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tv   Red Eye  FOX News  June 8, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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>> eric: that's it for the show. thank you for w welcome to "red eye." i'm greg gutfeld or as i am known in ireland, meryl streep. andy, what is coming up on the show, old sport? >> i can feel one of my turns come on, america. some hard-hitting reporting reports some democrats are near mitt romney's la jolla house. plus, when is an airplane the wrong place for a married guy to hit on a woman? probably always, but particularly when the flight as wi-fi. and finally we have the inside scoop on reports that "happy days" actress erin moran is broke and living in a trailer park. they are making stuff up, right? jay thanks, andy. -- >> thanks, andy. >> whatever. >> a little attitude there. >> go away. >> at least you are making it
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obvious. >> please go away. >> you go away. i'm the boss. you go away first. let's welcome our guest. she is hotter than a sauna built on a volcano on the sun. she anchors fox report weekend saturdays and sundays at 7:00 p.m. eastern on fox newschannel. check it out. and he is so sharp that ninjas use him to kill people. and in tie land he is -- in thailand he is considered a luxury item. and if hilarity was a turkey, i would stuff him every thanksgiving while my in-laws watched. sitting here, comedian sherrod small. >> i have my ninjas in paris. they are going gorilla. >> you are already trying to hijack this show. his reader ship fades as he drinks the cool aid. >> ninjas are from japan. today on something called the new york times on-line the summer reading suggestions for college bound high school graduates.
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as for me, i will reread "war and peace" and while i started perusing it, i cannot in good conscience recommend a book called" 50 shades of grey." i picked it up because it is the mini shades of me, but it is not. it is so, so not. >> all right then. he shouldn't be president or a nearby resident. romney's neighbors in la jolla, california, yes, i said him, don't want him near the white house or their house griping about the mr. and mrs. in the home and garden segment. the gop candidate built it four years ago and driven the locals loco. as the paper of record observes, quote, the elderly m would next door complains her car is constantly boxed into her driveway. a few houses over a gay couple grumbles their ocean views are in jeopardy. and down the street a widow says her grandchildren's
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favorite walking route has been disrupted. so mitt hates old people, gays and widows. one neighborhood person tells "the times" quote the only thing he wants is small is government and taxes. what a monster. my neighbors are complaining about the ice cream truck i drive on weekends. >> that is the scarest thing i ever heard. >> make it stop. >> they are speeding up. they are trying to get away. >> no ice cream in that truck. just a lot of scratching noises. good to see you. this was a hit piece in the home section. so it is really not a political story. >> i am shocked. i am shocked that the new york times would do something like that. at least the washington post put it on the front page. they had the onions to put it
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up front and there was substance to it. there was something there. there was nothing to this. look at what they say. he has moved into a neighborhood that he votes modern family more than all in the family. he wants to be archie bunker in the hood, and then they interview these gay people and they don't -- he is against gay marriage highlighting their intolerance toward his point of view. if you ask me, they are the big goals. biggots. >> but i heard one of his black neighbors said something nice about him. >> really? >> no, he doesn't have black neighbors. >> he should throw the biggest party he should throw. >> that's the great thing about having a mormon neighbor. they don't need parties. they don't drink and don't smoke. they are the perfect neighbor. >> he can invite the neighbors and give roof access to the reporters. it is on like donkey kong and
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party like a rock star. when they get ready to go pass out blueprints of his new 11,000 square foot home. >> she said party on like donkey kong. >> i will give her a pass. >> all right, sherrod. according to "the times" romney told a guy who was smoking pot on the beach to knock it off. was that guy barack obama? >> i hope so. first of all, romney seems like that dude. you are smoking a news dubie on the beach and here he comes with his rich face and nothingness. >> don't you want to be rich? >> because it is the beach for the love of god. if they want to smoke a dubie on the beach. >> that is something they stuck at the end of the story. it is the furthest thing from the truth. >> romney smoked it with him. he is not a total bad guy. don't interrupt the working class guy. >> this is a narrative, and i hate to use that word, but they want this young man to believe. you bought into the disoir, and i feel bad -- you bought
