tv Americas News Headquarters FOX News May 19, 2012 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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commempt stock is doing -- very tastey. put it on the list. >> it is popular. it is popular. that's it for the cost of the freedom blog. i will see you on the fox business network. thank you for being here. g-8 summit president obama and other world leaders tackle the debt crisis and conservative group tests the voting record of tea party freshman and a lot of tea party faithful barely get a passing grade. >> it is armed forces day. we honor our forces past, present and future. one group going beyond thoythrowing a ticker tape parade. and house majority eric cantor. and all of that and breaking news on the blind chinese
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activist. chen guangcheng and terrorism charges for three nato protestors in chicago. i am uma live from the nation's capitol, we start right now. we start with a fox news alert. amid growing concern. president obama and leaders of the eight richest commes are eating to deal with the european debt crisis. the president said the g-8 sumit covered a great deal of ground. here's more from near camp david. wendal. >> some of the talks and the discussion of global hot spot. syria, north korea and iran and a worker interlap. but since russia president vladimir putin sent his prime minister. but they can't get russia commitments on syria and iran . the focus of the summit and the issues that the leaders
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turned to today was the european debt crisis. >> and all of us are absolutely committed to making sure that both growth and stability and fiscal consolidation are part of an overall package that all of us have to pursue in order to achieve the kind of prosperity for our citizens that we are looking for. >> that balance of growth and fiscal consolidation and paying off debts and puts the president more in line with french president hollande and rather than merkel. he was elected on the promise to resist the budget cuts demanded in exchange for euro loans. the setting away from distraction and his and her leaders have a cabin with their aids and the way the
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gathering was planned when it was first held in france thren years ago. later today most leaders except medevev will go to chicago. there president obama will have to deal with the french decision to pull their troop afghanistan a year earlier. that is a hollande promise and that is one president obama could have done without. >> thank you, wendall very much. and what president obama is heading home to chicago where he will host a two-day nato summit and the war in afghanistan and how to pay for it will take center stage. delegation and 50 heads of state will be there. the alliance is feeling strain as the u.s. looks for financially strapped european nations to chip in for more defense. >> this is just in a class photoof the leaders who are attending camp david meeting that we are talking about now.
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the president with the world leaders who are enjoying a lovely day at camp david. weather is cooperating for the summit meet wend all mentioned earlier. putin is not attend he could not be there because of scheduling concerns . but the rest of the group is there and russian sent in men devez. and as always it is a class photoevery time they meet together. it is going to make for a great photograph. >> nato meetings may not start until tomorrow. protest are under way. and police arrested three protestors and hit them with terrorism charges . steve brown has the latest. >> well, we are hoping to hear more from police and prosecutor as to why it is that they came up with the conspiracy/terrorism related charges. the neighborhood where the men were picked occupy wednesday
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night. we have video from just yesterday. keep in mind it was shot yesterday afternoon and a lot of police in this particular neighborhood where the arrest was made and firefighters as well. it a gas leak report, but it seemed like a lot of personnel for a report of a gas leak in one particular building. in this neighborhood nine people were arrest 20 year old brian church and 24 year old jared chase and 24 year old brent betterly. charged with conspiracy to commit terrorism and explosion and providing materials. and we talked with one of the other folks that was arrested, but not charged, and this is his description of how he was handled by police while in custody. >> have a listen. >> they did not speak to us for 18 cohours and didn't let us know what was happening. i was not asked or
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interrogated or talked to the entire time. >> what is interesting about this. it does fall into a pattern in terps of law enforcement in preemptive arrest in advance of a large protest. we saw the same activity in st. paul, minnesota in the beginning of the 2008 republican national convention there. it is not unusual. we apologize for the noise with large trucks going by. there is a bond hearing for the three gentleman coming up at noon local time. 1:00 eastern time and police are going to be talking about the arrest, about a half an hour later. bond hearing is expected to go quickly. we did a criminal background check and there is criminal history, but all of it seems to be minor and nothing that would suggest violent tendency in the criminal history. uma, back to you. >> steve brown, thank you for
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bringing us up to date on the latest situation . a teenage girl was killed in a bombing outside of her high school in southern italy. several of her classmates were injured in the blast and are treated in a nearby hospital. the device was reportedly attached to the outside of the cool. - school. >> a blind chinese activist who escaped house arrest is on the way to the united states. chen guangcheng has been seeking protection in the u.s. embassy for a month now. they are here with the latest on that situation. chen guangcheng hur yoiedly taken from the hospital. he and his wife and two children are aboard united airlines flight 88 as we speak. the flight is scheduled to arrive in newark, new jersey
