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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  June 20, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT

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you to figure this one out. >> that looks easy because it's so short. what is it, brian? come on. >> brian, it's the first day of -- >> summer. >> have a great day. see you tomorrow. >> thank you. >> good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, june 20th, i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen. countdown to contempt. the vote is going forward this morning even after a closed door meeting last night. so what went wrong? >> the attorney general did not come with any offer of any documents. we want the documents. >> but that's not the story holder is telling. we'll break down what's really going on here. >> all right. and who is under that sheet? the star who is hiding at a very public problem as it is caught on camera. we'll tell you that story about that guy under the sheet. >> there's two sides to that story. >> oh?
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>> and two dimensions to that sheet. three piles of dirt. you dig it? find out who caused that art. >> that's art? >> yes. "fox & friends" starts now. >> ♪ hot child in the city ♪ hot child in the city >> i got to get to work at 6:00. 74 degrees right now in midtown manhattan. it will be at least 20 degrees hotter than that in new york city plus you -- thank you, scott. you add the humidity, it's going to feel like it's 105 here in the canyon of concrete. >> we're getting summer off to a sweltering start. >> and i have no problem with that because i don't like winter. >> me, too. >> i have made a choice. i will not complain about the
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heat because i'd rather complain about the cold. >> agreed. >> he's going to complain about the heat, he's got a game with his soccer team later on today. you'll be belly aching about the heat by 8:00 tonight. >> good news is i've aged out. league. they can run in this heat. the most important thing is it's summertime and according to mayor bloomberg, we all have to take off our shirts. >> according to mayor bloomberg, if you're really thirsty, you can refresh yourself up to 16 ounces. >> absolutely. >> all right. let's get right to your news and tell you what's happening on this first day of summer. we begin with the fox news alert. a hostage situation unfolding right now in france. a man claiming to be a member of al-qaida taking up to four hostages at a bank. reports say that the gunman did fire a shot. this just three months after a gunman inspired by al-qaida killed three jewish children, a rabbi and three soldiers in the same city. and another fox news alert for you right now because ousted egyptian president hosni mubarak is on life support at this hour
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after suffering a stroke in prison. you're looking live at the military hospital in cairo where the 84-year-old has been transferred. state television reported he was clinically dead. but quickly revised that saying he's being kept alive by a respirator. mubarak sentenced to life in prison for allowing the murder of thousands of protesters. there's now unrest over who will succeed him. a runoff election was held this past weekend with both mubarak's former prime minister and a candidate with the muslim brotherhood claiming victory. and an explosion rocking a national hotel late last night and brand new video of the scene just moments after the blast. >> are you ok? >> you might be able to see debris there all over the floor of the opryland hotel. the blast happened in a mechanical room near the convention center. more than 5,000 people at the hotel were forced out. there was a sheriff's conference taking place at the time.
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no one was hurt. well, all systems are go as the atlas five rocket gets ready to take off from cape canaveral, florida this morning. the rocket carrying a secret national defense -- >> it's secret! >> exactly, i apologize for spilling the beans on that. >> the secret tomorrow in "the new york times," front page. >> launch time scheduled for 8:28 eastern time and it looks like -- >> the classified version. >> i hope so. it looks like weather will not be an issue. it was supposed to take off monday but the mission was scrubbed because of a problem on the launch platform. and now to brian kilmeade's favorite story. yoko ono's latest attempt at art is a big pile of dirt. three piles of dirt actually, brian. this latest installation was dumped in a london gallery as part of a retrospective on her 40-year career as an artist. but british critics are not big fans ripping the exhibit which is titled the light.
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apparently no stranger to bizarre art. this is her standing next to her 1966 exhibit, apple. that's beautiful. >> it was just an apple. >> anyway. that was an apple on a plexiglas box, as you can see, when apple many rots, it's replaced with a new one. >> that's fantastic. who would have thought of that? >> not only is she a great singer, she's a great artist. to have two of those things in your arsenal is tremendous. >> she can see beauty in the darnedest things. >> the sad thing is only she can. >> right. >> let's tell you, it was going to be a big showdown last night at the u.s. capital. finally, eric holder sat down with house oversight committee chairman darrell issa. they sat together for 20 minutes. holder said, ok, i know you want a whole bunch of documents i'm not going to give you all those documents. i'll give you some of the documents and then i'll explain what those documents mean. and then holder also said he would agree to give them the
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briefing if the committee would agree that the documents would end the committee investigation of the justice department. so they would not get all the documents they wanted. they would get a briefing and they had to promise that if he gave them some of the documents, we're all done. >> so they are at a stalemate this morning because darrell issa did not agree to that. neither one of them agreed to each other's conditions so let's listen to attorney general holder explain what he was thinking last night. >> on the condition that we would resolve the subpoena question that he would view the provision of these documents as fully satisfying to two subpoenas that have been sent to us. it's a whole variety of material and consistent with what we have already made available, e-mails, documents of that nature that really go into the way in which the department handled itself in february of 2011 until december of 2011 and i think pretty clearly demonstrate there was no
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intention to mislead, to deceive. >> but he's still not coming with all the documents that have been subpoenaed and he just wants to talk his way out of it. today at 10:00 at 10:00 a.m., there will be a contempt of congress vote in the committee but they could stop at the last minute if these documents show up. darrell talked to greta last night. >> he did not come with any documents except as a contingent to end the race outright. he didn't bring anything in writing. we want the documents. brian terry's family would like the documents that are responsive to how, in fact, their son was gunned down with weapons that came from lawful dealers but at the bequest -- behest of the justice department. >> just to review, fast & furious is the dumping of about 2,000 american guns into mexico with the effort, they say, of being able to track them and find out the inner workings of drug cartels. it sounds even dumber when you
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repeat it. >> it does and, unfortunately, federal agent by the name of brian terry was murdered by somebody holding a gun from the united states of america. brit hume had some great observations last night on "the special report" program. says it smells of a cover-up. listen. >> that to never given an explanation as to why he cannot simply comply with the subpoena and produce the document. now, sometimes compromises can be worked out to the satisfaction of both sides. documents can be examined in closed rooms so leaks aren't possible and that sort of thing. he doesn't seem to have gotten anywhere near this. this thing says stonewall and it smells of cover-up. >> main thing is how far does it go up? did the attorney general know about it? he said he didn't. did the president hear about it? said he never heard of it. we'll find out. shortly maybe even today. >> there's a story on where that blogger feels apparently he's heard that speaker boehner would like this all to go away because it's a big distraction for republicans
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and voters during an election year. >> another thing that's interesting is that even though this is a huge story and that the attorney general could be in contempt of congress today, the network news program at least the one that i watched last night did not touch it. >> not one word. didn't cover it. >> i think i was watching -- actually, i could have been watching one of three. i don't know that any -- >> stossel -- >> i was watching tv land, repeat of rhoda. >> and they covered it. they were all over fast & furious. >> meanwhile, shot to show you. perhaps you can try to figure out who it is is trying to go in cognito. this is very subtle. if you walk down a new york city manhattan street like this, obviously, no one will notice you. >> if you don't want your picture taken, you can either stay in the house or throw a sheet over your house. >> yoko ono saw it and said it was beautiful. apparently that man right there is stealing a sheet from the regency hotel here in midtown manhattan. and that man is alec baldwin who had quite a morning yesterday at
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about 9:30 in the morning, there you can see him as he left the city clerk's office after getting a marriage license so he can get hooked -- hitched to his yoga instructor girlfriend on june 30th. he punched a photographer. >> no, that is self-defense! >> really? >> he's claiming -- there they are. >> the cameraman was shooting his picture. >> well, he says it was self-defense. he walked out. he told a "daily news" reporter, photographer don't take my picture. >> he said stop that or i'll knock your, then an f word teeth out. >> that clearly is just a warning. he didn't stop it. and the other photographer who was also there was saying leave -- essentially leave my colleague alone. but he started snapping some pictures as well. >> yeah, he has issues with a lot of people. alec baldwin has issues with authority figures. remember, not that the papparazzi -- remember the airline incident where they asked him to turn off his ipad and he wouldn't do it. >> he was doing words with friends. >> yes, he was. but he has anger management
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problems. >> you think so? you thoughtless little pig as he calls his -- >> i hope you're quoting him right now. >> but you're -- but he's dating a yoga instructor. you'd think she could give him, perhaps, some soothing, calming, zenlike poses that he could perform to help. >> you know, it is bad news for yoga today. it is -- there's going to be very low attendance in those classes across the country because it clearly is not working in the bald one situation in this one incident. however, he's going -- he's a hopeless romantic. and he's going to get his marriage certificate with a 28-year-old yoga instructor. >> alec baldwin's father was brian's history teacher so he's doing his best -- >> well, he taught actually my wife. he controlled my summer recreation for four straight years and alec i never got a chance to talk to. >> here's the other thing about the photographer is now filing charges against him but apparently, mr. baldwin is being taken care of by the fifth precinct. >> let's hear what he had to say. he tweeted about this, of course. >> i'm sure he's going to make
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sense of that whole thing. >> the photographer almost hit me this morning. >> all papparazzi should be water boarded. >> and then it gets a little bit -- it gets a little bit dicey. he said this. i suppose if the offending papparazzi was wearing a hoodie and i shot him, it will all blow over. so this is -- you talk about escalating an incident. by the way, if you don't want your picture taken, don't -- how about this? don't become famous. don't become an actor. don't become a very successful actor. don't use a lot of that money to get capital one ads and use your fame to endorse products. he is now an international star. very respected for his acting ability and his ability to project humor and therefore, people want his picture. photographers get money for his picture. if you don't want to get in that cycle, there's plenty of jobs on wall street or in insurance and social -- >> can you believe any of the stuff today defending him? >> a little bit. not as much as you would think. >> if he doesn't want
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controversy, don't court it with tweets like that. you're allowed to be an actor without having papparazzi swarm all over you, don't you think? you should be able to ask but it's that other stuff that gets alec baldwin into the most trouble. >> the reason he threw a sheet over himself is he had to m.c. an event last night at the hyatt, the grand hyatt where larry king was in attendance. you remember him and he said last night to "the daily news", alec has always had a problem with photographers. >> ok. >> did alec baldwin just put a tux over his sheet last night? >> that's a really good question. we'll check into that. >> stop attacking alec baldwin. that's all i can conclude. straight ahead, the country is $15 trillion in debt. why in the world is a major city spending taxpayer dollars on bird safety? stick around, find out. >> a majority of americans are worried we're headed into a double dip recession. president obama says the private sector is fine. is he out of touch with the average american? stuart varney is here. he's marching into the studio now. >> i hope he doesn't take out one of our photographers.