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into the story and i feel bad for you. the real story is that the house was once owned by your own them sis -- your own nemesis, richard gear. >> he is a buddhist. he doesn't like things. he should be in a hovel wearing a loin cloth and trying not to think about men. as for romney, him moving next to a bunch of gay dudes, not a story. him busting a guy, that is a story. that makes him annoying. >> marijuana i thought was legal in southern california for medicinal purposes. >> he must not have had a medical card. >> the big story is the story. this is what it is in. have you ever read this section? right now on page 3, they tell you how you can create a delicate pruning shrub miniature. and here you can buy some delicate port glasses for $300. i am make toping because i can't find it. my point is, this is what they
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are doing in the homes section. >> he looks so sad in that picture. >> even when he is sad, he is gorgeous. >> they had to manipulate that photo. >> the ladies love him. >> when you say the ladies, you mean his four mormon wives? >> evil. >> i can say the same thing about you. >> every time i look over jarod is laughing. she exposed him as a cheat from 30,000 feet. on a flight out of los angeles model melissa sutton found herself getting hit on by a minor celeb, like sherrod small, and she lied and tweeted the whole thing to her 13,000 followers. over the course of the trip and with the aide of the internet, something you don't have, he discovered the am more russ actor was married with kids. she said brian is talking about how he is an artist and believes everything happens for a reason, like how we were brought together on this flight. i can't believe that.
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and then later she tweets, brian has a wedding ring. i ask how his wife is, and he says he wears the ring because he likes it. right, brian. and there were many other tweets marking the dude's lame attempts to woo her. speaking of pigs, guess whose birthday was just recently. >> it goes right to his thighs. and those thighs go right to my mouth if you know what i am talking about. is this a lesson on married guys not to hit on girls or for married guys no the to hit on melissa stetton. >> married guys not to hit on girls. your game is awful. take your ring off. put it in your sock. that's the first step. >> or say you are a widow and you -- if you have the ring on you say i am a widow and can't bear to take it off. >> nice. >> all married dudes cheat,
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but do it right. >> i didn't say that. >> cheat right for married guys everywhere. >> i smell a rat. the fact she labeled him a devout christian -- if i guy can't sit on a plane and talk to a chick and she thinks he wants to get into her pants, get over yourself. the guy is talking to him. if you don't want to talk to him, stop talking to him. >> that's a fair point. whether you are sitting on an airplane and the man is talking to you, there are many ways you can avoid talking to hill. i have seen it here with me. >> and i brought some earphones. that's what i wear on flights. >> next time you have a prop you should bring it on to the table. >> there you go. >> orange earphones. >> not his color. >> not my color. >> you are right. she shouldn't have been talking to him. but she is tweeting. you have to figure he is watching her do this, right? the guy is clueless, no game
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whatsoever. >> this gets to my point. bill, these are very specific tweets. couldn't they have just been made up? >> they are too specific. >> i know, but couldn't she have just been on the -- looking up stuff. >> she did take a picture of him later on and asked who opens a window on a red eye? freaking brian. there is a picture of him. he was on "the view" talking about alcohol issues and how he was 12 years sober. he had three beers on the plane and she was making fun of him being passed out with the window open with his headphones on like this. ruining it for her. >> how do they win you over on flights? >> i say, mr. travolta, i am trying to take a nap. >> then you wink and put the cover over yourself. >> then i say, oh, i am taking my nap on the lap. >> and you casually go, i am a sleep sleeper and won't fell
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anything. >> i have a kink in my neck. i could use a massage. >> i think guys on planes -- i want you to think i am interesting schtick. they are testing to see if they still have it. >> sometimes when you see a hot girl you want to see if you have the knock to pull them. it doesn't mean he wants to cheat with this girl and he is a devout christian and loves his wife and girls. but he wants to know if he still has it. >> it sounds like she was baiting him and there is something rotten going on here. she should be ashamed of herself . >> listen to yourself. >> he was wearing the ring and was up front. >> why didn't he tell the truth? he didn't say "i am married. qm happy" jie. maybe he did. and maybe she is lying in the tweet. >> seems the bigger story is not about her or him. it is about twitter. twitter is just going to ruin it for everybody. ever since you were allowed to use it wherever you go you can talk about anything.
