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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 15, 2012 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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thanks for watching us tonight. please, always remember, the spin stops right here because we are definitely looking out for you. >> sean: welcome to this special edition of "hannity." two massive scandals are paralyzing the obama administration, which has 144 days to go before the election. the white house leak scandal and the ongoing investigation into operation fast & furious have become the focus of congress and of the american people. now questions are going unanswered and nobody's being held accountable. we have assembled the best and the brightest national security experts, members of congress and political strategists and more as we examine these very serious, developing situations.
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thank you for coming. good to see you, everybody. let me just ask, as we look at these two scandals, operation fast & furious, the security leak scandal, how many of you agree this will have a big impact on the presidential election? show of hands. how many believe it will not? ed rollins, i see no. why not? >> well, it should have. and it should be disclosed. obviously, the media and the campaigns -- and the congress -- need to bring this to the forefront. but irk the economy is such an overwhelming issue and every issue on the side of obama will be pushing it away from them. >> sean: you said it will have a big impack, andy mccarthy? >> it should have. but it won't if they go about it the wrong way. the important issue is the political accountability of the guy in the oval office, who is responsible for the reckless handling of national security information and not just the recent episode. this goes back to the beginning of the administration. but if they hand it over to a special prosecutor, particularly
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one that is answerable to the justice department, i think that legally, that's the only way you could prosecute it, everybody's going to clam up. it will be a matter of grand jury secrecy. people will say on advice of counsel, i can't cooperate with congress. and you won't hear a wor about it-- you are saying, you don't happening it can get enough momentum between now and the election? >> if congress does it. if congress says we want to have people in here who are quote in the new york times articles and ask them exactly who they spoke to and when and what they said, that could keep public attention on. it but if you hand it over to the prosecutors and the grand jury, forget it. >> sean: let me ask, how many think that eric holder in the next few weeks or months will be thrown overboard or resign and get out of the way? do you think he will be there by election day? hands up. almost all of you. he will survive. you do? why, judith? >> because he's very close to the president. the president clearly has confidence in him i don't think
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the republicans have been able to raise enough questions about fast & furious. and the election investigations to -- to make him resign. >> sean: let's look at fast & furious. this is a case where the house government reform and oversight committee has been seeking documents for 18 months, they haven't been forthcoming. he's facing a competent citation next week. that won't impact public perception? >> it will have an impact. but democrats say, hey, wait a minute. the congress wants grand jury testimony. we are not going to give that to them. as long as that's perceived as a substantive objection to turning over information that congress has no right to have, i think holder wins? >> why would congress have no right to have that? we are supposed to have co-equal branches of government, it's the oversight committee, right? hans, what do you think? >> this should be a political issue in the campaign because, look... congress has a right to the documentation and
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information in operation fast & furious. the only way they don't constitutionally is if the president asserts executive privilege and has a legitimate reason. the president hasn't done that. this shows a contempt for the rule of law that is a hallmark of the justice department and this administration. >> sean: victor, when we get to executive privilege, i know it's a topic you have dealt with a let over the years. >> talk about the executive. i think we ought to be focusing more on the president. for example, in a little noted statement in that press conference, he said that all -- all the reporters, unequivocally -- unequivocally said that the information in those stories did not come from the white house. now, that's either a blatantly false statement by the president or all three reporters falsely sourced their stories. which is it? where is the press on this? i say, congress is going to have to do their job, but good people in the press are going to have -- jay carney ought to be asked every single day, what
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reporter said that none of this information came from the white house? >> sean: byron, you are the media. we are talking about your friends and colleagues. are they doing due diligence here and a service to the american people? >> to have a really big investigation, you have to have a white-hot controversy before it. think back to the volery plame affair. there was a drumbeat in the new york times and the washington post, on the broadcast initiatives and cable, every single day. in the end, the bush administration buckled. they gave patrick fitzgerald the investigator, basically, the full powers of the attorney general to look at this. i cannot see that happening in in thadministration unless there was a drumbeat like that happening? in other words, this is an example where the media, compliceit, they want to get obama re-elected, so they are covering for him? is that -- would it be different if it were a conservative president? >> the white house feel its every day. when there is that pressure every day, they feel it, they do something to relieve the pain. right now, the obama white house
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has no real motive to do that? >> to date, viheard no objection from the white house about these leaks. not only that, i think that obama is politicizing this issue. look at the economy and the unemployment, it's going in the wrong direction. so this is a way to bolster his image and it's the wrong move to make. >> sean: we have a great group here. thank you for being with us tonight. a lot of ground to cover. coming up, the chairman of the house, homeland security committee congressman king is here. he says the leak scandal is worse than watergate. he's next. later, just days before they will decide the contempt of congress charges, well, facing eric holder, 3 members of the house, oversight committee will be here to preview this historic vote as this special edition of "hannity" continues. wake up!
