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tv   Housecall  FOX News  May 13, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT

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fans. >> eric: let's begin with the study, hear about this -- one in six cancers, worldwide they say are caused by preventable or treatable infections. they say numbers show 2 million new cases of cancer every year are caused by that. and, it is surprising, because, dr. seekal, who knew cancer could owe paenpotentially be ca an infection. >> it is really important and we don't think about this. 23% is outside the u.s. in under developed countries and 7% in the u.s. and 2 million cases a year. here's how it happens, you have a virus or a bacteria and it interferes with the dna of the cell and you end up with a cancer cell. and, in the case of hpv, human papilloma virus, the virus prevents the body from suppressing the tumor as it comes out. in women, 50% of the infectious cancers are due to hpv, and men, 80% are due to hepatitis b an c,
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and, something we talked about on the show here before, h pie low -- h-pylori, and, women before they become sexually active should get the vaccine and i'm a fan of pap tests, and it finds the cervical cancer before it develops into cervical cancer and hepatitis-b, we're given the vacs to our infants in the u.s. and that will cut down on the problem, dramatically over the next decade and world wide we need more and more of that. h-pylori is rampant, and, if you are at risk with an ulcer you need to treated it with antibiotics and you get it... is your recollection mentioned cancers and brain, lung cancer, any evidence those are caused by
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infections? >> no, these are specific cancers but this is rampant and we have a half a million new cases of liver cancer in the year in the word, a huge, huge problem. >> eric: dr. samadi, liver cancer, how do you prevent that. >> before we get to that, there are four infections we are talking about, one is h-pylori and we have spoken in the past and it erodes the mucosa in the stomach and the acid cuts into it and it causes gastric cancer and you talk about hepatitis-b an c, and, from needles, transfusions, needle stick, in the operating room, and those cause liver cancer and hpv, there are 40 strains and, not all are dangerous and there are low-risk ones we don't need to worry about and the high risk ones, hpv 16 and 18, you need to talk to your doctor, that causes
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cervical cancer, if you have that and now, you ever vaccinations, gardasil and some of them are helpful and you want to talk to your doctor. and you can get them, as early as 11 or 12 years old and they help a lot. the truth is with h-pylori you have a great treatment if you find it. you have amoxicillin, protein pump inhibitors, and, other medications. and they need to take them and that takes care of it. help it patiti hepatitis, we don't have a good cure and a deadly disease and with liver cancer the prognosis is poor and surgical treatment is the only option, but only 20 to 30% survive it and with hpv, when caught early there's a lot you can do, freeze the leagues and do a cold biopsy and remove it but, getting tested, a pap smear, we had the discussion before, if you are 21 years old or had three years after sexual activity you need to have your pap smear, and follow it every year and these all can be
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prevented which is great we are talking about this. >> eric: talk to your doctor about any possible infections. >> jamie: mother's day, ask your mom to get a pap test. a new report on a frightening trend, the health of americans, i have a feeling it will not come as a surprise, according to the study by the cdc more than a third of adults in our country are obese. but, the number is going to grow, it is expected to go up to 42%, by 2030. dr. samadi, i cancelled my lunch. what do we do -- we talk about it again and again and people are not changing their eating habits. >> look, i think this is not even a health care problem, it is a real crisis and talk about the cost of this. on health care. $190 billion on health care, just as a result of obesity. >> jamie: diabetes and high blood pressure. >> absolutely. absolutely. look at, for example, the overweight costs every year, compared to someone who is healthy is $2,000 more, obese persons, costs $3,000 more and,
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morbid obesity is 5,000. compare that to smoking, how many times we have talked about smoking is not good for you. as you said, smoking causes cancer and that causes $1200 a year and obesity is surpassing smoking. your point is well taken because when you talk about obesity you are talking about spectrum of disease, talking about high blood pressure. diabetes. cardio vas, stroke, sleep apnea and on and on and on and so now one of the reasons we do this every sunday is bringing the latest news to you, the institute of minute came up with five great recommendations and i'm sure you are waiting for this. the first one is, include physical activity on your daily routines, this is going to be reinforced on and on and the next thing is to make sure that you stay away from all of these sugary diets. and drinks. and soft foods and the next one is really to market this and they are putting a lot of investment to really get this message out, and, finally, get the health care workers,
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doctors, nurses, now as a oorl s urologist i talk to my patients about obesity and finally, go to school, it is a nightmare, and we are making progress with the guidelines. >> 42%, now we're at lest than there'd, and it will cost $555$ billion for health care costs, over 20 years, from obesity alone because of the diseases i treat every day, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke... >> jamie: back pain, everything. >> actually... if your back is bothering you, and you are heavier you will have more problem with that. >> jamie: it's too hard to lose weight, doctor. >> the deal, the institute of medicine is right to put it first, physical exercise, it is addictive in the same way bad things are addictive and changes the hormones in your brain and if you exercise 20, 30 minutes a day and it could be walking, it has to be something and has to be every day.
