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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  June 1, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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shep is back monday, 3:00 p.m. eastern. 12:00 pacific. stay tuned, the factor is next. >> bill: the o'reilly factor is on. tonight. >> aren't you embarrassed to sound exactly like the obama spokesman talking about john mccain? >> this is ridiculous. >> a romney supporter scolding a cnn anchor for using obama campaign talking points an explosive situation and we'll show you what happened. >> they want hispanics to be dependent upon government just like they got african-americans dependent upon government. that's their game. jesse jackson would be out of work if they weren't dependent upon government. >> jesse jackson says want to buy votes with entitlement spending. is that accusation accurate? we have a special report. >> these folks are relentless with the taxes. they are like aliens. >> bill: and a special event
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tonight. the best of dennis miller. the springtime edition. >> what i do. >> bill: caution, you where to enter the no spin zone. the factor begins right now. hi, i'm boiler, -- bill o'reilly. thanks for watching us tonight. more bad economic news. should would he be frightened? that is the subject of this evenings' talking points memo. the unemployment rate ticking up to 8.2% in may. first increase in 11 months. just 69,000 jobs were created in america. that is dismal and does not bode well for president obama's re-election. the rasmussen daily tracking poll out today mitt romney 6656% romney 45%. dangerous for the president. yesterday pounding mr. obama man 00 economy and visiting
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the bankrupt solyndra corporation, a failed enterprise that cost the taxpayer a cool $500 million. >> president obama was here to tout this building and this business as a symbol of the success of his stimulus. well, can you see that it's a symbol of something very different today. it's a symbol not of success but of failure. >> bill: the question now becomes why is the economy so bad? and talking points believes the answer is, simple. fear. many employers are afraid to hire people because they don't know if consumers will buy or what their healthcare costs are going to be. also the folks themselves aren't spending very much because they don't know if they are going to have jobs next month. investors are spooked as well. crazy oil prices and very unstable stock market eroding confidence. add to that madness in europe. insanity in iran. and the far east slowing down, and you have a perfect storm of economic fear that no president could overcome. mr. obama made a huge economic
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bet by spending trillions of dollars on a have a right projects, solyndra one of them. that bet has not worked. the economy is not improving quickly enough to allay fears. his strategy will pay off soon but that's more about hope than anything else. there is absolutely no data to back that up. so americans must make a decision. change the economic course or hold tight. instead of big government, pouring money into the economy, mr. romney wants to allow the private sector to drive the train. it's kind of complicated but it's your life. the decision is between the government running the economy or private business being in charge. i hate to say, this but many americans, perhaps most have no clue about economics. but they do understand one thing. they are afraid. and that's the memo. now for the top story tonight. reaction, joining us from los angeles, economists and pundit ben stein. christian doorsy. director of the policy institute liberal think tank.
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why did the unemployment rate tick up in may? >> short answer, bill, is that we had a lot more people entering the workforce. not enough jobs being created to offset the number of people entering. we had about 650,000 new entrants to the workforce. we only added 69,000 jobs on net. that's going to drive up the unemployment rate modestly like we saw in the numbers today. >> bill: did they come from colleges because of college graduations? where did they come from, these people who want jobs? >> this is mostly people who were on the sidelines in previous months. the last month we had a number of people who dropped out off the workforce. >> bill: so the ones that dropped out are coming back. >> that's right. >> bill: all right. why do you think unemployment is so stubborn, mr. stein? is there another reason other than people coming back and looking for jobs? >> that number that comes in and out of labor force bounces around a lot. while it seems like a large number, it's a tiny percentage of the workforce. the answer i'm sorry to say because i don't want to give you a swelled head is exactly what you said at the beginning
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of this show. there is so much fear all around, businesses are sittingen the largest cash they have ever sat on even ajusted for inflation ever since records have been kept. they are afraid. >> bill: shah what shakes that money free. >> i think several things would shake it free. one if there could be some calming down in europe. it's a mistake to think the u.s. has no role in europe. the u.s. i think should work with the european monetary authorities to say we are not going to allow a collapse in greece, spain or italy and we will work. >> how can do you that when greece is basically saying blank you to the world. we're not going to undergo any kind of discipline in our economy. we're not going to do anything. you know, we got to carry these people? we have got to carry spain and portugal and italy? we have got to carry them. >> i'm afraid to say we are going to have to carry them at least somewhat. germany and france are going to have to chip in. work on euro bonds or whatever it is to stabilize.
