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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  April 19, 2012 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> good morning everyone. i am patti ann browne. >> i am ainsley earhardt. thank you for watching "fox & friends first". right now we are going to get straight to the top story. reaction is pouring in on the loss of tv legend dick clark. he died of a massive heart attack at the age of 82. >> steve doocy knew him well he worked with him for a time as a correspondent on new year's eve. >> a memorial is growing outside of dick clark's bandstand
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theater. it is a memorial to his life and career. clark starting out as a local radio dj before bursting out on the national scene taking over a local show called bandstand. it was clark who catapulted the show to icon status shaping countless careers and introducing america to that scary rock and roll. >> the nation's number one song "at the hop." >> anybody who is anybody appeared on the show with the exception of elvis presley the eagles and rolling stones. they saw blacks and whites dance on the dance floor didn't kill each other, didn't hurt each other. that was amazing. >> dick said one of his greatest achievements was eliminating the all white policy on his show "american bandstand." his influence didn't stop there. he became a media titan producing game shows award shows even movies. his face was on every tv
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network. remember the pyramids. dick clark's new year's rocking eve. he hosted it for nearly 30 years before suffering a stroke. that's when yryan seacrest took over. here is ryan remembering his idol last night. >> without dick, a show like this would not exist. i know he's in a better place saying, hey, let's get on with the show, okay? you got it, boss. >> i had the great privilege of working for dick clark. i was the guy out in time's square surrounded by a million or two of my closest coldest friends on new year's eve. dick also appeared every six months on fox and friends. here are a couple of the highlights. >> i came from the philippines to fly to new york. my plans for new year's eve? are you kidding? what are you crazy?
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the last 28 years i have been in times square dropping the ball. god willing i will be there again. >> you are an expert at dropping the ball aren't you? you are actually sharing. >> hold on. during his career he won a pea body award and one for life achievement. he was 82 years old when he passed on wednesday. he leaves behind his wife carrie and three children and he was a great guy. >> he will be missed definitely. i am so sorry for your loss, steve. >> loss for all of us. a great entertainer. >> thaingz for getting up early and sharing. >> we want to remember your favorite dick clark memory. send them to us at time for your 5 at 5:00.
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the top stories making news at this hour. the faa leasing brand new audio tapes of what happened inside an american airlines cockpit when a flight attendant had a violent breakdown. she said her roommate died on september 11th and asked if tourists were on board. the chicago bound flight was pushed back when pilots larted the towers that something was wrong. >> give me instructions again. we have issues on board of the aircraft waiting to come back to the gate immediately. somebody is going crazy in the back. >> the attendant admits she forgot to take her pie polar medication. she was restained by passengers. investigators aiming a person of interest in this case convicted sex offender nicholas covert. he was 16 when he was convicted.
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he works at the frogy bottom. gave her a ride home on sunday morning. that was the last time she was seen and holvert has been questioned twice but has not yet been charged. dive teams are going to start searching a bond northeast of fayetteville. mitt romney is in campaign mode hitting president obama on the economy p and debt. he compared them to what is happening in greece on hannity last night. >> the debt number is alarming and is of great person of cou-- concern of course. we are moving toward the greek type numbers. at the democratic convention he won't be in front of greek columns. he won't want to remind people of grease. the most wanted man in the fast and furious investigation was released not once, not twice, but three times.
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this video was obtained by fox news you can see him firing ten rounds from an illegal hand gun in october. he was arrested but he was released. he also was let off the hook in 2009 as well as 2010. he is known for trafficking thousands of guns to mexico. his operation wasn't shut down until after border agent bryant terry was murdered. we know who the lotto winners are who are claiming the final share of the mega millions jackpot. merle and patricia butler spent 3 bucks on tickets. that's all they needed to win $218 million. >> she looked at me funny. i said no. we won. she started giggling. and she giggled for about four-hours i think. >> merle is 65 years old a vietnam vet. his wife is 62.
