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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  May 13, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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>> tonight on huckabee. the president has a new campaign slogan . the government is encouraging the food stamp. >> she would stay active. are obama's initiatives take us forward or back ward. and democrats are accusing republicans was waging a war on women. we don't need a political fight. president of the united states the enemy . ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee.
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thank you, thank you very much. great enthusiastic audience . welcome to huckabee. coming to you from the fox studio in new york city on mother's day weekend and happy mother's day to all of the moms with us. i am proud to announce there is one more mother joining the ranks of the family. my daughter sarah has begin me and my wife our first grand daughter. they left the hospital this morn that is little scarlet making her live tv debow right here and now. and being held by her mom, my daughter sarah and my baby daughter had a baby daughter 40 hours ago after hours of labor and there on the right of is my wife janet and janet's mom pat stevens and
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you met chandler. i have join a thousand picture,. you will sigh chantedler and scarlet and you are wondering why, because i can. that's why. and so sarah, you just literally got out of the high school a few minutes ago. >> we came straight here. about 10 minutes ago. >> i would say that is fresh out of the oven. and all right . so janet, your first mother's day as a grandmother how is that feeling for you so far. >> it feels great. how do i look is more important. do i look like i am the grandmother. >> you look great. >> nice job, mike, good call. >> and by the way, little charlet weighed in sevenpound and 14 ounces and i told sarah you don't have to bring them in the world half grown.
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it is okay to let them grow. and lauren happy mother's day to you. chandler is 10 months old and he's doing well, too . he's beginning to wave and talk and make the girl's cry. >> yes, he likes to flirt with the girls and i am concerned but we'll be okay. >> happy mother's day to all of you and thanks to fox for giving me the opportunity to exploit my family. that is basically what this is all about. happy mother's day and god bless you, i wish i could be there with you. >> thank you. and for a president who said he was going to focus on yobs in the economy . he decided that his policies were nothing to brag about. he gave a expression to an issue that is far less controversial. same-sex marriage. after joe biden outed him on meet the press and feeling
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comfortable with people of the same gender to get married . president obama hurried had a interview in the white house and publicly claims what he no longer believes when he said he believes in the traal view of marriage . when an republican changes his mind he is a flip flopping and a democrat is evolve showing courage and obama envoked jesus to break with 5,0004 history is not the first time obama channeled jesus to make a policy ponent. when he spoke in the national prayer breakfast. he said jesus wanted us to pay more taxes and now jesus abandon a belief of marriage because his daughters think they are in a good idea. my kids in junior high wanted
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to skip school and have pie for breakfast. why is it okay for barack obama to publicly envoke the name of jesus to justify high taxes or same-sex marriage. but when mention that my faith leads me to accept what jesus said about marriage a man shall leave his father and mother and woman leave her home they become one flesh. i am called a narrow minded bigot and hate monger and right wing religious cook and other thing that is i can't mention on family television. so if the press is not going to jump on president obama for bringing up jesus, then i want there to be a long line from the new york times and washington post and huffington post and salon and numerous and come and kiss my ring and publicly apologize to me for being the religious bigots who
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love religious talk only when it agrees with their own vuse and hate it when it cons with the faith itself. 85 percent of the americans believe in god and accept the teaching of the bible is true . 31itates where people vote to affirm tradessional marriage. marriage is two people of opposite genders even in liberalitates like california and maine. now, i don't think that puts my view in the extra but the main stream. i appreciate that the president can talk about moralit yefreedom and marriage. now the rest of us discuss it as well. but don't forget americans have lost yobs and lost value in their homes and can't retire duce buse of his understanding of economics and i hope he won't blame that on jesus.
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recently the obama presidential campaign unveil would a new slogan, forward. >> instead of lodesing jobs we - losing jobs we are creating them it is too hard for too many. but we e coming back because american's greatness comes from a strong class and you don't quit and neither does he. >> i am president obama and i approved this message. >> many of the policies have us take two steps back. >> we are brucing a segment called forward and back ward. and joining me is johnnie grasso and sally cone . jump right into it and welcome both of and you great to have you. obama has been called by some including newt gingrich as the food stamp president because more people are on food stamps
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than ever have been. i am glad we have a food stamp program for people who truly need the assistance and many people in this country who do and thank god we have it for them. the government is making a promotion to this . you are not in on the deal get some. >> when you look at margey she looks amazing. >> how does she stay feet. >> food stamps help her eat right and she stays active too. >> is the president the food stamp president? >> chutely not. i think president obama has been committed to creating jobs. we all agree. he inherited the recession and in the past five months he created millions of jobs . republicans have put party before country and they failed to pass the jobs bill and support the infrastructure.