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>> sean: welcome back to this special edition of "hannity" as we focus on the emergencies that is facing the obama administration. the national security implications of the white house leak scandal cannot be overstated. one of my next guests believe the damage may be worse than watergate. joining us to explain this is the chairman of the homeland security committee, congressman pete king and fox news national security analyst, k.t. mcfarland. let me play something from fox news radio. >> watergate was campaign documents, there was no -- no
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real national security issue. scooter libby, investigators were disgraced because it was leaked unintentional by someone close tote president, not scooter libby. this goes to the heart of our national security -- >> so this could be -- this could dwarf watergate, right? >> if the media does its job, absolutely. to me, there is no comparison at all. >> sean: we know what happened at the end of watergate. explain. >> watergate was internal. it was an attempt to seal campaign documents and the related activities never went to national security issues. it was an abuse of the political process. here, we are talking about the most sensitive, classified secrets that we have, leaked openly by the administration. dianne feinstein said, it's an avalanche of leaks. i don't know if any time in our history, where so much has been leaked, so much devastating information has been leaked at one time and it comes from
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people close to the president. if you believe the noirk times, which this one time, i will do, this comes from people in the white house, the president's closest advisers? this is important. you wrote a piece in the new york daily news and you said, it had to come from the white house because it described the president on tuesdays, talking about specific kill lists and drone strikes where he would make the final decision. so it had to be somebody in that room -- >> in the oeral office and meetings in the situation room, in the white house. it talks about national security council meetings. everyone know who is is at these meetings. this is the inner circle of the president. the president says he's outraged. the fact is, he didn't say a word until john mccain raised it on the senate form and dianne feinstein went after him. until a month ago, same with the -- plot with had in yemen, operation yemen, that was entirely leaked. nobody about it except a small circle, around the president.
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it was leak to the associated press nits entirety. it was the highest penetration we ever had of al qaeda and the program had to be avoided because it was leaked in total by someone close to the top. >> sean: let's go to the comments of dianne feinstein. among the things she said is that american lives have been put in jeopardy and she said this. let's roll the tape. >> this has to stop. when people say they don't want to work with the united states because they can't trustitous keep a secret, that's serious. when allies become concerned, when an asset's life is in jeopardy or the asset's family's life is in jeopardy. that's a problem. the point of intelligence is to be able to know what might happen to protect this country. we can't do that if the intelligence is no longer except with strict scrutiny, within the number of people that need to have it. >> sean: i rarely disagree with the senator.
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she seems very, very on target in this case. >> she is on target. i was in the white house during watergate. the kind of leaks that came, not only out of watergate, but out of the church committee hearings later, where we turned over very sensitive documents to the united states congress and names were mentioned, names were leaked. what happened as a result of that? our station chief in athens was assassinated. the sources and methods, the foreign intelligence agencies which had been doing business with us stopped because they knew their agents would be revealed. people who might have turned informant, no longer turned informant. we lost a generation of human intelligence. a generation of spies. a lotted of people think that 20 years later, that's why we never saw al qaeda coming. we didn't have anybody on the inside. >> sean: for example, the joint operations cyber warfare with israel we are talking about, where apparently, we were able to penetrate their uranium enrichment program and create chaos for them. now they have to be aware.