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if i am in amtrak picking my nose there will be somebody taking that picture and tweeting it. it will be on that website, famous people picking their noses. from lewd to food, they are hungry, but it does president show. a -- doesn't show. one in three homeless people in boston are clinically obese. a stark picture of what is known as the hunger obesity paradox. the hair regard medical researcher behind the study says poor folks might eat enough raw calories that are cheaper, but not enough nutrients. and that contributes to obesity. where haft was once a sign of wealth now points to poverty. now we go to our fat cat.
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>> you know, the sad thing is it actually grew into the sofa and they had to actually surgically remove the cat. it was a disgusting thing. sounds like a depressing story. doesn't it speak to the wealth of others that even our homeless are overweight. it is almost like an achievement. >> we live in the greatest country in the world. this is progress. it says homeless people in developing countries share the same responses and obesity is not a problem for them. listen, when the liberals shout out the rich are getting richer, the liberals should say, but the bums are getting fatter. you are actually right about that. this means that this is a good country when you add -- these people some of them have drug problems and mental instability, so they are undisciplined to begin with. the fact that they are not in the streets -- i want to see somebody fromy thee yoap
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yaw -- from ethiopia. >> i am actually wealthy here and i am starving. this is not right. i would rather be homeless in new york than starving -- >> when i see overweight homeless people, i never give them money. i go like, this man, you eat better than me. >> you are heart less. seriously, you are heartless. >> i question whether he gives money period. >> if you sing or dance i will throw you a couple bucks. >> that's heart lest. >> if you are overweight i am not giving you more mcdonalds money. >> what should we do then? if this is a problem, what should we do? >> i am confused about the study. it didn't tell us anything we didn't know. to lose weight you have to lower your stress. you need low fat diet and maybe a whole foods market fair. >> which nobody can afford unless are you making six figures. >> you need a menthol back rub to lower your stress or a
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little squash at the country club. >> that is the strangest diet plan i have ever heard. you eat the squash. you don't play squash. >> do they take the menthol cigarettes and rub them on their back? >> you have a one track mind. it is not all about the nicotine. you need the low fat and the exercise. you look at me like it is -- like i am nuts. >> they are not going to get these things. >> you are only homeless for a couple weeks if you are still fat. come and see me in six months when you really need help. >> he wants you to dance before he gives uh quarter. >> your diet is fewer nutrients than most people. >> i am a fitness expert. look at me. i have foolproof ideas for these guys. for starters, empty the paint buckets. when you steel someone's purse, don't wait for two blocks and then knife them when they come after you. give it at least three or four blocks. >> you said that, not me.
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i am just saying most are overweight. >> i am saying we should help them lose some weight of the we should keep an eye out for the people less fortunate than ourselves. >> always, always. >> you have to pick up your food stamps you go to the fitness center and run for 30 minutes and then get your food stamp. >> who will pay for that? but okay. now i am heart less. >> maybe bloomburg is right about the sugary drinks. >> no, he is wrong. >> that's the cheap drink. that's what the homeless are drinking. >> he is just mad. he is scared of the big drinks because he is fearful he might drown in one. coming up, what is behind the troubles facing this country 1234* sherrod small discusses his new book, "we have a white devil problem." >> it is also a musical. >> first, what is new with jonie? better yet, what is up with chachi? he has not answered any of my fan letters.
