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tv   Hannity  FOX News  June 18, 2012 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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i'm bill o'reilly. please remember the spin stops here. we're definitely looking out for you. it appears there are absolutely no limits to what president obama will say and do to win this election. now in a brazen election year stunt, clearly aimed at winning own hispanic voters, he announced friday this nation will no longer deport young illegal immigrants. watch this. >> effective immediately, the department of homeland security is taking steps to lift the shadow of deportation from these young people. over the next few months, eligible individuals who do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be able to request temporary relief from deportation proceedings and apply for work
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authorization. >> sean: in other words, without the consent of congress through this unilateral executive order, president obama has made amnesty the official policy of the united states of america, and that's not sitting well with many republicans including the former attorney general of the united states. >> by choosing now to halt through executive order deportation of some undocumented immigrants, his decision to use a temporary fix looks like a political calculation to win hispanic votes and subjects him to criticism that he is violating his oath of office by selectively failing to enforce the law. >> sean: joining me now to discuss the legality of the president's action, the former special counsel to president clinton, fox news contributor lanny davis. so both of you i say this to me is about the constitutionality of what the president did much more than the substance. i think the country is very open
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on the issue of the dream act, illegal immigration. let's go back to september of 2011 and let's listen to the president's own words about whether or not what he did friday was even allowed. >> the notion that i can just deportations through executive order, that's just not the case because there are laws on the books that congress has passed and i know that everybody here at bell is studying hard so you know we've got three branches of government. congress passes the law. the executive branch's job is to enforce and implement those laws. >> sean: jay, i have numerous other tape of the president saying pretty much the same thing. so how is it the president didn't believe it, he could go ahead and do it a year later? >> i think the president knew exactly what he was doing. he just did it because it was politically expedient. the reality is president obama
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is a harvard law school graduate. he taught at the university of chicago. he knows he cannot suspend the laws of congress that were passed by congress and signed by the president at the time. what the president has done here is exactly that. he has suspended an act of congress. he's refusing to enforce the law by basically executive fiat, and at the same time kind of sends out a political e-mail fundraiser a few hours after that speech touting his new decision. now, look. i agree with you. i think there's merits to what senator marco rubio which is very similar to this policy that the president put forward, the policy makes a lot of sense to a lot of people. that's not the issue. the issue is the legality of the action of the president and the political consequences of that, and this goes in a line of other actions by the president where the determination to which laws are going to be enforced and which are not become purely political and that violates the constitution in my view. >> senator ru rubio will be in e
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next block with us. the thing that really struck me in all of this is the president in his own words on numerous occasions stated that he could not do what he did friday, so then the question is where are the people on the left? where are people like yourself on this issue? >> i think that the president did have the authority. i actually disagree with his interpretation that as a matter of prosecutorial discretion, the executive branch doesn't have to prosecutoprosecute everyone. when president bush issued executive orders including statements made on the signing of legislation that he wouldn't enforce certain provisions of legislation. this is an his torqu toric battn the executive battle between the branches of government that goes back in history. it's not unusual if someone wants to challenge the legality. that's what our third branch is for, the court system. >> go ahead, jay.
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you want to jump in? >> lanny, here's the problem. you can have a judge that issued and order today on deportation and the president basically has overturned the determination of an immigration judge, and that's just not the way the three branches of government are supposed to work. there's a big difference, and you know this. you're a great lawyer. you're a difference between a signing ceremony than there is when there's a law on the books and the president unilaterally makes the determination not to enforce it. it's a very different situation. >> sean: jay, almost word for word you're using the words of then president barack obama, pretty much just a year ago. let me play that this for our audience so they understand and fully grasp here the magnitude of what he did on friday. let's play this. >> i swore an oath to uphold the laws on the books. i know some people want me to bypass congress and change the laws on my own. believe me, believe me, the idea of doing things on my own is very tempting.
