tv Greta Van Susteren FOX News May 14, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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>> messenger is a relationship between a man and a woman. you can be the deny the obvious. >> that was obama's position. >> but he was for gay marriage. >> political expedeience. >> that's all the time we have left. greta's next. >> governor chris christie is on very thin ice tonight. see why he is about to make a whole lot of people, a whole lot of mad. meet a man who says american airlines took away his life. what does he mean by that? you have to hear his story. but first, here's donald trump. donald, nice to talk to you. >> hello, greta. >> i think the campaign is starting in ernests. there are dueling ads out today.
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i wonder what you thought about the obama campaign ad, zeroing in on governor romny and when he was handling the gs stine steel mill. >> it's getting particularly nasty. when they make an ad like that, which is so unfair. they want to save companies, whether it's bane or somebody else, in most cases, they want to save companies. governor romney did a fantastic job at bane, not only in terms of the jobs he bruce produced, but creating and saving companies. he did a great job. it's very, very unfair to pick a company and say, gee, let's do an ad. very unfair. >> the thing i was curious about -- you are a business guy. there are two things. one is that gst went under 2001. he left bane capital in 1999. nonetheless, some of the things that bane capital put in place had an effect on 2001. but dia little research. i found out that in 2001, about
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17 steel mills went under, including bethlehem steel, the second largest at the time because there was dumping by foreign countries of cheaper steel here in the united states, so nobody wanted to buy domestic steel. >> that's true. >> does that make it unfair? >> it certainly make its unfair. what else is new? if you look at foreign countries and foreign companies right now, how they are subsidized over our companies, so it is unfair. and frankly, if you look at that ad, i think that ad was extremely unfair and it's the topic of a lot of conversation right now. it was a very, very unfair ad. but that was a time when steel was doing extremely poorly because of the dumping. dumping all over the place. and steel was being hurt. many, many steel companies at that time were going out of business. >> all right. so a very significant omission in the ad. i will get to a romney campaign ad in just a second, which i think there is an omission. i will play a sound bite from
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part of it, 23 seconds out of the ad and tell me how potent you think this is politically in the five battleground states hearing this part of this ad against romney. >> i was devastated... makes me angry. those guys were all rich. they all have more money than they will ever spend, but they didn't have the money to take care of the people who made the money for them. >> bane capital walked away with a lot of money that they made off of this plant. >> there was one point in the ad, donald, in which the term vampire was used. how do you tell the american people who are suffering so incredibly when a company fail, even if there are legitimate business reasons for failure, in this case, dumping of cheaper steel. but nonetheless, bane capital, very rich people. it doesn't look good to people who don't have that kind of success or that kind of money? >> i agree with that. it doesn't look good. it's not fair. it's a misrepresentation. but it doesn't look great if
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people don't know the situation. i think a lot of people do know the situation. also, in business, you have hits and you have misses. now, in the end, you have to have a lot more hits than misses. but that was a case where steel was doing terribly. i saw the ad and i thought it was very compelling from one standpoint and from a class warfare -- that's what it's all about. let's take a couple of people who really did a good job -- honestly, that looked very sympathetic and certainly the gentleman and a couple of other people did look sympathetic. but if they knew the facts, i think they would feel a lot differently. >> today, president obama is in new york in a private equity fund-raiser and a commencement speech at barnard college. one of the things said by one of his representatives is that that particular roumingny ad was not a slight on private equity, but was to show governor romney's values. you want to take a stab on why that would show governor
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romney's values? >> i think no matter what you say he is in a private equity fund-raiser. you could give me every one of those firms and i could make an ad much better than that ad and i can show you things that wouldn't look so nice for people giving mr. obama money. so i just feel that it's -- you know, you can always pick a person, a couple of people or a company out of many. he wasn't overly involved in that company, it wasn't his start. there are a lot of things wropg with that ad, a lot of things were unfair with it. i think when people see that, it will not go down as being effective. >> the governor romney campaign, in response, put out an ad, in touting steel dynamics as a raised success. you have your hits and misses. but in the steel dynamics ad was not noted that steel dynamics got a number of tax breaks and government subsidies in the millions of dollars category.
