the last original was "last man on earth" with vincent price. >> do you remember julian simon made a wager with paul erlich on five metals and bet him all of the prices would go down that the resources will be more plentiful, and he won. >> not now, my friend.
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it is through the of rue. >> what, copper? >> all of it. china is consuming all of this stuff. >> some is at the bottom basement prices. >> i get it very cheap. from chaos in the streets to a beef with the chief. senator chuck grassley took to twitter to criticize president obama over his comments regard the health care battle. the 135-year-old senator tweeted, constituents asked why i am not outraged at president obama's attack on the supreme court's independence. american people are not as stupid as the exprofessor of constitution allah. constitutional law. it is like a 14-year-old girl who sees justin bieber get smeared. david axel rod fired back on twitter. heads up, i think a 6-year-old hijacked your counts -- your accounts and they are
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embarrassing you. well that is all funny until you have gray hair that don't rhyme with ears. i guess it could have been worse. >> what did that desk do to anyone? the man was trying to protect the poor desk. i have a theory on this, actually. eric mentioned it on "the five." if you look at the end of the tweet it was not finished. i think it was saying that the president -- that the president doesn't -- the american people aren't as dumb as the president thinks, not as the president. >> do you think that is the case?
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>> it would be hard to see the immediate twitter if he was having a stroke jie. that's what an older gentleman does. he doesn't know he has to get under 140. >> the pace picks up toward the end. yes, it is sad to see these two grown men. when you read the response from a exe lrod it is supposed to be like zing, it is on. >> you are supposed to be running the country. >> exactly. but it is better that they are doing that rather than running the country. >> pab, isn't this kind of -- if you think about previous generations would your grandparents had been on twitter arguing over things? >> i seriously doubt it. and if they were in arizona both would be under arrest right now. it gets embarrassing when it evolved into this i know you are, but what am i? i know you are, but what am
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i? it is shocking to see politicians behave this way. >> should we pick a date and all adults could agree to get off the social networks, just get off because we are embarrassing ourselves? >> don't you wish that just for a day or two you didn't have to go, one, two, how many do i have there? we do it all the time. >> i have a problem. i love it, but i hate it, bill. >> that's the problem people have with you. most people say that in quizes. >> is this a new hair style? >> the problem is when you put a sweatshirt on you have to look in the mirror afterwards. you can't just roll it over and then go straight to work. now, as far as my point is concerned -- and don't twitter that. i copy writed that. i don't see how you can call somebody dumb when you hate vowels that much. you can because there are no routes on twitter. -- there are no rules on twitter. in cliches like that as well as overall things about your daughter are allowed on this site. coming up, a story so
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they have gone from winners to toothless grinners. but in a study out of the uk, two letters. for the first time ever more women are marying down than up. researchers examined the marriage data across several generations and found that women born in 1958 married above their social class 38% of the time compared to women born 20 years later in the 70s who married up to only half that rate. i'm thoroughly confused by that. instead women born in the late 1970s married down.
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about 28% of the time, no offense, joe, but it is true. >> none taken. >> researchers say it is not without consequence. says one chap, this shift has implications for inequality. they pass on the fruits of their combined success to their children. pompous, jerk. you can keep your fruit. speaking of marying -- marrying down. >> going back to what i said earlier, santorum was right. you have gay marriage and then you have a deer and a dog prancing around. pretty soon it is a bear and a hipo. >> can we hold off. that is amazing looking. >> that is true, buts the mix is always strange. let's face it, right, joe? >> he is talking about me. i am half antelope.
