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tv   The Five  FOX News  April 21, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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>> tonight on huckabee... jobs. >> president barack obama: the american jobs act. >> the economy... >> he's over his head and he swimming in the wrong direction. >> working with congress. >> the president checked out. >> foreign bol and obamacare. gasparino... break down the key issues of the presidential campaign, a huckabee special, obama, election 2012. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [cheers and applause]. >> hello, everybody.
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what a great audience. welcome to huckabee, from the fox news studios in new york city. tonight we'll look at the presidential election in a very different way. we're not going to focus so much on polls, those change every week and we'll be focusing on the big issues and the factors that will decide the race in november. barack obama made history four years ago when he was elected the first african-american president having campaigned on the platform of hope, and change. now, many people are hoping there is a change. but, what are the factors that would cause an incumbent president to lose a bid for re-election? in the past 40 years, gerald ford, jimmy carter, george h. w. bush have all lost their reelect bids. but, richard nixon, ronald reagan, bill clinton and george bush were reelected, we learned something from those elections, and we also find out, that in order for barack obama to get a second term, he has to win in certain districts, win a few key
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states and win over voters of special interest and specific demographic groups and then has to convince americans to he's both likable and competent. an election involving incumbent is ultimately a referendum on the incumbent and the republican doesn't have to win, he just has to make sure that the democrat loses. how could president obama keep from being a one term president? well he has to keep a solid lead with women which democrats typically do, but, his lead is not as solid as it was four years ago. he currently trails mitt romney in polls as to what would be best to handle the economy which is the main issue concerning voters. and, key states he won four years ago, now appear to be likely states that he could lose this time. such as indiana, florida, ohio, iowa, nevada, virginia, and north carolina. by the way, that is where he'll travel for the coronation -- i
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mean, nomination. where the democrats will have the national convention and while he's likely to win the younger vote, that vote, so far, appears to be far more tepid than before, especially in light of bad job numbers and loss of optimism among younger voters. he leads in the like ability factor but worries over economic issues are now beginning to outweigh the love issue among recently polled voters. bottom line, this election shapes up to be a colossal battle that is going to go right to the wire. tonight, we'll explore the key issues, that will steer the candidate, the campaign, and, the country. [applause] when he first ran for president he promised economic recovery and according to the white house the president delivered on that promise. >> the economy is fastly improved from what it was when barack obama was sworn into office as president.
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>> but the numbers don't agree with the press secretary's statement and here for a closer look, fox business network's charlie graasparino. welcome. >> it goes from 1 to 2, a 100% increase. that is what we're talking about. >> gas prices, we have a sceree and it shows what gas cost when he was sworn in as president and what gasoline costs today. it is staggering. it is up 111%. >> what is bad about this is higher gas prices is a regressive tax and hits poor people and working class people more than rich people and rich people have more disposable income and that is one of his mainly problems and he has his war on the class warfare team in his entire campaign and some of his policies have led to the fact that rich people are getting richer and poor -- the
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working class don't have as much disposable income and the fact is we have inflation in commodities, food prices are going up and gas prices are going up and going up in large part because of some of his policies including lack of drilling and everything -- all of the above. >> it is important to note when gas prices go up it's not just the fuel but everything that requires fuel, in order to get to the shelf, whether bread or milk, clothing, all of that goes up. everything. because it requires more money, just to transport goods and services. president obama said there wasn't a lot he could do about gas prices and made that repeatedly his mantra, but blocked the keystone pipeline, and that could have been a step in the right direction. and his solution is to go after the speculators. will it work for him. >> it comes up every four years, people talk about speculators. what is a speculator. a professional trader who sees a potential future supply and better on that.
