tv FOX Report FOX News April 14, 2012 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT
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. >> this is fox report. disco music icon hospitalized. family members now confirming he's gravely ill. we are watching extreme weather move across our nation mid section turning baseball size hail. tonight bracing for a tornado tonight bracing for a tornado outbreak. >> it's coming right for me. go. go. go. go. go. >> twister. in motion. touching down in oklahoma. hitting anything and anyone in its path. >> pretty crazy scene there for a little bit. >> tonight a warning to millions of people in the heart land. severe weather system is still active and dangerous. in moments live team fox coverage. >> scan today. surrounding a
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secret service team sent to columbia to help protect president obama. we are learning the agents now relaevd of duty after an incident reportedly involving a prostitute. >> president has had, does have confidence in the secret service. >> fox report. developing story as dozen secret service agents face questioning. now reaction from the white house. and. >> people are trying to catch a bobcat in the median. >> a bobcat. >>reporter: one woman painful encounter with a bobcat. after she tried to save him. from getting hit by a car. l we begin tonight with fox news. growing scandal over accusations of misconduct involving the secret service on assignment in columbia. the embarrassing headline coming as president obama attends summit of the america in the country. the detail emerging short time ago as well as many as 17
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people could be involved including 5 members of the u.s. military. what it house spokesman saying the incident with the military personnel stems from the same episode involving about a dozen members of the secret service who now have been called back to the u.s. for an investigation. moments ago on fox news house home lapped security chairman king saying that's just what he wants. >> i'll have my staff do a preliminary investigation and ultimately have a hearing. the only way to find out exactly what happened and why it happened. what action was taken and why what's going to be done to ensure that it captain happen again the. >> here is what we know. location of whatever did happen a beach front hole in columbia capitol. and reports of prostitute involved in the as well. happened just ahead of the president arrival for the 2 day summit with world leaders. one agent in particular at the center of all of this was part of an advanced team that was in columbia to prepare for the
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president's visit. we are told he was not a member of mr. obama personal security detail. now the investigation widening as i mentioned to the military. traveling with the president, wendell? >>reporter: many as you say about a dozen secret service agents were september home. 5 military personnel assigned for security for the trip were confined to the hotel rooms after an incident involving prostitutes and an apparent dispute over payment. it has been a distraction from the trade energy that the president would hope would dominate but his personal security was not compromised. president hasn't commented on the incident but he was awhich are of it before he got here. many of the details remain unclear to reporters. white house press secretary jay carney wouldn't volunteer any information. >> well this is a matter that is being looked into in an appropriate manner by the secret service itself. wouldn't be appropriate for the fraught characterizes something
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looked into by the secret service at this time. >> the incident occurred in this hotel that is actually where the press is staying reportedly when a woman one of the agents brought back to his room demanded payment and he refused. ruckus that followed other women reportedly found in the hotel and may have been here in vailtion of a policy that requires extra payment for guests. now in a written statement general douglas frasier the head of southern command said he was quote disappointed by the entire incident and that this behavior is not in keeping with the professional standard expected of members of the united states military. secret service spokesman donovan said the agency takes all allegations of this conduct seriously. the office of professional responsibility said to be investigating this incident. >> they are investigating. what exactly happens next with the secret service agents? >>reporter: if well i think that obviously depends upon what the office of professional
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responsibility find. some may have more guilt in this incident than others. but i know one former secret service agent has said it's going to be very difficult for most of them to continue their careers after that investigation. >> travel with the president tonight in columbia, we know today thank you very much. fongs weather alert. warning for millions of americans. life threatening storms targeting the heart land all day long and we are watching the situation developed tonight. as the sun begins setting in the plains. officials saying the area at risk spans from minnesota to texas. earlier in oklahoma here's a little bit of what could be coming. >> oh, god it's coming right on top of me. coming right on top of me. him if i'm escaping the tornado. it's right next to me. >> i tell you my heart skipped a beat when i realize how close some of the storm chasers get.
