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tv   The Five  FOX News  May 25, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT

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i've been trying to explain this to you. you have don't ever listen to me. boy, you are as wrongdoing this as you are about obama's debt. we have a lot to talk about. >> eric: let's get going. >> bob: people are waiting. the show is on. let's go! c'mon! now look, i got the numbers. i got the numbers straight. you're wrong. we'll get in here and talk to everybody about it. all right? bolling finally showed up everybody. >> eric: there is no way we're wrong about it. >> andrea: well, well, well. >> eric: no way we're wrong about this. >> kimberly: we're never wrong. >> bob: apologize to everybody because bolling was late. but we'll talk today about barack obama's numbers. the right numbers. we'll start with mr. obama said last night. about mitt romney. >> i know governor romney came to des moines. last week. worry about prairie fire of debt. he left out facts. it was more like a distortion.
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republicans run up the tab. and then we're sitting there. and they are left the restaurant. then they point why did you order all of those steaks? martinis and -- what he did not also tell you was after inheriting $1 trillion deficit, i signed $2 trillion of spending cuts in to law. >> bob: well, there you go. you finally getting the numbers, getting them straight. one of the things -- i will say this, mr. president, you are right. republicans do drink martinis. most democrats drink beers. i don't drink anything. you know, eric, i have been trying to explain this over and over again. he did inherit trillion-dollar deficit from george bush and cut $2 trillion in expenditures. the interesting thing you never talk when you talk about the debt he has run up. do you know that $2 trillion of that was people on medicare and social security. >> eric: all right. get back to numbers now. >> bob: i just gave them to you. >> eric: you know how you like pinocchios?
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president obama got three pinocchios where -- >> dana: glen kessler of the "washington post." >> eric: because all the president -- what? >> andrea: yeah, right. >> eric: do we have the full screen? presidential spending? you can't refute this. this is coming directly from the presidential spending from the -- the white house. $9.7 billion a day, obama. how do you cut this any other way? >> bob: it's the other way. >> eric: this is right. treasury department. >> bob: you don't care about the expend sure in >> dana: there is not a sing analyst that hasn't debunked it. deservedly sometimes, romney got a pinocchio or two, or sometimes four. if you live by the pinocchio you die by the pinocchio. now you have three pinocchios for obama's speech. he talked about cow pies so this morning i bought each of
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you a cow pie. from wisconsin. >> bob: i thought it was romney said cow pies. >> dana: no. >> bob: he has never been near a cow buy pi in his life. >> greg: and obama has? you are full of cow pies. i can't believe it. you're so full of cow pies your ears are almost brown. >> bob: you're settling in. obama has not spent what you said. >> bob: $2 # 5 million was tax cuts! >> andrea: but if you take credit for rescuing the economy. the way that barack obama does. you take credit for passing second half of tarp or you don't. you have can't have it both ways. with are running historic deficits. take tarp out and there is an 8% increase in government spending. historic.
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ly eat this cow pie, thank you, just like obama will eat his words. >> eric: if you take out social -- >> bob: if you take out social security and medicare, you love the defense department with the massive overspending. >> andrea: he cut it. he cut the military. >> bob: so you like all the homeland security stuff? all of that? >> andrea: you don't? being safe? >> bob: you take it all out and down to discretionary spending of 13%. all the rest goes to things you love. there you go. >> dana: go to it follow his charts and he can explain things go zo well. go to the website and check out number numbers from his perspective. he has a debt and deficit road trip that explains to you in a way i can understand. what has happened. plus in the political analysis -- i don't know why the white house led with this. this is ling with his chin.