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all these guys are doing, in the chicago -- commodities groups are saying we will not have that much supply in the future and will bid up the price of oil. all they are doing and has nothing to do with them being evil. i'm sure there are evil guise around the edges, but, don't want to give -- but, you know, someone who covers wall street all the time but the bottom line is, they are doing something purely rational and saying, supply will be x, not going to be that much supply, because policies here, demand, and also policies here. >> do their actions manipulate the price and their bidding actually raise the price. >> yes. all they are doing is -- like saying you manipulate the price of a hamburger every time you buy it and if you want to buy a lot of hamburgers, there are less hamburgers, the price goes up and by the way, what is the other solution? you wanted the government to set the price of oil? >> no. we have an energy secretary that originally thought it ought to be $6 a gallon.
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and we'll get there without his help, at this point. >> right. right. i think the president is really weak on this issue, because he keeps saying that it doesn't matter how much supply we have. the price is going up because of the increased demand from china but, if we have more supply, that price is going to go up less. that is the bottom line and that is all that oil speculators tell you. >> another full screen i want you to look at. the number of people eligible for food stamps in this country and it is a dramatic turn. you can see you we have from the food stamp eligibility, $32 million on his inauguration day to $46 million, an increase of over 45%. newt gingrich called him the food stamp president. is that too harsh? >> we should point out the spike in food stamps, started under the bush administration and he inherited the problems and clearly he inherited a bad economic atmosphere but a rational case can be made he made it worse and part of the
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reason is, right now, when you talk about higher commodity prices, working class people, the fact is, the stimulus plan did not create the shovel-ready jobs, guess who gets the shovel-ready jobs? average, working class americans who are now forced to go on food stamps. >> it is fair to say, i am a conservative and don't begrudge people getting food stamps, it saves families from having zero nutrition or precious little. the sad thing is not that people get food stamps, the sad thing is that they need them, because of the economy, is so bad. >> my dad was a construction worker and he was out of work a lot during the '70s and, thank god we weren't on food stamps, he found other jobs but what i kind scary about the president, he forgets, my dad had to get another job and couldn't do construction work, as a bartender, guess who came to his bar? people with money and disposable income and he understood that dynamic, i wish the president would understand that. people with money spend money and guess who is the recipient
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of the money? working class people. >> only a minute left and i don't want to get away, until we talk about housing prices. home prices have also changed. the one area you want to see them go up and unfortunately they've done down from 169,000, basic overall housing price to 146. that is down 14%. >> right. let's be clear the president inherited a bad hand here as well and inherited a housing bubble that popped. the question is, has his policies made a bad situation worse? i think in the meantime, a lot of stopgap measures to try to prevent housing prices from going down and one thing about the markets, they are brutal but they work and if you let them fall tol a rational low level, people, when you star bidding them up again that is a problem, he has not allowed that. >> charlie gasparino, a pleasure to have you here, you have the most practical and simple yet pragmatic in sight, why we keep inviting you back. >> keep bringing me back. >> charlie gasparino, fox
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business network. john mccain didn't use the strategy in '08 but can mitt romney attack him on questionable associations? i'll ask radio talk show host larry elder when we come back. ♪ [ male announc ] you plant. you mow. you grow. you dream. meet the new definition of durability: the john deere select series. with endless possibilities, what will you create? ♪ learn more about the new select series x310 with power steering at
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♪ >> governor huckabee: earlier this week, house speaker john boehner criticized the president for ignoring congress. >> president checked out last labor day. he spent the last six months, gaining from one of the country to the other. instead of working with members of both political parties, here in washington, to address the serious challenges that our country faces. >> governor huckabee: the republicans aren't the only ones critical of the president's way of conducting business.
