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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  June 2, 2012 3:00am-7:00am PDT

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it is saturday, june 2nd. i'm alisyn camerota. trouble courtroom. sentenced to prison for the killing of protesters during last year's uprising, both his sons have been acquitted. we have a leif report for you. >> more bad economic news here at home. the president, some say passing the buck. >> my message to congress is now is not the time to play politics. now is not the time to sit on your hands. >> the president's remarks not sitting well with house speaker john boehner. hear his response ahead. >> then a run away stroller heading for a busy street. look at this. can you imagine? oh my god but a quick-thinking hero saves the day.
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holy cow. "fox & friends" begins right now. >> always disturbing. >> good morning, everybody, we have breaking news at this hour for you. because, in fact, we have this fox news alert, the verdict coming in just moments ago for former egyptian president hosni mubarak. he has been found guilty. he has been sentenced to life in prison. >> leland vittert was there for the sentencing. he joins us live from cairo with the details. leland? >> good morning, guys. there's with a certainly a lot of clashes inside the classroom and outside of the courtroom we had a lot of clashes going on. i'm going to it step out of the shot. can you still see the riot police there in their battle gear. two or three people deep and backed up by the armored personnel carriers in egyptian army with machine guns. protesters out here were
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people whose family members died tahrir square. that's what he was on trial for. inside the courtroom at police academy scuffle broke out as the verdict was announced against hosni mubarak. he led egypt for 30 years. hard to explain how big of a change there is in this country from being the leader of the arab world 30 years as a dictator to president of president two years later being tried by your own army and as you see convicted there inside that cairo courtroom of murdering the protesters in tahrir square. some 800 people died inside the square. mubarak 84 years old. will now serve the rest of his life in prison there was a built of change that we just received word of in the past couple of minutes. for a long time flown to court in the helicopter every day. a number of his soldiers salute him as he goes back to the hospital every day. the prosecutor has just
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announced that mubarak will spend the rest of his life in a prison. the conditions in a cairo prison or egyptian prison are certainly not nearly as posh as those were in his hospital room that is something that is learnly going to be made a big deal out of the next few days. we are in a very interesting transition time in cairo as we are between the two rounds of presidential elections. this was seen as a real litmus test whether the arm was going to be a hack for the old regime and continue this regime where mubarak would have been acquitted or get a slap on the wrist or if he gets something very serious like this sentence of life in evan prosecute. back to you in new york. >> thanks, leland. >> you wonder if president assad in syria is seeing how it ends for hosni mubarak maybe this tells them it may end this way for me if i don't do something. >> we hope. >> turn attention to politics back here at home. yesterday was not a good day for the obama administration. they were there, of course, they get these numbers a couple hours ahead of time or i think even the night before.
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they get these jobs nubsz. they had to know it wasn't going to be good. their response though to those paltry job numbers came fast and furious within 60 members the obama ha administration responded and pointing the finger at number of other places other than his own administration. take a listen. >> and just like at this time last year, our economy is still facing some serious head winds. we had high gas prices, a month two, months ago and they are starting to come down, spiking, still hitting people's wallets pretty hard. that has an impact. and then most prominently, most recently we have had a crisis in europe's economy that is having an impact worldwide and it's starting to cast a shadow on our owns a well. so my message to congress is now is not the time to play politics. now is not the time to sit on your hands. the american people expect their leaders to work hard no matter what year it is.
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so right now congress should pass a bill to help prevent more layoffs so we can put thousands of teachers and police officers and firefighters back on the job. >> prevent more layoffs. clearly no idea how to create more jobs at this point. now, if your best hope is preventing more layoffs, this is bad news for his re-election chances. the economy we found a couple days earlier growing at 1.%. we also found out 49,000 fewer jobs were created the two previous months. there is very little if any good news about this economy right now. >> may was a bad month. each lower, 69,000 jobs created, lower than economists predicted. it's interesting because house speaker john boehner sounded like he actually agreed with the president on one point. >> yeah. >> the president said look, it's up to congress. congress should do this. he said basically i have a legislative to-do list that i announced. why aren't they doing any of these things. john boehner said it's actually the senate where things are getting clogged. listen.
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>> 30 bills sitting in the united states senate. why don't they pick up the bills and pass them and help the american people instead of playing politics over there. >> do-nothing congress right now. other people saying look, this has nothing to do with the obama administration. these are things outside of his control to be honest with you, eurozone crisis has little to do with what the administration can handle. china's slow down, manufacturing sector in china is troubling for the world. they are in the getting american imports or building as much as they were. the housing crisis. who would have thought china would be facing housing crisis. getting imports and construction materials. a lot of that stuff comes from the united states. >> how much of what happened in europe impacted those jobs numbers? it's not real clear. i mean, i mean some impact to the president's credit but not enough to explain 9,000 jobs. >> there are still things he could do domestically. could have kept his eye on the ball with jobs. solution for jobs regardless
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of what is happening. >> keystone. >> there is some ways to dice and part these numbers. mitt romney had his own interpretation of these jobs numbers and whose fault it is. >> the president's policies and his handling of the economy has been dealt a harsh indictment this morning and it continues. we have had 40 straight months with unemployment over 8%. unfortunately you have had a president that's been more focused on his perspective of historic legislative achievements than he has been on getting people back it work. jobs are job one for the presidency. this president instead put in place obama care which his own team concluded would slow the recovery. and it has. >> i don't know the evidence on that yet on the obama care issue. but certainly the white house quickly responded to mitt romney on that and said, look, he as governor of massachusetts had one of the worst job growth records in the country. so they said look for him to
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be giving his ideas about exactly job growth up there in massachusetts. >> yeah, speaking of governors as you know there is a massive battle brewing and it's a bellwether battle in wisconsin. so many people are looking at that state to see if scott walker the governor will actually be recalled. it's interesting because the president has not gone to wisconsin. even though that's a battleground state and some people are saying why isn't the president helping scott walker's opponent. but president bill clinton did go to the hometown of scott walker's opponent barrett. tom barrett. >> milwaukee make mayor he was campaigning for him and said what would happen if scott walker is not recalled. >> now they look at wisconsin and they see america's battleground. >> that's right. >> between people who want to work together to solve problems and people who want to divide and conquer. people who know that creative
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cooperation is working in america and people who want constant conflict. nobody is right all the time. and a broken clock is right twice a day. >> to have a divide and conquer strategy is nuts. ordinarily i'm against recalling election. i went to try to fight one in california. but sometimes it is the only way to avoid a disastrous course. >> interesting because right now things look pretty good for scott walker. if you look at the polls. we haven't seen a single poll that shows barrett in the lead. most bear out between 5 and 9 point lead. this is the latest from the marquette law school. 50, 45, scott walker doing well ahead the june 5th deadline for that recall. what are the national implications here? we will talk about that later on in the program. what does it mean north battle against public sector unions. what does it mean in terms t of wisconsin clearly being up for grabs if walker wins?
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you bet mitt romney pours some attention and some money into that state. it's up for grabs. >> it looks like a battalion ground at this point. you say we will talk about that national lay little bit later. it's interesting why the president hasn't yet gone there. some say well maybe he doesn't want to tie his wagon to that star right now. more on that coming up a little bit later in the show. >> let me tell you what other news is happening in your headlines. two suspected militants have been killed in northwest pakistan. american drone reportedly firing two missiles at a motorbike in south waziristan region. fifth strike in less than two weeks despite protests over the u.s. drone campaign. the strikes further complicating negotiations over reopening supply routes for nato and u.s. troops in afghanistan. the pentagon is announcing plans to ship more navy warships to the pacific region over the next several years. speaking in singapore leon panetta confirming by the year 202060% of the fleet will be assign there as part of a new
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strategy. >> some view the increased emphasis by the united states, asian pacific region as some kind of challenge to china. i reject that view entirely. >> pa at the panetta insisted tt the defense department could afford increased in asia. something john mccain later disputed. >> realities are we are retiring ships. we are having the smallest navy probably since beginning of world war ii. we are facing further sequestration which the senate majority leader said was fine with him. so, it is a mismatch between the realities of our commitment and the funding for that commitment. >> panetta's seven day visit overseas includes stops in vietnam and india. spaceship enterprise journey
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home air sea and space museum in new york city. yesterday crews moved the airport from protective hanger at jfk airport. later this afternoon it will be lifted by crane and placed on to a barge there tomorrow it will be moved by tug boat. how many different modes of transportation can it use? it is going to be docking in new jersey. the shuttle is scheduled to remain until tuesday. that's when it begins the last leg of its tripe to the museum. couldn't it just fly there it never flew. the ernesto prize never flew. >> coming up next, when the president hired his white house staff, he turned to his chicago friends first. now a new book, painting a somewhat disturbing picture of how chicago politicians really operate. take you behind the scenes. >> new york's mayor waging war on soda. >> nice dress. >> critics took out the full page ad in the paper calling him the nanny.
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>> mrs. doubtfire. graduation, huh ?
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crazy, right ? well, with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, you guys can stay in touch. ( grunts ) cool. you can video call on skype... send photos. yeah, okay. ah, let's do it. get $100 off any motorola 4g lte smartphone, like the droid 4 now just $99.99.
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verizon. i haand then i have eleven my grandkids. right when you see them, they're yours, it's like, ah, it's part of me. it's me again. now that i'm retiring they all have plans for me. i'm excited.
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>> let's remember that one. >> let's remember that john fund just admit it we are not to you yet. president obama spending a rare night alone in his chicago home after a rare night of fundraising. president some under president's circle coming under scrutiny because of their ties to the windy city. >> columnist for the national review online john fund. we are not talking about the new york mets just yet, john. later on in the program. tell us part of the ineller circle of president obama is revealed in this new book the
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amateur. you write about this and say it deserves a second look. why? >> every president brings people very close to them influence and often have conflicts of interest and problems. we learn about that jimmy carter had his brother billy. bill clinton had a whole cast of characters. but barack obama doesn't seem to get that kind of scrutiny. we another very little about acre eric whitcher official gate keeper to the white house. so close to the obama mass. email the white house i'm coming over and they waive him in. >> one of the president's and first lady's best friends. >> yes. >> you call him the geat keeper. what evidence do you have that he has ever done anything untoward? he is just their friend. >> he was the gay who negotiated with rod blagojevich's office who should be the next united states senator. he has also the person and reverend jeremiah wright has said this on tape, who offered him $150,000 if he stopped talking about barack obama during the 2008 campaign. and that is something that's very interesting because as we know jeremiah wright was one of the biggest threats to
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barack obama's candidacy when he ran against hillary clinton. >> to our knowledge, is that offer of bribery, do we have any idea whether that was made at the president's knowledge or this is just something whitcher decided to do on his own? >> we don't know that. this is why there shoulden questions. every president has his inner circle scrutinized. this president whether it's valerie jarrett the daily machine that he came from. remember, barack obama was a product of the daily machine which is a corrupt political machine in many senses. he himself is not corrupt but he came out with all kinds of interesting associations and all kinds of interesting friends. >> is that how you rise through chicago politics? >> does anyone else ever rise through chicago politics unless they have the dailey machine behind them? no. rahm image was congress with daley's. guess the white house bill daley's. it's in the daley machine. it's in his name.
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>> sounds like you are saying there is guilt by association. >> every candidate gets scrutinized. we had the "new york times" look at ann rom nips horse trainer. let's have the articles on the president's inner circle, who they are, their association and who this guy eric whitt eric. tony rezko working for rod blagojevich the former governor who is in federal prison. the bottom line is there is an awful lot of people who have had scrapes with the law and associations that haven't been looked at. >> john fund, gotcha. you are calling attention to it in our article here for the national review the chicago way. thanks so much, john. good to see you. >> >> coming up next, the bad chick news continues. just 69,000 jobs added in may, county white house do anything to turn this around? can we show that strange video again? a job creator joins us next. >> i will show it to you now. baby on board, run away
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>> welcome back. quick head lines now. nato has rescued two workers and colleagues in early morning raid in northern afghanistan. a group kidnapped by militants back on may 22nd. the four worked for med air. that's an organization based in switzerland talking about the right place at the right time. the garbage truck turned hero quickly came to the rescue. he began honking his horn and blocking traffic running after the stroller. the baby's frantic mom catching up soon after. looks like no harm done. unbelievable.
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clayton? >> the kid was like wee, that was fun. well, listen to this. the third disappointing labor report in a row. renewing fears of another possible recession. only 69,000 jobs added last month. unemployment rose to 8.2%. bad news all around. what will it take to turn things around. small business owner amilya antonetti. i was trying yesterday as these numbers came out to try to find some sort of silver lining, a tin lining a metal line lining were you able to find anything. >> validation you need to get out of the way. you cannot fix it let the private sector and the small business community fix this and correct. this administration continues to make it worse and worse and worse and worse. and we're going to sit back and stop until they stop it. >> we had the president he yesterday calling on congress what he thinks would be some way of helping small businesses and trying to jump start the economy by asking congress to pass this small business tax cut so he think
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could do something with. that is that drop in the bucket. >> it is. reality business owner. in order for me to take on the risk to bring on employee. if that employee costs me 2,000ness their salary. it cost me another $2,000 a month right now in overhead. that means i'm taking a $4,000 risk. all of these things that they're trying to do is minute miss school. i'm going to give you $10 -- mark zandi saying the truth is in between on all of this. back to when we were adding 200,000 jobs a month. people were saying that euphoria too much. now 69,000 jobs. it's too little. the truth is somewhere in between and maybe we are better off than we currently see in these numbers. what's your take? >> i don't think so. the reality is not taking noah count the 1099. all the independent contractors, right? think about all people in media and august the people
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that file a 1099. you can't account for them anywhere. all these obsolete. nobody is hiring anymore. all those people are in the marketplace. people who filed their own taxes and income. now they are going look i don't have any more clients. everything squeezes. the only thing to cut now is actually hard w-2 cutting. we will see that in a numbers come back out. >> is that the what the fix is. get small businesses hiring again with 69,000 jobs this past go around. it seems paltry. is europe the problem? is china the problem not hiring on manufacturing front? what can be done. >> if i'm going to take a risk. i want to have predictable i'm going to make a return on my investment. the risk is too high right now to actually bring on employee. >> maybe a freelancer or a part-time person is more likely right now those numbers
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are false. quick little hit for demand. make demand in the marketplace. it's not necessarily local jobs in the u.s. it depend on what product people are buying. it can be stimulating china or somewhere else in the world. this is where we keep saying if you had a focus group of people saying these are the products that we need to be stimulating so it stays local so you can actually then stimulate our economy. not the global economy. then you are getting a little bit more focused on being able it to help us on the home front. >> unpredictable is that the president's problem or europe and china or all of it? >> it's the administration. if the administration is going to say look i'm going to give you tools and resources because we want to say jobs are the number one, then you need have a group of people together that understand how to put jobs in the market. the drafings don't know anything about small business. they have never had a business for a long period of time. they have never been successful. they have never run less than 25 people. you are asking questions and coming up with products for people who have never done it doesn't make any sense.