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>> he's in very good cardiovascular shape. pooches and puppies, we are fed up
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>> a new poll shows about 3/4 of americans are worried that the nation is headed into a double dip recession. in fact, 46% are very worried that will happen, ali. >> president obama, as you'll remember, said the private sector is fine. is he out of touch with how average americans are feeling? stuart varney is here to talk about this. 75% of people in this new hill poll say they fear double dip recession. >> that's an astonishing number. that's the way ordinary people feel about the recession. you ask professional economists and they'll define a recession very technically. there's got to be six months of a contracting economy. you ask ordinary, regular people and look what you get. 46% very worried. 28% somewhat worried. that's high anxiety. now, the president actually
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really cannot acknowledge that, now can he? if he says yeah, i understand it's a very, very weak economy, he's acknowledging the failure of his own policies. he has to sort of look past this and -- and be a cheerleader. ordinary people can't do that. look what's happened to ordinary people in america in the last three or four years. they've lost the money that they had in their house with a 10-year low for housing prices, that's the principle store of wealth of most americans. >> e.j. hutton was a star in "ordinary people" the movie that does not apply here. the main thing is the home values. home values really is something you look to and they have lost value. >> it's much more than that. what about the spending power of your money in your pocket? that is down over the last three years. your ability to buy things with the money that you've got is down. we actually spent less money, retail sales went down in the month of may. in america, spending went down. we bought less stuff. that's very unusual.
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that's a symbol of the high anxiety at the ground floor level in america which the president cannot acknowledge because to do so would acknowledge the failure of his policies. >> what i was going to say is there are some signs obviously that the economy is improving slowly so are this -- is this anxiety, this free floating anxiety that you're untalking about unfounded and irrational. >> let me take that on, there were some signs that the economy was expanding. got it. now it is beginning to weaken all over again. all the indicators in the last two months show that the rate of expansion is coming down. it was 3% and then 2%. now it's 1%. the unemployment rate is going up. so the direction of the economy is all wrong. >> stuart varney, you know what's all right? you going on fox business network at 9:20. >> going on and on and on. is that what you're saying? >> not at all. again, americans are very worried that you're going on and on and on.
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you're going to be on at 9:20. you'll be wearing the same outfit. >> as a matter of fact, i am. yes. >> we'll look forward to it. thanks. >> the united nations wants to take away americans' tv and cars. why? to push their green agenda. can they do that? >> don't kick your feet up just yet, one university taking them away from seniors who slack off. is that fair? we'll talk to a student next. ♪
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[ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] we created the luxury crossover and kept turning the page, writing the next chapter for the rx and lexus. see your lexus dealer. to provida better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha!
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>> glad you're up. i was tired of shaking you. let me tell you what else is happening. pearl jam's former accountant
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hit with 33 counts of theft charges. he's accuse of stealing at least $380,000 and using it on family vacations, spa treatments and expensive wines and first, it was new york city. now cambridge, massachusetts. considering a ban on large servings of soda and other sugary drinks. look out, snapple. like new york city mayor michael bloomberg, cambridge's mayor says she's looking to reduce obesity. decision made later in the fall. i'll keep you abreast of the situation. steve? >> thank you very much, brian. the first letter is music to any parent's ears. you know that big fat envelope your kid gets. they've been accepted to the college of their dreams! but imagine a couple of weeks later they get a second letter in a small envelope that says "we recently received your final high school transcript. we are concerned with your performance, son or daughter during the senior year. please understand that your admission is in jeopardy." can you imagine being a parent?
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finding out that your kid got that? that's exactly what texas christian university is doing to high school seniors who slack off in the spring. we are joined by t.c.u. alum sydney ackerly. we invited the school's dean to come on the show. because of a scheduling conflict could not. good morning to you. >> good morning! >> there are a number of universities across the country that know that during their second semester, senior year of high school, some kids get senioritis and just slack off. that's just what kids do, right? >> right. i mean, this definitely happens but reading this "new york times" article, i thought it was a great idea that t.c.u. is sending out these letters to show them they really did look at their second semester senior year transcript and this is a university that cares and takes their education and academics seriously and they want students who want to succeed.
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>> that's exactly right. so also the letters go on to say, ok, so we know you had a bad second semester so just contact the admissions office and tell us what's up with that which seems fair because then, you know, the school in this case t.c.u. can figure out whether or not it's a case, it could be a family problem or something like that or the person just ran amok. >> yeah, this is a serious problem if they really did have trouble with their academics, sounds like t.c.u. wants to help them out and wants to know what happened or if this was a case of senioritis, probably want to hear an explanation and see, you know, why this happened and want to make sure that they're on a path to, you know, work hard at t.c.u. and be successful. so -- >> we did get a statement from your alma mater. they said t.c.u. has high academic expectations. the letters are intended to encourage students suffering
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from senioritis to get back to the places they were when offered admission. can you imagine how your parents would have felt if they would have opened the mail one day and found out before you went to t.c.u. that they were concerned that you had run amok? >> my parents would have made me sit down and start on my first rough draft that same day of, you know, this letter i was sending in and, you know, telling them i am a great student and i'm so sorry for the slip-up in this one class and yeah, my parents would have been shocked and definitely made me start on rough draft number one that day. >> that's right. all right, sydney ackerley joining us today from houston. thank you for telling us about senioritis and t.c.u. thank you. >> of course. thank you. >> you bet. meanwhile, straight ahead, it's happened again. a big name baseball announcer breaks out into jibberish in the middle of a game. what the heck happened to this guy? we'll play it for you and tell
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you what he's saying coming up next. breaking overnight. reports the united states and israel collaborating to slow down iran's nuclear efforts just the latest in a string of national security leaks. dick morris is here with his thoughts coming up next. good morning, dick. come on in. first, happy birthday to brian wilson of the beach boys. guess what? he's 70! [ male announcer ] don't miss d lobster's four course seafo feast, just $14.99. start with soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently.
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gives you a 50% annual bonus. and who doesn't want 50% more cash? ugh, the baby. huh! and then the baby bear said, "i want 50% more cash in my bed!" phhht! 50% more cash is good ri... what's that. ♪ you can spell. [ male announcer ] the capital one cash rewards card. the card for people who want 50% more cash. what's in your wallet? ha ha. ♪
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>> fox news alert we want to get right to because overnight, pakistan capturing an important leader of al-qaida. he was arrested during an operation near the pakistan and iran border. the french national believed to have links with militants in europe and reports say he may have had a role in the september 11th terrorist attacks. >> captured by a drone, right? >> i wonder. but pakistan holds on to him now. we weren't part of the deal. >> more later. meanwhile, a texas dad who beat a man to death after finding him assaulting his 5-year-old daughter will not face criminal charges. the grand jury says the 23-year-old man was well within his rights when he used deadly force to stop a mexican immigrant and ranch hand who he found attacking his daughter
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behind a barn on his ranch. the county district attorney says no additional charges will be filed meaning this cases is now closed. >> how would you like to live in a world without cars and a world without televisions? well, one united nations official says that just might be a great idea. development program chief helen clark says western nations need to cut down the luxuries like cars and tvs in order to help poorer nations to cut down on their environmental footprints. clark will further promote that idea during the rio 20 summit on environmental sustainability that starts today in brazil. i assume it's with a chalk board. >> and this may be another example of taxpayer money going right down the tubes in cash strapped california. the city of san francisco agreeing to spend $150,000 to study birds. >> great. >> it's apparently being done to keep the famous yacht race known as america's cup afloat. scientists want to study whether
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the racing boats and their sails scare the birds away. >> thank you for that. thank you very much. hey -- hey, game four of the nba finals didn't tip off before the blows started flying. saying lebron james couldn't defend kevin durant. james calling him stupid in return. who would get the final word? let's watch. lebron james down to the floor screaming in pain. he had a cramp and no one would rub it. lebron did very, very well. he gets back on the court to nail a huge three. i don't know how i anticipate these things like that. it's a gift. miami beats the thunder 104-98. lebron is one win away from his first nba title. no team has come back from a 3-1 deficit in the finals. game four is tomorrow night. england on its way to the quarterfinals in the eurocup. wayne rooney is good and he has
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ear plugs skorpg the official lone goal against ukraine. they'll face italy but not without some major controversy. the shot tipped into the air by joe heart and cleared by john terry in the goal. the overhead shot shows it went in for ukraine. but they refused to use replay or electronic and technology which they can so it's not ukraine's day so it is ukraine's day. france lost to sweden but still win to advance in the quarterfinals. they will face spain. the texas rangers play by play announcer has been off the air after an unusual call during monday's rangers-padres game. he keeps a regular tone but stops making sense. listen. >> tie one, lead off single by dudley. go-ahead run. is the fifth of what adams insist on calling --
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>> wow. barnett says recurring migraines are to blame but he's still being evaluated. >> come on over, we have a guest on curvy couch. >> i feel like stuart varney walking around on camera. >> former advisor to president clinton and the author of "screwed, how foreign countries are ripping america off and plundering the american economy and how our leaders are helping them do it." auto i've a chapter in "screwed" about the rio conference that you were just talking about. they 20 years ago set up what they call agenda 21 which was basically to design a world without cars. and everybody should live close together. they should be able to bike. they should be able to walk. >> all with jet packs? >> yeah, right. exactly and now they're promoting it at rio 20. they are going to set up a global e.p.a. at rio 20. fantastic, that's what we need a global e.p.a. and i believe the
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united states may well sign that treaty. >> oh, man! let's talk a little bit about what's our lead story this morning and that is about fast & furious. holder came over, talked to issa last night. issa said where are the documents? holder said i'm not bringing them in for a myriad of reasons. what sort of impact is this going to have on the presidential race? >> i don't think this -- that fight will have a big impact because i think it kind of ends with holder. had obama draped an executive privilege claim over holder and said you can't turn these documents over, then it would be obama's lookout. but it's very interesting that he hasn't done that. >> why do you think that is? >> because he's letting holder go out by himself. >> you fix it. >> yeah, i'm running for re-election. you're not. and i think -- i think that it will have limited effect on obama. >> right. it's hard to imagine it will have any impact on the president or the election when none of the network news, well i should say at least the network news i was watching last night did not cover it. >> well, they -- >> why don't they think that this is relevant or a story?
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>> well, because it's anti-obama. they'll cover it when they go throw contempt on holder and that apparently only takes one house to do. you don't need the other house to approve it. and the issue then is who prosecutes holder? a contempt of congress is in effect like a preindictment. it's like sort of an arrest and then somebody has to indict him and prosecute him. who is going to do that? the justice department that he runs? >> right. by the way, if any of the documents reveal the president knew that would be a game changer, we know about the virus, it's all in david sanger's book that we now exposed to us and we're blowing up their centrifuges through computer viruses. >> olympic games. >> now we find out about another -- another leak has emerged to show that we have another virus working its way through the iran's nuclear program. how damaging is this? >> well, i think that this is both terribly serious in terms of national security but also, i think this is the scandal that really could hurt obama.