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i promise you. not -- not just -- not just on immigration reform. but that's not how -- that's not how oursom our system works. that's not how our de democracy functions. that's not how our constitution is written. >> this notion that somehow i can just changes the laws unilaterally is just not true. the fact of the matter is there are laws on the books that i have to enforce. and i think that there's been a great disservice done to the cause of getting the dream act passed and getting comprehensive immigration passed by perpetrating the notion that somehow by myself i can go and do these things. it's just not true.
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>> sean: lanny, your talking point is to find an instance where you thought george w. bush did the same thing. putting that aside, you heard the numerous times in his own words saying he does not believe he can do this, but then he did it anyway. do you believe he did it for crass political purposes as i do? >> i think he was motivated by politics, but i think he's right on the policy. i agree with george bush. i agree with jeb bush. i agree with senator rubio. i agree. > >> sean: what does that say about this president? >> so do i. >> i think there should be a pathway to citizenship the same way that president bush. >> that's separate issue. we can debate that. go ahead. >> sean, here's the thing. lanny, here's the problem. the president had the majorities of the house and senate where he could have put forward comprehensive immigration reform. he did not do that. instead, he spent his political capital on the health care legislation. that's the reality of what we're dealing with. remember, with president bush,
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the comprehensive immigration reform, the fact of the matter is the president rightly acknowledged that he's not the king, although he acted like one friday when he made this unilaterally decision. the kings get to make and decree law and enforce what they want and not enforce what they don't want. presidents don't have that option. there's a major difference between a signing statement, lanny, and the actual laws on the books. big difference there. that's not prosecutoriaorial discretion. >> jay, by agreeing with you on the policy, and i think mitt romney is the outlier here. at least we agree that rubio is right. you didn't hear romney agreeing during the debate even newt gingrich and rick perry who are liberals. i know you and i agree on that and mitt romney does not.
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>> it's a different issue. >> you'll turn anything into politics. the issue is here whether or not what the president said was unconstitutional and outside of his authority, that he decided to do because he didn't want to go through the process which, by the way, this is the way our system is designed, to change the law is difficult. he obviously didn't want to go that way, and he went against his own principles. that's the issue. we've gotta roll. >> i agree there's a doubt on executive power. it's existed throughout history. rose venroosevelt. >> bang the gavel. we agree on that much. >> there we go. we agree. >> sean: thank you both for being with us. could the president's immigration policy bombshell place senator marco rubio at the top of mitt romney's short list? he's here in the studio to talk about it. and the reporter who dared to interrupt the anointenointed onl
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immigration initiative making the chances of rubio more likely? >> well, i think it puts rubio on the short list. i don't think there's any question about that. >> sean: speculation continues to run rampant over who mitt romney will select as his vice-president, and as you heard, my next guest is among the top contenders. you're laughin laughing. joining me in studio is the author of the great new book, an american son, a great new book, senator marco rubio. >> thank you. you can get it on line. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> you deal with this in your book, not the vp but the issue of immigration a lot, and you say that if the hispanic community sees republicans as wanting to kick people out or members of your family out, they're going to have a tough time with the hispanic vote, but it seemed that you were suggesting that democrats were
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betraying republicans. >> absolutely. we have a significant illegal immigration problem in america, and by the way, we have the most generous immigration policies in the world. a million people a year come into the u.s. legally. no other country comes close to that figure. if you even suggest you have an illegal immigration problem and we need to do something about it, if you're a republican, often times the left labels you as anti-immigrant. this issue is not easy and not is a -- is not a slam dunk issue. it has to be solved. we cannot be the only country in the world that doesn't enforce immigration laws. on the other hand, we have compelling stories like the cases of these young people who grow up here, brought here at a young age through no fault of their own and it touches your heart to hear these stories. trying to find a reasonable balance that honors our legacy as a nation of immigrations and our legacy as a nation of laws is not easy. >easy. >> sean: is this more about the
