tv Happening Now FOX News May 15, 2012 8:00am-10:00am PDT
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[laughing] unfortunately they ran out of money before the study could be completed which i guess answers the question pretty much. martha: watching our show. we did that story yesterday. bill: that's funny. martha: we wrote his lines for him last night. "happening now" starts right now. jon: brand new numbers on the presidential election. governor mitt romney with a slight edge over the president and even with groups that might surprise you. plus how the day marriage issue -- gay marriage issue might play at the polls. jenna: big day at the john edwards corruption trial. his daughter kate set to take the stand where her dad is accused, we know the story, jon. money, mistress, campaign. >> it's a mess. emergency room visits among kids skyrocketing because of one very common household product. we'll show you where the danger is lurking and what you should do about it. it's all "happening now". >> hi, everybody. we're glad you're with us
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today. just in we have brand new polls on the presidential race. jon: i'm jon scott. we are america's election headquarters. the. the battle between president obama and presumptive gop nominee, governor mitt romney is heating up. new numbers on the head-to-head matchup. "new york times/cbs" poll giving governor romney the edge for the first time since january. 46% of the registered voters saying they would vote for mr. romney. 43% gave their support to president obama. that three percentage point lead though is still within the margin of error. governor romney feigning ground when it comes to key voting blocs though. leads the president among independents 43 to 36%. he is also ahead when it comes to female voters with 46% of the women favoring governor romney to the president's 44%. keep in mind, some cautionary notes from our polling unit. the sample size in this poll is not as large as usual. and there are some concerns with the poll's methodology.
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still it adds ammunition to the argument that race is very close as it stands right now. chief white house correspondent ed henry live on the north lawn for us. we have seen several new polls recently, ed that spell some trouble for the president. is the white house worried. >> reporter: jon, on one hand they will tell you these are snapshots and we're still months away from the election obviously. there is a lot of time for the president to make up frowned. on the other hand the president yesterday when he was on "the view" taping interview that airs today he basically said, look this election will be decided by the economy. if you look at another new poll from "usa today"/gallup t has tough news for the president. whether to assess whether the economy is good right now, only 29% say it is good now. although they seem optimistic about the future. 58% saying it will be good a year from now in 2013. appears they're getting more optimistic. will the economy get better the next four years if
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romney is elected? 55% say yes. only 46% say yes it will get better over the next four years if the president is reelected. people are more optimistic and more bullish about the economy but they're not giving the president credit necessarily. that is clear reason yesterday when we saw the first real attacked a from the obama campaign ad, what was it about? mitt romney at bain capital. they know the economy is his strength. they're trying to go after that and knock it down, jon. >> there are some who say that ad is backfiring in some ways. on "the view" yesterday when he was taped, he was asked what he would do after the white house, the hosts sort of tried to get him to look past the election. he exactly doesn't want to go there. >> reporter: tried to trim hip up a little bit. do softer interview on the couch with ladies from the "view". get caught talking what you want to do after the white house sound like you're ready for retirement.
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listen how the president tried to do how he is focused being with president. >> you will still be very young man if you run another four years. >> right. >> can you look ahead, say what i would like to do with my life? >> no. i think at this point what i want to spend the next five years doing is recreating that america where if you work hard, you can make it. >> reporter: the president clearly trying to stay on message there. they tried to trip him up on pop culture as well. the president was able to name which kardashian had been divorced a few months ago. the book a lot of women are reading. about sex, 50 shades of gray. the president didn't know the name of the book but would ask mrs. obama. jenna: i will get you both a copy of that book. >> reporter: apparently jenna knows about it. enlighten us. jon: ed, i didn't know that that was in the purview of the white house
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correspondence to have to keep up with that kind of reading material. >> reporter: you have to mix things up. you can't come out here and say the same stuff. you have to keep everybody on guard and be a little unexpected. jon: ed henry from the white house. we'll let you go back to your reading. >> reporter: thanks. jenna: right now john edwards' oldest daughter is expected to take the witness stand in her father's defense. 30-year-old cate edwards stood by her father's side since before the trial began. you see her arriving every single day before the trial. john edwards may testify in his own defense. jonathan serrie in his spot at the courthouse in greensboro, north carolina, with nor. more. any indication whether or not john edwards is likely to testify? >> reporter: he is on the defense witness list for the upcoming two days. there is no guaranty that he will testify. it is perhaps more likely because the defense had to readjust its strategy after
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the judge ruled to block some testimony of a key witness in a preview without the jury present former election commission chairman, gave an opinion on -- used at edwards' pregnant mistress. he said in my view it is a clear-cut case. these are obviously intensely personal kind of expenses. these expenses would have remainder respective of the campaign. the judge blocked this testimony saying that it was more appropriate, thomas's opinion would be more appropriate for a closing argument. so legal experts say this makes the defense more likely to call on john edwards to testify as well as his daughter kate who has been by his side every day of the trial. listen. >> i think kate actually will help humanize john edwards. i think that she will show maybe a different side because her dad after all. hopefully she will have some
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helpful testimony in the form of conversations with her mother. she was probably privy to conversations with both of her parents going on with the campaign. about the pain the family was feeling as a result of the affair. >> reporter: so we may hear from cate edwards a little later today and if her father ends up taking the stand that will likely occur sometime tomorrow. jenna? jenna: jonathan, thank you very much. we're taking a few awed very hits throughout the reports. we'll be back with him throughout the day for more on the trial. jon: at least it is not raining on him today. the head of jpmorgan chase going before shareholders at the bank's annual meeting in florida. protesters from occupy tampa are gathering outside the headquarters where ceo jamie dimon is facing tough questions just days after the nation's largest bank announced a whopping $2 billion in trading losses. fox business network's adam shapiro is live in tampa with an update.
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adam? >> reporter: jon, that is correct. there are protesters behind me but not many. only eight showed up. far more shareholders inside the meeting. about 100 listening to jamie dimon explain the $2 billion loss and he went on to say that the bank believes in what they call the volcker rule the we agree with the intent of the volcker rule which would prohibit banks like jpmorgan chase from proprietary trading. essentially trading in their own accounts for profit but the problem is what they did to lose $2 billion wasn't necessarily proprietary trading but hedging. mr. dimon says we seed need to hedge our balance sheets and we shouldn't let the issue distract. most of the express from the shareholders have been about the way jpmorgan chase handled its role in the housing problem the nation faced since roughly 2007. and the mortgage issues that people encountered as they tried to refinance and failed to do so with jpmorgan chase. no direct requests as of get -- questions as of yet
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regarding the $2 billion loss. jon: adam shapiro in tampa. adam, thanks. jenna: gay marriage is a big talking point of the presidential campaign. will the president's recent public support hurt or help his re-election chances? we have new poll numbers in. we'll talk a little more about strategy ahead. jon: plus in afghanistan the taliban is stepping up attacks against u.s. troops as american forces prepare for a former, formal withdrawal. michael o'hanlon is here with the latest. he is just back from afghanistan today. has some late-breaking information. [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink?
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they fly just a liiiiittle bit higher... [ man ] he hits it! [ morgan ] ...go just a liiiiittle bit further... [ woman ] a perfect 10! [ morgan ] they can even be perfect. and when we come together... to one... [ chuckles ] ...we know what happens. [ crowd cheering ] visa. proud sponsor of the olympic games for 25 years. join our global cheer.