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they have been married 61 years. they will take the lump sum and maybe take a vacation. >> that's your 5 @5:00. >> i think we must be relate to do them somehow. lawmakers on the hill have been grilling them about the $823,000 trip to vegas all week. now even more outrageous details. for more we go to peter doocy. >> now we know deborah neeley the wife of commissioner jeffery neeley who is known for his time in a hot tub on the government's dimes wasn't just booking at hotels in las vegas. >> even today we found out the wife of the regional commissioner had the parking space through out the entire year in 2012 at the federal building. >> that space is in san francisco. congress cares because it is a taxable benefit.
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not something mrs. neeley who does not work for the government should have. yesterday there was a small group protesting in clown suits pretending to be pining for a gig at a gsa party like the one in 2010. that was outside of the capital while inside the hearings made their way to the senate side. just like on the house side the day before they questioned whether or not the gsa is still a relevant agency. >> what is it about the structure of the gsa that leads us back to this scandal. fool me once, okay, but again and again? three administrations. >> republicans and democrats there has been abuse throughout the gsa over a number of decades. would it not be fair to ask has gsa out lived its usefulness as a federal agency? >> inspector general for the gsa
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who is being questioned thinks the gsa hadz lots of employees over 12,000 and many millions of dollars. odds are there are going to be some trouble makers like neeley. >> thank you so much peter. that's what bill o'reilly is talking about. he has been at the forefront taking a stand. >> specifically he says because of the wasteful ways our tax dollars are being spent. he and fox news contributor kirsten powers went hid to head on this point. >> you continue to ask me to give you more of my hard earned dollars. when all of this stuff goes crazy. $16 trillion debt, sol lyyndra, gsa, you say oh it's not everybody. like i should be comforted with that. >> that's not what i was saying. i think it's incredible somehow it's the democrats taking your money. >> the democrats won moant morey
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money and republicans don't. >> tastes the u.s. government. you are paying for a lot of things george bush and republicans ran out. it is not just something obama. >> let's say here and now kirsten. who is asking for higher taxes. oh. >> i am sorry. last time chicked we have an out of control deficit that we need to pay down. >> he is not paying it down, kirsten. >> we are not going to do it without raising taxes. >> i am sorry. he's not paying it down. >> of course we are not. >> he is not paying it down. he's giving it to jeff so jeff can be in the hot tub. that's who he is giving it to. >> time for the first degree weather update. >> a lot of folks are going to need their umbrella. let's take a look at the
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headlines. they need the rain. no complaint. west coast storm is purring to the east. this will give the northeast quite a bit of rooifrn the weekend. stronger storms are going to hit the texas area up toward the mid mississippi river valley. take a tour across the nation and look at your radar. we have a frontal boundary bringing the wet weather up toward the northeast. things should improve over the next several hours and get some of the flights in across the west. that is our next storm system moving again across portions of texas and mid mississippi river valley. not looking for a big outbreak of tornadoes but large hail tajing winds and isolated tornadoes near texas and kansas city. 49 in new york city, 62 memphis and a quick peak at your morning
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travel looks pretty good for most folks. could see moderate delays for mid afternoon hours as the storm pushes eastward. keep an eye on it for you and remember to bring your umbrella. the time now 11 after the hour. he couldn't take it any more. a kid finally fights back after being bullied for years. >> got suspended. >> we have the full story coming up. bin laden's family was supposed to be deported but now that is all on hold. that's really going on here? is pakistan helping to shield them? our next guest says yes. >> before we go to a break a look back at dick clark's legendary career. ♪
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>> now some quick headlines. we are learning the 911 dispatcher accused of miss handling the distress call in the josh powell case has been reprimanded. powell killed himself and two young sons by setting fire to his home. many say police would have responded much more quickly has the dispatcher classified it as an emergency. it's the end of an era. basketball coach pat summit stepping down after 38 seasons and 8 national titles. it comes after summit revealed she had early on set alzheimer's. osama bin laden's widows and children are still there in pakistan this morning even though they were supposed to be deported to sawed die arabia tuesday night. they have been under house arrest since seal team 6 shot and killed bin laden nearly a year ago. it was last may believe it or not. new questions over whether
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pakistani authorities are protecting them. thanks for being with us. thanks for serving our country. >> my pleasure. >> you say there's chris cal clear evidence the pakistani security forces are helping they helped bin laden now they are helping his widows? >> i think it's very obvious. the interview done by the youngest yemeni wife in 2002 said pakistan officials helped her after they scattered after the september 11th ache at that. >> that and her most recent interrogation talked about the movement in the country in populated areas and fathering four kids. >> in pakistan? >> in pakistan. difficult to believe they wouldn't have help from high levels. i remember before bin laden huz found there were these thoughts he was hiding in the mountain regions and there were caves. he was moving around a populated area of pakistan. >> absolutely.
