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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  June 19, 2012 8:00am-10:00am PDT

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deep out there. martha: you do better than that generally. bill: some days. martha: you're a good golfer. we'll see you tomorrow. have a good day be everybody. jenna: this fox news alert. big news on a major trial in this country happening right now. a military judge is hearing arguments on whether to delay the trial of the man charged with murdering more than a dozen people at fort hood. hear is the background. the pretrial hearing for the man on your screen, major nidal hasan was delayed because he had grown a beard. that is against army rules. in this image you can see he is still clean-shaven. this is from 2010. he is a muslim and could be forced to watch the trial proceedings through a closed-circuit television if he doesn't comply with the judge's orders to shave his beard. his lawyers say, they're seeking exemption to this policy because of his religious beliefs. prosecutors say those same
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religious beliefs fueled his rampage. hassan is charged with murdering 13 people and injuring 30 others in the shooting rampage that happened in 2009. his trial is scheduled for the end of august, now in the year 2012. we'll continue to bring you the latest from this developing story on "happening now.". jon: a chilly meeting between the leaders of two top world powers and no agreement on what to do about the continued massacre of syrians by their own government. ambassador bolton joins us to weigh in own the tense relationship between the u.s. and russia. jenna: back on capitol hill the attorney general and members of congress investigating "fast and furious" struggling to even set a time to meet today. some members want more documents on that botched mexican gun-walking operation before they call off a potential contempt vote against eric holder. we have more exclusive access to the whistle-blower who blew the controversy wide open.
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jon: the national weather service warns beachgoers about deadly rip currents. we'll tell you more about where you might want to stay out of the water. those stories and breaking news all "happening now.". jenna: get to one of our top stories today, these today mat i can new developments in the "fast and furious" investigation. exclusive reporting for you. we're so glad you're with us, everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. we're awaiting a key meeting behind closed doors between attorney general eric holder and house investigators. this as the nation's top prosecutor hopes to avoid a contempt of congress vote tomorrow. there is a deal in the works where holder would turnover new records on the botched gun smuggling program. but it is not all the documents house republicans initially wanted. chief congressional correspondent mike emanuel live on capitol hill for us.
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where do things stand, mike, when it comes to the face-to-face meeting between the attorney general and darrell issa? >> reporter: we know the attorney general wanted to meet this hour, 11:00 a.m. eastern time. chairman issa countered with 5:00 p.m. they want other people in the room. chuck grassley, the top republican in the senate who has been investigating the "fast and furious" matter. the attorney general would like key democrats from the respective house and senate committees there as well. they're trying to hammer out essentially when on the schedule they can all get together. i checked with the committee, house overnight committee with several key aides. they say no documents have been received from the justice department which is significant because of course they want to go through the documents to see if the department of justice is complying with the subpoena and whether to call off the contempt of congress effort in the house oversight committee tomorrow. but at this hour last i checked no documents received here on capitol
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hill and it sounds like they're still trying to work out when they can get together face-to-face, jon. jon: there has been the suggestion republican leadership really doesn't want to go forward with contempt charges in this case. what are you hearing about that? >> well i talked with some key leadership aides about that very issue and they say look, contempt of congress is a big step. they consider it a very serious issue but they say when the house leadership signed a letter may 18th to attorney general holder saying, we want answers. we are a quote equal branch of the government. they were on board at that point to do it right, to do it properly but they felt like there's a constitutional issue here when the legislative branch subpoenas information from the executive branch, if it is not complied with, then they have an obligation to go forward with contempt of congress. so i am told there is no heartburn with house republican leadership about moving forward if indeed chairman issa makes that move, jon. jon: not a bluff then, huh? >> reporter: that's right.
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jon: all right. mike emanuel on the capitol, in the capitol rotunda. thank you, mike. jenna: a long journey to get to this point for a potential vote of contempt in congress. the atf agent who blew the lid off the entire fast and furious scandal is now speaking out with an exclusive interview with fox news. we brought you the first part of his story yesterday how he came to be the "fast and furious" whistle-blower. today we'll focus on the retaliation that came his way after he went public. william la jeunesse is live in los angeles with more, william? >> reporter: jenna, john dodson admits he was warned by congressional staff this would not end well for him. that he would be disowned, disavowed and discredited. while the agent was celebrated in the press as a truth teller, dodson said at atf people would not get on the same elevator with him. still he went forward. eventually some followed. >> what made you decide to be a whistle-blower? >> i knew what we had done
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and then i knew they were trying to hide it. i could tell they were trying to distance themselves and distance the "fast and furious" investigation away from brian terry's homicide. >> reporter: john dodson helped stop operation "fast and furious" by going public but he paid a price. >> it's miserable. i mean, the only thing i wanted to do is my job. >> reporter: dodson left phoenix at a financial loss. moved four children to new schools in south carolina and now sits at home while the scandal plays out internally. >> i can't do my job and every time i go, even if i help another agent i endanger their case by be there under this, this cloud of accusation. >> nobody who can make any decisions has even bothered asking him, what happened? what went on within your group? nobody. >> reporter: do you regret what you did? >> no. >> reporter: second thoughts? >> no. to me there was never a
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choice. >> reporter: but there was for dozens of others who stayed silent after the death of agent terry to protect their job, pension and way of life. >> a lot of people can't talk because they fear the retribution and fear losing their jobs. they need to provide for their families. to me it was far more important to be the man that my son thinks i am than have a job like this. >> reporter: officially atf still considers dodson a liar although the attorney general admits the agency screwed up and personally thanked dodson for blowing the whistle. for leaving phoenix the agency says they didn't force him out but privately the atf basically, those who did come forward, they say they were told that it would be better off for everyone if they left and indeed deed all of them have been transferred to new cities. jenna? jenna: william, is he working right now in any capacity at all? >> reporter: no. he, because, if you're involved in a case and
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defense attorney calls you to the stan and say have you ever been accused of lying. yes i have. by who? by your own agency. i see. let me ask you, are you currently on the job? well, no, they have got me sidelined. the case is over. he can't work on a case because he would immediately discredit or poison it, if you will. so technically he is, paid but he is at home. but he wants to go back to work. jenna. jenna: what a toll on the family, william. thank you for that exclusive report for us today. jon: now this fox news alert on the raging wildfires out west. crews near fort collins, colorado, working marathon hours in record heat and very low humidity. they have managed to get the fire at least 50% contained as they move into the charred remains of communities there, they found at least 189 homes destroyed so far, the most in state history in a fire event. now they're looking to build a fire line against a new fast-moving inferno in the
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mountains west of colorado springs. that fire growing to nearly a thousand acres since sunday. so far zero containment we're told. folks there are waiting for the signal to pack up and get out. >> we've lived up here 10 years. we went through the hayman fire. when you go through that, you put things together. certain things, pictures and albums and things like that, guns. we have, some of those things. those are all set aside in place and you load them up. jon: alicia acuna is bracketed now by those fires burning to the south and to the north. she is live in denver with the very latest. alicia? >> reporter: jon, we'll begin with the high park fire burning near fort collins. the work continues to preventing movement of the fire lines and more air support has been requested. the high park fire has byrned estimated 58,778 acres. fire crews are holding the containment lines in part because the wind and temperatures were not as bad as predicted on monday. hundreds of people remain
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evacuated. officials say it could be months before people get back into their homes. that is because of downed power lines and other issues. >> a whole list of things that have to be done before that can happen. and what we definitely want to avoid is getting people back into an area where we can't call them again to tell them to come out. >> reporter: and south of denver and west of colorado springs the springer fire is at 0% containment right now. this fire began on sunday and has grown and spread quickly. firefighters are working round-the-clock in this state. that is because there are currently four wildfires burning in colorado and the colorado department of public health and environment has issued a couple of warnings because of all the smoke and pollutants in the air. there is wildfire smoke advisory for in effect for areas downwind of the high park fire. experts are telling folks to stay indoors if the smoke gets thick in their neighborhood especially if they have heart disease or
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illnesses or very young or very old. folks are recommended not to do any exercise outside. seems counterintuitive but if you're doing exercising and doing deep breathing that is pretty bad for you because you're getting most of the pollutants inside your lungs. back to you. jon: scary situation, there, alicia acuna. jenna: have you ever used google maps? jon: all the time. jenna: has it worked for you? jon: most of the time. jenna: i had a few near misses goten close and sometimes directly there, the technology behind google maps is about to get a major upgrade which could be a great thing, right? but it is raising plenty of privacy concerns over what cameras in the sky should be allowed to show. new york senator charles schumer is not pleased with the details in these images. he will join us in a few minutes to tell us why. jon: plus, president obama coming off what seemed to be a tense meeting with russian president vladmir putin. just the latest example of an increasingly tense relationship.