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because "the new york times" report that sanger works for "the times" and "the times" when they published the news story on his revelations reports that his sources, somebody on the national security council in the situation room which is about seven people or eight people and every one of them very close to the top of the administration. some people speculated that it might be tom donnalon. >> because he's so heavily quoted. >> and he's a former political operative and for some reason he's national security advisor. he's as qualified to do that as i am. he has the same not that i have. follow this closely. obama was asked about this leak and he said it is embarrassing -- it is outrageous to believe that any member of my administration would leak classified national security information. it didn't happen.
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ok. but the information that was leaked would have had to have been classified about the target lists for drone strikes. >> kill list. >> now, if that isn't classified, it's because somebody declassified it and the only one who could declassify that is the president which makes them complicit in the leak. he may have gone to him saying i'm declassifying this stuff, do what you want with it. and he told everybody and nobody would have leaked this information knowing that it was a crime and that they could go to jail for it and probably would. >> and that's why the president and his men don't want a special outside independent prosecutor to look into this because he would prefer, let's have that guy who works for us over at justice work on it. >> but then it comes into the fast & furious scandal. if holder is in contempt of congress, they can't very well say the same guy you investigate
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this leak. so it could lead to his prosecutor. the problem with the special prosecutor is they take forever to make their decisions and it wouldn't be until next year or the year after that we know. but what is more immediate is that i think the house will hold hearings on this, call donalon and everybody in under threat of perjury. it would not look cool for the national security advisor to take the fifth. >> and that has any effect on the election in november? >> yes, that could have a big effect on the election because this has to go right up to the top whereas fast & furious probably only goes up to holder. >> with senator feinstein and senator levin are a part of that and called those hearings and it's hard to say these are pure politics. look, congratulations on "screwed" not being screwed but the book you wrote. >> yes, we put it on our web site and said get screwed. we got 50 million hits, closed down for eight hours and crashed. >> that darn internet. >> then we modified it.
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>> all right. thank you, dick. >> next, teachers are getting graded but the union has a plan to make sure you never see those grades. is that fair? >> and the department of justice says there's nothing wrong with florida's voting system. can somebody explain why this dead dog just got voter registration forms? his owner is here next. during happier times. [ gnome ] enjoying your holiday? ooo no. the hotel lost our reservation. nonsense! you book at travelocity, your reservation's guaranteed. well, i did not book with travelocity, okay?!? [ female announcer ] get the travelocity guarantee any way you book, including our new app. you'll never roam alone.
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do you remember when you could actually see shooting stars? and your nightlight was a jar full of fireflies? then keep the tradition going at bass pro shops' family summer camp. where kids can try our casting challenge, make a craft and more. all for free. >> brian, before you do the dog story, can i do some headlines? auto i've some time. >> fine, good. >> got them for you. big victory for new york's teachers union. state democrats set to pass a measure that would only allow teacher evaluations to be released to parents in their class. other lawmakers like new york
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city mayor michael bloomberg fought for full disclosure and from supermodel to supermom. marissa miller and her music producer husband expecting their first child. the 33-year-old says she's due in the fall. not showing yet in these pictures. >> right. i don't see a baby bump. >> all right. dog time. >> all right. hey, the department of justice has been stopping several states from enacting voter i.d. laws and cleaning up their voting rolls saying voter fraud does not exist. maybe they haven't heard about this. this virginia man whose dead dog just got a voter registration form in the mail. that dead dog whose name is mozart. tim morris is the owner of that dog. mozart sadly has passed away but still wants to -- somebody wants to register him to vote. tim, what was your reaction when you got this in the mail? >> i was pretty surprised. my wife and myself looked at it and we got a pretty good laugh.
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it was interesting and i thought it would make a good story for local tv and so i e-mailed a television station close to my house and they came out and did a story on it. >> i guess you came from the voter participation center and still have not figured out how mozart listed as mo morris got that registration form. >> no. they said that they buy information from vendors and the vendors give them what information they have. they -- and then they mail out these registration forms accordingly. >> that's incredible. not only is it to a dog but your dog isn't even alive. meanwhile, more examples of this. kevin mccarte is a florida resident serving eight months behind bars for political corruption. he just got a new voter registration form. this seems like a pretty big deal. as a u.s. citizen, does this disturb you?
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>> yes, it does. because it leaves open the door for voter fraud. it wouldn't take much to maybe take a document and be able to get a social security number for mozart and then use that to get a voter registration card. >> it seems this came from the voter participation center which tends to just focus on minorities in the area and currently is working for -- being run by a guy that used to run the al gore foundation. so it looks like there's an agenda there and they're trying to get mozart on their side even though he's not even on this planet. >> that's the way it looks. >> and wow, that's pretty crazy. tim morris, sorry to hear about mozart's passing. he would have been 18 so i guess it's ok by now. mozart morris, you will not be
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voting but you could if you wanted to. tim, thanks so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> ok. parents, should you e-mail your adult child's boss to call them -- to call them out sick? what about letting them move back home at the age of 35? it happened in record numbers and our next guest says it's time for parents to back off and let their kids grow up. and vice president joe biden trying to push americans -- push americans -- to push us -- well, let's listen to joe biden. >> look at their value set and ask yourself who's being selfish? >> it's about a minimum standard of living! it's being able to own your home and not just rent it. >> he's for public unions and he was yelling about it in los angeles. one problem -- he's not a blue collar guy. he's a really rich guy. people have doubts about taking aspirin for pain.
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but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer. welcome to summer road trip, huh? as the hotel experts, finding you the perfect place is all we do. this summer, save up to 30%, plus get up to $100 on us. welcome to
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>> it's happening more and more. adult children moving back home with their parents. is it really as funny as hollywood makes it out to be? >> that's not normal. >> i lived upstairs since i was 3. >> going to take a stick of dynamite to get me out of my parents' house. >> the author of the new book "slouching towards adulthood", and she joins us now. >> more adult children moving back home with the parents. is this just about the economy or is something else going on with them? >> the economy plays a role but there's no doubt that what we're seeing in the generations coming up is a very -- the result of a very different kind of parenting
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and it turns into many people not getting jobs when they complete their college education and not having alternatives and sometimes they wind up at home right after college and sometimes they're coming back later. >> we're making them more dependent, our kids? >> yes, i think it's fair to say that we are. that we're so interested in our kids developing the skills that will get them into college, all the great items on the college applications that we're not teaching them how to divide the lights from the darks. >> interesting that you say that, there's another statistic, not just are the numbers up of adult kids moving home but this interesting statistic for this summer. 7 out of 10 teenagers do not have summer jobs. why? >> well, probably because people in college or people who are out of college are taking these kinds of jobs that maybe a lifeguard job, for example, that
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a teenager would have had in the past, there's a trickle down effect because the unpaid internship is the new entry level job. >> interesting. also, is there something and i've heard this before, tell me what your research in the book found. is there something about today's teenagers where they don't want to do dishes at friendly's like i did for a summer? are there some jobs that they believe are beneath them. >> yes, i think it's fair to say but i don't think the teenagers are to blame. i think it's the parents who have really to a certain extent coddled kids and they want their children to really have perfect lives and they don't see these kinds of jobs as part of it. >> speaking of coddling kids, there's articles out this week. "usa today" being one of them about how parents are now calling their children's employers and getting sick days, helping them beef up their resumes, doing all of the things that young adults are supposed to be doing with their own bosses. >> it's true. and it's pretty insane.
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i call it concierge parenting. it comes from a place of love. i don't think any parent feels that trying to control their kids' lives is something they're doing that's nasty or mean but they -- i think parents stop -- fail to realize that there are certain things in life like looking for a job and dealing with rejection and learning to get along with people in the workplace that you can only learn yourself. >> right. and you end up crippling them on some level. sally, you're the author of "slouching towards adulthood". it's a great read. thank you so much for coming in. >> thanks. >> remember the teacher who told a student that he could be thrown in jail for disagreeing with the president?t?t?t?t?t?t?? , what do you think is the best bargain? the answer will save you money at the supermarket. [ female announcer ] i found the best cafe in the world.
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>> good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, june 20th. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen today. it's only happened four times in the last 30 years and it could happen again in a few hours. attorney general eric holder facing a contempt of court vote but he can make one last ditch effort to stop it. we have a live report straight ahead for you. >> the vice president ramping up the rhetoric on class warfare. >> being able to live in a safe neighborhood where your kids can walk the streets! that's what being a middle class person is. that's not asking too much! >> why is he always yelling at me? can screaming speeches like this get the unions back in the president's corner? steve? >> brian, remember the teacher who told a student he could be thrown in the slammer for disagreeing with president obama.
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>> do you know -- do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about bush? no, do you realize -- you are not -- you can't -- you're not supposed to slander! >> i'm not slandering. >> yep, she was talking about bush and also obama in her tirade. that teacher just learned her punishment. and some parents are outraged! what's the punishment? why are they outraged? we'll tell you, hour two of "fox & friends" for a wednesday starts right now. >> going to be a hot one today. >> we're going from spring into summer. the mercury outside our building has gone up 4 degrees in an hour, we're looking for a high in the upper 90's. it's going to feel like it's 700
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degrees by 2:00 this afternoon. >> now, listen, we were just having a spirited debate in the studio about the first day of summer because i know the first day of summer to be june 21st. but today, for some reason, it's surprising us a day early. did you get the answer to the -- is today the longest day of the year or tomorrow? >> today is the summer solstice. >> you're thinking about the equinox because that's in march. today is the longest day of the year, however. so go out and enjoy it. >> quick note before we get into everything except summer, the heat wave, that song "heat wave" do you remember the -- the album you could buy on a direct marketing, hustle 76? do you remember that? >> yes. >> yes. >> one band played all the top hits. >> right. >> and "heat wave" was i think the first song or second song.
