tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News May 9, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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>> thank you, god bless. >> and that is is all the time we have left this evening. greta is next standing by to go "on the record." we'll see you tomorrow night. >> the this is really going to annoy attorney general eric holder. congress is aiming for his personal wallet. why do they want his money and how can they get it? coming up. the tsa has a boarding problem. and office you are paying for it. we will tell you minutes from now. plus a primary bomb shell in wisconsin. republican governor scott walker gets an eye popping number of votes. rush limbaugh says he knows why. >> why did more people vote for scott walker than the two democrats who are in a very heated contest combined? answer is simple. republicans are waiting to be
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unleashed. >> greta: what does rush mean by that? he will explain in a few minutes. president obama unable to dodge the issue any longer. he is for or against gay marriage? list han to he said today. >> at a certain point i just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that i think same sex couples should be able to get married. >> did you discuss this with mrs. obama, the same-sex marriage issue? >> i did. >> was this something -- this is something that we have talked about over the years and she feels the same way that i do. may be consideredbe considered to put us at odds with the views of others but when we think about our faith the thing, you know, at root that we think about is not only christ sacrificing himself on our behalf but it is also the
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golden rule treat others the way you want to be treated. >> greta: did the president flip flop as critics say or did he evolve as he claims? and how much of this is actually political dynamite? abc news senior washington editor rick klein was in the room during president obama's interview and he joins us. what was it like being in the room because this is obviously a huge story. >> you had the sense this was going to be a big moment. we didn't know what the president would say up to the moment he started talking about it. he has been talking about this evolution for 18 months now which is a long time to be evolving on a major policy issue. there was a growing sense that he had to get to this position and he was being pushed into this position be his party and reality and his ow vice presid. talking about the conversations with his children and his wife was really pretty extraordinary. >> greta: he said he was for it personally. he didn't say as president of
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the united states, personally. he saided that each state should make up its own decision which is a conservative view point states rights and the whole federalism. apparently process wise. >> that was a little twist i thought in the argument. he said one of the reasons he decided to come out hike this is because mitt romney called for a federal constitutional amendment saying at the federal level the constitution should ban gay marriage and he thinks it should be state bistate. as president that is not something that is likely to come to his desk. on the issue of gay marriage he is comfortable with it and think is states over time as the public opinion evolves will evolve with him. >> he won north carolina by half a percentage point last night. this year the democratic convention in north carolina and then you have last night's vote on the gay marriage constitutional amendment to the state constitution. what is the conventional wisdom
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of what this means for north carolina for this president? >> a couple of democrats felt like, north carolina, or maybe even could be sacrificed in the political move. there is clearly a large number of voters who disagree with president obama on the marriage issue. i think for the voters for whom that is the number one issue they were unlikely to be obama supporter to begin with. i think the white house view and obama campaign view on this they had to get to the position and show strong leadership and knew they were defending an untenable position where the president said he was against gay marriage but against any legislation to ban gay marriage. >> greta: everyone has been hammering him for the fisher cut bait on this. >> one telling sign, there were a lot of republican responses to the statement today. mitt romney had one of the tamest ones.
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he said look my personal view is different but i know it it is a heated issue for a lot of folks and we will go on. he didn't hit the flip flop issue and you don't get the sense that the romney campaign wants to make an enormous issue out of gay marriage this fall. >> keith russell judd. how did he do last month, he apparently has himself a delegate. who he is, first of all? >> one of the democratic candidates for president in west virginia. he is serving time right now, in the state of texas. he got 40% against president obama. he was the only other candidate on the ballot. this is only in west virginia. he has popped up on payments time to time whenever he can find a law loose enough to allow him on the ballot. i don't think people were actively voting for a federal inmate, they were voting fence president obama and these were democrats who went to the pos
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and decided they didn't want to vote for president. they wanted to vote for some buy they hadn't heard of. this is like voting for mickey mouse if he had a felony conviction i suppose. >> greta: is this a quirky thing to happen or just a sign of dissatisfaction with the democratic party with the president. >> this guy is not going to be president. >> greta: i think i agree with you on that one. >> this is obama's problem, white working class voters, middle america. these are democrats traditionally in west virginia. there is no chance that west virginia is on the table for president obama. there are other pockets of voters in other states like, ohio, and pennsylvania and wisconsin and that is where president obama has to be worried and the results yesterday has to be a warning sign. >> greta: always interest to have a felon running from prison. never dull.