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so there is an admission in the governor romney ad. is that fair? >> everybody in that case was trying to get tax abatements and incentives because as you said it, steel was being dumped by other nations and particular of our favorite nations, they were dumping steel on us like never before and it was very, very hard to compete. so the government was trying to help out. sometimes, that's not the worst thing in the world. that was omitted. but the government was trying to help out in order to compete. now, frankly, i would have done it differently. i would have come down on the nations doing the dumping. believe me, they should still come down because that's still happening in this country. >> are both of those ads -- both fair? both dirty? one dirty? one fair? what's your thought? >> i thought that the obama ad was more unfair. i think that they picked a very, very small segment of something that took place with a company. they picked somebody who was very sympathetic and they put him on.
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a lot of people would have said it was a good thing and i moved on to another company and another job or whatever they might have said. but i thought that the obama arksd was more unfair, if you can use that term. >> is it not -- looking at the ads. as of -- as a votedder, i would have liked to have had the information in the obama ad against governor romney that governor romney was out of bane two years before that happened, doing the olympics. >> by the way, that's a very big statement. >> no, no. i think it's a reflection on the candidates -- >> how can you do that when he's gone from the company -- he's not even there, when the big act took place and he's not there. and all of a sudden, they are knocking the hell out of governor romney. i think it's very unfair. >> we would argue in the jury would say that that is intended to deceive the fact finder. but the other is, what was omitted from the ad was the
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dumping of the cheaper steel and the fact that 17 other steel mills including bethlehem steel went under, which shows the political pressure, in terms of the trade between the nations that was putting economic pressure on the companies. >> it's not the kind of thing that obama would be saying. but maybe you don't do the ad. when you know it's that egregeious and unfair, maybe you just don't do the ad. you are not going to say those two things because that destroys the ad. but i think people are getting wise to it. i think that's why governor rom no's up in the polls. if you look at the polls, i am seeing every poll has him up. i think people are tired of it. they want jobs. they want real thinking. and they are not getting that from this administration. >> i mean, we hear this jobs, jobs, jobs. but i am want so sure we are seeing jobs, jobs, jobs in this country -- >> you are not seeing real numbers. certainly, every time somebody gives up rooking for a job
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ttakes them off the list t. looks like we are doing better than we are doing. the real number -- i have heard numbers from 19 to 21%. i heard 11% the other day. but certainly, it is not 8.2%. >> to be fair to president obama, i am curious, should governor romney in his ad, to be complete, should he have included the fact that there are the subsidies and the tax breaks to the successful company he's putting in to counteract the obama ad? >> i don't think so. that's a much lighter offense. i don't think so. i think that that is something that everybody has done and continues to do. there is subsidies all over the place and incentives, and all sorts of tax breaks, if you want to call them or tax incentives, depending where you are coming from. no, i don't think he had an obligation to do that. everybody was entitled to them. >> you are back at war on twitter e. going after cher, and your old nemesis, rosy odonald.
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what's up. >> sher said some very unflattering and nasty things about governor romney and i think it was inappropriate, frankly. i have watched her over the years. i knew her a little bit. you know, she reminds me of rosy with slightly more talent, not much, but slightly more talent. >> cher says i don't know if kibreathe the same air as him and his right-wing, race i felt, homophobic tea-women-hating tea bagger masters. but you threw in rosy into the fight, calling her a total loser. she wasn't in this fight. >> i like to refer to rosy as a loser. cher is lonely and unhappy. she is miserable and her sound enhanced and computer enhanced music doesn't do it for me, believe me. >> you get into these twitter battles with these women --
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>> no, with people in general. not women. usually, women, i prefer not because i find them much tougher than men. but do i on occasion get into battles. and i have great likes. i greatly respect people. >> is it fun to do -- actually, it's like, i follow you on twitter, it's interesting to see. you are hammering each other back and forth. you and cher, and you rosy. you are going after each other. >> i don't think they are hitting me. i haven't noticed that they are hitting me. i thought it was a very unfair shot at governor romney. it took me about one second to put it down. i gave it to somebody and said, here, put this down. it's not a big deal t. takes seconds. if it took more than second, i wouldn't be doing it because i wouldn't waste my time. but people certainly seem to like it because my twitter account has millions of people watching it. >> it does. it does have millions. donald, thank you, as always. >> thank you very much, greta.