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>> bill: i don't know. we don't really have any money to chip in with. mr. dorsey i submit and mr. stein of course agrees with me because i was in his class in ferris buehrle i was in the background if you look closely. i submit to you that president obama has lost the confidence of the american people economically. they still like him as a person. the polls show that but economically all the polls show that president obama has lost the confidence of the folks. so when a leader loses confidence, whether it be a war-time leader or an economic guy, whatever it may be, then people start to draw back and go, you know what? i might buy that car next year. i'm not buying t this year even though interest rates are low because i don't know what's going to happen. and i think that's what's going on here, mr. dorsey. >> well, with all due respect, bill, i think the problem is a lot more than fear and loss of confidence. it's hard core data and hard core reality. we have a loss of demand from the economy that started with the recession. and it's never been replaced. >> the folks won't spend. the folks aren't spending.
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they have money. >> no, bill, it's not like that. i mean, corporations will not spend the hoards of cash that they're sitting on until they see there is a demand for their goods and services. you are not going to see thane ceased demand with high rates of unemployment. >> bill: there is not going to be any demand until the people feel a little bit more secure. they don't feel secure under president obama. i'm not trying to harpoon him. i'm trying to tell you it's a self-defeating prophecy right now. the president, look, mr. stein, here is what the president says. this is exactly what he says. we know t hasn't worked. but it's gonna work. and you know what? the consumer isn't buying it right now. therefore, they are not spending. >> the consumer is in a state of deep fear. there is no confidence in president obama by large number of consumers and by all, almost all large businesses. there are still enough people in the middle class, upper middle class and upper class to buy more things. and the recovery keeps starting and then petering out again in the spring and early summer. this has happened now for three years. every time europe has something to do with it, with
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great respect, i think we could do something to help in europe. i think us and we, germany and france could do something to stabilize the southern part of the eurozone. >> bill: borrow money to give them money? is that what he would going to do. >> encourage them to issue euro bonds. >> bill: encouraging them is good. i will appoint a czar of encouragement. >> has to be more than encouragement. we have to help them sell those bonds and make sure the bonds are sound. there has got to be some stabilization in europe. >> listen, i agree but i just don't know how much the united states can do. mr. dorsey, as a democrat and obama supporter, doesn't it worry you that the top down lawrence summers philosophy that the government can drive the economy hasn't worked. doesn't that worry you? if the president is elected he is going to do it another 4 years and we are $16 trillion in debt which is going to become $25 trillion. doesn't that worry you. >> we had a government led stimulus. that's worked its way out of
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economy hand nasa not been the story for the last year and a half. since then we have had the congress and the president not be able to come together to figure out how to increase employment in america. so nothing has been done for the last year and a half that's a critical piece of the puzzle. until we address the situation of american jobs. europe is not really the answer. it's really increasing employment here in america. there are a number of steps that have been left on the table politically to increase jobs in america. >> they all require more government spending and you don't have the money. >> with all due respect to dr. dorsi, we're spending 4 billion a day more than we are taking in at the federal government level. we are running a deficit of 10% of g.d.p. we have enormous -- not working. >> bill: i have got to go. you see, everybody, how complicated this mess is and it is a mess. gentlemen, thanks very much. very interesting. next on the run down, mitt romney supporter hammers cnn. wait until you hear this.
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later the best of dennis miller. the spring-time edition. you might want to tape this one. we're coming right back.
