tv Red Eye FOX News May 17, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> bret: maybe we pitch it for tomorrow's know here. >> greg: lead with it! >> bob: do it friday when i'm not here. >> thank you for watching. >> kimberly: my goodness. ♪ welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld or as i am known on cruiseships, byron allen. let's go to tv's andy levy for a pre game report. what is coming up on tonight's show? >> our top story, is boxer manny paquio banned from shopping centers for opposing gay marriage? and did oklahoma pass a law forcing all citizens to openly carry handguns ? who knows. and will virgin atlantic allow passengers to make cell phone calls during its flight? god i hope not. greg? >> very confused about the tease tonight, andy. >> distinct i think. >> no, confused. >> no distinct, short, snapy,
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to the point, no pauses and no long distances -- >> turn him off! she is so hot, every hot it up she is in is a hot tub. she is anna coyman. and he is smarter than a chinese finger puzzle doing a dance on "jeopardy." >> get my name right. >> i don't know why. >> and his hepititis is running a 5k this weekend to find a cure for bill schulz. my it is my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and he has more talent than britain and america. the barely legal radio personality, attorney and basist for the punk rock band. and his front page will fill you with rage. it is our new york tiles correspondent. good to see you, pinch. >> benedict carrie profile scientist who created a tiny
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implant that allowed two people to maneuver a robotic arm using nothing more than the power of their own mind. once i have this brain in my possession, your face will not go unpunched for more than a minute, gutfeld. >> wow. a little angry there. >> i guess it declining circulation has not been good for the paper. >> punch face. you can't shop for brief on account of his beliefs. yes, manny paquo is now banned from the grove, an l.a. shopping mall for his comments on gay marriage. yes, in an interview he considered the best boxer in the world addressed owe bough -- obama's endorsement by saying, obey god's law first. god only expects man and woman to be together and legally married. it should not be st -- be of the same sex.
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that goes out to you, travolta. >> alleged. >> the grove owned by mall magnet rick carusoe blacklisted the boxer via twitter writing, beakser manny pacquio is not welcome at the grove. it is welcome for all and not a place for intoll inteligence. -- intolerance. wow. pacquio said he is not against gay people. he said, i only say same sex mirnlg is against the law of god -- same-sex marriage is against the law of god. he is just saying that. i was once banned from a mall. i was doing yoga near the food court.
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>> things fell apart after that. she got into some bad, bad things. i don't want to get into it here except to say -- >> john gibson. >> st's always john gibson. >> anthony you were saying how much you admired manny's honesty. >> it is great when you are able to really get your feelings out like that. i like bringing up sadom and gamora. why is this still happening? it is 2012. i don't care. i don't care so much about the gays, but i don't care what they do. it is like a complement to gays. why are we worrying about what
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the gays think, what they are doing, what anyone thinks? i hate that may whole life is hinging on what the gays are doing and who cares what the gays are up to. i don't care. >> that makes you probably one of the most pro gay people on the planet. >> i go hours without thinking of gays sometimes. >> amazing. >> are you like that when you are sleeping with men? >> joe, welcome to the program. you live in los angeles that houses this mall known as the grove. i believe i even shopped there with you on a number of occasions, but it could be a maids up story. how do you feel 1234* whose side do you come down on here? >> i am interested in the backpedaling that he has been doing. i didn't quote lavidicus. i never got to that part in the bible. it is the third part in the bible. he is preaching on an international stage and he read two books of the bible.
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>> are you a lawyer. can you ban someone from a mall? >> it is bad form, but yes. if you put that sign out that says no shoes, no service, no homo phobia. >> no manny. no fan knee, no manny. if you don't like fanny, we don't like manny. >> he doesn't like the fact that he rhymes from fanny. >> his homo phobia is that his name rhymes with a body part. >> it is funny people pick and choose which to follow and which not to follow. i'm sure manny has been a saint his whole life. >> thou shall not punch people in the face. here is the deal. here is the deal, i am not sure religious bigotry is the same as regular bigotry of the maybe it is. if the mall chooses to say we don't want you here, that's a lot of people. a lot of hispanics and a lot of blacks don't believe in gay marriage. they will have a really white
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mall. >> i like how you say the intolerance is being intolerant. who is the hero and who is the eden? both sides should be respected. >> bill, you were banned from the grove after the incident in the coy pond. the fish although they didn't die they have horrible memories of what you did to them. is it wrong he is being convicted in the food court of opinion? >> i do not want to live in an america where a punch drunk moron can't spew whatever bigotry he wants to spew. that's our right of the as far as this guy is concerned, you are right. you should be able to allow anyone to say what they want to say. but anytime i look at manny i want him to say, the plane! the plane! put a white suit on him and it is done. >> he could kill you. just so you know. >> so could herva. i think he is a kick boxer.
