tv Housecall FOX News June 17, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT
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♪ >> jamie: grab your coffee, you are about to get healthier, we have "sunday house call" and joining us dr. samadi, the vice chairman of the department of urology, chief of robotics at the mt. sinai medical center. >> eric: and dr. marc siegel, a doctor at langone smell center and author of "the inner pulse". >> happy father's day to you. >> eric: thank you to you and to all the dads out there. we begin with a shocker that came out this week, considered pretty safe, the tanning booth, spray tans and a new report shows spraying on the golds en
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glow, well, they say it may not be risk-free after all, doctor samadi, it is supposed to be a safe alternative, what happened. >> it is summertime and everyone wants the tan and get into their bathing suits and we talked about the tanning booth and the fact it increases the risk of skin cancer and everyone thought it was safe and the issue is, the main component of this spray is something called dha, dihydroxyacetone and when you spray you can inhale it and it can get into the lungs and bloodstream and it causes genetic mutations and birth defects and also causes lung cancer but before we get to panic zone, the studies are mostly in the labs, not in humans, there are ten studies they looked at, so i wouldn't really be panicking about this. and, if you do it once a year, you are probably okay. and if you do it on a regular basis, and, hollywood is pushing
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this, kardashian and paris hilton, telling teenagers it is okay to do it and the only other point, there is another vitamin, dha, an omega-3 fatty acid which has nothing to do with it and you want to be careful and the tanning salons don't know enough to tell you, fda released the statement saying that you have to cover your eyes, nose and mouth, because that is where all of this gets in -- >> eric: can you get a blood test and go to the doctor tomorrow and get a blood test for the dha? >> no. there is no such thing, you have to be careful. if you are going to get the spray, cover your eyes, ears, because, if this is not fda regulated... >> jamie: why not? why not? why isn't the fda on it. >> they better get on it now, 1977 they said it is okay if you use it external and rub it on your skin or arm and over the years they developed spray tans
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and where do you spray it? on your face and a lot of the tanning places, as david said you are not wearing goggles, pushing the nose plugs and can get into your eyes and mouth and nose and where does it go after that? into your lung and studies show it can alter dna, we don't know what the real extent of it, can it cause cancer? we don't know. we don't know. my recommendation is, because people tend to use it instead of sunscreen, my recommendation is to stay away from it altogether. as david said if you use it, limit its use, because the current preparations, it is almost impossible not to get it into your lungs and from your lungs into your bloodstream. i don't think it is safe. i don't think it is that unsafe, i think the sun -- the sun tan thing, tanning salons are worse, but this isn't the greatest thing, either. >> don't inhale it, the bottom line and the tang salons won't have you wearing goggles because you will look like kramer, it
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doesn't work. >> dr. samadi, tans naturally, so... a shocking study, this is important for parents, because when your child needs a cat scan, it can really detect a lot but it can also be linked to cancer and, they are finding head scans in particular can trigger brain cancer and leukemia later in life. dr. siegel. >> i wrote a book on fear and i don't want anyone, who says my child who needs a ct scan shouldn't get one, if there is a reason they are doing a ct scan of a head on a child, a that are looking for something and, you mentioned leukemia, if they are doing a ct of the body they are looking for something and we know cat scans have 10 to 100 times more radiation than x-rays do. it's a lot, that is a reminder, ask your physician, why are you doing the test? does my child need it? children are growing and it is a
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growing brain and a growing body. always subjecting it to the small amount of radiation and it es also ionizing aidation ae ii an xa, and ct scan and on a plane, i believe it is a significant finding and i believe the radiation, the ionizing radiation has a small amount of risk but so does, not diagnosing conditions we need people to find out about. >> is there an alternative test that can look into the brain for a child. >> i think in the future, mris probably replace cat scans because it will not have the ionizing radiation and, the iodine is not used, and, the cost with mris, over time, it gets cheaper, and the problem with mri, pacemaker or metal in your body you will not be getting that. my take on this, it is a lot more serious than marc put it. they look at 180,000 kids, over
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the range of 20 years, published in lancet and, medicine is becoming the knee-jerk reaction and a headache means cat scan and you have to be careful. and the whole point of this is to stop and say, do i really need this? the accumulation of radiation over the years, is what is a big concern and, of course we are surrounded by tv and monitors, et cetera, if you don't need it, ask the doctor, what will you find and if you find that, what are you going to do about it? that is enough to stop you, and we haved this the conversation... >> jamie: a great question. >> i actually agree with the final point, you don't want to get a test you don't need. >> eric: and always question your doctor. >> not too much! >> eric: a little bit! coming up, so important, news for people with seizures, there is a wide range of medications available for people to try and live a normal life. which medications are best? the two doctors, will break it done a lot more, stay with us, straight ahead. [ male announcer ] introducing a powerful weapon
