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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  May 22, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT

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you can be busted by a federal cop and put in federal prison. that's a big problem. the obama supporting that. >> sean: great panel, as always. thanks for being with us. we toss it to greta van susteren. take it away. >> greta: tonight, should you stay healthy? dumb question. in fact, really dumb, right? okay, try this one -- if it's so dumb, why is the federal government spending $20 million to tell you that message? oh, i forgot to tell you, that $20 million to tell you that you should stay healthy is your moan. yes, the federal government's spending your $20 million to tell to you stay healthy. this is part of obamacare. and chances are when you hear about it, it will set your hair on fire. former alaska governor sarah palin and jun mctain cane. and governor scott walker's opponent calling him the rock
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star of the right -- far right, that is. you know there is a story behind that. we will tell you that. "on the record" is on the ground in wisconsin, all caught on camera. it looks like summer camp canw cocktail, beer and wine. but it's the infamous gsa convention in vegas, the one that cost you $820,000 and just released new video give you a closer look at what really went on. if you thought it was bad before, you haven't seen anything yet. i are going to see the outrageous videos. but first, the obama administration is launching a public relations blitz. you are going to pay for t. the $20 million campaign for obamacare, specifically to encourage to you stay healthy. that's right. and here's something else to think about. they are spending taxpayer mill dwrons promote the law that the supreme court could in about 4 weeks declare unconstitutional. former governor sarah palin is here. good evening, governor. >> good evening, greta. how are you? >> greta: how are you?
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i am in favor of smart expenditures, but there is a new contract by hhs to help explain and promote the health care, including telling american people to stay healthy about the president's -- about the obamacare and that statute could -- don't know -- be declared unconstitutional in four week, so i think they should wait. >> this is one of the stupidest things from the obama administration. not only is this pending in court and i think it will be deemed unconstitutional. but this is a propaganda piece, which i think violates many of the laws and other laws applicable to government contracts. this is propaganda, promoting obamacare. and $20 million, take it one step further and find out how did this p.r. firm even be awarded the $20 million contract? it's crony capitalism on steroids! the $20 million is going to a firm that employs and has as head honch oh obama surrogates
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on surrogates on the heels of another $6 million hhs contract that went to another obama crony who happens to be the crony who reverend jeremiah wright alleges was bribed with $150,000 to hush up until the election was over. connect the dots. the $twernt million contract is part of the crony capitalism that corrupts washington, d.c. >> greta: i would prefer if they wait until the supreme court made the decision because if the decision is to keep the statute, that's one thing fthey toss it out in whole or in part, we may have spent the $20 million for not. i have your letter written to kathleen sebelius, cabinet leader of hhs. it was sent by rob portman, a republican senator from ohio on
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the subcommittee on contracting oversight. in his letter, he says, on february 28, as part of the subcommittee on contracting oversight's ongoing oversight effort, senator clair mccaskill, which i want to point out is a democrat -- and i -- meaning senator rob porman, requested basic information on hhs contracts on public relations, publicity, advertising or similar servicess from 2008 to the present. we asked for a response by march 16 from secretary sebelius of hhs and has received absolutely nothing from the hhs. nothing from the secretary. didn't bother. finally, we have bipartisanship and it's plone off by the secretary? >> yeah. another example... efforts of bipartisan -- rhetoric, that we hear from coming from our president, saying that he embraces and he has nothing to really contribute to the cause
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of bipartisanship, in order to get things done for the people. the president can step in and tell his department head there, sebelius to answer the senator's questions and let the public get to the bottom of this. i am going to go to the top and point the finger at president obama who is an absent commander in chief, he is an absent ceo from our nation's capitol. he is not doing his job, staying on top of his people, to oversee the programs, the contracts, in order to do the people's business. >> greta: you know, it's also rude. i mean, here's a letter from a republican senator and a democratic senator to a cabinet officer about very important issues that result in millions of taxpayer money being spent and no reply, two months later. you would think the secretary could say, you can write the senators and tell them, i will get back to them when i can.