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>> did you consider a social class when considering your husband? i don't ever recall having that thought in my head. >> i don't think it is something that people even think about anymore. >> says somebody who is married to a doctor. >> i don't want to go against the study. they say more women are marying men who are more than a year or two older than them. and i went a little younger. >> it was a legal age at the time. i think it is a good thing. what they are saying is women are financially independent and they don't have to marry for money. they can marry up, down, sideways. >> i am worried about her. what did you make of this shift? you are of an economic mind. >> what do i make of this shift? >> here is my thinking on this. have you met anybody who is in
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his 20s right now? it is a little disappointing. i'm just saying. >> interesting point. it is a very interesting point in charles murray's book he says when he talks to single women he says why aren't you marying? show me a guy i can marry who has a job or whatever. it is depressing, joe. you are single, but successful. why aren't you married, by the way? >> i will take the beating for this. what is the incentive for the young men to get married? if you get divorced you lose everything. the woman takes your kids away. you are treated like a criminal expurks may not even know if these are your kids. even if they do a dna test and find out somebody fathered them, in a lot of cases you have to pay. you have to be a complete imbecile to get married. >> the whole point of the moving to the top of the
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pyramid in terms of earning power and all of that, you get to the top and you say i want to marry somebody who is still above me. the closer you get to the top, the more narrow the point gets. if you want to be thinking like, i want to be paid for what i am worth which i have no problem with people being paid in a pragmatic way, but you can't take the flip side of that and say, i want to be a princess married to a prince. what the women had to offer was being young and bearing a lot of children. do you want that to be what your value was set at? >> if you are on the low end you have that and once you are up there you can't. more importantly, i think you are starting a men's rights groups. >> if you want to go back to the traditional reasons for marriage was you wanted the guy with all of the money was you needed them to take care of your off spring. those were the traditional roles rooted in by yule gee. by yule gee.
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he spread his dna everywhere else. if you want to get to equal terms in learning you say i want my prince to come. you have to be realistic. and also what is going on in colleges you have to complain. >> i am cool with that. when you turn 18 women register for the select sigh service. for the selective service. and be compared to die and you get that extra 10 years or so at the end because men are working in cole mines because they #r* filling up our prisons. >> we are playing nintendo. >> i want to play that game. >> do you have anything to add to that before we go to break? it has covered just about everything. >> i agree with everything he said and everything he is about to say on commercial. >> i do see your book coming out, my male body, my male self by joe devito. how one man overcomes women.
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>> overcomes women, overcomes such stupid book titles. do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us. and to leave a voicemail it is quite simple really. all you need is a finger. 212-462-5050. we will check it out, i swear. and still to come, tv's andy levy a lonely, lonely man. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by pillow fight. the form of hitting where people hit each other with soft objects. thanks, pillow fight.
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welcome back. let's see if we got anything wrong so far. we go to andy levy. hi, andy. >> before we get going on tonight's stuff i want to talk about something you said i think it was thursday night on john stocil's show. he couldn't figure out why you didn't want him to call uh comedian. >> i have too much respect for comedians. comedians stand up in front of people and they endure slings and arrows from drunks. i have the comfort of being in studio. basically i am safe. i would never tell a joke if i knew it wasn't funny and somebody could kill me. >> you would never tell a joke if you knew it wasn't funny.
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>> that doesn't make any sense given the fact that for the last five years 80% of the things 78 coming out of my mouth are funny. >> i suspect you meant something else. >> i would never have the guts to go on stage and say something that would then be perceived as unfunny. that's what i meant to say. >> but when i am here i will be as unfunny as possible. >> because you are safe. >> i am safe. the only people that even understand me #r* particularly asleep anyway. >> i still don't like being escorted out. >> that was not in my contract. >> the arizona bill would criminalize the internet trolling-type stuff. you think this law is nonsense and you don't think it will holdup. well, the gop representative says, quote, the bill has been misrepresented in terms of scope and conduct. it was never our intent to interfere with broadcasters or other speech. but we will clarify. ii think that is code for we wrote a crappy bill.
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>> that's backtracking, definitely. but a lot of times laws sneak in. they say we are doing something nice for you and then they say, low and behold, it is not nice after all. >> both houses passed it, and now you are the first to say maybe there is a problem? >> let's pass it and take a look after. >> i never heard that before. >> wouldn't do that for a health care bill. >> greg, you asked if there would be free speech if you wrote something nasty about yes, jerry in the bathroom. if it is your bathroom, yes. if it is anybody else's no. >> i only use other people's bathrooms. there is something weird about that my therapist says. >> the walls are already covered in your bathroom. also, greg, you mentioned this law was meant to update an old telephone harassment law and asked if that is the same thing as making a crank call, it is not. as usual, representatives are passing laws about things they don't understand.
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>> very, very true. they are quite different, don't you know? >> pab, you had a good point. you made it in your talking point. you asked how would arizona deal with this if it comes from out of state? >> yes. the problem is the reason i didn't say it is because all i have is a question and no answer. if you go across the state lints with your -- lines with your tweets, how does it work? >> it is a federal offense. >> i don't know the law like if our state can regulate that, if the communication comes from a server in new york, then how can -- well, i don't know. >> according to what i just got off the department of justice website, if the tweet travels over the state lines, you are subject to the death penalty. >> eric holder strikes again. >> some things i do agree with him on, and this is one of them. >> i tell you. this administration i will tell you. >> i would vote for him if i could and i would vote using his name.