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playing xbox and several different apartments. five homes. >> they would have known? >> i think they aided him and they have a trust deficit at the moment. >> what is the connection with the haqqan i network? >> it is a lose organization of family and criminals and they run drugs and stuff like this and they have been attacking u.s. forces. most recently the former joint chief of staff admiral mullen said the pakistani security forces were in harm of the haqquani network. they were responsible for some of the brutal afax in the country. >> the attack in kabul. >> i think pakistan has coordination. >> what should they do for america? >> i think it is imperative that any aid military aid is dem
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monsterable with pakistan to help us fight. >> are there any conditions now? >> u.s. government reduced military aid to pakistan but they want to continue to flow civilian aid. we have some of the best marketers in the world that's why people drink pepsi in the derts and wear michael jackson's t-shirts in the congo. we want marketers to be in accordance with the aid so we can demonstrate the aid and help our poll numbers go up basically. >> what going to hap we knpen ws widows? it didn't happen ton tuesday because the third wife the brother came over and didn't have a passport. what happens next? >> from what i understand the pakistani courts have her passport and the yemeni government have approved to bring her and her kids back. the two other wives the saudi government there was negotiations that took place between their lawyers and saudi
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government. they losted official ship in 94 but apparently that worked out. they have to be careful not to get retribution. >> thank you for being here. >> my pleasure. >> we will keep folks posted on the story. it is 19 minutes after the hour. coming you, which car holds the value the longest? what do you think it is? the list is out and we will have it for you coming up next. >> mercedes he says. brand new details on the fake gun which has pippa facing two years in the slammer. now we are hearing it might have been real. before we head to break another look at dick clark's legendary career.
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>> some quick headlines for you. after this pepper spraying incident at the university of california the uc davis police chief is stepping down. she doesn't want the incident to define her or the university. this after a task force report says the cops shouldn't have used pepper spray on those students. we are learning more about the identity of pippa's friends pointing the gun at the paparazzi. it shows the gun may be real not a toy like originally reported. a friend who works for the u.s.
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law firm and gun manufacturer. pippa is calling the incident very funny. now to stories to bank on. lauren simonetti as more on this. >> it might actually happen. the canadian company is looking to build a pipeline that runs from canada down to texas. it is suggesting a new route through nebraska to appease a lot of environmental terns out there. see if it happens. a lot of people want this outside. >> bad news combination of fair hikes and layoffs? >> not looking good as we try to plan our summer travel. first thing to tell you about is more layoffs. nonunion workers and 1200 of them at bankrupt american airlines getting the total as we
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have seen as we are well above 14,000. with the latest nonunion workers it doesn't need to be approved in bankruptcy court. not good news for them. delta tried to push through an industry-wide air fair hike. delta raised last minute fairs between 10-20 dollars round trip. the other carriers didn't follow suit. looks like what would have been a industry-wide air fair hike isn't happening. air fair is up 5 percent this year patti ann. >> if you are in the market for a car we have the best one for your value. >> if you want it to be worth something five years from now. he had has the 2012 list out. the winner is the honda. especially the key mainstream category maintaining 48 percent of the value. civic beat out the toyota prius in the high prixed market. luxury vehicles the winner was the acura.
