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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  April 28, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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thank you for watching. check out facebook page. welcome to "red eye." i'm andy levy in for greg gutfeld who is hosting his hugh grant festival. don't start without me, boss. now to michael monahan to are a preview of tonight's show. >> the obama administration releaseds a new ad questioning whether mitt romney would have made the question to kill osama bin laden. stay classy, owe obama's administration. and a new survey shows more americans support gay marriage and the right to bear arms. a bunch of fashist libertarians. and a in you service lets you update your twitter feeds from beyond the grave. it is a question that would be considered rude. >> see you at half time.
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lets pea welcome our guests. let's welcome our guests. she still returns our calls. we are here with jill done son. check out the jill dobson and he is one of the imrest caw me -- the greatest comedic minds of our time. the comedy cd is called pro joyce. and bill schulz who thinks he is on the set of "good times." sitting next to me is thadeus mcthe coulder. and he is written by hacks who fabricate facts. what's up, pinch? >> we visit east london. 1k3* what is that foggy old barrel for this chap. i fill my tunnel tunnel with a -- tum-tum and saunter off to pick uh dilly and a bit of bird watching. and by birds i mean prostitutes. and by watching i mean -- andy 1234*.
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>> are you done? >> yes. >> they never caught him, you know. >> yes. >> they invoked uh bod do bad for a campaign-ad. obama's re-election team has a new video of bill clinton giving the president props for killing osama bin laden. but it suggests mitt romney would not have been so bold. watch, if you dare. >> he took the harder and more honorable path, and the one that produced, in my opinion, the best result. >> it is not worth moving heaven and earth, spending billions of dollars trying to catch one person. he was referring to the hunt for osama bin laden. >> well, romney's camp has fired back saying, quote, it is now sad to see the obama campaign seek to use an event that unified our country to
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once again divide us. in order to try to distract voters' attention from the failures of his administration. meanwhile, the an anniversary of bin laden is next week and it has tantalizing details of his life on the run. according to manhunt, he kept his harem interested with a sex potion and dying his hair with just for men. i hope he didn't mix them up because that would be stiff hair. and a new video is shredding light on what life was really like. >> the one thing i like about bin laden, everyone in the household did their part. >> the one thing. there are other things. >> that was my point. congressman, what did you make of the ads? should the president be trotting out bin laden? he did give authorization to kill him.
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>> i think this was somehow a difficult call for any commander-in-chief. be it republican, democrat, libertarian or green party. osama bin laden was someone who had to be brought to justice. we had to defend the interest of the united states. we had to continue the effort that had taken place under president obama and president bush to eradicate al-qaeda and break up their networks. it was an easy call for the president of the united states. the only cough vee jot is never easy to send men and women in a dangerous situation. but i think any self- respecting president of the united states would have done it. >> so the argument or insin you weighings that romney may not have carried out the mission is silly. >> it is a tough call for bill clinton. but it is not for everybody else. especially after 9/11. >> and he preferred bombing pharmaceutical plants. >> pharmaceuticals are never lfsless. defenseless. mccain said shame on obama
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for politicizing this. they say it contridicts the pledge. at the time we don't trot out his trophies and we don't spike the football. should he be impeached? >> i understand why you would want to point out the thing that you did which was one of the best things in your presidency when you are trying to get re-elected. if he had a resume and didn't mention red eye or didn't mention syphillis. >> we are starting early today. go time in the first a block. fantastic. >> jesse, according to this new book coming out, bin laden believed deeply in polygamy, and he would joke to friends, i don't understand why people take one wife. if you take four lives you live like a groom. that's funny stuff. >> by the way, i always thought bill's skin was so crusty and leathery because he is in the sun a lot. i didn't realize that was sigh los. >> and we are two for two.