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thank you. >> thank you, greta. >> greta: house republicans say the attorney general was stone walling over fast and furious and getting away with it. >> no one has been punched. there has county been hasn't . there has been nothing. >> greta: says attorney general holder and d.o.j. officials should be forced to pay out of their own pockets. congressman gouty joins us. good evening, sir. >> good evening, greta, how are you. >> greta: i know you are extremely furiou serious aboute fast and furious investigation and there are the beginning steps of looking to for a contempt of congress charge against the attorney general. this is something different. tell me your are ade. >> the idea,
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jason. >> one way to start doing it is cut appropriations. i cut appropriations from senior executive officials in doj. i tonight know what else we can do. i have appealed to him on the basis of respect for the rule of law, i have appealed to him to treat this as a criminal justice matter and not a political matter. it has been over a year and we can't get 1 clash 12 of the documents that the inspector general has. when i go ohm or on your show and ask legitimate what is going on with fast and furious, i don't have any idea because the department of justice which i hold in a much higher position or in higher stead than any other cabinet official. i have higher expectations for him. and he won't comply with the subpoena. what would happen if you didn't show up for jury duty, if you are summoned for jury duty and
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you didn't show up what would happen? you would be in jail. how county attorney general act any differently than the average citizen. if i can't get his atension through a committee hearing we will get it with money. >> greta: you are former assistant united states attorney so the whole idea is a little more near and dear to your heart than somebody who has hot been deeply involve in criminal justice. maybe not. >> it is also harder for me to be quite frank with you. the united states attorney in south carolina was a barack obama appointee. politically he is to the left. he asked me to do his background check because he has enough confidence in me as a fellow prosecutor to put politics aside and do the right thing and he is doing a wonderful job in south carolina. so this is not about politics to me. the reason i like the criminal justice system is there aren't republican or democrat victims
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or police officers or prosecutors. it is about respect for the rule of law. i don't know why the attorney general doesn't just give us the documents. they may exonerate his department. how do i know? he must know something. you know, you were an attorney, greta, when one party doesn't turn over documents there is a presumption that those documents must not have been very favorable for you. that is the only thing left to conclude is there is something in the documents he doesn't want us to get and he is willing to cut his employees' salaries to keep us from getting it. >> i tell you, this i actually do not believe he he doesn't know who authorized fast and furious and that is the one simple question that i do not understand can't be put to them and you get an answer. i don't know what the answer is. there is a dead border agent murdered and it seems to me that we need to know who authorized this and how high up did people know about it so that those people who exercised such bad judgment even the attorney general himself admits
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this is very bad judgment that in they are in a position of power now when you move them to another job or some place else so they don't exhibit the bad judgment again for future harm. i don't understand why they don't just answer. forget the documents but just tell you for starters. >> i don't either. anded that is why i mentioned today and i think you showed the clip there have been no sanctions whatsoever. no demotions. no transfers. no one has lost their job. the a border patrol agent lost his life and keep in mind there are innocent mexican citizens who have died and fratchingly will ten to die. no sanction, no punishment and no penalty. we are better than that. the dem of justice is better than that. we can say this is about race or are politics. it is not for me. it is respect for the rule of law and a blind woman holding a set of scales.
