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tv   Americas News Headquarters  FOX News  June 9, 2012 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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>> wow, an amazing young lady and we wish her the best. thank you, elizabeth. that's going to do it for me in washington, but america's news headquarters rolls along with jamie colby and kelly wright. thanks for joining me. make it a great day. >> kelly: fox news alert, new reaction to what some call the most serious breaches of national security in recent memory, a growing controversy that prompted a response from the president. now, some lawmakers say, they want to make sure that politics don't get in the way of the truth. welcome to a brand new hour inside america's news headquarters, i'm kelly wright. >> jamie: i'm jamie colby. attorney general eric holder assigning prosecutors to lead criminal investigations. and just yesterday, president obama said that claims the white house deliberately leaked information is quote, offensive. now, let's review the leaks, mopping them. details of cyber attack stereos against iran.
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background on the bin laden raid. information on the pakistani doctor in prison after he helped the u.s. fine osama bin laden. extensive details on the so-called counterterrorism kill list. molly henneberg tracking all of this live in washington. washington is abuzz, molly. >> hi, jamie and kelly. yes, it is, eric holder hired two attorneys to work for him to dig into the investigates of the leaks. part of the controversy, they may not be independent enough. holder says a u.s. department to d.c. and donor to president obama's campaign and rob rosen stein, a u.s. attorney for maryland appointed by president george w. bush, will doggedly go after the facts. and the chairman of the house intelligence committee mike rogers wants to see how they will be separate from the department of justice's chain of command. and roger says, quote, the
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investigates must be complete, fair and balanced and the u.s. attorneys will meet to have the ability to follow the investigation wherever it may lead. and president obama said yesterday that the idea that the white house would leak sensitive information for political gain as some critics charged is quote, offensive and quote, wrong. >> as i think has been indicated from these articles, whether or not the information they've received is true, the writers of these articles have allstated unekwquivocally they didn't come from this white house and that's now how we operate. >> one top senate republican john mccain points out the articles on the leaks identify some sources as administration officials, and aides to the president. and senator mccain went on to say, quote, i continue to call on the president to immediately appoint a special council to fully investigate. and meaning an independent special council separate from the department of justice. and the house judiciary
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chairman lamar smith says anyone convicted of leaking should face jail time. jamie. >> jamie: molly henneberg, get back to us as news develops. thank you so much. we'll talk how significant the leaks may be, what's called the disturbing pattern over the last two years. joining us for that, general jack keane live later in the show, retired four star general, former chief of staff for the army. said the lesion are significant, calling thm some of the most serious security disclosures he's ever seen. >> kelly: another fox news alert on a frightening surge of violence in syria. just watch this. >> you're looking at amateur video reportedly from the capital, damascus and activists saying it shows rebels becoming a bus of
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syrian soldiers, and you can see men running away and opening fire and this from today. new video and reports of government troops shelling a southern city, killing at least 17 people there, just as they go, reports of a massacre at another syrian town killing at least 78 civilians, including women and children, and back in may, u.n. reports of mass killings in the central syrian town on kola. more than 100 people killed there, nearly half children, all of this in the face of the u.s. peace plan violated nearly every day since it went into effect in april e and from syria to pakistan. pakistan is lashing out against our defense secretary leon panetta over comments he made, calling the country a safe haven for militants. and it raises questions about how the two countries, us and them, will be able to fight terror side by side. peter doocy takes a look at that with details from washington, hi, peter.