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>> lauren simonetti fox business network. >> nice to see you. >> it is 26 after the hour. coming up he stood up for himself after being bullied for years. >> one kid kicked me in the back and punched me in the face. >> so after that why is he the one getting suspended now. who is america's most influential now? >> we remember dick clark who changed our country's landscape with american bandstand. ♪
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>> welcome back to "fox & friends first". i am ainsley aiearhardt. >> i am patti ann browne. three secret service agents being forced out as they investigate the ladies and gentlemened hiring of those prostitutes. for the first time we are hearing from a columbia woman who claims she was an escort who partied why the americans. she is the woman who argued with an agent over the bill. she reportedly asked for $800, the american said he would only pay 30. 8 other people remain under investigation at this time. many of them forced to take polygraph tests. the judge in charge of john edward's corruption charge repealed a decision to throw out an issue from a former staffer. she made the move because her husband is a former law partner of one of the witnesses for the
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prosecution. that witness wendy button a long time speech righter for edwards. they will make the ruling on whether button must take the stand. eagles will oversee the trial. edwards is charged with using a million dollars in campaign money to hide extra marital affair with rielle hunter. more than just a typo a music teacher caned the lyrics to we are the world to remove the word god. the original version of michael jackson lionel richie god it says a line saying we are all a part of god's great big family. you know the song. jean flaherty we are all a part of one great big family. she told concerned parents the kids could sing the original verge if they wanted to. a 9-year-old boy kicked out of school for fighting was defending himself against a bully. he was punched in the face on the the face on the playground.
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he finally had snuff. >> one kid kicked me in the back and bunched me in the face, then i punched him in the face. then i got in trouble. >> finally, yeah, we told him if you have to if there's nobody else around you do what you have to do. >> his parents say nathan had tried telling the teacher about the incidents but nothing was done. the school says he was suspended because there is no tolerance for fighting. nathan and his parents will join us live. >> they are both devout christians and sports icons, jeremy lin and tim tebow have something else in common. both making the list of 100 most influential people this year. ly lin got to write about tebow calling him a fiercely leader who his teammates strus and respect. arnie duncan wrote the essay about lin who like himself played at harvard university.
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mitt romney, ron paul and rihanna are a few. oprah winfrey absent from that list. those are your top five stories at 5:30. seems like a lot of earthquakes have been hitting across the globe. most recently indonesia and mexico. what does all of this mean? janet dean is in the fox news weather center with a closer look. hi, janet. >> hi. i think we need to pay close attention to all of the earthquake prone zones. take a look. >> last week a massive 8.6 manage tude earthquake struck off the coast of the indonesian island sumatra triggering an tsunami watch. hours later another hit. they asked reds dents to stay away from the coastline as it rei go mighted memories of the tsunami in 2004 that left 230,000 dead. these quakes caused little damage and only a few deaths. they were followed by two strong
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tumlers on the coast of the gulf of mexico. it coulden felt by those living in california. they are located on the pacific ring of fire where 90 percent of the earth's quakes occurred. there have been 321 earthquakes striking off the coast of oregon and alaska as well as central chili, tie lantd and southwestern coast of grease. unlike the weather it's hard to predict where and when earthquakes will strike. the best advice is when you live in the earthquake prone zones we want to make sure you know what to do. >> oo a big night on american idol. hollie cavanaugh kicking things
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off with adelle's rolling in the deep. ♪ we could have had it all rolling in the deep ♪ ♪ you had my heart and soul >> colton dixon and philadelphia lips also earning the judge's praises. the elimination show is tonight. new details coming out now about the big branning negelina engag. brad gathered the whole family all 6 kids together on a recent spring day when he popped the question. yes, they say she cried. now back to our top story. reaction pouring in this morning. actually i am being told we have an update on the story of what's happening here. we will have an update. it's 36 after the hour. three companies are hiring now. >> a new book that could put former congressman anthony weiner in a worse highlight.