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♪ >> eric: back with "sunday house call" and the doctors, last week we told you about a new study that found that one out of every 7 patients getting an angioplasty did not actually meet the criteria for needing the procedure. what they're benefits aare the does it mean? dr. seek iegel it can be import if you need it. >> i wanted to make the point, if you saw it last week we are not saying there is not a i-a benefit to stents and angioplasty but, we said if you are stable, don't have a heart attack coming on, because in those cases, it has been shown to be of great benefit but if
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you are stable and have angina and have chest pain or another symptom you might want to try medication first under the guidance of your physician. we feel, i feel, that too many times patients are rushed to the procedure and get a stent and then they might have a complication later on, but they generally are very, very safe and studies have shown that they keep you alive longer and cut down your risk of heart attack and improve your quality of life, they are a tremendous medical advance. >> jamie: what we are trying to do here, improve everybody's quality of life and people have been sending in their e-mails for the doctor and this is from diane in idaho: i have been a seizure patient since 1975 with grand mal epilepsy, after reading the dog diagnosis that commerce secretary bryson had seizures, i was surprised he was in there briefly -- this doesn't sound right to me, is there
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appropriate treatment. >> grand mal seizures, i highly doubt the summers secretary had one of those -- commerce secretary had one of those, he drove the car and hits a car and, is disoriented and two miles later, hits another car and whether there are changes in his sugar level that gave him a short-term seizure type of thing or whether thyroid or endocrine issues but it could be a many stroke, something called a ti istia... >> jamie: nothing to do with ep planes. >> -- epilepsy. and there could be something underlying and they brought him in and checked his sugar levels and, made sure there were no signs of stroke or anything, and they checked him and sent him out, and he was discharged and why he was driving alone is a
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different question. >> jamie: let me ask something that might benefit the person and i'm curious, i'm cpr trained, also on the -- what is it called again... >> we call you dr. colby here. >> the machines they have, defibrillator. thank you, but, if you see someone that is having a seizure on tv, they always tell you to stick something in their mouth so they don't choke on their tongue. what should you do if you see someone having one of these seizures. >> that is the most important point. the reason the e-mailer is saying, we can't believe the person was sent home, people find seizures scary but they are usually self limiting and go away on themselves and aren't as scary as they look but protecting the airway is the key here. you have to somehow figure out a way to keep the patient having a seizure and the person having a seizure from choking, they can choke on their tongue and if you can get something in their mouth, like a tongue depressor or something to keep them from
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choking until medical people arrive. >> you want the history, that is the first thing and you remember from the training, a, b, c, make sure airway is controlled and breathing an circulatisish and are they diabetic? breathing okay? and make sure they are not aspirating because a lot of times they can -- >> jamie: one more thing, do you hold the person down having a seizure or let it take its course. >> let it take its course, you try to hold them down you increase the risk of a fracture, when they go to the hospital you do a cat scan and someone over 65, like the commerce secretary, all of the things david said, you are thinking about, one more which i think for sure, he didn't have because they'd know by now, senator ted kennedy had, you can have a brain tumor to cause you to have a sudden, unexpected seizure out of the blue, at that stage, the older you are, you are concerned about that possibility. >> what is important they -- i want to be sure they ruled out alcohol and drug use in him,
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because of blood tests, there was no alcohol intoxication or drug withdrawal. >> jamie: we gave people information they can use, to help someone out if they are having a seizure. >> eric: coming up a dangerous disease that affects the liver, and they've say it is on the r. doctors will look at who is most at risk. >> jamie: having trouble sleeping? one of the key reasons we are tossing and turning at night? do you have night sweats? it could be a sign of a serious medical issue, guys, too. the doctors weigh in next. if you have copd like i do, you know how hard it can be to breathe and what that feels like. copd iludes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiva helps corol my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups. spiriva is the only once-daily inhaled copd maintenance treatment that does both.