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>> it isn't just governor romney swinging at president obama so is the national republican party, blasting him for broken promises over the nation's debt. >> i pledge to cut the deficit in half by the end of my first term. >> the american people are tired of american politicians who talk the talk but don't walk the walk in fiscal responsibility. >> i will further reduce our deficit and lower our debt. >> i promise to go true -- through the budget line by line and eliminate programs that have outlived their usefulness. >> reince priebus is here. >> i'm looking at the ad. is this ad going at the president for unfulfilled promises? or is this because the debt is so much grander than when he took office? >> i think it's both of those things. this is a coordinated effort with governor romney. we are going to come out swinging. we are not going to let this president say one thing and do another and talk about issues
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that have nothing to do with what is going to get this economy back on track this. president made a lot of promises. he promised, number 1, he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term. biggest structural deficit in the history of the country -- proposed by him. not a single democrat even voted for. he said he would get the debt under control. we are burying our kids and our grandkids in an avalanche of debt. i happen to believe that a country that has to sshd -- surrender its sovereignty to its bond holders can't guarantee prosperity or freedom to anyone. >> what i don't understand -- i have looked at the numbers. it has gone up $5 trillion since he has been in office. i realize there are different circumstances. but what i don't understand and he has the stimulus bill, almost a trillion there. what i don't understand, why when he ran for office nlight of
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the fact that he knew the economy was in such upheaval and if his plan was to stimulate it if elected, why he ran on that and made that a cornerstone of his campaign. >> for one thing, he has a love affair with the sound of his own voice. one thing he does really well is give speech it's. >> he could have said something different from that. >> here's what i think. you know, i think this country -- i think why you see people like paul ryan and scott walker, fellow cheeseheads like us, the reason folks like that are popular in this country, not because they are republicans, it's because i think people in this country are looking for people of their word to run for office and govern like you campaign. the promise the president has, he's coming back on the campaign trail now, he's trying to sell this same old, tired message of hope and change. i am going to carpet the world and everything's going to be great. but the problem is, we have seen
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how he has mucked everything up and everything's worse. there is fewer jobs. he's attacking mitt romney on bane. well, we have seen what our venture capitalists have done with solyndra. and by the way, mitt romney has created more net jobs than barack obama when mitt romney was governor of massachusetts than obama has done for the entire country. >> i always wonder how penitentiary the straight talk is. whatever party, it's a politician. but there is a new york times/cbs poll that came out tonight with the president's statement about the declaration of support for same-sex marriage. i was surprised because 67% said that he said that mostly for political rearngs only 24% said mostly because he thought it was right. so they thought he did it for more calculated reasons than
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principle and i wonder if that will haunt him -- or any candidate. >> i think people understand clearly, putting the issue aside, the politics of the issue and the way it played out and this president's politics all the time -- >> but -- part i. the entire presidency! i will get back to the subject. but if you consider what the president has done, consider the programs, the debt, the deficit, 8% unemployment. health care. green jobs, gas price, wall street. lobbyists. you can go on and on and on, and every one of these cases, this president has made a big, big promise, using his words, which is why we feature his words, but it hasn't squared up. so instead of launching his campaign and what has been accomplished, he launches it on the back of gay marriage. scott walker's running in a recall. what is scott walker talking about? he is talking about the fact that his reforms are working,
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with business open again in wisconsin. he is talking about his accomplishments. this president needs to evolve on a lot more subjectses than just one, like evolve on your theoro how you are going to get spending under control, get jobs back to the american people. evolve on those things as well. >> ryan, always nice to see you. >> thank you. >> coming up, an $800,000 gsa convention. more than that. exotic vacations and work trips and a help wanted ad for a magician. the obama administration says it has a plan to combat that tax dollar waste. wait until you hear the plan. tell us if it's a good plan or -- a silly plan. and new jersey chris christie is on. no matter what he decides, somebody is going to be furious. what does he have to face tonight? find out. >> what does rush limbaugh have in common with president harry truman, mark twain and walt
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house finally says it has a plan to stop government agencies from wasting your money. but is the so-called crackdown really a crackdown? senator rob johnson is on the budget and appropriations company. good evening, sir. >> good evening. >> what is the plan? the white house office of management and budget director has a plan. what's his plan? >> the acting director came out with a plan saying no longer with anybody be able to spend more than $500,000 for a conference. but that can be waived. anything -- any conference that spends over $100,000 needs to be posted the following january. and also anything that spends over $100,000 needs to be approved by a deputy secretary or above. now, i suppose that's a start. >> i don't think that's a start. actually frankly i don't think that's a start. and i was actually surprise the because someone who proposed it in the senate, was senator tom coborn, who wrote an interesting book on the debt bomb.