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>> being a practicing catholic, joe, not everything in the bible obviously is right. i mean there is some wicked stuff in there that doesn't hold true today. >> la, la, la, la, la. >> you pray weirdly. >> isn't religious bigotry different because it is based on something that is -- that you grew up with, and it is not -- it has to do with a higher being. so it is hard -- i mean it almost takes -- i hate to use the word evolution because obama uses it like that, but to move away from those things takes time. >> the constitution will protect religions with making certain bigoted rules. in the catholic church you are not allowed to marry someone of your sex. that is bigotry in another world. it is sacred scroll number five in the church. it is something that everybody is required to adhere to that is in the religion.
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yet at some point it is a violation of civil rights to someone else. it is a battle about that. >> the consequence that comes in when you have a religious-based bigotry seems to have a little more credence with the second amendment than just you as an individual practicing your second amendment right and saying your opinion without it being backed up by the bible. you could lose your job, your livlihood. if it is under the umbrella of religion you are safe. >> i am going with the first amendment on this. >> i know you were talking about guns. >> i always am. >> which by the way leads to this story. >> i would like to say one thing though. there is a difference between religious bigotry and regular bigotry. religious bigotry is two words. from banting on manny to shooting people in the fanny. on tuesday the governor passed
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a new law that not only allowed citizens to carry or conceal firearms, but to do so without a license if they are on their own property. says the pro gloc-gov, it sends a strong message that they value the rights of citizens to defend themselves and their property. you know what else sends a strong message? >> never hire a boxer to do the moving. they don't have the logic in brain. anna, you have guns. i am talking talking about your arms. what do you make of this 1234* good idea? are you happy with it?
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>> you know what i have learned through my facebook page, not to mention anything about abortion, gun control or gay marriage. >> don't read my blog. >> you mean you are not going to comment? you can make fun of bill if you want. >> you know he just smells so bad right now. >> anthony businesses are allowed to ban firearms from their premises. how outrageous is that? >> the first amendment right has to be adhered to. i kind of like this although for myself i am more of a concealed carry guy. i think it is dangerous to have an open carry in some -- i think new york is very bad. you can have a guy come up behind you and say -- >> good point. >> somewhere like oklahoma you get a more oak wild west feel to the whole thing. i like any steps forward in
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second amendment rights to tell you the truth. i'm all for this. >> it is freedom. the idea of -- they are not having problems with the con seeldz weapons. obviously they had concealed weapons laws and they experimented with that. they said let's do the open carry thing. they will obviously roll it back. >> i think you have to air on the side of freedom. >> there is going to be a blood bath. and then nothing happens. >> the people with concealed weapons permits get training and they are so paranoid of losing their concealed weapons permits that they don't do anything wrong. i have them in these states, all of these 25 states they say are easy to get, and i am paranoid i would ever do anything wrong that would jeprodize my license. i lock my gun away and forget about it. >> especially like a new york city permit. >> it is nearly impossible.
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>> you can't carry a gun around here. >> unless you are a controversial radio show host. >> they also passed a law that if you enter the state you will be shot on sight. you were even for that. >> i don't know why in hindsight. i should have read it all the way through. but i did read this. there are cough vee jots in the law and i normally don't know what it means. a lot of people are for beluga's are against it. >> you can't have guns in a sporting arena. how are you supposed to celebrate a touchdown? you can't have guns in a liquor store. it is not on my drunken watch. finally, i think people's guns should be licensed to carry smaller, tinier guns. they can protect themselves from the bigger guns. >> how are you supposed to rob a liquor store if you can't go in with a gun? >> thank you.
