tv America Live FOX News May 16, 2012 10:00am-12:00pm PDT
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megyn: fox news alert new warnings today that the country is on a collision course when it comes to our economy. welcome to "america live," everyone, i'm megyn kelly. we have a live camera outside of the white house right now where we are awaiting details from what might be a tense meeting between the republican leaders and our president. both sides say they want to head off a coming showdown over out of control spending in washington. a lack of solutions on the debt crisis, a tax hike that will affect every single american set to go into effect at the end of the year, and the plan to slash budgets at some of our critical federal agencies. here we go again, just went through this last summer. last year a stale mit on dealing with these issues brought us to the brink of defaulting on our debt. in the 288 days since then washington has added a trillion dollars to the national debt. the white house and congress
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burning through an average ever $3.7 billion a day that they just don't have. fox business network's stu varney is the host of varney & company on fbn. stu, here we go again. we already had this battle last suggest, it resulted in both sigh, especially -ts g.o.p. side taking considerable damage in terms of the electio the electorats feeling about them. and here we go again. >> another face off, another debt crisis. let me give you the timetable if i may. about two weeks after the election american will run out of borrowing power, we'll have to raise the debt ceiling, that is just two weeks after the election. on january the 1st this taxmargeddon hits and that's four things. all tax rates goes up.
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the taxes on dividends and interests go up. the payroll tax holiday ends, that is a tax increase for everyone. and $1.2 trillion will be sequestered, that means spending taken out of healthcare and the military, that is the so-called taxmageddon, that is the timetable being laid out. that's what the big controversy is all about. what are we going to do before we get to that point? megyn: is there any room for compromise? >> under the current balance of political power, probably not. it all depends on the election. if there is a clean cut victory in the election by either side, democrats or republicans, either side wins a clean-cut victory, you will change the political balance of power and get some kind of agreement to raise the debt ceiling and workout tax increases and spending cuts. if there is no clean-cut victory, if it's a split decision, then you're left with
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the same old, same old, a standoff with two opposing political points of view over taxes, entitlements and spending and you'll have the same crisis runoff. megyn: doesn't somebody have to fold? i mean given the stakes of we need to raise the debt limit otherwise we can't pay the bills, and given the massive tax increases that a lot of men's are going to be facing, all americans are going to be facing some tax hike, those who pay taxes any way, if they don't reach agreement? >> yes the pressure is much greater now than it was even back in august of last year, and that was big enough, because as you say, if all of these tax increases go into effect, and at the same time you get this huge spending cut you're going to take roughly $2 trillion out of a $15 trillion economy. at that point you've really wrecked the economy, that is a catastrophe. if we don't borrow more money we cannot pay our bills, therefore we will default, or we'll certainly get a downgrade all over again. so the pressure is much more
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extreme, but we're again going up to that cliff. megyn: what is the downside -- i mean -- the president has been arguing for some time that we need to raise taxes on the rich in particular, not so much others, but on the rich in particular. the spending cuts that are going to go into effect are of defense and other issues, although that's been manipulated since the ownre until deal, but what is the downside to the democrats inletting the taxes go up and the spending cuts take place, if they don't reach a deal? >> the downside to the democrat is, if you raise taxes on anybody you slow down an already very weak economy. and if you put spending cuts in place you slow it down some more. that is the danger to the democrats. the danger to the republicans is that they push to the brink, we have another downgrade, and it's blamed on the republicans because we wouldn't raise taxes. megyn: wow. high stakes for both sides. that's how it went the last time. we'll see. thank you,stu.
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we did research and found under the bush administration $4.89 trillion were added to the deficit in eight years. so far under president obama we have seen the debt jump by 5 trillion over roughly three years and three months. there is a developing story we are watching today in ohio. a catholic university in steubenville is saying it is scrapping health insurance coverage for some of its students and blaming the president's healthcare law. francis can university blaming the obama administration's contraception mandate and the costs associated with other provisions of the healthcare overhaul. the university says the basic plan's $600 cost would triple by next year. so what will the political fallout be in the 2012 race for this kind of decision, and is francis can university, which is of course in the battleground state of ohio just the first? are others likely to follow?
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we'll debate that straight ahead on "america live." we also have growing controversy in washington over a decision by someone in the obama administration to update biographies of past presidents, adding a footnote at the bottom of the official biographies on the white house website. the footnotes tie this president's accomplishments to the actions of previous presidents. trace gallagher has more live from the breaking news desk. trace. >> reporter: megyn, except for gerald ford these food notes were added to the biographies of every single president since calvin coolidge. these are are the official biographies written in 2009. the bios were not altered in any way and the white house reportedly claims the additions are simply a promotional technique that is widely used on the web where you know you add a link to the bottom of the page it takes to you a different page. critics say the administration has crossed a line when it comes to promoting its policies, and
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certainly some of these footnotes are on contentious subjects, for example, connecting obama's tax policy to ronald tkpwaeug and's where it says and i'm quoting, reagan called for a fairer tax code, one where a multimail air did not have a lower tax rate than his secretary. today president obama is calling for the same with the buffett rule. he says come faring connecting the president's healthcare to signing of medicare, going on saying, quote, president lyndon swropbs son signed medicare providing millions of elderly healthcare stability. president obama's historic healthcare rememory strengthens medicare. of course medicare and the tax rule, the buffet one is tied up in the senate right now and medicare is being reviewed by the supreme court. the republican convention responds by saying, quote it's no surprise that the one is trying to insert himself in the biographies of past presidents. remember, this was the same guy who said he should be considered one of the top four presidents.
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the rnc is also having a little fun with this on the tumbler website saying -- putting the president in some historical pictures as you see there with president kennedy, on and on and on it goes. historians say look, the bottom line is, is they don't see a haoeupblg problehuge problem with this but it should be noted that none of these footnotes at all are historical, and that should be pointed out on the website. megyn: you've got to have a little chuckle at the photos. i'm sure even the president got a little chuckle out of that. all right, trace thank you. we're going to have a fair & balanced debate on this in our next hour. should the white house be adding these addendums to the existing biographies of our past presidents? we'll talk about it. plus an amazing breakthrough in one woman's fight against flesh eating bacteria. x first told you about amy copeland a week or so ago.