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>> bill: impact segment tonight, telling you that much of the national media wants very much to see president obama reelected. we put out facts to back that up. you can check it out on talking points last night and bernie goldberg segment. if you have any doubts go to
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president obama talking with such a foul mouth about women. but that's -- you can't pick your supporters in this country. the fact is is that this country has a jobs problem and supporters of the president like cnn keep wanting to talk about other issues. >> bill: oh. the question this evening does sununu have a point. leslie in -- janine is in for leslie marshall. why shouldn't reporters ask anybody in the romney camp about that? >> well, i think it's -- i don't know. i guess they could. but i love what sununu. i love that he got in there and debated it this would like to spend the entire interview on it because it serves the president well. and as we know the mainstream media serves the president and president obama. so they want to stay on it because they can't actually. >> bill: you buy into that soledad o'brien, the cnn
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anchor there wants to divert attention away from the bad economy with this birth certificate issue. you buy into that that she consciously goes on her show and says you know what? i don't want to talk about the economy because it's going to be bad for president obama. so i will petty fog the issue, word of the day, okay? with this bogus stuff. you're buying that janine? >> i believe it. >> bill: you do. >> i believe they want to monopolize the time on the interview with that nothing can be pinned down such as obama wants to fundamentally change america. >> bill: okay. >> they like ambiguity. they like it. >> bill: marianne, certainly this is reminiscent of newt gingrich attacking in south carolina at the debate another cnn guy. john cain for not talking about anything about glitch's ex-wife saying he wanted open marriage and being in the hot tub with 18 women or whatever it was, i forget. or something like that. glitch wailed offer cnn and he won the primary. that's exactly what sununu is
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doing here, is he not? >> exactly right. when you pick a fight with the media, you avoid picking a fight on a topic you don't want to engage on or in this fight a fight between conservatives and independent voters. >> bill: new hampshire openly said he doesn't think that barack obama did anything wrong in his birth certificate. why we want tone gauge? why we want to discuss that, marianne? he is getting up early to discuss stuff he believes in like the economy. wife does he want to talk about some frivolous thing like that? >> because he can score more political points by picking a fight with the media when people ignore the issue at happened. >> bill: don't you agree that sununu has a legitimate point not wanting to discuss that stupid thing. >> i think if you are a romney surrogate being asked about a romney surrogate you have to answer for the romney surrogate. >> bill: why would sununu have to answer for donald trump? why? you don't -- i would never hold you accountable for what bill maher says. i would never do that to you. >> on a day where donald trump appeared with mitt romney in nevada at a fundraiser, its what the topic of that 24-hour
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news cycle. >> bill: just like the newt gingrich wife on nightline then. you are saying it's the same thing t overrides all of this bad economy. let's talk about the stupid birth certificate. go ahead. >> let's put it this way. everyone is playing the same game here. if you pick a fight with the media the voters ignore the topic at the hand. they assume you agree with them and they turn their anger on the media while you get to deliver the message you want which is exactly what john sununu did. that way it's a win-win o win for romney. >> bill: what's a more important discussion, mary ann the economy or the birth certificate. >> for most people the economy however the fact that we are here. >> why would the cnn anchor lead with the birth certificate? why? >> because in the last 24 hours donald trump had flogged the birth certificate issue again and again and again year five of this. >> bill: trump has nothing to do with sununu. they have nothing to do with each other. >> but who had appeared with mitt romney on the night he clinched the nomination.
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that made it timely. >> bill: all right. now, janine, i'm a little surprised that you feel that the cnn people like let's meet together so how can we help barack obama today? i don't think it works that way. now, that being said, do i think ms. o'brien is sympathetic to president obama? absolutely. all day long, every day of the year. but do i think she meets and says oh how can i advance his agenda? i don't think she does that do you really think she does? >> i think the liberal press definitely wants to support president obama and help him win. the case in point, he has never really been vetted. there are issues. issues upon issues still mysterious never been -- they didn't vet him last year. things that happened to president obama that are let slide. if it would have been bush they would have been all over it i think definitely they absolutely want to serve the president and see him get reelected. it slants that way. whether they -- >> bill: do you think. >> it's age. >> network people actually meet and say how can we help obama today? do you think they do that? >> um, i think it's just a
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part of their d.n.a. >> bill: part of their d.n.a. [ laughter ] >> bill: no official meeting and see each other in the hall and give them a little wink. >> well, look, i just think -- i'm glad he did that it's time for americans to stand up whether it's the lunch table, republicans and conservatives, nationally conservative time to get if the fray and take on this debate. if we don't, it's serious consequences. >> bill: do i believe the factor's reporting on the media has influenced the romney campaign. they are going to be confrontational toward the media. the tv media if they feel that they're in the tank for barack obama. that will be very interesting. ladies, thanks very much. we appreciate it next on the run down, is the democratic party trying to hook hispanics and blacks on entitlements, free stuff? we will hear a congressman's explosive accusation. later, trayvon martin day in a washington, d.c. elementary school appropriate? those reports moments away. does your phone give you all day battery life ?