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if you are the person who walked that virus into the facility, congressman, i have to imagine your life is in deep jeopardy right now. >> i am on the intelligence committee so i can't confirm if we have this program, but if the press reports are accurate, but looking at the stories in the times with a magnifying glass and they are going back and they want to find out who was in the plans, at what meetings during the time we said the virus was put into the system. >> sean: want to know if they have video surveillance and they can go back and catch this -- and that raises the question once again, you know, we have one pakistani that assisted us in the osama bin laden killing and he is in jail 33 years now. who will help us in the future? who will want to infiltrate these groups. >> in the cold war, we had spy satellites. we knew the enemy. he came from a country. we knew his training manual n. this long war, the kind of war we are going to be fighting the next 10 or 15 years,
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intelligence is one of our only weapons and that's not spy satellites. it doesn't see guys in a cave in afghanistan, plotting to bring down the twin towers. you need to have somebody on the inside. we can't put somebody on the inside. >> sean: you think this could set up back a generation? >> this probably has set us back 10 years. >> sean: was this done -- quick yes or no -- for the benefit of the president? was this done to make him look good, stronger? he picks the kill list, he's involved in cyber warfare against iran? was this to bolster him for his re-election effort. >> he's the only picking targets while he's reading st. augustus. i don't think it was intentionally. i think it was recklessly. >> people are having to die for this. we -- it may not just. informants, but what are we not going to see coming next time for a couple of votes?
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>> sean: what did they know and when did they know it? who knew what, when, where? >> if this becomes a full investigation, i say to the fbi, hopefully these two special counsel will have full powers. this should not be that difficult. this is a small circle of people. find out who was at the meetings on the days that these quotes were taken. >> sean: thank you both. appreciate t. coming up, eric holder says there is no need for a special prosecutor to leak into the leaks because he has appointed two u.s. attorneys to lead the investigations. there is one big problem. one is a major obama campaign donor. we expose this outrageous political ploy as the special audience edition of "hannity" follow the wings.
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>> sean: now, this week, we saw countless members of congress come forward and demand a special counsel be appointed to investigate the white house leaks. however, eric holder is refusing to entertain such suggestions. he has instead cast two u.s. attorneys to look into the marr matter. these men are not operating independently and must report directly to the attorney general. now, also complicating things, ronald machin was hired by holder in the 1990s and he was
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appointed by obama in 2010 and that's just the tip of the iceberg, when it comes to this conflict of interest. >> would it surprise to you know that he is a political contributor to president obama's campaign and served as a volunteer in obama for america and assisted in the vetting of the potential vice-presidential candidates? >> i am confident that he has the ability, the capacity to investigate this case in a nonpartisan, independent, thorough and aggressive way. >> i would suggest the question that that raises by your answer is whether you have the independence and the ability to conduct the investigation? >> sean: now, to be clear, this u.s. attorney who we are supposed to trust to be an unbiased investigator donated more than $4,000 to the obama campaign in 2008. now this in and of itself is a scandal. here with the reaction, the former deputy associate attorney general and fox news
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contributor. tell me why the american people should have confidence in the appointment of somebody who is supposed to be objective to look into the administration and the leak scandal when he donated $4,000 to obama and worked closely with the attorney general and helped vet who the vice-president would be for obama. do you want see a conflict of interest? >> no, i don't. first of all, it's $4 thousand. your tie costs more than $4,000. >> >> sean: donald trump gave it to me for free. >> for him, it was more than $4,000. to obam a$4,000 is nothing. as an attorney, have you a duty to do the right thing and make sure -- wait a minute -- >> he is closely tie to the administration -- >> he is not closely tied. >> sean: you need an objective, discerning, unbiased person to loc at this. this is obvious. >> sean, i want to get to one
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point and i want to address this. my point is that the president ought to be made to answer whether he declassified or authorized anyone to speak about this specific information. because if he did, it's game over. there is no prosecution. so people have got to put the white house on the spot and say, did you declassify-- wait, wait -- hang on. the one ment the president made, he was outraged that even the thought that anybody in his administration would do teven though the information had to come from somebody at the meeting on tuesday with the kill list. >> all the reporters source the white house and people who-- that's the other point. >> working in the white house. but if there is no crime, we don't want to do another valerie plame thing ofy no crime. he ought to be saying whether he authorized anybody to speak about had? whew what would the crime be? >> there is the slight problem of most of the information that is classified, you have to have a special intent to have harmed