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♪ >> eric: back with the doctors to tell you about a scary new statistic that shows hepatitis-b is on the rise in our country. in fact, more than 1.3 million people, they say, live with the disease. most foreign-born, dr. samadi, what is it and how do you get it and how do you prefer from getting it. >> it is a serious problem of the liver, and actually, this study that just came out in very, very serious, the statistics, we thought it was 1.3 and now, it is 2.2 million people out there with hepatitis-b and is a serious
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issue because, hepatitis-b causes liver disease and cirrhosis and the liver stops functioning and your body fills with fluid and jaundice and yellowish color and it can become liver cancer and the prognosis with that is very very, poor. surgery is the only option, and if you don't get the cancer, usually they die within 6 months to a year and you really want to make sure you prevent it and a lot of these foreigners and, immigrants are coming from countries, china, vietnam, and philippines, 40% of the people who have come and are carriers and you may or may not have symptoms, that is the problem, you get it through sexual activity and through blood and through needle, iv drug use or tattoos and the good thing is, you can get a blood test, hepatitis surface antigen or antibody and dr. siegel can tell us exactly if the person is a carrier and the way to prevent it is really use condoms, when you have sexual activity so there is no barrier.
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you have to be -- take it seriously, health care workers and doctors, surgeons were exposed to blood or needles, this is more serious than hiv, because, there is really no good cure. >> eric: the average person, should you always get a blood test for it. >> you don't need the blood test, you need a vaccine, though and, david is right in how he characterizes this. you will not get it by wiping your nose on something or touching a surface, you could get it with a cut, though and get it from blood and from sexual transmission and the problem is, the big study out of seattle, shows we have a lot more of it in this country than we thought, over 2 honmillion people and 400 million, and more than half came into the country and the reason is we are vaccinating 90% of our kids, infants with this hepatitis-b vaccine. everyone needs to get it's an infant, you are vaccinated, three vaccines over a course of months -- >> eric: what do you tell your doctor about this? >> if you haven't had the
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hepatitis b series, go to your doctor and get it now. you have to get it if you travel out of the country to certain countries and i believe everyone in the u.s. should have this. >> eric: great, good advice, thank you. >> jamie: thanks, more advice from the doctors, for those of you who are having trouble getting the good night's sleep, if you have night sweats when you wake up hot and drenched in sweat you may be surprised to learn what causes the condition and it could signal something serious, not just for women, men, too. we'll tell you about it, next. i'm a marathon runner, in absolute perfect physical condition and i had a heart attack right out of the clear blue... he was just... "get me an aspirin"... yeah... i knew that i was doing the right thing, when i gave him the bayer. i'm on an aspirin regimen... and i take bayer chewables. [ male announcer ] aspirin is not appropriate for everyone so be sure to talk to your doctor
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>> jamie: well, if night sweats are keeping you up, the doctors have some advice on that. first of all, who is more likely to have these, men or women? >> we have talked traditionally about women and menopause. but men have them when they have male menopause, which we tend to overlook. but as internist, i am concerned, do you have a virus? have you had a bacteria? cough a urinary tract infection? could you have a thyroid gland? could it be your medication causing it? i have to screen you to see what could be causing this, in terms of underlying diseases. i am always concerned about the
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looming possibility of cancer because, frankly, cancer can cause night sweats. tuberculosis can cause night sweats. so it's something for me to take very seriously, if it's a virus, it will go away in a few weeks. >> jamie: not to scare people, but that's interesting. are you saying your internal temperature and energy are warmer if you have cancer? that you may suffer this at night? >> it's a very good point. there are certain cancers of the adrenals that causes pumping this epinephrine and you are constantly sweating in your palms, you are drenched. so you have to check that. you have to get a c.t. of your abdomen and make sure. but simple things first. what if you are completely under stress, anxiety, panic attack? you start sweating. or infections. chronic sinus infection is very common. a lot of these guys are going to get that kind of night sweat. talk to your doctor.
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there is a gamut. >> jamie: you dent have to suffer. >> eric: it is father's day, of course. the doctors have a message for all the fathers out there. >> well, you know, first of all, happy father's day to everyone. in my practice, i dwell prostate cancer all the time. there has been a lot of controversy about psa. my advice is to get tested. you need to get your psa, process specific antigen, unless you have a specific history and start a baseline at 40. it's a test you need to have. it's a good test. a lot of time when is patients come to my office, it's the wives and the partners that tell them to go and get tested. we should have a happy father's day and all the best. >> women are 100% more likely to get a physical than men. i agree. get a psa at 45. get tested for diabetes. att blood work it done.
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