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>> greta: we do owe it to the family of the murdered border agent. at least get the facts to them. we owe it to them at a men number. so this foot draggion, you know, it has got to stop, agree with you. >> well, thank you for bringing light it. you have a much bigger mega phone than a little former prosecutor from south carolina. >> greta: you are doing a good job there, congressman on putting the spot light on it. >> thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> greta: a big shocker in the state of indiana. congressman joe donnelley who has been the senate candidate for less than 24 hours is already breaking ranks with the leaders. congressman donnelley is backing republican efforts to enforce a subpoena for attorney general eric holder. he agrees with republicans saying congress should put aside partisan politics to uncover possible federal law enforcement misconduct. last night was a big night for congressman donnelley. he learnd that his opponent is tea party backed republican
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candidate richard mourdoch. he defeated richard luger in yesterday's gop primary. >> get this. a whopping 626,538 votes. wow. that is how many wisconsin duff scott walker got in the primary. what maided that number a whopper? it is more than both of the democratic candidates combined got in their primary. rush limbaugh says he knows why. >> republicans turned now the greater numbers to vote for scott walker when they didn't need to. he wasn't challenged. there was no reason for republicans to show up whatsoever. why did they then? why did more people vote for scott walker yesterday in wisconsin than the two democrats who are in their heated contest? combined. answer is simple.
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republicans is are waiting to be unleashed. conservatives more specifically are fed up. conservatives are fit to be tied. they are angry at how they are being portrayed in the media. they are angry at how obama is being propped up. they are angry of the lack of truth being reported about their are country. they can't wait to show up and show the rest of the country what is really going on. >> greta: so is it a sign, does governor walker have the support to keep his job? "milwaukee journal sentinel's" craig gilbert joins us. i'm he curious while we are all at least surprised from far away about the numbers the fact that governor walker got more than the two lead democrats combined. is it such a surprise? >> it is a surprise. nobody executed peck -- expected him to get more than 600,000 votes. there was a lot of speculation
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for a long time that republicans would cast mischief votes in the democratic primary and then the governor started urging republicans to vote but, you know, it took everybody by surprise that he got as many votes. this is more votes nanny candidate in the primary governor for the state of wisconsin has gotten in 620 years. >> what is interesting about it is i was there during many so the protests at the state capital and when, wisconsin, gets going on the protests the enthusiasm that i saw in madison. i realize madison is one pocket in the state but i would have thought there would be much more enthusiasm in the democratic primary as they pick their candidate. what happened to the democratic enthusiasm of the protest times? >> well, i think there will be more enthusiasm on june 5 because it is really directed at scott walker more than it is directed on behalf of the democratic candidate. there was things were a little quiet in the primary. in some ways that was a good thing for democrats because the candidates didn't tear each other apart like a lot of the
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people in the party feared. i think the turnout in the primary was more significant for what it said about the republicans than what it said about the democrats. >> in what way? what is it saying about the republicans. >> what it says is republicans are motivated. they are angry. they are angry at the recall process. scott walker i think his single greatest political asset is this very he intense base of support he has and he will be hard to beat not because it is 50/-- not because he is up by two or three points in the polls it really isn't. it really is 50/50 because his supporters are remotivated and he can rely on them to turn out. >> the mayor of milwaukee running against governor walker in the june 5 recall. they ran against each other in the general election for governor, right? >> they did. a different year. a huge republican wave election and there was about a six point margin in that race.
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i think you could have predicted the outcome of that race ten months before it happened. this is everything that has happened in the last year and a half is going to influence this race. it will be a different elector ate. if they -- i don't like the upside money coming in for both parties for the democratic candidate and republican candidate outside the state. i get a little sense this race is being a little hijackle by the national interests from the which is voters. am i brock on that or is there a ton of money coming in from outside. >> there is a ton of money and it is getting a lot of discussion. this is the world we live in enviously but people i think in wisconsin are used to being on the national stage that the point and used to the spotlight. it does concern some people that all this money has come in from outside and i think there is so much energy on the ground on both sides that it is not like it is just a national proxy fight.