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i'm swatched. but it falls into a dark hole and nothing. but anyway. >> you know why he gets away with it? why the president gets away it and cabinet members being rude to our elected fiduciaries, trying to do the people's work? because the media lets them get away with t. you are the first host that i have heard even bring this up. i hope that others will follow suit and get to the bottom of it. >> greta: all right. let me move on to the vice-president. he says that the tea party, giving a speech on economics part of a campaign speech and he said this about the tea party. he says, imagine where we would be if the tea party hadn't taken control of the house of representatives. they are honorable, but a group set up on obstructionallism. let's talk about this obstructionallism. is that what this is about? is that -- obviously, i know you are a fan of the tea party. but what's your response to the vice-president on behalf of the tea party? >> lthe vice-president is very, very out of touch with what
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constitutional fiscal conservatives are trying to accomplish through the tea party movement. that's just to awaken the rest of america to the road that we are, that president obama and vice-president biden have us on, a road towards bankruptcy. and the tea party movement is -- thank god -- trying to obstruct any more growth of government that will put us over the edge f. it weren't for the tea party grassroots movement, null of those who believe that a smaller, smarter government is the answer to many of our problems, if it were not for the tea party, we would be in much worse shape, after those 2010 elections that at least did urbener people who will put government back on our sides and get government off our back. >> greta: i suppose if i were going to give political advice, he has called them honorable, that's a good thing, but to call them obstructionists, it would be better to say they have different reasons, policies and
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interests. but it is frankly, you know, you can't have it both ways. to say someone's honorable and say that someone's trying to obstruct progress. but let me ask you, talking about the tea party n. texas, there is an interesting faceoff between governor sarah palin and rick peri, have you endorsed two different candidates in the republican primary. you have endorsed ted cruz. you are coming off a big win in nebraska, endorsing a tea party candidate, miss fischer. i am curious, who's going to win in texas? you or governor peri? >> texas will win, which means america upon'll -- america will win when ted cruz wins. for all the good work that the team of the governor and the lieutenant governor have done for the state of texas, you know, it's time in that state for some new blood to represent texas in washington, d.c -- you
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know, friends and colleagues, we are going to differ personalo different endorsements. take for instance, my endorsement that i will announce firsthand here toe to you of senator orrin hatch in utah. i want him to win. i join sean hannity and mark levin and other conservative who is would like to see mr. balanced budget return to washington. he's part of that 1% you hear about -- not the 1% that -- mocked and criticized in the press lately. but the 1% of national politicians whom i believe should be re-elected because of his commitment to see a balanced budget in the united states of america. he wants to apply that common-sense economic principle of balanced budget, fiscal responsibility. i want to see him re-elected. my endorsement will differ from others. in that race in utah, no different, i think in many sense, when we talk about the
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endorsements in texas. >> greta: i am sure that orrin hatch will be happy to hear that. one last issue, the great state of wisconsin, not to be confused with the great state of alaska. the recall election. your thoughts about that? >> walker's going to be just fine. fiscal conservative who is understand that austerity means living within your means, the little austerity steps that governor walker is applying in order to reign in the growth of government there and turn a deficit into a surplus and allow the private sector to create jobs, he's fulfilling promises he made as a candidate. walker will win. he will get through just fine, this june 5 recall effort. he and the lieutenant government, wisconsin will be just fine and another part of america will be just fine by allowing the public servant to stay in office, who is fulfilling promises, who understands that it's the private sector, it's not government that will solve the
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problems that we are facing in our economy. >> i am curious in 2008, you remember this better than i do -- president obama won that state of wisconsin by 12 or 14 points. do you see this recall in wisconsin, with the governor, as a hint as to what is going to come in november? because that's one of the those swing states and everybody's curious? >> you know, that's a great question because what is going on in wisconsin has been ground zero in the last year, watching this recall effort, watching the union thugs, the head of the unions go dliftic over the promises kept by duly elected governor and yet the good union brothers and sister, many, many of them understand that in order to allow their state to be solvent, in order for them to save their jobs, they have to contribute more than a previous governor had asked of them. following what is going on in wisconsin x. i tell you, the rest of america is watching what is going on. that june 5 outcome will be quite indicative of who will