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6:30 eastern time n a written statement, state department spokesmen said we can confirm that chen guangcheng and his wife and two children departed china and are on en route to the united states and he will pursue studies in the american university. we are looking forward to his arrival in the united states later today and express the appreciation in which we resolved the matter and support mr. chen's desire to study in the united states. >> his departure harks the conclusion. he did not get passports or inform them of the details until they got to the airport. he was not happy about leave worried about retaliation against his extended family back home. guangcheng got recognition for the disabled and fighting about rural abortion . he was convicted in 2006 on
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what his supporters say were fabricated charges . he was put on house arrest from which he escaped. it is a long-standing diplomatic stand off. >> it is a long story. >>ad wars are on. governor mitt romney releases and touting his ability for job growth. democratic national committee is firing back with an adof its own and going after what romney views as his strength. california congressman john campbell is a romney supporter and joining us now. welcome, great to have you here today. >> hi, uma, great to be with you. >> let's get to the adfrom the dnc and what it said about challenging the romney camp on job . take a look. >> obama campaign is trying to
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focus and portraying the firm as bleeding in kansas camp out of millions. former firm and private equitly giant as middle class job killer . >> businessman and put profits apeople. >> we are challenging him to stand up to the central premise of his campaign and business experience and means that he knows how. >> the adcontinues and i want ask you, congressman, what is your response to the way romney's record is critized. >> i am surprised and i shouldn't be surprised that the president is doing to me it shows how little he really understands about the private sector and private business. mr. president, listen up for a second. in bain capitol or any other company like that. they don't make money and don't succeed by buying companis and making them worse. they succeed by making companies making them better and big yer stronger, and
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clearly governor romney was successful in doing that. sometimes you have a plan in plant in your back yard and have to prune it to allow it to grow and prosper in the future. i have had to do that. once we had 300, employees and let 50 go. you know why, we could preserve the other 250 jobs and grow again. sometimes i am sure bain capitol and governor romney did that sort of thing. but you are saving the existing jobbings. if you keep more people than the company needs or don't make it better or improve it, it will wither and die and is all of those jobs will go away. >> let me ask you this. what about the fact that critics say when he was massachusetts his state ranked 47th out of 50. this shows he can't take claim for being a job creator.
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>> i, come on, give a lot of the problems that he inherited when he was governor of massachusetts and tax rate and regulatory problemings. i am from california and understand how difficult it is to create jobs in this state because of the regulatory and tax situation . you can't turn that stuff around overnight . you know, you look at governor mitt romney's experience. he created jobs in the private sector and did a lot of things. after he was governor, the jobs came back to massachusetts because of the improvements. >> we'll show viewers the mitt romney adand what they will be seeing in the next few days. >> what would a romney presidency be like? day one. president romney approving the key stone pipe line and creating thousands of job that is obama blooked. tax cuts and reforms that reward job creators and not punish them.
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president romney issues orders to replace obama care with common sense health care reform. that's what a romney presidency will be like. >> i am mitt romney and i approved that message. >> playing to the strengths and promiseless he will make if president. is there a 12 percent drop in manufacturing when he was governor. how do you counter that claim? >> i don't know specifically what exactly the statistics were in massachusetts at this time or not. you have to look at what we have here. we have president obama whose track record has been a abysmal in creating jobs. he an unremarkable state senator and community organizer . president romney, i hope who has laid out a plan of thing to create jobs and has a track record of creating jobs in the private sector and understands the private sector and that has to work if we are going to
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create the jobs. you have to create them in the private sector. he has a tract record. and put reform in a difficult state with a legislator that was quen percent controlled by democrats and managed to make massachusetts better than it was when he got there. >> great to see you today. >> thank you, uma. >> there is bound to be more ads coming our way do. they matter? we'll put that question to you on line. do campaign ads influence who you vote for? results of that question will be an unscientific poll . once they come in . overwhelming number of scen percent of you are saying no. you can weigh in by going to fox's news headquarters. >> brand new private rocket balance on the international space station is stuck on earth. it cancelled in the last second because of technical
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difficulties. it was set to make a deliver to the international space station . first attempt by a private company. earliest it will be scheduled to launch is tuesday. >> some of you are in for a real treat this evening. if you live in the western part of the u.s., you can see the moon gradly cross over the sun. end result, a thin ring of blazing light around the moon. it is dangerous to look directly at the eclipse. you need to use special devices if you are going to watch that eclipse directly like that. >> the record card on the voting record of washington tea party is in and a lot of them are getting failing grade. one who passed the test. tea party leaders tells us what is wrong ornot.