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is the league to blame for bangs to the brain? it is being called the biggest sports lawsuit ever with 2,000 former football players accusing the nfl of hiding injuries linked to brain injuries. they say the league was aware of risks caused by blows and the concussion-type injuries p ut them at risk for long-term brain damage. they exacerbated the risk by promoting the game's violence. the nfl which is challenging the explayers' right to sue says it is nonsense. it says any allegations the nfl sought to mislead players has no merit. it stands in contrast to the league's action to better protect players and advance the science and medical understanding of the management and treatment of concussion. i didn't understand a lot of them. are you snoring? this is an important story. i am not a good football fan.
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this is more my sport. terrible. sustained serious injury later. we know football is high risk. it is not just for head injuries, but for paralysis and all sorts of things. that's why they are welcome pen say thed for it. >> that's the risk you take. >> sherrod is shaking his head. >> it is the whine knee old bitter players trying to cash in on easy money. this is things like ambulance chasers john edwards made his fortune on. you know what the proof is? a lot of these guys sound like semicoherent mutt ton heads. they sounded the same way before the game started. i don't think they have much of a case. >> first, the nfl looked at themselves like in 2000 or
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1999 and they said there is no proof that if you have a con qution in the game or during the season that you will get recon cussed or you could have a problem of getting reconcussed. not only did they cover it up, they changed the findings. somebody should get sued. you know injuries come with the nfl, but nobody is going to think they recognize their long lost friends or their family members or their wife. no money is worth that. >> a lot of the data is old. and a lot of the new data shows that a lot of football players are living -- i think the retiree has half the death rate as the male nonplaying counterpart. and the weirdest fact is the reason is when you play sports you tend not to smoke and you tend to watch your diet so you livelonger. you may be -- but is there coincidence all of these guys are shooting themselves in the chest and they study their brain? >> they have half the suicide rate as other men so that doesn't holdup.
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>> i understand what you are saying. but the size of this case is just too big for there to be an out right win by these players. there are thousands of players. you can't picture it. the other problem is when did you get the head injury that was like the one drop of water that us cayed the problems -- that caused the problems? was it in pee wee leak or college? >> or a bar fight. >> there is no way to say when it started. about those findings in the year 2000, that will come out in discovery if this case gets that far. i haven't seen definitive facts to see that is true. but i don't think it will get that far. i think the nfl will pay to make it go away because it is cheap cheaper than the damage. >> retired players who don't have a lot of money but players like ed mcmahon who has money and says it has affect head his life. >> will this spread to hockey? >> i has to. >> what will you do, ban
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football? >> what are you going to do? >> it has to change. >> but nobody wants it to change including the players. >> it just got -- this is part of what they do. >> boxing used to be 40 rounds of bare knuckles, 40 rounds. >> let's bring up another comparison. what other dangerous occupations are there? you could be a sergeant in iraq and you make low five figures. these guys are getting compensated into seven and eight figures sometimes. and these guys are not suing when they come back missing a limb. >> that's not because of injury. that's because how many people watched them play their game. nobody is watching the marine. >> you know when somebody hits someone really hard the crowd cheers. >> i know. i love football. >> and then they are sad and weepy when they carry him on a stretcher off the golf cart. what you don't understand when you are cheering?
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>> i think we all do. bill you played football as a kid. actually you were the football. you sustained no injuries. >> i still have the skin issue. i would say it is not just about suicide or period of life. it is about the quality of life. you go to someone like jim mcman or as sherrod called him, ed ed mcmahon. jim mcmahon will do an interview, and if it is a long interview he won't remember the beginning. >> i don't remember what you just said. >> that's from concussions. >> i have to roll, but we have to understand the obvious essential truth about life which is many men when they are younger exchange seven to 10 to 12 years of fame in exchange for the risk of injury and an obscurity later in life. it happens with rock stars, athletes.
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it is the tradeoff. models make. it child actors, which we will find out later. >> if you don't have the memories that glorify it, it is like you don't even remember what you did. >> that's what the pictures are for. >> mcmahon lived a rock star-like life. >> and we have the great music video. do you have a comment on the show? go to red eye at fox still to come, the half time report from tv's andy levy. no injury there. >> tonight is sponsored by shoelaces. the thin cords of various lengths used for attaching footwear. thanks, shoelaces.