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ambassador john bolton weighs in on what some are describing as a new cold war. jenna: a top e.u. official not blaming spain for its banking crisis or greece even. take one guess who he is pointing the finger at? it is jon. no, it is not jon. well the united states of america. north america in general. doesn't want any advice on the economy. no advice on democracy. what is up with that? we'll take a closer look. jon: don't blame me.
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well, more and more people are bundling their home and auto insurance with progressive. sure seems and why that way. wouldn't you?
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that has around 50% fewer co2 emissions than coal. and it's also why, with our partner in brazil, shell is producing ethanol - a biofuel made from renewable sugarcane. ♪ >>a minute, mom! let's broaden the world's energy mix. let's go. jenna: word today a russian ship reportedly carrying weapons to syria is stopped in its tracks. this as new violence in syria comes to light today. first we'll take you to that country where amateur video is reportedly showing the government shelling a town near damascus. the military buildup there is coming as syria says it
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is ready to evacuate is a civilians in the rebel stronghold of homs. that is the at the epicenter of this conflict. meantime there is no firm treatment between the united states and -- agreement between united states and russia on the syrian crisis after a meeting with president obama and russian president vladmir putin at the g20 summit in mexico yesterday. let's get back to the ship now. the u.k. is stopping a russian ship carrying attack helicopters to syria. by pulling their insurance. no insurance is a no-go on the high seas an a bode move. john bolton, former ambassador to the u.n. and fox news contributor. we're getting word that the ship is heading back to russia or may be heading back to russia at this time. what do you think? >> i think it is heading to a port somewhere because it corporate owners don't want it sailing without insurance. so it's an interesting move
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by the british insurance company. certainly put as crimp in this particular sail but i don't think it is a permanent obstacle. the russian government is the seller or the renewer of these helicopters and they will find a way to get them there but it is certainly one more tactic to make it harder for the russians to provide arms. jenna: we should point out it is not illegally for russia to sell arms to syria. they're not breaking the law but it brings up the question whether or not the united states would do something like this u.k. insurer and set up a blockade, make it harder for russia to aid syria? >> well there is certainly no indication that the administration is prepared to do that and i think the outcome of the meeting today between president obama and president putin doesn't give much reason to believe that they have made any progress, not that anybody should have expected any give the vastly different interests that russia has in protecting the assad regime than what we have.
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jenna: russia mischief is at center stage, isn't it, ambassador bolton? when it comes to places like syria we're seeing on the screen and cops to places like iran. you said we should not expect any progress to be made with this president and the president of russia but how do you make progress with russia? >> well, their interests in many parts of the world are very different from ours. where there are different interests there will be disent grews. this is not something better communication is going to resolve. i think understanding that russia remains a nuclear power with thousands of nuclear warheads. it has a strong economic tool in its oil and natural gas exports and it has a new president who is determined to be assertive to the point of near belligerence in pushing russia's interests in and around russia and in the broader world. so it augers for a much more difficult, contentious relationship in many, many different respects. jenna: i wanted to ask you about this editorial
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published in "the wall street journal" today that basically says what's happening in europe as far as the crisis, the economic crisis, only further emboldens russia. the writer says, europe's disorder is a grand opportunity for russia. it is not all good news for the kremlin. it will be hurt economically but geopolitically, the writer says, this is a moment that russia sees great opportunity in that part of the world and also in the middle east. your thoughts? >> well i think in terms of europe the euro crisis is just one more step in europe's decline. the european union makes europe less than the sum of its parts. it doesn't strengthen europe. it weakens europe and the euro crisis is both a symptom and a cause of further weakening. the europeans have been free riding on the united states and the nato alliance for a long time, with few exceptions their percentage of gross national product spent on defense is way, way below what it should be. the euro crisis will make it
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that much harder given that the welfare state mentality that they have got. so i think from the russian point of view absolutely the euro crisis gives them more leverage in the european context. jenna: you lead us perfectly into our next story, ambassador. i know you will come back next hour to talk more about russian-united states relations and whether or not there is a reset going on or something else. thank you very much. >> thank you. jon: well speaking of the financial crisis, take a live look now at the dow, up about 101 points. the markets worry about another european nation, not greece. this time it's spain which is seeing its borrowing costs skyrocket and could soon need its own multibillion-dollar peso or dollar bailout. but spain is not to blame for its banking crisis according to the head of the european commission. he instead points the finger at the u.s. for sparking the turmoil across europe beginning with the recession of 2008. listen.
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>> this crisis was not originated in europe. since you mentioned north america, this crisis was originated in north america and many of our financial sector were contaminated by, how can i put it, unorthodox practice from some sectors of financial market. frankly we are not come here to receive lessons in terms of democracy and in terms of how to handle the economy. jon: so it is our fault. we'll have much more on the story coming up with "wall street journal" senior economics writer steve moore. jenna: we'll look forward to that. one of our top stories today, firefighters battling against the raging wildfires in colorado. they say they're finally getting an edge over the flames, pushing their way through intense heat and tinder-dry conditions. coming up we'll talk with someone on the fire line with an update. jon: those are miserable, hard hot jobs. live update on deadly rip currents forming along the
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florida coast particularly severe right now. there is a warning every swimmer needs to hear. >> the ocean has been so rough. i've been out there swimming. a wave can take you under and hit on the head -- [ gnome ] enjoying your holiday?
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ooo no. the hotel lost our reservation. nonsense! you book at travelocity, your reservation's guaranteed. well, i did not book with travelocity, okay?!? [ female announcer ] get the travelocity guarantee any way you book, including our new app. you'll never roam alone.
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jon: fox news alert now on a deadly outbreak of rip currents along florida's coast. the national weather service is now warning beach visitors to use caution after the deaths of three swimmers including a 14-year-old boy. rick folbaum has more live from our new york city newsroom. >> reporter: jon we're monitoring developments from down here in the newsroom. two weekends ago it was the gulf coast of florida. this time the other side of the state, the late atlantic side. currents were so powerful two people were pushed out to sea.