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it goes back to my simple logic. i believe i am a master of simple logic. if i was going choose to rob a place, take anthony and bill schulz. anthony, no offense, bill, but far more wealthier than you are. you have been to his house. it is ridiculous. it is opulent. your place? a tiny apartment. even though there is wealth in your place, i am not going there. i will steel from bill. >> let her go. >> to extrapolate on that, it is a deterrent -- it means russian food. it is a deterrent for bigger crimes like campus shootings. it could have changinged columbine. >> but they don't allow guns. >> you can't bring a gun to college. >> there are certain states and cities that are allowing college students to carry
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guns. own if that will help in the future. the open carry law and say let me go for the guy without a gun. it is common sense. >> there is a flaw in your theory. yes, he is wealthy, but i am wealthy in commune cable diseases. when you are around me, all i have to do is cough, sir, all have i to do is cough. >> from carrying a piece to keeping the peace. should we use drones on our own. they are not just for blowing up al-qaeda. unmanned aircraft could be circling the skies as a surveillance tool for law enforcement. the federal aviation administration said it is seeking to stream line the process for public agencies to fly unmanned air systems. drones are cheaper and can provide available assistance in dangerous situations with what they like to call the travoltas.
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it raised a serious privacy worry. congressmen wrote a let torte f.a.a. expressing that drones could violate the ban on reasonable searches and other are speaking out as well. >> what did i say, bill? first gay marriage. >> no proof have you given me i don't celebrate. >> this is a bold new world. >> joe, lawyer that you are, is this a reasonable concern? >> it is. well, you can say, they are going to be able to lower the crime rate with all of the great things they will do. the first time you see a drone in your window looking at you, i don't know anyone that would
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tall rate that. tolerate that. >> i think when you see the drone the first thing you say is cool! that is so awesome. >> we already have helicopters, satellites, cameras everywhere and looking at everything we do. not to mention just everybody with their cell phones recording you and putting you on youtube. screw the jones. world star hip hop, why o! what's up hip hop? look at us. >> that is better than any drone at 30,000 feet. >> i can't do that impression, but they have exposed so many crimes. they are doing it accidentally. they are celebrating certain crimes. >> you have the camera and are showing your crime. never do this of the. >> are you worried about this? >> if you are not doing anything wrong what are you worried about?
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>> it is the sake of devil's advocate, right? >> you get pulled over for drunk driving and they wanted to see what it is. >> this is just drunk driving. >> if you are an advocate of the devil you don't do this. >> is that unrbl -- unreasonable search and seizure? >> if i don't go out today i get to sit around in my underwear all day and that's my right as an american. >> well, you can and everybody can see it. >> let's play a game what i like to call let's pretend anyone cares what you think. >> i am not going to answer. >> are you protesting a question? >> i am protesting in silence. >> america doesn't like that. >> it doesn't matter. the cat has been out of the bag a longtime ago. i used to be worried the
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well callers be discreet at 30,000 feet? it is sure to be the bane of virgin atlantic planes. they will be the first to allow in flight calls. the service aimed at business travelers, but available to anyone is, quote, intended for use in exceptional situations when passengers need to send a quick message -- make a quick call. i should never turn away from the screen when i am reading or access an e-mail on a blackberry. it is limited to six users at a time. industry observers are wary. i can just imagine sitting by someone gabbing at the top of his or her lungs to no end. the number of mobile phones will be snatched out of hands and stomped on. i flew on delta and had a window seat to this.
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>> probably could have said some travolta-themed joke there, but i think i have beat that into the ground, much like travolta. >> anthony, do phones belong on flights? >> no. it is bad enough when you land and the second the wheels hit the ground some guy is like, yes, i will be on the pen ski file. and they have to make it loud like, oh you are a mad man. >> exactly. it is like people having to tell their wife or husband -- well, we are about to take off. i can't put my phone down yet until they tell me. >> oh i hate that. who are you talking to? >> anybody. as soon as your phone turns on the it is bring -- bling, bling. maybe you just don't have
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nobody who loves you. >> oh boy. that only works when you make fun of bill. make fun of me? >> joe, thoughts? concerns? >> people are already saying obnoxious, stupid things without their phones. i mean, i am hearing bad conversations -- i don't think they need their phone to have a bad conversation. i am a little confused because you can go on tango if you have internet service and in flight and can call your friends all you want. >> and you can skype and watch men touch themselves. >> but who knows how to do all of that kind of stuff? >> is that illegal? >> all of my e-mails are my subject header. somebody show me how to send this. >> good point. >> how do you enforce this?