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the united states. nevertheless, there should be -- there must be an investigation -- >> can i tell you where the crime would be -- the crime would be-- one at a time. >> if the information was not authorized by the original classifying authority, then it becomes illegal. if it was authorized by obam athen it is legal. so first they have to investigate -- >> that's my point. >> whether or not, who gave the information and whether or not it was-- wait a minute. if the intent was not to harm the united states, but to bolster the re-election effort of the president -- >> it doesn't matter. >> sean: wait a minute. i am asking victoria. >> it can be a problem. nevertheless, we must investigate to do so who did the leaks. >> sean: when you think of the media hist earia of valerie plame, not a covert operative and they knew the leaker from day 1 and patrick fitzgerald
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went for. >> it was a farce, sadly for scooter libby and for libby mills twasn't. that's a threshold because there is no crime. but -- but, then the president must be made to deal with the political repercussions because while dave sanger pretended like, oh, i really, the reasons they didn't really want to let this out -- when ch were made up, he made one damning admission and that is that the editors in the new york times went to the white house and told them that they were going to publish this story and no one said not to publish. >> sean:s >> sean:s that fascinating in and of itself. but who would ever want to work in a covert operation or a joint operation with the united states of america, knowing that if it's in their best political interest, meaning the white house, that that information could be leakd? for example, israel,
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viber warfare, iran's nuclear enrichment program. withhold want to work with us again or put their life at risk, tam ra, knowing this could be used for political benefit of the president? >> many people-- really? >> yes -- >> not me! >> sean: [overlapping dialogue] >> if i could have just as much of an opportunity to make a point -- roll your eyes but just because i'm a liberal doesn't mean i can't speak for himself. sean, you beat up obama all the time about not being transparent. your wonderful president bush had so many classified documents, nobody had any information-- did he leak it? >> had nothing. but it is up to the poot. >> sean: let me tell you the point you are missing. this is the point you are missing, is that if we in fact were involved in joint operations with israel and we were success envelope a cyber warfare program against
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their nuclear advancement program and the israelis have been outed and somebody walked that virus into that facility, their lives near jeopardy and anybody else in the future that is going to be asked to put their life at risk and engage in an operation like that will never do it -- >> really -- that means our security has been compromised. >> in 1945, democratic president truman stoald stalin we had a nuclear weapon. to this day, we have not had a you nuclear attack on the united states. why? people know not to mess with the united states. we are the strongest -- [overlapping dialogue] >> that was one day before the bombs went. [laughter] >> sean: one minor detail. thank you both. coming up next, we shift our focus to operation fast & furious. and that scandal is a scandal that cost at least one american his life. coming up, three members of the house government reform oversight committee will join us and tell us how they plan to
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hold eric holder and his administration of the president accountable for this reckless program as this special edition [ male announcer ] it isn't just your mammogram. it's your teenager's first rsity game. it isn't just your annual exam. it's your daughter's wedding. did you know with your health insurance you may now have some preventive benefits with no co-pays or out-of-pocket costs? it isn't just your cholesterol screening. it's all the tomorrows you're looking forward to. learn more at and he didn't stop for three days and nights
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ask your doctor about cymbalta. imagine you with less pain. cymbalta can help. go to to learn about a free trial offer. >> you implied that we were working together when in fact, since may 18, nothing, nothing has come from your department, not one shred of paper. have you and your attorneys produced internally, the materials responsive to the subpoenas? >> we believe that we have responded to the subpoenas -- >> no, mr. attorney general. you are not a good witness. a good witness answers the question asked. >> sean: that was one of the many duels on capitol hill between house oversight committee chairman darrell issa and attorney general eric holder. next week, congress will vote whether or not to hold the a.g. in contempt over stonewalling in the fast & furious investigation. joining behoove much more are three members of the oversight