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california congressman dennis cardoza is one of several democrats to blast the president. in a recent blog he wrote: he'd admonish staff, members of congress and the public in speeches as well as in private. president obama projected an arrogant, i'm right, you are wrong demeanor that alienated many potential allies. how will it come into play in november? i'm joined by radio talk show host larry elder. thanks for joining me today. >> thanks for having me. >> governor huckabee: i was surprised at the scathing tone and really the harshness of the tone of congressman cardoza's comments. because he really said that president obama is out of touch not just with the republicans, he's out of touch with his own party and the american people. was that a surprise to you, to hear a democrat say that? >> not really when you consider the fact that he will not run for re-election and barney frank criticized president obama for spending all of the time the first part of his administration, pursuing obamacare as opposed to working
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on the economy and he's not running for re-election and when they are not running for re-election and take a shot at the president, it shows he has power within his party and people will not say it inside the beltway but outside the beltway. >> governor huckabee: the quote says: one former administration official told me directly the people in the white house never talk to real people. another former obama staffer confided to me it was clear to him the president didn't mind giving speeches or lectures, but, really avoided personal contact with members of congress, and folks outside of the beltway. larry, you know, when i talk to people i know, friends over mine who are in congress, some democrats, this is a president that does not schmooze with them and that is something that is very important in getting legislation passed, and building the kind of relationships that create really, his strength politically and he's not doing that. >> i'm not sure i share that analysis, american people don't
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care about president ticking off a democrat or two, john mccain was reviled by senators in the senate and ran for election and nobody cared about his attitude in the way republicans perceived him. they care about their jobs and money and care about inflation and care about spending and debt and deficit and the damage obamacare is going to do and care about the fact that he keeps on saying that he inherited this awful economy and the media is in bed with him, calling it the great recession. it's not the great recession, that was the early '80s, inflation and unemployment and interest rates were higher but they don't call it the great recession because it would give reagan credit and suggest that obama should be doing the same thing to get us out of this economy. this economy is a great recession, so much worse than reagan's, we have to tax and spend more and have to investors in green jobs. that is athe narrative and as long as they con with the narrative the republicans will lose in the fall. >> governor huckabee: what shocked us was when the
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president criticized the supreme court for even considering the overturning of obamacare and i want his quote. comment, here's what he said: >> president barack obama: i'm confident that the supreme court will not take what would be an unprecedented extraordinary step of overturning a law that was passed by a strong majority of a democratically elected congress. >> governor huckabee: i'm not a law professor. he is. but i did take 9th grade civics and when he used the two words, unprecedented and extraordinary i thought what is he talking about? that is what the court does. >> right. well, he was not a law professor, he was a law instructor and people say, a professor is is a different deal than an instructor but that is a minor point and he said it was passed by a large majority in congress, as you know, obamacare was passed without a single republican vote in the senate
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and that is not true, either, it is a political statement and he says, look if these guys overturn obamacare, let me come back for four more years and, item put another seperson in the and he knows the supreme court overturned lots of laws and everyone wanted the supreme court to overturn the case in the dred scott case and reelect me and i'll put nice liberals there to be sure it doesn't happen again and that's why he said it, governor. >> governor huckabee: larry, four years ago, john mccain refused to talk about some of the associations the president had had with people like reverends wright, at his church they was a member of for 20 years, and, tony rezko, some of his land deals were less than stellar and i'm being charitable there and people like bill ayers, who is a doggone terrorist, he and his wife,
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both. i think probably ought to be in prison, not out teaching college students but, the press let him alone and john mccain left him alone on this. will he skate again, this year? >> it was a tactical blunder on his part not to use reverend jeremiah wright and i wrote a book that came out months before anybody talked about him and i talked about it being a damaging thing for obama's candidacy and the media didn't care and when john mccain started tepidly talking about wright, obama started losing primaries, if it was brought up in the normal course of a race, obama never would have won and, reverend jeremiah wright is important for three reasons. first of all, the kkk-gd america happened the sunday after 9/11 where he blamed america for what happened on 9/11 and the other thing, a church member at jeremiah wright's church who told obama she was going to move out to the suburbs because the suburb she was going to move to had a marching band and, reverend jeremiah wright tried
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to cut her out of it and the kid was black and would be in and all-white neighborhood and thought it would be bad for his self-image and obama is by racial and his mother went him to hawaii to get a good education and obama heard her say this and joined the church and it is amazing he wasn't pounded on this association with the santa semitic, hostile guide to america. mind boggling to me, that it wasn't used as an issue. >> governor huckabee: larry elder, thank you very much, appreciate you being here. >> you got it, coming up next, fox business network's