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>> joe, you said there shouldn't be anonymous commenting. the founding fathers wrote their papers under a pseudonym and wasn't that the anonymous comment? >> no, i would talk about john hancock writing in big letters saying, take that. >> i don't even agree with what i said. >> are you just trying to get a rise out of me. >> that's it. >> global depression is coming coming in 2030. the one time it comes true, that's all you need. by the way, we should point out graham turner his research was done in 2008. >> what are you trying to say? >> there is nothing new about this story except it is all over the internet. >> you know, when you are dealing with the end of the world. >> it is fine. >> four years is a drop in the bucket.
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>> it is meaning less. >> or are you saying we couldn't find any good stories today? >> we coobt although that is true. >> it is easter. all of the good reporters have hangovers. >> that's true. from easter? >> from all of the eggnog that you people drink. >> joe, you brought up that they are to end this year. it is important to note that the myan calendar is going to end, but i believe the fourth cycle will end. >> i think it brings us back to 2012. you might be referring to 2012 in your reference. >> by the way, has anybody seen the new rush album?
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>> greg, you said -- this was a good point, the people who make these predictions don't factor in creativity. the original study, the one done in 1972, they took a look and there will be expo 10 shall growth -- exponential growth and linear technology. you are right. technology can grow exponentially especially when humans are faced with a crisis. >> and you have seen innovations in the growing of crops which has saved millions and millions of lives. look at our entertainment value, how much that increased. and that has saved a lot of lives. remember the giant vcr? oh thank you. and then it got smaller. and now you can come back to me. and then it got really small. you can carry an actual movie in your mouth. >> a your glasses. >> greg, you refer to senator
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grassley as being 75 years old, but he is 75 years young. >> he is a marvelous guy. >> his tweets are -- do you follow him? >> no, but i shall. >> he tweets often about the history channel. he is upset they don't know anything that has to do with history. >> that's a fair point. >> it is fantastic. you brought up the theory that he didn't finish his tweet and that he could have met american people -- well, they are not as stupid as the exprop of common law thinks. what he meant was american people are not as stupid. that's what he meant. on the other hand his tweet before that one -- the letter p. i am not even making that up. go and check his twitter feed. apparently he doesn't know how to delete tweets. it is still there.
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>> i think that was intentional and we should focus on the letter p. we know what that means. >> i wonder what the p meant. >> i don't know if he was just abbreviating. >> i don't know. >> 78 years old. >> maybe he left out imeach. >> he accidentally tweeted a voicemail. that is embarrassing. >> more women are married. joe, you may not realize this, but you may have come across a slightly anti-marriage. >> that sen tierl my mistake. -- that is entirely my miss staifnlgt. >> that was part of the reason i think that. i just wanted to give uh chance to clarify. >> if you are a man you get married without an iron clad pre up in you are a fool and asking for trouble. the system is not weighted in your favor. >> and i'm curious, you said you did a lot of time in coal mines and fighting wars? >> not me specifically, but other people who fall under
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the ruberic of men. >> so actual men. >> real men i believe is the know men nomenclature. i am wearing a pocket square. >> good point. i am done, greg jie. this appearance on "red eye" will be used in your movie you will write of the guy who hates marriage, and then all of a sudden walks out and bumps into a girl and gets married. >> please say jennifer aniston. >> but at first she won't want to get married at first because she hates it too. and then they become friends. >> and then she will find out that joe is actually transgender which is an awesome thing because she is also transgender. >> and works in a coal mine. >> and works in a coal mine. and they are acting to fight for transgender rights where they can marry each offer in a tasteful ceremony. >> the movie will be called "coal miner's daughter." >> go away. >> go away first.
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coming up, stories so fun that if they were funions you would say, wow, those funions were really fun. has america had plenty when it comes to the penny? if i told you the answer you would be going to bed. we have had enough of the penny. who needs you? >> what is said above the head of lincoln on the penny? >> i have no idea. this is my first time in america. i don't know. >> correct.