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at new smyrna beach, a 14-year-old boy was caught up in a rip current while swimming with a bunch of his friends. they were far from the nearest lifeguard. his body was found yesterday morning. in volusia county, also on sunday, a 66-year-old man was pulled under the water. lifeguards raced to save him. they were able to pull him out of the water but unfortunately he did not make it. >> i would say on a scale from 1 to 10 it is about a nine. about as bad as it can get because of the large crowds, the surf, the outgoing tide and the lack of a current, lateral current along the shore which would sweep you to safety. >> the ocean is so rough. i've been out there swimming. a wave can take you under. if you're hit on the head, that's it. >> reporter: you really have to watch the conditions if you're going out there to enjoy the ocean. the national weather service says the rip currents are the number one leading hazard for all beachgoers. about 100 people drown each
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year as a result of them. it is not only at the ocean or along the gulf coast. these things can occur any beach where there are breaking waves. even the great lakes. doesn't matter where you're enjoying the surf you have to be careful of the possibility of rip currents. back to you, jon. jon: rick folbaum in the newsroom. thanks, rick. jenna: good reminder from florida. now we'll move out to colorado and one of our top stories over the last couple weeks, the raging wildfires in colorado. crews seem to be holding the containment lines at 50% right now against as massive wildfire near fort collins but the big issue right now is the weather. hot, dry conditions offering no relief to firefighters. in the meantime in the mountains west of colorado springs a brand new fire is currently at zero containment and these are just two of the four wildfires burning across that state. joining me on the phone, steve saying again, u.s. forest service, rocky mountain coordination center. steve, we spoke to you last
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week and the high park fire, the big fire, was at 0% containment so we'll take the 50% containment now. what direction is the fire burning? does it look like it is going toward residential areas or deeper into the forest? where is it heading? >> it is moving toward the west. there are still homes out there but it is a little less populated moving on that more national forest system lands. there are some wilderness out there. it is pushing up towards the northwest significantly. but, depending on the weather, it is kind of pushing fire lines here and there on, different perimeter areas of the fire. and that's a lot of challenges the with almost 2,000 homes threatened, you know, there is a significant amount of resources out there, over 1700 firefighters and support personnel just trying to get a handle on this very large fire. jenna: right. we can't forget that it is the most destructive fire in state history at this point. we were speaking to a public information officer
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yesterday on the high park fire and she said that you guys were using these new tools to build massive fire lines. that there was a new technique that was being used to tear down some trees and build those fire lines. has that been effective for you? >> that is one of the strategies. the base bes of firefighting, obviously hasn't changed in 100 years. you separate the fuel from the fire. so any opportunity you get to remove some of those trees, to remove some of the fuel from the fire is ben official. once that is complete and, you know, the weather conditions obviously cooperate for you, you can start to, increase your containment. that is why in the last week we've gone to 50% containment doing exactly that, working in areas in and around the subdivisions where people's homes are, separating fuel from the fire and trying to protect homes quick as possible. jenna: we look forward to the day it is all contained and we can say the fire is out. we know you and your crew
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are working 24 hours a day. we'll look forward to more updates as we get them. thank you. >> thank you. jon: president obama is using a very different script for his election this time around. you might call it microtargeting. he is going after groups like hispanics, women and gays. will this be enough for the tight battle with mitt romney? we'll have a fair and balanced debate ahead. all sparked by the mysterious death of this russian anti-corruption lawyer. we have the breaks details in a live report.
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jenna: one of our top stories today, we're going to focus on the relationship between the united states and russia and we wanted to let you know about an important story that certainly hasn't gotten a lot of attention. the senate is taking up a controversial piece of legislation right now. it's aimed at exposing human rights violations in russia. could have some interesting consequences. rick folbaum is back with us from the breaking news desk. rick? >> reporter: jenna, the cold war may be over but there is a definite chill between the u.s. and russia that happens to be blowing straight through capitol hill today. the powerful senate foreign relations committee will vote on a bill which is specifically aimed as you said highlighting russia's human rights abuses. it is named for a russian lawyer whose picture is on the screen there who exposed
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a $230 million embezzlement scheme by some top russian firms. for being a whistle-blower this guy was locked up and mistreated in prison contributing to his death last year at the age of 37. u.s. lawmakers looking to punish russian officials responsible for this and highlight continuing problems of corruption inside the soviet union. all this going on at the same time the white house is trying to persuade the russians to end military support for the assad regime in syria and russia gets set to join the world trade organization. that happens later on this summer which could potentially have a negative impact on u.s. businesses right here. it is never easy when it comes to u.s.-russia relations whether it is 1962 or 2012. it doesn't feel like a whole lot has changed. back to you. jenna: a big topic of debate for our panel next hour as we take a closer look at all of this. rick, thank you.
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jon: fox news is your election headquarters and think back, way back, to the 2008 election. president obama seems to be launching a very different campaign than he did in 2008 this time. focusing this year on key groups in swing states. from his recent announcement on softening immigration policy targeting hispanics to his backing of gay marriage as well as issues important to women, african-americans, and young people. but is this approach enough to win in november? joining us now for a fair and balanced political debate, former campaign manager for the governor mike huckabee for president campaign, chip saltzman. former chief of staff to west virgina senator joe manchin joins us. let me read you a article from "politico" which caught our eye the way the two camps are approaching this and i will get your reactions. the republican nominee is
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trying to make the election for one big, overarching issue blaming obama for the wobbly economy that is mitt romney's approach. obama is on the other hand, is trying to make it about a bunch of issues. obama's strategists think it is's fool'ser rand to worry about press panting over bill clinton or national polls. they obsess about hispanics in colorado, young voters in ohio and swing voters in the virginia suburbs. chip, is that the kind of campaign we're seeing? >> yeah. i think what is happening we've seen the obama campaign had a couple of restarts so far since romney become the nominee. they haven't quite found their footing. they found out one thing, he can not talk about this economy. unfortunately for him this is the number one issue. he can go after all the subsection groups he wants to overlaying all the groups is one thing, jobs and economy. that ultimately will be the problem with this strategy. jon: chris, do you agree with the premise he is going after sort of microtargeting smaller groups of americans? >> to some extent.
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i think what is interesting about the president and the campaign strategy, some lair to little bit to 2004 and president bush's strategy and karl rove's strategy going after the base, make it a base election. i think there is some value to it. but there's not a lot of room for error when you run kind of a micro targeted base type of strategy and, it doesn't negate the also the important point that you also have to talk about the economy and kind of tie the bigger picture. you can't do one without the other. they're both very interrelated. jon: i thought, chris, the democratic base was blue-collar working folks in places like ohio and michigan? >> to some ex-extent they are but they are not just blue-collar working class folks in ohio. there are also hispanics, young voters, african-americans. this i think is what makes both an interesting strategy and a challenging strategy for democrats because we do have a really kind of diverse demographic pool if you will whereas, i think for the republicans and
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mitt romney's strategy more kind of a straight shot but the problem i think he has is, you know, there's not a lot of emotion to that message. you've got to have a bigger vision than just blaming the other guy for the state of the economy. jon: what about that, chip? you said the economy trumps all. >> it does. when you're talking about these groups you can target hispanics but ultimately they care about jobs and economy. you can target young voters but they care about jobs and economy. you can target blue-collar voters, what do they care about? jobs and economy. mitt romney has the right strategy. he could sues more emotion, chris is about that. the election will be about his job over the last four years as relates to jobs and economy. governor romney has to put forward his vision and energy how he will make it different and what i think he is doing successfully so far. jon: some be republicans chip are afraid this might be a winning strategy for the president. people like henry bonilla
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from texas, quoted in the article, the gop has a lot of ground to make up among hispanics. >> i don't think there is any question, the congressman is right. we do have a lot of ground to make up. the way to get there is talk about jobs and economy and not pandering to each individual group but having a broader picture how we jump-start the economy. the good economy is good for all americans, not one particular group. jon: we have to leave it there. thank you both. >> thanks. jenna: google and apple are raising the bar on their already detailed online maps and raising some big concerns about our privacy? take a look at this. is that your roof deck, jon? jon: no, it is not mine. and that is not me in the speedo either. jenna: senator chuck schumer is with us. he will weigh in on why he thinks this is a real problem when it comes to privacy. you have probably known a naughty dog or two, this one taking the dubious honor of the gnaw at thisest in
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all the land. what the owner plans to do to tame the pickup, dubbed, the destroyer. next. the medicare debate continues in washington...
