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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  June 12, 2012 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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♪ >> good morning. happy tuesday everyone. i am patti ann browne. >> i am heather childers. thank you for joining us. it is june 12th. thank you for watching "fox & friends first". >> a u.s. commentary charged in two separate home runs. he's taking a leave of absence. >> patti ann and heather good morning to you as well. it was issued last night saying u.s. commerce secretary john bk rison notified president obama he would be taking a medical leave of absence and immediately
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transferred his functions to deputy secretary. dr. blank will be acting secretary of commerce. this comes after bryson's involvement in two hit and run accidents in california over the weekend. the commerce department says bryson suffered a seizure and can't recall all of the details involving his car accident while visiting los angeles. in a statement to the commerce department he says quote i notified president obama this evening that effective immediately i am taking a medical leave of absence so i can focus all of my attention on resolving the health issues that arose over the weekend. during the period of mileness i will not perform the functions of my job. you will act in my stead for the duration of my absence. that being said... >> the president is concerned about secretary broyson.
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>> obviously concerned about the incident, concerned about secretary bryson's death related issues that played a role in this incident and we are still gathering information about it. >> secretary jay carney says bryson has been an effective commerce secretary since he was confirmed. they are in the process of gathering information and more details as well. the circumstances surrounding those accidents and police indicate bryson could face charges for at least one hit and run. kelly wright reporting for us from washington. now to another developing story swat teams in alabama swallowed tear gas used thermal imagining and tore a home apart. the man accused of murdering three people they believe was hold up inside. joining us with an update on
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this. >> late last night swat teams were sent into that house to look for december month leonard. police in east montgomery said they received two tips that someone who looked like the 22-year-old was siding inside that house. police did however arrest two people accused of hindering this search. 41-year-old gabriel thomas have had contact with that gunman we are told. it is not known if the men are related. meantime leonard has been on the run since saturday night. that's when he fired 6 shots at an off campus party killing three people and injuring three other according to reports frm two of the victims who died were former auburn football players ed christian and ladreus
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phillips. eric mack a sophomore lineman was also shot and he survived. the whole incident started over a fight over a woman. it is time for your 5@5:00. the other headlines making the news. investigators want to know how one construction worker was killed and another was hurt in a tunnel at lake mead. they were in the tunnel when materials came lose and pressure sent it slyiflying through the . the water line to the lake mead reservoir has been caving since construction started in 2009. federal firefighting crew touched down in colorado to battle an out of control wildfire. the flames are racing toward home at 40 feet per minute. that fire also claimed it's first victim. a 62-year-old woman was found dead in the remains of her burned home. the fire was sparked by
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lightening. it remains at 0 percent containment. a navy drone crashes and burns near maryland. as you can see there are only pieces left of the 44 foot plane. no one was hurt. it is being operated a crew on the ground at a naval station nearby. no word yet on what caused the crash. >> executive directors at jp morgan chase knew about risky practices two years before they lost about $2 billion. current and former members of the chief investment office talked about reigning in traitors back in 2010. ceo jamie diamond and mitted he was wrong with those concerns in april. he testifies before the senate banking committee tomorrow. they are the kings of the ice. los angeles kings winning their first stanley cup since joining the league back in 1967. they beat the devils 6-1 in game 6. la racing to the ice to celebrate as the clock ticks
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sglaer row. the kings becoming the first 8th seeded playoff team to win the cup. congratulations to them. >> that is your 5@5:00. >> time now to take a look at who's talking. the white house leaks white house press secretary jay carney says the allegations say the leaks that came from the administration are absurd and wrong. >> carney was continuously pressed on the issue and questioned over how he could say the leak was from not within. >> i can tell you that this administration -- this guys of president takes very seriously the need to protect classified and sensitive information. the need to do so for our national security interests to protect our counter-terrorism operations and other operations taken by our forces and our
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government. i can point you to the authors of some of the materials that led to this discussion the fact that they were not directed to or provided information by the white house. charles krauthammer also talking about the white house league. he's taking issue saying it isn't the source. >> i don't know how carney can say what he is saying. he is preeting essentially what the president said on friday when he said the writers of the articles themselves have allstated they come from the white house. how is that possible when one of the articles has the author of the article saying it came from 3 dozen former current advisors interviews with them. on the grown story the author is quote-unquote members of the president's national security to team. in reporting on a meeting a situation room meeting how could that not be coming from the white house and how can you possibly say the writer is
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saying it didn't come from the white house. obviously it did. who else was in that room? the pizza delivery guy? a plumber in the corner working on the sink? it had to be somebody from the president's entourage. >> at 7:30 we will have reaction from former secretary of defense donald rumsfeld. >> now to a story you can bank on a stunning new report finds net worth is down 40 percent in the past three years. joining us with details is robert gray. >> 40 percent in three years. >> we know antidotally how bad the financial crisis was and is for americans. >> federal reserve taking a closer look the worst three you are finding granted the survey is only 20-years old. look at the median familiar lace net worth down 40 percent.