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we remember dick clark, quite the legend.
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>> 40 minutes after the hour. back to our top story now. reaction of course pouring in this morning on the loss of tv legend dick clark. he died of a massive heart attack at the age of 82. he was best known for helping us ring in the new year every year. antoine lewis is there this morning. >> good morning everyone. this is such a shock, ainsley. talk about a true american icon. before he even made his impact on rock and roll music he was from new york, from mount vernon new york. went to syracuse. evidences an ambassador to the
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rock and roll scene which was still verge goning and in the late 60s and 70s he decided to bring times square into the living room of the world by hosting the rocking eve up until december early 2004 which is when he suffered a stroke. he made sporadic appearances after that. he always tried to be back in some fashion. wearing so many hats as a rock and roll ambassador, as a television pioneer. welcoming the new year. this man is truly deserving of all of the status all of the accolades coming in this morning. trust me there are a number of those that are in fact the case. >> thank you so much. he did have a way of looking at the camera and pausing and letting the audience laugh. then of course with all of his musical talents and uniting so many different generations.
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we will miss him. >> absolutely. you remember the television show tv bloopers and practical jokes. at one point evidences on three major network at one point. they were doing 25,000 dollar pyramid. nbc had the bloopers and practical show jokes he did and american bandstand. he was all over the place and another thing that a lot of people forget ainsley before we get away is that he also helped to usher in the civil rights movement in a musical sense by embracing the motown acts the supremes, diana ross's supremes and temptations. it was also impactful in that way as well. certainly going to be missed. >> we were talking earlier about what a trail playser he was. have a good one. patsy ann over to you. >> well, weekly jobless claims are out in under 3 hours.
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in the meantime getting you higher. cheryl cassoni joins us now the top three companies hiring this week. >> we have great companies this week. we are seeing a trend on the retail side. we always get the retail numbers on the business network. building their dollar general is a stock that had many analysts on the show to talk about the company they are hiring and expanding. they have about 6,000 new jobs for the entire year 2012. they look for military friendly employees. they have a new distribution center opening up in california. if you are not really comfortable working with people shlgs you don't really like people you want to work on the back end of the business, this is the distribution center and labeck will be looking for employees as well. analysts come on the show saying, look, it's good prices, strong company, good leadership. publicly traded company.
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from the business side we look at it that way. on the hiring side they are expanding and the two really do go together. >> and military friendly. town air freight. >> how do all of the goods get across the country and world? great companies. they mainly work for airlines. we have it or not you have to have a good relationship when you have a trucking company with airlines. that's the key. they have 120 openings. right now 100 of those are driver positions. two-ways you could do this, you could make anywhere 75,000 and up maybe 100,000 a year. because you could be an independent contractor. a lot of people want to work for themselves. if you are willing to spend the money a lot of people are coming out of the military they have large truck driving experience. get there on track and you become an independent
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contractor. this is major hubs through out ott country. think airport kren trick locations. >> break de lever ry get your books on tape being. natural gas. everybody has been talking about natural gas. this is kind of plentiful in the united states mreptive i feel underneath. it is one of the top natural gas producers in the united states for natural gas. 3,0 3,000 jobs they are looking at. currently 1,000 openings. ner head skwaurterred in new york city. one thing i want to bern about this machine gers can maim up 213,000 dollars per year rment if you have the construction
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stills. that's one way to play it. they only have to have a 63,000 square foot child chair center. >> look at the hill, the vision, all of that before the 401 ks plan. when i see a company like this that has a child care center they are very much about benefits, you have to factor that in to a company whether you are thinking about whether or not you want to work for that company and you have to bank that income. that is money in your pocket. >> it is one of the best temperatures in the world to work for. everybody can e-mail us. i have a lady in the process of getting into one of our companies. >> you have a blog as well?