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six users at a time? >> it is going to be violent. it is going to cause violence, right, bill? >> i disagree. i applaud this. i would rather have them talk to whatever stupid child or family member they need to talk to at that point, and i would rather have them talk to them than me. i applaud you virgin airlines and i apply you virgins. good for you you disease free folks. >> what about the mess up when two people call each other? >> what if you call somebody on another plane? that would be fun. >> look at alec baldwin. he will take one of those six calls and then there are only five left. >> they will sell priority call. you will have to pay for that to be a part of it and then priority, priority, priority. >> and then you will have to pay to be in the quiet section of the plane. it will just split it all up.
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>> so travolta will have to pay for the phone call that makes the bribe? >> he is william mcqueen though. >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us red eye at fox still on come, the half time report from tv's andy levy, not allowed on planes. >> tonight's half time report is sponsored by recycled boat racing. the sport where teams compete in a competition made of speed. thanks recycled boat racing.
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welcome back. let's see if we got anything wrong so far. for that we go to andy levy. hi, andy. >> greg, i have a lot. i will just get right to it. pacquio banned from the grove. it is nice to hear you row nouns his name correctly. -- pronounce his name correctly. i don't think that was always the case. do we have the tape? >> by the way, are you defending floyd maywethe r and what did he say about manny paqweo? i tell you i follow project runway. >> what is your point? i have evolved?
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>> you have evolved. >> i learned from my mistakes. >> i would like to point out that pacquio said nothing about john travolta. i thought it was a thinly veiled reference to john travolta. >> stop spreading your lies. >> you pointed out that it is the third book of the bible and it is hard that pac man is preaching the bible and hasn't got around to reading that yet. he read the new test meant and is now working his way back to the old -testament. >> bad form. >> you read in latin, don't you? >> yes. >> i agree with you. you don't watch the end of a tv series and then go back and watch the beginning. it makes that sense. jay at least read three or four four -- three or four chapters before you start the continues continues -- the controversy. >> it shows where your head is at all times. >> it is officially planted in my holster. >> back to you for a second.
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you said it is perfectly legal for the grove to do this. i think it would be interesting to see pacqiou sue. could the beverly center turn around and say we are not letting someone in because they are for gay marriage? >> not in los angeles. it is maybe one of the open minded states. >> i don't know that they can just say we are not letting you in because of a belief. it will be an interesting lawsuit. call me pacquio. >> you better mean that. >> shouldn't the grove if they are going to be consistent put up a sign saying if you oppose gay marriage you are not allowed in here? >> if you have an opinion that differs from rick caw -- caruso says you cannot come in ever again it is a monthly of tolerance. >> what if i say if you won't
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gay marry me you are not allowed in here. >> you let people in without that promise all the time. >> i have already assigned it to graphics. >> oklahoma allows open carry. you said you like this, but you like conceal carry. >> in oklahoma you openly carry like a nice big gun, a 45, and then you have like a sub compact 40. you don't want everyone to know the extent. >> i like concealing my big gun. >> i don't follow. >> you know what i did? i went out and purchased a gun and i actually carved a part out of the gun and hid a book in it.
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>> at the beginning of the topic you said you learned from your facebook page about not to talk about various subjects. later in the topic you said carrying guns is a deterrent -- >> critics would say, or supporters would say. >> we will drop that in the story. >> let's talk about the guns in assisted. the guns in assisted. >> what do you do pull up? s. >> pull ups, push ups, curls. >> anything else? >> you said you don't know anyone who would tolerate a drone staring in the window. i can assure you greg would. >> if by drone you mean barack obama. >> yes, i took it into politics. >> anna you said if you are not doing wrong you don't have anything to worry about. isn't that how people live in a police state?