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committee. mike killie and john mica and paul gosa. disay that right? thank you. it. first of all, it's been how many months? 18 months since the -- you have been asking the attorney general to hand over information, documents, right? >> i have toking tell you, as a father and a grandfather, the hearing that had the most impact on me was watching the terry family sit there-- the agent -- >> yeah and his colleagues. you could see what they were going through. this investigation that goes a lot further and deeper. you know, just in order to give the terrys peace of mind and closure, we have to finish this out and get to the bottom of why it happened to guarantee them it will never happen again. >> sean: just to remind people, congressmen, these guns were given to these cartels, these organizations and then they were used, in this case, brian terry was killed with a weapon provide to the cartels by the united
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states government? >> okay. people forget how all of this started. this administration... is a gun-control administration. they tried to put the violence in mexico on the blame of the united states. so they concocted this scheme and actually sending our federal agents, sending guns down there and trying to cook some little deal to say that we have to get more guns under control. that's how this all started? we have to get guns under control, so we give them to the gangs -- >> for 11 months, they completely denied -- we asked and asked, darrell and i and others asked for information on this. they completely denied anything for 11 months. and then they finally admitted t. now they are trying to dribble and drab this out, so it goes beyond the election. >> sean: how many months? >> this is 18 months. we asked in the spring, we asked in the fall, now the game that is being played, we are going on
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cooperate. have you heard that, just recently. they want to talk to darrell. they want to talk to us. they don't want a confrontation itch i am telling you, there is going to be a vote and we are going to hold the guy in contempt. >> sean: if -- are we watching a trial by roger clemens? wasn't one of the issues, main issue, lying to congress? as the attorney general of the united states been honest with congress, forthcoming with congress? and do you think he lied to congress? >> absolutely not. coming from arizona, we feel like the stepchild of this administration, over and over again. he has been -- misinformed and he has tried to misinform the public. >> sean: has he lied to congress? >> i believe he has. >> sean: can charged be filed against the attorney general at some point? >> i believe so. i hope that leadership and congressman issa doesn't allow that conversation to happen with the attorney general. i think everything that we asked should be put on the table and nothing less. >> sean: here's what i want to
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know because -- as you are leading into this contempt vote that will take place next week -- >> wednesday. >> sean: on wednesday. now they are saying, no, no, no, we will give you the documents. after 18 months, new he wants to give the documents. i don't know what's worse that, he will give it at the last minute. will any deal like that be struck? >> this is the administration that loves talking and talking and talking until we get past a certain date. i would say that right now, i think that paul and i agree and the chairman agree -- listen, there is an accountability here that takes place. when the chief law renforcement officer of the united states decides to dodge it and we are a nation of laws and a nation that believes that nobody's above the law, that includes the attorney general. for him to take a pass and to continue to say, we need to talk more. it is time to fish or cut bait. >> sean: what does it mean if the attorney general's held in contempt in congress? >> well, i think -- again, this is the chief prostour thial officer of the united states.
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he is supposed to be protecting the citizens. one of our agents was killed and others have been maimed and guns have been use in the violence across the border. and it is our guns that the federal government -- and what we need to find out is who cooked up the plot. there are a bunch of people who have thrown a burqa under the bus -- burke, under the bus. he was the former chief of staff. >> they don't want this to come out before the election. i was on with charlie rangel the other day. he summed it up. he said, this needs to be put off until after the election. that's what they are trying to do, stall. they have given us, what, 7 or 8% of the documents. and now they are going to say, we will give you a few more and we are going to drag this out. >> you know what, sean, i have always learned that trust is a series of promises kept. tell me where the promises have been kept t. hasn't happened. i don't think we go beyond anything else but the contempt
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charges. >> take a vote. how many are going to vote for contempt next week. >> sean: any democrats? >> there are 30-some of them wrote a letter to the president and the attorney that they have grave misgivings. i have a resolution of no confidence on the floor because we have totally lost, you know, the validation what have this attorney general stands for and the rule of law? >> the president seems to stand by him. no surprise. >> fast & furious is just the beginning. there are about eight of us that called for his resignation before resignation. he needs to g. he needs to go for many other reasons because of his selective prosecution. >> the other thing that i want to point out, we in the southwest, particularly arizona, are dealing with the consequences. there are over 1400 guns at crime scenes, even this attorney general has said that. we are going to be victims of. it i am tired of being clat raleral damage that's acceptable by this administration. >> sean: thank you very much. we will be watching closely on wednesday.