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[applause]. >> governor huckabee: the issue of jobs is going to be front and center of this year's presidential election, more than
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3 years after president obama took office, the unemployment rate is worse now than when he first arrived at the white house. yet he continues to blame the bush administration. joining me is host of the will less report on the fox business network, gerri willis. thanks for coming today. job numbers being one of the centerpieces of the presidential election and they haven't really gotten that much better, even though he promised if we did stimulus they would. why not. >> i have to tell you, he said a created 3 million jobs, and 8 million americans jobs during the downturn in the economy and put it into perspective, there are 300 million americans and the numbers are not good. the president has not done a good job of creating jobs and it should be the most important thing on his agenda because it is the most important to america's and one thing about this, his numbers, that he puts forward on jobs, he said i created 3 million jobs, it is really more like 2 and he is trying to use the most advantageous numbers out of the
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government rolodex and it is more like 97,000 jobs created a month, not enough to keep up with population growth. >> governor huckabee: let's -- this is his state of the union address and here's what he said about his job creation record. >>. >> president barack obama: we lost four million jobs and another four million before our policies were in effect. those are the facts. but so are these: in the last 22 months, businesses have created more than 3 million jobs. [applause]. >> president barack obama: last year they created the most jobs since 2005. >> governor huckabee: one of the things the president has been consistently doing since he took office is reaching back and saying, you know, i inherited it all, it is all bush's fult and i have said it is almost like the staples commercial with the easy button, you just push it and, every time something comes up,
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it is' bush button. you talked a moment ago, the numbers are not quite there, because he is counting anything, a part-time job or seasonal job as a creation? >> that's part but the real problem is, he doesn't want -- want to be measured against the depth of the real problem and the depth of the real problem is 8 million people have been unemployed, there is huge number of people who are not looking for work because they are so discouraged by job prospects and we talk about how many people are unemployed and what about the number of people employed and the size of the workforce shrunk an shrunk dramatically and it is now where it was 30 years ago, think about that. when women were just getting into the workforce and we have a small workforce now and, it is a tragedy and so many people want entitlement programs now and this is a big issue. >> governor huckabee: the unemployment rate is often talked about, recently, 8.2 and a lot of economists say the real rate of unemployment is much
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higher, what do they mean when they say the real unemployment rate is in the teens. >> jobs numbers are tricky, right and they count people who are reporting as unemployed and people get discouraged and drop out of the workforce and we lose track of them and look at the real number it is closer to 14.5%. not 8.2. >> governor huckabee: the president has a bridge program and people continue to collect unemployment benefits, 99 weeks, two years, but, if they get a job they can road-test the job and get unemployment, i'm a bit confused. the whole point of unemployment insurance is that you are unemployed. he's saying you can go to work, have the job and still get unemployment, how does that improve the job market. >> it con found me, too, it was tested in georgia, a program that became popular, you get the
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unemployment check while working for a short period of time and the employer does not pay you, you get some pay for what you are a doing. why test a job and why not find a real job you take and stay with? it makes no sense for the federal government to be paying for you to mess around and try something else. -- something out. >> governor huckabee: it seems like if it was a movie i'd call it a bridge too far rather than a bridge to work. the president this week has especially, seemingly-on after mitt romney because he has had a lot of success in his life. i'm not sure that that will work for the president to attack the success of mitt romney. is it a good strategy to say, look, he's rich and has been successful. >> what he said, the president said, i wasn't born with a silver spoon in my mouth and that seemed like he was talking about mitt romney there. look, americans love success. wealth in this country is a sign of success and that will not
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work for him and the strategy will backfire. >> it is true maybe he wasn't born with a silver spoon but historically people have not resented that their presidents did well, j.f.k. was not a poor man, and f. d. r., hardly a man of poverty. and i don't know how the democrats will use that, if they do, i think mitt romney turns around and puts it back on him and says, well, those railroad guys. >> i liked what he said this week and he said, i'm not going to play this game, i'm proud of the success i have had and i'm proud of the success my father had and, i'm going to leave it at that. i thought that was a smart response. >> governor huckabee: a very smart response, as are the responses always i get from you. >> thanks. >> governor huckabee: thanks for being here. >> thank you. >> governor huckabee: gerri willis from fox business network. for the most significant legislation of barack obama's presidency, dr. marc siegel explains how obama's trademark law might backfire on him in
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november's election. we'll be right back.
