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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 14, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> thank you. >> you're welcome. >> and please hop on twitter and send us tweets using the hash tag pain at the pump. thanks for watching everybody. o new mexico. i'm harris faulkner. hello, i'm greta van susteren. i was august 1969 during a blistering heatwave. close to midnight three women and a man crept up the driveway behind me carrying rope, knives and a again. on the record of charles
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manson, they were there to unleash what he called helter-skelter. they slaughtered five. people they didn't know, shocking the world. two more brutal murders would take place the following night. in less than 48 hours, los angeles was on the verge of a nervous break down. this is the chilling story of what happened to a beautiful young actress named sharon tate and six others, at the hands of a twisted family of drug-crazed hippies. it is a story that has it all, sex, drugs, rock and roll, movie stars and mur. >> we have a weird homicide. >> in a scene described by one investigator as reminisce isn't of a weird religious rite five persons including actress sharon tate were found dead. >> while police admitted they have no suspects, there were two more murders, 15 miles away in the silverlake section.
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>> the two were found by their children stabbed and mutilated. >> sometimes you can measure fear. overnight dramatically, the sale of guns, guard dogs rose. >> it was a story on page one all over the country. if you are not safe in your home, where are you safe? >> people started locking their doors. people stopped picking up hitchhikers: >> it brought the curtain down on the 60s. >> greta: a band of hippies led by a career criminal and charles manson were later arrested for the 1969 murders. the kill -- the killers would prove to be the death knell for the hippie movement. >> you got it stuck in your brain that i murdered
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somebody. i've never killed anyone. i don't need to kill anyone! i think it. i have it here! ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greta: the hippie dream of peace and love was very much alive in the spring of 1967. the counter culture turned its back on straight society instead of embracing long hair, drugs, psychedelic music and free love. it was the ashbury district of san francisco, in search of utopia, an ex-con named charles manson. born out of wedlock in owe tow a teenaged runaway who would later be jailed for armed robbery he never knew his father and spent most of his life in prison. >> i've been with prostitutes this is my world.
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>> when he was released from terminal island in march of 1967, federal penitentiary off long beach, he was 32 years of age. 17 out of those 32 years had been spent in jails, reformatories and prisons if you look at the crimes he committed, nonviolent. stealing from the mails, forming government check, taking a woman across the state border for prostitution purposes. his background was not the portrait of what one would expect of a future mass mudder. >> got out of jail when hate ashbury was in blossom and flower power was the word at the time. and he got out and went to the haight. a young girl came by and handed him a flower and said
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love and he thought things have changed. >> he said he couldn't imagine in his wildest imagination this type of life there. >> he became a self-styled guru. most of the kids in the haight were in their late teens, early 20s. he spoke to them in his line of meta-physical con and prison jargon, street rap. >> you got a circle that man lives inside of. he lives inside this circle. he's responsible for this circle and this circle only. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> he could sit down with a guitar in front of people, co-sing. he would charm your socks off. he would sing about the flies around his head or the shirt he on. >> this was impressive to these young kids. before you know it, they were following him. >> began to collect young people. >> greta: school buses were popular with hippies.