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the gladiator fire is forcing hundreds from their homes already burning more than 1500 acres. firefighters say it was started by a house fire that ignited a propane tank. there is another fire south of paysont was 5% contained after five square miles there near a local national forest. firefighters don't know what caused it. meantime winds are expected to clear all the smoke today from the phoenix area. still an important story we'll continue to watch. jon? jon: there is new fallout on this tuesday morning from the president's recent announcement that he supports gay marriage, an issue that could figure prominently into the presidential election. today new polls suggest most of the voters surveyed, in fact 67% belief his decision was politically motivated. the president discussing the hot button social issue on "the view" today, explaining how he arrived at the
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decision. >> you know, part of the it was also just knowing friends and family, people that i had gotten to know who had these wonderful relationships, and they would say to me, you know what? the words matter. even though you're a strong supporter of civil unions somehow it's still says we're different. >> sure. >> but, and that particular set of conversations that i had is ultimately what led me to this conclusion. jon: then again there was joe biden who sort of forced the president's hand. joining us rich lowery the editor of "the national review." also a fox news contributor. 67%, when you get 67% of the people saying something in a poll that is significant. that's 2/3 of the people think this announcement was made for political reasons. >> yeah. the first indication this wasn't going to be a great poll for the president, jon, that was on page a-17 on "new york times." not just on a-17 below the fold in a-17.
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you had to hunt for this thing. that 67% number is very historic and a sign the roleout just didn't play well. everyone assumed he was forced into it by joe biden which was really the truth. and then he i am heads out to fund-raisers in hollywood and up here in new york city with a bunch of celebrities. people tend to be a little cynical. they look at this and say all about politics. i think it was more about politics that he was hiding his real position on this issue for so long but in any case it hasn't played well. jon: right. because in that poll people were asked do you think barack obama, i'm sorry, does president obama's support of same-sex marriage make you more or less likely to vote for him, the indication, there is the big number, 67% think he did it for political reasons. 26% say that it makes them less likely to want to vote for him. 16% say it makes them more
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likely to want to vote for him. 57% say it is not going to matter but it is a net loss. >> not a huge difference but gallup found a similar result. among people who say their votes will be affected hurts him a little bit more than it helps him. i think that makes sense. also true on the electoral map. it may juice up his numbers a little bit more in new york if that is possible but in those swing states, in the midwest where you have a lot of white, working class voters like ohio, and iowa, it makes his job a little harder. i just think generally the optic, jon, when you're not talking about the economy, people are wondering why is president of the united states are you bringing this up and shoving this at us at this time when we have 8.1% unemployment? jon: it did seem a little strange and the economy according to these polls is still the number one issue of people were asked about mitt romney versus president obama, when it comes to their handling of the economy. i think we have those poll
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numbers for you. they were asked, you know, head-to-head, mitt romney versus president obama and here are the numbers. is the economy getting better? 36%. getting worse, 24%. 39%, staying the same. not good numbers again if you're trying to win re-election. >> those are kind of numbers you expect with basically stagnant situation we have right now. the economy is overwhelmingly going to be the main issue in this election. if unemployment were 5% i believe barack obama could perform gay marriages and probably still be reelected. so this is why we're inevitably going to have a debate about jobs and why you had obama hitting mitt romney on his credentials as job creator starting this week with anti-bain ad. jon: only 7% of the people said the gay marriage was number one issue. that anti--bain ad is what it is that effective.
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>> superficially, it is, workers, 50, 60 years old saying they're out of a job and livelihood disappears, hard rentering on a human level. beyond the superficial level mitt romney has a good story to tell. for every supposed bad story you have a good story. even in the steel industry bain capital helped fund at beginning now one of the biggest steel companies in the united states. you look at that steel company that went under, bain did everything it could to make it work. private equity doesn't go into the companies to have them fail and fall apart in their hands. there was a massive reinvestment in plant and equipment. just didn't work out the way it did for many steel cops in that period. they were devastated in 2000. jon: romney had been gone from bain capital for two years. >> he had. jon: he was off rescuing the olympics. >> he left in 1999 this company went under in 2001. bain had it for seven years. so they didn't go in and just loot the place and disappear. it was a good-faith effort to make it work.
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they didn't succeed at that but that is what happens in the private sector economy. not every enterprise is going to succeed. jon: rich lowery from "the national review.". >> thanks, jon. jenna: we'll move onto another big story today. dramatic testimony in the perjury trial of a baseball legend. roger clemens former trainer describing what he calls their secret affair evolving steroids. a juror also gets thrown out of the case. we'll tell you why and what to expect ahead. plus a home teetering on the edge of a massive sinkhole. imagine waking up to this? more of this amazing video plus reaction from the very surprised homeowners.
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backyard. something you don't see every day. julie banderas is with us. julie? >> reporter: you don't want to wake up this way, jenna. a florida couple says it is time to move. not by choice but the land in their yard is about to swallow their home whole. look at this giant sinkhole. it is over 100 feet long at least and growing and 80 feet deep. the gainesville couple who lives here says after they went to bed at night they heard what they thought was thunder when. they woke up in the morning they woke up to this. >> she pulled open the curtains and there it was. my first words to her i looked at her and i said you think it is time to move? >> reporter: at least they haven't lost their sense of humor over the whole thing. geologists came to inspect the sinkhole say they're about to lose their home. the sinkhole is moving toward the house underground. most of the movement has been inside the whole. while the couple was able to grab most prized possessions out of the house and save the boat in their i can't
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remember, they have a whole shed full of tools and christmas decorations they collected over the years. their shed they are told will soon be swallowed by the expanding sinkhole. it took 12 hours to get 37 years of stuff packed up and out of the house. luckily the family's homeowners insurance will pay for what they are not able to salvage including the house. they're staying with their son until they find a permanent place to live. jenna: what do you do? shrug your shoulders and say we've got to move. >> reporter: good news that known was hurt. jenna: good point. we'll continue to watch this. thank you, julie. jon: taking you live to the capitol where the president obama is speaking to the fraternal moment moral of police -- memorial. >> he is proud parent after police officer and dedicated his life to law enforcement and families. i want to thank him for his
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extraordinary service. i want to recognize the entire fraternal order of police and the leadership including jim pasco for all of your work on behalf of those who wear the badge. i like to recognize fop auxiliary president, linda henning. all the members of the fop auxiliary, members of congress including speaker boehner, congressman hoyer and senator leahy as well as members of my administration and most of all i want to acknowledge and thank the families of those who have fallen. the scripture tells us, breasted -- blessed the are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons much god. blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of god. our country's law enforcement officers use force when they have to. they are well-armed, and
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they are well-trained. but they never forget that theirs is a mission of peace. their job is to keep the peace. to allow all of us to enjoy peace. in our neighborhoods and for our families. today with heavy hearts we honor those who gave their lives in the service of that mission. their families are in our thoughts and prayers as we remember the quiet courage of the men and women we have lost. these are officers like detective john falcon of poughkeepsie, new york. in february, detective falcone responded to a shot fired call on main street and when arrived on the scene he saw a man holding a
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gun with one hand and a small child with the other. in a situation like that every instinct pushes us towards self-preservation but when the suspect fled, still holding the child detective falcone didn't think twice. he took off in pursuit and tragically in the struggle that followed he was shot and killed. he survived by his parents. but there is another survivor as well. a 3-year-old child who might not be alive today had it not been for the sacrifice of a hero who gave his life for another. this willingness to risk everything for a complete stranger is extraordinary. and yet among our nation's law enforcement officers it is also commonplace.