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live from america's news headquarters i'm he claudia cowen. the united nations boosting the number of observers in syria. voting on saturday to expand the observers have 30 to 300. the council also demanding an immediate end to the violence that has escalated since a seize fire took effect a week ago. this comes on the same day five members of the u.n. team toured the embattled city. george zimmerman's attorney saying it will be a few days before his chi sent released on bail. media staking out the jail after a florida judge agreed to release zimmerman on $150,000 bond. the neighborhood watch volunteer facing second-degree murder charges for the shooting death of unarmed teenager trayvon martin. defense attorneys suggesting
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zimmerman should leave, florida, for his own safety. i'm claudia cowen. now, back to huckabee. wo won. i'm harris faulkener, now back to huckabee. >> governor huckabee: obamacare, critics are multiplying and include lawmakers who initially voted for the law, jim webb, not even seeking re-election called it a failure in leadership by the president. my next guest says there are two ways obamacare can play out and both are bad for the president, joining me is dr. marc siegel of the too medical a-team. thank for being here. >> thanks. >> governor huckabee: you have mentioned three different ways it could play out poorly for the president. and one of them involves the law being declared unconstitutional. how will that have an impact, not just on his leck but medical care in this country? >> the individual mandate if it is struck down will lead to the whole law being struck down or
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the premiums will rise, the insurance death spiral because if we load up with people of preexisting conditions, the only way that the insurance companies will be able to pay for that is raising premiums and everyone on the street will pay more and more for health care and then they'll try and get into see doctors and they are already full, the second way that it can play against the president and i call it obamacare's horseless chariot, governor. >> governor huckabee: i love that. >> because i'm the horse and i'll tell you what is the matter with the horse, it is already facing, fees being dropped and more and more regulations under the obamacare and the independent advisory board and, committees deciding what services i can and cannot do and i consider medicine an art but if a patient is in front of me and i can't order a test, what do i do? and my weighting room is full and there are 16 million more medicaid patients coming in under obamacare and the states have a huge problem with that and so do the hospitals an individual doctors, almost 50% of physicians are already not taking medicaid.
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and we have no tort reform and that will backfire on the president. doctors are practicing medicine in a defensive climate and we end up overordering tests because we are afraid of malpractice and now we cannot order tests and less and less of the best and brightest will go into medicine and it is a perfect storm and will backfire and you know, surveys show, a physician's web site, says 75% of physicians surveyed are against the health care reform law? and did you know deloitte, a major health care consulting firm, 70% of physicians were pessimistic about the future of medicine, with this terrible law. >> governor huckabee: doctor i have conducted an informal poll, every time i meet a physician i'd ask him, are you for obamacare and i'm up to 162 i've personally talked to, face-to-face, closer than you and i are now and 162, have told
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me, they to not like it and don't support it. i have had four tell me they liked it and all four university based academic physicians, none in private practice, 162 in private practice unanimously said they were against obamacare and most of the people because what you just said. it really restrict their ability to do what they spent years and years and years to train for as opposed to having a bureaucrat who has never been in medical school tell them what they can and can't do. >> i'd like to say the president has not spent enough time in doctors offices for the point you made. the conversation, going on all across the country, patients are not just asking the president and other leaders, they are asking their doctor and surveys show when you ask your doctor and say what will happen to me? the answer is less access to care, the biggest myth about obamacare is give everybody insurance. sure but if you have insurance will you get into see the doctor? not necessarily, longer and