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>> they use a natural viagra. i refuse to believe. if oats made you more vairl he should change his name to diabetes mcgoo. >> i think they misspelled it and they said he had sex with goats. it was a natural, natural viagra. >> could you roast bin laden? >> i think i could write for bin laden. my dish washing cat is so crazy -- >> bill, bin laden was using just for men to dye his hair. good or bad advertise ?g. >> amazing advertising. thanks to tupac we can get a hologram and put him in commercials with keith hernandez. i am so excited about it i wrote a script. walt frasier comes in and sees osama and says, osama, your
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beard suffered trauma. and keith hernandez says, it would be win-win if bin laden dyed his chin. and hole gram -- and hologram obama could say, my beard looks swell. death to infidel. i would buy that product. >> hollywood is calling. >> congressman, i was going to say something to you, and i went blank on what it was. can you just answer the question? >> there is an air of mystery dangling around the room. >> you mean this show? >> how bin laden got a job. >> did you hear my script? >> it wouldn't be the first time something was dangling in this room. >> would you walk into a debate with mitt romney and let mitt romney do his opening statement and you say i got bin laden and then you turn ready a and walk out? >> i think the difficulty americans are expecting this to happen at some point in time. for somebody to highly paw lit
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size an event like this is dangerous for that candidate to do. especially if it is something we talked about earlier. it makes sense, and you would think if a commander-in-chief didn't do it, it would be a detriment as opposed to something you are expected to do against the united states. to take the analogy further, you have president bush landing on the aircraft carrier with the mission accomplished thing. these things do get paw lit sized even if the intent is not paw lit sized. >> the president did that even as an early critic of the construction that was backwards. that would not be to his benefit. anytime a commander-in-chief tries to manipulate or tries to exploit a national incident like this that helps the united states it will end in their detriment. we are not a grand standing country. we believe you do your job and keep your mouth shut and move on to the next chore. >> do you agree 1234*. >> i don't really care.
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>> that was a good point. next story, from campaign ads to my two dads, we support gays who marry and the right to carry. according to a new poll, more americans are in favor of gay marriage and relatedly more place the importance of gun owner rights over gun control. those things are not related. 49% believe it is more important to protect the rights of gun owners with 45% favoring gun control and 47% support the idea of same sex spouses while 43% oppose it. the l.a. times notes, quote, the inned fooings indicate -- interest indicates the culmination of trends that have built up over the past several years. the survey found that -- they also found 3% of americans support birds' right to come inside.
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>> stay outside, birds. jesse, this is pretty much the best day ever for gay nra members, isn't it? >> that's a good point. look, i think this is great. they are great statistics, but there is a flaw in the foundation study. it is the fact that they interview everybody by telephone. they are neglecting a small demographic of people who don't own telephones. the ted caw swrin skis of the world who i would imagine would be pro gun and 100% anti-gay and probably also 100% pro talking to squirrels and anti-soap. >> are they doing this by home phones in which case no one has a home phone. there are few out there that have one. >> what does this mean for the upcoming election? i think it means gary johnson will win. >> i am not in a position to disagree with with you.
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>> i am not going to let you go with that. i want you to know what this means for the upcoming election. >> what it means is -- you have had both candidates, both president obama and governor romney on record as opposing and federalizing gay marriage. they are even on that. there is a clear differentiation where governor romney believes we have a god given right that is recognized in the constitution to keep and bear arms. and president obama is much more on the other side where he believes it is a collective right to be governorred -- governorred by the -- governorred by the legislature. god, guns and gays has been a shorthand for a certain conservative political strategy. is that going to change? >> as you know, the libertarian in the republican party is clearly taking that third g off the table. in many ways what you see is a
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slur from the left. that's all we care about. when the real issue no matter what we talk about is going to be the economy. it is going to be whether people can have jobs and there are careers for their children. the place in obama's economy isn't the basement for the next 20 years. that's what will move people and determine this election. >> i don't agree. >> jill, reality check. should we read anything into the fact that there is support for gays and guns is up. or should we read everything into it? >> well, i have to agree. >> that was a fake laugh, by the way. >> don't let him distract you. >> okay. it is a shiny ball. >> it was thr was this long article and they say opinions have changed and more people are in favor of gay marriage. and then they say, but everyone says they will vote based on economy anyway. i'm not sure these issues are mattering in terms of the election. nice that people are changing
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their minds about things i suppose. >> bill, isn't this proof that guns are fabulous? >> yes, guns are fabulous. i don't think santorum thinks it is fabulous. the left may ignore the libertarian side, but there are some santorums that are not as pro gay as they should be. the other study is the gallop poll that are legalizing weed. you put these together and it is basically saying this country is getting more libertarian. and if ron paul were alive today, -- >> ron paul is alive today. >> can i elaborate on the point jill made? >> if you are polling people's land lines they will have it skewed toward the more conservative outcome on this poll especially on the issue of gay marriage and if you have kids out there with the cell phones able to be reached and ready to go because their attitudes are shifting especially on gay marriage.