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126,400 bucks in 2010 it is down to 77,300. look at the family income as well. 49 thousand down to 45 and change there. this is the opposite of what former fed chairman used to call the wealth effect when america felt wealthier in late 90s your 401 k was going up and home values are going up. home values is where much of the wealth is and they have plummeted during the financial crisis. that is the main culprit for the decline. >> what about stocks? >> it would certainly as individual investors did. we know that from following the mutual fund data. they pulled their money out at the exact wrong time in early 2009 just as the market was turning around. if you continue the average that they add vice you you should do that's what they tell us on fox business to tell you to add a little along you would have
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mitigated some of the losses you had. none the less continue to go buy in would have meant you bought in at the bottom in 2009. you would have had gains in addition to some of the losses during that period. >> families were paying down their debt. >> that was over shadowed by the home value going down. we have less credit card debt now than we did then. >> piarticularly with income dropping and net worth dropping. >> thank you. >> thank you. thank you very much. it is time for the weather update with maria molina and your current temperatures. good to see you early this morning. good morning everyone. seeing a cool start across parts of the midwest. it will be bringing in moisture across northeast down into the southeast including us in new york city. take a look at some of the current temperatures as we head out the door on the cool side
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across the midwest. 46 degrees in rapid city. 53 over minneapolis. pleasant across new york city 66 and 70 in cleveland. those warm temperatures are a seen we have moisture headed our way. we are basically on the warm side of a cold front. you can see moving into parts of the northeast. you need umbrella right now if you head out the door. heavier downpours to the east. scattered showers across pennsylvania. all of this moisture will continue to head eastward. from boston down to philadelphia by the big airport hubs. we have heavier downpours the southern parts of arkansaned southern portions of louisiana slow as you go out to work. slight chance some of these storms could produce severe weather. we have severe thunderstorm watch in effect right now across
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northern parts of lawsuit yaw basically because the conditions are favorable for large hail and damaging winds. morning travel shouldn't be impacted much in philadelphia but i think we could see a slight chance later on in the morning hours at 8:00 a.m. you are going to have the temperature at 72. atlanta not expecting any rainfall just yet. you can see the storms later on this afternoon and across the center of the country you can see a chance of severe storms from south dakota down into texas. large hail damaging winds the main concern but we can't rule out isolated tornadoes. 12 after the hour. next on the rundown swearing off swearing. people who cuss being force to do pay a fine. is this the government's business? we report you decide. >> we talked about the kindergarten class not allowed to sing the usa because it makes other cultures feel bad.
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>> first a look at the price at the pump the national average now 3:54 a gallon.
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>> welcome back. 16 after the hour. here's what you missed while you were sleeping. a massachusetts town is swearing off swearing. they voted to make cursing in public a civil defense. they can fine people 20 bucks for using profane language in public. >> others argue it raises issue with free speech. it could be a historic vote today residents voting on a
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measure to completely do away with property taxes. they contradict the concept of property ownership. it has disastrous effects on the economy. >> in a few hours torattorney general eric holder back on the hot seat in capitol hill. >> this coming one day after house overnight committee chairman darrel issa announced plans to move forward with a contempt resolution. i issa says he has no chase. >> 18 months after brian kerry was gunned down the family has no answers and there has been no one held accountable. one we need the answers for the kerry family and two when you have an attorney general who says he won't give you more admits there are 100,000 documents you haven't seen you have to take some next step. the speak has approved the next
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step. >> the fast and furious investigation is purely political. >> attorney general himself has appeared 8 times on the hill including 4 hours of testimony just last thursday. given the justice department's effort to accommodate the committee investigation i can only refer you to the republican house judiciary member who recently conceded this investigation is quote politics. >> holder sure to face questions about security leaks connected to the obama administration. the time now 18 after the top of the hour. harvard and yale not the most expensive schools in the country. apparently that's right. the public high school costing taxpayers over 100,000 dollars. >> we told you about the kindergarten class not allowed to sing god bless the usa because it makes other cultures feel bad. we have more in the case.