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she continues to defy a fatal diagnosis. she went on this rope line, it cut open her leg and resulted in a flesh eating bacteria. we'll tell you the inspiring story of how she and her family have rallied in the face of looming tragedy. new controversy in the debate over the massachusetts senate race, and whether democratic candidate liz warren intentionally made up a story about her alleged native-american heritage in order to get or drive in some jobs at prestigious universities. today we are learning that the original findings, which support some of her claims that she may have had a great, great, great grandmother who was cherokee have gone up in smoke. there is absolutely no proof of them. how does she defend herself now? and from clowning around on tv to taking on the commander-in-chief, john lovitz joins us with what hollywood is like when you criticize the
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president with a profanity-layed tirade. >> anybody is able to do anything if you're willing to put in the work. that's my point. this whole thing with obama saying the rich don't pay their taxes is [bleep]. and i voted for the guy and i'm a democrat. what a. [bleep] ♪ [muc plays] ♪ [music plays] ♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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megyn: an intense manhunt is underway for a chicago man accused of stabbing his new bride to death. the couple seen here were married just last friday. her bloodied body was discovered some 48 hours later still in her wedding dress. now police believe her new husband, 30-year-old arnoldo jimenez may have left the state and is possibly driving a 2006 black ma mazarati.
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>> big bank, institutions, wall street, she is not afraid of anybody. >> she is the real deal. >> i'm elizabeth wha warren and i a prove this message. megyn: new add for elizabeth warren calling the massachusetts democrat the real deal. it comes as warren who was challenging republican scott brown for a u.s. senate seat. this is the seat he won after ted kennedy vacated it, she's hoping that the controversy over whether she dishonestly claimed american indian heritage will go away. the harvard law professor has been under fire from critics who say she lied about her alleged native-american roots to promote her prospects at certain colleges where she worked. the boston globe has had to issue a retraction saying contrary to earlier claims it could not find any proof that warren is in fact 1 32nd cherokee.
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larry sabato is the director of the center of politics at the university of virginia. lar lee. it was originally that she was listed as a minority law professor, that is what came out. she listed herself as a minority law professor, okay. and at harvard they touted her as a minority law professor, at the university of pennsylvania it came out, they also listed her in their minority equity report and so on. she comes out and says, i just listed myself because i wanted to meet other people like me. it's all based on a claim that she may have a great, great, great grandmother who was cherokee. now they are coming out and saying, no, there is absolutely zero proof of that claim either. so now we were looking at 1 32nd. now it appears we may be looking at absolutely no proof of anything. where does that leave her and this race? >> it leaves her with a mess on her hands and a continuing controversy, megyn. as we know from a thousand
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controversies in a thousand campaigns, until you answer all the questions they just linger, and they keep being brought up, if they are not brought up by the press they are brought up in tv ads from the opponent. so obviously this is not something that will go away. i expect to see at least one tv ad, maybe more in the fall about it. megyn: no one cares whether she is or is not, you know, part cherokee, what people care about is whether she lied. and lied on an issue that is important to a lot of americans, did she take advantage of any sort of affirmative action program, the universities claims she did not. she claims she did not. we haven't seen actual proof at a couple of them that she did not. did she somehow use to her advantage a claim of minority status, when she shouldn't have? and shouldn't have been allowed to? and was it a lie to come out and say that she was a minority when in fact she is not? do the voters care about that? >> i don't know whether the voters care. some of them do, some of them
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don't. clearly you shouldn't claim minority status unless you have minority status. and, look, let's remember, the law schools listed her proudly as having this minority status, because you have to remember, back in the 90s, many of these prestigious law schools like harvard and others were being criticized for a lack of diversity on the law school faculty. so this was actually a big deal, or at least a medium-term deal and they pointed it out to people. so it's not insignificant. is it the most important thing in the election campaign, of course not. megyn: now it's come out now in addition to being listed at harvard and the university of pennsylvania as a minority, a 1997 fordham law review article described her as quote, harvard's law school always first woman of color. first woman of color. this is all based on her claims that she is a native-american, that she has native-american heritage. scott brown's campaign has come out and called this a quote,
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disturbing development. and i think they feel that this has not been covered to an adequate degree by the media. is she getting any sort of a pass, or is the media actually following this. larry? >> well, i think the "boston herald" has been tough in covering this. they've covered it thoroughly. the boston globe, i gather, has not covered it as thoroughly. it's pretty much as you'd expect. megyn: that is a left leaning paper, the boston globe. >> it will get covered, because you can buy the time on tell investigates to cover it. these what paid advertising is for. if you're going to claim minority status you'd better be sure that you really have minority status, because as i say, and i'm an academic it is a significant thing. it is something that universit universities focus on, as a candidate supposedly checking your own background first, you should be certain of what you
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say about yourself. megyn: right. and especially when it comes to something like this. you know, something where, you know, minority status is something that is debated a lot, whether it should be used for advancement at the college level and she's been touted as a minority by multiple institutions now, larry. now it comes out that -- and this is the -- it's the new england historical jean logical society, which originally suggested, okay maybe she's got some heritage in her. here is the quote it reads as follows. we have no prove that elizabeth warren's great, great, great mother, o. c. sarah smith is or is not of cherokee descent. there is no proof. what we are left with now is elizabeth warren's own claims which she has yet to provide any proof of. does it go away, do we get to the point of saturation, which is, forget it. whether you believe her or don't believe her, or you think it matters or it doesn't matter.
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i know what happened with dick lumenthal, when he lied about his alleged service in vietnam, and he had never been to vietnam, and he won larry. >> elizabeth warren has a tremendous advantage, she has press at the top of the ticket. i would expect obama to come reasonably close to 62% that he got in 2008. scott brown needs hundreds of obama votes to win. having said that scott brown is obviously going to continue to use this. it may go away for a while but as i mentioned that is what paid advertising is for. you bring it up again in the fall when people are reconsidering their choice, or the undecided voters, assuming there are any are making that final decision. megyn: before we go i just want to show the viewers the polls in massachusetts right now. these two are neck-and-neck and have been for steufplt it
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doesn't look like this controversy is causing a huge difference in the race. we will see whether it does come november. larry sabato thank you sir. >> thank you so much. megyn: there is new controversy now emerging following president obama's appearance on the view yesterday, the president giving an interesting response when he was asked to predict how the race for the white house would wind up be saying, quote, when your name is barack obama, it's always tight. we'll take a closer look at what the president may have been suggesting just ahead. plus, a young army soldier called off to the vietnam war just 30 days after mayoring his high school sweetheart. they never saw each other again. now after 42 years his widow will be there as he is today awarded the medal of honor for an amazing act of heroism. stay tuned for one of the best stories of the day. >> a neighbor telling me. i said, are you sure? i continue believe it. i never stopped loving him.