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before long he had this one. >> he went up and down the coast from san francisco to l.a., picking up youngsters forming what would become his family. >> their lifestyle was sex organize s and lsd trips. mary had a degree of history from the university of wisconsin. >> greta: the growing family'hñ included 19-year-old susan atkins from san jose. . >> susan atkins had a more troubled past than most of them. susan had a father who was an alcoholic and her mother who she adored died young of cancer. >> she didn't long with her father. she gravitated to san francisco and became a topless dancer. she met manson. >> greta: also onboard the bus with a 19-year-old who manson nicknamed katie who wanted to be a nun. >> she was not a very attractive young woman. she said he focused on her and
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took her in another room and told her to takeoff all her clothes and look in the mirror and see how beautiful she was. talk about telling people what they wanted to hear about themselves. she left her car there with her paycheck in the glove compartment and never came back. >> greta: the -- [ inaudible ] they arrived in los angeles for an extended stay in early 1968. manson began hanging out on the sunset strip. >> the strip was the hub of what was going on in the rock music business in the late 60s. i was the beginning of everything. it was where the various clubs that came to symbolize the era everybody was making it in the rock music business. manson got idea that he too could make it in the rock music business. >> he was serious about anything, he wanted to perform. he wanted to be in the music
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business. >> greta: it was a chance meeting with rock royalty that got manson closer to the heat. as drummer for the beach s -- beach boys, dennis wilson had it all, good looks, hit records and fast cars. while cruising around los angeles wilson would pick up hitchhikers sometimes bringing them back to his manson. >> dennis wilson picked up two members of the manson family. female hitchhikers and brought them back to his residence on sunset beautiful. >> dennis wilson -- had sex with them, gone away, came back, found his house overflowing with members of the manson family, including charlie. >> dennis called me and said you gotta come down here, this guy the girls. i said it was late. he said no you gotta listen to this guy. i got my clothes on and came
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down that was the first time i met charles there were a lot of girls, guys, everybody was partying it was at night, it was fun. >> greta: one of those other men was 22-year-old charles tex watson. he picked up hitchhiking dennis wilson and sunset boulevard. when the beach boy invited him into his mansion. watson came face-to-face with manson. >> if he didn't have the long hair and rough look you could confuse him as -- from texas, he an a tphafrpblg high school, football, basketball and track star. >> one of the sweetest guys i've ever met. he was a sweet heart loved to smoke weed was always out for a good time. >> greta: for the family, life
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with the beach boy was good. but they were beginning to wear out their welcome. >> plan son -- manson was always hitting wilson up for money. they appropriated his wardrobe. did a lot of damage to the house. the highest gonorrhea bill in beverly hills history. >> it was a continual party and dennis was paying for everything. charlie and the girls would stay there, they didn't lee. it was getting old for dennis he to get out of there. >> greta: hear how -- >> greta: hear how -- [ inaudible ] what's withou? trouble with a car insurance claim.
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[ dennis ] switch to allstate. their claim service is so good, noit's guaranteed. [ foreman ] so i can trust 'em. unlike rdy. dolr for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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in march of 1967, a
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beautiful 202004-year-old actress named sharon tate began filming her fourth film, "valley of the dolls." tate had small roles in television shows before starting her film career with the "eye of the devil." >> she was a so-so actress. she wasn't anything particularly special. she was stunningly beautiful. >> sharon was aware of the fact that she was extremely beautiful. but, she didn't act as if she had an edge on anybody because of that physical beauty. she was just a regular person. and that made her even more attractive, if that's possible. >> greta: while filming, sharon met and began dating
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33-year-old polish film director roman polanski. known for his dark films. >> repulsion made him sort of an international superstar the next big "it" director there was a lot of buzz at time he met sharon. >> greta: sharon remained friendly with her former boyfriend. >> before i entered the hair business 14 years ago, i made up my mind i was going to do all i could to elevate the profession. >> i'm absolutely positive that sharon was his one true love. once she met roman, that was it. there would never be another chance. >> greta: sharon and roman married in london, january 1968. >> fabulous match. roman is an interesting person. one of the most brilliant people i've ever known. >> greta: they settled in los angeles. polanski continued work on his next films.
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released in june of 1968, "rosemary's baby" was a political and financial success. >> put him in the top rank of directors around the world. at that time, being married to sharon they became this very glamorous, very modicum. >> they were very charming emblematic of the new hollywood. both roman polanski and sharon, were completely in love with the new wave this whole face of hollywood with the stars and the kind of movies they were making. >> i'm sorry i didn't see you come him in hugh hefner your
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host. how do you feel about doing nude scenes in a film? >> i feel if it is a real scene, honest scene and fit is something where you strip naked that you would be doing naturally, making love, which is natural, taking a bath, you know, that's lovely. >> she was so cute. growth while tate and polanski were living the high life, wilson decided to flee his home at 14400 sunset boulevard to get way from the manson family. >> he said i'm going on road can you get me out of here? move me. i found another house at the beach and literally moved out, that was the only way to get rid of the family. >> after the family left wilson's residence they moved to the ranch. >> greta: located 30 miles north of beverly hills, the ranch was owned by 80-year-old george spone he let the family
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live there in exchange for help with his run down ranch. used a movie set it was a far cry from sunset boulevard. >> was dusty and dirty and it definitely lacked the amenities. growth greg used to visit charlie and the girls at the ranch. with the 20 or so members of the family the mood was getting darker. >> charlie was fooling around at a gun and pointed it. he said what would you do if i pulled the trigger? i said i guess i would be dead. if you weren't afraid charlie lost the handle if i said put that down he would love it and he would continue on with the skit. it was always a skit. >> greta: wilson was still trying to gehman son a record deal. he persuaded a friend who worked with bands like the birds and the raiders to audition manson. the son of actress doris
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day his girlfriend in a house they recented in benedict canyon. >> i don't think terry found charlie especially interesting musically speaking but he phone his lifestyle interesting and the girls and the bus and the ranch. >> greta: getting jacobson will never forget the night they accompanied manson to the whiskey-a-go go on sunset beautiful. >> charlie slipped away from the booth. the next thing there was something happening on the dance floor it was charlie by himself people were moving back clearing the dance floor for charlie. it was as if electricity was coming out of his hair. >> greta: dennis wilson arranged a recording session for man son. one of the songs was this tune
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"cease to exist." ♪ cease to exist, just come and say you love me. >> greta: this is the beach boys' version. ♪ ♪ dennis changed the phrase, cease to exist to cease to resist when he and the beach boys recorded the song now called never learn not to love. although credited to wilson manson still got paid when the song was included on the beach boys' album. the lyric change infuriated him. >> was livid. you guys ruined it. >> after he saw that side where manson really got angry about changing of the lyrics. there was a new side that you didn't see the peace, love and tye-dye thing any more. he was an angry young man.