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but he proposed $500,000. i'm surprised he would. i would propose zero. >> you have to start somewhere. >> how about steer owe? >> what we are doing, and this is from the work tom has done, he's done a great job to get the audit of the federal government. but we are starting to insert in appropriations bills a limitations of $20,000 before it needs to be posted quarterly, and if you do international conferences no more than 15 employees. from my standpoint as a business person, we would send people to conferences, trade shows and send one or two people, gather the information and report back, teleconferencing. there's all kinds ever ways to become more efficient with government. but it starts with the budgeting process and we need to limit their budgets so they don't have the money to spend. >> i saw one conference it was to teach members of the government to learn how to speak to members of congress and i thought that was pretty crazy. i mean, first of all, if you don't now how to talk to somebody beforehand, maybe we should hire people who are already skilled or have the skills before. it shouldn't be on-the-job
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training. >> it's burn step at a time but i'm totally with you. in the days of technology you have teleconferencing and there's little need for most of the conferences. some of them may be required. >> give me hypothetical of a conference that makes sense in the government. >> well, if you've got branches all over the government, you know, different regions, and you really want to train people, it makes sense to bring them into a central location to do some training. but again, with telephone conferencing technology nowadays, you dan do it that way far easier. but the way you attack it is just start slashing their budgets. you will start reducing the amount of money these agencies have to spend. >> whole idea of training, and i shouldn't be so flippant about it. when you think of government conferences you think of magicianings and wineglasss that don't match and think of bath tubs. eye not sort of i don't see anyone sitting with a pencil and pad of paper learning some skill. >> you see the abuse and let's face it, government, i don't find, is particularly efficient or effective at what is does.
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this has highlighted the problem. government has become far too big to manage. it's not managed properly. you need to start reducing their budgets to attack. since i have been here, 16 months, congress hasn't had the will to do that. i thought the senate sent a clear signal in november, 2010. apparently it wasn't clear enough so we have a chance to do it again in november, 2012. >> here's a quote from the white house office ever management and budget director, jeffrey, which i was surprised to read. it situation from the beginning of this administration the president has been clear wasteful spending is unacceptable and the federal government must strive to be more efficient and effective. that's what he wrote in a memo friday and i thought to myself that didn't work out. >> he talks a good game. just like he promised to cut the deficit in the half by the end of his first term. deficit he inherited was a lot less. we are double where he said. greta, this administration is nothing but a series of broken
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promises. the american people, they expected far better. remember going through the budget line by line? that obviously hasn't happened. >> you have only been in the senate, this is your first term so i won't give you too much hell, but there's a lot of oversight by both parties of that not been done of the agencies that's gone on for decades on both sides of the isle. i'm hoping this finally, you know, there will be this. >> your next guest has been performing that in the house. but let's face it, the democrats in the cincinnati has not been interested in oversight at all on any of these issues for purely political reason. >> nice to see you, senator. >> thanks for having me on. >> coming un, is attorney general eric holdner trouble? congressman ica is here to tell you next. and he is induct into the hall of fame. which hall of fame? which hall of fame? you don't want to miss this one. [ male announcer ] the inspiring story
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discover the 1 series at great financing available >> attorney general eric holder, is he in trouble? will he get served with a contempt of congress notice or is the talk about contempt for the attorney general just talk, that's all, and no real threat? congressman darrell issa says he's withholding fast and furious documents from congress. thanks for joining us, sir. >> greta, i agree with everything you just said. >> except -- >> clearly the attorney general is failing to comply with the
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is. he said he's not going to comply. the part he won't comply with the most is who was responsible for the fast and furious which he said was deeply flawed and yet nobody at justice has been -- >> it seems like a simple thing. he goes before congress, he should be asked the question who authorized it and who was the highest person who knew all about it and that seems like an impossible information to get out and he said it's because it's being investigated internally. is there an appetite within the house ever the gop leadership to issue a contempt citation? >> i think after the abuses under nancy pelosi, it's very clear that we want to sort of have bolts and suspenders and double and triple checks. we want to make sure we've made our case and we've exhausted all other opportunities, including whistle-blowers and other ways to get the information. but there will come point there's nothing left but to say we -- we find broadly this attorney general to be in contempt. >> but this has been going on
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for over a year and a half. you have a border agent who has been murdered and you have a family who is grieving and wants that information. and it seems like a simple thing and it's like it's sort of caught up in the washington whatever. and i know you want to like dot every i and cross every t, but time is running out to get answers for this family. and i hope -- i mean, i hope that by you saying you want to wait you don't mean until after the election so nobody gets punished either way politically for this? >> politically is a different question. but the terry family and i will be together. we are going to be naming -- congress, house and senate and the president has signed a bill that names the border patrol station where brian tray worked out of, it's brand new but it's where he was working out of, it names it after him. >> i'm curious, is the decision going to be made about whether a contempt citation goes to the attorney general? will that be made before the election?