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okay, you know what? chill out. >> we are going to have to cut that now because he swore. let's find out if we got anything wrong so far. we go to tv's andy levy. >> everything okay down there? >> no, it is a mess. when ever sherrod is here he ignores the rules. he knows may family is in the audience, so he is making gross, disgusting comments, and he took off his pants. >> and what is up with the neck beard, sherrod some. >> the what? >> the neck beard. >> i like it. >> are you single, sherrod? >> no, i have a long-time girlfriend. >> have i to tweet that. >> sherrod, did you quote a
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little katie perry -- katy perry. >> it was gwenyth paltrow. >> this is going no where. >> katy perry covered it in and sing in ninjas. >> i am glad she is without that loser russell brand. >> he wants her back. >> are we turning into a bad version of "the view." >> i thought we were a good version of "the view." bernie, you said there is nothing to this story. don't you love when rich democrats say their world is being intruded on. >> they are all rich people in la jolla, california, but exactly right. they have a nice existence. it was all about -- it was a piece against mitt romney and it was all about his being against gay marriage. that was the attack on mitt romney. he moved into a neighborhood
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with gays. he can pick any neighborhood he president whatted to. he chose to live in a neighborhood with a lot of gay people. and that means he is not a bigot. >> i think there were two, but okay. >> the thing is -- the other thing is one of the people interviewed said, -- they were talking about security issues and parking issues. he said, but if it is obama we would be okay with it. >> neighbors complaining about the secret service and security, that never happens when a democratic presidential candidate goes in. >> come on, guys. >> i do agree. what is up with romney being a mark? >> don't be a playa hater. i know you are getting your mormon on, but can we have a smoke? >> if somebody is smoking on your private beach you can do whatever you want. >> if you own a private beach, chill, man. chill. >> no, no, no. if i find somebody having more fun than me on my private
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property you bet i will be angry. >> so i will high five that dude and bring him out a soda. >> i am sure romney will never use the phrase on like donkey kong. >> he needs to channel his inner rabber or rock star and say to his neighbor holla! i am moving in. >> i don't think he has an inner rapper. >> i don't think so. >> unless he ate a three muss ask you tear without taking it off. >> we need to teachers and you to spell. >> you seemed surprise richard gear owns -- richard geere owns a house. melissa on the airplane. you mentioned stetton's twitter followers, now under 22,000. >> it was a boom for her. >> yes, it was. >> we know melissa. >> you do? >> yes.
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but do you think this happened? >> i absolutely think it happened. >> there are specific tweets. i had to throw the question since we don't have the verification from him. >> i was actually up. this happened at like 4:00 in the morning when i was awake. i was watching the tweets coming in at realtime. she discovered he was the aid of the internet. actor pat tweely said -- she said that's the guy. >> this should be like a show called twitter detective. twitter forensics on msnbc after "lock up." first of all take the ring of off. apparently brian went to the bathroom and when he came back it was off. >> you have to go in with it off. >> no, you go, i just can't
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take it off after the accident. >> in this case, he went and had an accident and then went to the back. >> if you are that stupid you don't notice the ring, but it just doesn't -- it smells rotten. >> the only question that should be asked is you don't say, you sure are twittering a lot. >> he didn't notice? >> he is an old dude. he didn't notice. she is probably changing her status to boyfriend, me. >> he could have thought she was checking her e-mail. >> he is 76. >> you scare me sherrod. i don't think he has three kids. i think he has a 10-year-old son though. >> and he is rapper without the w.
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>> i don't understand. i know how strongly you feel about this. i think maybe it happened to you once. >> do you know melissa? >> no. i don't fly first class. i lost my ring. he could have said that, i lost it in the bathroom. >> what happens in coach, stays in coach. >> it is like the 35,000 foot version of "vegas." >> nobody has a plan at where you can send out a twites. tweets. >> you could have put headphones to expig norred the dude. >> you have to admit there are times when like if you sit down and immediately somebody engages you in a conversation you feel like, oh it will be rude if i say excuse me and put my headphones on.