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he drove through a twister and in oklahoma yesterday. you hear him say it's coming right on top of me. more twisters reported in that state today and lack at the devastation. 8 twisters suspected across kansas and nebraska. baseball size hail shattering windows from north texas to northern nebraska. so far no word of any injuries. we hope that is over and worst may yet to come. we have coverage in the weather center. and mike is in northern oklahoma. mike let's get to you first because you are bringing the latest picture from the scene. >>reporter: and i can show you some live pictures rate now. we know from the radar that small cell, long line of small cells has formed off to the west of us. pretty much in the direction you are liking right now. the big storm is off to the north. now as far as video that is coming in from storm chasers and stringers what we are seeing a lot office rain. we are seeing big ominous looking clouds and in some
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cases lightning. we have got reports that a number of funnel clouds have formed up. some of them have touched down. no reports of the damage rate now. we also know that mcconnell air force base in wichita, kansas made the precautionary move of getting the big refue refueler the tankers off the air force base there just as precaution because spokesperson says if the rain the wind the hail came in there and danieled those aircraft, it would be very expensive to get them fixed now as far as the damage we have seen so far we know about any way that came from the tornadoes that touched down last night. and the wee small hours of this morning in oak will home. those tornadoes didn't seem to be particularly powerful. so the damage we have seen for things lick sections of roof pulled off, trees knocked over, power lines that were knocked down, we do have reports of injuries in oklahoma where the tornadoes touched down but no serious injuries. hospital say for the most part people walked out of that with bump and bruises. so all eyes are on the storms that
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are brewing right now that are kicking up the wind behind me and the storm cell behind me rate now because these are the ones that the forecasters say have the potential to be life threatening. >> i have been watching the coverage all day. two things stand out. one mike you mention the injuries. we have reports nobody injured. now we know no one seriously which is still a blessing. i see the winds kick up behind you. >> many yes. it's there. that certainly an indication of what's going on. we are in northern oklahoma. it's not even sung about. the wind goes sweeping down the plains out here. that's not something to be too alarmed b.i'm looking at the group of clouds behind me trying to get an idea that is some of the super cell that the radar is indicating writ now because those do have the potential to be tornado. >> all right make we'll come become to you as the news warrants. let's move on now to maria live in the weather center. >> that whipped you just talked about is one of the ingredient that will fire up all of this
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weather ongoing rate now across parts of oklahoma, kansas, up into nebraska and right now 35 reports of tornado stretching across the area is what we have received. that number will likely increase as we head into the next several hours and still expecting more severe weather even on sunday as the storm system continues to head eastward we have a number of tornado watches and also warnings currently in effect and of course the difference very important that you understand what it means. watch means that conditions are favorable and will dheevl could produce severe weather and warning neens there could currently be a tornado on the ground and you have to take action medley and seek shelter. i want to talk about one particular tornado warning that was issued for ellsworth, mcpherson, wright and central kansas because the national weather service confirmed that rate now a large and extremely dangerous tornado is on the ground and they are talking about major house building damage likely complete destruction of vehicle as well and kansas really seek shelter medley. go to basement or try
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to just stay away from window on the lowest level of the home. not safe to be in a car when tornado strikes an area. here's a look at the tornado watches currently stretching from oklahoma up into nebraska and also have a new one issued out until midnight central time for southern parts of iowa and also northwest missouri so large area that we are looking at for the possibility for tornado to touch down and also a number of tornado warnings. all of those in red is what we have tornado on the ground. look at the west of wichita. so mike over there needs to stay alert as well and seek shelter when the warnings do basically move into areas lake wichita because we are expecting them to continue to generally head eastward. here's a look at the risk today. from texas all the way up into southern parts of minnesota and tomorrow risk stretches from largely area as well from wisconsin down into eastern texas and harris a moderate risk in wisconsin and we'll keep tracking the storms. >> on through the night because