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that becomes addictive and decreases hunger hormones, and that reinforces you, and that is number one and, number 2, it actually getting the message out, as the institute of medicine says, everyone has to know about this more and more, believe it or not. people aren't aware of it and need to be aware of it all the time. doctors, insurance companies, schools, schools are a huge place. >> jamie: what about medical schools? did you guys take a class in nutrition or helping people... >> we didn't have diet courses, in medical school, the way we should have. and, actually, doctors are not experts at this. and my joke is, what is preventive medicine, an obese doctor sitting across from an obese patient, saying both should lose weight but doctors have to be first, we have to exercise and eat right and we have to be role models. >> now you have done all the biking in texas, and comes back and says we have to lose weight. >> since biking in texas, i'm out there exercising every day. >> this is a lifestyle issue. this is becoming a cultural issue and unless you break that,
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and, it comes from the parents, teaching our children, it has to change your whole lifestyle. you can't just say, go lose weight you have to change your diet and you have to do all the things dr. seekal talked about, and then you can break the cycle. >> jamie: growing up we did the family dinner folks and that is a -- you are a big believer in that, sit down with a healthy meal. >> eric: yes. >> cuts down on diabetes. >> and, it is mother's day and we'll have more important news for moms, coming up the doctors tell us which medical tests are critical when it comes to protecting mom's health. >> jamie: and have you ever considered acupuncture? you hear about it for back pain and we promised you we'll break the pain cycle for you, this week, the doctors will break it down, pros and cons of acupuncture, next. pull on those gardening gloves.
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>> eric: a new report revealing critical tests every woman needs to know, no matter what the age, dr. siegel has a great gift, on mother's day and that is to protect your health. >> jamie: can we take ours back? >> you can, we'll break it into two parts, the first test women have to look after, one every woman should, men and will, hearing. 28 million americans have a problem with hearing and don't always realize it. they are asking, huh? can you repeat what you said and don't hear the sounds right and ringing in their ears and women have it more than men, they get more bone overgrowth, a particular kind of medical problem and since we're focusing on women, get your hearing checked. it is easy to do. don't be vain about it. it is very, very important, if you need a hearing at a, thid, e
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unobtrusive and people don't even know they are there. and, the recommendations are you don't start until the age of 65:the latest for a hearing test but i like a baseline and when a woman is post-menopausal, as soon as she turns menopausal, early 50s i'll do a bone density study, and it is the developmscf it is normal i'll wait a while and i don't need to do it right away, it doesn't have to be every year or every two years or three years. but, if there is an abnormality, something, osteopenia i can't the patient to take calcium and -- i want the patient to take calcium and vitamin d and if they develop osteoporosis, there is an increased risk of fracture and, i want to follow it and follow it much more closely, if there is an abnormality. >> well, let me say, happy mother's day to everyone watching and the first time it
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was celebrated was 1907, did you know that and also, 7 years after, in 1914, the congress actually passed legislation, the second sunday in may is going to be recognized as mother's day. so, to all the 85.4 million moms in america, happy mother's day. now, when it comes to the cancer, i pick breast cancer and colon cancer, cancer is what i deal with, fortunately, women don't have prostate, and we talk about breast cancer, mammograms is essential. u.s. task force recommended getting mammograms at the age of 50. but for the ones that have family history, you want to get the mammograms starting the age of 40 and, there are genetic tests, brca tests, you want to get early on and make sure if there are issues, talk to your doctor. colon cancer is the thirds common cause of death in america, and, colonoscopy is life-saving and you have to make sure you get a baseline at the
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age of 50, unless there is a family history and you start at 40, if the colonoscopy is normal, you go ten years after, and you may find certain cancers, that may or may not need treatment and those are the ones you have to talk to your doctors, if you have a lot of polyps, talk to your gastro en -- gastroenterologist and talk to him and get recommendations. >> and have you been to the dentist lately? the dentist should see you for cleanings every six months. and you have to -- they have to look for gum disease and looking for cavities and we have talked previously on the show about dental x-rays. ask, do i really need an x-ray? go to the dentist and get the cleanings and get looked at and look after your gums on mother's day. >> jamie: you taught us last week gum disease can have a connection to heart disease. thanks, guys. much more ahead including, there's a major uptick now in the case of measles, probably
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haven't heard about it for a while. but, health officials are really worried in the u.s., what you fled to know to protect yourself and your loved one from measles, straight ahead. >> eric: and do you ever wonder when you take a ice cream it suddenly leads to brain freeze? we'll have new clues, coming up, what brain freeze is, and what is it? they'll tell us, coming up. whoa! nobody insures more bikes than progressive. do you guys ride? well... no. sometimes, yeah. yes. well, if you know anybody else who also rides, send them here -- we got great coverage. it's not like bikers love their bikes more than life itself. i doubt anyone will even notice. leading the pack in motorcycle insurance. now, that's progressive. call or click today. aarrggh!