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>> greta: manson thinks the beatles are speaking to him on their "white" album and seven people end up dead. ♪ ♪ [ male announc ] you plant. you mow. you grow. you dream. meet the new definition of durability: the john deere select series. with endless possibilities, what will you create? ♪
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0[óygn÷swlñçñ;íy;? ñíoz6ooñtñíy when i take a picture of this check, it goes straight to the bank. oh. oh look the lion is out! no mommy no!
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don't worry honey, it only works on checks. deposit checks from your smartphone with chase quickdeposit. just snap a picture, hit send and done. take a step forward and chase what matters. >> greta: in the fall of 1968 the beatles released white out. the album mesmerized longtime beatles' fan charles manson. >> charlie felt the beatles were prove seeing to him personally. he would -- were prove sighing to him personally. he would put his spin on it. >> greta: for years he ranned about a looming race war. now it had a name, helter-skelter. >> to manson it referred to the last final destructive war on the face of this earth among men. he called it helter-skelter.
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>> charlie believed there was going to be a revolution the black against the white. >> he told his family the blacks would win this war but black only know what white tells them to do he said they would have to turnover power to the white people that survived helter-skelter manson and his family. >> greta: manson said the family's only hope of survival was here in death valley. 200 miles east of l.a. temperatures regularly soared to 115° in summer. in this landscape, manson claimed they would find a bottomless pit. >> somehow, some way, charlie was convinced they were going to find in gateway this hole in the ground. >> greta: manson convinced his follow there's helter-skelter was coming down fast. manson's control over the family had become mind-boggling.
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>> manson was the dictatorial ruler of the family, the king, everyone else was obedient to him. >> greta: countless lsd trips combined with manson's preaching convinced family members that manson was the second coming of christ. >> controlled them with drugs, with group sex. >> you have all these kids in couples having sex and on a given moment he would say, change partners was a master of making people follow him. >> he asked sadie go down to argentina and get a coconut for me. she started out the door. she would have gone to argentina and brought back a coconut for him >> greta: one not as eager to do things for man son was the record producer. this is my saviour. terry appreciated charlie for what he was, not as a
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musician. terry had to give charlie the old producer speech. got some talent but there is nothing i could do for you. charlie was bitter about that. increased his hostility toward the establishment. >> i think he felt he was being deserted. something that he probably lived with all of his life. he was becoming more and more desperate. he was becoming more and more threatening. >> greta: when doris day offered her beach house to her son terry decided to vacate the house, the new tenant roman polanski and a now pregnant sharon taste the couple moved in the spring of 1969 before taking off to europe to work on separate film projects. >> her departure was very rushed. it was chaos, knowing that by the time she got back home it would be just prior to her delivery. >> sharon finished film what
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was to be her last movie. she returned to the house in time to watch the moon landing july 20th, with her mother and younger sisters. >> it was very hot and she was extremely pregnant. we all went into the master bedroom and piled into the bed. i was at her feet. and we watched the moon landing. that was the last time that any of us saw her alive. >> greta: two nights of slaughter shocks the word, that's next on "summer of evil: the manson murders." [ kyle ] my bad. [ roger ] tell me you have good insurance. yup, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] really? i was afraid you'd have some cut-rate policy. [ kyle ] nope, i've got... [ kyle with voice of dennis ] ...the allstate value plan. it's their most affordable car insurance -- and you still get an allstate agent. i too have...[ roger with voice of dennis ] [ roger ] same agent and everything. [ kyle ] it's like we're connected.