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>> bill: unresolved problem segment tonight. many republicans believe the democratic party wants to buy votes by promising people entitlements, free stuff. one of those believers is congressman joe walsh. we have so many people now dependent upon government. so many people want handouts. the democratic party promises groups of people everything. they want the hispanic vote. they want hispanics to be dependent on government. just like they got african-americans dependent upon government. that's their game. jesse jackson would be out of work if they weren't dependent upon government. there would be no work for him. congressman joins us now from chicago. so some might say that you are over generalizing about hispanics and blacks, and you
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would say? >> well, the answer was the democrat party, bill, wants everybody dependent upon government. they are the party of government. i mean, it makes sense. if you are dependent upon government, more and more for your livelihood and your benefits, you'll citizen to vote for that party of government. >> bill: and this is a question i just asked the two ladies before you. >> yeah. >> do you think that the democratic leadership and that includes president obama, of course, they meet and they say, you know what? we have to buy votes. because that's what it is. we have to buy them. so what we're going to do is target hispanic americans. we're going to do this program and we are going to target african-americans and do that program and maybe some lithuanian americans and so on and so forth. do you think they sit there and they state it that way. that clearly? >> yes. i bet they do state it that explicitly. bill, look what the president has been doing. his entire last 6 to 7 months
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has been running around from interest group to interest group promising things. contraception, war on women. student loans. going after the youth vote. this is what they do. and i think they look at it as buying votes. and i also think they look at it as, look, they believe in big government. that's a legitimate point of view. it's not one i share. but once they have you hooked on government, you are going to keep voting for them. and we're at a scary point right now, bill. because, look, we have got half this country that's not paying federal income taxes. we have got the highest rate of government dependency that we have had since the end of world war ii. we are about to fall off a fiscal cliff. we can't support all of this. >> now, is it insulting though to african-americans and hispanic americans and both constituencies the republicans could use some crossover votes particularly in the hispanic precincts, okay? >> yeah. >> is it insulting for you and
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other republicans to say, hey, you know, you guys are just not smart enough to realize what the democrats are doing. >> no. >> bill: it's ♪ insulting to them. >> you know what it is? it's a shot at the democratic party. i tried to be insulting toward them and it's a challenge. >> bill: you insulted jesse jackson and you insulted basically that kind of left wing african-american leadership. >> well, it's easy to insult that kind of left wing african-american leadership because their complicit in this thing. jesse jackson does want blacks dependent upon government. jesse jackson doesn't want blacks to have opportunity. >> bill: how do you know that though? you are both from chicago. you know, jesse jackson if he were here would say you are crazy. what i want is opportunity and a hand-up for people. >> bologna. bologna. >> bill: people that don't have the same advantage as joe walsh had or bill o'reilly had. >> bologna. the best way to give a hand-up to inner city african-american parents is to give them school choice.
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give an african-american or hispanic parent the ability to send their child to any school in the city of chicago. jesse jackson stands in the way of that he wants to imprison poor black kids in under performing schools. >> bill: obviously you and jesse jackson disagree on how to make things better for african-americans. i tend to agree with you, all right? >> yeah. >> bill: as a former teacher i think school choice would be much more beneficial to -- not just african-americans but all poor people. >> everybody. >> bill: you are making a serious accusation against jackson by saying that jackson is not well-intentioned. that he wants to keep his people in a virtual slavery to the federal government. that's what he wants and that's a tough accusation to make. >> well, i know. i think he is a race hustler just like al sharpton is bill, think about this. the trayvon martin case, jesse jackson was quoted as saying blacks are under attack
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because of trayvon martin. you know like i know that 153 young african-american men are killed every week in this country, 94% of them are killed by other young african-american men. we had 40 shootings in this city over memorial day weekend. 10 people killed. black on black crime. where was jesse jackson or al sharpton? nowhere to be found. they are invested in people thinking there is racism. and without racism, jesse jackson couldn't exist. >> bill: congressman, we appreciate you coming on. thank you very much. very provocative. >> thanks, bill. >> bill: elementary school celebrating trayvon martin day. this is pretty troubling. and then dennis miller the best of his analysis this spring. crank up those dvr's. we hope you stay tuned to those reports. get great gifts for dad during the father's day sale at bass pro shops, like...