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that's something that has to be taken into account. >> that would imply support for gay marriage is higher jie. it might be higher depending on how they polled it. >> why don't they do cellular phones ? i never got an answer. >> you never got an answer because you don't pick up your home phone. >> that's true. i don't own one. >> i love how they say on gun control they are more conservative and gay marriage they are more liberal. how about they are more libertarian? >> it is a difference, and it is not -- >> that's a fair point. >> i always like to p oi nt out that was jill's point byway of my point. >> i would like to point out i haven't made out any points. >> from marying gays to not wanting to pay it was a day for growns over student loans. on wednesday the college students held demonstrations
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throughout the u.s. it was a day the loan debt was about to hit the $1 trillion mark. some were burning the loan contracts and others were demanding a right to a debt free degree. and president obama was visiting colleges to push congress to extend low interest rates on loans to seven million students. it is the first year lauren adams says it is going to be hard to get an affordable mortgage to buy a house. it really concerns me. you should have thought about that before you took out the loans. where is the dumb cat when you need one? >> that cat is never paying off its loans. coming n ma, why won't evil republicans like you for guy
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-- forgive student loan debt? shouldn't they tbet free food and free unlimited i tunes down loads? >> i agree with jesse. >> once again i will just sit here until you answer. >> patiently. i have been married 21 years. i know how to keep quiet. i'm so sorry. i am really, really sorry. i won't answer your question, andy, because i am tired of looking at you. >> i agree with jesse. >> what you have is one of the things we did in the house is we offset it by taking funds from the obama care/fund to get us through another year of the extension. but in the long run one of the things in the republican party and all people who have kids in college has to do is look at the wasteful overhead of the administration, how these colleges are operated and some of the courses that are offered when the taxpayer money is involved. otherwise what you have is the classic blame the victim.
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they will say, well, we didn't get enough money from the legislature. we have to attack the parents to get more money out of the kids. it continues to spiral the cost up. right now the way the president is doing this is again not only trying to stir up the youth vote for himself, he is trying to escape the fact as i said earlier, obama has a place for students. >> we bailed out wall street. why shouldn't students get a bailout too? >> this is going to make me unpopular with the students, but when you take out a loan you understand you have to pay it back. i don't understand why this group of students why all of a sudden she should be for given. one of the girls who was leading one of the different marches is getting a phd in sociology. i thought, maybe you should have taken an econ class along the way. if you take out a huge loan with interest and get degree after degree after degree, you will end up in debt. maybe get one degree, and then start working and then go back to school.
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that's how i did. >> i want to playoff that po nie t. this is a protest organizer, and she has $111,000 in debt when she graduates and wants the government to forgive all student loan debt. she says, quote, it is not going to be worth it. i might as well not come to graduate school. i might as well be working at starbucks. said the 35-year-old single mother with two graduate degrees. >> i empathize with everybody. i didn't actually pay for college. i didn't have to. i got a ride. i am a salesman now so i am not using either degree. if you, starbucks lady, want to borrow one of mine, i have a major in art history and studio art. it qualifies you to be a painter or a homeless guy. >> can we specify single for now? call me poor starbucks lady with two kids. >> bill, were you angry on all of the money you spent on
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emerson after you found out it was not a real college. >> but i will disagree with the blonde over here. it is not what it used to be. in 1989, the average cost for four years was $7,000. now close to $30,000. college is a con. they have been coning us compared to the cost of living for over 20 years now. and there is only one thing students can do which is to stop what they are doing and get over here and have sex with me. i have been saying that for years. >> his arm is probably artificially inflated. what is the fastest way to get out of a speeding ticket? jill dobson says shoot-out the cop's tires and drive away. and what is adam levine scwawking about now? who cares as long as it is not another maroon 5 album. you are watching fnc. stick around.
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do we have something to gleam from adam levine? the marine 5 front man and the co-host of "the voice" took to the twitter sphere and did something no b-lister has ever had the guts to do. he came out as an obama supporter. the tatood twit tweeted, quote, dear america, if you don't re-elect barack obama i am going lose my -- bleep. that was the approval rating plummeting as i report this. for more let's go to our political correspondent, puppy in a box. talk to me, pup. >> i like that. >> i like that too. >> jill, you are the celeb expert. when will we reach a tipping point where the celebrity endorsements actually hurt a candidate? >> i think they have hurt a
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candidate. there were times when they said, don't use my music. musicians say don't -- you know what i am saying. >> explain your point. >> i would like to say that he should make a more specific threat to all of us. to say i am going to lose my stuff, that's not exciting. enrique iglesias said he w0* water ski naked if his team won the world cup, and they did and he did. now that's fun. the video is very grainy. i looked it up. >> do celebrities even care when they say things like, this they are probably annoying a huge chunk of their fan base. should they care? >> their fan base? i doubt it. everyone else, yes. that's a great point jill made. what was your point? >> specific threats. >> exactly. i might flip out. ted nugent was like, "i am going to murder people."