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when i need the energy to start exercising. every day. every day. every day is a 5-hour energy day. 5-hour energy. every day.
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this is a fox news weather alert. violent storms across the nation's mid section. in kansas a twister caused the national weather service to issue an emergency warn together city residents. the tornado appeared to be heading for the downtown area but turned right just moments before it was to hit the area. the storm causing power flashes and outages. joining us on the phone now is the kansas emergency management office. thanks for joining us. it looks like you aren't out of the woods. what is the latest? >> we've been having to leave
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an area and the we want to make sure everything is out of the areas before giving the all clear and to continue to take precautions so now, we just ask everyone to make sure they know what to do and what might be happening next. >> i understand the storm system was at least a half mile wide. tell me about the damages you've seen on the ground. i understand it's dark outside. what are the reports as far as damages are concerned?. >> it's damage that made it a big challenge as far as a thousand plus earlier this evening and there is a lot of debris in the roadways reportedly stopping officials from getting to where they need to get to. there are
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reports that our guard facilities have damage there that we're still assessing as well as building damage throughout the south part of the town as well as reports of homes damaged, too. so we're still hoping to have a much better picture of the damage by morning. and still, it looks like a serious situation at this hour. >> from what i understand the damage is not just from wind alone. you can experience rainfall and hail. is that correct? >> yes. that is correct. that would not only throughout the state so there is a lot of areas where power poles and trees are down, power out, and damage to structures throughout the state. >> tell me about any reports of injuries. are you getting reports of people going to the emergency room? the hospitals to get treated for injuries? >> we don't have increase reports of injuries at this time. and certainly the reports on injuries could see if we get
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more information tonight. >> now, you and i both know national weather service upgrading it's warning system. sounds like people took that warning seriously. do you think that was the case? >> yes this, is a storm we've been talking about two days now. national weather service is emfa sigz the wichita area was under high risk of an unusual situation wex have a lot of tornadoes in kansas being notified of that two days out. it helps to the point that this is a very serious situation. and we talk to people and heeded warnings and that did make a difference. >> so heeding a warning and looking forward to you dont want people to be safe there there. is still severe weather in the area, just like you said. when people do wake up you want them to be careful. there is a lot of debris and
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downed power lines. sharon watson thanks for joining us. we appreciate your time and wish people there the very best and a speedy recovery from damages. now, back to the manson murders. wire cutters . >> must have been terrified to see people in black climbing over the gate. pulled his car said i won't say anything, don't hurt me. >> greta: a delivery boy had just great waited from high school. >> watson shot him four times,
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killing him. >> greta: in the house on the hill, nobody heard a thing. >> sharon and jay were sitting in the bedroom talking. >> i was told to stay and watch. they continued on to the house. >> went to the house, rounded up sharon, jay, pulled abigail from her bedroom. when text entered the livingroom. he said who are you? watson i'm the devil and i'm here to do the devil's hearing loud screaming. >> when he tried to stop watson from man handling a pregnant -- [ unintelligible ]
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>> i started walking towards the house, next thing i know a man comes stomach lidge out of the house, covered in blood and falls and tex starts stabbing him. >> do you remember what was going through your mind as you see tex stabbing him? >> >> greta: he laid dead on the front lawn having been stabbed 51 times blugeoned with a gun 13 times and shot twice. >> in the background i see a white figure of a laid any a nightgown. -- of a lady in a nightgown. >> died after being stabbed 28 times. the killers then turned their attention to a terrified sharon tate. >> sharon was the last to die.
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she was left alone in the livingroom with atkins, begging, pleading crying for the life of her unborn child. >> susan atkins told sharon look bitch, i don't have any mercy on you, you are going to die. >> greta: tate was stabbed 16 times in her chest and back. following manson's order, atkins used tate's blood to scrawl the word "pig" on the house's front door then the killers fled. 8 a.m. the next morning the maid arrived. then 15-years-old jim was warming up the family car when the horrified maid came running down the street. >> she was horribly shaken, screaming when she first came down. i made a call to the west l.a. station. >> was more like a slaughter
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house. >> greta: the lieutenant put in charge of the investigation in a 1990 interview he recalled a search for a motive. >> we turned up small quantities of narcotics, cocaine. immediately you think of the drug connection. >> greta: 16-year-old deborah tate was in the shower we her mother rushed into the bathroom. >> mother flung the shower door open and said, "sharon's dead." what are you talking about? and she collapsed. >> greta: that morning the police took too into custody the only survivor and the property the caretaker. >> he was the chief suspect. >> he wasn't termed the chief suspect. there was no blood in his quarters. whoever did this had to be covered in blood. >> greta: manson decided there would be another night of murder. this time, he went along.