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>> for you kids watching right now, believe it or not, there was a time that people would -- i want to say it was like a cereal box, you would buy the cereal and on the back of the box would be a record that you would cut out and put, it would be a 45 and put on your record player. >> right. >> google what a record player is, kids. >> right, the other thing is that's the best you ever hear bobby sherman. remember? he was on the back -- >> who is now an emergency medical technician. >> right. i called hoping he would have showed up. >> we may have digressed from our lead stories. we have a lot of news to tell you about. in a few hours, the house will vote whether or not to hold attorney general air he can holder in contempt of court over the fast & furious scandal. he can still stop it. >> william la junesse is live in los angeles for the third day in a row and has details. good morning to you, william. >> good morning. a week ago, 90% of the people who are familiar with this case predicted this is going to be
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worked out. that's the way things are. they always wait until the last minute. not this time. today's historic vote is about contempt but at its core, it is really about finding facts. who approved fast & furious and why? who is responsible for the cover-up? is the fall guy a few bad u.s. attorneys in arizona or did a.t.f. staff lie to washington as alleged or was it attorney general holder's own staff? last night's meeting on capitol hill between holder and house oversight chairman darrell issa, the a.g. says he came ready to deal. >> i think the ball is in their court. they rejected what i thought was an extraordinary offer on our part. they have, i guess, until they decide, they have the ability to change their minds. but as i said, we made what i thought was an extraordinary offer and indicated to them these materials have been accumulated. they are there for distribution to them. >> but others close to this
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case say they were stunned when holder arrived empty handed with no documents despite issa's demand that was crucial for any deal. sources tell me they believe the documents, if the documents were truly inconsequential as the a.g. has implied, he would simply hand them over and not risk contempt. on the other hand, the documents could be a pandora's box. instead of closing doors on the investigation, they open new ones which is why many say chairman issa refused to agree to shut the investigation down. >> sadly, the attorney general said in the meeting if we go forward with contempt, we get no cooperation from that time forward. on the other hand, he said if we would take the briefing, we'd have the case. we're between a rock and a hard spot. we really have to go forward. >> so the stage is set and the clock is ticking. at 10:00 a.m. eastern for only the 12th time in 35 years, house oversight will begin the process
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to hold a cabinet level official in contempt of congress. i'm told getting 51% is a slam dunk. the g.o.p. has the votes and many want to go forward. >> would be unsatisfactory to me and to a number of other committee members so i'm not interested -- it's not a bridge tournament. we're not haggling over the price of a used car. >> now, there is a chance in the next three hours the attorney general could deliver the documents that they're seeking. that seems unlikely at this point. if they go forward, the committee will be voting on the full subpoena, not just documents posed february 4th to deal with the so-called cover-up. if this passes, you guys, that means we'll really look at a fight potentially over the full summer as they try to get this to the house floor. that could take two weeks to two months but that demand for records right now if it passes the committee, it does not have the teeth, if you will, you need
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a full house vote for that but you're looking for a long political fight into election season. very possibly if they don't work it out. >> indeed and you've been following it since the get go. he'll keep an eye on everything until it's finished. >> today will be a very interesting day. thank you, william. we have this fox news alert for you because a hostage situation is unfolding right now in france. a man claiming to be a member of al-qaida taking up to four hostages at a bank. reports say the gunman did fire a shot. this just three months after a gunman there also killed three jewish people. tensions are higher than usual in that same city as you can imagine. a short time ago, guests at a national hotel were allowed back in. this after it was rocked by an explosion late last night. video showing some of the significant damage just moments after this blast.
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>> are you ok? anyone hurt? >> that's debris all over the floor of the opry land hotel. investigators now saying it was a gas explosion and happened in a mechanical room near the convention center. there was a sheriff's conference taking place at the time. no one was hurt. another blow to al-qaida overnight. pakistan capturing an important leader of the terror group. he was arrested during a raid near the pakistan and iran border, the french national believed to have links with militants in europe and reports say this he may have had a role in the september 11th terrorist attack. serial smacker. alec baldwin does it again. this time he was caught on camera smacking a newspaper photographer. the 54-year-old went berserk when he saw the photographer as he was leaving the city clerk's office with his fiancee. the two had just picked up a marriage license. he reportedly told the photographer "i will knock your blanking teeth out." but even better than that, this picture. take a look.
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we know it's you under there, alec! baldwin was busted walking down the street draped in a sheet that he had apparently swiped from a hotel. he even kept the sheet over his head after they handed him a suit before he hopped into a waiting car. he's trying to go under the radar and not be noticed. >> right. >> didn't want his picture taken, obviously. as ted brought up behind camera 3, he's like this should be the happiest time of his life. he's going to get married. he's got a yoga instructor, very nice body and he's got to -- everything is going good. he's on a hit show. he's in a movie. he's got all these -- what would cause him, someone taking his picture has him -- >> anger management problems. >> i think that is alec baldwin happy. >> that's what we're seeing right now. that is him happy. >> that's as happy as he gets? >> yeah. >> meanwhile, let's show you somebody else who seemed really agitated yesterday. he was speaking before the american federation of state, county and municipal unions. we're talking about the current vice president of the united states, joe biden. you know, he's a rich guy and we
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know that he went to two fundraisers yesterday for, you know, costs $500 for one and $1,000 for the other so it wasn't, you know, aimed at the middle class per se. you got to go to the upper class to get money like that. nonetheless, yesterday, on that stage, the vice president was sticking up for the middle class in a big way. >> look at their values and ask yourself who is being selfish? >> it's about a minimum standard of living. it's about being able to own your home and not just rent it! it's about being able to live in a safe neighborhood where your kids can walk the streets. where there's a playground that's not polluted. where you can send your kid to a decent school. that's what being a middle class person is! that's not asking too much. that's who we are! that's what we believe! that's what you're about. that's what you built. >> he went on to say they plow our roads, you put out our fires and run our ambulances.
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we should be thanking you but it's about the unions and public unions as to whether these local governments can support them and who should be hired, how much can they be paid and is it sustainable and possible for them to pay out their benefits? but there's -- vice president, i almost said senator. vice president joe biden has to be concerned because alisyn afl-cio last week came out and said we're not going to be putting this much money into the democratic cause. we're going to focus on our membership. >> he was reminding them yesterday that you're on my side, i'm on your side. >> yeah, he was ginning up the crowd. there was a lot of cheering and he was basically saying the republicans are the people that want to cut your schools and your streets. we recognize your values. he was pitting the public unions and the union employees against republicans and it seemed to be red meat for the crowd. >> right. also, remember this video -- there was a video that went viral about 10 minutes of class discussion between a senior by the name of hunter rogers and a teacher by the name of tonya dixon neely.
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and, you know, do you remember this? we're going to run a little clip and we'll tell you what has happened now to the teacher. really. >> do you know -- do you realize that people were arrested for saying things bad about bush? no, do you realize -- you are not -- you can't -- you're not supposed to slander! >> i'm not slandering. i asked a question! >> i'm saying, i'm saying to you, you're not supposed to slander. people were arrested. >> ok, so that -- >> people were arrested for speaking bad about bush? >> no, they weren't. the teacher thought so and after they figured it all out, the school system said that the student -- rather, the teacher who had been suspended without pay will now keep her job. >> she's going to take a little training course, basically, and be able to keep her job even though she was, as you heard there, yelling at her student giving him -- >> she was wrong. she was just wrong! >> giving him misinformation and obviously, the irony is just yesterday, we featured this story of the teacher of the year
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in sacramento, california, who cannot keep her job because of that last in, first out policy. so she can't keep her job but this teacher in north carolina will be protected. >> all right. that's the north rowan high school school district so the salz bury school system, that's their decision. how do you feel about it? twitter us. we're running the thing now. it's a pulse start. we're rolling. straight ahead because we have two hours left. president obama touting his new immigration policy but our next guest says it's all just a con job because it's not really the president's plan at all. or treat gas with these after you get it. now that's like sunblock before or sun burn cream later. oh, somebody out there's saying, now i get it! take beano before and there'll be no gas.
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take beano before so i test... a lot. do you tt with this? freestyle lite test strips? i don't see... beep! wow! that didn't take much blood. yeah, and the unique zipwik tab targets the blood and pulls it in. so easy. yep. freestyle lite needs just a third the blood of onetouch ultra. really? so testing is one less thing i have to worry about today. great. call or click today and get strips and a meter free. test easy.
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mcallen, texas. in here, heavy rental equipment in the middle of nowhere, is always headed somewhere. to give it a sense of direction, at&t created
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a mobile asset solution to protect and track everything. so every piece of equipment nows where it is, how it's doing or where it goes next. ♪ this is the bell on the cat. [ male announcer ] it's a network of possibilities -- helping you do what you do... even better. ♪ >> president obama now facing scrutiny over his new immigration policy announced on friday afternoon but some are saying the plan is strikely similar to the one being worked on. it was, at least by republican senator marco rubio of florida. did the president do this just to undercut mr. rubio and his political opponents?
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joining us right now is syndicated columnist from san diego rubin navratte. good morning. >> good morning. >> you say what the president announced on friday afternoon in the rose garden was a masterful political move and yet, it was a con job! explain. >> yes, it was also a cruel trick on illegal immigrant children and youths who think they've gotten more from this president than they really were given. this was a con job, this was really marco rubio's immigration reform plan. marco rubio and the president agree that you should have undocumented young immigrant college students, they should get a work visa and be able to stay here. without residency and without citizenship, this is just a xerox basically of marco rubio's plan. i give the president some credit for being smart enough to take it from marco rubio but he's really marking it as somehow if the idea and done this great thing and they're pushing that. not true. >> and everybody on capitol hill knew that marco rubio, a
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republican who is working on his own version of the dream act, officially the dream act was killed last summer in the senate. so marco rubio is working on his own version. and yet, you say the white house was telling the senate democrats and others whatever you do, don't cooperate with rubio. >> right. >> way back in december of last year, about seven months ago now, i was sitting with kay bailey hutchinson, a senator from texas and she and john kyle were working on this very bill. later marco rubio attached himself to that and he tried to get support from other senate democrats. he was reported as saying that the white house was telling senate democrats not to work with him because they really don't want a solution to this problem. they want the credit for doing something and they want to hurt rubio. >> right. you also wrote in your column, you wrote latino voters who have been abandoned by obama are so desperate to finally have the president they voted for that every time obama throws them a bone, they call it a steak dinner. explain that. >> yeah. i find this really frustrating.
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there's many members of the liberal coalition that helped elect barack obama that have been disappointed in him and they want to -- they want to be able to find the president they voted for somehow. latinos are included in that and they feel like the president has disappointed them not only because he broke his promise to fix the immigration system but went off and deported 1.2 million people and broke up all those families. when he does something like this, they throw a parade. he hadn't done that much. this is an extension of an earlier policy. basically what the president has done to put it clearly, has said he's no longer going to deport these younger illegal immigrants that he wasn't supposed to be deporting anyway so the president has a difficult time telling the truth when it comes to immigration. >> all right. ruben, syndicated columnist joining us from san diego today where he's the first person awake at 4:19 in the morning. ruben, thank you very much. >> thank you. >> you bet. >> thank you. >> up next on the rundown for "fox & friends", it's a controversial move. the n.r.a. stepping up and
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offering up stand your ground insurance. is that really necessary? we're going to report and then you will decide. then take a look at these three boxes of cereal. which one do you think is the best bargain? the answer will save you some money at the supermarket. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... ...and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ how much coffee are you fellows going to need today? three...four cups?
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[dumbfounded] well, we... doesn't last long does it? listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. so you can get a lot done without refills. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so don't just stand there holding your lattes, boys. make your move. we'll take the 5-hour energy. smart move. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy.