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last summer the north platte river was running high near douglas, wyoming when a teenage girl got caught in the current deputy brian goss of the converse county sheriff's office jumped in after her. the girl was eventually pulled from the water but deputy gross was swept away and is survived by his wife amy. today we remember a man who swore to protect his neighbors and kept that promise no matter what the cost. i suspect that at that moment deputy gross wasn't trying to be a hero. he was just doing his job. you can find that bravery, the courage to do your duty day in and day out in so many officers across out country. one of those officers was deputy sheriff suzanne
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hopkins, from clark county, ohio. deputy hopper was known as the go-to person in her department. no task was too large or too small and on new year's day, 2011, deputy hopper arrived at a cry scene and began a preliminary investigation just as she had done many times during her 12 years of service. but as she was photographing evidence a man opened the door of his trailer and fired at her with a shotgun killing her. today we remember not just a fine officer but a wife, a mother, and a stepmother. like all those we honor today, deputy hopper is also survived by the fellow officers who she meant so much to and who meant so much to her. last week her childhood friend, sergeant chris
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schultz, posted her flag at a memorial in ohio. he made a promise in her memory. he said, to honor her we will keep going and continue to do what we've done no matter how hard it is at times. we will keep going. there's no pledge that better honors the memory of those we have lost and there are no memories, there are no words that capture the unbreakable spirit of those who wear the ban. because even in the face of tragedy i know that so many of you will return home and continue to do what you've always done. some of you will kiss your husbands or wives good-bye each morning send them out the door not knowing what will happen that day. some of you are children and parents and sisters. ad brothers and brothers whose pride is mixed with
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worry. of course there are the officers themselves. every american who wears the ban knows that the burdens that come with it. the long hours, and the stress and the knowledge about any moment could be a matter of life and death. you carry these burdens so the rest of us don't have to. and this shared sense of purpose brings you together and brings us to our nation's capitol today. you come from different states and different background and different walks of life but i know that you come here as a community. one family, united by a quiet strength and a willingness to sacrifice on behalf of others. the rest of us can never fully understand what you go through but please know that we hold you in our hearts, not just today but always. we are forever in your debt.
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it is on behalf of all of us the entire american people, that i offer my thoughts, my prayers and my thanks. may god shine a light upon the fallen and comfort the mourning. may protect the peacemakers who protect us every day and may he bless now and forever the united states of america. [applause] jon: the president in washington, d.c. outside the capitol, capitol building at the fraternal order of police police memorial event marking those officers and you heard the president mention many of their names and the situations in which they gave their lives to protect the rest of us. jenna: from those who serve in a local level to those who serve for us on a national level as well the war in afghanistan against
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the taliban and al qaeda is 3872 days old and the fighting is far from over. the taliban stepping up attacks on american and collision troops there as part of their annual spring offensive. it could very well be the last one, the last spring offensive american troops will have to face before our formal with drawl although it is uncertain how many combat troops will be left in the country. michael o'hanlon, senior fellow of foreign policy studies at brookings institute. coauthor of the bending history, barack obama's foreign policy. returned from the 9th trip to afghanistan. got of the plane three hours ago, michael. nice to have you with us. how do you feel? 9th trip returning. what are some of your big thoughts coming home? >> hi, jenna. i'm slightly encouraged although obviously it is a long hardware as you mentioned in the intro. i still think we'll be there next year with substantial numbers of troop.
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commanders i talked to we'll need a large fraction of 68,000 that are left after the current draw down phase. we're going down from 100,000 last year to 68,000 u.s. troops by the end of the september. there is certainly a hope we'll stay fairly close to that number next year. there are a lot more the afghan troops are doing. two days ago president karzai announced what is called the third tranche of areas in afghanistan that will now be primarily policed and protected by afghan troops. when i say primarily they still need a lot of nato help. we're nowhere near being done weather our work even in those parts of the country making transition there is slow, gradual process with afghan army, that is probably the best underappreciated news i can mention. jenna: you spent time in hinter regions if you will in afghanistan. this time you spent a lot of your time in kabul. you were able to sit down and talk with karzai. what is your impression of him. >> i was honored to have a very brief hello.
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i was with ambassador ron newman who used to serve in afghanistan and continues on the trip. my impressions were fairly limited from that conversation but in general the overall impression i have from afghan politicians that they're very happy with this new strategic partnership agreement. that as you know was signed two weeks ago by president karzai and president obama in kabul. it gives the afghans a real sense of enduring commitment and help from the united states because for all that this war has been frustrating for them too and all the problems we often have in our relationship with president karzai and vice versa there is still a sense both side need to work together. but you know the big question i think the biggest question of all in afghanistan is the one that will be two years from now when afghans go to the polls to elect president karzai's successor. if that election can somehow go well and that's big if, i think we're on the road to at least an okay outcome but that may be the single most fraught moment in the whole war because if afghans fall back into competition along
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ethnic lines or a competition where corruption can get even worse because one of the warlords runs for office and somehow wins then we're really in trouble. i think that will be the crucial moment. jenna: an important date to look forward to. seems like a long time away, two years especially when there are american lives on the line. what is your impression again of the situation on the ground there when it comes to the military? who is winning? >> i will say two things. first of all i think we continue to make gradual progress against the taliban. do i want to say that's winning? not necessarily because the pace we're trying to withdraw is fast enough i'm not sure the progress will be rapid enough to compensate for our drawdown if you see what i mean. the other thing, even though the election is two years away one more encouraging thing, afghans are starting to get ready for it already. they're starting to talk about competing along political lines. if that goes well, get out of the habit competing militarily and fighting and compete at voter box that is an encouraging sign to early
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indicators of presidential campaign 2014 already popping up in kabul. jenna: a quick final question. we got news today, also this morning, general john allen the top commander in afghanistan will leave to take over the u.s. european command. any major shift or change with him no longer being in control in afghanistan? >> well i haven't seen the full report but i'm assuming it won't be for a full year because my expectation he will have done two years in many could manned. i don't know if that is true. you know more than i do about that newsflash. john allen is a fantastic field general. i think he as every bit as good as his two predecessors. mcchrystal and dave petraeus. he has calm that works well with interactions with president karzai. for all his strengths is not an easy guy to get along with to put it mildly t will be a big loss to see general allen go. we have great people in the american military. i wouldn't be surprised if there is somebody almost as good waiting in the wings. jenna: now to bed, maybe get
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rest now, michael after long trip and television interview and all this. i hope you have a good rest of your day. we look forward to having you back to talk more about that. >> thank you, jenna, very much. jon: the perjury trial of baseball legend roger clemens resuming today with one less juror. the judge dismissed one of them for sleeping during the trial. clemens is charged with lying to congress about using steroids during his professional career. his former trainer brian mcnamee back on the stand today. yesterday he took jurors through claims he injected clemens with steroids beginning in 1998. some of his evidence includes syringes and cotton balls he says contained clemens's dna. joining us now, doug burns, former federal prosecutor. probably a formal one as well. hey, doug, first of all what about this dismissed juror? i think a lot of people thought you had to have 12 people on a jury to make a decision. is that the case? >> good question.