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carry that state in the presidential race. >> greta: governor, thank you. hope to see you soon. >> thanks so much, greta. will republican governor scott walker survive the recall election? some democrats worry that governor scott walker will -- not just wisconsin democrats. griff jenkins hit the ground in milwaukee to find out. >> reporter: governor scott walker has been blanketing the airways with radio and tv ads, outpacing his ponent 25-1 and leading in the latest polls and there is talk that in sm democrats on the national level may not be commit to the recall fight. however, wisconsin democrats, like peter barta, the seb minority leader says, it is not over yet. is this fight already over? two weeks to go. >> sean? >> not even close. this promises to be a very close election. we have had some close wins in
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wisconsin, with senator gore, senator kerry, winning by narrow margins. president obama won by a big marmgin. this is neck and neck. this is all about turnout. whose believers and followers and whose people will turn out on election day? >> reporter: however, if you look at the fund-raising, it appears that governor walker has a program advantage. 25-1, latest poll had walker up by 5, 6 points. what is mr. barrett's plan to come back? how do you see this? turning in your favor? >> well, governor walker, of course, traveled the country and collected money from very far right-wing extremists. he does have a huge advantage. but as paul harvey said, for the rest of the story, money is blowing in. mayor barrett is closing the gap in the number of ads and i
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predict as we move closer to the election, you will see the polls be razor tight. >> reporter: let's talk about, even democrats, it would appear, seem to be losing their interest in this recall fight. how do you see it? >> i don't think so at all. i think you are going to see armies of people, pounding the pavement, this coming weekend, memorial day and then that last weekend before the election. people are still very energized. and i think you are going to see a huge turnout t. will be very interesting. some are predicting, you could have turnouts with the presidential election levels. we feel our values are at stake. we feel that wisconsin values have been disregarded and we have moved in a far right-wing direction that doesn't fit the state. >> reporter: i read in the "wall street journal" that wisconsin democrats asked the dnc for $500 thousand and they didn't get it and chairwoman
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debbie washburn-schultz is coming out to do a fund-raiser here. what is the story? is washington helping you? or are you on your own fighting this battle? >> no. washington has been helpful. they're becoming even more helpful as we close into the last couple of weeks of the race. we expect that that money is better and there has been more interest. you will see a huge turnout. that's what it is all about. it's all about the voters who show up at the polls. it is not about who has the richest friends and the most billionaires to give them money. >> greta: wisconsin recall election will be a rematch. milwaukee mayor tom barrett, taking on governor scott walker. walker defeated barrett by five percentage points in the governor's race and today, griff jenkins spoke with mayor barrett. >> reporter: earlier in a press conference today, we caught up with mayor tom barrett
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to find out what his path is to winning this recall fight. mr. mayor, griff jenkins, it looks like you may be behind in the polls and fund-raising. what is your strategy to turn it around in your favor and win this fight? >> we know this is a very unusual election. i don't know that there is any modeling that will reflect how unusual this is. i don't think anybody know who is will come out and vote. but we have seen a tight race. we think it's going to be tight. there is no question that if if thcomes down to who can raise more out-of-state dollars, scott walker can win. he has raised tens of millions of dollars from out of state. that itself raises questions. what he has done, he has become the rock star of the far right. high has traveled this country y and he's been the tea party favorite. that's allowed him to bring in tens of millions of dollars. i am not going to be the rite rock star of the far right or the far left. i am going to be rock solid and
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be a governor to create jobs. >> reporter: if i can follow up, governor walker seems to be making the claim, if you turn on the television or radio, that he has an advantage with the jobs numbers. how do you see it? >> what you can see, you have an embattled governor, an embattled governor who is in a recall, where nearly a million people signed signatures that want him removed from office. have you long, trusted well-accepted national reports dealing with joblessness that say over and over again that under his leadership, wisconsin lost more jobs than any other state in this country, in 2011. those are bureau labor statistics numbers. those are not numbers that tom barrett cooked up. those are not numbers that the state of wisconsin cooked up. those are the nonpartisan bureau of statistics numbers. 20 days before an election, an embattled governor produces a new set of numbers. within four hours, he's running
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commercials touting those numbers. know that this numbers cannot be verified until after the election. are you going to, as a journalist, accept them? >> reporter: we want to hear what you have to say? >> i question the numbers, obviously, i question the numbers because there would be an unprecedented deviation from the bureau of labor statistics numbers. it would be unprecedented to have the 57,000-job swing that he claims exists. >> greta: straight ahead, arts & crafts, bicycles and poolside activities. no, no, no, it is not summer camp. it's the infamous gsa convention, the one you paid for. even more outrageous pictures of the lavish convention, the one that cost you almost $1 million. up next, see the new videos, which you do not want to miss. also, remember joe the plumber? tonight, he's not happy about vice-president joe biden's comments about his profession. now joe the plumber is firing back. his response, coming up.