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>> time for news by the numbers. how do i know that? i'm about to read it. first 3.4 million. that's how much were posted in april down from 3.7 in march. the biggest drop in three years. next, $165. that's how much members of the n.r.a. can pay for stand your
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ground insurance. it comes up to $100,000 in legal fees. 34.5 million, that's how much kristin stewart made in the last year to be ranked as forbes' highest paid actress in hollywood. she's followed by cameron diaz who has a nice body and sandra bullock who is a wonderful actress. alisyn? >> grocery bills already sky-high and expected to rise 3.5% next year. but you don't need coupons to save money. you just need the tips that we are about to give you. the founder of the grocery terry, great to see you. >> nice to see you, too, alisyn. >> you'll tell us how to shop and how to get the most bang for our buck. first thing you say is buy the limit. what do you mean by that? >> a limit is usually a leader that means it could be at cost or below cost. probably at cost so it might say, for instance, in the sales circulars here that it would be a limit of something like on peanut butter, limit of four.
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>> the grocery store says you can buy four and you should do that. >> yes, because that means it's a good deal. you should stock up. this also applies to things like meat if it's a limit four chicken, four whole chickens, forever. buy four. eat one tonight and freeze the other three. it applies to produce and every category in the supermarket. we don't want to waste food because the food and agriculture organization told us we wasted almost a third of our food last year globally. >> and that's the risk of buying the limit because maybe you won't be able to use the four chickens. >> use whatever you can store or freeze or eat and we don't want to waste otherwise. >> so we asked the question of our viewers which is which one of these cheerio boxes was the best deal? i would guess the biggest. that's what we're trained to think. am i right? >> a lot of times, we notice the medium sized is the lesser cost per unit or cost per ounce. there's a way to cheat on that. on the shelf tag, you'll see the
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unit price below the big price and you can find out for yourself, check that because looks can be deceiving. we're used to grabbing big and it's not always the best. >> fascinating. i didn't know that you could go with the middle one. meanwhile, the -- tell us about the orange juice here and shrinking groceries. >> i think we've all noticed some shrinking groceries over the years but just this year and especially recently, they went all over the supermarket. they shrunk in almost every category of different things but the good news is this, a lot of the store brands have not yet gone down in size so 1/2 gallon of store brand orange juice is still 1/2 gallon whereas name brand might be only 59 ounces. but there's a little bit of a caveat here. if the name brand is on sale, even though it's a little smaller, it might be less if you add a coupon to a name brand on sale, it will almost beat the store brand even if it's smaller. >> you are a big fan of the coupons. >> i am but the biggest savings comes with the sale. that's half off.
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you and i went showing a year or so ago and we saved 60% and the bulk of that was the sales. only the coupon adds just a tiny bit like the frosting on the cake. >> that's great. always great advice. terry with the grocery thanks so much for coming in and explaining it all to us. >> thank you. >> hecklers caught on camera trying to drown out kids singing "god bless the u.s.a. " >> if you think that's disturbing, wait until you hear who the hecklers are. then the numbers are startling. an average family losing 35% of their wealth. what can you do to turn things around? dave ramsey is here.
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it's time to live wider awake. only the beautyrest recharge sleep system combines the comfort of aircool memory foam layered on top of beautyrest pocketed coils to promote proper sleeping posture all night long. the revolutionary recharge sleep system... from beautyrest. it's you, fully charged. with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn'repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. so let's put our paws down in protest and raise our barks to rally till we all get k9 advanii. jo us at [ male announcer ] ask your veterinarian about k9 advantix ii. in your fight against bugs. ortho home defense max. with a new continuous spray wand. and a fast acting formula.
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>> there's talk that the supreme court may issue their upcoming decision on health care reform on live television. did you hear this? when they decide it, it may be on live television and to boost ratings, each judge will give their decision after spinning around in their chair to face the camera. like -- >> that wasn't funny.
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i'd watch that. i thought it was going to happen this monday. it's got to come down on a monday, i understand. so it's going to be next monday. >> they're running out of june. >> right. >> then they go on a big vacation. >> because they have calendars as well. >> then they have to come back, what, the first monday in october. first tuesday. what was the name of that walter matthau movie? >> odd couple? >> no. >> all right, more on this later. not! but we do have a fox news alert for you. egyptian president hosni mubarak now apparently in critical condition inside this military hospital in cairo after having a stroke in prison. all this as the new chapter of unrest unfolds in egypt. >> leyland vittert is live in cairo with the latest. tell us the update. >> good morning, ali. we are in some of the most critical hours of egyptian history certainly since the revolution. we are right now awaiting the results of the presidential election of who will be the next president after mubarak. right now, the muslim
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brotherhood lead the vote count by around 800,000 or so votes. that's about four percentage points. this comes just as president mubarak entered that military hospital. coincidentally, this was the same hospital where president anwar sadat, his predecessor was declared dead after a 1981 assassination plot and there is what you might call a death watch outside of this hospital. it's pretty clear that former president mubarak is in grave condition there after suffering some type of massive health crisis, either a stroke, a heart attack or both last night. and, of course, mubarak was a long time u.s. ally and ally of israel, the king of the arab world and also was a very key player in keeping this region stable, if you can say that for as long as he was in office. it only took protesters about three weeks to kick him out of office 16 months ago and since then, egypt has been in major flux. there was a large cloud here in the square last night. they were protesting what they
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call a coup by the army leaders. the army here has dissolved the parliament and they say has by constitutional decree pulled away a lot of the powers of the presidency which obviously the muslim brotherhood who it looks like will take the presidency is not very happy about and many egyptians are really not very happy with mubarak at all. last time we saw a big protest was when mubarak was sentenced to life in prison for not stopping the killing of protesters during the revolution. many people here wanted the death penalty for president mubarak. not a lot of people who will shed tears when he does die and ali, many, many more people are far more concerned about who wins the presidential election and if the army will actually give up power as their former leader lies dying in a hospital. back to you. >> so much in flux there. thanks for the update. >> see how big the protests are and the liberals and the muslim brotherhood have indeed combined. scotland yard telling fox news this hour, wikileaks founder
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julian assange can be arrested as soon as he leaves the embassy in london. assange currently under protection there as he seeks asylum. scotland says assange is "subject to arrest" for breaking conditions of his bail and is considered to be back on u.k. soil the second he steps on a sidewalk to get into a car or steps out of a car at an airport. assange failed to avoid extradition to sweden in a sexual assault case. if he didn't hear this, hopefully nobody will tell us this can happen. >> maybe he'll never leave that open. talk about an invasion of privacy, a north carolina mother outraged after school officials strip searched her 10-year-old son without the mother's permission. all because they thought he stole 20 bucks. third grader justin cox says he was forced to take off everything but his undershirt and boxer shorts. >> she didn't ask me if she could. she told me, she said now i have
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to strip search you. >> if that isn't excessively intrusive, i don't know what is. >> i agree. the $20 bill was later found under a lunch table. the school apologized to the family but insists they were within their rights to search him. >> really? >> same sex couple from new york filing the first lawsuit against a catholic institution for refusing to recognize the state's gay marriage law. the women claim that they were denied medical benefits coverage at st. joseph's hospital, one of the women is an employee there. >> a grown man heckling children. we told you about a rally in new york where elementary school kids joined the republican congressman bob turner to sing "god bless the u.s.a." but what we didn't see is this guy.
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>> can you believe this? the rally held outside of public school 90 on coney island was organized in protest of the school's decision to cut patriotic songs from the graduation ceremony scheduled for today. as you can see, the kids kept singing. the kids have been through a lot already. unbelievable. >> it keeps going on. the hope and change crowd that helped elect president obama back in 2008 have been crushed during this recession. according to a new report, young households, the young people, these are parents, age 35 to 44 lost 59% of their wealth. they are the hardest hit of any age group. so what's the best way for them to get back on their feet? >> let's ask personal finance expert dave ramsey who joins us right now from nashville. dave, the story we described. you talked to a lot of people who are experiencing it. you don't look at statistics but do you have some advice for some of these people going through it? >> well, absolutely. just hang on because that statistic is honestly, it's
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misleading because that particular age group almost all of their net worth is based on their home. and a lot of areas, the home has not recovered. however, if you go to, for instance, denver or phoenix, we're seeing an increase in 90% of the neighborhoods, "the wall street journal" is reporting yesterday, increases in values and increases in home starts. so -- but other areas are way down still. for instance, florida still struggling in many markets or in michigan, those kinds of things. so when you look at overall thing with real estate, that's what's causing this. >> so you say -- you tell them to hang on meaning don't move, don't check your equity all the time. just stay put and it will actually go back up? >> well, i do believe real estate is going to recover. if washington would quit monkeying around with the economy and let this thing regrow, it's start to go grow back in some areas. as real estate recovers this 59% crushing of their net worth, they'll recover because it's all in the value of their home. >> you also say don't wait on the government to fix your
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situation. don't wait for that next program to come from washington. >> well, that's the problem president obama has politically right now. he ran on hope & change as you said going into this segment. and basically there's not been any hope or much change. and so the economic policies he's tried have not worked and you really can't run on hope and change twice. it doesn't work. so he's really got issues there with the average guy out there because he's looking around going i'm still sitting in a mess. >> we have an e-mail from a viewer and this guy has a typical problem that so many people do. we are a young, married couple and disagree on how to budget. what's a reasonable amount of groceries and miscellaneous spending dave in new york wants to know. >> well, certainly if you're in new york, you've got a higher cost of living than you might say in austin, texas so you've got to look at that. an average family of four right now in all the budget counseling we're doing is spending somewhere on groceries and eating out between $750 and $1,000 a month max. now, you can do it for less than