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they impanel alternate the i think three more. total of 15. alternates watch and listen if anybody has to be excused can be for a number of reasons. this is kind of odd, juror sleeping. i don't think i've seen that in all the trials i've done, be that as it mays that juror is excused and alternates comes. jon: apparently wasn't cat naps. >> lengthy periods of time. as the old joke that is one juror's opinion of the government's case. jon: what about the government's case here? we're going after a baseball legend. >> right. jon: for lying to congress? >> well, you know it is interesting because other baseball players, jon, as we know, and i'm not going to name them of course basically admitted look, used steroids. i'm sorry. mea culpa. end of story, end of issue. people wiser than i said always about the cover up, not the crime. people subliminally feel this is not the crime of the century. so here what happened is,
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roger clemens went rather brazenly before congress and insisted over and over that he didn't do it. this got the ire, for lack of a better word of the government and they decided to charge him with lying to congress. barry bonds was similarly charged, et cetera. we know what happened in that case. as far as the case itself, mcnamee is the most critical witness. jon: make-or-break. >> make-or-break witness, exactly. he is the person who says, you know, i, you know, injected this directly into him. so the first question is, if the jury believes him, will they convict? it is the universal rule in federal court that you do not, repeat, do not need independent corroboration if they believe his testimony beyond a reasonable doubt, they can convict. having said that though, you really do need corroboration as a practical matter. that's where from what you guys said at the outset the syringes, cotton, that is all very, very important but jurors already expressed some skepticism on that, jon. jon: brian mcnamee, the strength and training coach
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for the team at the time he was injecting clemens he says, not exactly a choir boy. he has got some problems in his background. >> well, that's right. that's a very good point. in other words it is funny the judge blocked one thing. the defense wanted to get records associated with his divorce. the judge described that as a fishing expedition. i think that was a good decision. but he had been convicted twice of driving under the influence. he apparently has some alcohol problems. then there was a very, very sort of hotly-contested situation involving some type of sex abuse situation in a hotel. nobody was ever charred. so what they did there they sanitized it link which is i canly which happens all the time. they will refer it to as some type of serious investigation. but your point well-taken is of course on cross-examination they're really going after him hard. jon: the clemens trial goes on. we'll certainly keep an eye on it. doug burns, thanks for sharing your expertise. >> yes, sir. jenna: a very common
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household item that could be very dangerous. why more and more kids are heading to the emergency room because of batteries of all things. the casino industry hit hard like the recession like so many industries but is business getting any better? you bet it is. get the pun? you bet it is? how gamblers are helping the economy straight ahead. ♪
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[ male announcer ] for our families... our neighbors... and our communities... america's beverage companies have created a wideange of new choices. developing smaller portion sizes and more low- & no-calorie beverages... adding clear calorie labels so you know exactly what you're choosing... and in schools, replacing full-calorie soft drinks with lower-calorie options. with more choices and fewer calories, america's beverage companies are delivering.
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jenna: welcome back, everyone. this new report really caught our attention. the number of kids going to the e.r. after swallowing batteries doubled in the last 20 years. researchers blame the small, button-shaped batteries in electronics. the small child can swallow one easily without anyone noticing. the batteries could have electric current. when they have the electric current there is enough power to burn a hole-in-one's esophagus. that sounds unbelievable, but the dr. patty the
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attending physician of e.r., emergency medicine in st. barnabas hospital in new york. this is something you see. coming into the e.r. with batteris. >> both children and adults sometimes ingest these accidentally. i actually brought some along to show you the different sizes of some of these batteries. there are small disk or button batteries and they're in practically everything we have today. car keys. one of the remote controls from our kitchen. you know and you can see it is easy to open the battery partment and see the some disk battery. jenna: how can it burn a hole in the esophagus? is that the main risk? sounds like a big one but is that the main risk? >> main risk either causing destruction of the tissue or acid leaking out. the batteries are thin and have positive on one side and negative on the other side. when that gets in contact with saliva and body tissue creates electric current.
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not one per septemberable to the patient but the current is enough to cause a hydrolysis reaction and call a alkali burn. the alkali burn creates perforation mainly in the esophagus. jenna: looking at batteries. they're so small. i will hold some of them up. how a child could swallow one you would never know. children put things in their mouth all the time crawling around on the kitchen floor. is there signs parents might see in their its kids? they didn't see their child swallowing a battery? >> small children may not want to eat food or liquid. they may also cough or gag. behavior my change. it is down respiratory track they have may have trouble breathing with coughing and choking. what happens they put appliance and remote and chew on it and battery falls out because the kprtments
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are easy to defeat. many toys have these but have a screw to hold the compartment shut. jenna: greeting cards, make a sound, those have little batteries in it. if the child goes to the e.r., what is your normal course of treatment? >> what we normally do is an x-ray. we'll see if there is foreign body. batteries easily show up on x-rays and coins. one of the differences between batteries and coins, when you look at edge of it, i will show you here when you peel the battery off --. jenna: there are no ridges on that. >> no ridges on the quarter but you see the double ridge on battery. that is how we can tell a battery. it has to get out within two hours. jenna: within two hours? >> have to try to remove in two hours. if you think it is happened imperative you bring the child to the hospital immediately. jenna: is there ever scenario where a kid swallow as battery or coin and you say, we're not going to do anything, we're not going to do surgery? >> sure the majority of these pass through quite easily. we'll do the x-ray and won't
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see it in the esophagus or upper chest and stomach and we know it will pass through the gi tract. majority of the cases don't require surgery. jenna: just when they're stuck? >> just when they're stuck. stuck greater than two hours, electric current even in a weak battery, that little bit after charge could cause a hydrolysis reaction could lead to a burn. important parents are informed. common sense the main thing. put tape on all the partments. make sure to keep them out of the reach of children. jenna: good news to have, dr. pat the ti. jon? jon: a manhunt for a i will kerr wanted in the shooting deaths of two people including this 74-year-old man. why drivers in one state are told to be on high alert. a very strange case. and chilling new details in the case of a missing arizona girl. 911 calls her parents made the morning cute little isabel celis disappeared. >> have you looked
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everywhere, under the bed? the closets? >> we looked everywhere and she is know where in the house. >> okay. >> [inaudible]. >> we're almost there, ma'am, okay? where's your husband and your kids? they're outside waiting for the cops. >> okay. >> oh, my god. [ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again with the all-new rx f sport. ♪ this is the next chapter for the rx. this is the next chapter for lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection. or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert
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[shouting] jon: violence and protests in gaza and the west bank today. protesters clash with police as palestinians hold a day of mourning to mark the creation of the state of israel. thousands marching in the streets remembering 1948 when a new country was born and they say they were forced from their homes.