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>> romney saying i'm a business guy i any how to create jobs in this country. amelia thank you. >> good morning. >> good morning to you. this story will break your heart. world war ii vet banned from the monument that he created to honor fallen soldiers. so who could keep him out? we're going to hear from him coming up. super size smack down, mayor weajing war on sodas. taking a full paged a calling him the nanny in the "new york times." very flattering suit isn't it? give him bigger hips. ♪
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i -- "new york times." >> costly ad. >> almost looks like mrs. doubtfire less attractive. unfortunately. >> hello. >> obviously this is because of all the buzz that mayor bloomberg here in new york has gotten after he banned any sort of massive super sized sugary drink more than 16 ounces. >> you say massive. you point to that. that is massive. this, my friend is now a standard drink in a machine. this is 20 ounces. again, this is not an enormous soda. i wouldn't recommend your kids having iter day. but this is now not allowed. and how many businesses depend solely on the sale of these sodas. forget about the personal freedoms involved with outrages me. you are going to kill local new york businesses by selling them they can't sell. this. >> and coca cola and mcdonald's are very angry about this new law. they say the very same thing that's how they package them. >> they license out those machines to the businesses and
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they get a profit revenue share of course whether you have them not day. vending machine. mayor bloomberg on "the today show" addressing all of this. listen. >> we're not banning you from getting the stuff. it's just if you want 32 ounces, the restaurant has to serve it in two glasses. that's not exactly taking away your freedoms. it's not something that the founding fathers fought for. this is just reminding you al-and all the studies show in the glass in want frop of you or the plate in front of is you smaller you will eat less. >> interesting. if you orderly it you get two glasses, okay? so the waitress has to bring to you with glasses. does that make you think more about what you are consuming? >> of course it does. >> no. >> sure it does. if you order two glasses of wine you are aware that you have had two glasses of wine. what if they brought out a big one i i just had one glass of wipe. >> that's just a refill. glass of wine it's different. soda there is a refill. >> all i had was a soda today for lunch. >> i don't pay for refill that's for why. >> you are articulating.
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>> find a break in that mind set. >> are you okay with telling people what they cannot drink. i don't drink a 32-ounce sewed can a but the government is telling me i can't? >> telling you his rationale. >> he knows that's a lie. come on. he is not saying that you can't drink it. >> yes, he is. >> drink multiple glass make it aware. >> house speaker john boehner has some thoughts i think he agrees with you. >> i like mayor bloomberg but are you kidding me? come on. don't we have bigger issues than deal with than the size of some soft drink that somebody buys? >> yes. i mean of course we do. some people in the health industry would say we don't have a bigger issue to deal with than obesity. and this leads to obesity. >> what's next to the point we mentioned earlier. what's next? size of a burger, size of a bowl of pasta. >> that's the point i want to
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make. if you watched the daily show the other night very very funny. i cannot disagree with mayor bloomberg more on this. if you are on new york city you can go down to the deli and get it giant passtrami. and piece of cake. start picking winners and losers with different food items mere. >> coca cola is not happy about. this new yorkers expect and deserve better than. this they can make their own mind up about what beverages they purchase. >> mcdonald's says public health. >> fry cook. >> i was all of that i was utility. >> public health issues cannot be effectively addressed through a narrowly focused and misguided ban. this is a complex topic and one that requires more collaborative and comprehensive approach. >> you know what? because i like mayor bloomberg i'm going to switch from coffee this morning to a 20-ounce soda. >> oh. >> you are going to be arrested. >> i hear the police sirens.
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>> security? >> [siren] >> $200 fine. bring it on. >> playing with fire. here we go. >> tell you what else is happening in the news. u.n.'s top human rights body overwhelmingly voted to condemn syrians action. the human rights council ruling comes troopers firing on protesters and other murders come to light. speaking of singapore. senators john mccain and joe lieberman weighed in on the violence and the u.s.' involvement. >> i can't think of a time in many years that i have served this country and many ways that i have been more embarrassed about my country and their failure to carry out our fundamental principles. >> made clear to me that his department has a series of plans which they can implement whenever the president as commander of chief asks him to. to give various levies of
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military support to the syrian opposition to stop orderly of his own people. >> lieberman went on to say he didn't think those plans would require to take on a fight against assad alone. here's the next story. florida congressman john mica tells the t.s.a. to come clean. calling out the agency for apparently keeping the press in the dark about yet another operation's meltdown. in a statement micah said quote the security system failure at this florida airport highlights the need to get t.s.a. out of the human resources business and back into the nation's security business. spokesman for the t.s.a. has implied several employees including highly ranking officials may be losing their jobs. still no word on what that melt down may be all about. president obama will rush to ground zero later this month to check on the rebuilding progress. is he scheduled to visit the former world trade center site on june 14th for the first
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time since marking the anniversary of the terrorist attack l.s.u. september. the president is also expected to sign a final -- as it is installed. world war ii veteran maintain ago cross he built on a hillside in california for decades. he recently was told that it's no longer permitted on the property where the cross sits. can necessary astro is a retired colonel and can he not even talk about this without breaking down. i get so yip set. >> since then he has been gathering rocks and hiking a half hour up the hill to take care of that cross. >> this cross means to me a love symbol. there is too much hate in the world. >> well the property owner claims that they want canistro
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off because they claim he might hurt himself hiking up to that cross. >> let's talk a little sports now. what a game it was. celtics, miami heat. game three last night in boston. get to it. second corner, kevin garnett. check him out, clayton. those are knuckle pushups in the middle of a game. >> what a sturexd huh? garnet was huge in the game, too. 22 points, 11 boards, celtics by 13 at the half. ray january rondo after 32 points in game to. boston celtics back in this series. led by 23 after 3. it got close within 8 in the fourth quarter. semitics hang on. game four sunday night in boston might be a new series there. meanwhile the new york mets making history. top six. that was carlos beltran that if we had instant replay next year would have been a hit.
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so he really didn't get a no hitter? look at this catch now. deep to left mow lienna. preserving the no hitter yohan. the first no hitter in more than 8,000 games for the new york mets. he was sprayed by champagne. 8,000 and 19 games without a no hitter. can you believe that? here is the mets no hitter by the numbers. again 8,019 games for their first one. seven mets have left to go on and throw no hitters including nolan ryan who threw seven himself. houston astros have thrown 10 no hitters. one team left the san diego padres without a no hitter. whos hat longest wait in between no hit hadders the philadelphia. >> we know what it feels like. >> the biggest thing today our
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floor director who never in my time here at fox has worn anything but all black until today. [ applause ] >> got a jersey. >> this is quite a moment. >> i'm not a mets fan but i'm happy for all of you mets fans including dave. >> get out to rick reichmuth. have you ever seen dave in anything other than black? like johnny cash. >> never. so good that that happened so we could get him out of black. er fecket. thank you, dave. all right, guys. take a look at your weather picture this morning. a nice start to the morning finally across a the love the east coast after a really rough day yesterday. all that severe weather we h especially across the mid-atlantic and washington, d.c. area lots of tornado warnings yesterday. that system has now pulled off to the northeast. would you lack at the today's forecast we're going to see very heavy rain continuing across much of new england today. some areas seeing over 3 inches of rain cause logicallized flooding. all those temperatures much cooler. certainly a big cooldown compared to where we were earlier this week. down to the southeast, a nice
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day as well. we will see a little bit of rain across far south florida. look at that 79 in atlanta and drier conditions. a warm up still across texas but for the most part dry except across the panhandle where we will see a few thunderstorms. northern plains also look for nice day at least in the modern plains. head over parts of the great lakes. big upper level disturbance. it's going to sit there for a couple of days and bring cooler air in as well. out across the west continued to see warm conditions. send it back to you inside. >> thanks so much. listen to this. coming up. rielle hunter is telling all in that you book. >> can't wait for that. >> exlover. is it exlover or current lover? that's what i want to know. that's what we'll find out in new book when we come back. >> author about the book on the internet. where does it come and where does it go. when you send email is there an actual building? we'll be right back. the inspiry
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of how a shipping giant can befriend a forest may seem like the stuff of fairy tales. but if you take away the faces on the trees... take away the pixie dust. take away the singing animals, and the storybook narrator... [ man ] you're left with more electric trucks. more recycled shipping materials... and a growing number of lower emissions planes... which still makes for a pretty enchanted tale. ♪ la la la [ man ] whoops, forgot one... [ male announcer ] sustainable solutions. fedex. solutions that matter. [ male announcer ] have you ever partaken in ns. a car insurance taste test before? by taste? yes, never heard of it. well, that's what we're doing today. car insurance x has been perfected over the past 75 years. it's tasty. our second car insurance... they've not been around very long. mmmm... no good! no good? no good! so you chose geico over the other. whatever this insurance is, it's no good. ok so you...
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>> welcome back, we all send emails and photos every day. that information isn't just floating around out there in cyberspace. the data is stored and transmitted during the workings of the internet. author of the new book tubes. you set out to write a book about the internet. it's not this thing that lives out in the ether. you were sitting in the house and internet went down because of a squirrel. >> our internet breaks occasionally and the guy came the next day and looked around in the back of our building and said i think a squirrel is chewing on your internet. >> and you became obsessed with wait a minute, if a squirrel can knock down my internet. then what is this internet thing that we rely on every day? where does it go? when i send an email does it wind up in nebraska somewhere before it goes off to canada? >> yeah, essentially what i did was followed the wire. what i found is that there is surprisingly few places where the networks of the internet connect to each other. >> one of the things that's
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really fascinating is this beach manhole. we think of the way in which we connect to the internet. maybe it goes up to a satellite. it's here, it's under the sand we actually connect. take a look at the screen folks at home. what is this? what are we looking at here that. >> is a manhole on a beach near lisbon in portugal. this is the place where 5,000-mile undersea cable goes down the western coast of africa land. this is the spot where it connects to the continent. >> these cables connect and send email goes off to servers or data centers in some part of the world and it's routed back. >> yeah. almost like air travel. always traveling through these major hubs going internationally. internet same way. passes through a small list of buildings. >> facebook had a pretty big outage for a few hours i think the other night. barely measured a blip. when a massive company like facebook goes down and barely measures a blip. what does that say about the size of the internet. >> there is a lot of it. we're online all the time.
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the thing that always amazed me is there is always a physical path. following the ground somewhere to get from me to you. >> you spent three years writing this book. what was the most surprising thing you discovered about the internet in a that time. >> the thing i never got over is how human a construction it was. you would think there were millions of people who made it every day. but in fact there were a small number of network engineers involved with the heart of it negotiating the connection of networks with each other. it doesn't happen automatically. trust each other. >> the book has just broken the top 100 on amazon. let's make it a top 10 book this morning. the book is "tubes." andrew. >> thank you. >> rielle hunter writing a book not the same kind of book. this is about the secrets that she has. >> not really. >> not really the same kind of book. >> maybe tubes some capacity. it's about her exlover. goes back on trial we will hear about that attorney arthur aidala knows all about
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this. he is here next. who can forget this gsa officials in vegas having a good time. try $750,000 charged to you for their travel expenses. that never even happened. we'll tell you about it coming up. hey dad. see how the carrots i grow make that new stouffer's steam meal so tasty. actually, the milk from my farm makes it so creamy, right dad. dad can see... boys! don't you think stouffer's steam perfect bag should get some credit? my carrots. my milk. [ female announcer ] new from stouffer's. farmers' harvest steam meals taste so good we'll bet the farm on it.
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crazy, right ? well, with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, you guys can stay in touch. ( grunts ) cool. you can video call on skype... send photos. yeah, okay. ah, let's do it. get $100 off any motorola 4g lte smartphone, like the droid 4 now just $99.99. verizon.
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>> george zimmerman has been ordered back to jail after bond we voked. he mislead the court about his finances. what does this mean for the case. >> joining us to weigh in on this is arthur aidala. not a good idea to lie to the
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judge. what happened here? >> it was all broadcast on national television there was a speaker phone on the judge's desk, basically. and all his -- all zimmerman's family members are calling in we got no money, we got no money. we are broke, we are broke. there is no resources. zimmerman's attorney is arguing there is no money, there is money. so in a murder case, homicide, they seth bail at 150,000 which is very low. i mean, usually there is no bail. and then the next day the lawyer comes in and is like judge, this is $200,000 that we forgot to mention yesterday. >> did that he raised via the internet for his defense. >> is it possible he didn't know he raised it. >> here is what is taking so long. why is it taking so lock for the judge to make his decision to revoke his bail. apparently the prosecutors have gone over the tapes in jail when he was in jail between him, zimmerman and his wife and it appears there was some code going on that there
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is 185 tacos in taco bell today which meant, i'm making that up. but meant there is $185,000 in your account meaning zimmerman had knock. he takes the stand. he lies. and now there will be ramifications because trial. if he takes the stand and he lies, the prosecutor can say well you stood up here a year ago and you lied to everybody. you lied to the judge when you said you were broke but you really had $200,000 in the bank. >> or maybe he just liked tacos. >> are a though likes cannolis. >> rielle hunter this week obviously john edwards gets off the hook. a number of mistrials and not guilty and one portion of the proceeding. so is he off the hook now. rielle hunter says she is going to right this tell-all book about the proceedings. can he be re-tried because of the mistrial portion much that. >> absolutely. the not guilty stands forever in perpetuity as we say in the law. it's um to the prosecutor. they probably have another 10
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days or whatever to go and tell the judge, judge we are going to retry him or we are not. from the interviews that the jurors have been giving all over the media. i would be a little surprised at this point now if they re-try him. all the jurors keep consistently saying the evidence wasn't there. the evidence wasn't there. i haven't heard an exact count. >> could the evidence come in a book? was she right. >> i doubt it she must have been spoken to a hundred times but many times. if she had anything that was so powerful the prosecutor would have put her on the stand. however, if there is a re-trial, the prosecutor can say hey we didn't have enough the first time. let's throw her up there and let seems what he has to say. >> arthur aidala gait to see you. >> always a pleasure. >> coming up, do you know hot vice president is? >> i do. it's dan quayle. >> turns out you are actually a little closer than some the miss u.s.a. contestants who had no clue. wait until you hear their
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>> alisyn: good morning, everyone. it's saturday june 2'n. i'm alisyn camerota. we begin with this fox news alert for you. while you were sleeping chaos broke out in a cairo courtroom. egypt's expresident hosni mubarak sentenced to life in prison for the killing of protesters during last year's uprising. both of his sons were acquitted. that's making people very angry. we have a live report from the ground ahead. and call in the reinforcements. president clinton playing attack dog in wisconsin as the recall race heats up. plus, who auto could forget. this gsa officials having a good time in vegas on your dime. new scandal this morning if you can buy this. try $750,000 charged to you from for travel. >> even when it's not about hot tub jet. >> you have got to put this photo in. >> they never went on the trips but we were charged for it they ended up working at home. "fox & friends" hour two starts right now.