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>> hi, jamie, the headline today, pakistan heard our secretary of defense, leon panetta complaining they don't crack down on safe havens and pakistan fired back basically telling panetta to back off, saying today, quote, we feel that the secretary of defense is oversimplifying some of the complex issues we're dealing with in our efforts against extremism and terrorism and if you missed it, here is the clip they're upset about where secretary panetta takes issues with pakistan on thursday. >> we cannot continue to tolerate a situation where terrorists on their side of the border, come across, attack our troops, kill our troops ap then return to a safe haven in pakistan. that's intolerable, and you know, we approach them time aen time again, and they have to deal with that situation. they cannot allow that to happen, and we've reached the limits of our patience. >> remember, pakistan shut
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down key supply routes into afghanistan, after we accidentally killed two dozen of their troops in november, and then, they sentenced the doctor who helped us catch bin laden to 33 years in jail without punishing anyone who actually helped to harbor plaiden for years, things are tense with pakistan and the way things are going, experts say there are no signs of improvement soon. it's kind of like, our treadmill, you're never getting anywhere, your a keeping pace and fighting the enemy, but never going to defeat them because they're just going to keep feeding them across. >> and when we asked secretary panetta if they're at war with pakistan, he said we're at war with anyone who would attack our country. jamie. >> jamie: thank you, peter. >> president obama taking a lot of heat this weekend, following some controversial comments during a news
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conference yesterday, about the economy. the remarks creating a backlash from critics after the president said that if the private sector is doing, quote, doing fine. take a listen. >> the truth of the matter is that, as i said, we created 4.3 million jobs over the last two-- 27 months. over 800,000 just this year alone. the private sector is doing fine. >> kelly: hours later, mr. obama immediately backed away from those comments, hoping instead to clarify his earlier point. >> the economy is not doing fine. there are too many people out of work, and the housing market is still weak and too many homes underwater. and that's precisely why i asked congress to start taking some steps that can make a difference. >> kelly: on the campaign trail, as you can imagine, presumptive nominee, mitt romney took aim at the
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president's comments, responding just minutes after that. >> he said the private sector is doing fine. is he really that out of touch? i think he's defining what it means to be detached and out of touch with the american people. >> kelly: so just who has it right? joining me to discuss this is angela mcglowan, a fox news political analyst, jehmu green, fox news contributor and former president of the women's media center. thank you for jong me. >> thank you for having us. >> kelly: let's get your perspectives what unfolded on friday as the president delivered the press conference and dialing it back after realizing what he said made him appear to be in the words of mitt romney, or governor mitt romney out of touch. angela, what say you about this? >> well, goes to show, kelly, this liberal strategy that the president's had in his campaign of saying what they think the american people want to hear isn't working anymore. he failed in his policies to create more jobs.
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he's failed and working with the republican congress and the democrat senate in passing a jobs bill that will actually make a difference, so, now, the proof is in the pudding and he has to put forth true policy that will create a better america and seemed a bit detached. >> kelly: jehmu, we hear angela loud and clear and what they stated the government or i mean, the president's policies have failed and we also heard the president talk about that congress has to be doing something about getting a decent jobs bill passed. >> exactly, kelly. now, there's no denying that governor romney, governor christy, mitch mcconnell, they have a lot of fun with the six words that were taken out of context. now, some people say he dialed it back, i think it's more a matter of putting it into context and actually, making sure that people understand the nuance of what he was saying. don't we just like lament the death of nuance in this new
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media landscape? i mean, but at the end of the day, governor romney comparing obama to someone being detached when this is the guy who didn't know what a donut is. who has a car elevator. who is detached here, angela? the reality is, teachers, first responders are laid off at local government and state government and the president is saying that private sector jobs have been growing, they haven't been growing as much as we would like, but they have been growing, but-- >> jehmu let's talk about-- >> let me get in a word in here edge-wise. >> go ahead. >> kelly: jehmu you say lament the death of nuance. how about the american people lamenting the death of jobs and what's done about that on both sides of the aisle the president saying yesterday, the question then is what are we going to do about it? and then you have eric cantor saying, the republicans frankly saying he's tired of the president blaming congress. >> well, i think at the end of the day, you have to look at the millions of jobs, 4.5