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as we have seen the times now have length interest out to well over midnight in the mid section of the country. again with you and mike as the news warrants we'll come become to you for updates. thanks very much. >> now this is breaking on the associated press. working to independently confirm but we can tell you that the a p now saying l remember our top story was this secret service agent being looked at for misconduct ahead of the president trip down there in columbia. here's the latest now according to a p. secret service agent 11 of them remember i mention there was a dozen 11 of them now placed on administrative leave for misconduct in columbia before mr. obama's trip. that's the latest detai detail. we knew they were brought back here to the u.s. and now they have officially been put on administrative leave. this story has been changing all day. we'll stay on it and update you as the news develops with it. >> now let's move to north korea. word tonight they are working on a new long range missile. now remember they are already being punished for trying to fire a rocket early
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this week. we just cut the food aid. tonight our journalist on the ground inside the reconclusive communist nation with the very latest. >> government agency many under investigation for using your tax money for fun. then laughing bit. the video here. lateness the coverage of fox news learns gsa snups charge of that lavish las vegas trip won't be talking. by the way the trip soaked up more than 800,000 taxpayer dollars just to the party. you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox. >> certainly want to call in all of the individuals that have already been fired or on administrative leave. but we want to go much deeper. want the new acting director to come in and explain how he has made the changes so this will never the changes so this will never happen again. [ male announcer ] this is genco services --
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>> woman learns this lesson the hard way. don't touch a wild bobcat. sounds pretty obvious you say. well apparently she was only trying to help. in florida we are told the woman spotted the bobcat on the side of 6 lane highway. the kitty seemed disoriented. possibly injured. so the woman threw a towel over it. and that cat acted like, well, a wild anima animal. do you think? it bit her. traffic slowed down as drivers stopped to watch. here's 911 call. >> traffic on 30 1 south of similar road. people are training to catch a bobcat in the median. >> a bobcat? >> yes there's a bobcatment everybody is guest out of the car and trying to catch this cat. >> we are told the woman is doing okay so far. her attempt though to save the animal unfortunately is leading to its death. animal control has to put down the bobcat to test it
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for rabies. >> government agency executive at the heart of an investigation into a big chunk of u.s. tax dollars and where they went. and tonight we learn that exec jeffrey meal could face criminal charms. hearing beginning monday on over spending at the gs administration, agency whose purpose is to expose government waste. now you may remember the government services administration employees made this rap video mocking the lap lack of oversight on government spending. it video coming out at the same time a report documenting the lavish spending at the federal agency including 2010 las vegas conference that cost more than 800,000 dollars. that conference expected to be the focus of the hearing on capitol hill. that committee figure that executive already subpenaed and we are told he plans to not talk. he's going to take, plead the fifth and stay silent. peter with the news in washington. >> they are looking at the gsa to try to determine if law were his broken in planning the 4
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day, eight 23,000 dollar western region concert at the m resort spa casino in las vegas back in 2010. gsa if or general turned over evidence that showed regional commissioner jeffrey neal who organized the event and his staff signed off on contracts that were not competitively bid even though that's the law. the contract included 55,000 dollars for audio/visual company. over 12,000 dollars for an event planner and 75,000 dollars for a bike building event. another dollar amount to know is 99. that's the gsa limit for dip but hat off program that rewarded impressive performance at work with gifts featured items that cost much more and further house committee on oversight and government reform is trying to get to the bottom of gsa case and neal lawyers told that their klaipt will plead the fifth in any upcoming hearings but neal is compelled by his subpena to testify writing he
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has been inserrated to appear with the expectation that his testimony will advance the committee investigation of wasteful spending by gsa. committee requires mr. neal appearance and ice also points out in the letter he called 6 witness for hearing monday at 1:30 and all 5 are appearing voluntarily. >> peter thank you very much. now some information coming in in the extreme weather department. remember we are watching this update on twister suspected twister touching down in kansas. we are now told it hit at 5:42 p.m. local time there and it was a quarter mile wide. that's what people are reporting on the ground. quarter mile wide. details come in and this system is hug huge. look at the map. those watch areas have now gone on for some of them until midnight local time there in the plains. we bring maria back in a little bit to talk about the very latest on the severe weather threat. for now un
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security council has decided to send a team of unarmed observers to syria. new violence reported days after cease fire went in effect ther cease fire went in effect ther there. that's moments away [ male announcer ] what's the beat that moves your heart? how about the beat of a healthy heart? campbell's healthy request soup is delicious, and earned this heart, for being heart healthy. ♪ feel the beat? it's amazing what soup cano.