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because when hotels have unsold rooms, they use hotwire to fill them. so i got my hotels for half-price! >> men: ♪ h-o-t-w-i-r-e ♪ jon: we are awaiting two big decisions from the supreme court which could come any day now. one on president obama's health care reform law, specifically the law's individual mandate. the other decision on a challenge to arizona's immigration law which would require anyone stopped by police to prove their immigration status. that they are here in this country or in arizona legally. joining us now, for his take, fox news senior judicial analyst, judge andrew napolitano. judge you said for a long time you think the supreme court will strike down obamacare. why? >> well, i have said it because it directly extends the power of the congress beyond anything contemplated by the constitution. if the congress can force you to buy a product. that has been reinforced by
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the questions that were asked by the justices at the time of oral argument. we'll know very soon, either this will be a monumental decision that will restrain the congress from interfering in the personal lives of individuals, or it will be a dud and will basically say congress can write any law it wants, regulate any behavior it wants, tax any event it wants and call it a fine or a tax depending how it wants. i expect the court to restrain congress and society down guidelines once and for all how far congress can go under the commerce clause and how far it can't. jon: if an congress under the commerce clause can't plant wheat on his farm can it tell you to buy broccoli? >> that is a very interesting question. you're speaking of a case in 1942 supreme court case. this past weekend, justice scalia inadvertently or intentionally relesed to the public of manuscript of his
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next book. in the manuscript he said it is one of the worst cases in history and ought to be reversed. is he telling us something that might happen in the next 10 days? jon: interesting. >> one doesn't know. one can only speculate. jon: what about the arizona law? the supreme court has been taking up that law which the arizona legislature passed, arizona law enforcement officers are required to check the immigration status of people they pull over for violations. >> the president added a very complicated gloss to that by the decision that he announced last friday when he on his own rewrote immigration regulations to say that if you came here before you were 16 and you're under 30 and still here and came because of your parents and didn't break the law and went to high school and graduated or in the military, a bunch of regulations he put in there you can't be deported. so if the supreme court upholds the arizona law and if arizona decides to enforce federal law where with the federal government is not, which federal law will they enforce? the law is writtens by the
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congress or laws rewritten by the president? this will become enormously complex. what will the court do? the oral argument, again questions by the justices seem to indicate that they were favorable towards that arizona statute but again, we'll find out in a couple days. maybe as soon as thursday. jon: we might find out on television because a couple of senators have written a letter to the supreme court. here's how it reads in part. they want cameras in the courtroom for the big health care announcement. senators leahy and grassley write, broadcasting the court's ruling would permit millions of citizens the opportunity to view what so few can from the court's small and limited public gallery. modern technology makes televising the proceedings simple and unobtrusive. a minimal number of cameras could be placed in courtroom to be barely noticeable to all participants to provide live coverage what may be one of most historic rulings of our time. we believe permitting the nation's to watch the proceedings would bolster
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the public confidence in our. >> sicial system in the decisions and. will they go for isn't. >> no. they didn't go for it with bush versus gore and they won't go for it now. my hat off to senator grassley. they have been pushing for this for a long time. i don't think it will happen for a long time. jon: always pleasure to get your legal take. >> thank you. jenna: the judge might have an opinion on this next story, jon. step aside, new york city. one town in massachusetts thinks a potential ban on oversized sodas just isn't going far enough. we're going to tell you the changes that they want to make next. [ gnome ] enjoying your holiday?
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ooo no. the hotel lost our reservation. nonsense! you book at travelocity, your reservation's guaranteed. well, i did not book with travelocity, okay?!? [ female announcer ] get the travelocity guarantee any way you book, including our new app. you'll never roam alone.
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jon: those cool google maps about to get even more high-def. that is raising fears that they could become high-tech
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peeping toms. the new mapping plans announced by google and apple supposedly would use the same kind of airplanes the military uses for spying as well as military grade cameras that could zoom even closer and capture objects just four inches long. look at this building, a high-rise in new york city with people laying out on the sun deck. want to get even closer than that? well the new images could be even more detailed. that concerns senator charles schumer. he is a democrat from new york and he joins us now. specifically your concerns are what, senator? >> well, my concerns are simple privacy concerns. the bottom line is, you know when you're on the street you know someone might snap a picture of you with your, with their cell phone but when you're in your backyard or even in your home because these planes can actually peer through windows, you expect a little of privacy. you know, this is the age-old, not age-old but in the last decade we've had to balance new technology which gives us new information
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with privacy. this is new area. we'll need balance. no one expects when they're sunbathing in their backyard that their image could be sent around the world. jon: our colleagues at got a couple of responses from these two companies. let me read them to you. apple says, we do not display any personally identifiable details such as faces or license plates. additionally we create optimized pictures taken from multiple shots and remove moving objects such as cars and people from the final image. google writes, we appreciate the senator's concerns and we look forward to meeting with him to demonstrate how the imagery is similar to what is publicly available. we don't blur the area imagery because the resolution isn't sharp enough for it to be of a concern. good enough for you? >> i will will say this. i dealt with google on a number of privacy issues. they are very good. they try to seek balance. i found them to be very
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hospitable and looking forward to sitting down with them. i haven't dealt much with apple but i would like to sit down wit them as well to see what they have to say. this is a worry. it can be dealt with. we can have the best of both worlds where we don't interfere with people's privacy but we better make sure that is happening. jon: we have up on the screen next to you, i'm guessing you can't see it, we have a shot of the top of the empire state building. the santa monica pier is up there. you can see people. these new images can apparently get closer. do you expect they will go out and digitally erase every face and license plate from every picture? >> they're the technical experts and we'll have to see how they would do it but remember, these spyplanes are so good, they recognize people's faces. that is one of the reasons our drones have done such a good job. they're able to see who is a terrorist and who is civilian and go after the
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terrorist alone. the number of casualties has plummeted as the effectiveness of the drones has increased they're certainly tech logically capable of seeing faces as as close as four inches. i look forward to talking with both companies. jon: we'll look forward to see how this all gets resolved. senator schumer, we may be seeing your picture on a map one of these days. >> probably been there already. jon: thanks for joining us today, sir. >> thanks, bye-bye. jenna: before we ease into the next hour we had to introduce you to lucy, the 11-month-old huskey mix from greenville, north carolina, has just been named the country's worst-based dog. jon: uh-oh. jenna: how about that? according to her owner, lucy who goes by the nickname, the destroyer. notorious for pouncing on people and puppies and
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eating everything in sight and gnawing on her cage. she will undergo several months of free training by a professional dog trainer. jon: she looks okay in the video. she was a hill hype jeer maybe she needs the title to feel better about herself. jon: a little self-esteem? jenna: lucy is that the name that really matches the destroyer, right? we wish lucy luck. in the meantime back to one of our top stories, a chilly meeting between the president and the russian president. their differing views on syrias plus the controversy over nato's missile defense system n a reset over relations to russia could we returning to a time that most closely resembles the cold war? we'll go in depth with our panel next hour
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>> reporter: rick folbaum in the "happening now" control room. some brand new stories we're working on just for you over the next 60 minutes. a sudden surge in gun sales so big, in fact, that one handgun
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maker had to stop taking orders. they couldn't keep up with demand. why? what's behind the big buying spree? we'll tell you. also, a shocking story out of north carolina where a third grader was strip searched just outside the school cafeteria. why? and we've been talking about the proposed ban on supersized sugarydrinks in new york city. well, now another mayor says she wants in. let the bans begin. we'll tell you where. that and breaking news as the second hour of "happening now" starts right now. jenna: bloodshed in syria today, new reports reveal the government has killed thousands of its people since the conflict began. this is one of the regime's last allies tries to send in more military aid. it's been 15 months we've been covering this story for you. we're glad you're with us,