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i mean there is a real battle and real passion going on in wisconsin but there is a lot of stuff coming in from outside the state as well. >> greta: greg, thank you. >> pleasure. >> greta: straight ahead is the irs asleep at the wheel. they do know about a scam that is costing you billions so why don't they just blow the whistle? the inspector general is here next. also the tsa has a hoarding problem for criminal them. saturday scrapping the opening script that mocked president obama. and did you see what they replaced it with? a skit mocking fox news. why did they do that? that the' coming up. is this what we're doing now? i don't want a pluer anywhere near my coffee.
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not in my house. with maxwell house french roast, you let gravity do the work. [ male announcer ] maxwell house french roast. always good to the last drop. [ male announcer ] maxwell house french roast. i have two car insurances in front of you here. let's start with car insurance x. four million people switched to that car insurance alone just last year. mmm, it's got a nice bouquet. our second car insurance, y. mmmmm, oh, i can see by your face they just lost another customer. you chose geico over the competitor. calm down, calm down. you're getting carried away.
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>> greta: have you ever stop to think how much $4.2 billion is? and how about this $4.2 billion eachier. where is all that money going. apparently to illegal immigrants. undocumented workers are cashing in on a tax provision that the irs knows all about. russell george is a treasury department inspector general for tax administration. he joins us. nice to see you, sir. explain what the refundable credit is. >> something that is an efficient method of providing
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benefits to people who are working families who are vulnerable to short falls in their income and the problem is that this type of credit is very vulnerable to being violated, to abuse. >> greta: let's say that i'm an undocumented worker and make $10,000 a year and i have ten children and i take ten thousand dollars in the tax is credit. >> you -- it depends on how you you do it. the bottom line is any one who earns income in this country whether or not they are here legally or not they are required to file taxes and to pay taxes depending upon the threshold of the amount of money that they earn. in order to facilitate this the internal revenue service devised the individual taxpayer identification number and that is used in lew o lieu of a socl security number in the event that the person is not here
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legally or doesn't have a green card or any other reason for being in this country and so what is occurring is that people are learning that the irs is not really checking up on how those itins are being used and are issuing refunds in the amount of a thousand dollars per are child and we found five instances of individuals receiving over $10,000 in refunds for children who are not even in the united states of america. >> so the irs knows about this. are so i mean first of all, the irs isn't doing anything wrong, right? they are are just implementing the policies that the congress has given them, right? is that fair? i mean is that fair to say? >> well, we disagree with the irs interpretation of the law. in 1996 the exact same issue arose as it relates to the earned income tax credit. and congress in its wisdom passed legislation clarifying who was ellegible for that and
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meaning that it was only someone who had a social security number or was otherwise legally in this country. we scently and looking at this issue for now for almost ten years have determined that hey, that law that applied to the eitc also applies to the additional child tax credit. the irs claims that the slaw very unclear and unless and until congress clarifies it they will implement the law the way they interpret it. >> greta: $4.2 billion went out in 2010. >> in 2001 it was only 160 million gldz and in 2005 $924 million and this 1 undocumented workers. people who aren't using social securities but the undocumented workers with the numbers. >> i can't for certain say they are undocumented but as a result of not having social security numbers or green cards or another form of
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documentation proveing that they are american citizens we have to assume that is the case. >> greta: i underand it you are taking heat for essentially blowing the whistle on this. >> my job be is to point out short comings in the way the system of tax administration is effected. i will teak the heat. >> greta: is any one appalled by this on capitol hill? >> yes, a number have taken actions to enforce this. unfortunately, it hasn't been enacted. >> greta: $4.2 billion of people with these identification numbers undocumented workers unless everyone wants undocumented workers with kids in other countries wit to get credit, id that hard to believe. $924 million in 2005. who knows what it will be next year. >> it as growing problem. keep in mind there is no question that people don't should sufferhildren sud
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because their parents may or may not have done something legal or illegal. at the same time, it is my job to point out when the irs is doing what it is supposed to do and not doing something it is supposed to do. what is what we have done here. >> greta: thank you, sir. >> thank you for having me. >> greta: coming up, guess what your government has rotting in warehouses? we'll tell you. ok! who gets occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria.