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constitution aality or the substance of the issue? >> both. if you do something that somehow encourages illegal immigration in the future, it's counter productive. on the other hand, it feels weird to deport a value dick van who has been here since they were four years old. trying to find the balance is important. what the president did by ignoring the constitution and the congress makes it hard to find that balance, not to mention it's unconstitutional. >> he basically said he's not going to enforce laws on the book. >> think about what it means in terms of the short-term versus long term. he's basically taking a very significant issue that needs to be solved in the long term way that's measured, reasonable, and balanced and decided by edict, by fiat basically to shovel it in the short-term which happens to coincide with the november election. i think in the long term that will have very significant implications. >> sean: do you believe he did
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it for political reasons? >> i don't think there's any doubt about that. if you're one of the kids that's being helped, so what? that's how some of those folks feel. i don't think there's anyone watching this that doubts that it was for political reasons. >> sean: you think political reasons getting the hispanic vote in november? >> i think changing the narrative on this issue, recapturing it. he has an intensity problem. the thing that's not reported or talked about is the economy and the economic downturn under barack obama has especially hurt americans of hispanic descent. unemployment is higher among hispanics than the rest of the country. poll after poll shows there's not as much intensity for the president as there was in the past. this is par for the course. every week they come out with some other issue like this to try to divide americans against each other for the purpose of getting him reelected. >> sean: george will said this weekend that mitt romney cannot win with less than 32% of the hispanic american vote. is he right? >> well, i think ultimately he needs to do better among all americans. you want a president that would
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unite our president, and i think he's going to, especially when we start talking about economics. as i said, immigration is an important issue for americans of hispanic descent, but it is not the only issue. i mean, just as important, if not more so, is the fact that people are struggling to make ends meet, they're worried about the businesses they run, their kids' future, they've been hurt badly by unemployment. their house is worth less than that when they bought it. nothing has gotten better in the last four years. most americans like hi panics are not off than they were four years ago. > >> sean: are you better off than you were four years ago and five trillion in debt. david axelrod used the term to describe you being vice-president. >> they try to divide everyone against. men against women, poor against rich, a group of hispanics against other groups of
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hispanics. this is their design. the only way they can win is to distract people from his horrible economic record and pit americans against each other. >> sean: let me ask you. you get sctd this question all the time and i know you're not going to answer it but i'm going to try anyway. if you get the call, if one gets the call, let me take it away from you. >> yeah. >> sean: you would agree with me that one has to consider a potential president asking him to serve the country. is that a fair statement? >> well, first of all, let me be clear. i don't want to discuss the process out of respect for governor romney and the work he's going through. >> >> sean: i tried my best. >> people should be very confident that mitt romney is a successful person. he's not just a successful political figure or businessman. he's a successful person in everything he's ever done. you don't get that successful without having a track record of making good decisions. he's going to make a great choice for vice-president, i'm confident of that. >> sean: there's a good bench in the conservative moment in the republican party. we'll get a chance to spend a full hour with you with the
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studio audience on friday night of this week. i finished the book last night. your life story is amazing. american son in book stores and on line now. >> thanks so much for being with us. we'll talk about the book on friday night. >> sean: coming up, author david limbaugh, his "new york times" best seller, he's in studio tonight and they dared to ask president obama the question that is now under attack from the liberal media for neal monroe. he's going to talk about the fallout from the rose garden interruption. by the way, did liberals used to do that to ronald reagan? we've got tape to show you tonight on hannity. don't wait. go to for a free discussion guide to help you talk to your doctor about reducing your risk. that's
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>> sean: and efforts to discorrect the republican party over the weekend as there was a claim that the g.o.p. is in favor of, quote, more war and more debt. oh, really. watch this. >> they want to return us back to the same policies that caused a recession, huge tax cuts for the wealthy, more war, more debt, and independent economists last week said the romney congressional agenda would cause us harm economically. >> where are republicans calling for more war? >> listen. the point is, george, our opponent and many in congress criticized our decision to end the iraq war.