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leland vittert is there in the west bank with the latest. leland? >> reporter: hi, jon. right now the violence is continuing here at the check point. you see a number of kids out there throwing stones. we had a number of israelis run out on our position and firing. you can see right over next to the wall the israeli soldiers running out. it has been a fierce battle all day going back and forth. i will give you idea of amount of ammunition was used. this is one of the buckets they bring out with the tear gas grenades. that is some of the stuff we collected for today. this is the palestinian youth that come down from the refugee camp. you can hear tear gas coming in from israeli soldiers. the palestinians are here for what they call the day which translates into the catastrophe. what the palestinians call creation of the state of israel 64 years ago. give you a sense of the battle situation out here. this is what the tear gas comes in? one of these grenades. fired from an m-16. this is what the
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palestinians are throwing back the rock. one of these rocks hits you in the head or arm, thrown by a slingshot and hurt awful lot. israelies are trying to keep things calm as anger in the west bank continues to heat up. why are you throwing stones? >> because we don't have nothing to do. we don't have guns. we don't have anything else. this is my country. >> reporter: the israelis closed the kalandia check point because of a suspicious package put on the wall. they think it may be a bomb of some type. you have the bomb squad robot coming out to inspect it. meantime of course the israeli soldiers are trying to push the palestinians back and keep them from throwing rocks. palestinians have homefield advantage. in every part of this refugee camp there is al i also and back rooms and there is also rooftops for them to throw rocks from and take cover. we're still hearing the flak bang grenades go off as we speak. a number of israeli soldiers
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come back out. they have switched from tear gas because the wind is blowing back. tear gas doesn't do much good. they are switching to rubber bullets. these are coming out of m-16s aimed at palestinian rock throwers. this is planned day of violence the escalation is going to continue and there is enough of anger in the west bank combined with a lack of prospect of a peace deal we could be in store for another violent summer a third intifada and palestinian uprising. jon: doesn't look like prospects for peace anytime soon there. leland vittert. jenna: police are trying to find out who killed a newlywed a brand new bride found stabbed to death in her wedding dress. bizarre case there. we'll get you details. oldest daughter of john edwards getting set to take the stand. what she could tell jurors about her father's role in
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jon: fox news alert. the u.s. justice department just announcing an investigation into investment firm jp morgan. the company already being investigated by the securities and exchange commission after posting a staggering loss of money. this all comes as chief jaime dimon now faces tough questions from shareholders in tampa. the stock price dove after revelations that the company made bad trades that led to the loss of billions of dollars. now new reports coming to light sewing some of the bank's senior staff reportedly expressed concern over risky trades which led to the loss. the daughter of former north carolina senator john edwards set to take the stand in her father's defense. what cate edwards could say that could help her father escape prison time. police find a woman stabbed to death in her wedding gown lying in a dry bathtub. while the 25-year-old new bride
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didn't tell many people about her wedding, and who police think might be responsible for her murder. jenna: plenty of big stories today. first we have new details on a manhunt for a killer down south, possibly posing as a police officer. we are glad you are with us, everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. welcome to a brand-new hour of "happening now." investigators in mississippi say they are looking for a suspect they believe pulled over two drivers in the dark of night before shooting them dead. motorists on highways now on high alert in at least two counties there. david lee miller has more from our new york newsroom. david. >> reporter: jon, imagine driving down a deserted, dark roadway and in the rear view mirror you see a vehicle with flashing lights. you pull over thinking it's law enforcement only to discover you have been tricked by an imposter with sinister intentions. authorities in northern mississippi think that might be the scenario behind two recent murders but right now that is
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only a theory. what they do know is that on may 8th 74-year-old thomas schindler from nebraska was driving around 1:40 in the morning when he was shot multiple times. his body was found in his ford pickup. the retired electrician was on his way to florida to drive a grandson home from college. shell casings were found at the scene. 60 miles away in an adjacent county a 48-year-old was also shot and killed. it was on state road 713 near i69 intersection. her body was discovered behind her 1997 pontiac grand am. the local casino employee was driving home from work when she was gunned down. shell casings were found at the scene. authorities don't know for certain if the killer or killers are phony cops. they do have advice for motorists, you can't ignore police but if stopped be cautious. >> if they are being pulled over by an officer, and they are
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concerned because of what has gone on with these two homicides, you do have a right -- you don't have a carte blanche right not to stop at all but you have a right under our law to put your flashers on, drive a space speed and proceed to a lighted, populated area. >> reporter: drivers are being used to use their cellphone to call 911 to confirm the traffic stop is legit. in a nearby county the sheriff's department there says unmarked cars will not be making traffic stops until the investigation is over. a relative of one of the victims told fox a wallet and purse were stolen. it is worth noting that the two victims did not in any way know one another. now those two families are linked forever by tragedy. jon: that is really an awful, scary story. middle of the night you get pulled over, what are you supposed to do. >> reporter: very frightening. listen to the advice of authorities, be cautious. go to a lighted area.
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you can call 911 if there is any uncertainty about who is stopping you. jon: thank you. jenna: to the hunt for a missing person, there is a search happening right now in the mountains west of burbank, california for a missing f.b.i. agent. we first told you about this yesterday. julie banderas has more from the newsroom. >> reporter: yes suspicious details coming in at this point. a 40-member search and rescue team is joining a dozen local police and roughly a hundred f.b.i. officers in trying to locate missing agent 35-year-old stephen ivens. he was last seen friday leaving his home reported to be quote, dispond dent as well as armed with his handgun. his family reported him missing later that morning. dogs tracked his scent to a nearby mountain range but authorities say he may have gone in a different direction. the rough terrain is making the search difficult. >> an area with rough terrain we save for that daylight. the areas easy to cover that
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tpwreud we woul grid, we would focus more on. >> reporter: the three year agent is under no disciplinary action and by many accounts is a reliable agent. why they are not saying is why he may be considered suicidal. so if you have any information at all on stephen ivens or his whereabouts you are urged to call the burbank police department or the f.b.i. at the telephone numbers on your screen. jenna: let's hope they find out more information, julie, thank you. jon: some chilling new details in the case of a missing arizona girl. police now releasing 911 calls made by the parents of six-year-old isabelle celis possibly shedding new light on what went on in that tucson home the night isabelle vanished last month
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william la jeunesse is following this story live from los angeles. >> reporter: the last time isabelle was seen was the night her parents put her to bed on april 20th. when they woke up she was gone. within hours cops, 250 were searching the the neighborhood. the f.b.i. had brought in dogs, and volunteers were combing the nearby landfill. now the father, sergio celis claimed that morning that isabelle's bedroom window was open. he actually cried during a news conference. now compare that to his voice in this 911 call moments after finding his daughter was missing, and to his wife's 911 call, and she is a nurse.