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>> welcome back everybody. empty promises from tea party freshman in washington. that's what a new group is saying that has folks angry that the freshmen are not holding true to the principles that got them elected. joining us is amy crammer and republican congressman; you scored well i understand it. >> thank you, i appreciate that. >> taking a look at the report on average. freshman tea party republican. only 14 signed a pledge promising never to raise the debt ceiling until cut, cap and balance were passed. remember you surprised by the results? >> i actually was surprise. if you listen to what the main stream media and left is saying for once.
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tea party movement and freshman are driving the country over the cliff and caused a credit downgrade. this proves there is nothing farcter farther from the truth. at the end of the day we need more strong fiscal conservatives in the house and senate it is easier for these people to stand for the conservative principles and values when a lot of people are standing with them as to when they go up against the themselves. >> congressman, you scored 99 and many colleagues who didn't do well are not holding firm. >> you have to watch the actual races. it doesn't bother if they run as moderate and votes as moderate . if they run as conservative and vote as conservativey but it is difficult for us to keep on message. i am glad the club keeps up with the report card and folks
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back home to figure out if they got what they targled for. support them again and if not fix it this year. >> men congressman west is a tea party activist. he came out at 64 percent and voted to raise the debt ceiling and voted against spending cuts. >> it is up to their constitients that. is our job to ed-- educate on how they have voted. it is highly unlikely you will get more conservative than alen west. he may not have voted the way we wanted him to. but who does he represent as well same thing with scott brown in massachusetts. a lot of people say he is a moderate. i am from a red conservative state. but he is conservative for the state of massachusetts.
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it is notaise to paint everybody with one stroke. >> congressman, do you think the tea party will be as effective as it was in 2010. it shows a hypochrissy with the elective. >> i think it will be effective. you saw that last week in indiana and seeing it in texas and certain extent in utah. even if the tea party candidates are not successful. they are changing the nature of the day dialogue. and the tea party movement is success . and will continue to be. >> when you go forward with this in sterms - terps - terms of strategy and what will groups like yours do with congressman that are not voting in the way that you would like to see happening.
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>> we are focusing on taking back the united states senate. if we get ted cruz and richard murdoch and other conservative senators to stand. i think it will push them further right and we can push more fiscal conservative policis and it will encourage people in the house to be more conservative. and what we have seen. time and time again. legislation passes out of the house and goes to the senate . it is tabled there and they don't bring it for an up or down vote. it will encourage more fiscal conservative to stand strong in the house and senate. at the end of the day. it is the constitients that have to decide . if not they can be voted out. >> thank you very much for weighing in with your comments on this issue.
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now it is your turn to weigh in. and in light of the club ranking. is the tea party losing. tweet your answers and i will have your responses later in this hour. >> second half of america's new's headquarters start after the break. this is what comes your way. >> more than thousand firefighters battling blazes out west. walls was fire breaking out and experts say this could be the worst fire season in years . critics describe him as a radical muslim who sympathize with the 9/11 terrorist and the man who was the leading force behind a ground zero mosque is looking end the fear about america in islam . eric cantor standing up for veterans of armed services day. what the republicans are doing to make sure the american heroes are taken care of when
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they return. home. now, tre's gentle, dependable constipation relief fore... and me and me. new dulcolax laxative tablets for women are comfort-coated... so they're gentle on sensitive stomachs. new dulcolax laxative for women the overnight relief you're looking for. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. ♪ i can do anything ♪ i can do anything today ♪ i cano anywhere ♪ i can go anywhere today ♪ la la lla la la la [ male announcer ] dow solutions help millions of people by helping to make gluten free bread
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president obama in the g-8 summit and peter is standing by with that and rest of the top stories. >> uma, president obama is calling the first round of g-8 meetings fruitful. they have talked about iran and syria and afghanistan and north korea. today they will turn to economic issues. president obama will leave camp david tonight for chicago where nato meetings will start tomorrow. preparations are under way in chicago where federal agency beefed-up security and businesses are boarded up in case there is violence. >> chen guangcheng is en route to the united states. he is expected to land inue
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ark. he escaped illegal house arrest and sought protection in the u.s. embassy and has a invitation to study law in nyu. airline pilot accused of trying to board a plan with a loaded gun. the pilot tried to get on a flight in buffalo. he was scheduled to fly a flight to new york. he may have had the gun with him for two days. back to you. >> peter, thank you very much. >> he was one of the key muslim leaders and trying to build a mosque in ground zero and found himself in a tidal wave of controversy. in his book, he hopes to move the conversation to a new vision of islam in america. welcome and great to have you here. >> pleasure to be with you. >> you are no longer connected with the project to build a mosque in ground zero, what happened there? >> it was a difference of opinion for me and the
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developers. my vision is alive and a space that can be where all religions can come together and build understand mutual respect which is the basis of a global peace today that. is my vision and i hope to do that. >> in your conversation with hundreds of americans and public officials. you do understand why there is sensitivity to build a mosque. you came away with a greater understanding. >> no doubt. i am sensitive to the concerns was everyone in the area in the 9/11 community . same thing many people don't know. i have been in that neighborhood for 30 years. i was imam of a small mosque 12 blocks north of ground zero and members of our were among those perished. 9/11 happened to all of us. the more important question in
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which this raised, how will america engage with the muslim in this country and internationally? and we in the united states have an important interest in the muslim world, energy and geopolitical military basis and like many in the world . troops in iraq and afghanistan . therefore, understanding this sensitivities of people all over the world and engaging in a course is the issue we need to define today. >> indeed, on that, you condemned terrorism why do some believe it is not enough from people like you and others who say that you need to express the outrage over jihadist in ways that go beyond just saying this? why is that still out there? and how do you hope to close the gap? >> we have to look at law enforcement agency. terrorism is our common ne.