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i mean airports are more efficient in china than here. that is wrong. >> you don't think that is the way the government operates with antiquated system in the faa and tsa. >> it is that we are not investing in your infrastructure. >> if we spent more money we would be. we spent 862 billion. >> it is tax breaks . look forward or backiard-- back ward. there is job growth. >> that is true. >> more young people are unemployed than ever employed. >> let's try something true. i will be 100 percent hon oast as you are. >> i always am. >> the economy is sucks and unemployment numbers are awful . the republicans will do worse
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to hurt the president. >> i don't think the republicans like a bad economy. the senate will not bring it up for a vote. hare reid hasn't allowed the senate to vote since 2009 and that is over three years and the senate has a few constitutional people. >> young people. you bring up a important point. 25 percent of those graduating and 25 years old cannot find jobs and moving back in the parent's home. that is wrong. democrats have stood up and said we need to do something on student loans. republicans prevented progress. >> they tried to get the student loan thing that was overblown. i supported it and said the republicans ought to embrace it. but it an issue of how it is fund the democrats. >> we have to move on let's talk about the president and his ever evolving position on
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same-sex marriage . listen to what he said this week. >> at a certain point i just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to affirm that i think same-sex couples should be able to get married. >> too little or too late or just for the political opportunity? >> the first president of the united states who came out firmly in support of marriage on the right side of history. >> how is he on the right side. adam and eve and sodom and gamora. >> just like with interracial marriage and women voting we'll look back and said those who stood in the way are on the wrong side of history. i would like to see more republicans come out in support of marriage equality. >> i agree with everything that sally just head. >> then we don't have to repeat it
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in all fairness when you say right side of history and use terms hike that. history is clear. in all of western civilization marriage meant one thing and not people of the same gender. >> but we are not a nation that treats americans as second class citizen. >> this is a redefinition of the institution of marriage. if people wish to have relationships. >> governor with all respect. >> it is very little respect. >> i have most respect for religious beliefs and never call you what you have been called. people not equalitying interracial with same-sex. but they used religion and morality to stand in the way of that as well we have two kinds of marriage. we have church marriage . do what you want. we also have government marriage and conferred benefitos certain kinds of family. i can't visit my partner if she gets sick in the hospital
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or my child gets social security we are better than that. >> and the only point is, there are other ways to manage that without redefining marriage and you say right side of history. 31 states had this put before them. only place it is changed is judges or highly pressured legislators. we'll not resolve that. but there is a different standard applied. barack envokes jesus to justify it and doesn't get feed back f. i use jesus, i get the daylights whacked out of me and i don't feel is right. we'll do this again. forward or ward or lateral move. we don't know. >> thanks, sally. >> what is it like to represent the constitient in congress. michele bachmann will be joining next. as we celebrate here on the huckabee show.
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nix >> she credits foster children for the reason to getting in politicings. joining me from still water, minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann. great to have you back. >> thank you. >> happy mother's day weekend to you. and a big one in your family. >> it is. >> a nonmother's day question. little controversy around sciss citizenship and you finally decided that that is not going to work out well. what were you thinking? >> i am glad that you brought this up governor. a silly distraction that the media brought up.