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>> good morning, everybody. we begin with a fox news alert this morning. the verdict coming in early this morning as former egyptian president hosni mubarak has been found guilty and sentenced to life in prison. >> leland vittert was there for the sentencing. he joins us live now. good morning. >> good morning ali, hosni mubarak 30 year dictator of egypt is now in prison. he will remain there according to this sentence for life. today in the courtroom, about 20 miles outside of cairo, there were scuffles that broke out as this verdict was announced. there is a lot of people here who are not happy both because they think the president has continued to do a good job for egypt and they think he should be set free. other people who are angry because he did not get the death penalty. there were 800 people who died
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in tahrir square, many from gunfire by security forces. that's what president mubarak were charged with. he and his sons were acquitted of counts of corruption and insider trading. that didn't make loot of people happy. we were outside of the prison there and talked to a number of the family members who scuffled with riot police who were out for an all-out battle. that didn't happen. a number of people jed we just think this is a fair sentence for someone who certainly was involved in killing now so much people. going forward this what it looks like. mubarak has been moved from posh hospital room into the prison which is not the kind of conditions used to in the presidential palace two years ago. and egypt leads to elections in about two weeks. back to you in new york. >> what a scene. leland vittert. we will check back in with you. >> let's turn our attention to the state of wisconsin. obviously a hot bed right now. a bellwether as ali put it
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earlier because of the recall election currently going on there between walk irand barrett. sounds like something out in the wild west. the wild west showdown if you will. >> texas rangers. >> hatfield and mcchoice? president clinton president obama has not yet arrived but listen to president clinton. >> now they look at wisconsin and they see america's battleground. >> that's right. >> between people who want to work together to solve problems and people who want to divide and conquer. people who know that creative cooperation is working in america and people who want constant conflict. nobody is right all the time. and a broken clock is right twice a day. to have a divide and conquer strategy is nuts. ordinarily i'm against recall elections. i went to try to fight one in
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california. but sometimes it is the only way to avoid a disastrous course. >> interesting because what clayton said the president is not there. now former president clinton is. meanwhile barack obama is in minnesota he is right next door. why? this is a local election about local issues. most critics would say is he not there because he doesn't want to put his face on a big loss there. >> particularly since scott walker is leading in the polls now there is a new marquette university poll shows him with 57 point lead. so it could be political trusts for the president to get tethered to this race. some people think it is a bellwether including carl rove who talked about why this is such an impactful race for the country. >> i think there are three impacts. first of all obviously will be whether or not the wisconsin
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experiments of reigning in the power of collective bargaining rights of certain public employee unions and having transparency in these retirement and health benefits and equality between public sector and private sector benefits. that's a big experiment. it's a model for the rest of the country. if it succeeds, if he survives, other states will be emboldened to take this up banner of reform. second thing is it's going to have a big impact on determining what kind of wisconsin there is in november. are we going to have the wisconsin of 2008 in which there was, you know, a 14 point victory obama or 2004. gore carried the state by 5,000 votes. in 2004. john kerry carried it by less than half a percentage point. very competitive presidential state and a slightly bigger -- slightly smaller victory by walker would indicate the state is more like 2000 and 2004 and worthy of being tossed into the battleground
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listings. finally it's going to have a big impact on organized labor. it has put a huge amount of money into the election and last year and this year and we'll see how good that investment comes out. >> all eyes whether or not this is investment place for mitt romney's campaign. if they see that scott walker wins this becomes a battleground states. asd more that youfield will see. >> the election is tuesday. let's get to the rest of your headlines. the pentagon announced new strategy increasing u.s. military presence in the pacific. lee on panetta confirmed 202060% navy warships will be assigned there. >> some view the increased emphasis by the waits asia pacific region as some kind of challenge to china. i reject that view entirely.
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senator john mccain was also there he commented on the defense department's finding. such as increase despite the recent budget cuts. >> realities are we are retiring ships. we are having the smallest navy probably since beginning of world war ii. it is a mismatch between the realities of our commitment and the funding for that commitment. >> alisyn: panetta said the two often feuding world powers must learn to work together for everyone's benefit. two suspected militants killed in northwest pakistan. an american drone reportedly firing two missiles at a motorbike in the south waziristan region. this is the fifth strike in less than two weeks. despite protests over the u.s. drone campaign. the strikes further complicating negotiations about reopening supply routes for nato and u.s. troops in afghanistan. one small step down and only three left to go in the odyssey of the space shuttle enterprise. yesterday, a crew at jfk airport rolled it out of a hanger and parked it near the
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edge of a a canal. this afternoon it is scheduled to be hoisted by crane on to it a barge in preparation for its journey to the intrepid space air and museum in new york city. tomorrow it will be moved by tug boat before docking in new jersey. the shuttle is scheduled to remain there until tuesday morning, that's when it finally begins the last leg of its trip. those are your headlines. >> captain kirk doing a good job of steering that thing. let's check in wick rick mouth. >> we had a big rainstorm across the mid-atlantic. flooding especially around washington, d.c. area. all of that rain pulling off across much of new england. along with that much cooler air is moving on in. we're also talking about more severe storms out across parts of the plains. that will be the western plains. i will show you that here in just a second. can you see all the rain we had yesterday. still a few showers towards miami. the heaviest of this rain now pulling in towards much of new england. this is that disturbance.
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it's going to stick with us and funnel cooler air. we are going to be talking about some temps maybe not getting out of the 50s much of the northeast. summer is moving here at least meteorological. some thunderstorms for this morning across northern plains. any sort of severe weather we see today is going to be down across the panhandles of oklahoma and texas and parts of far eastern colorado. east of i-25. mostly wind and hail maybe a small tornado or go. two. >> firefighters have contained we'll have more on that. >> something. >> we will tell you about the fires. >> first. let's talk about this the gsa scandal keeps getting worse. employees getting paid about $750,000 for travel expenses that they were to go on but they never did. in fact they ended up justworking from home but still collecting the travel money that they never spent. >> this just the latest installment in how the gsa can
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waste your dollars, your hard-earned taxpayer dollars. it just never ceases to amaze me. workers work from home. normally whether you have an arrangement like this with your bogs save money on commuting and save gas save money on travel. they somehow racked up $750,000 from working from home. when hot tub jeff neeley emailed colleagues we're not making this up. omg says jess jeffy. 100 virtuals and pretty serious grades. this is a fine mess we have gotten into. this will take your breath away. >> do not share further. >> don't share it further. it is the shocking number. $750,000. what were they spending that money on? how could they justify submitting those travel expenses? by the way that was just a nine month period. >> travel expenses over nine months.
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the 95 gsa employees were working from home and collecting $750,000. >> top 12 collected 200 grand. just 12 of them working from home. >> how would you even have time to rack that up. >> the more it stinks and makes you cry. >> it is the like an onion. >> these what does last month's dismal jobs report mean for you? next guest says it could be another recession. >> plus do you know hot vice president is. it turns out that many miss u.s.a. contestants have no clue. >> oh god. [ laughter ] >> oh, shoot. >> oh my god. >> this is so bad. >> i don't know anything about politics. so i don't know. >> this is bad. >> i read an article? >> just wait. there is more on this. we have more. >> joe biden. [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink?
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♪ wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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[ female announcer ] letting her home be turned into a training facility? ♪ this olympian's mom has been doing it for years. she's got bounty. in this lab demo, one sheet of new bounty leaves this surface cleaner than two sheets of the leading ordinary brand. bounty has trap and lock technology to soak up big spills and lock them in. let the spills begin. p&g. proud sponsor of the olympic games.
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>> woke back, everybody. another month, another dismal jobs report. rising 8.2% for may. the president responding to the report saying the recovery is slow. but it's there. >> the economy is growing again but it's not growing as fast as we want it to grow. our businesses have created almost 4.3 million new jobs over the last 27 mobs months. but as we learned in today's jobs report, we're still not creating them as fast as we want. >> but why? let's ask our next guest peter more reiss see an economist and professor of business at the university of maryland. good morning to you, sir. >> good morning. >> why? why are only 69 now, jobs being created in the month of may and you look at the two months prior. 49,000 fewer jobs were created than first reported. what's behind all of this? >> big picture, not enough demand for what americans make because we have a huge trade deficit and it costs too much
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to make stuff in america. when president obama campaigned in 2008, he promised to do something about the trade deficit with china. and he hasn't acted. he promised to develop more domestic oil and gas and he shut down the gulf. he promised to lower healthcare costs and he has raised them. finally small businesses can't get credit because he has amall gaited all the deposits or 60% of them not to exaggerate among the new york banks that contribute mightily to his election. as a consequence they don't lend money on main street. just about everything this guy hasn't done and has done has made the situation worse. so now we're hittings the summer. people will be hitting the roads. spending money, traveling more. any chance do you see these numbers going up and the economy beginning it to come to life? is there any sign of that? >> well, the numbers that we give you are seasonally adjusted. so we adjust out for that so that, you know, june date is
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comparable with january. however, all the signs are the economy is slowing. a lot of the prosperity -- whats pro parity we have had has been borrowing again. people borrowing to buy new cars to replace those that got old during the recession those sales are starting to trail off. do we have the recession before or after the election? if we have if the economy tanks in june and july mr. romney hasn't been that successful in making it an issue. >> well, whether it's under a romney administration or whether as the president said yesterday, congress gets to work right now passing some bills. what is there that either one could do to get some jobs created and get the growth at a better number than 1.9%. >> yesterday the president blamed the bush administration in code and blamed the congress and what is going to be n. europe could become to
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blame. there actions the president himself could take to improve the situation dramatically right now. >> like what? >> for example he could ease back on the banking regulations that are tieing up lending to small businesses. he could open up drilling in the gulf. and he could do what he promised to do over and over again in 2008, and then broke his word to the american worker. and that's finally do something about china. there is actions we could take. he has told the chinese he could. the trouble is they have called his bluff and guess what they found out? our president has got real weak knees. he have very good at tongue lashing critics out of the room in front of supporters. comes to standing up against equals internationally this guy comes up short. >> both parties are dug. in nothing is getting done before november. peter moreci thanks for being with us. >> take care. >> green energy in the red. this time 1 billion in taxpayer dollars to make a million green cars how many
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were actually made? shocking details ahead. madness across the pond. the queen celebrating her diamond jubilee. a royal watcher up next to break down all the pomp and circumstance. graduation, huh ?
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crazy, right ? well, with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, you guys can stay in touch. ( grunts ) cool. you can video call on skype... send photos. yeah, okay. ah, let's do it. get $100 off any motorola 4g lte smartphone, like the droid 4 now just $99.99. verizon.
4:21 am
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>> welcome back time for news by the numbers. first up $250 million. that's mitt romney's reported net worth according to his personal financial disclosure filed with the federal election commission. that's the same amount reported for the candidate last year. next, $1 billion.
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that's how much money the obama administration awarded to american companies since 2009. to make green cars. in that time, only 50,000 vehicles were produced. and finally, $4.50. that's how much people have to pay when they take money out of this atm. sounds like a lot, right? installed it in his home. specifically for guests to use when they run low on cash. brilliant move. aly. >> well, there is lots of pomp and pageantry for the queen of england. four days of party, parades, and concerts to celebrate queen elizabeth's 60 years on the throne. reuters columnist nicholas is here to share the day's signature conditions. let's go across the pond as they say to our royal watcher robert webster who standing by to tell us about the queen's diamond jubilee.
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gentlemen, thanks so much for being here. >> great pleasure to be here, alisyn. greetings and happy diamond jubilee weekend to you and your team. >> it sure sounds festive. tell us, you know, what the significance is beyond that she has been on the throne for 60 years. what's the significance for us here in the states about this weekend? >> well, i think one of the things is actually rather remarkable is that this woman has something of a shared american experience. don't forget she is the product of the second world war generation. and so she and america sorts of shares struggle and sacrifice. she is a woman has been devoted to duty and the 60 years we have seen selfless devotion to and selfless service to the community. and so i think in many ways america shares that particularly because of its experiences during the second world war so. shared values. shared traditions. and so i'm glad you're loyally interested in what's going on. >> we always are a part of it.