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>> bill: major development in the trayvon martin murder case. john edwards beats the rap. here now mr. rivera. the judge today revoked george zimmerman's wonder. why did he do that? >> first of all this is the biggest day in this case so far because because george zimmerman and his wife at the belief of the court and certainly the prosecutor lied to the court about their financial wherewithal when bond was being set if you recall they came to the court and they threw themselves on the mercy of the court essentially saying they were indigent. they didn't have a penny when in fact they had this pain pal account sympathetic donors up to $200,000. in other words, they had $200,000 in cash available to them at the very same time they were telling the court. and judge kenneth lester that they were broke and, therefore, the bond that was being set could not be very high. --- >> bill: it was 150, right?
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>> the bond was. they had 200,000. they said they were indigent and there you go. >> the judge believes anyway that he was mislead by george zimmerman. >> it's worse than that. because there is apparently either audio and/or video recording of george zimmerman and his wife in jail conspiring to conceal the money in other words, talking in code. [speaking pig latin] >> i got it so obviously the judge feels that is legit. >> sure. >> the importance of it is there is only one witness between what happened between george zimmerman and trayvon martin. that's george zimmerman. trayvon martin is dead. one witness to the entire incident up to and including the death of the. >> so his credibility is now. >> in front of the judge. >> in issue and now this judge sees him as a liar on the
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money. >> the jury won't know about it proibleg not. >> i'm not so certain. you are the defense attorney, that's the first question you are going to ask and just try to get somebody who doesn't know about it. there is something -- the passport, too, that zimmerman didn't say he had. >> he had a 150. >> he handed over his passport. but, you know, people often had a second passport, you know, there is a replacement passport. something else, another -- the other. >> bill: he had another one. >> he has a second passport. >> bill: is he not in good shape with the judge? >> his butt is going to be ba income jail probably by the time. >> bill: hey 48 hours to turn himself in. when is the trial again? >> the trial is not set. but. >> bill: expected to begin with. >> mark o'mara believes with 50 potential witnesses all of whom have to be deposed and all of this extensive discovery he does not believe this trial can happen before
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2013. >> edwards beats the wrap. are you surprised? >> i'm not surprised. in fact, i think, you know, how we pundits love to predict these cases, i must say that my colleagues here, my legal colleagues here at fox were almost unanimous in believing that the government's case against john edwards was extremely weak. why? he is alleged to have committed a campaign finance violation. the money that he committed the pain finance violation with was money freely given to him by bunny mellon and fred barron i think his name is from texas. $1.5 million. bunny mellon the 101-year-old heiress who gave him the money testified she was giving it to him not as a campaign contribution. >> bill: as a gift. >> a gift. in fact she paid gift tax on the money. >> bill: that was it, right? >> you had to prove that john edwards in his mind knew that he was going to use that money to cheated campaign finance not to save his family from
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further hue mill quation. >> bill: you think the verdict was correct? >> i think the verdict was almost a slam dunk. i can't believe that the prosecutor, the same team, the same discredited team that brought the case against republic senator ted stevens brought this case and i think they did it to show that they were even handed in their -- >> bill: attorney general holder has got to be embarrassed it's his crew. >> i would agree. >> i didn't use the john edward's self-serving microphone thing afterward. the reason i didn't use it is i didn't want to offend my audience. i don't think anybody watching me likes this guy and self-serving garbage. >> there is a huge difference between someone who is reprehensible. >> bill: when you saw him get out there and say the sin. >> he gives me the itch. like if you have a rat in your house they say you get itchy. >> bill: do you think is he a rat? >> i think is he a rat. a rat in the sense that listen, i have had a checkered life. i'm the last person to point to someone and say you
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committed adultery or you did this or that. but i never did it with a dying wife and never did it knowing. >> bill: so even you. >> that i was using her fatal illness to get sympathy and votes. even me he says. >> geraldo rivera got off -- karma will get him. >> karma has already got him. >> bill: when we come right back, the best of dennis miller the springtime edition. and later lady gaga not going to sing in i understand do nearby sexual harassment those reports after these messages. ok! who gets occasional constipation,
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'm bill o'reilly. put together highlights of our pal dennis miller doing what it is. sometimes it's hard to understand miller the first time around. sometimes what he says is worth hearing again.