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everybody, i'm jenna lee. jon: i'm jon scott. one of the big sticks points between the u.s. and russia. presidents obama and putin involve inside face-to-face meetings on how to end the violence, but reportedly those meetings are very tense. meanwhile, the president is meeting with other leaders over fears that europe's debt crisis could spread to the united states. now mr. obama in a series of meetings with european leaders set to address the world tonight in a solo press conference. wendell goler is traveling with the president, he's live from the g20 summit in loss cabos, mexico. wendell? >> reporter: they warned us here against reading the body language of presidents obama and putin, but it seemed to speak volumes. it was their first meeting since putin reclaimed the russian presidency and even if, as u.s. officials said, putin's sour nearby wasn't unusual, it did seem very much unlike mr. obama. the two met for two hours, spending much of that time talking about syria, but there
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was no meeting of the minds. the u.s. wants russia to stop selling syria weapons and to help oust bashar al assad, and the russians want to know what happens next. >> there's a bit of a frustration on their side that the whole conversation about syria is about, you know, assad must go or not. they want to have a bigger discussion of that. they want to say, well, what happens the day after? so when they use the word political process, they want to broaden our aperture, they want to broaden the discussion. >> reporter: now, on the global economy there is a veneer of unanimity here, but it really doesn't cover the cracks between the leaders on how to deal with the eurozone crisis. german chancellor angela merkel says she won't ease the terms of the greek bailout. the head of the european commission blames the u.s. for europe's financial problems. he says they grew out of a twit wall street meltdown. -- 2008 wall street meltdown. the draft communique focuses more on growth and job creation than on cutting debt, and they
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say the germans recognize that. but ironically, the communique also indicates both the u.s. and europe are worried the other will cut spending enough to trigger a global recession, and it warns against doing so. jon? jon: wendell goler, thank you. jenna: turning back to the economy as wendell just left us off there, brand new numbers on the job market showing we have the fewest job openings in five months. right now if you're looking for a job, you're competing against four people. that's a tough environment. for context, during normal times there's one job opening for every two people who want a job. during the depths of our crisis, there were nearly six people competing for every one job. so if you're looking for a job, you're competing against four people. we are seeing, of course, some improvement in the job market, but as we take a look at those numbers, there's still a ways to go to back to what was once considered normal.
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jon: america's election headquarters is your key to political insight. today we're looking at president obama's leadership and how he's running his 2012 re-election campaign. chief white house correspondent ed henry live on the north lawn with a look at that. ed? >> reporter: well, good to see you, jon. i spoke to the president's senior adviser, trying to get some insight into how the president approaches his job as a leader, and not surprisingly the way he likes to pitch it is, basically, the president on issue after issue has looked at some tough choices given this economic crisis and has not always sided with the easy route, has not always taken the most politically popular route. david axlerod noting the auto bailout, for example, very unpopular at the time. the president did it anyway, saved some jobs, it's turned out to be more popular. the health care bill, he was getting a lot of advice from his advisers saying, go small. it'll be too much. the president went with a big bill and in the end won that, and david axlerod takes from
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that message not just that the president is willing to do what's unpopular, but that his opponent, the presumption i republican nominee mitt romney, has tried too hard to please all sides. take a listen. >> you don't want someone who's, you know, reaching for the polls, and you don't want somebody who's second guessing themselves or wondering if that's a political calculus when there's so much on the line. and the country's benefited, in my view, from having a president who's been willing to do that. >> reporter: now, if the supreme court, however, in the next couple of weeks strikes down the individual mandate, the constitutionality of it in the president's health care law, that could put a whole new shadow over his leadership style and raise questions about whether he spent too much time and went too big on health care. now, i also spoke to ed rendell, the former governor of pennsylvania, he's got a new book out called "nation of wusses," is idea being he believes america's leader should be more bold. i asked him what he thought of the president's leadership style because rendell endorsed hillary
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clinton in 2008, not president obama. he said he thinks he has been a bold leader, but on issues like the deficit, he failed. take a listen. >> so he's acted courageously on a number of things. simpson--bowles, he was slow to the mark. he eventually did come out for a simpson-bowles type solution when he and john boehner came this close to the big deal, but he was slow, and initial leadership may have helped. >> reporter: now simpson-bowles, of course, the president's own deficit commission, and in the end, he didn't endorse it. i think ed rendell's point was this was something the president had within his grasp and let it slip out, and that's going to be one of the issues that the president will be fighting it out with republican mitt romney. remember, in 2008 the president promised he'd cut the deficit in half during his first term. that has nod happened. jon: thankfully, no wusses in the white house press corps. [laughter] >> reporter: none here. you guys are both pretty tough. jon: we try to be. jenna: that was you on camera. there was not even a two shot
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there. jon: you're the triathlete girl. woman. [laughter] jenna: governor mitt romney is wrapping up his five-day bus tour of swing states, and he's wrapping up in the state of michigan where the presidential nominee was raised, where his father served as a popular governor and where romney believes he can win in november. chief washington correspondent james rosen joins us now. james? >> reporter: jenna, good morning. it's a measure of the challenges facing the great lakes state and the industrial midwest as a whole that the last time a republican carried michigan, george h.w. bush back in 1988. the state awarded 20 electoral votes. today due to population losses, it's worth only 16 electoral votes. the presumptive gop nominee completed his bus tour this morning with a rally and round table with small business owners in the little bavaria of michigan, southeast of saginaw, his steady hammering of the
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obama economity publishes their record in states. romney lamented they can't be duplicated in washington. >> i hear a great deal about the country, about the difficulty of accessing bank financing. and the feeling that that has shuted dramatically -- shifted dramatically over the last few years. and i'll talk to bankers and they'll say, you know, new requirements, new regulations are causing us to be more hesitant in making loans that we would have made in the past, and it's, obviously, can't get capital, can't grow your business. if you can't grow your business, you're not hiring people. >> reporter: in an interview with sean hannity this morning, governor romney said he, quote, gets a great kick out of speculation. to the effect that florida senator marco rubio is not being vetted as a potential vice presidential nominee, reportedly because rubio has not been asked to submit the requisite paperwork. romney said he and beth meyers are the only people who know who's being vetted, and they
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respect talking. the vp guessing game has come to focus on former minnesota governor tim pawlenty, louisiana governor bobby jindal, ohio senator rob portman, virginia governor bob mcdonnell, a tea party favorite, and others. romney campaign sources told fox news today they are continuing their private vetting process and that the absence of such paperwork with respect to any one individual, therefore, doesn't mean much just yet. jenna and jon? jenna: the guessing game continues. thank you very much. >> reporter: thank you. jon: is james rosen on that list? jenna: i didn't see his face on the screen, but you never know. jon: a new jersey courthouse remains closed following a mysterious and widespread illness. seventeen people complained of respiratory problems on friday. yesterday more than 60 others also became ill. air sample testing has been inconclusive. rick folbaum has more. >> reporter: jon, this is a real mystery. the first group of people got sick at the courthouse friday,
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crews then removed some brand new flowers that had been planted, but yesterday more people got sick, so the cause is still something that local officials are trying to figure out. air samples were taken from inside of the building, we're told those samples came back negative for any kind of dangerous chemical compounds. in the started, again, last friday. seventeen people complaining of respiratory problems, that's when work crews set about removing those plants thinking it was an allergic reaction, but yesterday that much larger group including course officers and lawyers and visitor to the courthouse began complaining not only of breathing problems, but also throat irritations and rashes and nausea. many of them said they smelled something sweet before their symptoms began, 35 were sick enough to have to be taken to local hospitals. we have been in touch with the county health department there in monomouth account, new jersey. they tell us they're not going to know anything until later on this afternoon. that building still closed, as
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soon as we learn anything more about this mystery, we'll pass it along. jon: that's scary, huh? rick, thank you. jenna: bracing for impact as the supreme court decides the fate of the president's health care law. the white house and republicans and democrats gear up for the potential fallout. we'll take you through all of that. and lashing out at the united states. one european finance leader telling our country that we're to blame in part for the debt crisis. they don't want any advice from us. we're going to explain this whole story with steve moore of "the wall street journal" coming up next. when you have diabetes...