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he doesn't take the hit for the original tarp payment but gets benefit from the repayment of that the banks made. the "washington post" says the fact check beginning analysis was bad, end numbers are bad. everything in between didn't add up. >> bob: he paid off the tarp but it was started by president bush. >> eric: the first part. >> dana: why do you get the benefit? >> andrea: you can't have both ways. >> eric: stimulus didn't count toward spending in >> bob: it does. >> eric: but the jobs that were created do count? you can't have it both ways. they did or didn't count. >> bob: the stimulus first checks went out january 1, 4.5 million jobs created since the stimulus runs in effect. >> eric: you count that on spending? >> bob: of course. >> eric: then spending increased. only way it hasn't is if you remove the stimulus. >> bob: it increased stimulus by $800 billion.
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>> eric: almost $1 trillion. >> bob: big chunk of that is in tax cuts which you love. the rest of it, if you don't vit, wouldn't put people back to work and worse place. >> eric: president obama says the rate of increase in spending is lower than other presidents -- >> bob: true. >> eric: if you take out stimulus. but if you take it out, take jobs created out, too. >> andrea: it's still higher without stimulus and tarp. 8% higher. >> dana: this dog will not hunt. >> bob: it will hunt because -- >> andrea: the only reason they agree to some spending cut, the tea party bullied him and said we are not raising the debt. >> bob: oh, yeah, they bullied him. >> andrea: democrats like the homeland security, too. >> bob: a lot of it is social security and medicaid. you want to do away with it?
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>> andrea: you want to reform it. >> bob: want to turn it over to insurance companies is what you want to do. and wall street. if you take it in account, you have to change on social security and medicare. when you talk about the spending you have to include cost of people coming in the two programs. it's enormous. >> dana: so do something about it. as the president you set the tone and the agenda. he had the perfect opportunity. simpson-bowles came forward with their plan and he would be at 70% approval rating if he said let's do that. if the congress refused he could have said i'm trying to address the problems to preserve them in the long run. he hasn't even done that. >> bob: simpson-bowles supposed to go to congress, automatic, no committee, no amendments. >> andrea: even if you admitted they dropped the ball. even you admitted that. >> eric: eight republicans drop -- >> bob: eight republicans dropped off and said it didn't have to be mandatory vote.
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>> andrea: he is throwing his hands up and say i surrender. this was created. i'll use a shady accounting trick and blame everything on bush. after 2009 i'm not responsibl responsible. so hi is not the president of the united states. not a strong leader. >> bob: if you remember back to this day four years ago, do you think we're better off as a company today than four years ago? >> andrea: slightly. >> eric: no. >> dana: i don't. >> eric: less than $10 trillion. we're still in debt. >> andrea: we're not hemorrhaging the jobs we are. but think -- >> bob: we are adding jobs. >> andrea: he had the biggest checkbook out of any president to fix the economy. he had purse strings of, bigger than any president. he failed. >> bob: he did not fail. unemployment is coming down.
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the difference is that he unlike the bush administration included cost of iraq and afghanistan as part of the budget. wife didn't they do that? >> bob: >> dana: it wasn't going be written in the defense department budget year after year. not something permanent. that is why they did it that way. president obama asked for more money than congress has given him. 3.5 increase in spending. inclusive of the program that you talked about. there were cuts across the board. president obama has not proposed that. democrats have not passed a budget in three-and-a-half, four years. >> bob: bush and his vice president, did they include the cost of those budgets, of those wars in that? >> dana: in the baseline budget, no. but for the reasons i just said. those are good reasons. you don't want to write it in the defense department budget so they never get cut. >> bob: always war in defense budget. >> dana: i don't know if that is right.