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>> forbes has released its list of top overexposed celebrities and you want to talk about three of them. go. >> well, listen, i saw the usual suspects it's the kardashian and the jersey shore kids. i would say this, in lieu of emotional intellectual or spiritual hepth which it what it used to take to become immorality. we use light weight. con strandly imprint them on frontal lobe. almost like a famed strobe light or something. at this time in history, what peeks our interest as a culture is uninteresting people. it's just that simple the emptiest vessels are the ones that you can empty all your dreams and aspirations into. when these kids sit at home and everybody wants to be famous like war hold said and they look and they see if you are actually talented they say i can't do that. when they see snooki on mount rushmore they go i'm going to watch snooki. i can be snooki.
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very perceptive, miller it's like i can do that, so i'm going to watch how she does it and maybe i will get my own show. >> i'm not trashy, unless i drink too much. >> bill: have you ever been to carta handwriting that, colombia? have you ever been down there. >> this story wreaks of nostalgia to me. when i was broke i lived in the hispanic community in the valley and i joined for social purposes a bowling team called the hooker. set it outside and bring it in from the far board right into the slot. >> the great johnny petrakia. the hookers took me way back. >> you said it, man. >> gsa you saw at the top with our pal jeff running around in vegas. i think he has come to a couple of your shows in vegas. you comped him. didn't you comp him for a couple of shows? >> you can never show me this picture again? what the hell is that that looks like a jacqueline and suzanne cover.
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listen, billy, the president has got to pull it together. the fish winds from the top down. right now got qsa snafu and secret service getting [bleep] gas prices doubled. -- owing $1 billion in back taxes can't come down on the president about it. this is the first time we can't blame a president. >> i said look, you can't be asking miller and o'reilly, as successful as the bolder fresher tour has been to pay more in taxes when jeff is in the hot tub in vegas. you just got to clean it up first. but think are not going to listen to me, miller. and i don't think they are going to listen to you. >> no. and, listen, don't ever ask me to pose for that shot when we are on the shot with the boulder fresher tour. >> won't worry about it miller, when you do in the tub stays in vegas. all right? >> remember when you are having nude comedian always use a white wand.
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>> new york city desperate for money as everybody is. they are going to tax yoga now. >> yeah. pretty soon bloomberg is going to come in with a rural and measure the plumber's crack of the front guy in front of me in the joe go class and hit him with a stippenned exposed to the rest of the class. you need a pet license now to do your downward dog in man hadn't. these folks are relentless with the taxes. >> bill: they are. >> they are like aliens. remember looking at that scanner. >> stop your grinning and drop your linen. >> found them. >> they want everything. they are going to keep taxing and keep taxing. they best watch it because eventually they're going to croak the host organism and there is going to be nothing to suck off. >> it's crazy. if you go by a yoga class you have got to pay a city a tax. anything do you there they are like this. tax man. beatles once sang. ♪ the tax man. ♪
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>> bill: romney might get invited to be on "saturday night live." your advice to the governor? >> i have a good idea for a sketch, billy. what about this? we do a dalton avie parody where obama and michelle are the impeerist heads of the white house hold. romney plays the good-looking butler. five kids play the dreamy groomsmen out in the stables. that's my sketch. >> bill: i will pass that on to lauren michaels and i'm sure he will have you back to write it? >> god i hate myself. >> finally dick clark. miller and i grew up in american bandstand times and we were hopping and bopping to the crocodile rock on that program. do you know him? do you have anything to say about him? >> never met him, billy. i will say this. he seems like a class act. at the end of the day if they are going to rate a man by his record, i would have to give dick clark 100 because you definitely could dance to this guy. he was a good cat from afar. >> very successful guy. now, he had the best hair and it's funny we are looking at rudy giuliani in the hair
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context. >> people don't realize this the last three years of giuliani's administration, he was combing hair over from dick clark's head. [ laughter ] i'm sure i picture that. miller just came one that that's -- because we didn't talk about this before. that was brilliant, miller. very good. >> that's what i do. that's what i do. >> bill: on "saturday night live." >> it only cost $47. >> bill: and a word to the wise. we have now sold out every boulder fresher show except the chicago pat continue nay on chicago june 23rd. it's going to be a wild show. tickets make great gifts for father's day. all of you in the midwest check this out on bill o' dumbest things of the week in a moment. lady gaga fleeing indonesia and trayvon martin day in washington, d.c. dumb is next. emily's just starting out... and on a budget.