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>> breaking news story we have been watching all day now. massive storm system according to the associated press now turned up suspectsed 6 twisters in rural western condition say says. we knew the situation would be explosive tonight. maria is watching it for us live in the fox weather center. first of all some details coming in from kansas. >> yes i'll stay off camera
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because i'm currently reading the very latest. i just came out. brand new tornado warning in effect until central kansas and basically what's going on we have a confirmed extremely dangerous. it's about a quarter mile wide. i'll go ahead and zoom to where the particular tornado warning is in effect. to the north of wichita in town called same so we are lacking at the risk out there. i'll go ahead and do it one more time. north of wichita. current tornado warning is in effect until 7:00 p.m. central day late time. basically what is going on is that we do have that risk for the tornado. it was reported to be on the ground south west of saline short while ago. we brought the warning to you guys early in the she and we are lacking at the possibility of that tornado being on the ground in more populated area than it was earlier so of course we'll keep tracking the storm. >> real quickly. i want to good over something with you crossing on the associated press wires. north of dodge
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city, kansas, reports that a twister was on the ground for half hour. >> yes. this is what we are looking at right now. this is why this particular tornado outbreak is is dangerous because we are lacking for the possibility long track longer lift tornadoes that could stay on the ground for over an hour tl so winds over 200 miles per hour are possible and to tornado watches a little bit special or different categories particularly dangerous situation. 2 are in effect rate now for parts of oklahoma, kansas, nebraska and overnight hours. unfortunately the sun sets and people won't be able to see the tornadoes heading to the area. that's really what is even more dangerous aside from the tornado scenes particularly destructive and causing catastrophic damage and nighttime and many people will be sleeping. we hope that they will stay alert and an idea that i have basically to just go to sleep in your basement or safe zone in your home. >> safe zone.
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>> yes is that absolutely. >> don't worry about waking up. >> i want people to understand because sometimes they can grow a little bit numb to the idea of so much weather but the fact of the matter is this is a little bit different because of the size and scope of some of the suspected twisters that we are watching. when you hear something sitting on the ground for half hour the that is just phenomenal amount of time. i wanted you to clarify. it sound like very long night for them. we'll stay on it. thank you very much. >> yes. >> now to news breaking. continually although on the story with the u.s. secret service and at least 11 agents pulled out of columbia down the because of some kind of miss con dug. we know prostitutes part of the story. beach front hotel. in the capitol there of columbia ahead of the property attendance of 2 day summit with world leaders down there and moments ago i had told that you these agents have been put open add tiff leave and now the -- administrative leave and statement now from the secret
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service. apology and this. this is standard procedure and allows us the secret service the opportunity to conduct a full thoroughfare investigation that the allegations. l whether they are saying is they apologize for any kind of a distraction that this has led to at that 2 day summit. and to the president. because this is somewhat scene as an embarrassment as they have had to deal with this but nonetheless the secret service apologizing. their words not mine. also confirming those 11 agent now put on administrative leave. 5 military members who are said to be part of the investigation that's what the white house spokesperson carney said earlier we don't know what has happened with them or is what happening with them. story continues to develop as always we'll keep you posted. all right. now we turn to syria. look that the country turbulence rooebs recent history. new video escalating violence in sir why as the un agrees to deploy the first wave of unformed military observers.
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they will monitor the very fragile cease fire there for three days and apparently not put and end to fighting so far. syrian forces held neighborhood in home today killing at least 3 they fired rocket good evening friday at government loyalist. armed attacking a state run television building in all of that and just hours ago the un security council unanimously vote to go send unarmed observers to monitor the international brokered cease fire. >> takes kind of perspective look so that you can know what led up to all this. the man in charge that the rebel want out is 46-year-old president assad who took over after his father died in 2000. unreceipt began last year when thousands of people turned out for difficult of dignity. it fueled sparked call for protest on the social networking web site fate book
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and in response the regime c cracking down head using force against its ian citizens. 9,000 people have died since the first day last march. north korea may working on a new missile. after that failed rocket launch early this week that test already cost the country money for food from the u.s. so whether happens now? >> we are going back to the fox extreme weather center for the latest on tornado outbreak in the miss western part of the country and the night will be long. in effect for 7 more long. in effect for 7 more hours. stay with us [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain.