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i will be honest is not necessarily sentiment tattle is all the gram and grits and pageantry. robert. >> we have seven mile long flotilla which is going up the tens because it arrives at tower bridge. that has all sorts of people on board including the queen. it handles music from centuries ago. extraordinary thing. in terms it of celebrities. amazing concert which has almost every great british rock and roll star that you ever heard of including people like elton john and paul mccartney which will be extraordinary to witness. it will be televised so we will be able to share. this i wish i was had london. sounds like a fabulous day. >> it does sound fabulous. is part of our fascination with britain and everything that goes on there in part due to william and kate? i mean, have they sort of
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helped us with the relevance and in loyalty: absolutely right. i think with the wedding of william and kate you seem to some extent the reinvention of the monarchy. they represent new trends that lie ahead. a new vision of the monarchy. they make or they seem to have made the relevant monarchy much more relevant. and i have seen the excitement generated by the wedding. i'm happily in london. and i feel sort of jubilee fever here. the town is gripped by the excitement. >> we do hear it's going to be very festive. all sorts of pomp and circulation. we can't wait to see more of it. robert webster. nicholas thanks so much for explaining it to us. >> great pleasure to be joining you. >> thank you. >> thanks. >> all right. you will want to hear this before your next beach trip. my son's train exploded. we have a true story on that
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cautionary tale for you. do you know hot vice president is? it turns out some miss u.s.a. contestants are not quite sure. >> oh god. >> [ laughter ] >> oh, shoot. >> oh my god. >> this is so bad. i just read an article. >> i don't know anything about politics. >> just wait. there is more. let's take a paint project from "that looks hard" to "that didn't take long". let's break out behr ultra... ...the number one selling paint and primer in one,
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>> governing, everybody. it's your shot of the morning, one clayton loves. >> i do. >> you could say there is more to love this massive cat named sponge bob. holly cow. 33 pounds. could possibly be the fattest cat on the planet. he lives in a animal shelter where they put him on a diet and exercise program. hopefully mayor bloomberg's restrictions apply here. they say his previous owner went into a nursing home and it's possible wasn't able to properly care for him. he has been losing weight and hopefully a loving family will take him in and hopefully weight watchers will pay that cat to lose weight. 80 grand to lose the weight. >> looks like he ate his previous owner.
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>> there san image. >> that was a great story. here is perhaps my favorite story of the day. the miss u.s.a. contestants have been challenged to find out if their intellectually aware of current events. andy cohen, the host of the show, asked the ladies as he had them on the miss u.s.a. contestants to answer a number of questions about current events and politics in general. number one, the easiest question possible who is the vice president of the united states? and here's their paltry response. >> oh god. >> [ laughter ] >> oh, shoot. >> oh my god. >> this is so bad. i just read an article. >> i don't know anything about politics. so i don't know. >> this is bad. >> i don't know. >> oh my gosh. i'm drawing a blank. >> joe biden. >> world peace. >> world peace is the answer. >> can we look at the tape? what state got that? delaware, of course. >> well, five out of 11.
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>> joe biden's home state. >> you better hope so. five out of the 11 couldn't name the vice president. so, six of them managed to get the vice president. they managed to name it. >> here was another question he asked. dawn the words to america the beautiful? what is the color of the waves of grain. >> the grain itself. >> here is the just sing it outloud. >> also so many of their names are amber. a lot of them are named that. >> four out of seven. >> are you stereo typing? >> it's possible. >> i think it's safe to say that those women are not known -- their finer points are not necessarily in their heads. >> you might want to pick up a paper though before you run -- >> -- what i love is the one girl said i know i read this i just read an article about him in the "new york times." >> really an article.
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>> advantages. meanwhile let's get to your headlines and tell you what else is happening because the verdict is coming in early this morning. former president hosni mubarak is found guilty of conspiring hundreds of protesters and sentenced to life in prison. there was chaos inside the courtroom as also acquitted his two sons on corruption charges. 84-year-old arriving to court hospital it gurney and could have faced the death penalty. hundreds of people gathering outside the courthouse waving science pictures of victims celebrating the verdict. more coming up at the top of the hour for you. george zimmerman has until tomorrow to turn himself in after a judge has revoked bond. zimmerman and wife mislead the court saying they had limited funds when his bond was originally set for $150,000. it turns out they reportedly had about $135,000 raised from a web site. some saying this could hurt him in his case. >> there will be ramifications
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because at trial, if he takes the stand and he lies, the prosecutor can say well you stood up here a year agoened you a lied to everybody. you lied to the judge when you said you were broke but you really had $200,000 in the bank. >> zimmerman is pleading not guilty to second degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin back in february. jurors in the john edwards will trial speaking out and spilling secrets about the case. most of them agreed that the former presidential candidate was guilty of wrongdoing. but said they did not have enough evidence to convict him. they also spoke about the mystery of these so-called flirting in the courtroom. >> first of all, i understand the alternate juror that was flirting allegedly fawnk for saying allegedly what was that all about. >> i don't know. i'm kind of happy on the normal basis. i think they misconstrued my smiling. first i was a little worried and after i talked to my husband i said this is funny
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honey. >> did he think it was funny. >> he knew it was ridiculous. >> she been giggling in the courtroom because the alternate jurors wore matching outfits. she also confessed she does not find him attractive because is he a democrat. >> he has great hair massachusetts man sunscreen. after he put on banana boat spray he went toward the grill and that's when his body became engulfed in flames. now is he speaking out there were no warnings on othe product that said that it could be flammable when applied to your skin. the warnings apparently only read do not use near heat. but nothing about once it's applied. is he now recovering from burns all over his body and's to see more testing done. >> sunscreen or dark tanning oil variety. >> i guess the oil. who knew? >> i wouldn't put that around an open flame. >> pam by accident. >> let's talk about sports
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now. brand new series might argue in both the east and the western conference, game three all boston, second quarter. look at kevin garnett. knuckle pushups in the middle of the game. that was not the most impressive thing did he last night. 24 points and 11 boards leading the celtics to 13 point lead at the half. rondo spectacular again. he had 21 points. paul pierce 23. celtics led by 23 after 3. the heat got it within 8 in the fourth. it was not enough. celtics win 101-91. game four sunday night at the garden. to baseball now where history was made. but it was almost not because that, if we had instant replay would be a hit. maybe a double or triple but they ruled it a foul ball because they didn't see it hit chalk. how about the deep left hitter
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and there it is free. world series hero from last year. it's the first no hitter for the new york mets in 8,020 games. the streak going back more than 50 years. by the numbers. i told you about the games. how about the former mets who have gone on to throw a no hitter there have been 7 of them. noland ryan went on to throw 7 no hitters themselves. astros formed in 162 with the mets. they have thrown 10 no mitt hitters there one team left without a no. no san diego padres. one team went longer than the mets not their first no hitter but in between them clayton's phillies went a 7 years at one point without a no hitter there was a web site connick ling the drought no no it is page not fund found this morning as soon as that ended they took the web site down. >> wow. >> that put that guy out of a job.
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that web site. >> happy to take it down. speaking of the mets. we want to remind all of you folks, our seventh annual fox fan night is june 15th. we're so thrilled that it's a friday night because we get up at 2:00 a.m.? what does doocy doing. >> bandito. >> i think he was incognito. >> come out and see us at city field. the three of us will be meeting folk mingling and hanging out. >> burgers fries, beer. >> i believe doocy, gretchen and kilmeade will all be there as well. >> i hope so. >> there is a baseball game. check in with rick reichmuth. >> you were there. >> i will be there. lots of fun. free food, guys. maybe even a free beer. so what do you say? hey, you know, we have big storms move through yesterday all across the mid-atlantic. they moved overnight and
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throughout much of the new york area. it's gone. the clouds are here now. the rain is moving in towards part of new england and it's going to stick around for a day or two and big rain is going to fall. few years across parts of maine, maybe over 4 inches of maine that's going to cause localized flooding. here is your temps waking up this morning. cooler around the great lakes. behind this storm it's going to stay a little bit cooler for the next few days as well. we had temps this week that only got into the 50s in chicago. now today you are already at 53. i think that was you're high on thursday. so we are going to warm up a little bit. that colder air is moving towards the northeast. take a lock at you're forecast around the northeast. here you go. there is that rain around areas of new england. but a much cooler day. only getting to 65 in buffalo. and it's going to be a bit unsettled. in fact, we're going to see temps maybe knock it out of the 50s in place like boston by the time we get to tuesday. new york city is going to be lucky to break 60. colder air moving. in down to the southeast. we have a very nice day. a little bit of rain across areas of florida. for the most part dry.
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in toward the nrn plains a nice day as well. we might see a light shower around areas of iowa and illinois. it's not going to be a washout by any means. out across the west, looking very warm again and breezy. we have all those fires that are going across areas of new mexico and arizona. another breezy and warm day. all right, guys. send it back to you inside. >> >> that, rick. >> coming up on the show, insurance costs at one university about to double. why? they say it's because of obama care. one of the students feeling the pinch will join us life to tell us about it. >> former president clinton knows which hollywood heart throb should play him in a movie. the big reveal next. >> who would play the three of us? weigh in. >> oh, yeah. that's a good one. thing about that. [ morgan ] lopez lomong started running when he was six
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and he didn't stop for three days and nights as he escaped life as a child soldier. twenty years later, he was still running, he just had a different thing driving him. every step of the way. ♪ visa. supporting athletes and the olympic games for 25 years. join our global cheer. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to beer collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with r drivers to make a better experience for our customers. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪
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and then treats day after day... well, shoot, that's like checking on your burgers after they're burnt! [ male announcer ] treat your frequent heartburn by blocking the acid with prilosec otc. and don't get heartburn in the first place! [ male announcer ] one pill a day. 24 hours. zero heartburn.
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>> welcome back, another college feeling the impact of healthcare reform law. christian university in florida is wanting students, healthcare cost also double in the fall. alternative or pay up. one of the students paying the impact student at clearwater christian college and he joins us this morning. curtis, nice to see you this morning. >> good to see you, too clayton. >> so you opened the letter and you were shocked to find out what was inside this letter. what did the letter say to you? >> well, it was from the director of our human resources department. and she basically said that due to the affordable care act, my healthcare insurance costs were going to double. >> and this was all rolled of course into the money you are already paying with college we know how expensive it already is. what would that mean in terms of dollar and cents to a student who, look, let's be honest we all ate like ramen
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noodles, cheerios out of a box. >> i paid $465 my freshman year. $600 my sophomore year. and then within a year's time it's more than doubled much it's gone from 600 to $1,300. to be honest, i have to pay for tuition and room and board. and all those things and this is just becoming unbearable. >> wow that is crazy. here is what clearwater christian college says in a statement. they say due to the patient protection and affordable care act the cost of student health insurance has doubled. in addition most insurance carrier are hesitant to provide contracts due to unpredictability of the cost of the claims. were you surprised at this movement from the afordable healthcare act. which is that president obama and his administration had promised that this would help students. this would reduce rates. make it more affordable. >> right. absolutely. you know, president obama and the democratic leaders in congress. they championed this bill and
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they told the country and they told it specifically told college students that this bill would lower the cost of health insurance. and not only have my costs risen, they have more than doubled. >> the hhs is not commenting specifically on your situation but they are saying in general this. i will put it up on the screen and have you respond. students who purchase health insurance through their college or university will also benefit from the new consumer protection in the law. what do you say to that? >> well, you know what? if i had wanted those protections i could have purchased those or i could have gone with a different provider. look, the insurance plan that clearwater had covered everything i needed. it was affordable. i'm just disappointed. you know, nancy pelosi told us that, you know, we had to pass this bill to find out what's in it i'm sure finding out what's in it for myself. i never thought that it would directly affect me. >> president obama did very well in 2008 among young voters. one of the areas that the president thinks is critical to his re-election is the youth vote.
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what are you hearing on campus among your friends, your college classmates about this administration? >> well, you know, the problem with this bill is that it doesn't just effect -- i'm personally a republic and it doesn't just affect college republicans. it's going to effect college students across the country. and when you are messing with somebody's pocketbook, that's not going to make you happy. so, you know, i honestly don't know what the people at my school are thinking. but i don't think obama is going to have a good a turn out in the college age group as did he in 2008. >> especially if a will the of kids are opening those letters and having the same reaction that you h curtis, good luck to you there. we hope things turn around a little bit soon on this law. >> thank you clayton. >> voter id laws under fire from the attorney general. he says the laws jeopardize civil rights. is he just playing politics? plus, the e.p.a. using a pretty high tech surveillance program to monitor frms in the midwest. invasion of privacy? or the government just doing
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its job? we report, you decide next. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8. crazy, right ? well, with this droid razr by motorola on verizon 4g lte, you guys can stay in touch. ( grunts ) cool. you can video call on skype... send photos. yeah, okay. ah, let's do it. get $100 off any motorola 4g lte smartphone,
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like the droid 4 now just $99.99. verizon.
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cattle men in nebraska concerned about protecting their privacy are speaking out against the e.p.a.'s air surveillance program. the e.p.a. says the patrol prace is just a cost effective way to monitor the compliance of livestock operations. well now a group of nebraska lawmakers are getting involved. michelle fields from the daily caller is here. >> thank you for having me. cattle ranchers believes that flyovers the e.p.a.s to to do them to make sure that they are in compliance with the laws. cattle ranchers say it's
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invasion of privacy. what's the line. >> the thing is a lot of people are wondering where do they get the authority to do this? they don't have probable cause. they don't have a warrant. five congressman have gotten together and they are demanding answers to how long have they been doing this and where do they get the authority it do it. invasion of privacy monitoring and taking photos of these ranches. a lot of time these ranches are people's backyards where children play. where families relax. and so a the will of people feel like that's really an invasion of their private property and their privacy. >> and from what i understand they don't necessarily know when these flyovers are going to take place. so they can't exactly prepare and tell their family this is of the land. stay inside. here is what the e.p.a. is saying quote. aerial overflights are a cost effective tool that helps the agency and our state partners minimize costs and reduce the number of on site inspections and no case is e.p.a. taken enforcement action solely on the basis of these
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overflights. now, not necessarily about the action taken. it's about the invasion of privacy. this is a bipartisan group of congressman that you mentioned, too. >> exactly, yes. a lot of people are wondering where did they get the authority to do this because congress didn't give it to them. a lot of people are worried that, you know, that they are enforcing the rules simply by, what how on site visits. >> their argument is that they don't base any of the punishment. it's simply on acre '. i think that what they say is that, you know, obviously some of these ranches are hundreds, thousands of acres how can they cover them all. cattleman association says. they say even if it's not there. the e.p.a.'s primary focus still have privacy rights home. e.p.a. does not alert livestock producers that the flight will or has occurred.
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so they. >> therein lies the problem, i think. >> i think it's hilarious that they are suddenly so concerned about cost effectiveness. they are never concerned about the cost effectiveness of their regulations right? suddenly it's all about money. we need to save money. >> what are the bigger question? limits of this. gets the use of drones here in the united states. there has been a the love talk about that once the movement. >> or wellian. big brother. a lot of people feel offended by that. >> michelle from the daily caller. thanks so much for coming. >> in thank you for having me. >> coming up on the show. historic moment at the white house. wasn't it? president bush returns for his portrait unveiling former president bush, press secretary dana perino. she was there to take in all the inside scoop and interesting interaction between joe biden and carl rove. maybe she know what is that was about. >> then one lawmaker calling out the tsa.