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and extremist is a common economy. the discourse that shaped and tarnished islam is rather dangerous. and the real battle front is not muslims and the west and muslims and hindus. but the battle front is extremist of all faiths and traditions. the news media bad news grabs the media attention and therefore extremist on both sides fueled each other and polarized the middle. we need to bring together the middle. and whether it is in india or middle east. most people want to live together in peace and harmony. we see it everywhere in the world and this is the work that we are committed to doing. >> what is the challenge in your travel overseas when you talk to muslims about their misconceptions and people in
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the west? >> after 9/11 there were a few incidents of islamaphobia and muslims and they create a perception that american is against islam. but literally 10s and millions of people who came to us and helped us and said you know, were contribute and kind. not a typical. blondeblue-eyed girl saying i understand you are afraid to go shopping, here i am coming to volunteer to do the shopping. these stories are not covered and i continuously share when i travel the muslim world to eliminate the misperception that america actually is engaging in a war against islam. this is false. and the military general say something or the pastor in florida try to burn the qu'ran and then you know, it is wide
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new in the muslim and tit for tat . comes down with extremism. and we have to figure out way to combat that in the book. to let the american people know what i stand for and believe and i am optmistic that we can build a new chapter in the u.s.-muslim relations. >> thank you very much. we appreciate your insights. >> thank you for having me. >> thank you. >> lower temperatures, how crews are helping to fight the blaze in colorado. it was started by a camp stove. and in phoenix it is only 10 percent contained at this time. things could worse. adam housely is live in la with the latest. >> yeah, uma, the fire situation in california concerns people in the western states. fire in prescott is an area
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that we covered a fire last year . if there is a hint of good news of 10 percent containment. it is burning away from the historic mining town. firefighters had to step back and watch it burn. there is a dangerous of a firefighter fall getting hurt as of the fire burning up the landd. there is still a number or 350 that were evacuated and when you talk to them on the ground. while optmistic are concerned that the winds could change and the fire could turn around. take a listen. >> praying that it doesn't hit us. there are people that are optmistic that will go around. now in colorado, northern colorado, the fire burning there is threatening 80 homes in that area. it is fueled by the dry
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weather. 12 square miles turned so far. in that region that started this week. and the arizona fire started last sunday. 50 firefighters are on the scene. as the fires burn in california, utah and parts of new mexico and arizona, firefighters in the west are keeping an eye out including here in california where we haven't had a major fire in a couple of years . this is a typical fire season for the folk in arizona and new mexico and texas. in a normal year we expect to see a higher level of activity before we do in california. that begins to get our radar up and going and say yeah, are we ready and what is going to happen with us this summer. >> it seems like the fire season is year round. that is the case in the southwest. anyway worked from the june to november . we saw fire last year in santa
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cruz county on the coast of northern california and place you never see a fire in may later on later in the year. you are seeing problem in the southwest and people are watch cautiously and wet years and followed by a dry year in much of the southwest that is fueling a concern. >> big concerns instead. adam thank you for bringing us up to date. >> next, eric cantor on his commitment to the heroes coming hope -- home. >> least we can do is be there for them and they come home in a welcoming way and echos what we are doing in the house of representatives in washington. that we have policies that signal to veteran has we want them to come back to the community. also, get a free flight. you know that comes with a private island? really? no. it comes with a hat.
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see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital onventure card. you can book any aiine, anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow! [ male annncer ] to get thelights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's ok. i've played a pilot before. and people. and the planes can seem the same so, it comes down to the people. because, bad weather the price of oil those are every airlines reality. and solutions won't come from 500 tons of metal and a paint job. they'll come from people. delta people. who made us one of the biggest airlines in the world. and then decided that wasn't enough.