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i better take that guy seriously. he is going lose his own -- who cares? >> congressman, you were saying in the green room you were shocked that a music would support president obama. >> it was shocking. >> there were many in general. >> well, bill i agree. who cares what adam levine thinks about politics or anything except it is fun to talk about. i know as a huge fan you have a much different view. >> yes. i usually only wear all maroon. except i can't find a t-shirt they sell. i get mixed feelings when this happens because i'm like, you idiot. now i get to hear the outrage from the people who get up in the morning and google republican and angry and celebrity and then go and find the appropriate website and put their serious comment on about whatever liberal
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celebs. and so yes there are a lot of things going in my head right now. >> thank god no one on the left does that too. >> they don't. if they did, i would lose my -- >> it is one bill endorses. >> if he were alive, ron paul, man. >> again, alive. >> i am 96% -- >> i wish you were a betting man. >> you know what michael just did, he was writing and he went -- oh dash [bleep]. i have done that. >> i will bet you a bar of gold that ron paul is still alive. >> yes, i love gold. got a comment on the show? e-mail us at red eye at fox and to leave a voicemail on greg's direct line call not my direct line. i don't care what you say to the tele prompter. still to come, the half time report from michael money gnaw han. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by puddle skiing. it is an end of the season
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event around the world. thanks, puddle skiing.
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welcome back. let's see if we have gotten anything wrong so far. for that we go to michael monahan. >> why don't we start with the ron paul thing? i did a serious amount of digging on this because i have a history degree. it came in really handy.
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apparently he has a son and he is not well. i don't know if that is -- >> oh ron. >> it was on the internet i have access to down here. >> you are supposed to be giving true facts, michael. >> i went to college. i have a pomo. the facts are relative. >> jesse, let's talk 3w* obl. we are talking about the -- i want to point out thisth is made from oats. it works so well and this is where we get the expression sew your wild oats. i didn't fact check you, but i informed you. >> bill was saying something about keith hernandez? i think he is alive. and muki wilson was also. was he in the script?
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>> no it was clive frasier and keith hernandez. if muki wanted to do a just for men commercial i wouldn't object. >> i think that is fine. i can't call you thaddeus, can i? >> you just did. >> i thought you were a high tory. you said bill clinton -- obviously he wouldn't -- he launched a bunch of wars, didn't he? he was pretty liberal -- or conservative with the military actions, right? haiti. the pharmaceutical factory in sudan. >> in the context specifically of osama bin laden it was pre 9/11, but there were opportunities to deal with a threat that was there. so to have him in the ad asking which path he would take it is relevant to look at which path he didn't take.
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>> i don't understand politics. >> this could turn into a robert froths -- robert frost poem. >> when the three of you guys were on the screen it was like every white guy neck tie. >> i just want wait to see the ron paul people. >> you are all white guys. >> are you saying the neck tie options are not available to noncaucasians ? >> i am not saying that. >> specificity. >> let's go to the polling thing. jill said, and you all commented on this cell phone business. it is apparently not entirely true. pew claims that they actually do cell phone polls, and they say the results are in fact identical. >> this is the pirs night on the show.
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and it was the representative. and i felt great about myself and now you are telling me i was wrong. >> i am actually telling you i was wrong. >> she is actually right because that was the fact i had to assume. did they make those calls or not to answer the question? interestingly you have done your job. >> i did. and they might have me back. >> that's what pew would say, right? >> but i believe them. >> do you? >> i know rick pew. i went to high school with the guy. he is a sweet guy. and he is always honest. >> tom pew? >> rick pew, his brother. >> pep -- pepe lepew. >> we are going to get so many many -- letters and i am forwarding them to you. >> they can send me an e-mail because i used to work at
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reason magazine. i am a libertarian and i have the inside track if you didn't know. >> until i read it in a newsletter i don't read it. >> a survival report. >> jill, you said the good thing about this gay poll and the gun poll is it doesn't matter. it is low down relative to economic issues, but -- >> according to the report. >> yes, according to this report. but doesn't that mean it does matter and that these issues are no longer of importance to people? at one time they did matter. >> i think if we were all comfortable with our job situation we would focus. take care of ourselves first and then we care about. -- >> i just want to establish that if you think the job situation improved, americans would revert back to their homophobia.