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says there was a quote major meltdown at a major airport. why haven't we heard about it? what are the details of this major meltdown? we will try to look into it. oh, we call it the bundler. you give us your information once, line... [ whirring and beeping ] [ ding! ] and we ge you a discount on both. sort of like two in one how did you gu think of that? it just came to us. what? bundling and saving made easy. now, that's ogressive. call or click today. (belhi.ings) good morning.
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big news. we're spreading the word about new honey bunches of oats fruit blends and their unique taste combinations. like peach/raspberry... and banana/blueberry. we're telling everyone. with one flavor in the granola bunch and one on the flake. try some. mmm! two flavors. in harmony. yummy. four nutritious grains and two big fruit flavors to make your day bunches better. last season was the gulf's best tourism season in years. in florida we had more suntans... in alabama we had more beautiful blooms... in mississippi we had more good times... in louisiana we had more fun on the water. last season we broke all kinds of records on the gulf. this year we are out to do even better... and now is a great time to start. our beatches are even more relaxing... the fishing's great. so pick your favorite spotn the gulf... and come on down. brought to you by bp and all of us who call the gulf home.
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>> good morning, it's saturday, june 2nd. i'm alisyn camerota. chaos has erupted in cairo. egypt's expresident hosni mubarak has been sentenced to prison for killing of uprisers. his sons have been acquitted. suffering a health crisis. we have a report on all of this from cairo straight ahead. >> and enter the spin zone. the president attempting to spin the bad economic news by blaming congress.
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>> my message so congress is now is not the time to play politics. now is not the time to sit on your hands the american people expect their leaders to work hard no matter what year it is. >> will the american people buy into this? dana perino here live to weigh in on how in the world she would spin these numbers. >> and a super sized smack down, critics of new york's proposed ban on sodas firing back with this ad in the "new york times." mayor bloomberg is dressed up as the thane. this is a full page ad by the way. we're going to get more on that. "fox & friends" hour three starts right now. >> good morning, everybody. we are beginning with breaking news for you because the verdict has come in early this morning about former egyptian hosni mubarak.
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guilty and sentenced to life in evan prison. >> leland vittert is there. he joins us from cairo with more. good morning, leland. >> good morning, more intrigue in the middle east as this story continues to develop. we are hearing that hosni mubarak sentenced to life in prison for the murder of those 800 protesters in tahrir square has been transferred to the prison that he is supposed to spend the rest of his life in what officials are calling a health crisis. what kind of crisis we don't know. they are treating him inside that helicopter. mubarak was inside court. he has been taken to and from court on a stretcher. he is sort of u.s.c.king if not defiant look on his face when he was inside the courtroom in cairo. it erupted in chaos. a the love pushing and shoving. big scuffle there when the verdict was read by the judge there. a lot of security outside the
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courtroom. it took him a while to calm things down. inside the courtroom during that trial not only was mubarak convicted of murder, he was acquitted of corruption charges as were his sons which has not made people here in egypt very happy. outside the courtroom a lot of security. minor scuffles here in downtown tire row. there has been a lot of calls for mubarak's conviction and also his execution especially by the the families who their loved oness were killed in tahrir square that so far is not going to happen. mubarak can appeal and then in the next couple of weeks guys, we move forward in egypt toward election. back to you in new york. >> who would have thought elections in egypt. all right. leland vittert life for thrust this morning. >> we have more to tell you about. two suspected militants killed in northwest pakistan. american drone firing two in
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south waziristan region. fifth strike in less than two weeks despite the protest over the u.s. drone campaign. the strikes further complicating negotiations about reopening supply routes for nato and nato in afghanistan. john mica telling the agency to come clean. keeping the agency in the dark about something he calls another operations meltdown. in a statement, micah said, quote: when confirmed, the significant security system failure at the florida airport once again highlights the need to get t.s.a. out of the human resources business and back into the nation's security business a spokesperson for the tsa implied several high ranking officials may be losing their jobs still no word on what exactly this meltdown may have been. and if bill clinton's life is made into a movie. he has a star in mind who would do the job he would pick
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george clooney. he would pick him over brad pitt. bill clinton think some prosthetic may be in order to make anymore. >> protest set particulars. >> okay. now i'm more comfortable. christina applegate. >> jonathan scheetz. >> he was in the movie. >> myself? >> go back to the one you think for me. >> that's you. that's you. you were nefarious character. >> that's clayton. that is clayton. there is me. ryan reynolds, perhaps. and threaten there is alisyn. >> jennifer aniston. >> wow. >> who would be rick? >> i don't know. i'm stuck on rick. i'm stuck on rick. >> who would play you? >> i'm not even going to go there. somebody else can decide. >> it's nice that you chose
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whoever that very good looking guy was. >> he chose that for himself. that was his vote for himself. >> it's better than what people have been saying on twitter. i got peewee herman. >> nice. big storm moved across the mid-atlantic yesterday. those are gone. the storm really not going to move anywhere across the northeast. at least across northeast. 3 to 4 inches. we have the apparent disturbance. stick with us unfortunately and keep conditions very cool. all across the west. we have rain in towards the northern rockies this morning. threat for severe weather comes in again across eastern colorado and panhandle of texas and oklahoma. far northeastern new mexico. won't be a big severe weather threat little bit of isolated area hail and strong winds. maybe a tornado or two. temperatures today looking like this. 102 in el paso broke all kinds of records across the southwest yesterday. terms will slowly fall over
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the next few days and that will be good news. back to you. >> thank you so much, rick. let's talk to dana perino this morning. she is one with of, of course, the co-host of 5. she is here talking about her dogs. follow her at twitter dana perino. >> she is getting a new puppy. i was excited. >> this is a big deal. >> let's talk about the jobs numbers. in addition to your dog, there was jobs numbers on friday that were out by all accounts dismal. doesn't any silver lining any way you slice. this new yorker magazine asking the question this morning. does this mean that president obama does not get reelected? you hit that six month window right now. when most people maybe start paying attention. that's how they feel about their jobs, their lives the economy before they go to vote. what do you think? >> that is a conventional wisdom that people lock in who they are going to vote in sort of early on so there is only about 10% of america that is left undecided or at this moment or some people at the u.s.a. pageant that they might still be able to grab and convince. i just saw that when i was in makeup. the thing is the economists
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predicted this completely wrong. so then you have to won kerr, okay, now, they have had 27 months of consecutive job growth. when president george w. bush had a 2 months of consecutive job growth they said that wasn't good enough at all. crisis at the end. when you hear president obama saying that people expect congress to do something. i'm left wondering and i follow this stuff every day when is he asking them to do. >> had a legislative to-do list that he had unveiled last month it and is sitting on their desk. >> it was pretty thin grewell if that's the case. >> their bills are stuck in the senate. >> they are. a lot of energy-related bills that would be the backbone afternoon economic push. you reap what you sow. the stimulus bill didn't work. the healthcare bill is hanging in the balance. we're waiting for a supreme court decision. people earlier on you had somebody on that was talking about as a business owner, making hiring decisions, until
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you have more certainty on the tax code and on the healthcare piece, you are not willing to take that risk. and i don't know what possibly congress could do or president obama could do to make a difference in the election in four months. >> that's not a feasible excuse or spin as you, press secretary at the time put yourself in that how would you spin these numbers. >> i would have handled yesterday differently. okay? president obama was in minnesota do an official event and go on to six fundraisers. i think i would have said cut the fundraisers, mr. president. i think we should go back to washington after the minute society event. call for a cabinet meeting on monday morning. you should ask for the leaders of the house and senate to come down and talk about what are are the three things that could be done this month in order to help get things done and get off the campaign trail and back into the presidential seat. instead they did the fundraisers and then just this morning i see that the white house put out the schedule for next week. tuesday, meetings at the white house. wednesday, guess what? goes back to california.
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he was just there two weeks ago to do more fundraising. >> so asset particularly. >> also just even for the economy. for the people out there who are suffering and are worried because you think okay. it was this bad in may even if they have a slight uptick in june and july it's not going to be enough. underlined anxiety as an american citizen is greying especially as you are watching what's unfolding in europe. >> romney, the criticism of him from the obama administration yesterday was what are you doing talking? when you were governor of massachusetts. romney do on the campaign trail to keep the focus on president obama? it seems to be working i is not talking about slow down in china which maybe some of this is tied to. he is focus on the administration and jobs just keep doing that? >> earlier this week president -- i'm sorry, governor romney went empty solyndra building turned out to be something a failure.
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nobody got a pension. nobody got a slow roll out. they all just lost their jobs. american taxpayers out were out a $45 million. investigation also crony capitalism. focusing on decisions made in the last three years and how that is effecting today and looking forward and saying but what do they want to do in a second term? if president obama wants a second term. even dan balls of the "the washington post" talks today about you have to say something that you are going to do that would be different than what you are doing now. again i follow every day and i couldn't tell what you that is. let's talk about this historic moment at the white house this week when the new portrait of george w. bush was unveiled. three presidents were there. you were there. give us some of the behind the curtain color that you watched. >> you just gave me goose bumps. it was threes '. unbefore the greatest moments was when president bush 41 came in and took his place in the front row with mrs. barbara bush and i had line of sight with the twins. barbara and jenna. and everybody is teared up. he to the the most sustained
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applause and i got to take a picture with him. >> he looks awfully happy. >> is he happy. he loves the 5. he was a proud pappa and proud citizen that day. we will never see that again in our lifetime father and son together. >> president bush get choked up. >> the only time president bush 43 got choked up was when he recognized his dad. i don't think there was a dry eye in the place for that it was a special day. politics set aside. just for a moment. i think the portraits are lovely and mrs. bush could not have looked more beautiful. >> if there is a snapshot we are curious about the moment where joe biden turns around to our friend carl rove. we had no idea what was said there do you. >> i was sitting next to carl there on the left. >> there is biden turning to carl. >> everybody was sitting down. and i could not hear him and i actually don't think carl heard him either. but i do think it was friendly. >> talking about food or something. >> i took carl as my date. basically we went in solidarity. as we were going to go through the receiving line i said carl, wait, should we go to this? we were walking in and
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president obama had a great line he said oh, carl rove, the guy who is trying to get my portrait up here early? >> that is a good line. >> it was sweet. then president and mrs. obama had a reception for all the people and friends and family that had gathered for president bush in the east room. i'm sure they are probably thinking when are these people leaving because they were dragging us out. it was fun to see some of those staff at the white house that we hadn't seen in three years. >> if only that tone. lasted about five minutes whatever. >> nice tone where people can put aside obviously partisan politics and do something for the country and that was nice to see. >> you saw yesterday. even after three and a half years, the current job climate is still blamed on the previous president. and it's almost like you have the search and replace for all of the press statements. you just throw it in there and it's just a line. if they could move past it president obama would appear to be as presidential as he wants to be. >> showing more leadership. >> dana, great to see you.
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>> thanks core coming. >> in host of the 5. check out the a every 5:00 p.m. >> five days a week it's very easy. >> meg ryan era. you have got mail would play dana perino. >> as a pre. >> premeth. >> coming up on the show. voter i.d. laws under fire from the attorney general. eric holder says they jeopardized civil rights. is he playing politics and stirring racial tensions we report. you decide. >> baby on board. run away stroller heading straight for the street. you won't believe how this one ends. we promise we are going to show you soon. [ male announcer ] you sprayed them.
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thought they were dead. [ laughter ] [ grunting ] huh? [ male announcer ] should've used roundup. america's number one weed killer. it kills weeds to the root, so they don't come back. guaranteed. weeds won't play dead, they'll stay dead. roundup. no root. no weed. no problem.
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>> push to track down illegal immigrants was shut down by holder and the justice department. ordered florida to stop removing names of suspected illegal immigrants they suspect the purge is discriminatory. >> the move comes days after the attorney general held a meeting with black church leaders and argued that voter i.d. laws discriminated against minorities and jeopardizes the civil rights movement. joining us now is author and syndicated columnist star parker. good morning to you. >> hi, good morning. >> are these voter i.d. laws discriminatory? >> this administration knows that these voter i.d. laws and the attempts of states to update their process is not about the civil rights act. the voting rights act. or even were weather we are going to intimidate. this is mr. b. streamlining the process. which is good for all
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americans especially in this heat and contested year. what blacks need to know and appreciate while, again, this administration is trying to intimidate them and/or toy with their emotions. what they need to know is that we are a very diverse country. there are almost now the same amount of legal immigrants in this country as there are african-americans. legal immigrants make up about 13% of the population. and the laws that govern them on voting are very complex. they are very different from those that protect the interest of blacks. the voting rights act of '65. the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendment to the constitution. what these states are doing is for all america. to make sure that the people that are voting are eligible voters. not to keep people away from the process. >> well, the attorney general says it's not just about blacks being disenfranchised. he says these new voter i.d. laws put an unfair burden also on hispanics does he have a point that hispanic voter registration is down as a
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result of these? >> the voter registration for hispanics are not down because of these laws. what we are trying to do is update the process. illegals should not be voting. what the -- this administration under eric holder is trying to do is a bait and switch. they are trying to fear people into going to the polls. they know for a long time. keep in mind first of all the challenges that we had to let to the voting rights act 6 '65 were the democrats. democrats are the ones that use these strategies of intimidation to keep voting in their direction. so what they're trying to do is keep the roles full of people that perhaps are not eligible to vote so they then can make the process not really as pure as it needs to be. illegals should not vote. legal citizens should vote. but when we look at the downturn of the latino vote today, it has nothing to do with these changes in law. it has everything to do with this environment, this economic environment of this president. >> wanted to point out before we go in georgia after they added voter i.d. laws, the
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numbers of latinos and blacks increased dramatically. after the voter i.d. laws. so thanks a lot. >> that's right. so what we are really looking at here is them bringing out voters. so we -- they are using fear so that voters will come out. the minority voters will come out this election season and they know that they have put at risk, especially the black community. blacks on the social issues polled exactly like republic conservatives. and so this administration is afraid because they are very upset with these african-americans that have been offended because of the recent actions of this very left wing president. >> star parker thank you very much. have a great weekend. >> thank you. >> the government clamping down on monks? they just want to build and sell their stuff to make a living they say. so why is one state standing in the monk's way? >> this is what critics in the new york say about michael bloomberg. full paged a blasting the nanny. what does governor bloomberg
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bloomberg -- governor huckabee think? he is hanging out with models? why? could've had a v8. see how the carrots i grow make that new stouffer's steam meal so tasty. actually, the milk from my farm makes it so creamy, right dad. dad can see... boys! don't you think stouffer's steam perfect bag should get some credit? my carrots. my milk. [ female announcer ] new from stouffer's. farmers' harvest steam meals taste so good we'll bet the farm on it. crazy, right ?