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when i married my husband 34 years ago he has dual citizenship and the siss government gave thee swiss citizenship because i married. i have always been an american citizen but because of marrying someone with dual citizenship i receive today by marriage it came out this week that i had also swiss citizenship and all of the sudden, there are questions and the media made it sound like i was not a american or swiss citizen. i am proud to be my husband's wife and proud of his heritage . i asked the swiss government to with draw it so everyone knew i am an american and first today and always. that is my heritage and future. >> [applause] >> the other thing i was confused about. we know that the swiss are neutral. anyone who watched you that
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you are too much of a fighter to be a swiss. you never have been neutral in your life congresswoman, that is for sure. >> i can trust you to find the silver lining. you understand. >> i want to talk about how you got started in politics. it relates a great deal to being a mother. a lot of your political life early was standing nup the church base taking on the education system that was affecting your own children. >> you are right. it is because i was a mother and we have five wonderful biological children that we home school also had in christ cran school. but our foster children were prohibited to go to a christian school and being home school. i got involved in their edin the public schools and i was concerned about what i saw. and i alerted parents to what i was seeing . i went to the state government
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to try to help them as well christian schools and home schoolers had more control over their children's education, we have to care about the kids in public school. that is what led me in politics. just my love for our foster children and biological children. >> this week, the president came out with a defense now and advocacy for same-sex marriage and he envoked jesus and i poke about that. i find it interesting. when you talk about your faith, the press beat you up for it . rick santorum talked about his faith he got beat up. i haven't seen one person from the press challenge president obama. not for his position, i know they embrace him. but the duplicity of bringing jesus and faith into it. it is okay if he does it but not if you do it. tell me how frustrate thag
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must be to you. >> it is frustrating on a few levelings. i am a born-believer of jesus christ and unashamed of my faith and this is life giving power that god gave to us through his son's death on the cross and i am grateful and happy to stand on marriage being between one man and one woman. there is great duplicitet with the main stream media and right now president obama is trying to have it both ways. both put his position for same-sex marriage. we don't hate anybody. this is not hating anybody. but we believe that what the bible said is true. that is that the marriage should be between one man and woman . the president came out for the first time in the history of the country. first president to say he is for marriage of people of the same-sex. it is wrong to claim that the
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bible says something when it clearly doesn't. the binal is clear when you look at the book of genesis. god created marriage and it is between one man and one woman. >> congresswoman, thank you for being here and on behalf of all of us for you giving up part of your mother's day for being with us. i am in new york and you are minnesota. see if i can present you with something special and a little boqet. this will work. >> oh, my goodness. you are so sweet. thank you. and one rose turned in a boqet all the way to minnesota. thank you so much. >> god bless you. and thank you to and your wonderful family. >> you are so sweet. god bless you and yourr viewers >> president obama has no shortage of critics but most of them not from the
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>> one of the great freedoms in the united states is the right to critize our leaders. do those liberties extend to the armed forces that protect our country. gary stein was discharged for criticizing president obama. gary stein. you got in trouble for speaking your mind. >> i would say so. >> nine years in the marines and you posted things, i guess not only on facebook but in a private chat room. >> yes, in a private group.
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you thought it was just a screen shot and kind of got you in trouble. but as an active marine you say screw obama and will not take my orders . will do my job better than the next guy. but for saluting i will not. >> the words are tasteless and i think they are articulate . i thought it was a some what private group and nothing is private on facebook now. >> and people find out from employers and college entrance things it was a career ender. the marine corp gave you other than than honorable discharge. what does that mean when they say you are dismissed. >> i had 60 days on the contract and i went from being
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a sergeant doing an important job and having full benits to 60 days discharged out of the marine with no ben tis so to speak. depends on. >> did you say these things because you meant them or were they said heatedly. would you not salute. >> that was heated. if he walk in the room i would show the respect. but as far as the policy. from the american citizen i do not agree with the policies and i have to live with the policiless he sets forth in the administration. >> one of the questions that come forth when you join the military you give up rights of what you wear and wake up and go to bed and eat and live. all of those things somebody else decides for you x. if the military was a democracy where people voted on the orders it would be chaos and disaster. do you understand where the
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marine corp comes from in saying it is one thing to have an opinion but you don't get to express it. >> i disagree with that. that's not what the constitution said and that's not the contract we signed. >> there are a couple of areas that you don't. violence or muttiny or treason. but me talking about policy set forth by our government is not hindering how we are defending our nation. >> they say it was a violation of marine code. >> we do argue that point and the comment was the basis. what it came back to armed fores and tea party . the marine knew about me. as long as you put the disclaimer up you are covered. me running the page and being one of the administrators on it and that's what they hammered on. >> that was a facebook that was public. >> yes. >> and one you helped to
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co-found. if it was not the one that you had the -- it was more about fiscal policy. free market and fiscal responsibility. >> and i know one of the champions on yourr cause is the aclu. that is an unlikely ally for a tea party card carrying. >> this is how it is crossing party lines. aclu. and the united states justice council who are doing you know, all of the leg work so to speak . see them come together and fight for one cause in free speech is amazing especially for a tea party member. >> i appreciate your service to the country in as in the marine corp . maybe you will get back. i appreciate you from being here. obviously. it is one of those things when you sign up to the military you yield over a lot of
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things. this is going to be a case worthy on watching. and do you have a right in carrying out the duty. and that is part of the diveel. he raises more questions than we can raise. >> and 91 year old mom. will they share some of the story was chuck and their families when we come back. emily's just starting out... and on a budget. like a ramen noodle- every-night budget. she thought allstate car insurance was out of her reach. until she heard about the value plan. dollar for dollar, nobody protects you like allstate.