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longer waiting lines in areas where there is universal health insurance and no payment out-of-pocket and disincentive for use and offices clogged and i have the same informal poll i conduct, i cannot find any of my contemporaries that are for the law, none that are seeing patients. >> governor huckabee: i want to ask you, i read surveys fewer people are not only going into medicine but a lot of the doctors in medicine now plan to retire early and we'll have a shrinking pool of doctors with a dramatically increased patient load, you mentioned 16 million and that is dog that looks like a recipe for disaster. >> two points, less and less medical school applications every year and we are down 3,000 from ten years ago and the second point is, literally people are not choosing to be specialist anymore, they are not choosing primary care anymore. they are choosing more to be specialists and will not be there, the team of doctors obama thinks will be there are not and the american medical association of all groups, part of the reason we have the disaster,
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they conducted the survey and found 17% of doctors will restrict their medicare practices as obamacare rolls in, what do e we have? doctors not working with insurance and you have the insurance card and president obama says you get to keep the doc you have but the doc is retiring, moving to a hospital, moving to a big group, or, he's not taking your insurance. >> governor huckabee: do you think we'll move toward, as i have believed a level in which there are two classes of medical care, concierge level care, if you have means you'll pay for doctors who will practice exclusively on a cash basis and treat people who don't fool with insurance and then those folks who have to take what the government has for them and end up with a bigger divide and less access for the people who are at the bottom rung of the economy. >> governor that is really the tragic situation we are facing if the law stays, and if you want brain surgery don't you want your doctor well paid for it. >> governor huckabee: i certainly do. >> i agree. people who can pay, like harley
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street in london, you pay if you can and otherwise you get watered-down care like a confederate dollar and scrambling around trying to find a doctor or go to an emergency room already overclogged. not a happy future, if the law stays in and not good for the president either way and if it stays in, people will know more and more it isn't good for their health and if it doesn't stay in, we'll be faced with a problem, the premiums go up and that will hurt his re-election bid. >> governor huckabee: always a pleasure, i don't have to see you as a doctor but if i did i'd know you take as good care of me as you do my audience when you talk to them about health care. >> thank you. >> governor huckabee: does the president's recent open mic conversation with his russian counterparts show he may be vulnerable when it comes to foreign
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medvedev shows that he kind of plays by his own rules. and, h fee is doing what he want now, what happens if he wins a second term and doesn't have anyone to answer to? joining me from washington is former ambassador to the u.n. and fox news contributor john bolton, who, a full disclosure, he has endorsed mitt romney. ambassador, let's talk about the gap, it was significant. first of all, the substance of it, the fact that he is in essence, making a side deal, with a head of state, but, the protocol violation of having that conversation without staff or anyone to monitor it is unusual, wouldn't you think. >> it was extraordinary, i never heard of a president of the u.s., to a foreign leader, especially one with adversarial relationships in many cases, give me space and me, personally, the president some space and after i'm reelected will be more flexible. i never heard of anything like
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that and it really does, i think, frighten our friends and make our add stories happy, because they're looking at the same thing, believing if the president is reelected he will be able to do a lot of things he has been constrained from doing in his first term because of the political consequence. >> governor huckabee: there is liable to be changes in personnel, should the president, barack obama, be reelected. hillary clinton said that she wouldn't stay on as secretary of state and it might mean changes, again, assuming that he'd be reelected. who would be likely to step into the role of foreign policy advisor, be it secretary of state, ambassador to the u.s. and, susan rice and people to the far left of hillary clinton? >> i think there's a long line of people waiting to succeed secretary clinton and i would say senator kerry, the chairman of the foreign relations committee is probably positioning himself to be first in line and indeed there is
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expectation for example, he's going to try and move the law of the sea treaty through the senate and, to help bolster his foreign policy credentials and, there will be plenty of others and my guess is a second term it will be more ideological, in terms of personnel selection, than in a first term. >> governor huckabee: you think there would be significant differences than we have already seen and some have been a little troubling. not necessarily positive? and if john kerry were to be the secretary of state i don't think we'll see a more conservative -- or a more, let's say traditional approach to foreign policy. >> not at all, senator kerry as one example, clung to the idea that the united states could negotiate with syrian dictator, bashar al-assad and even as the assad government was gunning down innocent civilians opposed