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i just know how that one worked. >> andrea: $4 trillion in spending and only a little bit better. that's it. >> dana: can we take greg's gag off? >> bob: you are bored with this, i can tell. >> greg: do you have plans this weekend? >> dana: i feel bad. you have haven't said a word. >> greg: this is terrible. like two guys talking about a bar tab they ran up drinking. stop drinking. stop complaining about the damn bill and stop drinking. at least republicans admit they have a drinking problem. you have can't get democrats to admit that. >> eric: they drink twice as muchment more than anybody! >> eric: the most important thing out of the segment is dana said leading with the chin. >> dana: i am throwing out a couple of sports metaphors. >> bob: i know a little bit about drinking. despite the fact you're in bars all the time i don't think you are an alcoholic. i want your wife to pay attention to that. coming up, i love the fact that the media and the
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president has been all over romney's record at bain capital, justifiably so. some of my co-hosts aren't happy that the same media aren't covering the catholic lawsuits, 11 of them, over obamacare. we'll talk about that when we come back. don't forget, to tune in to fox news channel tonight at 9:00 p.m., for a frank lupt focus group special. yes. great. do that. i think frank luntz does good focus groups. we'll see you. ♪ ♪ ♪ having an irregular heartbeat called atrial fibrillation ♪ ♪ puts you at 5 times greater risk of stroke. don't wait. go to for a free discussion guide to help you talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. that's
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> dana: welcome back to "the five." we have a couple things to talk about. first, we love to talk about the media and the media's coverage of other things. of itself. in this one, since you had a gag on in the first block i want to go to you first for this one. is there a double standard when it comes to the media covering certain storys? why is the bain capital ail tack on bain capital from president obama get something much attention and yet when
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the catholic church decides to sue the administration on something that would be a fundamental change in our laws and history, there is an absolutely zero coverage of it on the nightly news? >> greg: the media hates talking about religion. it's competition. if you believe in god how do you believe in brian williams. >> andrea: they're not the same? >> greg: some believe that. the democrats' worst nightmare is somebody translates a lawsuit to vanish. then you have a hispanic -- translate it to spanish so you have hispanic backlash. >> dana: i understand the bain attack because that's what president obama is pushing and romney running house record as job cerebateor. i see where they get some attention. in many ways, don't you think it's backfired on president obama? >> eric: bain stuff? >> dana: yes. >> eric: we talk about release the rabbit. the white house releases a rabbit and the media seizes on
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it because they want to distract from the economy. >> greg: but whenever anybody releases a rabbit you get on your hands and knees to eat it. disgusting. >> dana: it's good. rare rabbit. get it? >> bob: he has been on the defense of romney. when did it come back? >> eric: obama one of the 35 national cochairs is a private equity guy. the guy, jonathan levine at bain capital. >> andrea: he has taken bain money a won't give it back. >> bob: it was not the catholic church that sued.
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churches have been absolved from this use of contra acceptives. but catholic institutions, things like that. >> eric: not use of contraceptives. but providing it for free. >> bob: okay. the churches have been absolved from that. catholic church. nobody we are talking about catholic high schools or schools. most were lead by right wing fundamentalists. and my question is what is the big news story? why cover it? >> dana: andrea, please explain this. >> andrea: catholic church never, one of the largest charity, never done anything
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like this in the history of the catholic church. this is why it's news story. the hypocrisy to get to your point on the media. the broadcast network has been silent for four days. you know what they decided to cover? cbs evening news covered the catholic church but it was predator priests. abc and nbc are silent. there was a long five-minute piece on predator priests but not one mention of this lawsuit. historical. >> bob: you don't think predator priests are much more important story for the good of our children? >> andrea: think about it for a religious organization sued the bush administration. >> bob: no church has sued here. >> dana: it's the two largest u.s. archdiocese. >> bob: but they are not churchs suing. >> dana: here is what it is.
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they are objecting to what they see as assault on their first amendment rights. that is significant. they say the president of the united states denying their first amendment right. i think, i can't -- >> greg: what if it were muslim affiliated organization. how would it be frieteed bring the media? we'd be seen as islamphobic if we forced them to serve pork in the cafeteria. >> eric: here is the issue. they're suing on the constitutionality of doing this, right? so why wouldn't be media cover this. anytime you deal with assault on the constitution, it's just me but i think it should be covered at least by the media. boks you have been to a catholic hospital. >> eric: i have. >> bob: a majority are not catholics. don't they have a right to contraceptive? >> dana: that is crazy. if you provide care and your
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religious belief, if you come to me for help and i help you, i shouldn't be made to do something just because you want a certain thing. go somewhere else. >> greg: maybe i want free scotch at my hospital. >> andrea: there is free will in this country. they have asked for carve-out and exemption from the administration. though they have given them to the buddies at the unions and other places they refuse to give them. they refuse a front to first amendment. you know it. >> dana: there is a dark underbelly of concern for democrats. >> bob: republicans are trying to make this in to a catholic versus obama issue. it's crazy. >> dana: who started it? all right. coming up, maxine waters -- imagine -- makes ugly allegation about the tea part party. >> they came with a mean spirit. now they want to cut the food stamps. >> dana: we will tell you about a food stamp fraud investigation that might put things in perspective when we come back.