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>> yes. we are giving advice every week how to get that job. >> 36 after the hour if the sex scene scandal wasn't enough we though you another side of congressman anthony weiner. let's check in to see what's coming up next. i have got to follow up on a wiener story. >> pi bottom of the hour. come wi coming up on our show mitt romney will appear. alec baldwin will be here lye. the 7-year-old who got to play batman for a day. then actress duts see woo will be here. i ma'amming she will be sitting right there. with the spark cash card from capital one,
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sven's home security gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! how does this thinwork? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% casback on every purche, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the ark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice.
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>> now a story we brought you at the bottom of the hour. new information on the missing bordeaux. >> good morning. investigators and officers were searching a bond in this area. it is just behind us further down the railroad tracks. much of the afternoon looking in that area looking for the missing soldier 23-year-old kelly bordeaux. they plan to be back here later this morning. they wouldn't say what led them to this area but they were concentrating looking at around frogy bottoms bar. that is the last place kelli
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bordeaux was seen around 1:20 saturday night. her mother said she was there. police told her she appeared to be acting silly playing care yoke key but havi -- karaoke bu a good time. what happened after that is a mystery. they are speaking to a person the last person who saw her at the bar. his name is nicholas holvert. he was employed and worked at the bar we don't know if he was currently working there saturday night or early morning i should say. police say he came to them voluntarily to offer up fwhf the ca -- information about the case but they haven't said too much more about exactly what he knows. bordeaux was married for about two years. she joined the military last year and became here in november to work at fort bragg. officials reported her missing
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monday morning when she did not report for duty. her family says that's not something she would do. her husband was out of town. they had been in contact with him. but still time to wrap up any leads. we can ald surveillance video from the businesses surrounding that bar trying to foying out where she may be. it's a working persons place. >> one of the oldest space shuttles. doug luzader is live wither mo. >> this is a massive annex to the sit sewnian air and space museum. one is coming one is going. the final lift-off of discovery. it launched 136 million miles of
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space welcomed the smithsonian with open arms. >> if we take something in the col lek we are thinking in 100 years in 500 years we will have been in good shape. riding over the nasa 747. making a few spins around the nation's capital and ended part of the air and spews museum. discovery will reprailace the center that has been there since it was built, enterprise it was the first shuttle but it never flu in its space. it will be on its way to the new homer. it shows her age and miles. that is gnaw referring infection atly as a kind of trust what do i do with the end.
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>> this is an amazing track the space shuttle built the space station launched the hubble space telescope. it is the things that are important. >> the things the discovery helped do again and again. >> the end of a historic journey. >> a journey that comes to an end. >> former senator john glenn made his famous return to space aboard discovery. >> thank you, doug. it is 6:55 past the hour. more than 60 workers in dc collecting unemployment while on the job. now your word of the day. can you figure this one out? stick around. we will tell you.
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>> 58 after the hour. as we take a look at the good, the bad and the ugly. first we'll start with the good. the washington, d.c. mayor firing employees who were collecting unemployment benefits while continuing to work. and the bad, long before congressman anthony weiner was tweeting pictures like this, my gosh, he was bossing around his staffers and behaving like a jerk. that according to a new book out next week. it claims that weiner berated his staff and would do or say anything to get on tv. guess what? he's on tv this morning. finally, the ugly. a flash mob robbery at a mall in portland, oregon.
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nearly a dozen teenagers shoving items in their bags and walking off. police trying to identify them. >> time now to get scrambled up. gretchen carlson here to help us out. it's a word that we said at some point during the show. >> cat in the hat? i'm thinking about what i read last night. more particulars? no. sonic? come on, guys. where are you? smithsonian. smithsonian. >> oh, i was close. >> i always wait for that first letter. >> i think you've gotten it before me every day this week. >> i got friday. >> you stumped me. >> good to see you this morning, gretchen. we'll be watching for the next few hours. >> have a great show. >> "fox & friends" starts right now. >> have a great day, folks. >> good morning, everyone. it's thursday. hope you'll have a fantastic day. it's already april 19th. i'm gren


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