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has america's coining gotten annoying? last week our neighbor to the north, canada and not santa announced their mint will end their production of the canadian penny. this fall is part of its austerity budget. yea. the finance minister jim flaharty, the h is not silent, the penny is currency without currency and it costs us 1.5
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cents to produce this penny. all of which begs the question, should the united states follow the mapleleaf's lead and say adios to honest abe as well? or is the general public more nostalgic when it comes to this irrelevant pocket change? a reporter whose name is dances for pennies is out to learn more. he didn't. >> is the penny going the way of the doo-doo? well that, was a mythological creature, but let's see what the world would be like without a copper abraham lincoln. >> would you miss the penny? >> i would like to still have them around to throw them at things. they are still good for that, i suppose. >> so you are from philadelphia and you go to a lot of eagles games and you pelt the ref all the time? >> all the time. >> do we need pennys ? >> it is like asking do you need a soul.
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>> the what? >> the penny. >> oh we are from columbia so we don't use that. >> i contribute to your economy, but what i buy from columbia you don't pay taxes on. we have a couple of fun penny facts. let's see your knowledge of this useless coin. what is the phrase above the head of lincoln on the penny? >> is it in god we trust? >> no, it is tricky to rock around, to rock around that's right on time, it's tricky. it is wordy, but they were able to fit it on the coin. >> who is on the penny? >> who is on the penny? george washington? >> lincoln. >> full answer? >> abraham lincoln. >> lincoln navigator. it is a luxurious four-wheel ride and at $57,000 you can't afford not to ride it. >> lincoln. >> full name please. >> abraham lincoln. >> close. andrew lincoln. he is the lead in "the walking
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dead" on amc. >> what would i pay for yours thoughts? remember the phrase a penny for your thoughts. >> i would say a nickel. the nickel is the new penny. >> the correct answer is sex. you would pay sex for your thoughts. what is the above the head -- what is said above the head of lincoln on the penny? >> have i no idea. it is my first time in america. >> correct, i have no idea, this is my first time in america. a lot of people are confused by that phrase and why it would be on the penny. you nailed it. finish this sentence, find a penny, pick it up, all the day you will have -- >> good luck? >> syphllus. they are riddled with disease. >> what is on the back of the penny? >> the back. >> lincoln's butt. >> should america keep the penny? >> the penny? >> yes. >> why, why not? >> don't do that in front of me because it has other con connotations and it has -- i have had a rough life jie. what is the phrase above the head of lincoln?
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>> that i am not sure. probably in god we trust. >> a lot of people think it is little in the middle, but he has much back. >> are you single? >> i am jie. what are you doing later? >> later maybe go for some drinks with you? >> i would like that very much. we will get some drinks and buy a bunch of pennys pennys and throw them at people. >> okay. sounds good. >> it is a date. >> i love this job. >> so what have we learned about the penny? >> for starters -- >> did you learn anything? >> lucky to be alive. there was a horrific accident. >> i feel sorry for every columbian tourist. you just keep thinking them for their great work. >> i am hoping it willied to other things. time to take a break. when we come back, we will
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created by the late andrew breitbart who passed away. check out more on the website. all of the money from the highest bid is going to the trust fund for andrew breitbart's four children. we close the bidding at 3:00 p.m. on monday, and once again nobody was able to top the bid at $5,000. he has put over $10,000 in the account for breitbart's kids. if you would like to make a donation to help andrew's kids, checks or money orders can be cents to 149 south barrington avenue, number 735, los angeles, 90049. we will close things out with a post game wrap up from tv's andy levy. she worth a penny. and to see clips of recent shows go to fox eye.
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we will see you back here at 5:00 eastern on" the five." coming up, john stocil, diane macedo and jesse joyce. >> time to go back to andy levy with the post game wrap up. >> do you have some bubba fever? >> yes, i watch hours and hours at the masters. it was loads of fun. bubba is good for the game, have i to tell you. having an american win and do really well. she a new face and a fresh face and it makes you forget tiger. >> racist. >> wow. >> somebody is -- wow. >> i like golf too, but not for those reasons.
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>> i feel so bad now. >> pab, are you back on "fox and friends" soon? >> yes, next week 5:00 a.m. >> they need to change that show to the the 5 a.m. >> how about fam like, five-am. >> joe, up -- upcoming gigs ? >> april 21st i will be in newport, rhode island. >> final thoughts on marriage? >> my opinion does not change during the commercial break. >> you know who agrees with him is baron vaughn slotenburg. >> i am not sure he does. >> he does. he has never been married. >> that's simply not true. >> i know. why, who has he been married to? >> there are things that are legal in the netherlands that you don't know about. >> he didn't act married when he stayed at my place. he didn't
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