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>> caughto on camera, just released videos offering new proof of the gsa gone wild in vegas o-- what else? your dime. what's worse, the gsa seems to be quite proud of it. >> in return, i think you may recall that i also made some very specific promises to all of you and i'm just refresh your memory, in case you have forgotten. i think i pretty much promised to deliver an over-the-top, unforgettable team-building experience. how did we do on that one? [cheers and applause] >> greta: the new video forced the government to do something to stop this epidemic. the outrageous waste of your tax dollars. the washington examiner chief correspondent, byron york is here. i am curious, what in the world is a team-building experience? do you know -- this is over the top? >> over the top, right. it's common in the corporate world and the government world. you get the people from an
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office together and you -- i don't know, you have them hold hands in a circle and lean backwards or climb a pole. do things that they call team building exercises. there is a lot of that -- >> greta: that's okay -- >> except they traveled to las vegas to do it. >> greta: look, a couple of things, in the private industry, look, that's a big difference. if a corporate wants to pay for team building, so be it. i think the taxpayers want to pay the government employees to do their job and not to have team-building experiences. really fthey are doing their jobs, they have to have team building? whatever. >>? a las vegas resort. that's the bigger question. >> greta: okay. now we have the new videos. how did the new videos come out? this is not somebody pulling out their telephone and surreptitiously taking video of things, these are gsa videos. they are kind of professionally produced, they are what went on. they were gotten through a freedom of information act request of the gsa, which handed
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them over to the press. >> greta: it came through a freedom of information, that mean its got pulled out of them i. that's true. >> greta: it shows they were compliceit. these were not the rogue employees who had done this. it shows that the gsaea's up to their eyeballs in this, they have videos and cameras there, this is professionally done. >> this was not a secret thing. i mean, it was a very big, regional division of the gsa. they -- they memorialized it in various way, including the videos that were at gsa headquarters. here again, these tapes that we are seeing now look so embarrassing, those were not secret cell phone recordings, those were recordings that gsa itself made. >> greta: and hid until the freedom of information made them put it out. okay. i was going through the records. i noted, there were 8 trips to vegas to plan this -- in march of 089, five employees went to scout it.