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unlike watergate, the sad reality of the fast & furious scandal is that it cost a brave american his life. after the break, we remember border patrol agent brian terry, one of the vps of this of this reckless, dangerous program. straight ahead: journey across a, i found new ways to tell people about saving money. this is bobby. say hello bobby. hello bobby. do you know you could save hundreds on car insurance over the phone, online or at your local geico office? tell us bobby, what would you do with all those savings? hire a better ventriloquist. your lips are moving. geico®. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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they set up an interdiction zone of a known narcotics traffic king and rip crew trail. kiel keep in mind that brian and his team of special operations were working in the dark of night. this is truly rough terrain. >> sean: they soon encountered a group of at least five men, each armed with automatic weapons. a fierce shootout ensued. >> in the end, one mexican national, a member of a rip crew, lay wounded and brian terry was dying. [playing "taps"] >> last night, border patrol agent brian terry was shot and killed in the line of duty as he encountered several suspects in arizona. >> brian terry's life of service
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to god, family, country and corps is a life well lived. >> our stronghold along that border was agent terry's final stand. >> it doesn't get easier, i can tell you that. i do not relish folding american flail flags for family members. >> sean: it was the last thing before he went home for christmas vacation. >> brian did come home that christmas. we buried him not far from the house that he was raised in, just prior to christmas day. >> there are times when you just can't hold back the tears because it's like losing a son, like losing a nephew. i truly felt like a true son of the america, the border trowel patrol was lost.
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>> sean: agents arrested an welrosario aryanos and retrieved two ak-47s and were taken by jamie avila, who was arrested the next day. >> when did you first hear about the weapons being purchased through the operation fast & furious. >> sean. >> mostly on tv, the media, newspapers. i never really got a call until it was brought out in the newspaper. i just -- was flabbergasted. i didn't believe it at first. >> sean: ballistic tests could not identify the murder weapon, but lawmakers were outraged. >> brian terry's loss was preventible. it was regrettable and preventible. >> sean: what makes the death so shocking to his family is that he did not die on a foreign battlefield. he died not in iraq or afghanistan, but in a desert outside of rio rico, arizona, some 18 miles inside of the
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u.s./mexican border. his killers were not taliban insurgens or al qaeda fighters but a small group of mexican drug cartel bandits, heavily armed with ak-47 assault rifles. >> sean: so the family is left not just to grieve but to look for answers. >> every one of the men and women involved in fast & furious, you can say with absolute certainty, are men and women of good faith, men and women who wanted to do the right thick. but they hadn't fully thought about the consequences of their actions. and that inability to look into the future, to understand that the risks that they were taking thish down sides and we don't know the reason for brian terry's tragic death. >> sean: joining me from las vegas with more on this tragedy is someone who has spent
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countless hours investigating the matter, the author of fast & furious, barack obama's bloodiest scandal and the shameless coverup. katie pavlich is back. it is very sobering to see that. explain why you call this obama's bloodiest scanneddal and shameless coverup. >> li call at this time bloodiest scandal because we are dealing with hundreds of lives south of the border and the murder of brian terry in this case, as a result of operation fast & furious. something that president obama is willing to stand in full faith and confidence next to his attorney general to defend. he claims he knew nothing about tdespite the white house having its fingerprints all over this, multiple national security advisers were informed about operation fast & furious. eric holder has changed his testimony multiple timesurn oath in front of congress. it took him nearly a year to apologize to the terry family. the only reason he apologized
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was baize he was embarrassed in front of congress, by senator john cornyn when he was asked if he had been in contact with the family and he said no. and he leaked the apology to the press before the family could read it. >> sean: why not be forthcoming and say, our intentions were this. it didn't work out on right. innocent people were hurt. why not admit the truth? >> because they have a lot to hide. that's one question i would like to see asked of the attorney general under oath. what do you have to hide here? this administration has been acting guilty instead of innocent, since the beginning. you look at evidence that has been compiled. the operation was not only stupid, but it had a very sinister, anti-second amendment agenda. the adjustments department was willing to use humans at collateral damage on the backs of the american people. brian terries lies in the wake and hundreds of mexican citizens do as well. >> sean: thanks for being with
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us. we go back to the studio audience as this special edition of "hannity" returns. [ truck beeping ] morning, boys. , i'm working on a cistern intake valve, and the guy hands me a locknut wrench. no way! i'm like, what is this, a drainpipe slipknot? wherever your business takes you, nobody keeps you on the road like progressive commercial auto.