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million jobs that have been created since the great recession under president obama. and what he is saying is that business is moving in the right direction. private sector is starting to move in the right direction, about you the public sector jobs, teachers, first responders, they need help from congress and-- >> what are you saying about this? >> they do and got help, jehmu. let's just look at this. speaker pelosi in august of 2010 passed a 26 billion dollar state aid bill to help 150,000 teachers and 150,000 first responders. now, it's like groundhog day. we have put forth the money, jehmu, to help in creating jobs through the president's policies and it hasn't helped. also, we've passed close to 800 billion dollar stimulus jobs bill which has not created more jobs. >> kelly: as you both have been talking, sorry to interrupt. let's bring up the unemployment figures for the people to see at home what's
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going on out there in terms of people. 8.2%. >> right. >> kelly: you both are stating that something has to be done, the question is, will congress and the president agree between now and the election to get something done. >> they should. congress is getting paid to go to work every single day. instead of working at really looking at how they can make sure that teachers and firemen and women and policemen and women are not laid off. i mean, when we're talking about things taken out of context, look at four words that governor romney said, i like firing people, his response to president obama's comments in the press conference, i think that was the real news of the day. >> kelly: all right. >> he basically said the president wants to hire teachers and firemen and policemen and the-- >> and the final word. >> and mitt romney is not the president-- mitt romney is not the president and the only proven way that we can increase prosperity and reduce poverty is individual responsibility,
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capitalism and free markets and less government. so, instead of trading more government jobs, jehmu, we need to give more to the private sector and let the private sector do it and the-- >> this is about firing teachers, not laying off teachers and-- >> jehmu and angela, we thank you both. obviously the arguments and debates continue in terms of what's going to be done. thank you for your perspective on this. >> thanks, kelly. >> thanks for having us. >> jamie: coming up, protests erupt overseas as european leaders discuss how to handle an economic crisis, that's straight ahead. how european countries drowning in debt may drag down the u.s. economy, hurt your retirement account and cost you money. >> kelly: serious new trouble for lindsay lohan, what police are saying after an accident involving a dump truck. >> jamie: and from homeless to harvard. this could be the most incredible story you'll hear today. one woman's journey, listen.
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. >> time now for a quick check of the headlines, a family in mourning today. their teenager daughter plunging to her death in yellowstone annual work on her first day of work. she was hiking with three acquaintances when the trail gave out from under here. police now say that neither lindsay lohan nor her unidentified companion were hurt. there will be no triple crown or racing for i'll have another. scratched from today's belmont stakes due to a swollen tendon and the horse is now officially retired. if he competed and won would have been the first to win the triple crown since 1978. >> jamie: a young woman living the american dream. after overcoming a childhood nightmare. she was abandoned by her
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parents, her name dawn loggens, and she became homeless and then went to live with friends. but now, this remarkable student from north carolina is headed straight to harvard. elizabeth is live in the atlanta bureau, bring it on, i love the story. >> i love this story, jamie. more than 2 million students face homelessness while they're in high school, but dawn loggens is truly an example of beating the odds. dawn loggens. (cheers) >> when dawn loggens got her high school diploma, the auditorium quilled with thousands erupted. the harvard university bound grad beat the odds and the crowd knew it. loggens used to be homeless. >> i found myself absolutely homeless with nowhere to go. i stayed at friend's houses in between. >> loggens' childhood was complicated boo i evictions, a parent involved with drugs and hunger, she only felt peace after being sent away to cool
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her junior year, but when she returned, there was something missing, her parents. they had moved leaving her to fend for herself. >> and most kids in my situation do not overcome this. they turn to drugs, and they turn to crime. >> a school employee took loggens in and the teen worked as a janitor, on campus long before sunrise to peck up gum off the floor and vacuum hallways. >> school has, i think, been her ticket. and her sanity and she knew it was a way out. >> all of that hard work for dreams of stability and success. >> my future is going to be great. and i know it is, and harvard is going to make that happen. >> and jamie, she's quick to remind you that her scholarship is need-based not accepting a free ride and studying biology at harvard.