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>> i've already made a decision that we have been unable to get what we legitimately are entitled to. members of my committee on the republican side to a person are totally convinced. our case right now, we are trying to work with the democrats on the committee. we are trying to work with the 31 democrats who asked the president to make eric holder cooperate, 30 of whom are not on my committee. we are trying to make the case across the isle. and we will give it a little time. >> what's a little time? and we hear rumors, i'll tell you the rumors. you hear speaker boehner isn't wild about this, i don't know if it's true or not. but is this going to happen? i think everything should be looked at fully. i think a year and a half is plenty of time but that's just how i think. will this be done, will a decision be made before election? will either the sub peenna or the contempt citation, will it happen before election? >> absolutely. when i mentioned brian terry's family, i expect to have it by
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then. what we are doing we sent out to every member ever congress 64 pages laying out the case for contempt. we've asked them do they have any questions. can we show them the proof? because a lot of them, especially our democratic members, they have misinformation on what is owed and what hasn't been delivered so he felt what we are trying do, and this is politics at its best, we are peeling off, making sure republicans understand, but we are trying to peel off democrats so they understand that if when the shoe is on the other foot, they are going to want any administration to be more cooperative than this particular one has been, in an area where a man was murdered. >> and the attorney general could end this tonight. he could call your cell phone as you walk off the set. this could be handled quite quickly unless there's some legal impediment he can't give you the information. i'm just unaware of it. but this really is in largely in their hands. >> exactly. the people who lied to congress and then covered it up, the people -- >> they would say it was a mistake. they wouldn't call it a lie. but whatever.
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>> well, the people who knew the truth and helped with the mistake -- >> in a letter. i mean, it's in writing. i agree with you. >> and live testimony. >> i saw it. >> but more important than that, because that came after the fact. the people who approved. had the bad judgment to approve this, some of them are clearly here in washington and some of them are high-rankling. it may not go to eric holder. he's of ited it doesn't. but i'm i'm saying if you want to have people accountable, and you mentioned the terry family. don't wait until this term is over and people can leave at then of the term. hold people accountable who made the bad decision. >> the person who made the bad decision may still be work in the government to make more bad decisions. >> i guarantee they are. >> i didn't get to ask you about the $500,000 limit on the party. >> the answer is simple. it should be how much you spend per attendee. don't let them have 80 come instead of 300 and then stay under the limb. when you make a limit make sure
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it is about per person how extravagant it is. >> congressman, thank you. >> thank, you greta. >> you may remember george clooney and the movie "up in the air." well, there are some real live megaflyers racking up million of miles on american airlines but they are running into some turbulence. why is american airlines doing? and you must admit, governor chris christie is never dull, and tonight governor christie has a tough decision to make, and he won't be able to just skate by on this one. what does governor christie have to decide and why is he about to make a whole lot of people mad, no matter what his decision is? you will find out in [ donovan ] i hit a wall. and i thought "i can't do this, it's just too hard." then there was a moment. when i decided to find a way to keep going. go for olympic gold and go to college too. [ male announcer ] every day we help students earn
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can be downloaded almost anywhere. ♪ i'm back, back in the new york groove ♪ [ male announcer ] the nation's largest 4g network. covering 2,000 more 4g cities and towns than verin. rethink possible. >> governor chris christie is all about new jersey. he was born in newark, went to seton hall and has been the governor since 2010. the new jersey devils are playing the hockey finals.