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stay with us.
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>> some quick headlines now in a few hours the defense makes final pitchs in roger clemens perjury retrial. both sides set to give close arguments. jurors expected to begin deliberating later today. the trial will last 8 weeks with 46 witnesses. costs double the tuition of harvard medical school. they spent $4.4 millions to send
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40 students to central regional ind me intermediate high school. >> hopefully they are getting straight a's. >> 'tis the season for political ads. we are pulling back the curtain on why sometimes it is apparently absolutely necessary to go negative. joining us with details is james rosen: >> the candidates and campaigns that make use of political ad tizing make an industry worth 4 billion in this cycle line. it attracts political ad tizing. th it became a two-man race. 49 percent were negative. they foundry pub cans ads more likely to be negative. at the ohio based strategy group
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from media a gop add firm that produced 10's of thousands of radio responses over the last 18 years negative ads are known as contrast messaging and considered vital and honorable when rooted in the truth. >> all of the information shows it is frankly some of the most honest information voters in the electorate get during the campaign. both sides only ran positive campaigns about themselves i don't think we have learned the whole truth about the character and lack there of or the voting record and the truth behind things. a leading democratic consultant agreed negative advertising is essential to a functions democracy. >> if you only making your decision based on me telling you all of the great things about me and my opponent telling you about the great things about him, clearly we are omitting things, right? the other side's mission is to say hey, joe admitted to a fact
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you might want to know. i think a lot of times that's important. he talked about youtube purchasing air time like the biggest loser and the kardashians. it is a way to reach the uninterested and uninformed voter. patti ann and heather. the time now is 25 after the top of the hour. coming up it is florida verses the feds. the governor suing the federal government to make sure that dead people aren't voting. seems reasonable, right? >> eric holder is saying not so fast. >> did bank of america learn anything about the bailout? wait until you hear what they are spending $6 billion on. the baseball hall of fame opening in new york.
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>> hi there. welcome back to fox and friends first. i am heather childers. >> i am patti ann browne. it is 29 after the hour. >> now time for your 5 at 5:30. fires tear gas used thermala imagg last night.
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officers believed this man accused of murdering three people at auburn university was hold up inside. hours after the home. 41-year-old gabriel thomas both have had contact with a gunman. they radioed in 21 people were on a boat called the blind date and a murder near sandy hooks. crews searched for hours and were unable to find anything. it costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars. >> she spent 16 years on the run with her boyfriend. one of the fb aishgs most wanted men and katherine greg will learn her fate. she helped him hide. they caught up with them last year in california.
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he is on trial for 19 murder charges. is this what bank of america needed your bailout money for? it will spend 50 billion to address climate change. the goals include renewable energy like wind, solar and hydro power reducing energy consumption 25 percent by 2015. bank of america already spends 27.9 billion on climate change issues. a story we first brought everyone yesterday. we told you about the out cry after a principal in brooklyn new york decided to take this patriotic song out of the program because it could offend other cultures. flush ♪ >> we are learning that another song is being banned. principal choose to take out lee greenwood's god bless the usa out of the program replace it with justin bieber's song baby.
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that song has been given the boot, too. saying she had a change of heart. she hasn't changed her mind about god bless the usa. that is your 5@5:30. the state of florida is not backing down against the federal government in the fight against voter fraud. doug luzader has the latest. making sure ineligible voters don't get to the polls. they are voting issues in the past. voter roles are escalating into a huge blowup in federal government. the data base is filed department of homeland security. they want that so they can cross-check the voter list. the voter's government says it's his job to ensure the elections are fair. we have found individuals that are a right to vote they don't have citizens i have a job
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to do to defend the right of voters. we have to sue the federal government to get this information. florida's efforts created a standoff with u.s. attorney general eric holder. not only is he refusing to turn over the data base holder is suing florida to block the state from removing any one. the department of justice said this. there are a number of key federal laws in place to ensure noncitizens do not register and vote in federal election and the rights of eligible voters are protected so they are not deterred from he can sizing their right to vote. florida officials meantime say they have already identified 182,000 registered voters who may not be u.s. citizens. back to you. doug luzader live from washington. coming up on fox and friends at
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7 eastern rick scott will be on live. now for a second look at who is talking this morning is prit hume. >> he is reacting to president obama's comments that the private sector is doing just fine. many are calling this a gast but hume sees it differently. >> president obama's assertion that the private sector is doing fine was no gaff. his later comments the economy was not doing fine was no backtrack. both remarks were completely consistent with each other and mr. obama's clear brief in the privacy over the public sector. remember his graduation speech four years ago in wesleyan university in which he spoke proudly of his days as an organizer an the private sector be trays a poverty of ambition end quote. remember how much stimulus money went to shore up public payrolls. he fretted the economy was suffering because too many face lawoffs. as you heard the unemployment