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with these newepend real fit briefs,untry and today we are surprising pro football all stars. there's wes, clay and demarcus.what's up guys. now i know you don't need one, but would you try these on for charity and prove just how great the fit is? seriously? no way for charity? let's do it! yup... they're doin it. the best protection now looks, fits and feels just like underwear. let's go drive, use the legs... nice teamwork! they tried on the new depend real fit. get a free sample so you can too.
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♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back, everybody. my good friend bob beckel over here has been giving me a hard time about food stamps saying there's not much fraud. get this, big bob. food stamp recipients are ripping off taxpayers to the tune of millions of dollars. illegally selling the benefit cards for cash. on ebay or craigslist. it cost $750 million a year. that ain't champ change,
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mr. . $750 million of estimated fraud and food stamps. >> bob: how much is the food stamp budget? >> eric: $57 billion. >> bob: $75 billion. i've been asking for the number. >> eric: 1/10th of 1%. bonds big deal. >> eric: big deal? $750 million? >> greg: that is the beauty. you can say big deal. it's not the money. easier to trash a public bathroom than private bathroom. fraud is less a priority when it's not your money. >> bob: you are trashing 9 #% of the people -- 99% of the people for 1% of the people that do fraud. i admit there is fraud. there is fraud in the military and the police department. >> dana: what about the healthcare system? >> greg: fraud in solyndra? >> bob: you are painting them a brush of fraud. >> eric: this is one program
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they found $750 million. >> greg: a lot of money. >> eric: i guess there is more fraud than this. if you dig deep -- >> bob: how much fraud -- >> andrea: >> have you ever seen it? >> andrea: i told you in the commercial break i just saw it. i was at the supermarket and i saw a woman with an ebt card. i happened to look over and she showed it to the woman, a picture with a man with a mustache. it could have been her boyfriend, bob i'm sure it was all legit. but there is a huge -- >> bob: i'm sure the purchase orders from iraq were fraudulent were somebody's girlfriend, too. >> dana: why can't we stay on the topic? bring up something else. >> andrea: there is a huge drug and sex exchange for food stamps. it's the down side to programs, too. the same people who have been asleep at the switch letting the fraud happen, they'll be policing it. >> eric: this is important. this $750 million fraud they found was only for people claiming to have lost cards and wanting replacement cards. not for lobster or sex.
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>> bob: what is the sex thing? i am missing that. >> andrea: there is a drug and sex exchange for food stamps for the ebt cards. your point about the card. you don't need an i.d. to use the card. you can use anybody's card. if you lose your card you have to, the government has to give you a new card. it's not like a driver's license where they say, two of two, where they actually see there are other ones out there. if you do back in they have to give you a new card. unbelievably unregulated. >> bob: if you feed your kid because you have to, don't get caught up in this. >> andrea: if they had jobs they wouldn't need food stamps. >> dana: it's ingenious to think how to, like, really gutsy to go on craigslist and use your ebt card. smart. what if you put ingenuity to something else. do you realize how many solar panels i could buy? honestly. >> bob: you just changed the subject again.