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>> you are going to sit and talk to a married man? >> that's how she felt. >> here is the thing though, what if you have adorable ears? i don't wear headphones. covering these things up is a crime. people have to see those ears. >> has anyone in your life told you you have adorable ears in. >> there was that ear doctor. he said those are quite tiny. i don't know how i will get the wax out, but i will try one time with my tongue. >> it is an easy way to get people to stop talking to you on the planement i say hush and then i put my finger on there. >> i think as the conversation kept going she was having fun tweeting it. >> she picked up like 8,000 twitter followers. >> the other thing is and we talked about this before on any long bus ride you call it
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the porn shield. you don't have to read it. you buy something a bit uncomfortable to read. >> like what? >> and then you put it down there and no one will sit by you. >> "what to expect when you are expecting." >> yes, "life with herpes" and it ends right there. >> 1-3 boston are obese. you think it speaks to the wealth of the country. homeless people can scrowng up up -- scrounge up enough. >> the problems we have are unique to the country of the world. >> i was going to say, i don't have to do much turning. >> if anything it speaks to the charitable nature of americans who are giving a
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helping hand. >> that's a sweet way of saying it. >> you say i shouldn't eat all of this. this will make me fat. go ahead and take this. >> how do you sleep at night? >> upside down in a closet. >> quickly on the nfl brain damage lawsuit, you said it has the wiff of ambulance chasing. the nfl has changed their rules how quickly you can play after a concussion. they made changes to the fact that yes, there is something to this. the wiff of ambulance chasing is there. it is to get some easy cash. they know it is there. there may be legitimate cases. >> they chased the plans for a reason. somebody is in it and hurt. >> there are a bunch of those guys in the ambulance. >> i thought it was poignant. >> greg you said the truth is
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these guys exchanged some of the tenures of fame later on. >> this is the only question. did the nfl hide the information? >> that's a good question. >> if they have info or manipulated info that gave players the wrong idea, that's a problem. if the players players have all of the info the league had -- >> yes. i think we can agree with that. >> and i don't think we will find out. they will pay something to stay out jie. we need a whistle-blower, and then we will have an hbo movie. >> whistle blowing is so over rated. nobody likes whistles. >> dogs don't. >> slide whistle. >> everybody likes a slide whistle. no, yes. >> and when you are walking it makes an awful sound. >> boy, the things you know. >> we apparently have her awful sound. >> packs of dogs are chasing
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you down the street. >> i have had enough should you waste your time on older dogs? she discusses her new book "one puppy a month." >> but first, can one nightstand s still lead to long life love? and what would "red eye" do without pointless studies.
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she went from chachi at her side to a doublewide. "the nationallen. erer" says erin moran is living in a trailer park in indiana. the sassy sis is 51 and jobless and leaving hand-to-mouth on her husband's meager wal-mart salary. and adding insult to injury one friend said if you look at erin today you qo never
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know -- you would never know she was one of the biggest stars. >> lucky for us we have erin moran here and i will ask her a few questions. erin, good to see you. >> thank you for having me, greg. >> how accurate is this account? >> it is accurate, but they omitted -- yes, i live in a trailer park, but so does raffle, potsey and pinky tuscadero. they tell me she is in jail. >> chachi is the love of your life, and why hasn't he rescued from this? >> fiction reality. it is scott baio. but yes, we did have an affair during the touring of the show. but then he went to "charles in charge" and charles in charge was in charge of the days and nights of nicole eggert. some say too much. >> and look what happened to
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nicole eggert. >> you know what? sit on it. that's mine. sit on it. >> ron howard, played your older brother, why haven't you reached out to him? >> have i been trying to find chuck. chuck is the eldest brother on the first season. he disappeared. here is the thing. he disappeared and can't find him anywhere. the other thing, i have been trying to find my cousin oliver. they brought him in in the fifth season because i was getting less cute and a better rack. oliver came in and and i can't find him. >> you are confusing your family with "the brady bunch." >> no. little blonde kid, helmet hair, was not accurate for the 50s look, buts he helped us out. >> i believe it was robbie rist. >> no, he was on our show.