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i think governor romney called it a tragic mistake, opposed a time line in afghanistan, so -- and by the way, you know, that also has fiscal and economic consequences. >> sean: all right. another example of how the left and the president's campaign will twist inning in order to slander their opponents. joining me now, the author of the brand "new york times" book, david limbaugh is here. marco rubio said the president's campaign is devisive by design. >> no question about it. he appeals to blacks and latinos in his radio shows. vote for us. >> in his radio ads. >> get to the polls because we're your friends, they're your enemies. yeah. there's no question he's the most polarizing president. i show in my book in the second year, the most polarizing president we've ever had. >> what do you mean? this goes into what i've been
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saying. dirty air, dirty water. >> yeah. > >> sean: what is it? what happened to hope and change? where is that? >> i don't know, now he's got a record to run on. that's what governor romney needs to record. his record versus romney's vision. did you notice tax cuts for the wealthy that got us into this mess? i really gotta dispute that. in the first place, these tax cuts were not for the wealthy. they're no longer tax cuts. we want to keep the tax rates that are already in. we don't want the rich to get punished like obama wants to punish businesses. in 2007 the bush tax cuts were in full force. the wars were raging in iraq and afghanistan, our deficit was $161 billion. that alone, case closed. those things didn't cause the deficit. spending causes the deficit, and a slow economy. tax increases cause the economy to slow down. he wants to increase taxes. the largest tax increase ever during this kind of an economy. >> based on what you're saying this is the latest romney ad
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that goes after obama on the issue of the economy. let's take a look. > >> of course the economy isn't where it needs to be. >> how effective is that ad? >> i couldn't really hear it, but you could see what it said, you know. 23 and under unemployed.
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40 straight months of unemployment over 8%. i couldn't read it or hear it, sorry. i think romney needs to focus on the economy, the deplorable state the economy is in. that's the main thing. that and the financial crisis that we're facing as a result of obama's refusal to get in the game about reforming entitlements and cutting spending. >> sean: you went into your book about the president and his belief system and this idea, i don't know what the world would be like without the united states of america. we have paid the cost for freedom around the globe, and then i listen to somebody like joe biden this weekend or the president's comments which you mention in your book about american exceptionalism. i want to get your reaction to what joe biden said about where the greatest cities are. are they in the u.s. or are they in comien? >china. >> if i blind folded americans and took them to airports in
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china or took them to any one of your cities in the middle of the night just so they could see it and then said which was is in america and which one is in your city and which one is in china, most americans would say that great one is in america. it's not. >> sean: i thought he took three and a half years to fix it. >> in the first place, it's not true. why does he always, why does this administration always hold up the united states as a place that they're embarrassed by and foreign nations as exemplars of great thing? how about the one child policy in china which he openly areviewed of that i got in my book? the main point is what you just said. who are they talking about? are they outsiders? they've been running this thick for three and a half years. are they going to blame they are perceived contrast between how great it is in china versus the united states on bush still? >> sean: do you think there's any way we look at the polls, we see that obama, his policies have failed.
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i don't believe this election is over until the votes are counted. >> no. >> sean: i honestly look at the poll numbers sometimes and i can't even believe with the economy so bad he's doing as well as he's doing. on paper it's almost a dead even race. why? >> i honestly don't believe those polls. i don't believe people are answering them honestly when they say that they like obama because i don't think he's acted in a likeable way. no offense. he's acted as an adolescent who won't accept responsibility for his actions. he blames bush for everything. he's constantly demeaning people, demonizing people. actually saying as you mentioned often that republicans want dirtier air, dirtier water. that's a preposterous, malicious thing to say. i don't think that makes people like him. when people ask on the poll question and they say they do, even if they do like him, it won't translate into votes in november. no way. they clearly don't like his policies. he's taken us over the cliff to financial bankruptcy, spending a trillion in deficits a year and won't reform entitlements. i can't say that enough. he's undermining our defense.