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>> welcome back, in keeping with the tradition, the monks of saint joseph abbey in louisiana live off the profits from goods they make. in their case they make wooden caskets. recently the state board of embalmers and funeral directors told them that making those caskets
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style coagulation cet that we have been making for the monks for 100 years. so, without knowing it, we opened up an operation that we found out later was illegal in the state of louisiana. >> and it's illegal how? because you would need to be a registered embalmer and run a funeral home? >> that's correct. the law says that only a licensed funeral home can sell a casket in louisiana. >> and even if you were just to sell when you have described as simply a box, so if another family decided to make a pine box and sell it, they would actually be violating the law? >> that's correct. you can make it for yourself, but you can't sell them. >> and as i understand it, the way in which you would be complying with the law is, what? you would have to set up a room that would show off, have
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the ability to show off 30 bodies? >> that's correct. we would have to become funeral directors very much. and only over the last year after the federal district federal court here in new orleans struck down the law have we been able to get business and have begun to make a little bit of profit off of our work. >> so where does it stand now? do you think do you think this is going to go to the supreme court? move to the state supreme court or beyond? >> well, it's a federal case. we're on thursday we will be
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going to the fifth circuit federal court of appeals here in new orleans where the appeal by the state will be heard. i'm not sure where it's going to go after that. >> yeah. well, we should mention that we requested a statement from the louisiana state board of embalmers and funeral directors but they haven't replied. justin brown from saint joseph in louisiana. good luck on this. thank you for telling us your story. >> thank you very much. >> coming up on the show. take a look at this video. run away stroller you can imagine? headed straight for the street with a baby inside of it what happens next? we'll stick around for that former mike huckabee is here to weigh in on may's dismal job report. will this hurt the president heading into november? we will get him on the curvey couch and away from dave briggs. copd makes it hard to breathe,
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including new york. i wonder what that sounds like. >> i will take a bottle of newark, new jersey, please. >> miami, paris and tokyo. >> yippee skippy. >> i want to smell like -- >> warm citrus playfully sparkling. >> miami smells like sweat. >> yuck. >> new york doesn't smell like apples either. let me disabuse you of that notion right now. >> roasted chestnuts whatever those things are at the food cart. >> sugary peanuts smell good. >> speaking of sugar. we will ask governor huck huck --abee what he thinks about the restrictions can't can't a 16-ouncer? >> tell you what else is happening. george zimmerman has until tomorrow to turn himself in after a judge revocation his bond. the judge saying that zimmerman and his wife mislead the court saying they had limited funds when thinks bond was originally set for $150,000. well, it turns out they
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reportedly had more than $135,000. some say $200,000 that they had raised from a web site and some say that this could hurt him in his case. >> there will be ramifications because at trial if he takes the stand and he lies. the prosecutor can say well you stood up here a year ago and you lied to everybody. you lied to the judge when you said you were broke but you really had $200,000 in the bank. >> zimmerman is pleading not guilty to second degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon martin back in february. a deadly accident on a highway in rural nebraska kills two high school basketball coaches. the entire team was in the van when it collided with a pickup truck. the truck's driver was also killed. 8 students were taken to the hospital. no word on their conditions this morning. president obama returning to ground zero later this month. is he scheduled to visit the former world trader center site to check on the rebuilding progress. this will be the first time he is there since the marking of the 10th anniversary of the
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terrorist attacks last september. the president is also expected to sign a final beam as it is installed. talk about being in the right place at the right time. talk about this. baby stroller flying down the street. this garbage truck driver turned hero quickly coming to the rescue. he began honking his horn and blocking traffic. running out as you can see after the stroller. the baby's frantic mom catching up. she appears to be so freaked out. she grabs the stroller and just runs off. he deserves a thank you. we will say it. if she didn't, we'll say it thank you. >> there is multiple cameras on this. >> why? >> i don't know. maybe there was a dash cam. >> help the baby. >> the camera is like falling falling -- following it there is a cut away shot. >> like they shot it on camera four out there. >> didn't play the audio. >> meanwhile, let's get to rick reichmuth who has a check of the weather. s that stopped raping out there, buddy? >> it is drizzling out here. people are complaining a little bit.
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we have some fans out here, tell me your name. >> i'm caroline. >> caroline? >> caroline's dad tom. >> you are from where. >> charlotte, north carolina. >> and you just told me this great story you came to town why. >> i had a call back from children the musical. >> very good. right. so future star here. future broadway star. very nice. good luck. attack a look at heat across the areas of et southwest. you know if you throw up weather 8 for me now. i want to show you what what we have on whether 8. we broke all kinds of records across the southwest yesterday. got to 111 in phoenix. today going to get to 107. but all of these either tied or broken records zion national park in utah got to 102. typically you are at 78. vegas, phoenix, press cot. tucson all these areas breaking records. temps going to cool down a little bit over the next couple days which will be good news. your forecast, we have some
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showers that we have across areas of new england. it will clear out across coastal areas later on this afternoon. we will still see maybe a thunderstorm or two and heavy rain at times. temps certainly much cooler. down to the southeast we have got also a pretty nice day except for south florida you will see rain and temps warming up across much of texas. we will send it back to you inside. >> one thing, did just get a message from twitter who says who should play you. >> good one actually. >> greg kinneer. isn't that ingenious? really a good one. >> i also had kiefer sutherland thank you very much. showed us the numbers on the map much the numbers the president is worried about. governor huckabee here talk about jobs numbers out friday. only 67 jobs created. previous two months downgraded by almost 50,000. what does this mean for obama's re-election chance. >> it hurts him. the fact is even though the
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job numbers are terrible. what makes it worse is that you have got to break this down to individual families. and so you know, when you look at the big picture, it's terrible. what is even worse is that there are a lot of americans who want to go to work and they can't and they don't have a job and they tried. that many millions more have just given up. they are not even looking anymore. i love what this president has done with the economy. >> you are referring to the unemployed and under employed who don't have the job they want. that number is 14.8% is it possible this is a brief hiccup? it could be. we have seen this every month. the economists have been wrong. every month they say exists are surprised. i have come to the conclusion economists have the only people in the world who can be wrong 100% of the time. >> they surpassed expectations a few months ago creating 275,000 jobs. that's not always under performing. >> well, but the economists had missed that. they were surprised it was this good. >> again, i just wanted to.
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>> we have had a few good months but none of them good enough. here is the fact. you have got to have about 250,000 plus jobs a month just to stay even to keep up. and when you have numbers like these, they are just showing that we are slipping further behind. >> the obama administration yesterday coming out, i think about 64 minutes is all they took to come out and respond to this. and they are saying, look, this all started in 2007. >> of course. always bush's fault. >> the obama administration has stopped the great depression with the stimulus packages that the president put in place, that staved off that amount. we were able to create 4 million jobs. here's unemployment rate under president obama and from january 2009 to now 7.8% up to 8.2%. so, county president turn this around in six months? that's all we have now until the election. the american people go to vote. they go with their gut, they go with their feeling. is six months enough time for president obama to turn it around or is thin evident tillable moment for him? >> i don't think the economic numbers are going to improve
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significantly enough. you are not going to see the unemployment rate go down below 8%. he promised it would never go above 8% if we spent the porkulous money. on the other hand that doesn't mean he won't be reelected. we are kidding ourselves to think this is going to be anything other than a raiser thin election. the election is not decided by all americans. it's decided by 10% of the voters in six states. that's what it is going to come down to. >> or could it be seven states, wisconsin? >> could be. >> now talking about new battle ground states. obviously focused on the governor scott walker recall election right now in wisconsin. in the unions, dwindling in that state and all of this union support. people saying look, i don't have the money and the resources right now to continue to be a member of this union because of the power that they don't seemingly have anymore. does this hurt president obama? >> its did. because the unions have historically been the manpower, particularly in the final days leading up to an election. they are the ground game. you know, the air war is one thing. all the ads and robo calls but the ground game is how democrats have traditionally won elections. and the ground game is
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primarily carried out by the unions. you take them out of it and it's like taking the infantry out of a battleground. >> it's interesting though that bill clinton was up there in wisconsin on friday. president obama was all over it he was right next door in minnesota. he was in chicago. he is staying out of wisconsin. saying this is largely about local issues. most people you talk to say this has major national implications. what does it mean that obama isn't out there? >> let me tell you that from a political insider's point of view, the fact that the president has not parachuted in to come into there says that the polling, that the white house has, indicates that it is not looking good. the president cannot afford to put his reputation on the line going into wisconsin and having a loss. it's better for him to be a no show than a loser. so the reason that you see him getting nowhere near wisconsin is because they are not confident of the results. >> it's also interesting that union membership in wisconsin has apparently gone down. so in terms of this being a
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battle criened a catalyst for people joining the unions, that's not happened. in fact, the second biggest union which is the american federation of state county municipal employees their membership numbers have stopped because they stopped the automatic deduction for the dues. >> there is a big difference when people join a union when they want to and people join a union because they have to. there are a lot of people that don't see what the union is doing for them other than making the union executives very rich and they get lots of perks. the workers their salaries don't get changed that much just because of the union that's why you have seen union membership nationally decline 1950s when 40% of the workforce was union down to 11% nationally today and the biggest part of the 11% is now public employee unions versus private sector manufacturing unions. >> much more on that at 9:15. a lt. governor from wisconsin rebekah clayfish will join us live to tell us what is the most important issue. she is also up for recall there. and the governor is sticking
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around as well. >> he will because he is going to have them weigh in on this. critic's of new york's proposed soda ban taking out a full page in the "new york times" with mayor bloomberg playing the thani. kind of looks like mrs. doubt fire. >> it's pretty. are you worried for swimsuit time? still time. nikki is here to show you how to get tonight up. trimmed down for summer. >> dave and i are suddenly paying attention. >> i know. >> i thought you were going to say sucking it in. that's what i'm doing. [ male announcer ] the inspiring story
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here is how bloomberg responded. >> we're not banning you from getting the stuff. just if you want 32 ounces the restaurant has to serve it in two glasses of the that's not exactly taking away your freedoms. it's not something that the founding fathers fought for. >> we continue now with governor huckabee who is here though weigh in on all of, this governor. >> he is rocking that dress. >> this is not a cut and dry issue for you and a black and white issue for you. obviously this is something near and dear to your heart obviously dealing with weight issues in your life. have you written about it. have you featured segments on your show he about it it's easy to make fun of this situation. how do you feel personally about mayor bloomberg going the length that he is on this issue. >> well, obesity is a real problem in this country. i have personally battled weight all my life. but making this particular move is as ron white that great intellectual police officer philosopher says you can't fix stupid. here is why. to ban a 16-ounce soft drink but not to do anything about milk shakes or dairy-based
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coffee drinks, you know, it's utterly ridiculous. >> caramel chocolate chino. >> you cannot force people into good behavior. >> with smoking they did. by banning smoking in restaurants and public places they did force people into good behavior. >> big difference between smoking. second hand smoking is a health hazard and can you justify it. >> what about the healthcare costs another issue that mayor bloomberg makes the irony is rich. >> raising. you are owe would he say and driving healthcare costs up for other people. >> here is the way it has to work traditionally. you first have education information. then you have a time which changed atmosphere and ultimately you code phi into law which has become a new cultural norm. the law is the first thing --
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last thing not the first thing. >> seat belts, litter drunk driving in all cases it followed that model. you had awareness, had you advertising, information and education that changed people's attitudes. the next thing you change the atmosphere. you put litter baskets out. you put no littering signs on. you put seat belts in the car. even when you didn't demand that they had to be worn. eventually when the behaviors changed, culturally then you could codefy into law what as cultural norm. you could not have passed no smoking laws 30 years ago and now every state has them. i remember signing the one into law into n. my state. five years earlier i would have been shot on sight for having done that. >> i wonder what's next? if they get this passed? are burgers next? is fries next? pasta next? >> what, was -- pasta? will it kill local businesses. >> you have got to make it is that the consumer has better choices by thinking about how
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it effects them. you don't want mayor bloomberg sitting at your table with you saying no no no no no no no. >> i brought it up early jon stewart made the point the other night big pstraami no big soda. >> playing new a movie putting together kevin spacey. >> lucky man kevin spacey. >> catch the governor tonight 8:00 p.m. there he is the huckabee show. more of governor huckabee on the fox news channel 8:00 p.m. tonight. thanks, governor. >> thank you. >> coming up, who could forget. this gsa officials having a good time in vegas on your dime. there is a new scandal brewing with the gsa. officials were reimbursed for their travel time when they didn't really go anywhere. we're going to explain it all at the top of the hour is your body bathing suit shape? nikki ready ready is here to
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>> ladies, i'm sorry it's time again. it's swimsuit season. are you ready to hit the beach or the pool? luckily personal trainer and fitness expert nikki fitness galore is here. she has the moves to help us tone down for the summer. hard core a.b.s and booty camps. great to see you. >> great to see you as well. >> is working out for the bikini body different than other times of the year. >> it's because you are practically naked on the beach. if you don't have the coverups and really hot out you want to be able to show off the body. work the upper body, your a.b.s and legs all at the same time while doing cardio.