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you're accusing me of changing the subject. i wonder how many of those lousy airplanes they built in the military cost for $1 billion. >> greg: i agree, there is a lot of overspending government. >> bob: a lot more. >> greg: i will say there is a entitlements are probably worse. >> eric: let me ask you this, greg. when president obama took over, the last year prior, we spent $42 billion on food stamps. now we're spending the next year, $82 billion. almost doubling the program in four years. >> bob: a lot of people out of work. >> greg: he just gave me the answer. a lot of people out of work. whose fault is that? >> andrea: i love when bob goes full circle back to my point. freddie he is facing re-election -- >> greg: facing re-election. give the stuff out. >> eric: giving it around is food stamps. >> bob: they have been around for a long time and introduced bay republican president, richard nixon. they save people who are hungry. they don't go out and buy -- >> greg: i am trying to starve people to death, bob. that's why i'm here.
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if we were honest we would not paint everybody -- >> greg: we're not. we are talking about $70 million. >> bob: a tiny percentage of people. >> dana: $750 million is money that shouldn't be wasted. mitch daniels on the one more thing the other day he said i don't think it's right to take hard earned dollar from my itself to spend it on something not for a specific purpose or will go to a fraud leapt enterprise -- fraudulent enterprise. usda has responseability to figure it out. >> bob: just like the defense department was for the fraud they have. >> andrea: it was supposed to be a safety net not a lifestyle choice. >> eric: good way to end that. coming up, the pressure is mounting on the pakistani government after officials say jailing the pakistani doctor was pay back for us killing bin laden. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪
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hand in the grapevine, cherokee colors. "special report" starts at 6:00 eastern. now back to "the five." ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> andrea: welcome back to "the five." yesterday we discussed pakistan imprisoned a doctor who helped us locate in t number one most wanted enemy, bin laden. they jailed him for 33 years. they said they did it for the raid. it's payback. harsh words from capitol hill today. >> all of us are outraged. it's virtually a death sentence to the doctor in pakistan instrumental, not on purpose but was instrumental and completely innocent of any wrongdoing, instrumental in
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the remuel of usama bin laden. that outraged all of us. >> andrea: the doctor was thrown in prison. "wall street journal" had an excellent take on this, on the editorial page today. they write pakistani officials say they haven't found anyone who helped hide him, bin laden, out for most of the decade in their backyard. but our supposed allies spared no effort to hunt down people who helped the u.s. find the al-qaeda mastermind. they can't find anybody who helped hide bin laden. this man helped find him. when they heard the u.s. was working with the doctor because there was leaks in the administration, pakistanis went around jailing the health officials. because there were further leaks in the administration, peter king, congressman alleging because of those leaks the pakistanis were able to figure out this is the doctor.
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'canes they go like this. it wasn't me. that's how they protect one another. i wish we could have gotten the doctor out before we went through this. i admire him. he is a hero for what he did for the world to elp navy seals get bram -- help the navy seals get bin laden. i hope and maybe the c.i.a. or somebody is providing for care of his family and he knows that. i think that pakistanis, because they're facing cuts now in the military, the u.s. government aid, perhaps that will influence them. but it just might not. they might not care. >> bob: there is a way, couple of things here. first of all, this fellow has been helping the united states well before the obama administration. this was not a pakistani court that did this. it was a tribal court. in the northern part of pakistan, they have tribal courts make these decisions. they could be overruled by the pakistani courts. they're now talking about maybe overruling it.
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they ought to overrule them. if they don't, the reason that this is happening is because military in pakistan, selling us out all along, were embarrassed because we went in and got bin laden. if they are going to be embarrassed and you do this, take away the billions of dollars we give them and they'll earn a lesson. >> andrea: the senate voted to cut $33 million in funding for pakistan. million dollars for every year he's in prison. we still give pakistanis $1 billion a year. why is it taking so long, as bob said. they have been working against us. >> greg: more important this was all supposed to change. we stopped saying pakistan and started to say pakistan. i thought when we were going to say pakistan, they were going to like us. this guy should be in a hotel on miami beach. it didn't have p.r. value. he was extra in the movie. >> andrea: didn't we leave him hanging? you think if he was working with the c.i.a., wouldn't there have been a plan to get him out? we got bin laden out.