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>> greta: they are suppose to be keeping you safe but are they just wasting your money sometimes? congress accuses the tsa of letting $184 million worth of security equipment rot in a warehouse. not being used, just rotting in the warehouses and today lawmakers taking the tsa to task. >> we are looking at both efficiency and effectiveness. and we find both lacking at tsa. >> five thousand 700 pieces of equipment were are sitting there. so i think this is outrageous. >> logistically there were failures. oversight. there was coverup. >> in a time when people are proposing even more extreme measures to address tsa's challenges i see a simple solution. follow the protocols that have
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been established. >> i wanted to know where are the puffers? i went to atlantic city and saw the puffers. they didn't work when i went through them. i had them trace on me, went through them multiple times and they said it was just a software glitch and it would be resolved. instead they went forward buying puff. this has been sitting there since december 12, 21s 12200. are you aware of this, sir? you are not aware of this. somebody neaneeds to get aware. this is hundreds of millions. >> congressman john mica joins us. congressman, frankly, i just don't noah to say. i mean this is like night after night after night and now this tsa. >> well, again, it is an outrage. and here we have been after them for the past year to find out where some of this equipment was. we had a whistle blower come forward and tell us that not only it did they have a few
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hundred but they had thousands of pieces of equipment sitting idle. some of it that could be used to detect explosives and the kind of threats we heard about just in the last 48 hours sitting collecting dust in warehouses -- in a warehouse in texas. >> greta: according to one report, 5,700 pieces of equipment are in that texas thing and it is worth $184 million just sitting there. and meanwhile i think a lot of travelers while they are appreciative of what the tsa does to keep us safe, i tell you the tsa could use a lot of improvement. a lot. >> greta, we told them we were sending our investigators down there when we got a tip that the equipment had been there for sometimes years. and they tried to put us off. they put us off for a week so then we sent our investigators down there. now, our investigators are going through the front door
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and they are hauling equipment out the backdoor and then they had the nerve to give us lists and documentation that was really falsified about what equipment was where. >> greta: you know why don't we -- why don't we get the justice department on it? if they are trying to hide things and bringing them out the backdoor and committing fraudulent documents. there is stealing. there is fraud. ever thought at least of giving a tip to the u.s. attorney's office take a look at that? >> i think there may be some referrals here. reit now terrorists are still targeting aviation and when you have equipment that is purchased and they let it sit there or they buy equipment that we don't need or they buy equipment that doesn't work and isn't vetted and then you have an agency with no one in charge. the president didn't choose to put any one in the position
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they left tsa administration vacant for a year. this is an agency that cries out for reform. >> well, this all this equipment is rotting in warehouses. and we are paying rent for these warehouses, right? >> not only rent for the warehouses but they he paid thy after we got a tip they were still sitting there for years and we are paying rent on them. >> greta: even the insanity of the fact that we are paying to store this equipment that we are not using that we are ultimately going to detroy that whatever just to rot in warehouses yet last week you a report with us on the gsa empty pace space. at least we could use some of our existing empty space and not rent more warehouses to put stuff in. the insanity seems to roll on and on and on. it doesn't stop.