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>> reporter: the father's casual voice there is a little odd. the arizona child protective services agency has said that sergio celis cannot have any contact with his sons but they are not saying why. police have assigned 19 detectives to this case, 15 are looking into a stranger abduction, jon, four are investigating the family. they say they have no suspects and are not giving up hope. jon: that chuckle when he talks about calling his wife, that is just bizarre. >> reporter: i agree. jon: william la jeunesse, thank you. jenna: let's get to some business news now. the head of america's biggest bank facing some serious music
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today. jp morgan's ceo jaime dimon in a shareholders meeting right now, days after announcing the firm lost billions in a bad trade. the stock market shows the dow up 54 points so far this morning, this as a financial crisis in greece and across the euro zone really threatens to impact our stock market, the global economy and even the election of 2012 here at home. steven moore a senior economic writer for the "wall street journal" joins us now. we have been talking for more than a year about grease, the euro zone, what is happening in europe. what makes now different and why does it matter. >> reporter: this is a story that won't die. we've been talking about greece and all the problems in some of these other european countries like spain, italy and portugal for you're right more than a year and it doesn't look like they are any closure to a resolution today, jenna than they were a year ago. in fact the election outcomes a week or two ago in europe were of questionable value in terms of turning around these
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economies. they moved more to the left, more in a socialist direction. the new french president is an aeu vowed socialist. in greece you had a left-wing regime take over. the -p problem i believe in europe is that they've become so addicted to a massive entitlement welfare state they can't give it up. they feel it's a human right and any kind of attempts politically to reign that in have been resisted. jenna: because of the potential danger this poses to the u.s. economy, the manufacturing, big banks, do you see any scenario why american taxpayer money in one way or another is used to bolster these economies. >> reporter: god forbid. i don't think there is any support among the public for doing that. the word bailout has become four letter words in washington d.c. i don't see any prospect for that. jenna: our central bank was very much involved in the past. >> reporter: you're right, jenna. i'm saying there is no political
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support for it. you're right the fed has intervened, the imf has interviewed. the american people say wait a minute we have big problems in our economy right now, why should we be bailing out greece or france or any other countries in europe. what i'm saying is there is no political support for it but some of these institutions don't have, you know, they are not accountable to voters, like the imf and the federal reserve. jenna: again, a lot of our money at work in different ways in those organizations. there are headlines coming out of asia, we see china and that economy slowing. it's almost like a slow moving storm from european asia and different opinions about what that means for us. what do you see for the next couple of months ab what is the impact? >> reporter: look at what happened to the stock market over the past two weeks or a month, it's a bare market. there is a lot of fear among investments about what's happened in european asia. the interesting part about the china story that you mentioned is the new projections came in for china that their growth rate
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will only be 8%, i mean wouldn't that be wonderful? jenna: we are just hoping for that some day. >> reporter: we are growing at 2%, they are growing at 8% and they are complaining they need a stimulus. there is no question china is slowing down a little bit. in fact i'd maybe the case that may pose a bigger threat to the united states than europe does, china is the new big actor on the world stage vying with the united states for international sue preliminary macy. jenna: anything we can do to help inflate our own economy. >> reporter: the first thing if i were advising barack obama, let's call off the tax increase on january 1, 2013, the capital gains, the dividends, what you've called on this show, tax mageddon. the president should say we are not going to do this until maybe 2015. this is not the time given the jittery financial markets, jenna for raising taxes on investment and savings. jenna: will you let us know when he calls you? >> reporter: that will be the day. jenna: nice to see you always. thank you for the analysis. jon: she once before fled the
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jon: well this november'see hrebs promises to be a squeaker but there is a heated battle for female voters in the presidential campaign. exit polls suggest 56% of women voted for candidate obama in 2008. this time around, though, he appears to be losing ground to governor romney with this key voting group.
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let's talk about it about ab stoddard, associate editor of the hill. any indications as to why ab? >> the polling will vary from poll to poll and it will change throughout the campaign as you know in this volatile electio electorate. they showed romney behind by double digits a month or so with woman. this is obviously going to be resulting from bad economic news in the last two job reports, possibly on his decision on gay marriage and some other events that have transpired. i think that president obama is working very hard for the women's vote. he won it in 08. there is a good chance that women are fed up as men with the economic outlook and vote for the challenger as they did in 2008. this time romney, back then it was obama.
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jon: let's take a look at "the new york times" poul were referencing when asked among women which candidate do you prefer, president obama comes in at 44% -- i'm sorry, mitt romney comes in at 46%. that is within the margin of error. there used to be a huge spread here, something like 18 percentage points, right? >> that's right. that is a move, overall the ar approval for romney is three points above president obama. those respondents from the previous poll were called back and so it's largely supposedly the same group of people. and they have tilted towards governor romney, independents and women voters in particular, and that's a bad sign for president obama. what you see inside the polling on women, jon, is that married women tend to prefer governor romney, and single women prefer to favor the president, they tend to. so what you're going to see with president obama is an attempt to short of galvanize
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younger, unmarried voters, register new ones who are women hoping he can make up for the numbers in married women that governor romney will eye tract. jon: is that why we are seeing president obama making appearances like he did yesterday giving the commencement address at barn ard's ledge, a women's university. >> then he went to the view, which is a predominantly female audience in daytime television. yes, you will see more of these events. he's not going to let up on women voters. this is a group he hopes to win. women voters went with republicans in the congressional midterms in 2010 for the first time in a very longtime and it's important for democrats to take advantage of any opening that they can to get them back. but as i said, if you're looking at the economic outlook deteriorating, women of course concerned with the economy more than anything, and married women tending to favor governor romney, that is the group he's going to have to fight hard
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more. jon: ab stoddard from the hill. thank you. jenna: a chilling murder mystery in illinois, a newlywed found stabbed to death in her bathtub still in her wedding dress. who killed her? who is behind this cream the breaking details coming up. new drama in the john edwards corruptions trial as the former presidential candidate's daughter cate and possibly himself may take the stand. what can we expect? our legal panel weighs in. at bank of america, we're lending and investing in communities across the country. from helping to revitalize a neighborhood in brooklyn... financing industries that are creating jobs in boston... providing funding for the expansion of a local business serving a diverse seattle community... and lending to ensure a north texas hospital continues to deliver quality care. because the more we can do in local neighborhoods and communities,
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as he was flying to serpl knee today, this is a very important relationship, by the way between france and germany and what is ahead for the economy in europe. as president hollande is heading toward jeremy his plane is struck by lightning and he had to turn back. he has got even on another plane, he's on his way back to germany for this important meeting. those are the facts, those are the reports, it's sort of interesting. jon: aircraft do get hit by lightning more than people might realize. i'm sure they turned around out of an abundance of caution. you don't want to hear that your new president's plane was struck by lightning. jenna: one of the most important trips on his agenda. we'll turn back to north carolina. john edwards oldest daughter is expected to take the witness stand today in her father's criminal trial. cate edwards has stood by her father's side since day one. we hear john edwards himself
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might testify as well this week. there is uncertainty about this. jonathan serrie is in greensboro with more. >> reporter: uncertainty and speculation. john edwards and his daughter cate are both among the defense's list of potential witnesses for today and wednesday, and while that is no guarantee that each of them will testify the defense has apparently had to adjust its strategy somewhat after the judge banned some key testimony from a key defense witness. cate edwards has been by her father's side every day of this trial. while she may not have intimate knowledge of the funds that went into the cover up of her father's affair, she can certainly speak to the emotions her family was experiencing at that time. >> i think cate actually will help human ice john edward. maybe she'll show a different side. it's her dad, after all. hopefully she'll have some helpful testimony in the form of conversations with her mother.
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she was probably privy to conversations with both of her parents about what was going on with the campaign, about the pain the family was feeling as a result of the affair. >> reporter: a former u.s. prosecutor says the defense is more likely to call john edwards to testify now that the judge has blocked the jury from hearing testimony from scott thomas. without the jury present thomas offered a preview of his opinion on the funds that were used to keep edwards' mistress and her daughter in hiding. thomas said, quote, in my view it's a fairly clear-cut case, these are obviously intensely personal kinds of expenses, these expenses would have remained irrespective of the campaign. the judge decided to block jurors from hearing this particular opinion saying it was more appropriate as a closing argument by the defense. abby lowell, edwards lead attorney was not pleased with
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the judge's ruling and suggested that it might be overturned during an appeal. jenna: a fairly strong statement there from the former official of the fcc. we'll see when the jury does hear it, jonathan. good points made. thank you very much, jonathan serrie in north carolina. lis wiehl is a fox news analyst. and john manwellen is a fox news contributor. if cate doesn't take the stand she is a fairly similar pa at thsimilar pa at the time sympathetic witness. how do you wand he will her. >> his daughter has gone throughout death of her mother, is seeing her father tried, is standing by her father through all of that. you have to be careful as a prosecutor if you're prosecuting. you also have to be careful with a defense.