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we have done this before. did we leave him hanging? >> eric: pakistan is okay. taliban is still -- >> greg: that's right. still saying pakistan? >> eric: play around with it. >> eric: they knew he was working on this all along. they lost a public relations battle with the rank and file voters if you call them that. >> bob: because they were embarrassed by the -- >> andrea: that is not what peter king is alleging. >> bob: he alleges a lot of things he has to take back. >> greg: if bush had done this, thrown guys to thes about that, the movie would have been about that. >> andrea: what about sources in the future. if you are approached or working with the government, don't you think twice? >> dana: i bet he thought a lot of times. so complex, musharraf was head of pakistan and president bush had relationship with him to help keep things down. they rule very differently.
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so you have different leadership there. not trusted bis his own people. hopefully we have cooperation that we don't know about. >> eric: the point is well taken. you think of risking your own people. and if you are thinking of underwear bombing and double agent, may be jailed. >> bob: don't end this hupping out to drive. >> andrea: we have to go or i'm hung out the dry by producers. coming up, female olympic athlete is getting attention but not for the athletic abilities but her personal choice. greg will explain next. don't miss it. this will be a great block, i promise. ♪ ♪ the capital one cash rewards card gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash?
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ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪
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♪ in a world where ♪ there is so much to see ♪ there's still no other place ♪ that i would rather, rather ♪ rather, rather be ♪ [ male announcer ] dip into sabra hummus and discover a little taste of the world. enjoy sabra dips. adventure awaits.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: shut up, bob! shut up. all right. so an olympic hurdleer lolo jones confessed to a strange alternative lifestyle. in a t interview she said she
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is staying a virgintal marriage. i know. what a freak! take a listen. >> this journey has been hard. i'm not, there are virgins out there, i'll let you know, it's the hardest thing i've done in my life. harder than training for olympics. harder than graduating from college has been to stay a virgin before marriage. >> greg: why is this news? for a culture rife with reality shows about teens and scuzzy celebrities that would sleep with a reindeer, she is a glaring throwback, especially for mass media who don't know anyone as screwed up a mass media. to them, a young woman saving themselves for marry seems as rare as big foot in drag. i should stop there before bob is turned on. if you examine her life, you learn something. this lady's discipline allowed for great success, unfettered by crap our culture deems cool. delayed gratification rarely leads to failure. you have can't say the same for the opposite.
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she shows you what happens if you say forget saying no but say just not now. feminists love sex with freedom. but isn't she defining her own freedom? she said it's tough. but why is the latter cool and the former not? she should get a medal for both. i have a theory. bob, i'm not going to you first. i know what you will say and it's not nice. all of the people that do incredible things when they're young do something because it's rally well and that is not sex. it comes later. she sets a good example. >> a great example. she devoted her life, sacrifice, social gathering, trip to the beach and all of that other stuff to focus on sports. she did that. the focus isn't sex. too much now the focus is
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focused on sex. thigh can't believe that there is anybody, freak -- they can't believe that anybody is out there not having sex. now she is known for this. fortunately or unfortunately. great example for young girls. >> dana: andrea deserves a medal for getting through that without looking at bob who is cracking up the whole time. >> greg: it reflects the media, newspaper guy says i've never met a girl like this. >> bob: i admire this woman for doing this. it takes a lot of courage. a lot of courage to say it. >> greg: i'm surprised. >> bob: i give her credit for it and i hope she sticks by this and gets married and has a wonderful life. gives up her virginity in marriage, have a kid and wonderful life. >> andrea: who are you? >> greg: what happened to bob? where's bob? tough to stay a virgin.