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what's the problem? he's a diehard rangers fan. how can that be? he said he grew up at a time when the devils didn't exist so he always rooted for the rangers. which team will he root for in the series? he has not officially announced his decisions but here are his clues. he's been tweeting words ever support for the devils throughout the playoffs and he said he wants the devils to do well when they are playing anybody but the rangers. ton the rangers just won the game, but it's not over. so what do you think? who should governor christie root for, the new jersey devils or the new york rangers? go to and tell us. we will be back in two.
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goes public on friday. they originally set the price range at $28 to $35. it is expected to be the largest ever foreign internet company. it is anticipated it will raise almost $12 billion for the social network. rhode island recognizing same-sex marriages performed in other states. the governor signing an executive order giving all same-sex couples the same rights and benefits as heterosexual couples, calling it an important step and said he would continue to press for rhode island to enacting same-sex marriage. currently, only civil unions between same-sex couples are permitted there. i'm ainsley earhardt. back to "on the record" with greta. thanks for watching. greta. imagine hopping on a plane on a whim to go to a ballgame in far away city, perhaps even new york or how about this one? are you free tomorrow for a quick trip to a museum in paris? or are you hungry and want to
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grab a hand witch some let's grab a sandwich. how about canada? well, chris has been criss-crossing the globe sings 198-7689 that's when he bought an american airlines unlimited lifetime air pass. for $400,000 he got a lifetime of unlimited travel for himself and a companion or at least so he thought. the airline recently started cracking down on the most frequent flyers and they canceled his lifetime pass. so now instead of flying he's suing. he joins us. good evening, sir. >> good evening. >> well, it's clear, i mean, you certainly paid a big chunk of money for this life time pass. >> absolutely. it was $400,000. a lot of money to anybody. >> what year did you buy it? did you buy the companion ticket the same year you bought the original one? >> no i bought the original air pass in 1987. and then added the companion feature a couple of years later. >> and i take it you enjoyed it immensely until some point in the year 2008?
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>> it was a lot of fun. it was a great gift to be able to get on a lane and as you said just go to lunch or dinner in another city, go to visit friends, relatives. go to see a ballgame, whatever. >> all right. so tell me what happened on december 13, 2008 because that's when things went pretty sour. >> i was checking in for a flight to london with a friend of mine who was a chicago police officer. he was going home to bosnia. so he and i were intended to fly to london together. as we checked in, american wouldn't allow us to get on the plane. they literally handed me a letter and said, sorry, but your air pass deal with us is over in spite of what you have paid. >> all right. now i have a copy of this letter and it says what they say is speculative bookings are considered invalid. what does that mean? >> well, the thing that i would want to point out, and i know you are an attorney, is that every booking was made directly
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with american. i never made a booking on a computer myself. so as a result, i don't think anybody booking was every speculative. it was american that advised me to use the name rothstein for the second seat and said you are entitled to the second seat, put a suitcase in it or put newspapers in it, whatever you want to do, it's yours, whether you have a companion or not. >> all right. so i take it they didn't have any disagreement with you flying under your name, it was this second seat that you would book as bag rothstein. and sometimes you would have a friend in it and sometimes your bag would be in it, sometimes a relative or someone you just found whatever, right? >> i think that's correct. but the point would be that i flew this way for over 20 years, well before i even purchased the air pass. i would buy an empty seat next to me.
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so this was just sort of a peremptory decision on american's part. they showed up. >> you know what it looks like to me in reading this letter, it looks like they made a deal with you, you had a contract, they asked you to pay an awful lot of money, you paid an awful lot of money, you spent an awful lot of money for your companion and fast forward 18 years later they decided it's not such a good deal and decided to change the rules, and leave you a letter that you and your chicago police officer are sitting in the waiting area with the rest of us? >> that's exactly correct. you have got it. >> all right. so you have sued. i mean, are they really fight you on this one? it would probably be better pr to let it go so they don't look like they are trying to back out of a deal that they made. >> that's what i would do if i were them but we are fighting them. i have a very capable attorney out of los angeles working with me named gary soter and we are pushing forward.