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if i'm a juror i'm sitting there, unless she has something really relevant to say about campaign finish use, which is what this is all about, not just the trauma the family was going through. i think as a juror and as a parent would i really put my daughter on the stand to defend her father unless she had something jermain to the law in this case. jenna: very interesting. what do you think about that. >> john edwards went on abc news and he said he disclosed to his family including his wife that he was having an affair in 2006. he might be putting on hits daughter to show the mindset of the edwards family and the concern of the embarrassment that would come out if the a fair came out. it would help by putting the daughter because it gives the jurors a frame of mind as to johne john edwards. there is a high probability that he might testify in this case, so me might roll out the red carpet on that. jenna: as a defense attorney, why wouldn't he take the stand and become a witness for his own
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case? >> because he's made a lot of statements in tell advice, in thtelevision, in the news, and some of them were lies. he denied he had an a fair several times over. he may be asked about that. is he prone to lie when defending himself. when he was on tv he made a lot of statements that maybe inconsistent to what he may say on the stand. the defense attorneys have to figure out the pros and cons of putting him on the stand. john edwards is a charmer and he's the best person to explain what he was thinking in his mind. i don't see how they can't put him on. jenna: they can't, exactly that. if i'm the prosecutor i prepared, unfold every statement where he lied, selfconfessed lies now. and when i'm doing the prosecution cross with him i put that up, i let the jurors see that so he has to go through one, by one, by one, you lied about this. you lied about this. you lied about this and we are supposed to believe you now? yes, he's a khaerpl but the jurors all know this guy and know that he has a reputation as
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a wonderful trial lawyer, a wonderful charmer. he's been charming jurors. i kind of think this jury is not so charmed by what they've been hearing the last couple of weeks. jenna: i read one law professor that said, sometimes lawyers don't make good witnesses, they are not good on the other side. we are thankful that you as lawyers make good tv guests. thank you so much for joining us. it's obviously a case we'll continue to watch. thank you very much. jon: there is a new ad out from president obama's campaign seem attacking governor romney and his business background. will it help or hurt the president's re-election chances? a fair & balanced debate on that straight ahead. ou gambling is helping states make up for huge budget short false and keeping some folks employed. a party? [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh? my nutritional standards are high. i'm not juice or fancy water, i'm different. i've got nine grams of protein. twist my lid. that's three times more than me!
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jenna: a young newlywed found stabbed to death near chicago still wearing her wedding dress. a search is underway for her killer. julie banderas is live in the newsroom with more. >> reporter: the 26-year-old bride and mother of two children apparently didn't tell many people, including her own family that she had just got even married, because apparently her groom didn't meet their approval. she invited them to a party on a bus. it turns out she was inviting them to her wedding reception. that was where she was last seen. the following day she was supposed to pick up her children from her father opens house. when she didn't show up the family called police who were
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dispatched to her home for a well-being check. when cops arrived they found the woman stabbed to death in a bathtub. she was still wearing her wedding dress. the 30-year-old man with whom she had been on and off with for the past three years and eventually married isn't being named since he hasn't been charged with anything. meantime investigators are scouring the neighborhood for clues. >> i think they were searching the dumpster in the back and searching the garbage cans there all around the area. >> it's shocking, actually. i don't believe she is found in her wedding dress with stab woupd. that's just psychotic. >> reporter: it's really hard to believe. she was a spanish interpreter for a social welfare agency and apparently lived alone with her daughter and sons ages 9 and 2. jenna: let's hope they solve this case, julie. thank you. >> reporter: sure. jon: president obama's re-election campaign is painting a target on governor romney's
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business career, but could it aeu le alienate private investors who pump billions of dollars into the economy. let's talk about it with juan williams, a fox news political analyst. and marry catherine ham who writes for the daily caller. the president obama's campaign team has taken shots at mitt romney over his time at bain capital. they have two guys who worked for a steel mill that was closed after bain capital bought the company. how effective is that ad, first of all? >> i can't judge that, i mean i'm interested to see exactly what the numbers are when they come back on it, but campaign obviously is aiming at blue color voters. they are looking at places like colorado, iowa, virginia, pennsylvania. they are going off blue collar workers that they think could be
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alienated from the romney campaign and picking up on a theory that really didn't work well for romney's g.o.p. opponents during the primary process. you remember rick perry, the governor of texas at one point called romney's actions when he was working at bain, vulture capitalism. here we have an ad that refers to romney as vampire. they are picking up on that theme but it did not defeat romney during the g.o.p. primary. jon: there are suggestions, mary catherine that the ad misses the mark. >> i think there's always been a chance that the bain attacks could be more effective in the general than they were in the primary. the obama camp is hedging on this attack on day one after releasing things saying well not all private equity managers are bad. why? because he's going to a private equity manager's house for a $5,000 a head fundraising dinner. these guys have always begin him a lot of money. he continues to need that money. i think when you're parsing that
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attack on day one it makes it much less strong. the other interesting thing i thought was that the romney campaign was clearly ready for this this time around. clearly rid, had an ad that looked like it was ready to go very quickly about another steel company, steel dynamics, this private equity firm actually ended up helping and continuing to grow. there are two sides to the store row and the romney campaign needs to continue getting that out. jon: and juan, i guess the question too, i mean general motors was bailed out on president obama's watch, and general motors and the president has bragged about this. general motorse motors is back but it is a much smaller company. a number of dealers were closed, factories were shut down, the same kind of thing that president obama is accusing mitt romney of having done. >> i think, jon the key here is the reason for the romney campaign, all sides agree is his business experience in saying that he can put the economy back on the right track he can
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generate more jobs. what you're seeing now is an early attempt by president obama to undercut that basis for the romney campaign. when you start talking about gm i think the romney campaign is going to be slow to get into the waters about, well, some dealerships were closed, some jobs were lost, it's a smaller company, because number one it's still in existence, and number two, the counter from the obama campaign could be pretty devastating in terms of, you know, the natural business cycles. i think you were pointing this out, mary catherine that some businesses fail, some succeed. what the obama people want to do, especially david objection elrod his senior adviser is make the point, bain has hurt a number of blue collar workers in the country by either shipping jobs overseas or eliminating them. >> i think their point is the exact same argument could be made against barack obama he didn't even use private money he used $60 billion of our money and ended up cutting a lot of jobs. i understand maybe he doesn't understand capitalism. but that is the argument that
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they are trying to make, and i think it's a powerful one, because romney has actually helped other businesses grow, and if they are telling those stories i do think it dam dampens this attack quite a bit. jon: we have to leave it there. thank you very much. jenna: serious economic concerns for france and greece. we've been talking about what is happening in europe. both of those countries are facing crippling amounts of debt and an important change in political leadership. greg burke is streaming live from rome, another site we are watching to tell us more about what is happening in europe. >> reporter: these right. two interesting stories today. one little bit right now just the latest news coming out, the french president just sworn in today was on his way tpao are to germany to meet with angela merkel, his plane was struck by lightning. he's now on his way back there again.