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she's beautiful. she's beautiful. >> eric: i thought you were going somewhere else. >> bob: i said i admired her. >> dana: this is weird we're talking about it. how did this first start? >> greg: it was in an hbo question. >> dana: anybody wouldn't know you're a virgin unless you told them. >> bob: i hadn't put them on the blog. >> andrea: she was asked, you know, she wasn't said, are you a virgin. she said i'm sick and tired asked why i'm single. a lot of women are sick and tired asked why they are seeing but they don't offer that much information. >> greg: eric, mtv canceled casting call for a new show where they follow young adults, 18 and older as they lose their virginity. after the press, they stopped the idea. i know it broke your heart. >> eric: they couldn't find young adults.
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>> greg: that could have been it. >> bob: i showed up for it. >> dana: hoping to meet someone. >> bob: let me tell you something, the reality tv shows leigh the worst example for young people you can, starting with the "jersey shore" junk. the rest of the house wives of dope city. they are imbeciles anyway. >> eric: you were a reality show in your youth. >> bob: i was. that's why. when i was a reality show, everybody was a dog. >> andrea: the kids want to fete famous so they are willing to put -- >> greg: they bet against their future this will be the best it will get. they don't think ten years from now it will still be on tv. >> bob: it gets better and better. >> greg: one more thing is next. if you leigh now i'll set fire to eric's chest hair. ♪
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>> bob: it's time now for one more thing. where are we starting?
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>> dana: whenever you want. >> eric: i showed you this picture of clinton with the two actresses that happened to be porn stars. thereon the explanation that tmz got from those two girls how the picture came about. listen. >> secret service brushed us away. as we were walkingaway, bill had the secret service girl call us back. >> i love it! >> secret service agents know how to find hot women. >> that is great. >> bob: i want to point out they are fine actresses. >> eric: they tried to walk away and clinton said get them out. >> dana: not clin top, bill. they called him "bill." >> eric: right. >> dana: when you left wednesday night i was walking down 47th street, and i met two of new york's finest, detective kevin diamond and sergeant bill meehan. bob, they are huge fans. not of you. just kidding. they love you and love "the five" and do great work for us. >> bob: you are being arrested.
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why are you changing the story! >> greg: you know this is coming out in the post tomorrow and you're cuffed there. >> dana: the thing you always want to get bad news out first. >> eric: for what? >> dana: she strangleed one of their horses. pes >> dana: they served 9/11 in months following. >> andrea: can i write what the headline would be in the "new york post"? "wild like a fox." exactly. >> bob: after your nasty comments about dana when she wasn't here, what is your one more thing? >> greg: banned phrase of the day. roll it. "comfortable in my own skin." you hear this from a celebrity when they fete out of rehab. interviewed and say i'm comfortable in my own skin. that means -- >> dana: i'm a jerk. >> bob: nobody likes you. shut up, you have no talent. >> andrea: this is tough to take. bitter sweet. high school football star ryan banks cleared from the rape
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charges. i don't know if you remember this. he was a football star. high school football star. promises for the n.f.l. he was accused of rape. he took a plea when he shouldn't. thought he'd have to go to jail for 41 years if he did not. reached out to by the accuser on facebook and she admitted he didn't do it. he has been exonerated and cleared. he is now 26 years old. but he has lost five years of his life. i don't know how you compensate that, folks. but take a listen to this. >> my only dream in the world was to just be free. i'd ever get answers why i was supposed to go through what i went through. but i know i'm here today. and i remain unbroken. >> andrea: he is not going to prosecute. anyone in the n.f.l., he still wants a chance. he just wants to play ball. he should have played ball. give him a shot. >> bob: okay, my niece,
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ashley, welcomed to the world. my great nephew sebastian. that is him with his sister gabriella. welcome to the world. both of them have been registered democrats. they will stay that way. and i wish you all -- >> dana: are they going to allow you in the work. ♪ >> welcome to read eye. i'm andy filling in for gregg gutfield. diligence above the law, doing things that the c.i.a. makes them ill. >> i understand you are on 6th and 48th. thanks, nice job keeping that bunker location secret. you ought to work for the white house. tonight's show we are jammed pack we are n


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