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behind me this home on waverly drive the manson family struck again, butchering leno and rosemary labianca. >> they were looking for victims at random in los angeles. they stopped in front of the home of leno and rosemary labianca. they had been in that area before there's a fellow who lived next door was a friend of the family. >> reporter: leno was the head of a small supermarket chain. leno and his 38-year-old wife had just returned from a week of boating when manson slipped into their home. >> he convinced leno if he cooperated no harm would come to him. he tied his hands behind his back. then he came back to the car and sent his killers in. >> greta: this time they were joined by 19-year-old leslie.
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>> she had been homecoming queen in her hometown. she fell in with a young man who turned her on to drugs. he brought her to the ranch. >> greta: the slaughtered the couple. leno annika was stabbed 12 times with a knife and 14 with a carving fork left in his abdomen and the knife jabbed into his throat the word "war" carved into his stomach. rosemary stabbed 41 times. death to pigs, and misspelled helter-skelter on the walls in the victims' blood. >> total stab wounds on the two nights of murders 169. >> greta: two nights of savagery, seven dead bodies and no suspects. >> my initial feeling it was a copycat murder. no word of connecting the people, they didn't run in the same circles, they didn't know each other.
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>> greta: on august 10th, the doctor conducted autopsies. >> the only time i walked out of an autopsy when the doctor cut sharon tate's stomach open and removed that baby. i just had chills up and down my spine i turned around and walked out. >> greta: jailhouse confession >> greta: jailhouse confession breaks the if you have copd like i do, you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd iludes chronic bronchitis and emphysema.
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[ all ] shh! ♪ why tell the trees what ain't so? ♪ [ male announcer ] dow solutions use vibration reduction technology to help reduce track noise so trains move quieter througurban areas all over the world. together, the elements of science and the human element can solve anything. [ all ] shh! [ male announcer ] solutionism. the new optimism. >> greta: august 1969 with no
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suspects, nor motive the tate, labianca murders has the city paralyzed with fear. >> everybody felt they might be next. >> it was as if los angeles was having a nervous break didn't. >> deputies came looking for man some. but it had nothing to do with murder. -- >> property owners around the ranch were complaining about these hippie-type people driving on the other ranch's private property. 102 deputy sheriffs surrounded this ranch. >> greta: the raid netted firearms and stolen vehicles. >> i'm sure they felt they were being arrested for mur. >> greta: more than 20 arrested. the family's leader nowhere to be found. >> manson was hiding under one of the buildings on the property and refused to come out and was forcefully remove.
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>> greta: when the district attorney decided there wasn't enough evidence to prosecute, the group was released. manson decided that staying was getting too risky. >> charlie talked about -- about going to the desert. there is no society in death valley. >> getting to the ranch wasn't easy it was difficult. they showed up with this bus it was a miracle they got the bus up here. >> greta: the family moved to barker ranch built in the 30s located in an extremely rugged and desolate area of death valley. you are looking at the last footage of the ranch shot by fox news before it was gutted by a suspicious fire in may of 2009. the prospecting partner pictured with manson. >> was trying to talk religion
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with carl about the book of revelation. >> greta: manson's family was splintering. days after the murder linda fled and returned home to new hampshire. watson decided to bolt and headed back to texas. >> tex was the only one that i was ever suspicious of at that time. he's the butcher boy. >> greta: other members of the family remained with manson at the ranch. >> it was much like living at the other ranch, but different, much darker. it was more desperate, you could feel the tension. >> greta: racing through the desert in stolen dune buggies, manson dreamed of the recreating the desert core. a highway patrolman began to take a closer look at the family. >> our interest in the group was as a group ofa stolen car r. we had no knowledge that this
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was a group from the los angeles crimes. >> greta: they made a visit to barker ranch where they encountered a group of scruffy young women. >> manner of dress was totally nude to totally clothed. the gal later identified as squeaky fromme told us they were girl scouts from the bay area. >> greta: they began hearing wild tales of drug abuse, sex orgies and a leader who thought he was jesus. early october it was confirmed the group was in possession of stolen vehicles. >> we hiked into the barker ranch area, took up positions around the cabin waiting for everybody to get in place. >> greta: 17 family members were arrested, manson was nowhere in sight. two days later he was spotted entering the cabin. >> i to the backdoor of the cabin, shoved the door open and i could see seven people