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greece just had elections ten days ago and now they say they are going to need new elections already. so it's essentially just making more and more likely that greece will eventually have to get out of the euro zone. they could actualee see one of the anti-bailout parties gaining in the next elections, which will be in june. that will be problems for all the euro zone. the real problem is nobody knows what a greek exit will mean, how bad it will be for the economy. the other big news today was france. the president coming into power after beating nicolas sarkozy in the elections. hollande admitting he has his work cut out, massive economic work for what he says a huge debt, weak growth and very high unemployment. there was certainly a lot of pomp there today. it was interesting it did rain on his parade, not a very good start, perhaps to his term as well. finally, jenna, the good news in
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europe they were expecting a double-dip recession, it came out today actually stable. you get all the good news you can for that kind of thing. it was basically because the german growth was higher than expected. italy, for example it was lowered than expected. italy is in trouble and so is spain. jenna: thank you very much. greg burke in rome, italy today. jon: he was video chatting with his wife all the way from afghanistan and then the unthinkable happened. today a brave american is laid to rest. plus, a dig in the backyard turns up something ancient that came from hundreds of miles away, the mystery just grows from there. the best part of angreat meal?
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back from the recession last year. revenues are up about 3%. laura ingle is live at the resorts world casino in queens, new york. what does this report tell us, laura about casino jobs and revenue? >> you know, casinos across the u.s. took in $35.6 billion last year providing more than 339,000 jobs, this according to the american gaming association annual report. it came out last week. from sin city to the big apple nearly 60 million people visited a casino in 2011, which is a nice little bump up from nearly 55% in 2010. hot spots like vegas and atlantic city took a dip in revenue reporting a roughly 10% over the last year. while the casino industry isn't exactly where it was before the economic crash the head of the american gaming association tells us the overall financial picture for casinos is looking more and more like a sure bet. >> of the 22 states that have
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commercial casinos in them as opposed to native-american casinos, 15 of the 22 were up in 2011 over 2010. >> as we know commercial casinos are required to give back a real k. they paid nearly $8 billion in taxes to state and local governments have last year which is a 4.5 increase from 2010. markets like maryland, kansas and new york where new k*zs were open or had a first full year of operations posted the biggest numbers last year. while they are not legal here in the state of new york, video lottery terminals and electronic table games are. here at resorts world casino which opened last october 20,000 customers daily, 50,000 on the weekend, numbers which could really spike in live table gaming is legalized. >> first you'd see the construction where you have to
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expand your facilities to accommodate table games. and two it's the people that would work the table games and the dealers. that would spark a lot of jobs. >> reporter: people are asking, why are people spending money when people are struggling with making it. according to this new report it turns out last year americans spent more on commercial casinos as they did on movie, music and outdoor equipment combined. people looking for an escape, and places like this trying to provide it. jon: thank you. jenna: we're actually going to take you out to vegas next but it has nothing to do with gambling. u.s. truckers are launching a new effort to fit a horrific crime. human trafficking is a multibillion dollar industry, it affects hundreds and thousands of women and children nationwide. casey stegall is live in las vegas with more on this story. >> reporter: human trafficking in fact is the second largest growing crime, fastest growing crime in the world, a 32 billion-dollar a year
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industry to be exact. if you think it is not happening here in america, right in our own backyards, think again, and the especially disturbing part of this is child sex trafficking. listen to this. the u.s. department of justices mates between a hundred thousand to 300,000 kids are at risk of entering the sex for sale industry every single year, kids that are either abducted, or runaway from home and basically sold into slavery, and las vegas is considered ground zero for it. >> it has a landscape that is very unique to other communities across this country, and those that are sex trafficking young women either under the age of 18, or even older than 18, young adult women, this is a place to come make lots of money. >> reporter: the problem is prevalent at truck stops, not just in nevada but around the whole country. young girls and boys working the
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lots. now law enforcement calling on the trucking industry to help combat the problem, training drivers and truck stop employees on how to detect it, and how to report it. >> it's really just being aware and noticing something suspicious. if they are not in control of their identification, if they don't have any knowledge about the area that they are in, or they don't know where they are at, if they don't speak english. >> we look at normal all day long, what is not normal should stick out like that, whether it be here in las vegas, you leave here today, and you're in san antonio tomorrow. >> reporter: this truckers against trafficking campaign is growing by leaps and bound. there are posters up at most truck stops in america and a 22-minute dvd has been released to various trucking associations and how to teach these drivers on what to look for, jenna. jenna: very interesting look at the story. thank you very much. casey stegall in las vegas today. jon: two human skulls found
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buried in a backyard, you won't believe where they are from, and how old they are. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ]
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israeli spy. he was sentenced to death for the assassination of an iranian nuclear sign 'tis. iran claims he confessed and was paid by israel. al-qaida knows u.s. drones are watching them in yemen. now they are training troops to avoid detection. it includes speaking in a low voice, no cell phones and no gunfire. a security supervisor at newark airport facing charges of identity theft. authorities say he's an illegal immigrant from africa who used the name of a man murdered 20 years ago.
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police say there is no evidence to suggest he was involved in the 1992 murder. jenna: quite a discovery in florida, two skulls buried in a backyard and they date back to ancient peru. julie you have more on this. >> reporter: yeah, a bit bizarre. a plumber work on a swimming pool in florida will never forget this workday after finding fragments of human bones including two skulls he called police, and well believe it or not that's when the story gets even stranger. forensic experts believe the skulls belong to an adult male and a boy about ten years old. they believe the skulls are believed to be hundreds of years old and from south america. the tissue on the bone tprag events had been mu mummifying, with material from the ancient i nca empire. there was newspaper that dates back to 1978. investigators have a couple of near reese on how the bones may
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have got even there. they speculate they may have been bought years ago as souvenirs or a migrant worker may have buried him as part of a cultural ceremony. archaeologists say that they are probably never going to know for sure. it is now illegal by the way to transport bones to the u.s. jenna. jenna: note to self, just in case. >> reporter: a swimming pool plumber, note that as well. you never know what you're going to get. jenna: quite a mystery, thank you. jon: an army nurse who died in afghanistan during a video call with his wife is being laid to rest today. captain bruce kevin clark was chatting with his wife two weeks ago when he suddenly slumped forward. his family thought he had been shot. the military says there was no bullet wound. the cause of his death remains under investigation. jenna: we think of his family today. an all out manhunt in mississippi after someone who may have posed as a police officer goes on a deadly rampage, the breaking details in a live report, next.
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jon: a report that presidential candidate ron paul may have been double-dipping on his expense account, according to roll call, an organization is charging fraud, claiming he billed taxpayers for some expenses while submitting the same items to the liberty committee for reimbursement, a spokesman calls the allegations a personal grudge by former aide and says the congressman will be happy to investigate those claims. we'll see what happens. jenna: he's still in, by the way, a reminder. ron paul is not campaigning actively but still in the race. jon: all right, thank you for joining us on this thursday. -- on this tuesday. jenna: "america live" starts right now. megyn: fox news alert on new problems for president obama's reelection team as bad polls stack up, back to back. welcome to "america live" everyone, i'm megyn kelly. a live look at the white house where a briefing is
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