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he's completely at war with our energy except for green energy boon dogles. it amazes me as i read this material in my own book. i cannot believe how devastating his policies are to america. it's amazing he'll get 20% of the vote. >> sean: it's a top "new york times" best seller. it's called the great destroyer. by the way, we'll ask boc bob bl later in the program what he thinks of president's 100th, run00th round of golf. when we come back, the left is outraged that a reporter had the nerve and unmitigated gall to ask the reporter a question. that reporter is here to tell us his side of the controversy and much more straight ahead. [ male announcer ] knowing your customers is important to any successful business. which is why at wells fargo, we work with you to get to know the unique aspects of your business. we can recommend financial solutions that can work for you that have helped millions of business owners save time,
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>> sean: there was a remarkable exchange between the president and a reporter on friday when neal monroe of the daily caller interrupted the commander-in-chief during his
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prepared remarks. take a look. >> it is the right thing to do. excuse me, sir. it's not time for questions, sir. not while i'm speaking. and the answer to your question, sir, and the next time i let you prefer -- i prefer you let me finish my statements before i answer questions is this is the right thing for the people. i didn't asking for an argument, i'm answering your question. it is right thing to do for the american people and here's why. here's the reason. because these young people are going to make extraordinary contributions and are already making contributions to our society. > >> sean: the main stream obama media has jumped all over monroe for daring th to question the president. neal monroe is here. welcome to the program. >> thanks very much. >> you've been beaten up pretty badly i noticed by your
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colleagues. do you feel that that was the appropriate time to ask the president a question? >> i haven't noticed the beating up largely because i'm focusing on my work. i went to the white house knowing the extremely high unemployment rate among african-americans. i wrote an article showing that less than half of african-american men 18 to 29 have full-time jobs, and the president was making this extraordinary announcement of bringing in more, a million or so new workers in a time of extraordinary high unemployment. there -there theythey had no pr. they held no press conference. the only way to ask the questions was get him at the end as he's leaving just before he dashes back to the oval office, and i, yes, i mistimed it. i thought i was getting him at the end. frankly, i was wrong about that. he debit answedidn't answer my d when i asked you will you answer any questions, he didn't answer
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so i gave up at that point and waited until the end of the speech statement and then i called out the question again as he turned his back on us. >> sean: are you saying that when you did ask that initial question, because he seemed mid sentence when you jumped in, were you anticipating that was his last sentence, the end of his remarks, and you wanted to get him before he left the podium? is that what you're saying? >> yeah. the trick is to get him just before he leaves the podium because as soon as he finishes, he's a very good speaker, he walks beautifully and he's gone into the oval office. we've seen this happens lots of times. he'll finish his statements and he's gone. i was hoping to get him just at the end, right or wrong, and well, i didn't. >> sean: have you heard from the white house? do you expect any type of retribution? did you try to apologize? is there any update to the situation? >> i did ask if the white house people wanted to talk to me, but i haven't heard back. i shall proceed on per normal. i'm working on new stories,
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working on new angles, see what there is. that's my job. >> sean: there are a number of similar instances out there and i fine it interesting. i know sam donaldson is offended when he asked did you trade arms for hostages. let's look at this tape. this is president reagan when he was discussing the issue and handing off the issue of the eye rabiran contra issue to his attorney general at the time, ed meese. >> now i'm going to ask attorney general meese to brief you. hold it. no. i'm not taking any more questions, and in just a second i'm going to ask attorney general meese to brief you on what we presently know on what he has found out.