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tphouf one family's incredible resilience in the face of tragedy after their daughter contracts a deadly flesh eating bacteria. amy copeland has lost her left leg to this infection, but her family says they are celebrating the small victories despite what doctors had earlier believed would be a fatal prognosis. trace gallagher live at the breaking news desk with an update. >> reporter: amy copeland is now laughing, megyn, she is smiling, she is even mouthing the words, i love you. the doctors say her breathing is getting stronger and that the antibiotics for the first time are starting to take control of this flesh-eating bacteria.
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they are a lot more confident today certainly than they were three days ago. you have to point out that amy copeland has not yet been told about the extent of her injuries. you mentioned her left leg being amputated, also part of her abdomen and she is still at risk of losing her right foot and all of her fingers because the blood vessels are beginning to die because of that bacteria. listen now to dr. manny. >> she has to deal with the neurological impairments from the amputations, and the physical therapy that it takes, so this is not something that is going to get resolved in another couple of weeks, this is a long battle and we will have to pray for this girl. >> reporter: everybody realizes in fact it is a long battle, but boy, amy's support system is very strong, a blood drive you see here was held yesterday at the university of west georgia, that's where she is getting her masters in psychology. hundreds and hundreds of people showed up, megyn. her father says the blood will help her daughter as well as others who need the blood so
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badly, and he believes his daughter is a fighter. listen today on gma. >> my daughter is alive, and that's why i'm upbeat, because i believe we've had victory over death here. and that is not something that happens every day. i don't know that she is aware yet that she's lost her left leg but she understands the miracle of her existence right now. >> reporter: you know, her dad who is very upbeat in this whole thing kind of writes this online blog updating amy's condition and he was talking about a letter moment the other night she was trying to mouth something and he thought that she was trying to say she wanted to lamb chops. it turned out that she wanted her laptop, so that is another sign that she is showing a bit of improvement, megyn, long road though. megyn: we just talked about how they said the prognosis was very grim. this is quite a turn around. all our best to her and her family. thank you. the president stirring up some controversy with the ladies of
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the view. we'll tell you what he said when asked about his chances in november and why it is raising questions about what he really meant. and dramatic new developments in a report on the trayvon martin case, why one new document could be the smoking gun that may support george zimmerman's claims of self-defense. and hollywood is home to some of the president's biggest supporters, so what happened when comedian jon lovitz stepped out of the democrat particular line? he joins us this hour on the fallout he has seen since using some choice words for the commander-in-chief. >> first they say, you're dead broke, the united states of america, you can do anything you want, go for it. then you go for it and then you make it and everybody is like. [bleep] you just said go for it.
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megyn: fox news alert as mitt romney picks up new support from mr. 999 himself. herman cain expected to throw his support behind the presumptive g.o.p. nominee. this is not a big surprise. mr. cain you will remember was a candidate himself. we expect to have the announcement shortly. we'll bring it to you when we have it. new fallout today following comments president obama made during an interview on abc's the
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view. when asked to predict how close the white house race will be in november the president said this -- >> now you've officially kicked off your campaign for a second term. it was tight with john mccain back in 2008, so how tight do you think it's going to be with mitt romney. >> when your name is barack obama it's always tight. [applause] [laughter] >> barack hussein obama. megyn: joining me now money cake crowley. a radio talk show host. the blogs are going off on this. and one blog called hot air, and the headline is man who won landslide in 2008, an election is bound to be tight when you have a name like mine. fair? >> no, it's not fair. a lot of people are trying to figure out what he meant by this. look, joy behar then piped up
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and injected the barack hussein obama. she clearly thought what he meant was i'm going to have a tough time because i have this funny name, this is a line he used in 2008 because of my race, because of my ethnicity, because of my name. this is a man who won in 2008 with 53% of the vote. it was not a tight election back then. he's trying to go back to what worked back then. the problem for him now is he has an actual record to run on. to suggest somehow that the american people are opposing him because of his race or name is insulting to the american people, apbg quite frankly, megyn i think bigoted in its own right. megyn: is that what is gone o going on here. >> i can never get into the head of the president. some conservative people are making a joke. who knows, he's trying to sound cool. this is an opportunity to talk about the larger question of the role of racial by as in our politics. we don't want racial by as to inch tphrebg inch tphrebgt
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infect politics. white folks and black votes they did a study and if they were told they were clinton's policies they'd like those more than if they were barack obama's policies. i think he will be judged on many things, his record. to say that one of the things he is being judged on, on all sides of the aisle is his race is i think accurate. i don't think that pointing that out makes you bigoted, it makes you realistic. >> the united states is a merit based and performance-based society. bill khropb ton was popular because he produce aide good economy for the american people during the time he was in office. this president has been a failure. we have unprecedented spending and debt. highly unpopular socialized medicine. staggering high unemployment, economic economic growth, that is what the american people are judging him on. they gave the keys to the car to
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him in january of 2009, they elected him with a huge percentile, much bigger percentile win by the way than al gore and john kerry lost by, by the way. it's because his policies have failed not because of the color of his skin or the sound of his name. >> to be honest with you monica i think a president who turned around an economy where we were losing 800,000 jobs a month and is improving private sector jobs. who tried to pass a healthcare bill who had a signature republican policy in it -- >> all i'm saying is look, one in three over one in three republican voters still believe he wasn't born in the united states of america. if hillary clinton was our president right now i think it would be disingenuous and bordering on naive to suggest that one of the ways she was being judged would be her gender.