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♪ >> eric: man oh, man was back pain a big topic last week and we got a lot of feedback from viewers and when the docs talk about back pain and potential treatments, an option is acupuncture and reports show over 14 million americans, have used it or tried it and, dr. samadi, acupuncture, does it work? >> it is interesting. if you would have asked me this question, years ago, i would give you a different answer but, today, there's a study that came out, and, evidence-based complementary and alternative medicine, looking at 75,000 people and now they are seeing effective results as a result of acupuncture. the history of this is actually more interesting. 16th century chinese medicine, used it to really bring good,
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positive energy flow and for a lot of things, such as low back pain, for elbow, tennis elbow, certain headaches, this may actually work. you have to take it for what it is worth and it will not replace modern medicine but there are a lot of uses for this and in the hands of experienced doctors, it is beneficial. >> i actually agree with david and i think it is safe and that is another safe and if nothing else works, why wouldn't you try it? it uses needles, i think what it actually does, it is called meridias and takes an imbalance of the body, according to the 16th century chinese doctors and we think that putting those needles in causes the brain to release endorphins which decrease pain. so, there is a feedback and you put the needles in your nerves and there is scientific basis to this and it can work for back pain and work for allergies and can work for addictions and works for obesity. >> migraines. >> migraine headaches and there are so many uses and relatively
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safe. i say why not try it. >> eric: all right. a vote for acupuncture. >> jamie: the thermometer is rising and you know the hear the bells of the ice cream truck you'll be tempted. do you ever get the headache, though when you take the first bite and get what we call "brain freeze"? we wanted to ask the doctors, what is it? why does it happen? should we avoid it? [ male announcer ] this is coach parker... whose non-stop day starts with back pain... and a choice. take advil no and maybe up to four in a day. or choose aleve and two pills for a day free of pain. way to go, coach. ♪ trouble with a car insurance claim. [ dennis ] switch to allstate. their claim service is so good, noit's guaranteed. [ foreman ] so i can trust 'em. unlike rdy. dolr for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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back now on sunday house call. it's really important for the supper. you've had it. you get that cold drink or big scoop of ice cream and suddenly you feel the pain up here. it's called brain freeze. what is it, and how do we stop it. you get the ice cream and it's great, and suddenly ouch. >> it comes ten seconds after you have it and it lasts about 20 seconds. there are some theories about this. some people think on the upper part of mouth, the palate, it becomes frozen and it shoots through certain nerves to the sinuses. that's what you're feeling. there's some theories about the arteries that go to the brain. they increase and constrict. i think the concept is not such a big one, but i think what we're learning from this is that we can use some of this information and some of the
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dopplers in the brain to treat the migraine headaches, and the scientists are using to find that what happens in migraine. are the changes in the blood flow to the brain going to really cause that kind of headache? that's what we're learning from this. the easy way to take care of this is to really put your tongue on the upper part of the palate and warm it up or take a warm drink and it takes the pain away. >> when you get that, you know, marshmallow chocolate ice cream, you want to gobble it down. >> we're getting to that season. the new study shows the body will try to trick you. you get the coldness on the top of the palate. the blood flow in the front part of the brain dilates because the body is saying hey, it's cold there. i want to warm the area. when those blood vessels open up and dilate, the theory says that causes pain. the pain is from the try ge tril
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nerve, the face nerve. what do you do? you eat your ice cream more slowly. it's actually genetic. more people are inclined to get this than others. know who you are. know if you're in the group. warm thetop o the top of your m. i'm not one that believes using medication is the way to go here. this is only a 30-second experience. not pleasant, but it can be avoided. >> worth it. >> for rocky road. >> thanks, guys. >> thank you. >> nice to see you. have a great week. >> happy mother's day. >> thank you very much. all right. if you have questions for the doctors, they love to get your e-mails. in fact, that brain freeze one i think came from one of our viewers. just send them an e-mail to for more information about today's house call or any of our previous shows with the doctors, log onto fox call to check out all their


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