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>> sean: as we continue our special audience edition of "hannity," as we wrap up and look at these two issues in particular, and the scandals that we are talking about, here with the wall street journal, bret, what impact is this going to have? finance is obviously what you do. but national security is the second most important issue in the country. >> look, i think what brings these two stories together is they are both diplomatic fiascos. i grew up in mexico city. mexicans are furious about the flow of american guns going into mexico. it is not just agent terry, hundreds of innocent mech cans are being killed by weapons brought in. you look at other leaks, the israelis, the saudis and the brits, pakistani individual, all of whom have reason not to work with us. this is like a julian asang administration. this has become a wikileaks
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administration in and of itself. that has consequences for us, similar to the state department that they are complaining about -- people who are the risk and governments not working with us. >> sean: that will be the worst part of this, assumeing there may be a new administration -- i can always hope, tam ra, in november. they are going to have to rebuild bridges there. >> i think that's right. the administration, when it comes to certain classified secrets involved in very sensitive national security matters, but it is not a wikileaks administration in fast & furious. in that case, they said, we are not going on give you anywhere close to the documents to deal with the scandal-- it shows the corrupt administration. >> it shows the polittization. in certain issues, we will talk to the press and reveal the secrets because it makes us look good. and in other issues, we won't talk, even to congress and give them the documents they are requesting, because it doesn't make us look good. in the bush years, there was talk of the polittization of the classified issues.
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with the obama administration, he put it across the board on national security issues, when it comes to the fight against al qaeda, iran, any one of these issues. and have you a lot of journalist who is go along with that because it gives them a front-page story. >> the leak that i think deserves a lot more attention was the leak that went foforeign policy magazine about how the israelis had allegedly struck a secret deal to have their planes after a potential strike on iran to be refueled inaz bejohn. i am surprised there hasn't been a full-pledged investigation to find out who did that and at the very least -- fire them. >> sean: you are shaking your head, judith. national security is what you follow. it's the area that we often agree on -- >> yes. >> sean: not all political areas. >> exactly. >> sean: that's eye great point. you know, we have a guy in pakistan now, 33 years in prison. >> right. >> sean: for his assistant in information as it relates to the
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killing of bin laden. i have to imagine, if you are the guy who brought that -- that computer cyber warfare issue to the iranian nuclear facilities, i have to imagine, your life's in jeopardy today. >> look, these are very serious issues and these are serious leaks. and they should be investigated and they are being investigated. but let's put all of this into perspective. this is an administration which is justifiably in many respects, proud of its record on national security t. has a good record on national security. and nobody has yet shown me evidence that they deliberately leaked this information-- good, i am glad -- i don't think it's that great. i gift president for bin laden. this is important. we don't get bin laden if the president had his way on rendition, on black sites, on git schmo -- gitmo and e.i.t. >> they are all from policies from the bush administration.
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>> sean: they got the intelligence from the bush years. >> that's right. but the important thing, the stuff they have abandoned, holding people as enemy combatants, that's how we got intelligence and protect the country. we are now in a position where we are killing people we could capt and you are shutting off a very important information flow. >> sean: let me go back to edrollins, your area of expertise is politics. tell us the impact on the race. you don't happening it's that big -- to me it should be massive. >> it should be massive. but the indictment against obama. he was a great candidate and a lousy leader. probably the most inexperienced man in the oval office at the greatest time of crisis. and because of the ineptitude, they have tried to cover everything up. that's where you are today. your premise of the leaks are to make this president look like a strong national leader, which he's not. he can't do it on the economy, which will be the prevalent issue in this campaign. >> sean: thank you


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