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>> all right. you have lovely models here that is going to show us. tell us what the spiderman. >> it really works your legs but also gets your heart rate up so it's cardio. step your right leg behind in a lunge and take it out to the side outer thighs, reach your arms to the floor and up. >> you are going all the way down you are almost hitting your need you are feeling it in your booty right here and your squad and also feeling n outer thigh. >> how many are you doing. >> ten on this side and ten on this side. >> you start to get warm already. >> i can see that. didn't do exactly 10. we will get back to those. weighted. >> we all i can't grab a weight. arms legs and cardio. jumping outside in a squat. it's out, hop hop, out, hop, hop. so inner thighs, biceps and
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shoulders. you would do this for a minute. >> what? >> yes. >> take a break. >> get right into the next. >> how long is the rest period of. >> only enough time to put some water you want to keep the heart rate up the whole time. >> shouldn't lay down on the sofa like i do. the a.b. flip flop reach? >> so, if you have flip flops on and at the beach we can all sit down. and we would lay back with the weight overhead. length the legs up nice and long. you crunch the weight up towards your flip flops curling the shoulders off the floor. you are not touching your photo. >> no that's the best part about it hovering above the ground and works your low a.b.s. >> how is that feeling, ladies? >> it also works your lats. >> your what? >> your lats. you are pulling your weight down. almost like doing a pull-up.
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>> nikki, whatever it takes to get these, i will do. >> you know, it's mom like we are you have got to work extra hard. >> thanks so much for coming in and showing all of us what to do. again, the dvds are booty camp and hard core a.b.s. >> nikki fitness. >> go over to the guys on couch. >> thanks, aly. a man's place in the kitchen? don't be scared, guys. you will be kicking like a proby the end of this show. we will show you how. rielle hunter telling all in a new book. could the secrets she is spilling hurt john edwards? why he should be really worried about what those pages hold. that's coming up. ♪ [ male announcer ] what's in your energy drink? ♪
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good morning, everyone. it is saturday, june 2. we start with this fox news alert for you you because a courtroom erupts in cairo as egypt's ex-president hosni mubarak is sentenced to life in presidential hopefulprison. both of his sons were acquitted. that is making people very angry. >> back here at home, more bad economic news. let the blame game begin. >> now, is not the time to play politics. now, is not the time to sit on your hands. >> house speaker john boehner has something to say about that. you will hear it. >> the gsa caught clowning around again. here we go again. there is the smoking clown video. thousands in taxpayer dollars for threaps that they never even took. they were at home and they got paid for them anyway. that is terrifying. >> you got to warrant children. >> fox and friends hour four starts right now. ♪
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welcome to fox and friends on this saturday morning. a fox news alert for you. a chaotic morning in egypt as former president hosni mubarak is found guilty and sentenced to life behind bars and the drama not ending there. mubarak reportedly suffering from a health crisis after leaving the courtroom. >> leland vitter is live in key row witcairo with the latest f. >> good morning. the latest on president mubarak the helicopter took him from the courtroom where he was convicted of murder and sentenced to life from prison to prison and that did not go over very well with the former president. we are told he suffered a health crisis that could be a mental health pry issues finally setting in that the 84-year-old was used to ruling the countries for years and living a posh life and sudden
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listen tensed to life in prison. in the courtroom chaos over the fact that mubarak's two sons were acquitted of corruption charges and the lower level security officials on trial for the same crime the murder of the 800 protesters were acquitted. that didn't go off well with the crowds here in and around cairo. we were outside the courtroom where there were a number of protesters. mostly the families of those people who died inside the square and they wanted mubarak executed. although at 84 years old there weren't a lot of people here in egypt who thought that was a real possibility. this afternoon more riots in and around cairo. a couple of police vehicles destroyed by protesters and we are told there is a large march scheduled in a couple of hours for the square to protest the verdict and the acquittals. going forward this is a tense team for egypt. elections scheduled for just about two weeks from now and that will have a lot do with
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the future of the mother of the arab world. >> thanks for are that update. now, to more of your headlines. two suspected militants killed by an american drone overnight in northwest pakistan. the fifth strike in less than two weeks despite protests over the u.s. drone campaign. the strikes further complicating negotiations about reopening supply routes for nato and u.s. troops in afghanistan. nato pulling off a daring rescue of two foreign aid workers and two afghan colleagues in an early morning raid in northern afghanistan. the group was being held by militants there since being snatched back on may 22. the four worked for a human tearian organization based in switzerland. one small step down and three left to go in the odyssey of the space shuttle enterprise. it was rolled out of a hapar and parked near the edge of the
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canal. it will hoisted on a barge in preparation for its journey to the sea air m museum. it remains there until tuesday morning when it we gins the last leg of its trip. do you think you have heard the end of the john edwards -- do you think you heard the end of him after his aquital? think again because yesterday his former mistress rielle hunter said she is releasing a tell all memoir abouter that affair later this month called what really happened, john edwards, our daughter and me. some say this could affect edwards if there is a retrial. >> if there is a retrial the prosecutor could say hey we didn't have enough the first time let's throw her up there and let's see what she has to say. >> after the trial edwards proclaimed his love for his quinn butith rielle ken but there was no mention of hunter.
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i'm curious if they are together or not. >> if her video skills say anything about her writing ability that should be one heck of a book. >> it is already on my amazon wish list. >> i'm picking up sarcasm. >> you picked it up on that. good. because i'm laying it on thick. >> let's check in with rick reichmuth who is outside. he added it to his wish list, too. >> for all the people listening on xm radio, they didn't catch the eye roll. >> now, they did. >> important to clarify for sure. the sun coming out across area of the northeast but still rain to be had across areas of new england. look at the maps and the headlines for today. the heavy rain pushing in across area of new england. places like portland maine dealing with that and in towards boston this morning as well. also talking about much cooler temps behind the system. a nice day but the cooler air is going to continue to come in over the next three to four days. temps progressively each day in
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the northeast getting cooler. across areas of the central plains, kind of the high plains dealing with a little bit of severe weather today. keep sending me your pictures and information on what is happening where you are. move forward also and we will put the maps back up, guys. there you go. the rain across area of the east and moving out across the mid atlantic. the heavy rain' cross area of new england. the system across area of michigan is what is going to plague us for the next three to four days and bring scattered showers fundamental and drizzly and good morningy conditions. across the west, the southwest you are looking good. the rain in towards the far northern area of the northwest. that will do with a few thunderstorms and severe weather firing. back to you. warm temps but the economy cooling off. the numbers we saw this week, the latest the dow plummeting 275 points on friday and that fold the news with the jobs.
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69,000 created in may. the unemployment rate ticks up. economy grew at 1.9% we found out earlier in the week. tough to spin this as any sort of good news if you are the president. >> the president on the campaign trail basically saying congress has got to get the bills off their desk that i have sent to them. i have the middle class small business tax cut what are they doing they have to get these things taken care of. that is the way to get jobs back in the economy. the president sticking with that message this morning because a short time ago he released his radio' dress and echoed the same sentiments. take a listen. >> it is not lost on anybody that this is an election year. we have responsibilities that are bigger than an election. we have responsibilities to you. with so many people struggling to get by now is not the time to play politics and for congress to sit on its hands. the american people expect their leaders to work hard no
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matter what year it is. that is what i intend to do and i expect republicans and democrats to join me. >> not a bad strategy. congress approval rating still down 11%. >> that could work. people know that congress is the home of gridlock. in fact, house speaker john boehner had a slightly different spin on whose fault it is. he actually blamed the senate. >> 30 bills sitting in the united states senate. why don't they pick up the bills and pass them and help the american people instead of playing politics over there! >> if you are holding your breath, don't because there will be he nothing done inform november. hard to imagine with the election so close the two parties coming together to pass jobs legislation. the question being how does mitt romney frame in and present some sort of positive or solution. here what he said on friday. >> the president about's policies has been dealt a harsh
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indictment this morning and it continues. we had 40 straight months with unemployment over 8%. unfortunately, you had a president more focused on his perspective of his historic legislative achievements than he has been focused on getting people back to work. jobs are are job one for the presidency and this president instead put in place obama care which his own team concluded would slow the recovery and it has. >> meanwhile the anger over government waste continues this morning and the gsa scandal seems to typify that anger are. >> never goes away, does it. a new installment for you today because the poster child of government waste jeff neeley it turns out was apparently briefed on massive travel expenses but for employees who work from home. 36 virtual employees as they are called meaning they he don't have to come to the office, they shouldn't be incurring travel and commuting expenses but yet they racked u.
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and he was are of this. internal e-mails revealing what neeley wrote to colleagues and starts it off like this which starts like a 17-year-old. >> omg. this is what he started it off with. omg. 100 virtuals and most of them with some pretty serious grades. well, this is a fine mess we have gotten ourselves into. this will teak your breath' way. don't share further. he knew it was outrageous. don't share this information more publicly is what he was saying. >> omg gsa. 750 grand. in case you missed it working at home. wonder what it would have cost to have them leave the office. >> the top 12 employees incurred $200,000ed in travel expenses over the period. the gsa mess continues. >> daryl issa wants to know why so many people were authorized to work from home and then how they wracked up with the bill.
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>> wants to do away with the gsa and privatize it. >> can't blame them. >> coming up on the show, wisconsin's recall election just days away but governor scott walker is not the only one with his job on the line. up next the state's lieutenant governor rebecca kleefisch with how she plans to win the election. >> do you know who the president is? turns out some miss usa contestants are not so sure either. >> he don't know anything about politics. ♪ i don't know anything about politics. ♪ by what's getting done. the twenty billion doars bp committed has helped fund economic and environmental recovery.
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long-term, bp's made a five hundred million dollar commitment to support scientists studying the environment. and the gulf is open for business - the beaches are beautiful, the seafood is delicious. last year, many areas even reported record tourism seasons. the progress continues... but that doesn't mean our job is done. we're still committed to seeing this through.
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welcome back to fox friends. the wisconsin recall vote now just days away. president bill clinton campaigning in the badger state just yesterday, out ral leeing opponents of governor scott walker. take a listen. >> now, they look at wisconsin and they see america's battleground. >> that's right. >> between people who want to work together to solve problems and people who want to divide and conquer. ordinarily i'm he against recall elections. i went to try and fight one in california. sometimes it is the only way to avoid a disasterrous course. >> but governor scott walker is not the only republican whose job is on the line. joining us is wisconsin's lieutenant governor rebecca kleefisch. good morning. >> good morning how are you guys? >> we are doing well. we playd that sound bite of
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president clinton campaigning yesterday president obama has not been to wisconsin to weigh in on the race. how do you interpret that? >> well, given the fact that he was in minneapolis yesterday and chicago and we are kind of the gateway between the two cities and he strategically avoided stopping in wisconsin he think there is really no other message to read into that besides that he is avoiding associating himself with the maeor of milwaukee tom barrett our governor's opponent. >> president obama has said he stands lock step with the unions across the country when the battle was unfolding in the state of wisconsin and press clinton you heard him saying if governor scott walker and yourself are allowed to continue inor jobs that the state and country about be led on a da it i disasterrous courg rid of collective bargaining and the death of the unions. what do you say to that? >> this is not about unions.
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this is about responsibility. i have two kids at home. when you as a parent and as a leader take a look at some of the cost drivers that are going to affect their futures regardless of who makes the tough decisions you have to analyze that and know that if you don't stand between them and those dangerous fiscal problems then they are going to have to deal with that themselves. we don't want to leave big huge fiscal messes for our children. you know, as responsible adults as responsible leaders as good moms and dads we needed to take care of those things and make the tough decisions and so when we saw $3.6 billion budget deficit we solved it without raising taxes. because you just can't raise taxes on hard working taxpayers in the middle of a recession. we listened to the families, the workers of wisconsin in 2010 and that is exactly what they told us and exactly what we did. we laid the groundwork for wisconsin and wiz and we have
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have seen that growth. we created jobs last year and we will end up with the $154 million surplus at the end of the budget. >> this must be a nerve wracking weekend for you, though. the most recent polls from i believe marquette university do show scott walker the governor tabling the lead over his opponent mayor tom barrett 42% to 45%. what do you think is going to happen on tuesday? >> please don't misread the polls and everyone at home please don't stay home because just because the polls indicate that we are doing well and we are polling up doesn't mean that this race is not tightening every single day. there is a small strip of undecided voters and i believe we have a stack of facts unbeatable. we saved state and local taxpayers $1 billion. our reforms are working in a tidal wave saving taxpayers
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money all over the state but that still doesn't mean that our opposition is not going to get out their vote so we need to get ours out, too. >> exactly. as you point out, still a lot of outrage and protests going on. and the ticket is interesting and what is going to be on the recall election is there any chance possible that the governor loses and you win or there are also four big senate seats up for grabs that perhaps a republican could lose and democrats could win control of the senate in wisconsin. not just a straight ticket vote, right? >> clayton, that is why it is so important that people get out and vote. you're right the governor and i were elected as a ticket in fall of 2010 about because of how our constitution was written and the recall function never changed when they changed but the governor and lieutenant governor were elected now we are being recalled separate le. a vote for walker is no longer a vote for walker kleefisch. we need to make sure we have partners in the executive
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branch and not adversaries. we can't have him looking over his shoulder because wisconsin didn't realize that the governor and lieutenant governor were a separate vote. make sure you understand you have to vote for governor and lieutenant governor is down there, too, a and vote for our great senators because they are there and have your backs every single day saving taxpayers and hard working families money as we recover from the recession. >> we will be walking close le what happens on tuesday. thanks so much for coming in this morning. >> thanks so much for having me. >> and thanks so much. coming up on the show. better than changing the diapers. why a real man's place is in the kitchen. we are are heading outside. >> that does look good. >> make a man out of you yet. good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious?
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you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪ wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy. that's good morning, veggie style. hmmm. fohalf the calories plus vgie nutrition. could've had a v8.
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droid does. and does it launch apps by voice while learning your voice ? launch cab4me. droid does. keep left at the fork. does it do turn-by-turn navigation ? droid does. with verizon, america's largest 4glte network and motorola, whatever you want to do... droidoes.
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♪ welcome back. more american men are steaking out a new role in the kitchen these days. a little like mrs. doubtfire. >> it smells like burnt rubber. its' hot in here. oh! >> hopefully minus the cross dressing. joining us is the author of how to cook like a man, daniel dewane. i don't recommend that part of it the dressing like an old woman. the men are getting back in the kitchen more and more these days. the economicy forcing guys to take on roles in the home. >> most of the families these days are two income families. mom is working. you both go to work and somebody comes home and
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somebody has to rangel the baby and somebody has to put dinner on the table. the argument for the wife to do both is not so strong. >> women are cooking an average of 51 meals a month and men 34 and that is narrowing the gap. circumstances may force you in the kitchen but are men finding it enjoyable, too? >> sort of the new workshop. who can phoenix a ca fix a car? you need computers. we can gel a steak. we used to go out in the garage and tinker with tools. you head into th the kitchen ad you have knives and heat and cast iron. what is not to love. >> kind of manley. >> chefs these days, most to me are men. at least the high profile ones. 75%. >> guys like my dad they were watching tv and it was john wayne and guys like us are watching tv and it is keller.