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of course it would be. that is not something wrong. >> if he was judged in 2008 -- he was the same color back in 2008 east i 2008 as he is now. the majority of americans put him into office. >> that doesn't suggest -- megyn: has race suddenly become a deal breaker. >> it's not even a deal breaker it's a factor like any other thing. again, part of what i want to say is, look i don't think pointing that out, i don't think that saying, race is a factor in how we see and judge people, including presidential candidates, saying that that is a factor is baggy oted. it's being realistic just like romney's religion it's a factor. >> it's another thing for the president of the united states to make this point on national television. he's supposed to be the president of all of the american people, black, white, any race, any gender and he has spent so much of his time, megyn dividing us, whether it is on class, race, gender. for him to inject this where it doesn't exist, tells me that he is so desperate to change the
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subject from his record that he's made up a g.o.p. war on women. he's talking about student loans, he's doing gay marriage, he's doing everything but talking about the issues that most americans care about. >> i think you're giving it more attention than it deefrs. i have immense respect for you. if you said to me on air using your platform, look i think i'm judged in part differently than male pundits because of gender that is a factor, it's a factor in how the world hears what i say, how my opinions are listened to. to me that's pointing out a fact and taking responsibility for it saying we are not going to pretend it doesn't exist. megyn: we get it because we're woman, he gets it because he's black. elizabeth warren gets it because she is native-american. >> i knew you were going to go there. megyn: let's leave it on a funny note. we don't know what he was referencing there. he went onto explain some more after joy said, barack hussein obama and he said yeah, hussein obama.
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barbara says why do you say that. he went onto say it's going to be very tight because the country has gone through a difficult time an started to talk about the economy. taking it back to a lighter note here is then candidate obama at the alsmith dinner where john mccain was also present back in 2008 when he was running and by the way do you remember when john mccain had that one debate with barack obama and he referred to them as that one? watch this. remember this? >> i got my name barack from my father. [unintelligible] [applause] >> i got my middle name from somebody obviously who didn't think was going to run for president. megyn: you've got to laugh a little. good debate. thank you both so much. for the first time since a six-year-old girl appeared to be
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missing, disappearing in arizona, police are now officially saying this was a kidnapping. why do they now think that? answers just ahead. plus, comedian jon lovitz got national attention when he went after the president's tax poll seats last week. what has happened since then? he joins us live in three minutes with some answers. don't miss this. hide the children, though. >> anyone can do anything if you're willing to put in the work, that is my point. >> are you done? >> no. this whole thing about obama saying the rich don't pay their taxes is. [bleep] [laughter] >> and i voted for the guy and i'm a democrat, what a. [bleep] a party?
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and boy did he share. watch this. >> anyone can do anything if you're willing to put in the work, that is my point. >> are you done? >> no. this whole thing with obama saying the rich don't pay their taxes is. [bleep] and i voted for the guy and i'm a democrat. what a. [bleep] [laughter] >> the rich don't pay their taxes, let me tell you something, right, first they say you're dead broke, the united states of america, you can do anything you want, go for it. then you go for it and then you make it and you have to work our ass off, you know. if i make a dollar and out of every dollar i'm taxed at 50-cents i have to give isn't that like enough? >> yes. >> for every dollar you make, two dollars you have to give a dollar back. no that is not right. no, you're not paying enough. it's half. megyn: joining me now jon lovitz. jon, welcome to the program. >> thank you. megyn: so, what made you focus
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in on that in particular, the american dream, i mean is that your background as well? >> yeah. my father was a very successful doctor in los angeles. i grew up very nice, but while i was in college he said after school -- after college you're on your own. and so after about six years i lived basically on $5 an hour, about $600 a month. so it forced me to make something of myself. so i had advantages, but after that, you know, i put everything together from nothing. what happened was i was watching tv, this happened in january, and i saw the president saying, you know, the upper -- the millionaires and billionaires the one percent in that category making $250,000 and up aren't paying their fair share of taxes. and i started yelling at my television saying, he's lying, he's lying, because it's not true. i did a pod cast. i have a comedy love, jon lovitz and pod cast theater at the
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university of los angeles and i was doing it with kevin. somehow i got on if you work hard and sacrifice and take a risk, you go for it you have a chance of at least getting somewhere. like arnold schwarzenegger says nobody stops you in america. he came here with nothing. i realized too anybody can go for it. but it's really hard, and there is no guarantees, and you've got to take the risk, but at least you have a shot at making something of yourself, whatever it is you want pretty much, unless you have -- some people have horrible situations and they can't. but on the whole you can. so i was just mad about it. i just went off on that. it was in front of 120 people and kevin put o it online and it went viral. i'm the first to say i'm a comedian, actor who cares what i say about taxes. it's not that i said it but what i said, and why did it go viral. a lot of people have thanked me,
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all my friends that work hard and came from nothing and made it pay their fair share of taxes. megyn: what has been a lot of rich guys and girls reactions? >> they are thanking me. even people that don't make a lot of money are thanking me for saying it, because they feel like they are being vilified because they are successful, and, you know, the message in america is ug you can do anything you want. one of the greatest examples is the president himself who i also said is amazing, but none of the headlines said, jon lovitz says the president is amazing, because everybody would say, as i would, well who cares, you know. megyn: you talked about the challenges he faced growing up, without his father. >> yes, it was extraordinary. right, no father, he's of a mixed race which is a burden in the united states, and, you know, no money, and then he made something of himself, boy did he make something of himself. he went to the top. megyn: his point and others like
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him, people who feel the way he does about taxation is that taxes and the work of the middle class, and the blue collar folks helped you and other one percent teres get to where you are, so you do owe something back to the people who helped you achieve your success. >> okay. but the fact that he's acting like -- he's phrasing like you took all these things from these people, now you have to give back. i didn't take anything from anybody, you know. first of all. second of all, yes, i opened a comedy club with money that i saved over 25 years, so then i created jobs, you know what i'm saying? and i do agree -- what i'm saying is it's false to say that people in that tax bracket aren't paying -- they are only paying 15% taxes that is on capital gains. on the salary you're taxed at about $388,000 and up you're
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taxed at 35%. you have 11% state tax in california, that is 46, plus property, fica, on and on and it goes up to over 50% and then you have legal deductions. megyn: the democrats point out that back in the day, back in the 50s, there were some tax rates that were in the 90s, i mean ridiculously high rates, then the republicans came out with tons of deductions, people didn't actually pay that. >> you just said that it was ridiculously high. also back in the 50s you had civil rights issues, you had women's issues. i don't know how you compare what is going on today to 60 years ago. megyn: you say that you're a democrat. >> back in the 1600's there was no country, so why don't we go back to that. it's ridiculous. megyn: that's sort of how this country was born. you're a democrat, you voted for barack obama. has there been any push back on you from fellow democrats that support president obama and do you think you'll get behind him again in. >> i don't know. i would never tell anybody who
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to vote for. i think i'm a different kind of a quote liberal in i think people should be true to themselves. i think if you're republican or democrat or conservative or liberal you should be that, you should be true to yourself and be who you are. i would never tell anybody who to vote for because i don't think i'm qualified too, honestly and i also feel, what if i said you should vote for this particular person, and people do, because i said it, just because i'm famous, and then i've told them to vote for the wrong person. the backlash i've seen, though is on twitter i've got even like 10,000 extra people. the unusual thing is because all i'm saying is i'm paying my fair share of taxes now, people say, oh, you're racist, you're a natzi, i'm jewish, i'm a natzi now, i mean the most ridiculous things i've ever heard. but as far as it affecting my career or anything, it hasn't affected it at all. if anything it's done the
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opposite, i'm getting job offers. and the whole thing is amazing to me, it's gone viral, i don't know why. megyn: thank you for being here and thank you for not swearing. >> you're welcome, megyn, thank you. megyn: coming upping a developing story out of ohio that you have to hear about the healthcare law. ok! who gets occasional constipation, diarrhea, gas or bloating? get ahead of it! one phillips' colon health probiotic cap a day helps defend against digestive issues with three strains of good bacteria. hit me! [ female announcer ] live the regular life. phillips'.