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. >> breaking news on informs news channel. we track reported outbreak of tornadoes in the midwest. we hear at least 6 twisters unconfirmed yet but sues pegged tornadoes touching down in kansas. just the last few minutes 2 baseball size hail reportedly breaking out windows and tearing the siding off houses in nebraska. let's go to maria live in the fox extreme weather center. >> yes we are looking at reports of large baseball sooil size hail causing damage across the plains. not just tornado but the hail. we mav some of the daytime heating that is firing up the storms and
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producing the large hail and tornado risk and it is basically start to shift into more of a straight line damaging wind grip so we are looking at that as we head that the overnight hours but still you have the chance for large hail and also scary tornado above your head through the overnight hours. i talk about the one tornado warning in saline county that does include the city of line kansas that's in effect until 7:00 p.m. central time and there are reports of that tornado being about a quarter mile wide. it was ton on the ground by local law enforcement so of course we have the big concern and writ now it's believed to be about 7 miles south of brookville in kansas and moving towards the northeast at 35 miles per hour. so the storms move very quickly to the northeast and very important that everyone have a plan in effect already. we do have a number of tornado watches. 2 of those are called particularly dangerous situation. high tornado watch. of that does include northern parts of oklahoma through
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central portions of kansas and into southern nebraska where you can see the violent track and could level homes and that is a possibility right now in kansas so again anyone that lives out there, if you know 9, you need to be in a basement or away from window in the lower part of the home on the lowest floor. >> some of what you are saying also tweeting out because i know some people may only have the cell phone with them. not everybody is close to tv or radio. this is one of the way to communicate with people. so we can multi-task and did some social networking here as well. we'll come back on fox report as the news warrants. thanks. >> we have 2 stories really coming developing tonight. we have the weather situation and now developing news on the scandal involving secret service agents at columbia. officials now policed 11 agents on administrative leave. secret service also poll jaysing to the president for the distraction the incident
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has possibly caused. fox news correspondent l doug is following the story and with the news tonight keeps break with more details. doug you are in washington. >>reporter: yes. one of the drip drip drip situation. apparent scandal broad tone include 5 members of the u.s. military in addition to the 11 secret service personnel who have been placed on administrative leave as you just said. the white house is referring almost all questions to the secret service and to the pentagon while also surprising support for those who we to the have the he has confidence in the secret service and i think would you point to the reports that the incident had no impact on president security. >>reporter: but certainly has distracted the press from the substantive discussions on the summit of the america and as you said harris the secret service now poll jaysing for that. raise question about the
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tl issue. >> obviously it's a concern. we are talking about service personnel who are to be getting ready for the president. which is no. 1. no. 2, they put themselves in a position where they leave themselves open to blackmail or be threatened. >> representative king with homeland security committee oversees the secret service and believes this incident was aberation and others say it's aevd of other problem. >> prostitutes are leverage. tm could they be in concert with terrorists or drug cartel people, could have resulted n.e. ex portion and defamatio defamation. tm it's jaws miracle that there has not been this with all the corner cutting going on. doesn't take that much more to actually create a breach. >>reporter: both the secret service and military conducting
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investigation. all 11 secret service personnel in question are according to representative king now back in washington and undergoing interview as we speak. one final point. prostitution is legal in columbia if carried out in power zone. president was not in columbia when the incident occurred. now back to you. >> thank you very much doug. >> north korea reportedly developing a new long range missile. separate program than the one that led to friday failed launch according to south korea television state. quoting intelligence source saying communist state carried out 4 test over 16 week ending earlier this year. as you know north korea rocket test ended in complete failure this week. rocket explodeing in mid air just 2 minutes and 15 seconds after launch. debris scattering that the yellow sea. political ramifications still rumble at this point. un security council saying l ands is spending a deal to provide