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>> welcome back everybody. it is four months since the end of the iraq war and several private homecomings and the welcome home foundation is changing that. eric cantor is lending help. we spoke with the house leader about this effort and the becoming a movement in the country. >> first of all, i think so much what our lives are about, is premised on the sacrifice that our men and women in uniform make for us and their families go through for us. and this parade, that is enrichmond today is a welcome home hero's parade is a fitting celebration of that sacrifice . there is a in richmond who was a vet herself. she actually works for the richmond newspaper, and it was her idea to replicate what was
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going on in st. luse in the beginning and make it an event for us in richmond and common wettle of virginia. i think it is a tremendous event for all of us to honor the individuals who really have begin everything for our country. >> there are going to be a number of resources there to help the veterans reaclimate in the count community once they have left overseas. and there is a village. veterans resource village in the end of the parade. and it brings together all kinds of services for our veterans and so that they know that they are coming home to a welcoming community. it is a part of our obligation. because we have asked our men and women in uniform to fight for our freedom and security of our country, the least we can do is to be there when
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they come home in a welcoming way. it sort of echoes what quee are doing in the house of representatives in washington, to make sure we have in place policies that signal to veteran to come back to the community and have an easy way of regaining employment and make sure that they are acessing the services they need. >> do you think enough is done to help the veterans in the country today? >> i think in the busy life we all lead and challenge that is working families have in tough economic times it is easy to forget the sacrifices that our veterans have made and for us to enjoy the freedom of america. and it is an opportunity to double up on the commitment to honor their sacrifice and make sure they have the kind of welcome and acess to services and support and employment opportunities. >> there are issues that are debate in terms of appropriations and concerns
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that too many cuts are happening in the military spending. >> the house of representatives voted on a national defense authorization act. it is a blueprint if you will for the kind of commitment that i believe we should be making for the national security and defense of our country . we are living in a time with unconventional enemis and unconventional ware fare and there is no are thing military power and economic that rifle -- rival what we in america muster. as we work our way to election in november. are we going to continue to do that? are we going to lead globallyy? and so much of that is dependent on the will of the men and women that we send over seas and will we commit the necessary resources and make them a priority.
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if america doesn't do that? who will? who will make sure we are free and secure here at home? it is something that the countryy will decide as we work toward the election . >> are you hopeful? >> i am. i think the american people are hopeful and more we recognize the blessings we enjoy because of the sacrifices of the men and women in the military, the more unified we are as a country to stand tall which is what america is about which is freedom. >> congress is so polarized that nothing is getting done and many people are just hoping that solutions can be found to work these high priority issues out so we can move forward. >> i think the people want to see a federal government that works for them. it is a lot of feeling that it is the other way around as of late .
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we are trying to affect the solutions in washington that deliver the result that said to people that we are a country based on opportunity and we want people to see a better life and we want to be secure and priorities straight and get on about the business of leading as americans. >> our thanks to eric cantor and for the defense act. the house approved that measure and added more than 642 million to the defense budget. by the way, if you want to get involved with the welcome home foundation to help our vets get a fresh start g. to america for great organization. i hope y support it >> you heard about flash moms and what about cash moms? up next how the savings will be today. stay with us. c'mon dad!
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they are popping up from san diego to buffalo. sometimes the groups are maul and sometimes the groups are big. in this case, the bar and traunt in new york, got the honors and it could be anything local from a bakery to a movie theater and or gift shop. we have video from earlier today. spend 20 dollars and give a shot in the arm and have fun relationships and good time. i am joined by john rodriguez. >> how are snu>> doing okay. thank you for coming. >> as always facebook and trit twitter got them out here. how does it feel to have the communicate support you. >> i spend time hanging out and touch base with people . you know, the support that i have got out in the community and have them together and show support means a lot to me. >> why is it important to buy
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local for the fabric of a community? >> you know, it is a great question. it goes full circle. when the community come comes together and supports local business they have a chance to give back to the community . not only that. i just think that it is best to keep business local. >> you have a long family history here as well thank you for your time and enjoy the big boost in business all right. >> it is the gift that keeps on giving. organizer of this event has a friend in florida. they are calling the cash storm and instead of the cash mob. it is starting to spread world wide. back to you. >> it is a great effort and wish him all of the best. it is a great effort. appreciate it >> don't get jiggy with actor will smith. find out why he slapped a reporter in the premier of his new film. ♪ [ male announcer ] the inspiring story
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of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. mine was earned off vietnam in 1968. over the south pacific in 1943. i got mine in iraq, 2003.
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