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megyn: welcome back, everybody. did you get a pay raise recently? your friends in washington did. we found out that the capitol city has paid out almost half a billion in bonuses to federal workers. doug mckelway has an update in washington. is that congress approving raises? >> reporter: you know, back in
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november of 2009 president obama blasted wall street for paying out $18 billion in executive bonuses. at that time he said, quote, that is the height of irresponsibility. it is shameful he said. now data which has been obtained through a freedom of information act request reveals that the federal government did virtually the same thing, it paid out $439 million in bonuses last year and even more 482 million the previous year before new austerity measures were imposed. >> they confirm what a number of studies have shown, that federal employees get paid much more than they would on average in the private sector. they get better pay, and they get especially better benefits. >> reporter: the database which is now accessible to anyone also reveals the pay of about 70% of all federal employees, it's accessible to anybody who plugs in the name, the occupation, and the workplace of any federal employee, with the exception of military and law enforcement
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personnel. the average pay of federal workers in new jersey, just, for example, is $83,749. the database also reveals that high-level managers are exceptional lee well paid. we typed in the name of jeff nele the gsa regional administrator whose picture you've seen. he took a picture of himself in a las vegas bathtub with a glass of wine. he makes $172,000. megyn: no wonder he's so happy. >> reporter: yeah. megyn: i thought we determined that those are bloody marys, is that why in. >> reporter: i think it's red wine which i've been told is a goche thing to have in a hot tub. megyn: more on that later. thank you sir. there is a growing controversy today over a decision by someone in the obama administration to update the biographies of almost every president since calvin cool lidge by adding some sort
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of footnote at the bottom of the biographies involving the accomplishments of president obama. is this a new effort to package the presidency? we'll investigate. it was four decades ago when a soldier shipped off to viet number just aftevietnam, just 30 days after marrying his high school sweetheart. we have an update on a sad story. [ male announcer ] the all-new subaru impreza. experience love that last ♪ mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003. usaa auto insurance is often handed down from generation to generation. because offers a superior level of protection, and because usaa's commitment to serve
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investigating possible hate crime charges against mr. zimmerman in connection with the death of the teenager. >> reporter: george zimmerman's medical record as well as trayvon martin's autopsy report shows that trayvon martin's hands were bloody, his knuckles were injured and his skin was broken. also george zimmerman's injuries were more severe than initially reported. he suffered a broken nose, black eyes, a squallen lip, two scalp lacerations, a minor back injury and complained of stress and nausea when he thinks about the violence. this does not answer the question of hot initial
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aggressor was. that's up to a jury. but it bolsters zimmerman's story that he was attacked by trayvon. and the only eyewitness we know of has trayvon on top of zimmerman before the shooting. >> as soon as the government released its charge and complaint mr. were comments from analysts from all over the country that this was very, very thin. you could never get a conviction simply based on what was in that document. in some respects this makes it worse for the prosecution. not so much because they didn't include this in their original filing, they were hoping not to have to include it. >> reporter: but the trayvon martin family spoke to fox news and they say it shows trayvon martin was fighting back because george zimmerman was the
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aggressor an was stalking trayvon. megyn: the next court date has been postponed to august 8 when the court will schedule a specific date for the trial. how would you rule if you were on the jury. should the case be made that this was self-defense? should the judge throw this out before it gets to a jury? we'll take a look in "kelly's court." details are trickling out about a high-level meeting and top gop leaders. house speaker john boehner telling the president he will not allow any debt ceiling increase without quote doing something serious about the debt. the president says he's willing to work with both sides to prevent the situation we saw last summer. specifically the deadlock over spending that nearly shut down the government and resulted in a lowered credit rating for the united states.
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here to respond to those charges, tom o'mally. welcome to the program. >> thank you, megyn. meg require know you want to respond to these substantive charges made against you and your company. the first is that pbs energy helped drive gas prices up by curtailing gas production. >> that's a mystery to me. we are the on company on the east coast and indeed in the united states that opened a new oil refinery. we took over the valero refinery that was closed down in 2009. at the behest of the democratic governor jack markel in delaware we restarted that refinery. we spent $400 million doing so. it took us about 15 months. it came into operation in october of 2011.
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it's a very complex facility. it takes months to get it up and run efficiently. but indeed we are the only people that have added to gasoline production on the u.s. east coast. i can't imagine how we can be seen as people driving down the supply. we are the only people who have added to the supply. with regard to the allegation of spilling oil. we bought another refinery during the same time period located in new jersey at paulsboro. it was scheduled for closedown. we save.those jobs. megyn: that refinery did have problems in the past. >> every refinery in the united states has had problems in the past. the refinery in new jersey hasn't had severe problems in the past. a tank started to leak. it leaked into a determined area with an impervious liner.