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>> sean: interestingly, president reagan wasn't finished with his statement and there was like five of them trying to ask questions, so i found it a little hypocritical. it was fairly widespread combination. i think you should have waited until he was finished, but you recognize that. you said so. but i think the media's done it a lot themselves, so for them to be critical seems hypocritical to me. >> i don't think -- i'm not going to worry about it. what i noticed from that clip is president reagan actually turned up, talked to the press, handed over his a.g., and he answered the question. on this occasion the president announced amnesty for a million people, turns his back on the american people, and walks back into the oval office. clearly president reagan was willing to talk even in difficult circumstances. >> sean: i think this president has gotten a free ride from the media, those that are now critical of you. let me give you the softball questions they've thrown president obama over the last
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few years. >> thomas jefferson once said the presidency is a splendid misery. at the end of his term, he also said, and quote, that the presidency had brought him nothing but increasing grudgery and a daily loss of friends. i just wonder. have you lost any friends yet? >> you're so confident, mr. president, and so focused. is your confidence ever shaken? >> we're sit 30 feet from harry truman's official white house portrait. members of your base are asking when are you going to get your harry truman on. >> thank you, mr. president. last night at the republican debate some of the hopefuls that hope to get your job, they defended the practice of waterboarding. i'm wondering if you think they're uninformed, out of touch, or irresponsible. >> sean: do you think the media has been too easy on him, your colleagues? >> yes. clearly and for a variety of reasons that are hard to correct, but we at the daily
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caller will not try to be easy on him and try not to be easy on the next president. it's our job to work for the american people through our publication to provide them the information that the politicians are reluctant to hand out. we've got to do our job. >> sean: all right, thanks. neil munro. interesting to see the tape of reagan. makes me laugh. here's a peek at what's coming up. big show tonight on the record. >> i had to write down notes, the show is so big. we expect the decision on health care at any moment. two united states senator take on the ninth circuit court of appeals over a very, very, very expensive judicial conference. former attorney general alberto gonzalez is here. we have so much more, so do not go away. a new book written by senator rubio, not by senator rubio but about him by a "washington post" reporter. >> in 18 short minutes, let not your heart be troubled. we're about to have fight on our
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i was trying to figure out how i could get rid of 99% of the lead i can pick up traveling through your pipes, and then... [ click ] it just clicked. get it? it clicked... like the
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>> sean: you're on the air. you're on our great, great, great american panel. >> we're on the air? >> we're on the air. >> we have fox news contributor tucker carlson, and we have an opinion writer for the washington times, carrie pickett. >> neil munro works for you. >> yes, he does. >> i just showed the liberal media that's excoriating him to go the same thing to ronald reagan. >> a reporte reporter's job is d out what's happening. almost no politicians want to answer that question. >> sean: i thought the timing was off. >> the point is neil wants his questions answered. we can argue about how he asked it and why he asked it, but the
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point is he was asking the question. >> sean: he thought he was at the end of the statement, fine. >> it's an e etiquette question but it's not the core question. the white house press corps is not holding the president accountable? neilmunro is. >> i think you've gotta wait for the appropriate time. >> okay. let me say this. how many times has obama been interrupted in the middle of one of his speeches by someone calling out a compliment. >> i've got a tape of that. >> 13 times in the past six months. he says thank you. the second someone asks a question he doesn't like, it's heckling. >> did you spend the whole afternoon at starbuck's? i'm curious. is this guy an american citizen? >> is neil munro american? >> i'm not going to stand here and let you throw your anti-irish big ootry. >> will you answer my question?
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is he an american citizen. >> of course he is, and a proud one. >> i'm glad to hear that. here's the white house mistake. the idea that they gave the daily caller a white house pass is the crazyest idea i've ever heard. >> we're bigger than the chicago tribune. we're bigger than the boston "bn globe". >> they have to give us a pass. >> sure they can. >> likability versus his approval rating has been a pretty big gap. the president was angry. the president came off looking horrible. he could have brushed it off with a joke. he seems like this race, i think, is now downing on the white house they may lose and he is not reacting well. >> he's horribly thin-skinned. the one article the media is really ignoring which you essential showed about reagan being interrupted is ap1987 article, why are grown men and women shouting at ronald reagan,
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and essentially they ended up blaming him because they say that reagan wasn't answering questions at ceremonies or press conferences. thank goodness for news busters for pointing that out. >> sean: that was the point, bob. this was not an original moment. the only difference is the media wasn't critical of what neil -- of what the other reporters did to reagan. that's hi hip puck hi hypocracy. >hypocracy.>> was he raised tha. if someone said barack obama, you're wonderful, the president would have loved it, nobody would have complained, and the president would have said thank you. because he asked a questions on behalf of our readers, it's heckling. >> sean: mears the point. if the president has a statement to make, he should make it.