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jon: dharun ravi has been released from jail, he served 20 days of a 30-day sentence after being convicted of 15 criminal charges including invasion of privacy and tampering with a
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witness. marijuana plants and gardening tools have been confiscated from the home of rodney king. he was found dead in his pool sunday morning. it could be weeks before an official cause of death is released. and roger clemens acquitted on all six charges in his federal perjury trial. the investigation began in 2007 when he was mentioned in a report on drug use in baseball. he vehemently denied using steroids and human growth hormone. jenna: well, back to the economy now, europe is facing mounting pressure to solve its debt crisis. the u.s., of course, is concerned that the debt crisis will spread here. but one european finance leader says the u.s. is actually to blame. not just the united states, but north america is to blame. for what's happening overseas. take a listen. >> it is not originated in europe. this crisis was originated in north america. and many of our financial sector were contaminated by, how can i
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put it, unorthodox practice from some sectors of the financial market. frankly, we are not coming here to receive lessons in terms of democracy or in terms of how to handle the economy. jenna: steve moore, senior economic writer for "the wall street journal". steve, that was the european commission president, jose manuel barrasso. >> yeah. it was quite an arrogant statement for somebody who leads the european union when they're in such demise, and you've got these countries that need bailout after bailout. you know, it is true that the u.s. economy kind of led the world into recession. we were the first major country to be in recession. but you know this, jenna, europe's problems have been around for 30 or 40 years. their paying a -- they're paying a high price for a welfare state and entitlement programs that they simply can't pay for, and nobody wants to lend them money anymore. so to blame the united states for europe's problems is, i think, a really outlandish comment. jenna: it brings up a broader question, though, of a game like
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follow the leader. like, who is the leader in the global economy right now to follow? who is that country or that person that others are going to fall in line with? >> it's a great point, jenna, and this is the whole problem with the world economy right now. there is no leadership anywhere in the world. i mean, where are the margaret thatchers and the ronald reagans of the past that helped lead us out of these global crises? you know, the only one who really looks like a leader is maybe merkle in germany, but we hardly can lecture these countries about lowering their debts, jenna, when we're running $1.2 trillion of debts ourselves. so it is a big problem. there is no leadership on the global stage. jenna: it seems like those that are taking the lead, as you mentioned, you mentioned ann land merkle -- angela merkel, but these organizations not attached to any one government like the imf -- >> yep. jenna: the imf, there's proposals of a bailout true the imf to european nations. basically, the man who just was
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criticizing north america is also asking for that money through the imf, and the united states has said, no, we're not going to give any more money to the imf. but some suggest that could be a mistake on our part, steve, that if we don't do it, it's just going to get worse for us. >> no. look, i've been an opponent of the imf for years, and i think there would be nothing more unpopular with american voters to see their taxpayer dollars go to the imf so it can bail out europe. we've got huge systemic problems here in the united states. europe has to reform itself. and one of the things that was interesting about the comments by the leader of the e.u. today is he basically said we're proud of our economic system. we don't really want to change it. well, that was hardly music to my ears. i mean, they have to change these programs or europe will never be the same again. they can't continue down the road of having a declining number of workers and an increasing number of people who are on the dole or on retirement or under these government programs.
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the math simply doesn't add up, jenna, and they've got to reform themselves. jenna: so the commissioner said he doesn't want advice, but just on cue -- >> jenna, he doesn't want my advice, they just want money. jenna: apparently, that might be a good way to sum it up, but there is advice coming through a variety of editorials, one of them from larry summers who was the president's top economic adviser at one time. and he basically says, listen, the outside -- those on the outside like those in north america, like us, need to persuade the europeans that the rules are changing when the stakes rise. and, basically, he suggests that everybody needs to take a step back and forgive some of these debts, forgive the interest rates attached to some of these debts for some of these countries. i mean, is that potentially a way out? >> boy, is that a stunning statement. actually, that's a round about way of saying what should happen is these european countries should essentially repudiate their debt and not repay the people who leapt them money -- who lent them money. if you do that, nobody's going
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to lend money to the europeans again. i just don't see how that's a solution to the problem. they've got to get their spending down, get those economies growing, and to simply say to the creditors, you know what? we're not going to pay back what we promised you, that is a real dangerous idea, i think. jenna: all right. we'll keep our advice to ourselves. >> yeah, exactly. let's hope we don't do that in the united states. who owns all our debt? it's americans. jenna: a lot to cover, as always. thanks so much for your time. jon: you two just fixed the financial crisis. jenna: i don't know about that. [laughter] jon: as we await the final ruling on health care, there are new questions on what will happen if the law lives or dies. the possible political fallout for both sides of the aisle straight ahead. also, you've heard of the big apple's proposed ban on those supersized sodas? well, we'll tell you about the american city that's doubled down with their own plans to cut back on sugary drinks. [ male announcer ] this is anna, her long day teaching the perfect swing
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jon: the supreme court could hand down its decision on the health care law any day now while every american wonders how it might all impact health care in this country, both presidential campaigns and really both parties in congress are bracing for all of the political fallout. but what exactly is that fallout going to be? bob cusack is managing editor for "the hill," susan free cho is chief correspondent for the washington examiner, and both have thoughts on this. bob, you say there are some potential land mines for both parties no matter what the court rules. can you explain? >> yeah. democrats have not been united on health care. they've been split on it, it was a tough vote just to get it passed, and republicans have been united. every republican in congress voted against health care reform. now, if it's thrown out, democrats are going to try to go
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on the offense as far as the popular provisions, retaining those. republicans, though, while they're united on repealing it, they're not united on replacing it, and that's why they have not put forward an idea of what should replace what they call obamacare. so i think it's going to be a tough spot for republicans on one hand, but then, of course, it's a disaster for democrats if this is thrown out because bill clinton tried this in the 1990 and obama spent so much political capital to pass this. jon: yeah. they pushed it through, the democrats did, susan. i mean, we all remember, i mean, there was some sort of legislative tinkering done to get this thing rammed through congress. it took, what, a year and a half of the president's first term? it would seem that if the supreme court shoots it down, it's an automatic advantage republicans. >> well, they can argue, look, we were right. it's not constitutional. barack obama, who's a constitutional lawyer, was wrong about trying to institute a mandate for health insurance reform. they can definitely take a victory lap, and it's going to look like another loss for obama
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who's sort of had a string of bad news, string of losses for himself in the past few weeks. so this is definitely going to be at least initially kind of a victory for the gop. they can certainly say, look, we were right. but like bob was saying, what's going to happen next? and i think still the republicans are ahead on this for a little while because they have on their side these poll numbers that show that the american public, while divided on health insurance reform, they're not really in favor of this individual mandate. so i still think it's, you know, republicans are ahead at least for the time being before they get into the nitty-gritty of how to replace this thing. jon: let's imagine, bob, just for the moment that the supreme court lets the law stand. some observe everiers say -- observers say because the public doesn't like the law, if the law is upheld, then republicans, conservatives, those who don't like the law of whatever political stripe are going to race to the polls in anger and that letting the law stand could
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actually be a good thing for republicans. what do you think about that argument? >> yes. that would definitely fire up the base to finish off the job, to get rid of it and elect a republican president, keep the republican house and elect a republican senate because republicans say if they have those three things, they can repeal a good portion of the law. so, now democrats are going to say in that situation the roberts court, a conservative court, upheld this law, and you shouldn't get rid of it. but the court of public opinion is far more important, and polls. have shown consistently this law is not popular. jon: whichever candidate wins this next election is likely to make at least one, maybe two, maybe more supreme court appointments, right? >> that's right. it's going to have everybody thinking about that during the election. for instance, if we have mitt romney elected, maybe we'll replace the next retiring supreme court justice with somebody who's leaning more conservative, and if obama stays in place, the opposite. it's definitely going to play a role in, you know, influencing people in an upcoming election,
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no question about it. jon: and it is an issue that effects every single american. it's going to be fascinating to see what this court decides and really all of the ramifications. susan, bob, thank you both. >> thanks. jenna: a very tense meeting between two world leaders or what was described as a very tense meeting. president obama and president putin clashing over several issues at the g20 summit. is this part of the process of resetting our relations as we first heard about back in 2009, or are we returning to cold war-style stalemates? we're going to tackle that issue up ahead. t they really wanted. it was in my sister's neighborhood. i told you it was perfect for you guys. literally across the street from her sister. [ banker ] but someone else bought it before they could get their offer togher. we really missed a great opportunity -- dodged a bullet there. [ banker ] so we talked to them about the wells fargo priority buyer preapproval. it lets people know that you are a serious buyer because you've been credit-approved.