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the oil came out of the tank and was recovered. none of the oil went into the earth. if you talk about an oil spill, a spill is usually identified as something that is absorbed into the earth's crust. this was not. we recovered all that oil. megyn: they seem to be saying -- was it 6.6 million gallons of oil that spilled at this refinery? >> the amount was 3.2 million gallons of crude oil. it came out of the tank and we recovered 3.2 million gallons of oil. so it didn't go anywhere. it was contained as it should have been. megyn: they say the release of toxic gas and he eventual explon at another refinery in delaware led to a spike in gas prices. >> any potential problem at an east coast refinery will contribute to a movement in oil
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product prices. in this case a unit got in trouble. the way you control it is to depressurize it. that's when you see the flare in a refinery. we depressurized and operated the flare and brought the refinery back up. megyn: what would you say to the overall record of your company? >> we are in the middle of the pack. it's a relatively new company. we have three refineries. we are the on ones buying refineries and keeping them operating. we want to get to the front of the pack environmentally and from a safety point of view. megyn: are you an exclusive donor to republican causes? >> absolutely not. i have run fundraisers for chuck schumer who i still think could be a democrat. i have run them for other democrats in the past. i find this strange because i
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hate to admit this today, i voted for obama in the last election. i don't think i'm going to vote for obama in this election, not because i'm on some list, but because i don't think he's doing a particularly good job creating jobs in the country. and that is in essence why i have been doing over the past two years. so if that gets me on the list, we need more people. megyn: tom o'mally, thank you for being here. all the best, sir. we have a developing story in ohio. don't leave yet. you city there until the tease is done. that's what happens when you get the big ceo. this developing story in ohio. you might want to hear this, this is interesting. catholic university is dropping insurance for hundreds of
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students and blaming the president's healthcare law. in the late 1960s, a young man marys his high school sweetheart and is called off to war and never comes home. today he will be posthumously awarded the medal of honor. we'll have a look back at his service and their time together. >> they let him come home the weekend of our wedding. we had 30 days together, then he left in november. i never saw him again. are burst. [ crunches ] mmm. ♪ [ male announcer ] pringles... bursting with more flavor. [ crunch! ]
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i needed a coach. our doctor was great, but with so many tough decisions i felt lost. unitedhealthcare offered us a specially trained rn who helped us weigh and understand all our options. for me cancer was as scary as a fastball is to some of these kids. but my coach had hit that pih before. we're 78,000 people looking out for 70 million americans. that's health in numbers. unitedhealthcare. megyn: possible problems for the president in a critical battleground state. a catholic university in ohio is scrapping parts of its student health insurance program. school administrators directly
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blaming the healthcare law. they say it triples costs and infringes on religious freedom. >> we were the first catholic university to take the oath of fidelity. if we are in the classroom and our science and theology program is saying one thing and we tell our students we are doing something else with our money, this is unconscionable. i never believed in this day and age in america the federal government would compel us to do something against our beliefs. megyn: . father gerald murray, priest and theologian. >> the catholic church is serious. we won't let the government compel us to violate our ridge principles and we'll not stand by idlely. they will say no and they will bear the front. students won't have health
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insurance, not because of the catholic church, but because the obama administration couldn't accommodate ridge rights and freedoms. megyn: they say due to these changes by the federal government we will no longer offer a student health insurance plan. then they encourage people to decide how they will provide for accident or illnesses. >> i hope the supreme court will rescue us by striking down obama-care. but if they don't and the administration insists on their contraception and abortion causing pill, we'll say no we are not going to participate in that. the students will suffer because of the obama administration. megyn: lis, i'm interested in where you stand. you lean left. you are a brilliant lawyer. you are a mom with a child in college. >> and this really disturbs me
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to think that my son could be cut off from any healthcare in the college. as much as we want to hope our kids 18 will be 19 will be fine, no worries, there are accidents and diseases. but legally speaking as a lawyer, it's a private institution. they have the right to do what they want to do. if they want to say we are not providing the service, they can do that. we are out of this. and legally they can do that. but the far it is right. the brunt of it falls on the students and the parents. i'm not going to go to sleep knowing my kid is at a school where he won't get health insurance. megyn: as a practicing catholic you want the church to object to more than just this issue. >> right. right. it bothers me deeply that the catholic church is fixated on this part, the individual
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mandate and different parts of the healthcare reform act. the catholic nuns association came out in support of this law so there is doctrinal ambiguity. but when you have the banks being bailed out and taxpayers being compelled to pay taxes that support these financial institutions or compelled to support a war in iraq that pope john paul opposed publicly, there is an objection to be made that our religious liberties are being infringed upon there. the difference between this country and countries in the middle east that have an islamic religion dictating their laws is we have a clear accept expiration between church and state. megyn: is this analagous to that situation? >> there is no doctrinal
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ambiguity. catholic doctrine does not allow to us pay for abortion-causing drugs and contraception. if a group of nuns don't agree with this, that's their problem. >> there is entrenched paternal'ism and infighting within the catholic church itself. with it comes to scripture i refer to the father. megyn: good move. >> i'm not a catholic so i shouldn't venture into this. but if your religious tenets are being violated and you are teaching something in the classroom and having to go out and do something that's completely the opposite to that, that's a problem i would think from a theological perspective. i get that. megyn: bill donohue was on the program saying the accommodation
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the administration reached wasn't going to work. he says some are self-insured. catholic institutions that are self-insured, it's still the catholics who are paying for it. is it inappropriate for the catholic church, catholic institutions to be making this an issue at the pulpit and to leave students in a position where they are not not covered? >> no, we are telling people we operated for a couple hundred years under a set of rules where the government didn't tell us what to do with regards to our beliefs. the government starts doing that and we say stop. the government won't stop. the government insists if you run a catholic university you have got to give your kids contraception. don't compel the catholic church top of manned out contraceptives at our institutions. megyn: mark you have an objection because they use your tax money to fund wars you don't
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agree with. this is the government saying you have to use your money to pay for these things to which you object. >> catholic churches and institutions are exempt from paying those taxes that funds those wars but the parishioners pay the taxes that fund those wars. it's a fiction to think any institution will be exempted from doing something it feel is unconscionable. in living in a society where we have a social contract. megyn: this is one of the fundamental teachings of the catholic church. i thought you would be more differential to the church after your experiences in "it's a wonderful life." >> i wear my ring that has been four generations in my family.