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>> all good things to come. good to see you, elizabeth. >> well, you know, there was a time in america when baseball was a popular urban past time and kids learning fundamentals of the game, but is baseball coming back in the inner city? for example, in atlanta, the boys of the inner city are how pursuing baseball as their field of dreams. at one time, the major leagues were filled with stars from america's inner city neighbors. willie mayes, ozzie smith, a few great players who hailed from inner cities throughout america. but year round inner city leagues have been hard to find the game's popularity has been undergoing a bit of a slump among urban can youth. however, in atlanta, baseball has been good for children, coaches and families. (cheer (cheers) >> the atlanta thunder is one of several teams playing at
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atlanta's east pointe area and children play year round, there are many benefits of being involved, such as making sure to stay good in school. >> make sure that we relate the baseball skills to life skills, so, the hard work, staying-- and the same things in the classroom. biology, you don't get it the first time around, you have to do, read that passage over, that paragraph over and kind of practice. and treat people the way you want to be treated and those are life lessons, not just sports. >> doing good, all a a's and-- >> all a's and high five on that, that's great. baseball is a sport that takes a lot of work. can't sit out a year and expect to get back in the game with the same skill set. like anything in life, it takes practice, determination and a willingness to learn in order to improve and develop. and in atlanta's year round program. coaches believe if you
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continue to work with kids, it might make a difference. >> you're not just teaching them the fundamentals of baseball, and how to succeed at the game, your a teaching them the fundamentals of life and how to succeed at life. >> the greatest thing for us to do, get out doors, and interact with your fellow students and kids and stuff like that, the most important thing to learn, how to react to her kids and avoid all conflict. >> kelly: they're teaching the kids from the field of dreams that they can achieve their dreams. >> it's good that we can take our young men and make something of them. >> a long time ago, we didn't have the opportunity. and then now, to see the transformation with baseball and how we've evolved and how the game has evolved, it gives me joy. >> for me personally, i grew up in the environment and there's more opportunities now, and when i grew up. we had played 16 games, and
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now up to 80. >> and builds the relationship between the father and son, what do you hope to get out of this. >> well, just games and building life skills, and you know, teamwork, having dedication to something, and you have your ups and downs. [applause] >> and baseball is committing more dollars and focus on building more inner city leagues by the way, atlanta's team back to babick world series, and in fact, maybe one or more of them could become professional players in the future. >> jamie: got a dream, kelly. great. new concerns for u.s. economy as another european power stares down a crisis. at world is waiting to see what spain does to fix its money trouble. what this means for you at home straight ahead.
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>> kelly: plus, controversy surrounding the white house. senators accusing the obama administration with leaking national security information. retired four star general jack keane joins us in minutes with reaction. >> the notion that my white house would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. c'mon dad! i'm here to unleash my inner cowboy. instead i g heartburn. [ horse neighs ] hold up partner. prilos isn't for fast relief. try alka-seltzer. it kills heartburn fast. yeehaw! [ crunches ] mmm. ♪ [ male announcer ] pringles... bursting with more flavor. [ crunch! ]
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. >> fox news alert. the u.s. economy, europe's leader hold the emergency bailout talks for spain's troubled banking system. a move that would make spain the fourth euro zone member to receive a bailout since the financial crisis erupted two years ago, a deeply troubling sign for leaders at home. greg burke is streaming live
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from rome. >> that's right, it's not a done deal yet, but looking increasingly like spain will need that bailout. we're actually waiting to hear in a few minutes from the finance minister, the spanish finance minister, what exactly happened on the long conference call this afternoon with the other european finance ministers, spain is a big part of the european economy the fourth largest member of the euro zone and if spain were to fail. it would put the whole european project into question and really, at that point, also, the global economy. so, the u.s. is watching this very closely as well. and the initial talk for spain was about a mini bailout and now it's not sounding so mini at all. people are saying, somewhere between 50 and 100 billion dollars they need for the banking system and that's where the problems are. the spain's problems came when the real estate boom went bust an and leaving so many banks with real estate loans and concerns with the spanish people, they were losing money
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in those banks and spain thought they could work out of this problem and appears increasingly, that's not been the case and they're going to have to suck up the national pride and ask for help in some form. maybe in the direct help from europe, the government, but to the banks which would be easier to accept what some people are calling a soft bailout and finally, kelly, pretty easy to remember who's been in trouble or who is in trouble in europe. pig. portugal, ireland and greece and asked for bailouts and greece actually, too, and looks like it's plural, pigs, with spain providing the "s", kelly. >> kelly: thanks for the analogy, and what's going on with more how the ongoing bailout talks in europe may directly impact your economy and the future we'll speak with jonathan hoenig, capital ist pig hedge fund llc ahead.