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food aid and what could come next. rocket failure may push them to undertake a third underground nuclear test. greg is in north korea tonight with more. >>reporter: regime here is still doling with a fall out from the failed rocket launch. now situated that the missile which took off friday morning was only in the air about 2 minutes before it blew up scattering debris in the sea off south korea. ships are scouring the water for any clue as to what happened. the cost of the whole project for this im above runner country is estimated at nearly 1 billion dollars. seemingly undeterred the show goes on. look at an event we saw not too far from here. no better example of the military policy of the north korean government and tens of thousands of soldiers packed into this stadium. get another
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event of the first founder of north korea. tl the people of the country from the problem it has. >> in tightly orchestrated staged manage event those gather sport for upping young children. a bunch of new titles in recent day and put them up there with late father and former leader kichlt the question as expected stayed on message including showing no disappointment about that filled paper. one black mammoth military event. most of the country won't have toch to cheer about. this is fox news. >> great reporting. now back to the severe weather that we are tracking tonight across the heart land. look at the very latest from maria in our fox sdpreem weather station and here's the box locks. details
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and what you need to know to stay alive tonight. dangerous situation in the midwest. stay situation in the midwest. stay close. [ artis brown ] america is facing some tough challenges right now. two of the most important are energy security aneconomic growth. north america actually has one of the largest oil reserves in the world. a large part of that is oil sands. this resource has the ability to create hundreds of thousands of jobs. at our kearl project icanada, we'll be able to produce these oil sands with the same emissions as many other oils and that's a huge breakthrough. that's good for oucountry's energy security and our economy. if you want a luxury car with a standard power moonroof, your options are going to be limited. ♪ if you want standard leather-trimmed seats, you're going to have even fewer. ♪ and if you want standard keyless access, then your choice is obvious. the lexus es. it's complete luxury in a class full of compromises.
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usaa. we know what it means to serve. >> breaking news as we continue to watch the weather. midwest getting a warning about what officials are calling high end life threatening storm expected to hit in the next few hours. suspected twisters already reported in oak will home an kansas. we have been showing you pictures today. baseball size hail doing some damage at this hour. shattering windows. and wind strong enough to rip the siding off houses across parts of the plains particularly nebraska. but the worst may still come to us tonight. maria has been tracking the storms. she is in the fox extreme weather center writ new and as i'm looking at some of the details coming in, of course, upsetting. some pictures we won't see until the morning and you can give us an idea of what that will lack like. >>reporter: unfortunately we are seeing the ingredient coming together. wind sheer and twisting of the wind and
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higher level of the atmosphere the twisting thunderstorm in the way that produce tornadoes and that's what we see coming together. we have very warm air ahead of the system that fired up the thunderstorms already. we have a number of super cell from parts of oklahoma up into portions of iowa and a number of tornado warnings also that happen that currently have tornadoes on the ground. right now one town we have been talking about is sail say lean and in kansas and the thunderstorm basically right over them so they could have that very large confirmed dangerous tornado in their area and we also have a new tornado warning you are issued out for lincoln county in nebraska in the town of north platt. that warning is in effect until 7:30 p.m. local time central daylight savings time and basically that tornado was spotted by trained weather spotters so it's seen by people. reported. we do have the warning out there in effect. now i want to show you some of the tornado watches that do stretch in parts of nebraska down in through portions of oklahoma and
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northwest parts of missouri and southern parts of iowa. many of these watches do go in effect that the overnight hours and 2 of them that are tl called particularly dangerous situation. meaning that's where you can see the longer track very violent tornado including northern oak will home, kansas and also into nebraska and we have a line of storms right here you can see lined up across parts of condition says and oklahoma and these are called super cell thunderstorms and showing rotation and that's why we do have a tornado warning. number of them in effect. north platt i'll show you the one in sail ian north of wichita that there could be a tornado on the ground out here. already spotted. reported by law enforcement and it's impacting the town. unfortunately hopefully everyone has a head up and in a safe place in basement or storm shelter. the weather risk in northern parts of texas up that southern portion of minnesota the hig highest risk zone though is across eastern portions of nebraska down that oklahoma