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>> do you have any idea how many other people bought this very expensive pass back when it was offered? because it's no longer offered. >> it is not. about 25 people bought the unlimited lifetime air pass with the companion feature, and another 25 to 30 people bought the unlimited air pass without the companion feature. >> do you have a trial date or when this is likely to be resolved? >> we don't know right now. but we are pushing for it as best we can. >> you know, it's like, i'll tell you, it doesn't make american airlines look good. >> it doesn't. >> and i fly on american airlines. i don't mean to trash american airlines but i think their legal department should send this to the pr department and have the pr department and see if it's a good idea for this pr to go on because it doesn't look good. >> you are exactly right. i think a deal is a deal. >> a deal is a deal. thank you, steve. >> thank for having me on. >> now to the horror. the war right next door to the u.s. 49 head less bodies dumped on a
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highway. this is the third massacre in ten days in mexico's so-called triangle of death. we keep showing you this on the record. war just over the boarder is getting worse every day. and the latest violence, 49 mutilated bodies were found in northern mexico. the murdered victims, 43 men, 6 women, had their heads, hands and feet chopped off. it happened in an area of two warring drug cartels about 100 miles from texas. mexico's drug violence has killed more than 50,000 people since december, 2006. and straight ahead, a big honor for rush limbaugh. but why was his big night but why was his big night cl i've been crisscrossing the gulf for the past two years now. but why was his big night cl i can tell you, down here, people measure commitment by what's getting done. i'm mike utsler, and it's my job to make sure we keep making progress in the gulf. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery.
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another fourteen billion dollars has been spent on response and cleanup. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to the gulf of mexico research initiative... to support ten years of independent scientific research on the environment. results will continue to be shared with the public. and we're making sure people know that the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues, but that doesn't mean our job is done. bp's still here, and we're still committed to seeing this through.
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>> you have seen our top stories but here's the best of the rest. a big night for rush limbaugh. he just got inducted into the hall of fame. which one? the hall of fame, famous missourians, of course. he's a native of missouri. and he will now have a bronze bust of himself displayed in the state capital right next to president harry truman, mark twain and walt disney. at least that's the plan. some state senators are opposed to it. that's why it was kept a secret until the very last minute. what does the outspoken rush
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limbaugh have to say about his big honor? he toll the crowd he is not speechless, but close to it. >> and tonight. a column byian janitor is a graduate. the 52-year-old custodian graduated with honors. took him twelve years but he got his degree along with his cap and gown. he came here in youth lava. he took a janitor at columbia while he learned to speak english. he then took classes part-time while he continued to work. he was able to use the school's tuition exemption for employees. now all that hard work has paid off. congratulations. and in washington d.c. a marriage proposal and graduation all at once. [cheers and applause] >> at american university, graduate sarah cooper got the surprise of a lifetime. her boyfriend was waiting for her with a ring. he got on stage and proposed in
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front of the whole class. she accepted the ring along with her diploma and there you have it. the best of the rest. and coming up, actor will ferrell makes a mother's day admission to his mom. he does it on national tv. having one of those days? tired. groggy. can't seem to get anything done. it makes for one, lousy day. but when you're alert and energetic... that's different. you're more with it, sharper, getting stuff done.
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with the touch of a button ? droid does. does it post it instantly to facebook with sound ? droid does. droid with color for facebook. it's the ultimate status update. get a droid razr maxx by motorola for only $199.99. morning, boys. , i'm working on a cistern intake valve, and the guy hands me a locknut wrench. no way! i'm like, what is this, a drainpipe slipknot? wherever your business takes you, nobody keeps you on the road
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>> greta: 11:00 is almost here, actor will ferrell takes his mother on "saturday night live" to wish her a happy mother's day. >> how, -- now i'm not so great with words, other people write a lot of what i say. mom i don't know if you remember last thanksgiving i gave the dramatic speech about cousin paul. you said it saved the family and brought us together? that was scripted. there was a team of writers in the kitchen. so tonight for the first time, i'm going to speak straight
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from my heart, okay? okay? mom... the words i'm saying now are my words. from my brain place. to my mouth hole. mom, i have loved. i love, i love the way you be. you be a big old mommy. wait, i'm trying to say is that i want to celebrate you. i want to cover you in super glue. and roll you in flour. that is not bad. and i -- i want to say one last thing, mom. i love you so much. happy mother's day. >> that is your last call. lights are blinking and we're closing down shop. we'll see you tomorrow. go to greta the
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