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that. but i'm finding a lot of people spending a lot more than that because they're not tracking their spending so the trick is set a number and then monitor it. it's going to take you two or three months of budgeting together to get your numbers worked out with trial and error. >> right. and write everything down to actually get that base. kristina writes this from florida. i'll be enrolling in my first 401k plan soon. i only make $24,000 a year. what's a good starting percentage rate until i'm promoted and make more? >> first thing i'm going to recommend you do is get any personal debts paid off because then you don't have those payments and it gives you more money to put into your 401k and make sure you have an emergency fund to put in place. now, if you've got an emergency fund in place and you don't have any debt payments making $24,000, we're going to try to get you up to as high as 15% of your income going into that 401k especially if they've got a match. >> all right. dave ramsey, great advice for us. thanks so much for joining us this morning. >> thanks for having me, guys. >> he makes everything seem so simple. >> he does. >> dave ramsey, steve, you are
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the dave ramsey of weather. >> you are too kind, mr. kilmeade. today is the first day of summer. it officially kicks off at 7:09 and as an homage to summer, we'll celebrate some of the simpler things in life in just a moment with nancy and floyd. they're from wyoming. they get up really early to watch on "fox & friends" and they are our taste testers but first, let's go ahead and take a look at the weather and the day ahead and as you can see, oh, look at that. you are from wyoming. it was stormy there over the last couple of hours out there but now the storms have moved in the northern plains. and there's also a little bit of rain in south florida. next map shows us what the temperatures are currently, starting to warm up a lot of 70's across the map and 73 currently here in new york city and let's go to the next map and show you the daytime highs. it's going to feel like it's over 100 -- probably close to 105 here in new york city. it's going to be 105 in el paso. and 87 in san antonio. all right. meanwhile, crumbs cupcakes which
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has locations across the country. have you heard of crumbs cupcakes? they've got a whole bunch of summer flavors like smores, pink lemonade, crumb-sicle and i've given each floyd and nancy a cupcake and i'm going to want them to tell me what the flavor is to see how close they are to actually duplicating the actual item. floyd, take a bite of that. nancy, take a bite of that. nancy, what flavor does that taste like to you? >> sweet! >> what flavor? it's supposed to taste like a fruit. >> watermelon. >> that's right! congratulations, you win another one. and floyd, here you go. what does yours taste like? >> very clearly like pina coloda. one of my favorite beverages. >> how early, floyd, in the day do you start with alcoholic beverages? >> usually around noon with a beer. >> just like the rest of us. all right, have a very safe trip
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back to wyoming. >> thank you! >> very nice. >> and brian and ali, i've got all sorts of cupcakes for you as well. >> bring them in! thank you. >> delicious. >> thanks, steve. all right, coming up, does this sound familiar? if your wife doesn't get what she wants, she threatens to divorce you! is she normal or nuts? any answers here, guys? dr. ablow answers your e-mails. >> that's the first time that john ever answered something outloud. are you fed up with the direction of america but don't know what to do about it? our next guest has a road map for rallying concerned citizens. and she's strolling our direction. take a left right at that door. right there. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac
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[ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] [ yawning sound ]
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[ male announcer ] well hello, welcome to summer road trip, huh? uhuh yep uch let's find you a room. at, you'll always find the perfect hotel. because we only do hotels. wow. i like that. nice no. laugh... awe uch ooh, yeah hmm nice huh book it! oh boy call me... this summer, we're finding you the perfect place - plus giving you up to $100 at
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>> all right. under president obama, the
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nation's unemployment rate rose from 8.2% last month and foreclosure rates are still at an alarming rate, as you know. >> but despite the bad news, our next guest says there's hope and a way for america to get back on track. >> the nationally syndicated radio talk show host and the best selling author of "what the bleep just happened". >> is she quoting joe biden? >> great to have you here. >> good morning, guys. hi. >> you say we're poised for a comeback. you sound optimistic. >> i am very optimistic about america. one day last summer i was having dinner with a great girlfriend and we were going through this long list of all this leftist insanity and social engineering coming from the obama administration over so many years and at one point, i just sort of sat back and said what the bleep just happened? what happened to america? what happened to our economy? what happened to jobs? what happened to our superpower status? what the bleep just happened? $16 trillion in debt! what the bleep? and she looked at me and she said that's your title for your next book and so what i decided to do here is deconstruct the
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obama years and i do it in a very funny way because in the age of obama, if we don't laugh, we cry. and there's no crying in a book by monica crowley but i think we're poised for a comeback because i think the american people have had enough. >> you have three points we'll talk a little bit about. way back, we need pro growth, tax entitlement reform, restore the military cuts and get aggressive with our i know his and become a happy warrior. >> yes. there are three prongs to the great american comeback. political, policy and attitude. so political, everybody -- >> ppa. >> let's coin that right now. in terms of politics, the first thing we have to do is sort of a version of the hippocratic oath that says to new doctors, first do no harm so the american people are now saying, i think, most of us anyway, first do no more harm so the first thing we have to do is repudiate barack obama in november and his far left agenda. second thing in terms of policy, some of the things you just mentioned there, get pro growth economic policies in place, restore these trillion dollars
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in military cuts to get our political and military strength back and our ability to project power in the world and the third thing is attitudinal and that's the subtitle "the happy warriors guide to the great american comeback" and this is not just for conservatives or republicans, it's for every american. we have to reembrace the spirit that ronald reagan brought about 30 years ago which is a positive embrace of conservativism and take on this mission, even though it's going to be tough to try to bring america back from $16 trillion in debt but to take it on with a joyful spirit and a happy warrior spirit. >> there you go. read all about it, her brand new book is called "what the bleep just happened" the happy warrior's guide to the great american comeback. monica crowley, always a pleasure. >> great to see you guys. thank you so much. >> when you invented the title, i'm wondering if she said bleep. >> don't ask me that, brian. >> don't ask. >> you're right. >> just curious. i'll find out the answer and we'll -- >> i'm sure you will. >> during the break. >> does this sound familiar?
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if your wife doesn't get what she wants, she threatens to divorce you. is she normal or nuts? dr. ablow answers your e-mails and ali's relationship problems. >> but first on this day in history in 1988, "together forever" by rick astley was the number one song. i loved being rick rolled.
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>> are you normal or nuts? we're about to find out. it's a question we ask dr. keith ablow every week and he's back again to answer your e-mails.
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thanks so much for writing in. welcome back. >> thank, brian. how are you? >> i'm doing good. not as good as this first e-mailler. he's got an annoying, messy neighbor and says "it drives me crazy when my neighbors don't mow their messy, overgrown lawn. it makes me so angry, i didn't invite them to my neighborhood pool party. am i nuts to mind so much"? >> you know what? he likes to keep his lawn trimmed and likes to live with people who take care of their properties. the only part -- this is normal. the only part of this is a little crazy is all he does is not invite them to the barbecue. maybe a pink fence would be nice and then you offer to take it down if they'll take care of their property. see, i like an aggressive kind of response. >> right. go right back at them and see how they like it. >> absolutely. >> i like that. the law of the jungle. let's talk about this. let's talk about relationships. "when my wife doesn't get what she wants, she throws my stuff
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out and threatens to divorce me. she shows anger towards me by running the a.c., refusing to work, cook and yelling a lot. is this normal"? what do you think? >> she's crazy, brian! right? like i don't know if it's bipolar crazy. but -- and that's possible, i guess, as a diagnosis but look, she's abusive, she's constantly threatening abandonment. she apparently feels tremendously entitled. she's got one good idea. the divorce. right? i'll send a prescription. i'll write it out for this guy. and it sounds like an unlivable situation. >> by the way, that e-mail from tim who is married to alisyn. so alisyn, you clearly have some issues. there you go. i'm only kidding. >> constantly with the a.c. >> hey, let me tell you about this person. this is a different challenge. this guy just retired. he said i retired after 36 busy years. i'm rested but worried about my reclusive retirement behavior. i avoid social contact, spend my
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days walking, reading, watching tv. are my hermit patterns normal? >> well, they're all too normal, right? they are all too normal after retirement, people tend to do this, right? they become a bit like hermits but i'll tell you, i like to tell people, it takes an emotional giant to live an unstructured life. we rely on each other for momentum, for ideas, for energy. this is somebody who has got to get an activity and soon or he'll need somebody like me. >> gotcha, that's ok, too. beginning of being socialized again. dr. keith ablow, thanks so much. for professional judgment, you couldn't be more normal. >> thank you! appreciate that. now i'll help other people. >> have a great week. straight ahead on this show, he killed a man he saw attacking his daughter so will that dad face charges? the grand jury's ruling at the top of the hour. and the president just stole his thunder. some say he even took senator rubio's exact immigration plan. so what now?
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we'll ask senator marco rubio in person. [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next? [ zapping ] [ clang ] this is the next level of performance. the next level of innovation. the next rx. the all-new f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. you won't just find us online, you'll also find us in person, with dedicated support teams at over 500 branches nationwide. so when you call or visit, you can ask for a name you know. because personal service starts with a real person. [ rodger ] at scottrade, seven dollar trades are just the start. our support teams are nearby, ready to help. it's no wonder so many investors are saying... [ all ] i'm with scottrade.
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>> alisyn: good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, june 20. i'm alisyn camerota in for gretchen. the vote to hold the attorney general in contempt is set to happen today. >> the attorney general did not come with any offer of any documents. we want the documents. >> alisyn: eric holder says that's not true. we report. you decide. >> steve: and you thought alec punch ago photographer was nuts. take a look at this picture. alec, we know it's you under the covers. >> brian: he has to do something. then, can you dig it? someone very famous thinks these three piles of dirt are art. and i don't want to tell them differently. "fox & friends" starts now.
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♪ >> alisyn: it is heading up to 90, right? >> steve: 95. the relative humidity will feel like 100 degrees in new york city. >> alisyn: brian and i like it. >> steve: today is the first day of summer, officially it starts at 7:09 eastern daylight time. earlier i said today is the longest day of the year. >> brian: and? >> steve: that's wrong, of course. today has the most daylight of any day of the year. all the days are 24 hours. it's not like they just change them. >> alisyn: the first day of summer is tomorrow. >> steve: tomorrow will be the first full day of summer. >> brian: can we use at that animation tomorrow as well? >> alisyn: yes. >> brian: because if i don't see that dancing lobster, i'm not sure if i can finish the show. >> steve: ali would like different animation because tomorrow is her birthday. >> alisyn: you remembered and i am now accepting presents.