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thompson with ross levinson as interim chief executive officer. thompson came under fire for admitting he lied on his resume. thompson had only been with the company for four months. fred amaroso who led the investigation of thompson allegations is now taking over as chairman. fbi agents searching for another day for one of their own. 100 fbi agents combing the california mountains for special agent steven ivans. he said he left home on foot friday morning. authorities believe he was distraught and fear he may have harmed himself. he had been with the fbi for three years. for your headlines log on to [applause] >> there are thousands to chose from and i think most of us have our favorite chuck
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noris facs. here is one i like. when the boogie man goes to sleep at night. he checks his closest for chuck noris. chuck has been to mars and that's why there is no life on mars and chuck noris doesn't get sunburned because the sun wouldn't dare. here is another fact. when chuck noris cries, it is because his momma made him. she has three sons and chuck as the defender aaron as sunshine and weland whom she lost in vietnam her hero. it is acts of kindness my story. welcome wilma noris knight. >> happy mother's day wilma. >> when we talk about chuck noris, he's karlos to you .
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that's how you know him. >> i will have to call him karlos. >> if you call him knuck i won't. >> at 91 you have a lot of memories going on here. i want to focus on the three sons, because each of them brought something special to you. the one that we know. best and that is as we say chuck and karlos to you. he is your defender why? >> when we were hitting it so hard and having a hard time and we were very poor . he always was like the man in the house because his father was not there. and so he would, when i worked nights. he baby sat the kids. and so when we would figure out our bills and things to be paid. he would sit down together and see what we could pay. >> how old was he? 14. >> it was a lot of responsibility. >> uh-huh. >> and you call aaron your
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sunshine. >> well, i tell you, aaron, he came along later in life and i was poor. and i really didn't know how i was going to feed him, but when he was born, my whole family, they all were so excited we had a new baby in our lives and thos what he brought if our lives, the sunshine. >> and leland who was kill in viet nampt >> he was a happy go lucky boy. he never met a trange yer loved everyone . they called him momma's boy. >> you had a tough life. >> yes, di. >> it was not easy both terms of struggling and financial poverty. your first husband, not the man of the year? >> no, no, he wasn't. i really think though that when he was in world war ii, that did a lot of thing to him
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which he never got over . so when chuck and weland was 12, and they aid if you are living with dad for us don't do it >> he was an alcoholic and very abusive . that does one of two things for children. tough and responsible or bitter and angry. and i happening it usually, if the mother is able to channel that, that emotion, it makes them just able to be tough and resourceful. something special must have been going on in wilma, raising the boys to make them the men they turned out to be. what was the secrets? >> i kept them in church and sunday school and taught sunday school and we had prayers. >> spiritual life is important. and still is.
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>> after 91 years it is not what you outgrow. >> i don't think so. i don't want to. >> and a lot of people are struggling to hold their families together and raise your kids the right way. you mentioned taking them to church and praying with them. what is the other things that are important if you could say don't forget this, what would it be? >> give them lots of love. and you know, take them to church and sunday school, god didn't give us our children. he only loaned them to us for a while. >> what a wonderful perspective. >> and i will see my know soon and i don't know how soon. >> at the rate you are going, it is going to be a while. you are 91 and look stronger than most of us here and lot stronger than the audience. [applause]
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and being mother's day weekend and you are in new york with me for your 91st birthday. they didn't want to leave you unattended. they have a special gift that they want to make sure you receive . i will not mess with chuck. this is from chuck and aaron. >> oh, thank you. [applause] god bless you. and i love your family and i love you. and thank you so much for being here. >> thank you. and the book is wonderful and i hope you get a copy. >> they have had twen number one hits and they had 13 dove award and brand new song and i get to playy with them. next . if you are one of the millions of men who have used androgel 1%, there's big news. presenting androgel 1.62%. both are used to treat men with low testosterone.