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where you see the longer track buried by tornado big there will and oklahoma city, wichit wichita, omaha, see that storm over nature hours into early sunday morning and believe it or not by tomorrow still a risk for more severe weather in parts of wisconsin down into eastern texas. >> all right marie a.again we'll come to you as the news warrants this hour on fox report. thank you very much. >> now with us by fen is sharon watson. she's in the state capitol will in kansas, topeka. she's the direct talk of public affair for office that is include the kansas national guard. emergency management. homeland security i can no doubt guess her phone is ringing off the hook. we have had some difficulty holding her line. are you with us sharon. >> yes. >>reporter: i don't have to tell you how serious it looks just on the map but tell me about what is on the ground there? >> we are getting a lot of reports of situation here that looks grim. we are keeping a close eye on that several fun
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it clouds spotted there. monitoring the storm all day and the worst is about this time and earlier indicated by the national weather service so we have some reports of damage and some parts of western central kansas up until now minor daniel. >> so people get a reference point. you say you are watching this. we know from our meteorologist this is a little different. tell me about the system. >> yes. we started hearing from the national weather service yesterday that this system was worse than normal and pushing that information to the public because in kansas we are used to these kind of things. familiar with tornado. we see them often. this system is different. that there is a bigger danger here. because it has been a priority for us. take precaution and do not ignore the messages that tl they have become used to hearing here. >>reporter: we pray people heed the warnings. sharon, i have to ask. emergency management you are traffic with intimately understanding how
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siren systems work and which ones are working. tell me a little bit us a span across the state are most areas areas where you hear a siren go off? >> yes. would you hear a siren go off. of course there is a possibility that you might be in an area where you couldn't so we always tell people do not rely on the out door sirens systems. make sure you have multiple way to get information and in an area where you can get information even if there are no sirens because sirens can fail. him if damage can be so bad they don't hear the siren and ignore it any way. >> sharon watson director of public affair emergency management homeland security you are in our thoughts and prayers tonight. stay safe thanks forth update from condition says. >> thank you. >> e.t. moving on now. we'll of course keep you posted on that situation. moving on now. space shuttle discover bring to embark on the final mission. we have that story coming up as well. >> 100 years ago tonight the
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pneumonia at london hospital. niece a coma but we can can't confirm that. some news comes from his family. he's 62 fighting colon and liver kearns. his family including his brother barry at his bedside we are told. robin, barry and late brother morris sold more than 200 million records in the legendary music contrary. as the bee gee which began back in 1968. >> we get another check of the breaking weather news in the heart land. we want to see your image as well. please be careful when you take the pictures. go to fox or twitter. tweet me at as a little again stay safe. we'll be again stay safe. we'll be right back
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up to 300 of those bottles >> fox weather aall right now. midwest getting a warning about what officials are calling high end life threatening storms we have been telling you about this all day and this evening and now the string of suspected twisters already reported in oklahoma and kansas. pictures coming in. baseball size hail doing damage in many areas. breaking through glass. ripping siding off the houses with high whipped as well. maria in the fox extreme weather center tracking all this for us. the watch box has widened and so are the times they have gotten later. >> later so now we look at midnight, 2 am so we are expecting the severe weather to continue to the overnight hours and even to see more severe weather as we head into tomorrow. a little bit further off to the east but big story is right now into the overnight hours for the areas currently under a particularly dangerous situation take it tornado watch oklahoma in southern parts of nebraska that's what we are lacking at. track and also very violent tornado and we
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already have 42 reported tornado stretching from oak will home into nebraska and parts of iowa. we have been talking about that town of salinas that we have some reported tornadoes or reports of tornado in the area so that's coming from many law enforcement and trained weather spotters so we continue to monitor the situation throughout the over tonight horse. we still have super cell showing locations so still could be tornadoes on the ground writ now. also reports of large hail. already 70 reports of large hail stretching across very similar areas. we do have the town of north platt, nebraska currently under tornado warning meaning there could be a tornado on the ground out there right now. more warnings northeast of the town and still lacking at tornado warnings in effect through parts of condition say says. one just to the west of town ought wichita. >> all right maria. of course we'll standby for any breaking news tonight. thank you very much. jaws quick note. we tried to bring the story about titanic. marks 100 years since the cruise liner hit an ice berg and more than
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