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>> brian: really? every year you say yeah, you give back. you'll take the cash. we have to tell you the big news of the day. that is attorney general eric holder could be held in contempt of congress because there was a 20-minute pleat meting last night between him and darryl issa and there was no progress made. >> brian: because it was a briefing instead of giving the documents and it's not enough, even though he's given over 20,000. how high the fast and furious scandal went? who actually knew it? was the attorney general being candid when he said over and over, i knew nothing about this thing. this was all done at a lower level. >> steve: we're talking about the gun running scandal where brian terry lost his life. some have referred to what holder is doing as stonewalling. here is the attorney general in the 6:00 o'clock hour last night in the u.s. capitol saying there has been no intent on the part
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of the department of justice to mislead or deceive. >> often the documents on the condition that we would resolve the pane question -- subpoena question, that he would view the provision as fully satisfy to go subpoenas that have been sent to us. it's a whole variety of material and consistent with what we have already made available, e-mails, documents of that nature that really go into the way in which the department handled itself from february of 2011 until december of 2011. i have think clearly demonstrate there was no intention to mislead, to deceive. >> steve: throughout the day yesterday, we were getting updates on our personal digital assistant saying apparently none of the documents have arrived yet. still no documents. still no documents. issa and company never got any. just the promise of some documents and a briefing. >> brian: today there is going to be a committee vote to hold eric holder in contempt of court
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at 10 a.m but they say they will reschedule if those documents magically arrive. >> alisyn: the reason they're at a still mate is the attorney general says he wants this briefing first. it sounds like to have some parameters on just what they will subpoena, which documents they will subpoena because he doesn't want it to be an ongoing fishing expedition. his feeling is we have turned over 7,000, you still want. >> no let's put parameters on it so they can't get anywhere because they are offering a at cross purposes. >> steve: it also sounds as if at the briefing what would happen is the attorney general and his people would explain okay. we've giving you these 800 papers because this one refers to that. they kind of lay out this is the one you need. you don't need all those others because this explains what's going on. >> brian: here is darryl issa last night. >> the attorney general did not come with any offer of any documents except as a contingent for ending the case outright and
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didn't bring any list of any documents or for that matter, anything in writing. we want the documents. brian terry's family would like the documents that are responsive to how, in fact, their son was gunned down with weapons that came from lawful dealers but at the behest of justice department. >> steve: we know that a lot of the other networks aren't even touching this story. they're just not doing it even though a federal agent died as a result of this gun running operation. but you can count on us to follow it until the conclusion. are they going to have documents later today? >> brian: what does this mean for eric holder. peter johnson, jr. will be here to explain the next steps. >> brian: let's talk about food stamps. so far, this used to be a program that one in 50 families were tapping into. now it's one in seven families and the program so far, the whole focus of it was emergency operation to help people make ends meet until they get back on
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their feet. but now you have a food stamp program that is now advertising for people to come on. and now giving bonuses for states that expand their roles of those recipients. when bill clinton was in the white house, it was let's get those numbers down. president obama is in the white house, let's boost those numbers up? >> steve: some republicans who feel that the food stamp program, which is there to help people who are in dire straits, it has become essentially a middle class entitlement program. so senator jeff sessions, the senator from alabama, he was trying to figure out, we got to be able to cut some of the waste. some of the things he suggested with his reforms would be so that if you got tens of thousands of dollars in the bank, you would not qualify for food stamps. if you live in a million dollars house, you shouldn't qualify for food stamps. over the next ten years, his reforms would cut only $20 billion out of three quarters of a trillion dollars.
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$770 billion spent on food stamps. he's trying trim 20. the senate would not vote for it. >> alisyn: because basically all he was saying is let's means test it o make sure the people who are eligible are getting it and the people who don't need are not abusing the system. so here are some of the gop senators who voted against his plans to asset test this. senator scott brown of massachusetts, senator susan collins, senator olympia snowe. they didn't go along with it. $770 billion over ten years, they have to start somewhere. >> steve: if youfully a million dollars house, should you be eligible for food stamps? >> brian: why would you want to? >> steve: maybe you're out of work. >> brian: by the way, the vote was 58-41. one of the things they voted on is to give people $500 million to states that get more people to sign up. what is the objective of this program? >> steve: every democrat voted against it, except claire
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mccaskill of missouri who is in a really tough race for her political life out there. >> alisyn: let's get to your headlines. a developing story to tell but now because a gunman claiming to be a member of al-qaeda has taken four people hostage in france, including a bank manager and three others. so far no reports of any injuries. tensions are much higher than usual in the city since march. a gunman inspired by al-qaeda, he said, killed three jewish children, a are buy and three soldiers there back then. get to objectryland hotel back in their rooms this morning after it was rocked by an explosion late last night. you can see debris all over the floor there. investigators are now saying this was a gas explosion and ruled out suspicious activity. 5,000 people were forced to leave the hotel. no one was hurt. a texas father who beat a man to death after finding him
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assaulting his five-year-old daughter will not face criminal charges. a grand jury says the 23-year-old man was well within his rights when he used deadly force to stop a mexican immigrant and ranch hand who he found attacking his daughter behind a barn on his ranch. district attorney says no additional charges will be filed, meaning the case is closed. yoko ono's latest attempt at art is a big pile of dirt. yes. three of them. this latest insulation was dumped as retrospective of her 40 years. the exhibit was ripped. she apparently israeli no strange tore bizarre art. here she is standing next to her exhibit called fittingly, apple. it feature has green apple on a plexiglas bottle. i couldn't understand the symbolism. when it rots, it's replaced with a new one. >> brian: steve job cost take had and make it a computer.
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>> steve: steve jobs actually sued apple records over the apple logo. >> brian: nothing to do with it. >> alisyn: but not the truett. >> brian: ho one is suing -- no one is suing her to get the profits from the apple art or dirt art. let's talk about alec baldwin. yesterday was a special day for him. evidently him and his 25-year-old yoga instructor went in to get a marriage certificate. once again, the 55-year-old is taking another bite at the apple and going to walk down the aisle soon. it was a happy day. >> steve: it was until he saw a photographer outside and then as you can see from some of the pictures that we're going to put up -- that's him later in the day. let's see alec when he punches a photographer. the guy at the receiving end of his fist is marcus santos. he has now apparently pressed charges against him. >> brian: did he it right away. >> alisyn: if we could go back to the other, the screen left photo, this is what alec did after this episode because
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obviously he wanted to be very dissecrete. he didn't want anyone to notice him on a manhattan city street, so he put this very subtle disguise on. >> steve: the "new york post" has a great headline over that particular picture in their edition today. it says "sheet for brains." >> brian: that is innovative. i was reading the story and it sounded as if alec was claiming the photographer assaulted him. judging by the pictures -- >> steve: overly aggressive. >> brian: judging by the pictures, that will be a tough case to prove because i see a photographer kind of moving away n a way frank bruno moved away from mike tyson. the reason why that picture was taken is there were two photographers on the outside. one took the picture and was also saying don't hurt my friend. >> steve: this is the hat trick for mr. baldwin against photographers. in 1990 he attacked photographers in california and in 2010, here in manhattan. >> brian: he had that little incident with southwest airlines. >> steve: with american.
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turn off your computer. >> alisyn: hopefully his fiance, who teaches yoga, will help him find some zen. remember when the united nations elected iran to head up the commission of women's rights? wait until you hear what the organization is doing now. >> brian: next, just when you thought the president say he could not bypass congress to change the law, but isn't that exactly what he just did when it came to immigration? our next guest says it will happen again and again and again. >> steve: that's next
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5:15 am
[ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% casback on every purche, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card! why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the ark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice. >> brian: the white house defending the president's newly enacted immigration policy of easing the deportation of illegal immigrants. last year the president said changing the immigration laws was something he could not do. listen. >> some people want me to bypass congress and change the laws on my own. believe me, the idea of doing
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things on my own is very tempting. not just on immigration reform. [ laughter ] but that's not how our system works. that's not how our democracy functions. >> steve: he was against doing it that way until he actually started doing it that way. has the president overreached on immigration? david limbaugh is here. he has written a new book. good morning to you. >> how are you? >> steve: this is not the first time the president has directed his administration to ignore the law. >> no. i've got a litany of things in my book. the great destroyer, in case you haven't gotten it, but he said democracy is messy, doesn't want to deal with the constitution. even report to the human rights commission, united states, he lamented the fact that the constitution doesn't go beyond and redistribute wealth and give us health care. but we have seen it. look at his restructuring of
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chrysler and gm where he crammed down the secured creditors in favor of the unions or intervention in libya where he didn't even consult congress, much less get their approval, or his preferential granting of waivers on obamacare to mostly union concerns. seriously, the epa, there is list after list of things he's imposed because he couldn't get cap and trade. cat faye standards he doubled. the coal emission standards he cut in half. they're all unattainable. >> brian: here are some of them. you ran through a lot. january 2012, you see he bypasses the senate confirmation process. in marcher 2011 -- april, grants waivers to dodge tougher greenhouse gas regulations. these are ways -- his argument would be i'm doing it because the republican congress won't cooperate. >> i know, but that's always the way democracy is.
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we have checks and balances for a reason and you're supposed to pass laws so the democratically elected congress. if you can't get it done as he recognized a few months ago issues you can't do it until you get your congress reelected. >> steve: but he's not changing the laws. he's asking his administration to enforce the laws a certain way. there are a lot of people on the right, david, who feel that if he is reelected president, if there is a republican congress, this is what he's going to do. this is going to be the only way he can get stuff done. >> i don't think there is any question about it, although i don't think he'll get reelected. he doesn't recognize limitations on his own power. he is an ends justifies the means liberal. i don't know why people play that down. he will do what folk get it done. and when he faces reelection, he's brazenly doing these kind of things, playing to identity group politics in order to win the election, no telling what he'll do as a four-year lame duck. >> brian: so far, in europe and europe could be his undoing because if they tank, we'll tank
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for the economy, he was unable to move the international community to his way of thinking. >> yeah. yet he keeps going back to the well. the only thing he know social security government spending. suppress the private sector. he doesn't believe in it. >> steve: the new book is called "the great destroyer." thank you. >> thank you for having me. >> brian: coming up, the president just stole his thunder. some say he even stole his exact program. senator marco rubio is working on his own version of the dream act. did the president take the teeth out of it? we'll find out. >> steve: and the department of justice says there is nothing wrong with florida's voting system. so can somebody please explain why that dog now deceased, just got a voter registration form in the mail? >> brian: that was mozart. >> steve: it was, god rest his soul. that dog is not the only one. details straight ahead
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>> steve: quick headlines now. ousted egyptian president hosni mubarak transferred now to a military prison in cairo after suffering a stroke in prison. there are conflicting reports over whether he is on life support. we've heard all sorts of things. united nations officials, helen clark, urging western nations to go green by cutting out cars and televisions. great. she'll further promote that idea during the rio 20 summit on sustainability which starts today in brazil. i wonder if that's going to be televised. ali? >> alisyn: just over an hour from now, a house committee will take a vote on holding attorney general eric holder in contempt of congress. last night holder and
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congressman darryl issa played a game of he said, he said, after about the missing fast and furious documents. >> attorney general said in the meeting that if we go forward with contempt, we get no cooperation from that time forward. on the other hand, he said if we would take the briefing, we'd have to close the case. so we're sort of between a rock and a hard spot. >> we have made to date available unprecedented number of documents. i think the ball is in their court. they rejected what i thought was an extraordinary offer on our part. >> alisyn: here with analysis is fox news legal analyst, peter johnson, jr. peter, great to see you. sounds like they're at a stalemate. as i understand it, correct me if i am wrong, darryl issa wants to see more documents so they can figure out who authorized this, who knew what and attorney general eric holder wants some parameters or some limits on those documents so it's not a fishing expedition so they can't move forward. >> with all due respect to the attorney general, the fishing
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expedition argument is not a valid argument and what the congressman asked for is they said, you don't want to give over the documents, give me what's call a log, a privileged log or log indicating that you don't want to give this because of the deliberate of process. that's what the attorney general is process. we're in deliberations, this ths confidential. congress never recognized that. darryl issa is saying give me a list of the documents you don't want to give me, tell me what they're about and let's talk about it. they haven't gotten that from the attorney general. so what can happen is they can vote this in committee a citation contempt, then it can go to the full house, then the full house sends it to the u.s. attorney in washington, d.c the same u.s. attorney that is investigating the security leaks in washington and the same u.s. attorney that didn't
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successfully prosecute roger clemens the other day. >> alisyn: so then what happens? >> then a grand jury is convened and there would be a trial on this issue of whether the attorney general of the united states was in contempt of congress, saying to the congress, no, i'm not giving you what you want. now, there has been no assertion of what's called executive privilege, meaning that as the executive, as the president, as an officer of this administration, i don't have to give it to you. they're just saying no, this is part of our deliberations. congress is saying, listen, it appears that you lied back in february of 2011 and we want to know why things changed less than a year later. >> alisyn: is this a chance that today attorney general holder will not be found with this contempt of congress by this committee? >> i think that if there is some documents that are brought forward, this committee will act in a reasonable way and say, well, we'll look at these documents and see if they comport and comply with the
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subpoena. if they don't, this is going all the way. then it becomes a huge national story. >> alisyn: thanks so much. we have breaking news right now and this fox news alert. the atlas 5 rocket is about to lift off from cape canaveral, florida at this hour. >> it's ready to embark on a national security mission. >> alisyn: national defense satellite. not so secret. on behalf of the u.s. and national reconnaissance office. it was supposed to take off on monday but it was scrubbed because of a problem of a duct on the launch platform. let's listen now. >> 25. >> status check. >> go atlas. >> go santar. >> 20. 15. atlas mission control, 2 minus 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, and the engine
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roars to life. and lift-off for the united launch alliance, atlas 5 rocket, carrying l 38 payload for the national reconnaissance office. systems continue to insure vigilance from above. you're hearing the voice of rob gannon providing launch vehicle ascent day attachment let's listen in. >> continues to perform. nice and steady at 100% thrust on the rd 180.