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>> jamie: first we want to tell you about new reaction to the launch of a justice department investigation of a number of national security leaks. specifically, leaks that some top intel experts say may be putting all of our lives at risk. attorney general eric holder appointing two u.s. attorneys just yesterday. take a look at sensitive information, classified information that's gotten out. classified background on the bin laden raid. stories on the pakistani doctor who has been in prison after he helped the u.s. find bin laden. reports on the president's so-called counterterrorism kill list and details of possible cyber attacks against iran. and also, secrets revealing a double agent, infiltrated, al-qaeda, and yemen on our behalf. now, yesterday, the president made a very strong defense of his white house, saying they are not behind these leaks. >> the notion that my white
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house would purposely release classified national security information is offensive. it's wrong and people, i think, need to have a better sense of how i approach this office and how the people around me here approach this office. >> fox news military analyst, retired general jack keane is a four star general, former vice chief of staff from the army and joins us now, general, great to see you. >> yeah, good to see you, jamie. >> you heard what the president said. it's offensive to suggest that the white house has anything to do with this. what's worse, being offended or knowing that your white house isn't leaking. don't we have to get to the bottom of this? >> well, we absolutely do. and i-- i believe the president wants to get to the bottom of it as well. certainly, given the national
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security challenges that this thing is going to give us. this is, you're absolutely right, jamie, this is one of the most serious leaks of security information that i've ever observed and the reason for that is, two of them, really, jump out at you. the first one is we are conducting a covert espionage operation against iranians, our adversary in the region and we're trying to stop them from having nuclear weapons and this operation is focused on that very thing. to reveal the details of that in an ongoing operation, and you know for a fact and we've been advocating on your show that we need to do cyber attack against iran. obviously, the government is doing it, you can make the assumption that this isn't the only thing that they're doing in terms of cyber attacks. what has that done for the iranians. they've got their antenna up now and resources, what they think it is, how to stop it. cautionary measures taken in other areas. and this is harsh dealing with
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the iranians, they are an eye for an eye government and they will respond to this attack as they have in the past to others. and they may have already responded and we just don't even know it yet, but the fact of the matter is, they will return some kind of cyber attack to the united states and look what they've done with the israelis. they suspected the israelis killed some of their scientists and trying to kill israelis officials for the last four to five months. so the other thing that's so dangerous, is outing the double agent in yemen. can you imagine that? a person who has taken huge, courageous risks to expose himself and providing the information to us, at the same times' working for someone else. >> jamie: general, i can't imagine it. i can't imagine it. who is going to sign up to do that in the future? i assume that's your big concern is that we're limiting the ability for us to get that intel or use these tactics because now word is out. how can you connect the dots
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to figure out where it came from? >> first, let me just reemphasize what you've said. i've spoken to two senior intelligence officials from different agencies and they are, they are really angry over this, and very upset and they certainly want a thorough investigation and let the investigation follow into where it may and the criminal prosecution is one. and let it happen. and that really needs to, needs to take place, i'm encouraged that the fbi are so involved in this and they're going to conduct the investigation. they're apolitical organization and that's true of the director. he's obviously going to report to two prosecutors now, appointed by the attorney general, but i'm convinced that the fbi will get to the bottom of this and trace this thing. there are probably multiple people involved, jamie. >> jamie: i would imagine. a corporal did damage on his own seemingly with the
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wikileaks, you say that the fbi is the right organization to investigate this. do we have time? now that the information is out and you say eye for an eye, that's how iran operates, it seems our concerns already should be heightened. >> you betcha that on national security apparatus, our own antennas, in terms of defensive measures have clearly gone up in our own country. as you know, as a matter of public record, much of our critical infrastructure is exposed to cyber attack and that's well-known in this country and it's well-known to add ver sar-- adversaries, we can be taken advantage of. and those people attempting to protect us are involved in that now given what's taken place. >> jamie: general, keane, it's sobering, thank you for explaining all the implications to us, we'll follow it here on fox. >> always good to see you, jamie.