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>> i'm always eager to go outside to the grill but you don't recommend that. you say the pan is best. why? >> the glory of the pan is the flavor you can get out of the steak. don't be afraid of butter. >> don't be afraid of a few calories. >> take a piece of garlic. guys don't need to peel garlic. just smash it, right. let all that start to foam p. the hot butter pulls the flavor out of the rosemary and garlic and then we start basting. we are just slaughtering that steak in flavor. that is the idea. just slaughtering it in flavor. all of the nutty brown flavor from the brown butter coating the steak and carmelizing. >> what is the cut? >> a new york strip. >> a little bit of fat. >> a little bit of fat. >> what are you going to do with the gar leg and rosemary,
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pull that apart and smash it. >> we don't need to. the hot butter is pulling out of the flavor out of the stick of gar are lick an garlic and . >> how long are we going to do that? >> three minutes and we are good. >> extremely high heat on the pan. >> to start to get the initial seer. flip and a another little seer and the heat goes down. if the pan is too pat tore the butter it will burn the butter. >> and then presentation. >> here is our finished steak. this is a pretty slick and quick trick okay. this is butter. just mixed with -- >> in case there wasn't enough. >> well,. >> i'm kidding. i love butter. >> use butter. the same idea. what is in it? >> minced garlic and parsley.
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>> butter miens up parly and garlic indamines them together bam on top of the steak. beautiful plane. and then you are part of a happy home. here is the book how to cook like a man in book stores now from daniel duane. i will go home and cook like a man tonight. >> right on. >> it might not turn out like that. >> i bet it will. >> thanks. >> you know what i like to put with butter? more butter. here is the question. do you know who the vice president is? turns out that some miss usa contestants have absolutely no idea. >> oh, god. >> this is so bad. i just read an article, too. >> he don't know anything about politics so i don't know. >> this is bad. >> just weight. there is more of that -- just wait. there is more of that. and kids scuffing up their wall. but no time or money to fix. we have the answers live on the plaza. and dave white is doing his workout.
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that looks great. get ready for the summer, dave. ♪ ♪ comply lady hey sugar mama ce with me, take a chance with me ♪ [ male announcer ] that. right there -- reminds you why you fell in love with her in the first place. and why you still feel the same. but your erectile dysfunction -- that could be a question of blood flow. cialis for daily use helps you be ready anytime the moment's right. you can be more confident in your ability to be ready. and the same cialis is the only daily ed tablet approved to treat ed and symptoms of bph, like neing to go frequently or urgently. tell your doctor about all your medical conditions and medications, and ask if your heart is healthy enough for sexual activity. do not take cialis if you take nitrates for chest pain, as this may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure.
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♪ welcome back, everybody. dave brigs, clayton morris, ail
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allison. looking good is a time consuming process. you don't often have team to read the newspaper every day. >> like the miss usa contestants. they spend so much time being gorgeous that they don't have time for politics. >> current events. >> i don't know if this qualifies as a current event. asked a series of contestants to name the vice president. and here was their terrible responses. >> oh, god. >> oh, god. >> oh, shoot. >> man, this is so bad. i just read an article, too. >> he don't know anything about politics so i don't know. >> this is bad. >> i don't know. i'm blanking. >> oh, my gosh. joe biden. >> world peace. >> world peace.
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delaware got it right there. also connecticut, my state. new hampshire, rhode island, west virginia. some got it right. >> sadly, new jersey, got it wrong. i'm shocked. i think that it is fair to say that their attributes are perhaps not between their ears. their finest points some of these ladies are not in intellectual. >> they are busy. >> and they bring other things to the table. >> and did he cohen did say most of them did get what fbi stands for. they did know what fbi the federal bureau of investigation stands for and he sur miced that is because they had seen the movie miss congeniality. >> five out of the 11 couldn't name that. one of the things is from the song america of the beautiful four out of seven didn't know the color of the waves of grain. if you sing the song you know
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it is amber waves of grain. >> the pageant is tomorrow in las vegas. we welcome all the women here on the couch and we will be happy to quiz them. >> let's tell you what is happening. george zimmer hasman has until tomorrow to turn himself in. the judge says zimmerman and his wife misled the court when they said they had limited funds. turns out they reportedly had some where between $145,000 to $200,000 they raised on a website for his defense. the judge says zimmerman will be given a chance to explain himself. he is pleading not guilty to second-degree murder in the shooting death of 17-year-old trayvon marten back in february. >> a world war ii veteran who has been maintaining a cross was recently told he was no longer permitted on the property where the cross sits. he can't even talk about this
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subject without breaking down. >> what is happening. i get so upset he can't talk about it. >> he says he created the cross back in the 1980s and dedicated it to fellow soldiers who died. since then he has been gathering rocks and hiking a half hour o up the hell to take care of the cross. >> this cross means to me a love symbol. there is too much hate in the world. >> the property owner claims they want him off because they are wore relationshipped that he might hurt himself. >> dave, tell us about sports, please. >> the curse is over, mets fans. you heard it. johan santana pitching the first no-hitter in mets history. they have been around for 50 plus years. he got david freeze there of the world champion st. louis cardinals. it was a close call. there was a great play in left
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field. there was a questionable call that was ruled foul. but santa gets it after 8,019 games without a no-hitter. the team started in 1962. that means the san diego padres are now the only major league franchise without a no hitter, a streak dating back to 1969. seven former mets have gone on to throw no hitters including nolan ryan who threw seven. good for the mets ander that fans. i thought that streak would never end. i thought we might see a kardashian as president before we saw a mets no hitter. >> still hope. >> might be hope for that. >> down to rick reichmuth for a look at some of the extreme weather going on around the country here. >> i'm glad it turned out that way versus the kardashian presidency. >> it would be entertaining. >> seriously. >> the southwest has been taking this week and when the southwest is baking that is not good news. you can see the temperatures yesterday. these all broke records. the southwest obviously is hot
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this time of year and when you are breaking records that is not a good thing. phoenix 111. fires across areas of arizona that are still burning and one in area of new mexico. western mid michigan butted up to the arizona border. willow creek, new mexico,. you can see the fire. now, 15% contained up from the 10% you see there. it is the largest fire they ever had in new mexico. over 217,000 acres now have been burned by this one fear there and they are having a difficult time today again it is going to be windy and causing problems. continuing to kind of fan the fire. having a hard time getting it under control but they do have it 15% contained now. the forecast' cross the rest of the country. towards the northeast we are talking about kind of a nice day at least after the storm moved through. move forward on the map one there. we will have the northeast forecast. we are going to deal with the rain that brought the weather' cross areas of the south, of the mid atlantic yesterday moving into the northeast.
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these maps aren't moving so guys we will hand it back to you inside. >> not moving. toss it to me. thanks, rick. we are talking paint this morning. don't laugh, dave. when you go to the store you go to the paint section there used to be brushes and paint and how to there is now se technology n the paint department. dave white is here from home depot to tell us about the new stuff. >> all kinds of great stuff that really what it is doing is making your life easier. we all have to do home improvement projects and we don't want them to take too long. >> we need to figure out how to use it. >> the first is the behr premium plus ultra. we started with the premium plus and added the primer so the paint so you didn't have to buy a separate paint and primer and now it has stain blocking technology. not only does it block stains like water are sustains but it also helps protect the wall
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against stains. nanotechnology now and easier to clean. goes on you don't have to put a separate primer coat. >> hohow do you clean it? >> the percent thing i would start with would be a sponge and water before you mountain any chemicals on the wall and then degreaser if it is a greasy stain. this is our typical project here and i started to cut in with the brush. the brushes we are talking about, more technology. a pro brush. these have been made in ohio for 16 years but they have the special tapered filament that doesn't leave all the brush strokes. these are awesome to have. we will roll next and teak this and show you the edge in a men. >> the roller. >> a new unique roller that you guys have, too. >> a microfiber roller. what that means is sometimes you are rolling the wall and you get little roller particles that come off on the wall that
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release off of the regular roller. this one the microfeve microfit let any of that come off on the wall. and covers three times faster. >> because usually you have to be rolling and dipping it back in again every few seconds. >> the me crow fiber holds a lot more paint and releases the paint so you don't have to go through all that. look ouch you can cover with one roll. that is amazing. >> cover three times as much. >> and i'm not seeing bleed through in here and using like three in one paint. >> this has the primer built in and the stain blocking built in. now, when it comes to your tape, right, so you are going to tape off things like molding and trim and door panels and switches. this is the new scotch blue tape. this has an edge lock technology. we talked about technology. when the paint hits the edge of it it creates a seal so there is a chemical reaction. >> you are letting the little
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ripples. >> put the tape down and you get a nice and i just put this down and i just painted and look how nice that line is. >> right on top of it. >> and this is delicate. the delicate you can leave on for leak 60 days if you don't get back to your painting project and it is not going to start ripping the paint off the wall when you pull it off. >> find great how to videos on home depot's website and dave is in a lot of them. great 3-4 minutes to sho videoo show you how to do it. >> we are on a roll now, aren't we? >> i was wondering when would work it in. >> i thought maybe the exercise thing. i had to roll that in. >> brutal. coming up. take a look at this video. home owners lighting their tap water on fear an fire and blame practice of fracking.
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>> those are snapping turtles capable of biting through bone. a turtle man them with his bare hands for some reason. he he will introduce us to some of his friends. dave briggs is going to run out of the studio any minute. >> like a scared little girl. first let's check in with neil cavuto. >> good morning. jobs are job one here on the cost of freedom and growth is slowing big time. what is needed to get america working again. is wisconsin providing the answer? forget about the supreme court upcoming decision on the president's healthcare law later this month. small besss already reaching a verdict. the cost of freedom at the top of the hour. we'll see you then.
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perhaps you have seen this video. home owners lighting tap water on fire and blaming the practice of fracking as the cause. this is just one of the many examples that critics use to argue that fracking which involves extracting natural gas
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from rock is dangerous. a new study out says otherwise according to the shale resources and society institute. they say the dangers have been exaggerated by environmental activists. joining us is the author of the study, the director of the center for energy economics at the university of wyoming. doctor, thank you for being here. >> good morning. >> let's talk about the scary things said about fracking and you can respond to them. the new york times did a very frightening piece back in november in which they went to one town in pennsylvania where fracking is commonplace and they say that they found residents who said that their farm animals and even the household pets had died suddenly after fracking came to town and one of the results that doctors found was liver toxicity. is that one of the dangers of fracking? >> well, in our recent study we looked at the records of
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environmental violations and found that most of the violations were administrative in nature. only about a third involved environmental impacts. and of that third -- go ahead. >> well, one of the other things that the article claimed was that children in the area were testing positive for chemicals in their system including arsenic. did you find anything like that in your study? >> no, we did not. we didn't look at the specific health impacts. we looked at the effectiveness of regulation in controlling the occurrences of environmental impacts in gas drilling. >> meaning you looked at how often the epa was called? >> yes. specifically, the department of environmental protection in pennsylvania, we looked at the number of environmental violations and the occurrence of well blowouts and other
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incidents in the gas fields. >> many so the residents while they didn't talk about well blowouts they talked about something we showed there on the other side of the screen which was the water runoff. the seenage that comes after fracking and that they believe that it has poisoned some of their drinking water. one of those things was proven to exist prior to fracking which was that they could light their tap water on fire. apparently they have been able to do that for decades even before fracking came to town. did you determine whether or not there are more chemicals now in their drinking water? >> no, we didn't specifically look at chemicals in drinking water. i must say, though, that there are many sources of natural gas in drinking water other than from shale deposits. there is shallow gas deposits, there is biogas that is generated from the decay of plant and vegetable matter and that gets into local water supplies.
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>> so very quickly from your study do you believe that fracking is dangerous for the residents? >> i think overall what our study shows is that there are major impacts that occur but they are very small in number, less than 1% of all wells encounter such problems and that bottom line the impacts are manageable with good regulation and strict industry practice. >> okay. dr. timothy considine from the university of wyoming. thanks so much for joining us with your results. >> you're welcome. >> next, he is known as the turtle man for his amazing ability to capture snapping turtles with his bare hands. maybe he can teach us some of his snapper-licious skills. ♪ wild thing, you make my heart ♪ wild thing, you make my heart sing. ♪ you make everything
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companies have to invest in making things. infrastructure, construction, production. we need it now more than ever. chevron's putting more than $8 billion dollars back in the u.s. economy this year. in pipes, cement, steel, jobs, energy. we need to get the wheels turning. i'm proud of that. making real things... for real. ...that make a real difference. ♪
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♪ here today with us the turtle man. because of his uncanny stills and ability to catch monster snapping turtles that can bite through bone he catches them with haye his bare hands hencee name turtleman. >> we position dave next to him. the big show debuts tomorrow night on the history channel. >> animal planet. >> i'm sorry. i'm getting nervous. >> this guy can bite through bone. >> yeah, and this thing can take off your arm or leg or take off a chunk out of you.
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you don't want that there. >> dave, can you hold him? >> i want to but the turtle man said not to. >> how did you you catch him. >> we catch them by hand. i jump out in swamps and wade around the swamp or pond and they start bubbling under and i get on their back and get them up like this. >> have you been bitten by one of these fellows. get a look at the mouth. >> live action there with the mouth now. you you can see that. >> he doesn't like that. >> you can crush through bone. >> this thing can take off your arm, fingers, legs. >> he looks like he wants to eat off your arm right now. >> oh, definitely don't want this thing. >> we have another turtle here. >> this one looks cute. this looks adorable. >> easy, big fellow. >> he is not happy. >> definitely not happy. alligator snapping turtle is never happy. this is a turtle down in the
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persia and the south central of brazil. and these things are laying on the bottom of swamps and ponds and lay real still and every time fish comes in it sucks in the men know and swallows it. >> you can see more of the craziness on call of the wild man on animal planet. >> we will be back in two minutes. >> and ernie is going to hipman hypnotize one and kiss it. >> sure! wer surge, let it blow your mind. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8.
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