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are from baptist church in arkansas. >> go, tigers. >> and that's where point of grace launched. >> we started to sing 3 there 23 years ago. >> yeah, we don't like -- >> i know washitaw is proud of you x. love the harm nos and bancing that is familis and mothers. tell us about your family. >> my husband and i have been married 20 years in september and have a 14 year old and len year old. >> what is your favorite mother's day memory. >> my first mother's day our base am flooded and i remember that well but i have the boys of the group and they don't do extra creativity things but they let mow not have to cook for a day. >> that is good.
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>> lee we have a shot of your family. >> today is my mother's birthday and mother's day weekend and happy birthday to my mom celebrating 65 years, thank you. and i have my wonderful husband dan who plays guitar and my sweet daughter is 9 and november someone else. >> and shell tell me about your family. >> one little girl. i thought we were going to grow old one child apiece. my husband david and i are married on 16 years and have one girl carolyn in the third grade. >> and congratulations to all of you moms and i love the new cd call would a thousand little things. good news. everybody in our studio will get them. and download them on itunes
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and where music is sold . they will want all of the songs from it. >> let's do a little little things. ♪ ♪ it is a thousand little things. ♪ a thousand little things i am feeling i love you in a thousand little things. ♪ and get up every morning and see the sight of leaves falling. ♪ say a prayer for all of the lives. and our life is over flowing. ♪ i am thankful forever a thousand little things. ♪ a thousand little things.
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♪ it is new day brings . ♪ got to go back. ♪ and i am satisfied i am are handwriting i love you in a little things. ♪ [ singing ] ♪ a dozen purple flowers, i brought home yesterday. ♪ the music in and the laughter of children as they play. note friends who really love me and walk quickly through this life. ♪ the one i love said i choose you again to be my wife. ♪ ♪ a thousand little things. ♪ a thousand little things. and moments of your mercy.
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♪ every new day brings. ♪ oh, the it is in the afternoon. ♪ a day with nothing much to do with filled with gratitude . ♪ a thousand little things. ♪ a thousand little things. and i am hearing i love you. ♪ and a thousand little things . ♪ >> ♪ there is a thousand little things. ♪ a little thousand little things. ♪ saying we love you. [applause] >> thank you point of grace. a thousand little things. hope you will get the cd, you are going to love it. >> error personal and special
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mother's day salute. wee be right back. ♪ on my journey across america, i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving.
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holly is joined by her mom judy . here is a picture when holly was just two years old. everybody is oohing and awing . the producer is up in the control room and you can see his mother anna couldn't join us today but wife michele is here and mother of two
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children ryan and karina. and we have a picture of john and his mom anna and his sister when they were little kids. our director peter snyder is in the control room and his wife debby cont believe here . here is a picture of debby and peter and james and ashley and steven. they are having more fun than the rest of us. dressed casually . here with lean andnana, linda . here's little kaylee with her mom and brother and sister all looking nice . megan lawson celebrated her 26th birthday and mom flew from new york to arkansas to celebrate and we welcome them . here is a picture when meg an was three years old. and jennifer ruth's job is to
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book the audience. we have a good audience she's responsible and we have a great one today. we made sure her mom april got a front row seat because her daughter assigns the seats. >> and here is baby jennifer ruth with her mom from a year or two ago. sometime like that. unfortunately talent booker's mom couldn't join us. here is's picture of john and her mom and laur yen her mom june. happy mother's day. and all of the staff moms and mothers watching. i want to say. thank you for being here on this mother's day weekend. i hope for you, you had a great time celebrating what ought to be a very special time to give thanks to the ladies in our who are not only our mothers but wifes and make
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wonderful mothers for our children. we couldn't do it without them. and from new york. good night, and god bless. [applause] careful, pringles are bursting with more flavor. [ crunches ] mmm. ♪ [ male announcer ] pringles... bursting with more flavor. [ crunch! ] now? not so much. i got lotrimin ultra. it penetrates to soothe symptoms while it cures athlete's foot at its core. prescription strength lotrimin ultra. put your best foot forward. born to leap, born to stalk, and born to pounce. to understand why, we journeyed to africa, where their wild ancestor was born. there we discovered that cats,
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