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>> jamie: always good to see you. take care. >> yeah, take care. all right. switching gears because we are talking about cars, volkswagen building what it calls a drive-- and gary gastelu takes it for a test drive. >> four years ago for the very first report, we came here to the raceway park in new jersey to tested limited edition, and now we've come back and so has the r-32, sort of. >> this is the 2012 volkswagen golf r. spiritual successor to the r-32 and the sportiest car that vw makes.
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they are similar and have differences. the r 2 as a v-6 this has a throaty, turbocharged 4 cylinder. and also, instead of the old car's high-tech twin clutch automatic gear box, the golf r has 6 speed manual and gives up a little performance in efficiency in the name of fun. >> like the r-32, it does have all wheel drive, but smarter system and better at anticipating the needs and works with the traction control and electronic breaking to keep the wheels from spinning and the car from spinning off the road. handy on a day like today. but aside from that, fancy chairs, this is basically a golf. same practical package and definitely drive it every day. although probably not like this. of course, with the starting price of $35,000. this is a pricey precision instrument that will appeal to
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a particular type of buyer. >> the one thing it has in common with r-32 only going to build 5,000. if you want one get your order in soon or else you may have to wait until the next presidential election year to buy its replacement. 2012 volkswagen golf r. gary gastelu, fox news. >> gary is talking limited edition collectors items. if you want to learn more about the 2012 golf r. go to fox car >> jamie: we have some interesting medical news, a new break through in obesity research. we are going to tell you how your mind could actually help you shape up your body. >> kelly: all eyes are on europe right now. protests breaking out in spain amid the emergency bailout talks, how this could have a direct impact on your financial future at home. that's next. this country was built by working people.
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>> welcome back, new concerns for the u.s. economy amid emergency bailout talks over system. despite a strong showing on u.s. markets this week, handling of the euro crisis will have a major impact on our own economy. joining us now is jonathan hoenig of portfolio manager at capitalist pig hedge fund llc and a regular on fox's cashin' in. >> my pleasure. >> kelly: it will me why it's so distressing to see what's going on in europe as relates to spain now, trying to get out of its own debt? >> with he will, it is a tremendous fright to investors here in america, kelly. i mean, against the back drop of an extremely slow economy, with low gdp, high unemployment. investors are looking at
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nightmarish scenes out of spain. not just street violence, but real economic deficiencies and i think investors consider our own economic policies at home, continuation of the entitlement policies that brought europe to its knees, a lot of america says maybe now is not a great time to invest in stocks, almost a month dow didn't have two up days in a row and only happened twice since 1900. >> kelly: is there anything to stop or staunch the impact that europe will have on the united states economy? for example, the president going on record saying that the, the euro zone should actually balance their borrowing and budget cuts. is he right to do that, to call on europe to be responsible? >> he's absolutely right to call on europe to be responsible, but as you talked about before the break, europe has undergone the most distressed parts of europe, a number of bailouts, up to this point and we know they haven't
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worked or sent a stock to upon panic, they haven't stopped the decline. here at home, saying the president should not follow europe's need, more intervention and more blour bailouts, one of concerns at home we'll continue down those policies and lower risk tolerance investing in europe we'll continue to see here at home as well. >> kelly: jonathan, what that breeds then is a high degree of uncertainty and how will it impact wall street in the weeks ahead. >> i think it's why you're seeing the tremendous swings, as you pointed out. the market had the best week last week, a terrific benefit for all of us still invested in stocks and the thing i think most investors kelly, need to avoid, making investing is all or none decision. when we've seen the terrible headlines both in the economy at home and tum multi-in europe. in my opinion stocks are cheap at current levels, but offer
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protection for growth and inflation, to try to avoid those, have stocks, bonds, cash and ready to hold out the ride. >> kelly: that's a whole lot to do, hold out the ride and pray. >> yeah, that never hurts. >> kelly: that never hurts, especially in a situation like this. thanks very much. >> thanks, kelly. >> kelly: all right e we have possibly a new way to shed those extra pounds. i know, you're going to want to hear that and tell you about a newly discovered switch in the brain that researchers say can help you control your hunger. journey a, i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving.