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march '0 19, five more, and in august, seven more. it's replete-- the videos are bad enough. but we are not even talking about the leadup. 8 trips to plan the trip to vegasatism doesn't just happen. these things don't just happen. the thing is that when you get the extent of that and you start showing people the details, and and showing them the details really makes taxpayers mad this. encourages congress to look for more. is there more of this stuff to look at? you know they are looking at this proposed ninth circuit conference scheduled for maui in august. -- >> greta: at the spa resort in hawaii is how we refer to it. >> in hawaii. i mean, this is -- every time congress gets something new and they get more pictures and the details about all of these scouting trips, i mean, they just want more. >> greta: it's incredible. thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: coming up on the heels of the gsa scandal, the federal
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juries are heading to the resort spa in hawaii. that's hathey call it on the web site. compliments of you, the taxpayer. you ready for more? this is not the first time the judges are spending your money in the tropics. how does this keep happening? the house majority whip is here next. and a real casino heist. but the stars of "oceaning 11" don't have to worry about competition. wait until you see how this caper turned out. caper turned out. you will see [ male announcer ] this is genco services -- mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment nows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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>> a federal judge is taking lots of heat for holding seminars in the sun, not just any sun, hawaii and a fancy spa. they have a long history of planning tropical getaways on your dime. last night, we told you the judges are headed to maui for a million-dollar conference. now we know this will be their fourth trip to hawaii in 10 years. this coments heels of the $820,000 gsa scandal. is anyone paying attention? where is the oversight. >> sean: kevin mccarthy is here. good evening. i want to talk to but energy and jobs, but first, this oversight. these judges and the ninth circuit, the huge party, it's a party. i know what these conventions are. is anyone watching the store? >> yeah, they are. for lots of time, you didn't see it happening. but look what has happened since republicans have taken over. the transparency with chairman
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issa's committee, you are learning about things you don't want to learn about. sunlight will clear up a lot of this. for the judges, four times in 10 years? ninth circuit, as you know, is one of the most overturned judicial decisions of all circuits. they need to overturn this decision as well. >> greta: i suspect that there are other circuits that are equally as frivolous with the conventions and they are quite lush. as i said fthey wanted to meet and talk business, they could go to the public high school gym and sit down and talk about it. or skype. or use video conferencing or whatever. this is a boondoggle. but it is not transparent, in order to get the videotapes from gsa, there had to be a fight to get the tapes we just showed. >> llook what holder's doing to chairman issa as we try to find fast & furious. we are fighting to get the information as a congress, we should already know. how does the attorney general,
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how do the courts sit back and not provide the information, the power rests with the people. we are fighting, one as a new majority, bringing this forward. it is unfortunate. but had we not fought for tyou would never hear about it. >> greta: i hope the chief justice as the boss of the circuit, i hope he is watching and makes a phone call and tells them to stop it. that's a huge amount of money that a lot of americans will never make it to hawaii. what's the rollout for energy and jobs? >> you will find that republicans across the country have h.e.a.t., house and energy action policy. north carolina -- north dakota has gone from having some oil to being the second largest producing state in the nation. they have surpassed alaska. if you look at their unemployment, they are at 3%
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unemployment. they have more jobs than people. we could become energy independent and stop sending our moan overseas, but we have to have a policy that allows us to do that. so we are spreading across the country talking to individuals, and you will find legislation to actually bring this forward, norgo to the senate and push the president on to make a final decision and make us energy independent. >> greta: i suppose for the drivers, some of the good news is gas priceses are creeping down right now. that's the good news, right? >> yeah, but there are 102% higher than when obama took office. are we going to settle for $3.50 gasoline? can we lower below $2? are we going to settle for sending our money overseas or invest in america? technology today -- we can reach resources we have not been able to before. some of the largest finds are sitting righted here in this country. it can i understand the uncertainty. but it could improve our business and our own investment.
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>> greta: congressman, thank you, sir. we will be anxious to see how the program unrolls. i hope you continue to push for more transparency because i suspect a lot of parties out there that we need to uncover. >> you are going to see a lot more as we continue to fight for it. i know that hawaii's in the ninth circuit, but so is bakersfield, california. we have a nice convention center and they can save a lot of money. >> greta: congressman, thank you. up next, senator john mccain. you will never guess which democrat did senator mccain call a real american hero? and why? he will tell you, coming up. and terrifying moments to save a child's limp a father succeeds. so why are the police punishing him? hear from the hero father in 2 does your phone share what you are seeing and hearing right now with the touch of a button ?