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rate against government workers was 4.2 percent roughly half of the national average and the lowest of any sector. the president wants more teachers cops and them hired. never mind 40 percent must be borrowed in china and elsewhere. this is a would i to stimulate eat con me and government work. it is not just comments that keeps them close it's his genuine belief and importance in the work and spending that members do compared to that in the private sector. this is who he is. plush >> governor mitt romney will be on "fox & friends" reacting to the comment on the private sector. be sure to stick around. >> we will do that. but right now before you leave the house this morning let's get your first degree weather update with maria molina who has more on rain across the east coast. good morning. good to see you. we are expecting rain in new york city and every where else across parts of the northeast
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down into the southeast. it is associated with a cold front moving eastward. we will be bringing you slightly cooler temperatures and mregs sant conditions for the latter half of the workweek. first we have to deal with the rain for today. even possibly weather related traffic. grab the umbrellas as we head out the door. otherwise behind that frontal system through portions of the midwest. some temperatures are only in the 40s or low 50s early this morning across states like minnesota and the dakotas. otherwise southern texas the complete opposite. a lot of heat and humidity in place out there. especially across the southern part of the state. heat index values making it into triple digits. 101 in el paspaso. new york city not bad pleasant 72 degrees pleasant if you don't mind rainfall moving on through. as far as severe weather we are going to be seeing a chance for that across portions of the center of the country. main concerns large hail
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damaging winds isolated tornadoes cannot be ruled out. appreciate it. is vogue editor hanging forl ambassador post. president obama having two fund raisers this week. they could be rewarded as two u.s. ambassadors. tells the new york post she is quite happy with her current job. gilligan's island is floating its way to broadway. ♪ >> could hit the great white way for next year. it will be similar to the format of the original shows they have added another character an alien. will they get off the island thae the question. >> betty white goes to
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washington. the 90-year-old met with president obama at the white house swhieflz in town to mego the smith stosonian. she endorses the president. now for a roundup of all of the sports stories making headlines at this hour. the nba finals tipping off tonight in oklahoma city. it is the thunder verses the heat. it is miami's second year in a row in the finals. the de at seattle supersonics. no place like home for chad owe cho sing cosigning with the miami dolphins four-days after they released the 6 time pro bowler. 14-year-old andy gene about to make history. he will be the youngest golfer in history after paul casey
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withdrew. he had tee it up with andrew watson. 14 years old. a>> a phenom is what they call that. >> 38 after the top of the hour. he choose to fight for his country but one marine is being forced to choose between flying the american flag and the marine flag. >> the gsa spend your tax dollars on more than just a smoking crown -- clown. they left out a million dollars in the budget in order to have play money. with the spark cash card from capital one, sven's home security gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! how does this thinwork? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% casback on every purche, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards!
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[ male announcer ] the ark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice.
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>> let's span the stories overse overseas. we begin in taiwan where flash floods left four people dead. 3,000 people forced out of their
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home. many in knee high water. traveling around the globe could cost you more. united airlines once again raising its fee on international luggage. passengers will have to pay 100 bucks up from 70 for a second bag. last we are taking you to blackburn england. take a look at what hams when two ice cream men fight over a customer. >> mr. youngy driver smashing into mr. whipy's window. mr. whipy then slamming his truck into mr. yum my. >> you can't make this stuff up. >> they needed some of the ice cream to cool off. >> it is 43 after the hour. what happens in vegas doesn't stay in vegas for the gsa. a new report claims the financial free for all not limited to the party town. apparently a former gsa official lied about the size of the
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budget surplus in order to use millions of your tax dollars for pet projects. we have details. good morning, diane. >> according to the washington times recently obtained inspector general report ladies and gentlemens the krscfo's off used the role over the agency finances toward billions of tax payer dollars for its own purposes. in february 2010 the report says then cfo said the office had 25 million in excess cash when it had 52 million in extra cash leaving it 27 million to spend on pet projects. by the time the investigation into that matter was over she had been promoted and investigators decided to leave it to her new boos ss to determ whether to take action against her. allegedly keeping credit card reward points earned with purchases from other departments. reports say cfo officials were
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instriment tal in getting a lot changed. saying extra gsa funds could only be used for cfo projects and ceased money from other departments but ner checked for excess cash internally. this is the latest of several reports that exposed corruption at the administration. it came out officials there spent almost a million dollars off the lavish vegas conference making videos bragging about wasting tax payer money. the kicker here is in april. the gsa responded to some of those reports by taking budget authority from the public services the public building service and giving it to of all departments cfo's. they will be rethinking that move but who knows. >> perhaps they should be listening to yours. >> thank you very much. >> the city board of health will be able to check in today on controversial plan to ban large sodas and other sugary drinks.