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jon: right now talks in russia over iran's nuclear program on the verge of breaking down. this as iran and western powers trade blame for the lack of progress. the new rounds of negotiations seen as a last-ditch effort in holding off the threat of military conflict. steve harrigan is streaming live for us from moscow. steve? >> reporter: jon, for now those diplomats are continuing to meet in the evening hours here in moscow but no signs at least publicly of any progress. sides seem pretty far apart at this point. iran is asking recognition for what it calls its right to enrich uranium. the six world powers including the u.s. on the other hand are saying iran needs to agree immediately to stop enriching uranium to the 20% level. that is a level that which
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is quickstep to weapons-grade uranium. no word on any progress on that front. the question is can the two sides make at least another progress to stage more talks? if these talks end in failure that could have an immediate impact on the world oil market and could also damage long term prospects and raise the question of possible military action against iran in the near future. and as time goes by, the stakes too continue to increase. iran is already being hit by economic sanctions and a new round of even tougher sanctions by the u.s. and the european union, are scheduled to start on july 1st. john, back to you. jon: steve harrigan in moscow. thank you, steve. jenna: for more on our relationship with russia right now, remember secretary of state hillary clinton three years ago said it was time for a fresh start with russia. take a listen. >> we want to reset our relationship and -- >> let's do it together. >> we will do it together. okay? [laughter]
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jenna: a lot of different opinions on that, that reset button. some said it was a cute gimmick. others said, maybe not the right time. since then diplomacy is certainly something a lot of folks have taken a closer look at. these are a few points of disagreement between our two countries. the u.s. continues to vocally criticize the kremlin's backing of the assad regime and reported killing of thousands of their citizens. nato's proposed missile defense system is close to the russian border. russia says it would be a threat to their national security. they don't want that. there is certainly tension over vladmir putin's return as president amid widespread reports of fraud. with all that is happening to russia are we really hitting a reset with the country, or, are we somehow returning back to some of the cold war stale mates that still seem familiar. john bolton is with us. former ambassador to the u.n. and fox news
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contributor. jonathan shanzer and matthew radinsky is head. this is big topic. matt, are we resetting relations with russia right now or is that reset off the rails at this point? >> you know i think the reset is something to think about as having passed three years ago. it was an opportunity where the united states, look, let's look forward. our interests are not that far apart. cooperating on things like afghanistan, counterterrorism, counter narcotics and intelligence-sharing. russians said, we basically agree to do that. the reality that was three years ago. there is a lot of water under the bridge. you don't get to hit the reset button too many times. i think vladmir putin has come to the table today with a much more skeptical opinion of obama than he had three years ago. he doesn't feel this is a guy's intense shuns he can trust. he thinks it is back to the
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bad ol' days of the relationship which he basically thinks is the dominant theme. jenna: ambassador bolton is that only thing changed last three years the leadership of russia and that marked a tippingpoint for us? >> no i think the relations with russia have been deteriorating for some time because they see their interests very different from the u.s. when the obama administration came in and said it would repress the reset button. you can always have better relations when you give in to the other side's position. when putin was president he said the breakup of the soviet union was the greatest political catastrophe of the in world history. americans think that the breakup of the soviet union was a good way to end the 20th century. when you come away with that vastly different world view no one should be surprised there is a vastly different relationship. jenna: ambassador bolton and i spoke what is happening
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with the european crisis will further empower the russians. jonathan, your opinion on this, do you consider russia a threat to our national security right now? >> i absolutely do. in fact what i would argue is that russia is the state sponsor for some of the worst state sponsors of terrorism. and i think that is something that has been ignored by the media, not just on syria but also just look at the iranian nuclear program. that is probably the greatest threat we face today, the mullahs getting a nuclear weapon and the russians have been helping them further that project along and also providing them with missiles and other means to defend themselves in and when it comes time for up vision of iran. russia i think has really been at odds with our national interests on the national security front for some time now. jenna: the question becomes what do you do, matt? i'm curious going back to that do you think russia is a national security threat? and at this moment based on the description you've all given which has been
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skeptical at best, probably more negative than i even thought going into this conversation do you think this relationship with russia right now is somehow beyond repair? >> look, i think we're at a very difficult spot with the russians right now but reality is if we take a broader look at the relationship we're still cooperating on a lot of important stuff. it tend to be most effective, to be quite frank between moskow and washington when it is below the radar. i mean by that, intelligence sharing, counterterrorism operations, counter narcotics operations the simple fact is given the relationship with pakistan today it is not in great shape of the it is only the northern distribution network which is the russian transit route that lets us supply our troops in afghanistan and ultimately get those folks safely out of afghanistan. so i think the cooperation has got to continue but my colleagues are exactly right. we have serious differences of interests. we're going to have to figure out a way to compartmentalize our disagreements. russia is not going away and i think the problem is if we
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engage in a labeling game saying these guys are the bad guys, they're on the wrong side of all the big important international issues it sets a tone and atmosphere where a guy like vladmir putin simply says, well, i don't want to work with you and he can make that choice. jenna: he seems that type of character, ambassador bolton so what do we do? >> i think in the current circumstance vladmir putin, who is a tough guy. he is a former kgb agent. he project as image of toughness. that is how he sees himself. that is how he see his role in russia and his country's role and he looks at our leader and he sees weakness. he sees weakness because of the economic difficulty which is not getting better. he sees weakness because of our declining defense budget. he sees weakness in our agreement to the new s.t.a.r.t. arms control treaty and our retreat on missile defense. i think when he sees that panorama of weakness in front of him he decides this is the opportune moment to push russia's agenda and that is exactly what he is
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doing. the antidote to that is is to press the american agenda and not compromise as preemptively has we've been doing over the past three 1/2 years. jenna: jonathan i want to get a final thought from you on this. of course we're focusing on the russia and the united states and i wonder, and i guess you're the right person to ask about this you're from the foundation for defense of democracies, if we're seeing this conflict isolated to russia and the united states or if it is a much bigger conflict between those who advocate democracy and those who don't? we see russia aligned with syria and iran and we see the united states and others on the other side. is that the big picture, as far as geopolitics globally that is really coming to the surface? >> i think we need to take a look at russia's objectives right now. it used to be they were very idealogical that they were trying to push a communist agenda. that is the not case right now. this look likes machiavellian thing. they're choosing allies and being flexable.