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>> i do think people would vote based on these issues if they were more comfortable with the job situation. >> they will become more homophobic. >> get a room you two heteros. >> bill, let's go to loans here. you had a fact that was i think true because i looked it up on the computer. you said it used to cost $7,000 to go to college and now it is $30,000. does -- doesn't that prove the point that more going to college inflates the cost? people are going to college and kids go to get grants. now have i a mono log. i am trying to make a point. >> i am getting face time. >> and i look at you and everyone agrees with me. >> hi, america.
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>> supply and demand? >> when the government meddles you get the opposite of supply and demand. >> the point being if you want costs to come down, stop encouraging people to go to college. and to jesse's point. is jesse still there? jesse made a great point. he has been a salesman and i think that under scores the point that not everyone should go to college. >> you are very clever. i appreciate that. on the final thing, you said on maroon 5 which is apparently a band which i never heard of and i listened and they are absolutely horrendous. they might be the worst band in america. >> it is dentist office
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music. >> it sounded like it. >> he is a handsome chap, the levine character. you said they don't matter and they don't have much influence. adam levine has two plus million twitter followers. he is very influential in someway. i don't know who the people are that follow him on twitter. >> none of those people are over 18. and the three that are are not registered voters. >> they are registered sex offenders. >> in other words, bill. >> bill is not registered. >> he has the little thing on his ankle. >> that's for drinking. >> we are moving on. thanks. coming up, was ralph maccio your sin gnaw bonn server's art work wear? you know what scroll that back down.
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we are going try this again. i am having trouble reading to night. contact issues. coming up, what do ralph maccio, your sin gnaw bun workers and after work care have in common? we discuss fashion inspirations after the break. but first, where will humanity be in a hundred years? my guess is somewhere outside the system. i love "star trek" references.
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what will humans be up to in the next hundred years? probably something. i am not the only one making bold predictions. they look at patterns and trends and they put forth society, politics and the economy one century from now. in a vision, global pollution will get much worse, yet people will live longer, healthier lives. more islamic regimes will fall, but the global conflicts will result in fewer wars. the u.s. manufacturing will
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experience a rebirth, but robots will replace manual laborers. and the rise of the jellyfish will end supremacy leaving those to live out our lives. just kidding, they won't let any of us survive. let's discuss in the -- >> lightning rooooouuunnnnddd. lightning round. >> that's gotten old. congressman, what do you make of these predictions? i hear the old war will go away before. didn't we have the war to end all wars last century? they say it all the time. >> yes, it would be nice to think human nature would change, but there is always the potential for that conflict. it is the lightning round. >> i don't expect anything more. >> will the world always need comedians, or will they be replaced? >> go look up google. some japanese people invented a robot that writes jokes, and it is like the worst.
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this is all interesting. >> you are thinking of dane cook. >> we are getting letters. send your pro dane cook letters in. >> i looked up some predictions from a hundred years ago. unfortunately it is the lightning round and i need to move on. >> mosquitoes and roaches will have been exterminated and they destroyed all mosquito greeting grounds and. cranberries will be as large as oranges. there will be no letter c, x or q in the alphabet. they will be abandoned because they are unnecessary and university edge -- education will be free to every man, woman. and they said gold would be so worthless there would be no reason we shouldn't ride in golden taxicabs. >> we do have yellow cabs.
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>> but -- i think we should cut him a break. >> if he says made of gold and smells like it was under ground for a hundred years. >> you know who hates thomas edison? >> jill, talk about college. we will have automated cars which is great. but he never mentions earn personal jet packs. are we giving up? >> i am never giving up on that dream? how on you so many would that be? >> ins the lightning round. >> bill, this guy predicted you will die in mid-july this year, the 17th, i believe. he is from mit and it has to be true. are you worried? you still have a couple months. >> i think all of this stuff is true. you should be able to update your stuff on-line. ron paul has tweeted. >> maybe we should do the story that bill just talked about. >> a new website lets users
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share across the social network. they tap into your facebook and google. and it allows you to add messages on your calendar. they confirm your death and the messages are september out. some session for messengers include memwiors, secrets or virtual relationships with a family member. continuing to pot out chris -- p oi nt out chris brown. is this cool, creepy or both? >> a little of both. it makes death feel less scary if you can live on. and i hear adam levine signed up for this. >> would you embrace this and you are hanging out with abe lincoln in heaven? >> no, but -- you know how nobody expects their spouse will murder them? that will be awkward. to my loving wife.