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...the mickelson exxonmobil teachers academy... ...and astronaut sally ride's science academy are helping our educators improve student success in math and science. let's shoot for the stars. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. >> greta: i quick-thinking father saves his young son's life and what does he get for
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his heroics? two traffic tickets. he took his son to a new jersey river to feed the ducks. but before he could park, aidan ran out and he was heading for a ledge 35 feet above the river. >> i heard him exit the car, i looked straight and looked left. he was gone. i saw him this way -- i parked and hopped out. i grabbed him. i grabbed him like this, i was like, what do you think you are doing?! >> greta: aidan was safe, but the jeep rolled down the embankment into the water and it gets worse. police gave him two tickets, one for failing to produce an insurance car, which was in the water-logged jeep and for failing to uses his emergency brake. should the father have gotten the tickets? we are back in 2. tell us what you think. ♪
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headquarters, i'm ainsley earhardt. a new twist in the columbia hooker scandal, which has rocked theu secret service. the washington post reports four agency employees who were fired intend to fight their dispolicals, they claim they were scapegoats for behavior which the agency has tolerated for years. four agents were disciplined or lost their jobs after encounters with hookers at this columbia hotel last month. a destructive wildfire near the california/nevada line is spreading. it has destroyed 7 houses and scorched nearly 2,000 acres. at one point, nearly 100 homes east of lake tahoe were threatened, butted flames are moving away from those neighborhoods. i'm ainsley earhardt. now back to "on the record" with gret a. our web site is you are watching the most powerful name in news, fox newschannel. greta. >> greta: who is john mccain
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calling a real american hero. >> sean: it's a prominent democrat. we asked senator mccain about that and much more, earlier today. senator, nice to see you, sir. >> thank you. >> greta: can you tell me why we need to spent $20 million at hhs to support health care? >> it's another job for andy griffith, get him out of retirement and get him to hype hhs. it is symptomatic of this regime, all politics all the time. they are going to spend $20 million to hype obamacare which i think is certainly a task which is daunting. >> greta: it's one thing to implement it -- for it or against it. this is about selling it. we already have it. is there any legitimate reason -- $20 million is not chump change. that's a lot of money. >> part of it is our fault for allowing that kind of reading in the bill, although, obviously, that was a party-line vote. but this is -- i mean, it's just
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outrageous, but it is not the first time they have done that. using taxpayers' dollars in order to hype a program which is under attack or is not succeeding. this is probably the greatest example of it, $20 million. when we are cutting defense spending and cutting a lot of programs. it is outrageous, nato meeting in chicago. are you satisfied with the progress? or do you disagree with it? >> well, i notice that the president had a lot to say... about leaving afghanistan. he had nothing to say about victory. it is not an action that the taliban are not talking peace because they believe we are leaving. the french announced that they would be leaving 2 years early. there was no specific commitments from other countries as to dollars that they would be investing in afghanistan. r in future years. the strategic partnership
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agreement between the united states and afghanistan is a good one. now we will see how it's implemented. but did you ever hear the single word victory pass the president's lips? no. he said, this is the end of the afghan war as we know it. what does that mean? i can tell you, we still have a serious problem with corruption. we have the afghan government and sanctuary in pakistan, where the isi, their intelligence network is supporting the network, which is causing the death of american servicemen and -women. the conflict goes on and there is serious efforts that -- there are serious areas that we have not been able to bring under control and signs that renewed conflict in areas, especially in the south that previously we had under our control. all i can say is that we went to afghanistan because of 9/11.
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will we be leaving afghanistan without the prospect of it returning to a base for attacks on the united states of america? i don't think that question was answered in chicago. >> greta: in chicago, there were protests and there have been protests in cities across the country. in large part, based on economics. are people unhappy with what they see as the inequality of the economic picture in this country? toa and what extent of politics fueling this economic protest? do you agree that it's fueled by economics? >> well, maybe they will feel better after they see the advertising, we are spending $20 million on for obamacare. i think people are unhappy because of the lack of progress. you notice that most of the young protesters were young people and they are obviously dissatisfied. but, you know, you also get a bunch of disparate groups from every part of the political spectrum and for some, it's an
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un-- enjoyable way to spend a sunday afternoon. but the point is that nato in chicago is bound to attract probably that kind of protest. but i am not worried about the protests. what i am worried about, and most americans are worried about, is the future of our economy, which is still consuming a trillion or so dollars in debt every year, which we have nearly half the homes under water, which the recovery has now stagnated in many respects, and president obama spends his time beating up on people who have made money. >> greta: is that -- i mean, there is always this battle, recently about the private equity and that has been dialed back a little bit by the mayor of newark. he said he wasn't critical of private equity. the president's dialing back on it. is this -- do you believe him? >> well, first of all, it was class warfare at its worst to start with. second of all, vialways viewed
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the mayor of new york as an american here osm he is the real deal in my view. >> greta: the mayor of newark? >> may of newark, what did i say? he's a real american hero. he has backtracked from what he said on "meet the press." but the fact is that private investors risk their money to invest in enterprises, believing that they will succeed. obviously, that's what capitalism is all about. the last country that i remember where they kept every business in business and never let one fail was the soviet union. so, yes, companies fail. but when you have success stories like staples, $5 million in a warehouse, to what it is today, then obviously, that is the way that capitalism works. and the mayor of newark was right. we don't want to attack people who invest and take a risk to help a company succeed and sometimes it fails.