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that's not supposed to be the case. in america the government doesn't spy. >> i was playing the devil's advocate here. >> people always say police state as if it is a bad thing. >> you know who didn't say it as if it was a bad thing? >> sting? >> there what is a great sylvester stallone movie. >> that was "copville." >> it was "police state." >> it was "cop land." >> it was "police state" in france. >> anthony, you said who cares who has satellites and they can spy on us. bill, you agreed. what we are talking about here is the further mill tar rization of the police departments. the fear is once they get the drones they will do what they did when they gots the s.w.a.t -- when they got s.w.a.t. it was mainly for victimless
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crimes like drug possession and stuff like that. it is not an unreasonable fear. they may start off using these things and it is not a big deal. but they keep going further and further so you have to have protections. >> did you just watch "the terminator" on sky net? >> it is a little sky nety. >> i honestly -- it is what it is. if you are in your backyard sunning yourself and maybe taking some liberties and looking out the neighbor's window, there is not going to be a problem. i know me. a little in the backyard is not going to hurt anybody. >> here is the thing. here is the thing, future, bad, is what you are talking about which is the terminator scenario. you will have these drones and
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they will turn on us and kill us, possibly rape us. the good future is everybody because it is a free market, everybody is going to have their own drones. it is their own adorable drone. it will be like you have an alarm system on your house. you have been alarm system and you can have your own drone. what do you use your own drone for? get your kids to school and back. at night it sits over your house while are you on vacation. >> greg, greg, this is what you are missing here. as a libertarian i am for private ownership of drones. i don't think the government should be using them against the citizens. >> i will tell you this, that's where it is going. it will be privatization of drones. you will be able to buy your own drone. it will be about this big. you are going to name it and you can put some hair on it. >> wait a second. what are you saying? are you saying in the future -- >> bill, bill. i don't have much time left so we don't need your comment.
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i have to get to virgin atlantic to allow cell phone calls on flights. joe you said you can already makes calls, but i think it is frowned on. >> i think i heard that, but i fly on a private jet so it doesn't matter. that's my story. but are you right, i think i broke the law when i was -- my wife was showing me the dog. look he is so cute. and it was a waste of time and the lady next to me had to hear it. >> and the plane crashed and everybody died. >> it was a fiery death enjoyed by all. >> i hope that doesn't happen while the show airs. >> greg, you said you will have to pay extra to be in a quiet section where there are no calls allowed. there better be phone free flights because there is a good chance i will straight up murder someone on the plane. and that is after taking the xanax i will need to take just
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to get on the plane. if somebody is on the phone next to me, i will cut them. >> it is always more menacing when you pref physician it with straight up. >> you know gangsters, their main drug is xanax. >> or percocet and they call them perkys. >> if you sext a picture of your private area it is considered the mile high club. >> not if you sext it to me. what i am trying to sarks stop sending pictures of your penis. >> i messed the numbers up. andy levy and it looks like andrea -- >> i am done. >> very good. coming up, what is december bra -- what is debra messing up to? funny you should ask. it is nothing. former president james buchanan. he was a life long bachelor. i think that is code for he slept with lots of chicks. high five broheim.
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this week news week called barack obama the first gay president. but as one historian points out, the first gay president was james buchanan. more than a century ago, bill, that's 100 years. >> no, it is not. >> the contributor wrote, quote, there could be no doubt that james buchanan was gay before, during and after his four years in the white house. moreover, nature knew it too. he was not far into the closet. i know no historian who has studied the matter and thinks buchanan was a heterosexual. i can say the same thing about historians. anthony, what do you make of this? did news week drop the bomb on this? >> it is hard to tell after so many years has gone by. i'm sure with the time though they portrayed it like, well, here is a lucky, young bachelor. well, ladies. he -- they never quite put
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forth the gay thing. >> you know back then -- i said this before that back then everything smelled like poo except him. he probably smelled great. he was way ahead. you know the property value whereof he was living was always like 40% higher. >> immediately a brunch place would open up. >> it was ye old eggs benedict. >> joe, do you buy this story? >> i didn't until i read the whole thing and i said okay, i believe it. this is outrageous. >> is it fair. a hundred years from now they could say joe escalante was gay. >> they said lincoln was gay and when i got to the bottom of that i was lying down next to someone with only one bed around. >> that's the other thing. that's what men did.