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that's why they say you jump the oliver. the show is not as good. fonzie jumps the oliver. >> have you ever been asked on the street or at wal-mart or where you live about your resemblance to a certain repulsive sidekick on a late night show? >> currently don't own a tv, but he sounds like a dream boat. call me, who ever you are. >> he is gorgeous. >> ask him if he likes cougars. >> you can throw janet from "three's company" on there too. >> and which one from gilligan's island? >> marianne. >> i want to open it up to the panel. by the way, this is always a tragic story, sherrod. it goes back almost to the football story. people who peak early always end up somewhere bad later. >> you have to keep living. you have another 40 years. what will happen then? but wal-mart? her husband works at wal-mart? >> that is not bad. a lot of people work at
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wal-mart. should her friends help her? >> where is the fonz? >> yes, where are these people. >> there is a happy -- a silver lining in that she has been married for 20 years. that dude is holding down joni. >> why are you talking about me like i am not here? >> listen up, listen up, sit on it. that's mine. >> you do 236 episodes of arguably one of the most popular shows you have nothing to show but happiness, a happy mairnl. >> there is something that -- they didn't have the royalty structure before that. >> it didn't happen to everybody else on the show? >> we don't know about potsey 1k3* ralph mouth. he is somewhere hurting. >> he could be a fat homeless guy in boston. >> what about gary marshall. >> where is penny marshall?
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>> where is marshall dillon. where is the marshall tucker band? i have to take a break. don't leave now. there is more stuff to talk about.
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according to a report, my favorite kind, the average middle income family will spend $12,000 on their baby's first year of life. some website decided to look at which cities had the most spoiled brats. at the top, thork city followed by brooke -- new york city followed by brooklyn, miami, minneapolis and tulsa. midwestern cities ranked near the bottom. among them columbus, indiana, polace and milwaukee which i believe is the birthplace of crab cake. you spend half a million dollars on your kid between birth to age 18. do they deserve it? >> worth every penny. by the way i met my husband in minneapolis and may have had some conception things going there. i don't know. >> i don't think i meeded to know that. >> too much information. but you spend so much money on
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that pirs child and then out of guilt for the next one. can't spoil them too much because life will slap them. >> sherrod does this make you not want to have kids is -- that you know about? >> yes. theks question. next question. first of all, it makes sense new york and brooklyn. they spend the most on the kids. how much do you spend on your kids? it makes sense new york is on that list. >> basically this is a stupid study. >> essentially, yes. >> but the fact that the people are buying baby chinos at starbucks. that's a bit over board. i know we are a successful country, but that is going too far. >> bill, you don't bother spoiling your kids. >> no, that saying spare the rod, spoil the kid. i have in guy named rod and he
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roughs them up every time. they are in their 20s. their respective mom's names escape me. we will close things out with a post game wrap up with andy levy. go to fox eye.
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see you back here at 5:00 p.m. for "the five." on the next "red eye" we have jonathon honig, ann coulter and tom shalou. and no bill schulz? what? back to tv's andy levy for the post game wrap up. >> it is like a party tomorrow. >> it is. >> i like that. >> harris, what do you got? >> fox report on saturday night 4 p.m. eastern.
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o dark 30 west of there. >> a show devoted to foxes, all sorts of ks toes. >> it is always hot on "the fox report." bill did it. >> bernie, what do you have? >> i will be atyucko bucks. imus in the morning all over the country and david letterman next week. just kidding. >> really? too bad. that would have been fun. >> it would have been nice. sherrod what are you doing with your ventures? >> good morning america, july 9th, i premiere, third hour. get it right. >> don't move man. we hillary play it at 2:00 p.m. >> sherrod, don't be angry. >> i am joyous. good afternoon, america. >> is that what they call it? >> they paid me.


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