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they never gave reagan that respect. for them to be all high and mighty ... >> i think they should be able to ask any question. >> he wasn't going to answer the question. he never does. >> he calls on his favorite reporters, his lap dogs, that's it. >> that's true. >> he knew what he was saying was basically contradicting what he said a year before and he would be challenged on it, and that's why he got very thin skinned about it. >> this guy wasn't going to get an answer out of this. he was just trying to disrupt him. >> when we come back, i'm shocked, but david axelrod rips into obama. we've got the tape. you didn't know that existed, did you? more of our great, great, great american panel coming up.
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>> sean: we continue with our great, great american panel. even though david axelrod said this in 1994, it's so appropo to the fact that the president has now played his 100th round of golf as the country suffers. listen to axelrod in 1994. >> although it started to run out on bush. he couldn't say we're out of the recession and technically, he was right. >> the other thing is i think bush tastelessly did it often from the 9th hole and the cigar boat and other places, and
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the impression you got is that he was out of touch. >> you like to beat up on bush. >> it's the only thing we have left. > >> sean: 100 rounds of golf, parties at the white house. extravagant vacations, george clooney, concerts. how out of touch is this white house and will that be a factor in the election? >> it will be a huge factor. did you notice what he said at the end of it? he's the only thing we have left. well, apparently this bush, the one who just left office four years ago is still the only thing they have left, and you know, honestly we have one of our editorial writers emily miller who has done a great job of covering the whole golf issue. look. you have barack obama doing this, you know, golf thing when he first came to the oval office. he's never played golf before. he's hitting the golf ball eight times more than bush did. think about it. he had michael moore. >> i haven't played 100 rounds of golf in my life, for crying out loud. >> that's good for everybody around the golf course.
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you know, i'll tell you. you're right. everybody's waiting for election day. all those people who are anti-obama and golf, and they're going to run to the polls. this is a waste of time. >> he's not an elitist. he's out of touch. >> ease out of touch. >> what is mitt romney. >> what about a guy with a four car garage with elevators. >> ann romney said they're not going to take vacations like this. mitt romney worked his adult life. he actually had a job and he's created jobs. >> he rode bicycles for a long time. that was good. got himself in good shape. >> for all the golf he's played, he's played with a i too knee group of people. one thing that's fascinating with obama living in washington. >> all men, by the way. >> one women. >> find ten people in washington who can look you in the say and say i know obama well and like him. >> you find ten people in washington who want to go with mitt romney and have a beer. >> you can say that about any other president, bill clinton, george w. bush, they had
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friends. this guy, no friends. >> how is it possible that the muslim brotherhood again gets elected in egypt and they celebrated by firing a missile awhich they said they would do. how could the president get it so wrong? >> what does anybody or any president have to do with a revolt? >> he said democracy is a great thing that's unfolding before our eyes. >> you know something? the democracy they wanted, and they voted for the muslim brotherhood so get used to it. why don't we go in and invade? that would be another good country for us to inseparate. >> this administration helped to facilitfacilitate the muslim brotherhood. >> are you kidding me? the muslim brotherhood was started in 1943. >> in this particular time period they helped the muslim brotherhood get in there. >> i have to say there's a bi-partisan agreement that elections anywhere any time are
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always good, and that's wrong, and that's one of the many lessons we're learning from egypt. we learned that in a bunch of different countries. >> you're going to get criticized for this, but you're right. in this case we had a guy that kept the peace with israel as imperfect as mubarak was, and now they're saying prepare for war with israel, and now the muslim brotherhood, syria, north africa, the iranians, now they're going to work right on the border of israel to destroy israel. >> you want elections in saudi arabia? all the people who said let's just have an election, that will make it better, they should apologize. >> the most dangerous country in that region is iran, right? if we decide to wage war with saddam hussein who was the guy keeping iran from being dominant. now they've turned iraq into basically iran ii. congratulations. what a brilliant war strategy that was. >> so this is george bush's fault? >> they should have never had an iraq war. it should have never happened. when


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