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they're working wit l with iran and sheltering north korea. this is major problem. i don't see this necessarily as cold war reemergence but certainly syria is playing on the wrong side of major geopolitical issues. this is something i agree with ambassador bolton the idea is not to back down but press our agenda further. jenna: nice to have you all. great conversation. we look forward to having you all back. >> thank you. jon: after new york city's controversial push to ban supersized soft drinks another city wants in. the mayor of cambridge, massachusetts, is proposing a similar measure to keep big sugary drinks out of her city. rick folbaum digs into it from our new york newsroom. rick? >> reporter: maybe this would be understandable if michael bloomberg's proposal in new york had been a big hit. the mayor's idea of banning the supersized drinks as a way to fight the growing obesity problem in the city has gone over as big as if he suggested shipping the yankees to new jersey. it is a bit odd that another
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mayor would take the idea and bring it to her town but henrietta davis is doing just that. she is the mayor of cambridge, massachusetts. wants to ban all large drinks, all of them. she told city council wants the ban because soda contributes to obesity and diabetes, to heart disease among young people. so all the harvard and mit students locally who might depend on a big gulp to get them through an all-night study session. they might be out of luck if the mayor has her way. the city council not exactly jumping up and down. local officials agreeing to let a health subcommittee take a look at this before voting on all-out ban. one councilmember saying, you know what? take a little pause. see what happens in new york city before we go ahead and do this in cambridge. back to you. jon: what's next? dessert? >> reporter: bite your tongue. jon: rick folbaum, thank you. jenna: not dessert. jon: not dessert. got to have chocolate. jenna:. jenna: we can't do that.
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it happened in the recession. we're seeing the trend return again. gun sales are skyrocketing across the country. we'll look at reasons potentially behind the recent boom. also the mother of a 10-year-old demanding answers after he was strip-searched at school. we have details on the false accusations that started the entire ordeal. >> if i felt he needed to be searched, i would have brought him into the bathroom. you could have had a witness in the bathroom with me, i would have searched my son. g.
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in miami. i guess doctors had their hands full with this one but what was the biggest challenge, phil? >> reporter: well they had to go against their instinct because the first thing the doctors say they would want to do in a situation like that is grab that spear and pull it out the way it went in but they say actually that is almost always leading to a fatality or at least, a patient who then becomes a vegetable. now the biggest challenge of course was getting that spear out but the good thing for 16-year-old, yasir lopez was the brain imagery, the cat scans, showed that the spear, which is made out of stainless steel, well the shaft had actually just penetrated one inch above his right eye, straight back through the right hemisphere of his brain and out the backside but it avoided all major blood vessels. that enabled them to do a three-hour surgery, remove the tip and the shaft. >> immediate reaction of
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course, it is a striking injury, something you don't see every day to have a patient arriving awake and speaking with a 3 foot spear through his head. >> reporter: the lopez family is still media shy. they did not attend the jackson memorial news conference but they want the story to be widely shared because they want to alert other parents out there as well as rambunctious teenagers what could happen if you misuse a spear gun. jon: and amazingly the prognosis for him is good? >> reporter: yeah. he's actually speaking in a relatively well to understand language and he is sitting up in the hospital bed. he will be there probably for another three months. he is beginning rehabilitation this week. doctors say that will take some time. but because all speech patterns are basically controlled by the left hemisphere of your brain, his speech should be pretty much not affected by this.
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so, the, happy ending of this story, police did investigate the claims by the friend that what happened was not malicious. simply an accident, out there in a lake trying to catch some fish. but as far as the victim, the survivor, the perhaps best thing for him, he can not remember anything about the incident. he simply told doctors, when he woke up, there was a spear sticking out of my skull. >> his words are actually amazingly, amazingly easy to understand. for example, he says he is not having pain. he is worried about the fact he can't use his left side properly. >> reporter: doctors say the last thing he can remember is about 15 minutes prior to this nearly-fatal accident but amazing, amazing ending. jon: yeah, that is as amazing as the gabby giffords recovery, really. phil keating. >> reporter: that is crazy. jon: thank you. jenna: parents outraged and
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looking for answers today after this third-grader is strip-searched as school. wait until you we tell you why. this is an unbelievable story. plus gun sales reaching record highs. casey stiegel is live at a shooting range in texas. casey? >> reporter: yeah, jenna and that is for a couple of different reasons. one, more women are buying guns than ever before but there is also a political angle here as well and we'll explain in a live report when "happening now" continues next.
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jenna: new fallout today after a third-grader, a third-grader, is strip-searched as a north carolina elementary school. rick, why did this happen? >> reporter: given the kind of things that have taken place in schools in recent years from horrible violence, drugs, you might understand
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the need for kids sometimes to be served but this might have taken things a little too far. we'll let the audience decide. the third-grader, 10-year-old justin cox accused by classmates of stealing a $20 bill from another kid. the 20 had fallen under a table in the lunch room. a number of kids, even a couple of teachers pointed at justin having taken it. so the assistant, principal, a woman, took justin away from the cafeteria and ordered him to strip down to his t-shirt and underwear where she served for the money. justin did not have the money. and his mother understandably is very angry. >> why didn't they call me? i felt he needed to be searched, i would have brought him into the bathroom. you could have had a witness in the bathroom with me. i would have searched my son. >> reporter: but no one from the school called her. the assistant principal apologized to justin and gave him a hug after not finding any money but his mom says that is not the point. her son was violated. she wants more answers. local school firms say the
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administrator was within her legal authority, her legal right to do the search but she might have been a bit overzealous in her actions. the money turned up where it had dropped out, under the lunch room table. jenna: what a story, rick, thanks. jon: gun enthusiasts are making a dash to buy firearms ahead of the november election. many gun right activists worry a second term for president barack obama will result in a major push for stricter gun laws. the same thing happened in 2008, this rush. it took a year for gun sales to go back to normal. casey stiegel live in fort worth, texas, with that. casey? >> reporter: jon, gun ranges like this one where we are just about as popular in the state of texas as a barbecue restaurant but certainly it is not just the folks living here in the lone star state that enjoy their right to bear arms. in fact we're seeing a trend nationwide with a surge in gun sales. we know this from the
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numbers. according to the fbi, the number of background checks being conducted to purchase a firearm jumped more than two million in one year's time, up seven million from 2005. in fact people are buying so many guns that some stores and dealers frankly are having a tough time keeping up. >> you can go to our website and you will see most of our handguns are out of stock. soon as they come back in stock they're gone very, very quickly. >> reporter: one of the reasons for the spike industry experts say because so many fear president obama will tighten gun regulations if he wins re-election because, you may remember back in 2008 he made a statement to fund-raisers that many americans quote, cling to guns and religion. some say they are not taking any chances if the obama gets the white house for another four years come november. that is why they're applying for a permit. president obama by the way says he has not curtailed gun rights at all during his
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presidency. in fact he says his administration has expanded them by allowing people to pack heat in places now like national parks, jon. jon: casey stiegel. thanks. we'll be right back. i've always looked up to my brother.
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