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to his authoritarian rule and, i think that kind of misguided policy on north korea, on iran, on their nuclear weapons programs has been fairly typical of senator kerry over the years. but beyond that, you know, i worry about threats to american sovereignty and what we traditionally consider domestic issues in to the international area and we've seen it in the area of the environment and his participation in the copenhagen summit and the area of gun control where many people are worried about efforts to negotiate an international treaty that if we ratify it would have significant impact for private ownership of firearms here. there are a lot of examples out there like that, again once the president is freed of that constraint of seeking re-election, given the presidency's enormous role in foreign policy, he could really have a lot of room to play around in. >> governor huckabee: you talk about the fact that we could
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lose sovereignty and the law of the sea treaty is one of those areas in which america would subjugate itself to other nations an international bodies and international courts and for most of us that would be absolutely an abomination, because we have always believed we are a nation who is sovereign, and, answerable only to our own institution and ultimately to our own people. not to any foreign government or foreign court and it would put us in a position where we'd be answering, in a very significant way. to an international body. >> that is exactly right. and a lot of the freedoms we enjoy on the high seas today we enjoy because we're the dominant naval power and that will not change any time soon even under the obama administration. but if we joined with the over 100 parties to the law of the sea treatey, anything we want t change would require their approval, you mentioned the courts set up and under the law
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of the sea treaty they've begun to expand their jurisdiction, one of the international left's favorite maneuvers to reduce national sovereignty and i think it needs to be more of an issue. not just in the foreign defense policy we have to worry about but, as i say, people trying to move domestic issues into the international arena and the u.n., for example, overwhelmingly voting against the death penalty, time and time again, that is an issue reresolved domestically and some people favor it and some oppose it and under our constitutional system, we make that decision, not international organizations. >> governor huckabee: john bolton, always a pleasure, your insights are forever helpful. i appreciate your being here with us today. thank you very much. [applause]. >> governor huckabee: i hope people will realize, though jobs and the economy are certainly front and center for all of us in the election, one of the most important powers a president has, is the manner in which he
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deals with other countries. and, particularly, other countries who are not necessarily friendly with us, whether iran or north korea or even russia, where we make or side deals. well, i'll be back. i have closing thoughts that i want to you hear. [applause] having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done.
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>> we would have had a request for the nation's number one song. at the hop! >> in other words if you can dance to it... ♪
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>> this is it the brand new season of 1987 on "american bandstand." >> governor huckabee: america lost a musical icon and this show lost a viewer. i had the honor of speaking with dick clark, last year, by phone, after being connected by a mutual friend, who told me that dishing clark watched this show. well, growing up, i sure watched his. i spent my saturdays faithfully watching "american bandstand," and, being introduced to the music of my generation. but i salute him, not just for his incredible contributions to the music of our lives, but, to something for which he deserves much more credit. while the al sharptons and jesse jacksons of the world fight for racial reconciliation, only dr. martin luther king, jr. and elvis were equal kwto dick clar
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in helping make the music the common ground between blacks an whites. >> a thing called the twist, here's chubby checker ♪ ♪ come on baby... >> were you 13 at the time? >> i was actually 12 when i recorded the song but it was released when i was 12 and they said that i was 12. >> this is a squeaky little voice of an early stevie wonder, ladies and gentlemen, stevie wonder... >> ladies and gentlemen, the first visit, the jackson 5... [cheers and applause] ♪ >> governor huckabee: what once was considered race music what's the essence of the deeply felt and rhythm and blues and soul music that brought races together. dick clark was more effective than the politics and even the preachers, that caused people to think of others for their contributions to art, rather than the color of their skin. while politic tends to highlight our divisions and differences,
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