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in the room. i directed each out. >> greta: once again the 5'2 manson seemed to have vanished. he searched the tiny bathroom. >> there was a sink, tiny cupboard beneath, long hair was hanging out and this figure emerged from this tiny cupboard. i asked him who he was? and he said, charles manson. charlie was booked in as manson, charlie m, a/k/a jesus christ, a/k/a god. >> greta: it was here on this corner outside the now abandoned hall of justice where they put on a freak show during the trial. [ inaudible ]
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we have two car insurances that we're going to have you taste. the first one we're going to call x. go ahead and take a sip, and then let me know what the baby thinks of it. four million drivers switched to this car insurance last year. oh, she likes it babies' palates are very sensitive so she's probably tasting the low rates. this is car insurance y, they've been losing customers pretty quickly. oh my gosh, that's horrible!, which would you choose? geico. over their competitor. do you want to finish it? no. does the baby want to finish it? no.
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this system. i'm harris faulkner. now back to programming.
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>> greta: november, 1969, held for car theft, manson and the family were slowly being tide to a string of murders. manson girl started talking atkins being a killer. the victim, musician who had been stabbed to death two weeks before the tate, labianca murders. atkins was traveled to l.a.. suddenly everything came crashing down. >> she told two co-inmate of hers the family was responsible for the tate, labianca murders. one of the girls call the lapd. >> it broke the case. >> the persons for whom warns have been issued are -- >> greta: manson and five of his followers were charged with seven counts of murder. >> they were kids from average
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american homes. it shocked the country. hippies up to that point were never associated with violence and murder. >> i'm not committed to nonviolence in any way. >> greta: the killings did not go unnoticed by the underground's leader. she said her weathermen digged manson offing those rich pigs with their own forks and knives. said the group adopted a four finger forked salute. 1970, they went on trial at the hall of justice in downtown l.a.. >> problems that manson was not physically at the murder scene participating in the murders. the two main pieces of evidence that i used to connect manson with these murders were motive and his domination over his family. >> greta: in texas, watson was still fighting extradition to california. in l.a. a cleaned up linda became the star witness for the prosecution. >> i'd like to see them fall
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on their knees and beg for forgiveness. >> because she was so necessary as a witness she was given full immunity. every prosecutor says you don't find witnesses to a crime in h, ll, in heaven. >> -- in hell, in heaven. manson leaped across the council table with a pencil in his hand and screamed someone should cut your head off old man. he hold up a newspaper manson guilty, nixon declares. >> greta: manson changed his x on his forehead into a swastika. when he shaved his head, the girls did too. the girls staged a bizarre call for freedom. >> manson family people were like creatures from out of space. >> way remember most is his eyes. he was staring at me's
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testified. dark, perioding evil eyes. >> greta: rumors ran wild when leslie's lawyer disappeared four months into the trial. >> hughes goes up to the hot springs area to work on his argument. the court reconvenes that following monday he does not show up. we thought my god, i just wonder if the family -- [ inaudible ] >> from what anybody could dis a flash flood came and washed him -- discern, a flash flood came and washed him away >> greta: it took the jury seven days to reach a verdict. >> guilty. >> each defendant was convicted of every count. >> greta: the four were sentenced to death march 29th, 1971. in october watson was also convicted and sentenced to death. >> next year 1972, the california and u.s. supreme court ruled that the
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death penalty was unconstitutional and everyone on death rein the country their sentences were reduced from death to life in prison. -- >> greta: today the five remain incarcerated and have regular parole hearings. >> i wish them the best within controlled environment situations. >> greta: squeaky fromme made her own headlines in 19 5 when she tried to assassinate president ford. she too was given a life sentence. after 40 years the public's fascination with the manson saga has yet to wane. >> unbelievable. >> it goes beyond the weirdest concepts of sick fiction. >> story is too far out. >> greta: stay tuned for more, the summer of evil, the manson murders. [ barking ] i'm your dog, holding down the fort while you're out catching a movie.
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