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doesn't he look like jimmy stuart? >> i talked to your producers and we thought you strike a resemblance to grace kelly. megyn: i like that. i didn't know they were going to do this. i don't know. look how sweet we are. >> i don't think your husband will like that have much. megyn: he won't feel threatened with all due respect to you. this felt healing in some weird way. >> whenever we speak the truth it's healing. the catholic church works independently of the government. that's part of our constitution. megyn: see you. thank you, all the best. new reaction to a growing controversy over a steve significance by someone in the obama administration to update the biographies of 6 past presidents on the white house web site adding president obama's accomplishments to the
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achievements of the previous presidents. is this a good idea. he was one of thousands of young americans sent to fight in the vietnam war who never came home. 40 years later a soldier who died is about to get the military's highest honor for bravery. but one dark stormy evening... there were two things i could tell: she needed a good meal and a good family. so we gave her what our other cats love, rina cat chow complete. it's the best because it has something for all of our cats! and after a couple of weeks she was healthy, happy, and definitely part of the family. we're so lucky that lucy picked us. [ female announcer ] purina cat chow complete. always there for you. a little bird told me about a band... ♪ an old man shared some fish stories... ♪ oooh, my turn. ♪
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she was in paris, but we talked for hours... everyone else buzzed about the band. there's a wireless mind inside all of us. so, where to next? ♪ can't remember the last time i took aspirin. i don't think aspirin's for body pain. aspirin is just old school. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey,
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may have been lost forever. >> reporter: listen to the widow. >> i was a senior in high school an was a year ahead of me. we planned our wedding for september 13, 1969. we had 30 days together and he left in november. and i never saw him again. >> reporter: the sniper story happened because they lost his fire. the real story much more compelling. a story of exceptional heroism. he and his platoon for ambushed by an enemy force. he charged the enemy position. he then drew fire away from his comrades. as the enemy retreated a grenade lands near sabo.
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he picked it up and threw it, shielding his comrades. it blue, wounding him. but he crawled toward the enemy and dropping a grenade inside that bunker. it silenced the enemy guns and all see killed leslie sabo jr. >> i would say les, thank you for the lives you saved, we miss you, we love you. rest in peace. >> reporter: when his widow heard the story she was astounded. >> i couldn't believe it. i never stopped loving him. sometimes it feels like yesterday i lost him. you never forget. you never forget that feeling.
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>> reporter: his company nominated him for the medal of honor but it never was processed. posthumously honored at the white house about 45 minutes from now. student ohio b will have it live in its entirety. megyn: that is the kind of courage that makes you proud to be an american. we'll be right back. a party?
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megyn: moving moment ago, reuters is reporting the white house is declining comment on reports that the united states will seek international support for release from the strategic oil reserve. eric goldstein was arguing against the release. as we learn more about this we'll bring it to you. >> ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. megyn: with that memorable phrase from his inaugural address president jiang f. kennedy called on americans to serve their nation.
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that same year launched the peace corps. in a move that is viegs eyebrows, a link to the proclamation can be found at the bottom of president kennedy's official presidential biography on the white house web site. there is an addendum. other presidential biographies also connect now past achievements by past presidents to president obama's policies. joining us now, christopher hahn who is a former aide to chuck schumer and chris plante. a radio host of the chris plante show. the rnc is having fun with the
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president doing this. but there are folks that take this seriously. you have got school kids who go to this web site to get a bio on the former president and they should be able to do so without being bombard for propaganda for whoever is in power. should this web site be with the president. >> this absurd. this is the kind of stuff you get from north korea. this should have some fake korean music in the background as you troll through the white house web site. it's very strange. it's selectively picking the magic of other presidents and trying to associate yourself with their achievements.
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megyn: this is what they write under president reagan's bio. it reads in a june 2 25eu9 8, 1985 speech ray began called for a fairer tax code, one where a multi millionaire did not have a lower tax rate than this secretary. >> president reagan lowered the top marginal tax rate from 78% to 20%. barack obama is waging class warfare against anyone who is successful in this country. look, you see how chris plante does not see the issue the same way as president obama? that's why people are saying it's not appropriate to put addendums onto presidential biographies. >> let's explain who the people are who don't see it that way.
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it's the heritage foundation. megyn: it's not just the heritage foundation. >> i know how it's hard for republicans to keep faith with the reality that ronald reagan compromised when he was president of the united states. he didn't just cut taxes. he raised taxes more often than he cut them. megyn: >> i worked in and around government and politics most of my career. every government official links himself to things that happened in that office in the past on their web site and other things. megyn: on the white house web site? >> the white house official web site is the white house web site. megyn: i thought it belonged to
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the people. >> if you look through the web sites of elected officials. megyn: this is white you tell me. it doesn't seem like this is about president obama. it's about any president we put in there is serving us for a temporary period. and that is our web site. isn't it? >> it's a white house web site and the obama administration is pulling out all the stops. it really implies much more to this administration with this extraordinary cult of personality. the president who said would vote rise of the oceans and heal the sick. that's what he said. this is the stuff that his
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speech implies. slowing the rise of the oceans and healing the sick. he came up with this response to it and it deserves ridicule. >> let me get in here, chris. i know the republicans want to whine that everything this president does is political. and maybe this is more political than some of the other things they have been whining about. but they have been the voice that cried wolf for the last 3 1/2 years. enough is enough. >> the personality is enough. >> i love those pictures. they are hilarious. >> i find it very funny. i hope "saturday night live" picks you have on it this weekend. but that said, these guys find
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politics in everything. the president speaks -- megyn: they do, but some some areas be non-political, apolitical? the president can use white to promote his agenda, of course he should. but shouldn't the standing biographies of our president's be left alone. under coolidge awries calvin coolidge became the first president to make a public radio address. president obama became the first president to hold virtual town halls with google, facebook, et cetera. >> there is nothing wrong with that. it's not like the president links to herbert hoover that says he let the banks destroy the economy.