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>> bill: back of the book segment tonight. dumbest things of the week, unfortunately greg and arthel left the building. that's dumb it leaves who he to do the segment by myself. last weekend was trayvon martin today at the malcolm x elementary school in washington, d.c. >> the name of the 17-year-old killed in florida by the neighborhood watch captain was use ford a parent student seminar focused on school bullies and fights between kids. >> sounds like we are -- kids can learn to communicate with one another. >> the two items in travon martin's possession when he was killed were handed out ice tea and skittles. but outside school walls trayvon martin day made little sense. >> you can't take one situation, name brand on situation and say this is what
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is going to be for, you know, bullying and school. >> it's not suitable for this situation. >> bill: that's right. despite some good intentions, that was dumb. what happened to trayvon martin was awful. we don't know the full extent of the story to. expose young kids to a speculative situation giving them skittles and ice tea is irresponsible to say the least. second dumbest thing of the week, lady gaga has canceled her sold out concert in i understand do nearby sexual harassment the reason some crazy muslim hardliners vowed to cause a lot of trouble. in fact, they issued threats violent threats. indonesia has more muslims than any country in the world. while it's allegedly a democracy lady gaga does not have the freedom to perform. protesters calling her the devil's messenger. i think they have been calling me that as well. the entire lady gaga assault is dumb. just be glad you don't live over there. finally, last dumbest thing. let's spin the wheel of
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fortune landing on a dumb deal. recently that program featured college week and a student from reed college in portland, oregon was center stage. >> i believe every letter you called is is in this puzzle. [bell] >> boy called the right letters, it's a thing. he has 10 seconds. can he do it? >> magic band, magic sand. wand, oh. >> wow. >> that and looked so -- handy. >> you had that sound in your mind. >> i did. >> you fooled me with that one. >> wow. >> it's a weird game and you just never know. i'm really sorry. >> bill: even vanna white got
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that one. all right. now we give zach a pass. network tv can do strange things to people. it takes some intelligence to get into reed college while zach was dumb in that case. i'm sure he is not dumb in general. pinheads and patriots on deck. very smart kid winning the national spelling bee. p and p just over two minutes away. use i'm raising two girls on my own. i'll worry about the economy more than a few times before they're grown. but it's for them, so i've found a way. who matters most to you says the most about you. massmutual is owned by our policyholders so they matter most to us. massmutual. we'll help you get there.
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>> bill: pin heads and patriots is starring the national spelling bee winner in a
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moment. father's day two weeks from sunday. give dad a break and get him some good enough on bill o'reilly .com. the nifty restore the usa map with a message in vivid blue. get a large one and you get a restore the usa pen. also if you become a premium member get my best selling book "killing lincoln" free of charge. dad will like the membership and the book. all the money i get is donated to charity. the mail. interesting reaction around the world to the president and democratic party not condemning gender-based abortion. silvia taylor. germany. accepting that abortions are solely based on the choice of the pregnant woman means any reason a acceptable. individual states have the right to limit abortion in some areas. gender based being one of them. gender based abortions are controversial here.
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the general consensus is they have no place in a civilized society. george, a blackout in the media concerning gender based abortions is brain washing. liberal media does not want the folks to know what is going on. debbie, easton, pennsylvania. o'reilly, why are you you so appalled the gender based abortion. >> some are for medical reasons. i myself don't believe in terminating a fetus but a catastrophic health situation is understandable. killing a fetus simply because you want a girl or a boy is appalling and should be eliminated. >> you can't determine the baby's sex until about 20 weeks and less than 2% of abortions occur after that. the message is what is important here. chris tune, gilbert, arizona. bill, thank you for your bold
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coverage of this issue. that's me, is kristine, bold and fresh. dan rather's biased reporting is why we watch the factor and fnc's fair and balanced coverage of the news. rather's appearance on cam did i central was appropriate. ann johnson. recently drove 800 miles and the killing lincoln audio made the time fly by. unfortunately, the book lasts only only 700 miles. please make it longer. killing did i out will be longer. the audio of "killing lincoln" remains number one after eight months in the marketplace. thank you all. i feel like adele. finally tonight. word of the day is the word of the day guetepans a french derived word that the
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14-year-old spelled correctly to win the national spelling bee. guetapens. [ applause ] >> guess what we have a champion of the 2012 scripps national spelling bee. >> unbelievable because the word is pronounced differently than it is spelled. it means ambush. she is a patriot. that is it for us tonight. check out the factor website which is different from bill o'reilly .com. name and town if you wish to oh pine. the word of the day, watch out for are a


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