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what if you said, my wife killed me, and then she didn't. after you die the tweet goes out jie. it would be awesome if your wife was harrison ford. >> you have to admit you could use this to place pranks on people. or you could call out your neighbors on stuff that really bothered you, but you never said anything. >> you have to make it funny. >> considering you are scheduled to die, you should sign up for this pretty quickly, right? >> i have a computer or a smart phone. but i will say that jose can say co, the only thing that would make it better is if you were dead. and i think he is in some weird purgatory right now. >> he has become self-aware. and his tweets are not good anymore. now he is in on it. >> do it from the perspective
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of his mullet or something? >> it is not good. >> time to take a break. when we come back, we will show you eight ways you can nest with hobos.
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so the company that brought us tupac's hole --
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hole gram wants to bring some others. they say that seeing elvis on stage with justin bieber would be a cool thing, and he would love to resurrect jimmy hendricks, michael jackson and whitney houston. i am looking forward to john bonin with cream. not the band cream. he just loved cream. jill, as a music -- sorry. this story was left over from last night. jill, what do you think of this? >> i think it is creepy. i feel bad for some of the celebrities. no offense for justin bieber, but i don't know in -- if elvis would like to do that. you know who would like that? madonna. she is dueting with it is -- with the younger kids. she will sign up for this. >> what if at the end of the concert the hologram of elvis ate justin bieber? >> that would be amazing.
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>> jesse, i am guessing you would be pretty excited to see elvis and bieber together. >> i don't understand. why this amazing thing was created and it is wasted on dumb, pop culture. it has not occurred to anybody to rihanna mate lincoln during the -- to reanimate lincoln. they say we have to reunite the cast of the village people. >> what about creating platoons and companies of hole gram -- hologram soldiers to fake out the enemy. i am talking for real. >> they are doing that. i know people. >> they did that in world war ii in north africa. they didn't use hole grams though. >> wouldn't it be cool if you could send out holograms while you sat and drank with your corporate masters?
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>> no. >> lightning round, that's all i need. >> bill, it could be possible you will be the first living person to be replaced by a hole gram, possibly by next week. tupac is the real hero. he was sort of the test case. when he was coming up like that it is one of two ways. either this is cool, or that is the most disgusting thing. all of these people with their elvis and biebers, they were sitting there waiting to see what happens with tupac. in a weird way it is racist. he's black. >> really? >> yes. oh i forgot you don't see hole grams. we will close things out with a post game wrap up. to see recent shows go to fox eye.
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you can catch me saturday
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night at 10:00 on justice for judge janeen. i just put a lot of pressure on jimmy kimmle to kill it. a new "red eye" returns on monday and guests include patti ann browne and the marvelous mike baker. time to go back to meed yolker michael moynahan. >> greaty lit ration. by the way, i got into the fact checking. i fact checked the hole gram thing and bill is right. it is racist. >> two for two, america. >> yep, you are winning. representative mccoder, where is he? there he is. a view from the capital, tell us about it. >> it is view from the capital. we did it today. you can tell what happens behind the scenes in washington. you can see it on the facebook page or twitter feed or youtube. >> there you go. >> and there itent with.
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>> jesse, you have some of the comedy coming up? >> i do. may 9th through the 13th at the house of comedy in the mall of america. >> jill, what is going on with the talk show? >> i still don't have my own talk show. i have been watching talk shows and in honor of my faffett are show, the kathy lee and hoda talk show, this is not water. hey, hoda. >> all right, that's. it that's all i've got. >> appreciate it. nice job. bill, anything you need to say? >> go to tokes news radio -- go to fox news and there is a pod cast with lauren and bill that you should listen to. if not because you can see video of lauren sivan in her super big mouth. >> that's it for me. it has been a fun and great week. thanks to the counting crews for stoping by and cast and crew. greg is back on monda


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