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>> get it, what an incredible idea to store some of that in some of the vacant space we have seen. my goodness, this would never work in government obviously. it isn't working in government. >> greta: does the president the administration say anything about this? i realize it is is -- he has not a lot on his plate. there is so much waste and fraud and billions and millions of dollars and we have so much need for money in this country to solve real problems. what does the administration say about this? >> well, mr. pistol is in charge. we gave him awhile. there was no one in charge before he was finally selected and i think his time is about up because he is sitting on top of all of this and responsible for all of this. we have 14,000 administrative personnel at an agency that has grown to 65,000 people. there are 4,000 administrators just within a mile or so of the nation's capital for tsa making
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on average $104,000 apiece. this agency cries out for reform. it is spending $8 billion, nearly that amount this year and you see the waste in the texas warehouse. >> greta: might be cheaper just to buy every american a private yet so we don't have to have security. everyone have its own. >> we will get it straightened out. >> greta: you better move fast because it is pretty bleak. congressman, thank you, sir. >> good to be with you. thank you get coming up, senator john mccain rips into vice president joe biden. why does he say the vice president has been wrong on every major issue for the last 20 years? what got senator john mccain reconciled up? he he will tell you. if you saw saturday night live this week you did not see a kit mocking president obama. it was cut from the show. why? find out. that's just two minutes away. n] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life
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>> greta: did saturday night live just get caught picking favorite while showing political bias. they scratched an opening sketch taking aim at the president. instead they opened with a kit against fox and friends. they want to know why they canned one at president obama and at the last minute did one making fun of fox. the canned sketch mocked president obama for politicizing osama bin laden's murder on the one year anniversary. they said snl couldn't fit anything in and the president obama impersonation did not make the cut. we want to know what you think. go to greta wire .com where you can see the cut sketch and while there do me a favor answer the question could dog leashes you think the snl sketch wasn't funny or do you think this h they scratched itm a fox news program? back in a moment.
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>> greta: why is senator john mccain taking on vice president joe biden? steven hadley is here to talk about it in 60 seconds. first to the new york newsroom where ainsley earhardt is standing by with the other headlines. >> the double agent who helped foil an airline plot also helped teak out one of the terrorist's top leaders would be bomber met about the plot. o relay some information which led to last weekend's drone strike which killed the yemen terror leader. the mississippi man charged with kidnapping a tennessee mother and her three daughters now on the fbi's ten most wanted list. the announcement comes amid an intense man hunt for this guy. 35-year-old adam mays. he is accused of killing the mother and one of her daughters. the two other sisters remain missing and it is unclear if they are still with mayes. i'm ainsley earhardt. back to greta.
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>> greta: there this is a fox news alert. the wreckage of a missing russian jet has been fond. indonesian air force officials say they spotted the debris in indonesia. it was on a demonstration. there was 48 people onboard that included potential buyers, diplomats and journalists injuries are stay tuned to fox news channel for the latest on this breaking news. now, senator are john mccain blasting vice president joe biden. yesterday the vice president blamed the bush administration rockye united states rock can dealings with iran. >> when we took office let me remind you there was virtually no international pressure on iran. we were the problem. we were diplomatically isolated in the world, in the region. in europe. the international pressure on iran was stuck in neutral. >> greta: steven hadley is a former international security
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advisor for president george w. bush and joins me. >> the vice president said when they took office virtually no international pressure on iran. >> i have a lot of respect for the vice president. i like him. on this one he has just got it wrong. the united states was leading. the institutions that they are using now were actually forged and put together in the bush administration. we worked through the iea board of governors, this is the international atomic energy agency. we got the over 40 members of that group to routinely condemn iran, call for the suspension of its enrichment. we worked for the u.n. security council. we got three u.n. security council resolutions on iran sanction's. one after the difficult 2007 national intelligence estimate that said iran had stopped their weaponnization or suspended their weaponnization activities. we were able to put the consensus back together.