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do we expect them to try to get some of their money out of it? of course. but this class warfare thing that the president continues to orchestrate is a way not to have to address his record. and that record of job creation and the economy is still the longest recovery since the great depression. >> greta: i am curious, if the card his fallen a different way in 2008 and you were president of the united states, how would things be profoundly different than under the obama administration? as you watch how things have unfolded? >> i always hesitate to get into that. but, 1; our debt and deficit would be -- would have been addressed. austerity measures would have been imposed. i would have sat down with republicans and democrats together and recognizing that entitlements are the elephant in the room and we have to make tough decision, the same way that ronald reagan, tip o'neill
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made a decision about social security way back in 1983. we would be leading from in front and not from behind. the united states of america is the exceptional nation. we lead. we certainly wouldn't be standing by while thousands of people are being massacred in syria. >> greta: senator, thank you. >> thanks for having me. >> greta: straight ahead, joe the plumber takes on vice-president joe biden. why is joe the plumber so angry? what does he have to say to the vice-president? find out. and this may be an oceans 11 sequel. bungling bandits in a casino height heist. most life insurance companies look at you and just see a policy. at aviva, we do things differently. our wellness for life program rewards you with savings just for getting a check-up, and it's only from aviva.
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i've been crisscrossing the gulf i can tell you, down here,. people measure commitment by what's getting done. i'm mike utsler, and it's my job to make sure we keep making progress in the gulf. the twenty billion dollars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery. another fourteen billion dollars has been spent on response and cleanup. long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to the gulf of mexico research initiative... to support ten years of independent scientific research on the environment. results will continue to be shared with the public. and we're making sure people know that the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues, but that doesn't mean our job is done. bp's still here, and we're still committed to seeing this through.
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>> greta: you have seen our top stories, but here's the best of the rest. you remember joe the plumber? tonight he has something to say about these comments from vice-president joe biden. >> your job as president is to promote the common good. that doesn't mean the private equity guys are bad guy it's they're not. but that no more qualifies you to be president than being a plumber. >> it doesn't -- by the way, there are a lot of awful smart plumbers. all kidding aside, it is not the same job requirement. >> greta: the man who is the
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most famous plumber in america is not having any of it. joe the plumber was thrown in the spotlight in the 2008 presidential campaign. now he's a republican house candidate. his legal name is samuel wor sherbacher. he fired back, i have a question for biden -- why does he think he can decide who can be president and who can't? it very much seeps like he's practicing class warfare. we will see if the vice-president's comments push joe the plumber to run for president in 2016. a couple of bungling bandits won't make the "oceans 11" team. the plan was to spray chemicals into the ice of the blackjack dealer and take away the chips. one thief got away, but the other was caught. $115,000 of chips went flying. the only place he's headed is to
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jail. check out this amazing video, a man falls off a line into a pool. then it gets worse. on the next attempt, the slack line pulls down the structure to which it is connected and the roof comes crashing down. what a sight. luck luckily, no one was hurt. there have you it, the best of the rest. first, the problems with the facebook ipo. now word of a kink at mark now word of a kink at mark zuckerberg's [ male announcer ] imagine facing the day with less chronic osteoarthritis pain. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these
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ha ha. high schools in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative... ...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this. >> greta: 11:00 is almost here, time for last call. facebook founder, mark zuckerberg shakes things up at his own wedding. >> that's right. mark zuckerberg gatt got married. the reception was married. when erch got used to the seating arrangement, he changed it for no reason. didn't make it


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