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>> ♪ didn't know it's that easy, the milk shake that brings the boys, it isn't, actually, it's that summer bod. this goes for the guys, too, turns out there's a big break through in the battle of the bulge. researchers say they may have found a receptor in our brain that controls our appetite and maybe we can be in charge. dr. steven lamb is a practicing internist and faculty member school of medicine and contributor to the daily. we know that boys don't want just milk shake, they want us to look good and we want them
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to look good, too, doc. what is the receptor? >> obviously, we have a big problem in the country, with obesity. 40, 50 people ever overweight. not overweight because they're stupid or want to sabotage. it's a very complicated process, society. you think had hunger. what drives you to eat. people use food as a nutrient or a drug? . turns out you can use it as a drug and receptors in the brain that help control how and why, and when you eat. and those factors may contribute, you know, to the obesity, you know, struggle that we have in this country. >> jamie: this study came up at columbia university here in new york. it came up with gpr-17. what is that? >> there are many receptors and signals in the brain, that is one of them. this is a very brilliant
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research, but over the last 20 years there have been a lot of these tests, and all of which have been contributing factors and this is interesting from an academic point of view. to actually think that this is going to translate into a treatment for obesity in the next few years, i think, is being overly optimistic. the other thing, it's highly unlikely that a single regulatory protein could affect and override, you know, the hunger mechanism. it's too complicated, it's too important to humans that if we just knocked out one protein, we would all be fine. >> it sounds great. because the study says they don't really know if it's the diet and exercise that contributed to the weight loss or was it the taking of appetite suppressants that affect this receptor, how do you feel about appetite suppressants? >> i think you have to look at them as by logic intervention, just like blood pressure
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lowering agent or cholesterol lowering agent. don't use it as a crutch. like saying to somebody, don't take the medication, don't be depressed. it should be part. to think once again, the single drug, believe me i've tried the best i can, they work for-- okay. many of the appetite suppressants will work for a period of six to 12 weeks and then the body overrides them. okay, it basically boils down to eating less, not only eating less, but even the timing of eating may help. in other words, if you're just, if you ate earlier in the day as opposed to later in the day, even if you ate the same numbers of calories, did the studies in mice, took identical mice and fed one when they're supposed to eat, the end of the month, the ones were heavier at odd hours and if you don't sleep you may gain weight. the study shows there are receptors in the brain. >> kelly: and i must say,
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eating after different hours, don't eat after a certain hour. >> if you eat mostly between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. probably be more successful than if you ate throughout the whole day. this is just part of how we utilize energy and how, it has to be consistent with what we call the circadian rhythm of the body. if you eat at 3 in the morning likely you'll gain weight, even if you ate the totsame totl amount of calories. >> jamie: doctor, it's interesting-- >> they're looking at biology. >> jamie: thank you for weighing in, the milk shake, i don't eat them. i'm jamie colby. >> kelly: i'm kelly wright. coming up next, the journal report. [ male announcer ] for fruits, veggies and natural green tea energy... new v8 v-fusion plus energy. could've had a v8. it's kind of a big deal.
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