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this p 5 plus one, the permanent members of the security council plus germany that is going to be meeting with the iranians this was the creation of the bush administration. secretary paulson went around to the banks in europe and said you ought not to deal with the iranian banks because they are likely to be laundering money to terror and to proliferation. stewart levy the poster child for the sanctions effort was a bush administration appointee kept on by the obama administration. so look, the truth is we left them tools. i have been the first to say they have done a good job with those tools. they have gotten a ho lot of mileage out of the sanctions. they can take credit for that. they don't need to rewrite history and tell the world and tell the country they weren't left with anything. it is simply not true. >> greta: this was a meeting of
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1600 rabbis and i think this was a statement because the administration really wants to look like it is walking hand in hand with israel and i think it was trying to make itself, and trying to distinguish itself and falsely and vice president biden knows what the united states was doing for foreign policy. i think this was a political statement and i would think that he would regret saying that and blaming us as the problem. i bet tonight he regrets saying that. or at least i would hope he would. >> i would hope so. there are a lot of problems that we worked on that they have worked on as well, there is no doubt about that. we tried to leave them a lot tools to deal with those problem for criminal. i think they can be gracious and acknowledge it even though they can then say the good things they have done with the tools and how they have gone past what the bush administration did. there is a little best kept secret in washington is that
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every administration that comes in on foreign policy does not write on a blank sheet of paper. that there is actually a lot of continuity in policy in foreign policy between administrations. that is not a bad thing. that is a good thing. and i think the administration ought to be gracious about it, acknowledge it and stop bashing the former president. especially since the former president has made it very clear he is not criticized the obama administration. i think the obama administration should start giving him the same courtesy. >> greta: and especially something so serious as iran. iran shouldn't be part of the political -- >> should not. >> greta: should not. nice to see you. >> nice to be here. >> straight ahead, is congress woman michele bachmann going to run for office in switzerland. you will hear what she has to say. that is next. also remember this amazing video of massachusetts senator scott brown landing an amazing three-point shot. now, it is landing him in hot
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water. we will tell you why. plus, a prom that no one can forget. wait until you see what happened five seconds after this photo was shot. you don't want to miss this one. [ male announcer ] every day, thousands of peoe are choosing advil. i'm keith baraka and i'm a firefighter. and it's very physically demanding. if i'm sore i not at my best. advil is my go-to. it's my number one pain reliever. [ male announcer ] make the switch. take action. take advil. [ male announcer ] make the switch. (spoken in mandarin)
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>> greta: you have seen the top stories but here is the best of the rest. representative michele bachmann says she is proud to be an american. the congressman responding to reports that she also became a citizen of switzerland. tonight issuing this statement. i automatically became a dual citizen of the united states and jitte quit kiter land schu. as a family release independently updaded our documents. she never exercised any rights of her swiss sit denship and we could find no evidence on youtube of her yodeling. that video was posted on youtube by the republican senator's reelection campaign and now the massachusetts democratic party has a problem with that posting. they filed a complaint saying senator brown abused public resources by using video shot
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by a public be worker to promote his reelection campaign. the state democratic party says that official staff are not allowed to engage in campaign activity while on oooo-ooo on . the campaign says ethics rules allow the use of the video. what do you think? is this just being petty. >> video cameras capture a rare glimpse of endangered gor gorel las. the video gives aus look intoer that world. one of the highlights a male gorilla runs past the camera giving the classic chest beating display. and it is the scene that plays out across the country. high school kids particularring picture before the high school proms but in wisconsin it had a surprise ending. the students were posing on a pier in fancy dress clothes and the pier collapsed. most fell into the water, prom gowns and tuxedos. luckily no one was hurt. just soaking wet and with the
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help of several blow dryers they dried their clothes. everyone made it to the prom and there you have it, the best of the rest. and coming up, just in case you were ever tempted to lie on your resume. a brand new reason not to. you will find out why, next. does your phone give you all day battery life ? droid does. and does it launch apps by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork. does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america's largest 4glte network and motorola, whatever you want to do... droidoes. yeah, but the feeling wasn't always mutual i want you to grow big! if you grow for me, you'll get cookies for fre nothing worked. ♪ but we started using miracle-gro garden soil.
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>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, it's time for last call. if a coe of a major company gets caught. what did he do? >> the ceo of yahoo is apparently lied on his resume about having a degree in computer science, here is the sad part. do you know how yahoo found out about it? they googled it. yeah. that is the worst thing that can happen. >> greta: that is your last call. lights are blinking and we're closing down shop. make sure you go to greta and let us
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