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they share beds. anna, what do you make of this? you are a historian. >> does it really matter? to me why are we talking about it? it perpetuates this whole conversation which we don't need to be talking about a president's sexuality orie lig general or -- or religion or race. what is their proven track record? that's what we should vote on. >> not only is he gay, but he created the idea of manifest destiny so he could create san francisco. a lot of people don't know that. >> i had no idea. i don't even know what that means. >> he wanted the castro there before it existed. >> the funny thing is, now i know something about it. i knew nothing about him. at all. i didn't even know he was a president. now i find him quite interesting and i will look him up when i get home. >> welcome back carter high school, buchanan high. >> was that buchanan high?
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can a former punk do judicial junk? joe escalante finds out if they are throwing his hat, i hate that cliche, into the race to be an l.a. county judge. he has been with us all night in the role of panelist. so let's be with him now in the role of interviewist. joe, you are a talk show host and is that going to hurt or help your campaign? >> being a talk show host?
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>> i am wondering for my own sake. >> it helps. >> that's great. it is a lame answer. but i will take it. the big story here is the poster for your campaign is designed by shepherd ferry. shepherd ferry is famous for designing the barack obama poster for 2007 campaign when he ran for president which i believe he won. how did this happen? >> no one has ever lost doing a campaign poster. >> he is batting a thousand. >> he did the art at my original radio station at 103.1. he is an l.a. rock fixture and he said he wanted to do it. he did a poster and i coobt be more thrilled. i couldn'tly more thrilled. i look like a tough guy. it is on t-shirts and everything. joe, you lead an interesting, interesting life, probably one
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of the most i have met. at least one in the top thousand. i put you between this dude i met in port authority and his buddy. >> carrot top. >> i love carrot top. you are a legendary musician with the vandals. >> the guitar player for the circle jerks said he voted for me already. >> that's fantastic. you know what is great? i think we can say the title of that band. i used to love that band. now that guy is in a band called "off," keith morris? >> the guitar player is in bad religion. i got a vote out of that band too. i am like a sub substitute teacher in l.a. if you go to court sometimes you see me. i do traffic and small claims and landlord tenant stuff. i am already doing it.
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i thought i might get paid for it and get a poster. >> that's ambitious of you. >> i really like it. all the stuff i do is starting to get to me. the only thing i do well is this judge stuff. >> there are other things you do well. are you a bullfighter. >> but i don't do it well. again, talk to the guy at bullfight talk to that guy. i have peaked. >> what are your chances? >> no one knows. there is no polling. who knows who votes for judge. i am doing some informing on facebook and all of that stuff. we'll see what happens. >> you are making quite a case for yourself. >> i don't want to turn it into -- it is gnaws yaiting running for an office. >> i like the way you work. he is running for office without trying to run which i think is cool. >> shepherd ferry allowed me to do these things and we got
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prints and the money goes into a paypal account and the paypal account goes and buys ads on google and facebook and i don't have to ask anybody for money. >> that's fantastic. i will take no money from you, you, you or you. >> i will not give. i wish you luck, but that is wrong. i can't wish anybody luck. >> it is against my religion. >> okay then. exphg s something -- something in the tele prompter should be telling me what we are doing. we will close things out with a post game wrap up from tv's andy levy. to see clips of recent shows fox eye.
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>> oh go to the health section on fox and check out this 85-year-old lady who does zumba seven days a week or tries to. she taught me a few moves of the it is a ton of fun. >> i guess my follow-up question is what is zumba? >> it is a latin infused dance craze. everybody is doing it it. >> i thought it was a vacuum cleaner. >> that's what i thought too. where can people see your various band these days, joe? >> may 22nd at the myan theater, that's the morissey tribute band i play in. the vandals will be in long beach at the queen mary on june 9th. >> very cool. >> thank you very much. >> what is going on with the opi expe anthony -- opie and anthony show? >> it starts at 6:00 a.m. i will talk about some racist remarks by 10:00 and then check the door. >> it is on the verge of taking off for you. >> still sticking with it. it is going to catch one day. >> back to you. >> back to me
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