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robert moses is live with more on this. good morning, robert. >> pat patti ann good morning to you. >> may year bloomberg wants to ban the sale of sugary drinks larger than 16 ounces at establishment the health department regulates in new york city. the mayor claims it would reduce obesity in the city. critics aren't so sure. some say it's over reaching others including a spokesman from new york city beverage association say this won't reduce obesity rates. a recent poll shows new yorkers are split about 53 percent oppose the mayor's plan. 42 are in favor of it. it could go into effect as early as march.
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that is the latest live from long island kwiens this morning. back to you patti ann. >> time 46 after the hour. women in need of a kidney transplant. >> nikki fitness is back. sree looks like she is having fun. no excuses. how you can bring the gym with you. >> brian kilmeade is here to talk about fox and friends. good morning. >> good morning to you. i can't believe what a great job the bookers did. i will go through the guests here. greg norman is -- >> here. >> super model niki taylor is -- >> not here. >> secretary of state donald rumsfeld. >> here. >> florida governor rick scott. >> here. >> republican presidential candidate mitt romney is -- >> here. >> those are the guys that's
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them. look different when they have makeup on.
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>> an ate iest family removes a challenge to remove under god in the pledge of allegiance. he is being forced to stay the word. a mother needs a kidney and this ghiedz a heart. he is caught on camera walking off with a jar full of donations for elaine smith. the woman had a stroke has lupus and needs a new kidney to survive. i couldn't believe somebody would do that. >> it's like taking part of my life. this is my life they are dealing with. >> the jar had between 150 and $200 in it.
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>> oo it is now 51 after the top of the hour. just because you are hitting the road this summer doesn't mean you have a free pass to not workout. joining us with 7 fitness dvd's including nikki's fit travel workout nikki fitness. thank you for joining us again. >> what is the most common excuse. >> when they go on summer vacation they work hard to get beach ready but they don't bring their sneakers. i will give you a move you can do in a dress. >> show us the first two. >> the first one is more of a cardio move it has muscle donning in it. >> inner thighs quads. you come up and do a kick. >> you come down, down, tip, down, tip. >> pushing your foot for your
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heel is up booty is down. >> no equipment needed. >> next one this is based ongoing yyoga. i like to add a little booty boost to it. bring your arms down. it's like a one-legged squat. >> i like that one a lot. >> now i am going to be your height. >> come on your elbows you are toning your shoulder. everybody wants to work their abs. >> your top foot comes in front your arms are high. you are going do trop your hip down bring it back up. >> this is a xen nation of two ab moves i love to do. why not put them down. matt is behind the woman raw we will do that as well.
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half an hour by combining those moves you are working shoulder abs booty with inner thighs and cardio all at once. >> you do both sides. >> i am feeling that through here already. >> fantastic. appreciate it. >> nikki fitness as always joining us. patti ann? >> all right. i have got to do something now. >> 54 after the hour. choose or lose, a veteran being told he can fcan't fly the marie flag and american flag at the same time outside of his home. it's your word of the day all scrambled up. can you figure out what it is? stick around we will tell you. ♪
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>> two minutes until the top of
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the hour, look at good, bad and ugly. a national guard came home to surprise his kid. staff sergeant rick swordsman was only home for the day and he had three more weeks of training . casey anthony on the run again after her florida hide out was discovered by private eye. she was going out in public because she put on so much weight. the ugly now, veteran john dillon said his homeowners association will not let him fly two glags. if he didn't remove either the
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american flag or marine core flag they'll fine him $100 a day. >> i love when they reunite the family. it takes the kids a second to recognize them. >> makes me cry. >> steve doocy is here to help us out. >> it makes me cry, too. ladies. thank you very much. >> you should get this one. >> i know what it is. >> could it be fitness? >> yes, we all know. >> steve doocy thank you for helping us out and have a great show on "fox and friends". "fox and friends" starts right now, have a great day. >> good morning, everyone. today is tuesday june 12th. i am gretchin karlson and i hope you have


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