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mitt romney would do the same thing. if he was doing that that would be wrong. who cares. megyn: chris plante, you tell me, if mitt romney wins or when george bush was president, if george bush had goon on there and tried to compare his policies to past presidents, especially democratic presidents, do you think our friend chris hahn would be sitting here. >> they would be filing lawsuits. >> george bush wasn't able to figure out how to do it on the internet. >> if you go to wikipedia and go to pages like the "i love lucy" page they have comments on how when barack obama was in italy he stomped on grapes in a big barrel, too. barack obama is everywhere. he's the kim jong-un of our time.
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that wine, i want some. it's a republican whining. i'll take the wine. >> what we like to talk about is the economy. it's about jobs. megyn: if i ever get to interview president obama. i'm going to ask him what that was like. >> only he can breathe on the moon. his ego is so heavy at 1/6 gravity it keeps him on the rock. the robot that the republicans are running might be able to do it. megyn: to the moon, chris. see you. that was fun. taking your thoughts on twitter. follow me at megyn kelly. new developments today in the case of the polo tycoon in florida, john goodman, sentenced to just receiving his sentence. what the judge ruled straight ahead. and dramatic new developments in
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the trayvon martin case. we'll go over the latest evidence about george zimmerman's medical records on the night in question and what this could mean for this case. "kelly's court" is next. [ mechanical humming ] [ male announcer ] we began with the rx. ♪ then we turned the page, creating the rx hybrid. ♪ now we've turned the page again with the all-new rx f sport.
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visit a local office, or go to today. liberty mutual insurance. responsibility. what's your policy? megyn: on the docket today, new evidence coming to light in the trayvon martin second degree murder case. medical records show zimmerman was pretty beaten up when police arrived on the scene the night of the shooting. he suffered a broken nose, black eyes and gashs on his head. it may back up the claims that the 17-year-old did serious damage to him and zimmerman fired his gun in self-defense. joining me now jonna spilbor and brian claypool who is new to
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"kelly's court." this is all about whether zimmerman at least the first step it whether zimmerman can take advantage of florida's stand your ground law, if the judge says it doesn't apply, he goes to trial, he may or may not be found guilty. the question is whether these injuries help him either convince a judge that the standing your ground laws apply or convince the jury it's self-defense. >> it's going to help zimmerman tremendously. not only because it gives credence. this story has been consistent all along. now that we know that he did in fact suffer injuries to his face and head, it totally gives credence to his story. the injuries according to the autopsy report on trayvon's body consisted of broken knuckle skin, consistent with him
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punching another person. this will help the defense. megyn: how does it change the case when we knew the two men mad a physical altercation. this suggests he was hurt worse than we knew. but we knew he was hurt and they had a confrontation. >> i think everybody is jumping on the george zimmerman bandwagon and rushing to judgment. megyn: who is everybody. >> i'm hearing these reports of zimmerman, his face is all puffed up. for all i knew he was in that fight in have gas two weeks ago. but i'll tell you what. look at that videotape of zimmerman in the sanford police depth and that speaks the truth. he's walking around. he looks perfectly fine. i don't see his face bloodied up. i don't see scarring and puffing up in his face. megyn: the medical report says it was a closed fracture of his
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nose, two black eyes and lacerations to the back of his head. i don't see trayvon martin -- it don't seat prosecutor contesting zimmerman was injured. she'll say he was injured because he was stalking trayvon martin, and martin the fought back. >> now that we know what the medical records reveal are not consistent with that. they are equally with zimmerman basically getting his face bashed in by trayvon more continue, giving rise to self-defense. megyn: let me read the law. the stand your ground law. that's the first step in this inquiry and the judge decides whether zimmerman takes advantage of it. you can't take advantage of it if you are the initial atbressor. if zimmerman was the initial aggressor or provoked trayvon he
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doesn't get to take advantage of this law unless he reasonably believed that he was in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm and he comawftd every reasonable means to escape. he's going to use these injuries to say i wasn't reasonable fear of imminent death or danger or great bodily harm and there was no possible escape because he was on top of it. >> if i was the prosecutor in this case i would challenge the integrity of these injuries. if he had a broken knows why didn't he see an ear, nose and throat specialist. why is there a three page report. you see a doctor and they write two lines on their nose. where are the x-rays. megyn: this is a family doctor. >> it's not an independent doctor. this is a paid family doctor.
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he should have been seeing an ear, note, throat specialist. where is the film. i want to see ex-raise of this fracture. this could be a preexisting injury as well. on the self-defense issue. here is the point i want to try to make, even if you gave zimmerman the benefit of the doubt, trayvon martin legally has a trite defend himself. you can't shoot somebody because you are in the middle of a fistfight. if that was the case would i be in jail right now myself. megyn: that's the question. does the force have to be proportionate to the situation. >> if somebody were bashing my face in and i had a gun i would use it, too. you have to get in zimmerman's mind. was there something that might give rise to a good self-defense, probably. megyn: you have got two shots to
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get rid of this case. gotta run. good job, welcome. coming up. new information on convicted polo tycoon, john goodman. why a judge is allowing him to walk pending appeal on the case. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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prison. his lawyers appealed his conviction. they were alleging juror misconduct. not looks like he will be able to wait it out at his palm beach compound under house arrest. isn't that the most depressing animation? it reflects a depressing situation. the state of the u.s. housing market. research shows it's getting more expensive to rent. nice, leaving even fewer options for people who cannot afford to buy. as part of our ongoing series we bring you this depressing report. >> reporter: i'll try to do it with a smile. but not since the great depression have as many adult americans lived in roommate situations as do now. that according to the u.s. census bureau. we are not talking about kids in college. a big reason for that number is the increasing cost of rent.
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almost every single major metro area saw rents go up in the fourth quarter of 2011 at the same time vacancy rates are going down. many folks can't or won't get into the housing market. more people are renting. during the housing bubble construction of rental properties stalled. so supply is down. try telling that to rebekah. a woman whose landlord tried to raise her rent by 14%. >> when the landlord tried to raise the rent he didn't give us any reasons in particular. as a renter i guess you wouldn't really care. bottom line is the rent is being raised and, you know, it's a business. >> reporter: rebekah says she and her husband were able to negotiate that rent down. however, we are looking for a new place, she says it's still too expensive.
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