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we're going to close loop on atlas pu. responding as expected to change. everything is look good. engine operating parameters look good. approaching mach 1. >> alisyn: very cool satellite launch that we've just been watching live here from cape canaveral, florida, this launch had been scrubbed on monday because of a possible glitch on the launch pad. it looks like it has been successful thus far. we'll continue to watch that and keep you posted. meanwhile, just got accepted to college? don't kick your feet up just yet. some schools are taking back those letters for seniors who slack off. is that fair? then did president obama steal senator marco rubio's immigration plan?
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>> he was in mexico for the g-20 economic summit. president obama is really working the immigration thing 'cause he knows, you see how he got down to mexico. show the plane. look at this. you see that. look at that. air force one. [ cheers and applause ] >> steve: all right. joining us right now from washington, d.c. is senator marco rubio of florida. got a brand-new book out this week called "an american son." good morning to you, sir. >> good morning, guys. thanks for having me on. >> steve: did the president steal your plan on immigration, 'cause it sure looks like it to a lot of people. >> our plan was comprehensive. it was being worked on. and it was balanced. in my book, one of the things i talk about is how immigration is a complicated issue. on one hand, it's a human issue and we do have to have compassion for folks that find themselves in these circumstances, especially these young people. on the other hand, we have a real illegal immigration
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problem. i think it's important to remind people that this is the most generous country in the world when it comes to immigration. a million people a year come here legally. what other country in the world does that? we were working on a balance. how do you balance compassion with the illegal immigration problem. the president doesn't try to strike a balance. the biggest problem i have is that he ignores the constitution and congress and shoves it down our throat when a year ago he admitted not only did he have the power, but it was not wise to do it that way. it sets the whole thing backwards. >> brian: here is the thing, we've been reading, at least for the last couple of months, that you were working on a republican version of the dream act and then yesterday you came forward and said, i can't really do what i wanted to do now. my version is dead 'cause what the president did on friday. so can you connect the dots for us? what were you working on and do you think word got out to the administration and that's why they acted the way they did. >> the minute i began to discuss this, , the first thing they did is attack it.
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the majority leader, harry reid wrote an op ed attacking my idea. people on the left accused me of being in favor of apartheid, of a three fist compromise, of second class citizen. the "new york times," which is now celebrating what the president did, describe what i was talking about, which is similar, as a dream act without dream. now, of course, did he it, so it's a fantastic idea, according to them. that's hypocrisy. the problem is that with so many issues confronting this country, a lot of my colleagues would say, why do we do this now? why can't this wait? i would argue because these young kids want to start school in september. now they're going to say, you see, there is no urgency. it's being taken care of. plus, it poisons the well by injecting election year politics into this issue, which should be a nonpolitical issue. it makes it harder to kind of find that balance, bipartisan approach to the solution. he's doing this as an election year stunt. people see through it. >> alisyn: given that the president preempted your plan,
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where do republicans about now on immigration? >> i think our idea continues to be worked on of the the timing of it is what's in question now. i think where we need to be is three things. one, we need to remind everybody that america is very generous when it comes to immigration. we tell them come illegal flee on the other hand, and i discuss all this in my book because it's not a black or white issue. we do have compassion for these young kids. if you're five years old, your parents bring you here, you grow up here your entire life, valedictorian of your school and we'll deport you? it doesn't feel right. so we have to address that. and a hewn humanitarian way. but we have to do it in a way that doesn't encourage or reward illegal immigration. that's why we have a congress of the as frustrated as i may get with the process, if we lose the constitutional process, we're no different than the rest of the world. >> brian: your book is excellent and tells the story really of an
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american story. this is what i want to do. this is what i'm going to accomplish. it's not all going to be smooth. for example, i always thought you were confident about being then governor chris for the seat. for a while, you doubted this was possible, that it was going to go your way, right? >> yeah. everything i knew about politics that i would lose. i got discouraged. people get discouraged all the time. i relied on my faith and family, particularly my wife who is not big fan of politic, but who believed we were doing it for the right reasons and are you in it to win or in it to make a difference? if you're in it to make a difference t doesn't matter what the odds are. i'm grateful to her for that and i'm grateful for that kind of race because all i had was my principles early on in this race and certainly i think that's made me a better senator. >> alisyn: in your book, you also talk about illegal immigration and not only do you have compassion for the children who are brought here against -- through no fault of their own, but for the parents. you say if you were in that situation, if you lived in a country, say, mexico, where you couldn't work or afford to feed your children, yes, you, too,
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would cross the border illegally and do whatever it takes to feed your children. do you think that mitt romney and other republicans understand that sort of sentiment? >> i think everyone does. if your kids are starving, you're telling me you won't do virtually anything to bring food for them and provide for them? i think the answer as yes, as parents we'll do anything for our kids. as a country, we've always recognized that. what other country in the world does what we do? we want to continue to be that country. but it has to be through a system of legal immigration that works. mitt romney is in favor of a system of legal immigration that works. i don't think we have to make any apologies for our generosity on legal immigration. of two recognize the human element of it, but as policy makers, we also have an obligation to this country and that's a balancing act that i hope republicans will lead on. i believe we are. i believe we're starting to for sure. >> steve: senator, yesterday about right now, we saw a news flash from abc that you were not being vetted for vice president
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on the mitt romney ticket. then late in the day, mitt romney himself came out and said this. >> there are only two people in this country who know who are being vetted and who are not. and that's beth myers and myself. and i know beth well. she doesn't talk to anybody. the story was entirely false. marco rubio is being thoroughly vetted as part of our process. >> steve: okay. so there you go. i'm sure this is the number one thing that is driving you crazy 'cause as you promote your book, everybody is asking but it. what do you want to say about it? >> it's part of the process. it comes with the territory and that's fine. i will tell you two things. one, i don't discuss the process that governor remain knee is undergoing and that he's conducting. i think he deserves the space to conduct that in the most professional way possible. but die have a new book out. >> steve: do you. don't you talk about the fact that people look at the fact he's a u.s. senator, but still paid off his student loans.
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>> i am. if i sell enough books thanks to you, i may pay it off this year. >> brian: so go out and get the book. it's a great american success story which needs a few more chapters. either way, this book will be a lot thicker. marco rubio, thank you for joining us. >> thank you guys. >> steve: we got some headlines now. overnight, pakistan capturing an important leader of al-qaeda. he was arrested during a raid during the pakistan and iran border. the french national believed to have links with militants in europe and reports say he may have had a role in the september 11 terrorist attacks. not droned. this guy was captured. >> brian: see if we can talk to him now. >> alisyn: a form tsa agent grabbing a current t.d. a supervisor while going through security at a florida airport. carol price now under arrest. she was annoyed with her own pat-down and claims she was just
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demonstrationing how she was touched. >> brian: i'll go now. just got accepted to college? don't kick your feet up. some colleges sending a strong message to slacking seniors. texas christian university mailing letters like this to students, part of it reads, please understand, your admission is in jeopardy. the university does give students the chance to explain that there is a reason for their poor senior performance after being accepted. tcu graduate joined us earlier. you don't believe me? listen. >> i thought it was a great idea that tcu was sending out these letters to show them that they really did look at their second semester senior year transcripts and that this is a university that cares and takes their education and academics seriously and they want students who want to succeed. >> brian: all right. message sent. the school's dean defends the policy saying brown says tcu has economic expectations. the letters are intend to do
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encourage students suffering from senioritis to get back to the places they were when they were offered admission. senioritis, take tylenol and get back to school. >> steve: and a lot of kids like to skip school, go outside. today it will be hot in the new york city area. the first full day of -- first day of summer rather. it will be 96 in new york city. hot, hot, hot. >> brian: don't act surprised. >> steve: i only talked about it for three hours. 105 in el paso. let's hope it's thighs -- nice and cool where you are. >> alisyn: a daring rescue you will be talk being all day. a swat team swoops in to save a man on a ledge. >> steve: that's not tom cruise? >> alisyn: no. that's real. >> brian: the dog days of summer are here. what you need to know ho help your hound survive and beat the heat. first get yourself some turf ♪
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and reconnect with your world today. >> alisyn: the department of justice trying to stop several states from requiring id to vote. maybe they haven't heard about this. a virginia man's dead dog, mozart, just got a voter registration form in the mail. it's supposedly came from a nonpartisan group whose officers worked for al gore and president obama. and he's not the only one. florida felon kevin mccarty, serving eight months in jail also just got a new voter registration form. and new video now from china, incredible leaping rescue by police caught on camera. take a look at officers rappeling down the side of a building to save a man who threatened to jump. there he is grabbing the man. another officer in the window, then secured both of them. no one was hurt.
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let's go to brian. >> brian: it's summer, really hot out. if you're like steve, you're wearing a tank top to hang out in the backyard f. you're an animal and you're born with hair, some long, some thick, some short. how do you keep that animal safe? joining us now, dr. david bess letter, thanks so much for bringing your stethoscope as well. people are concerned. it's going to be 97 degrees in new york. how do you keep your animal warm, especially something like a golden retriever with thick hair? >> keep them cool. besides being 97, it will be humid today. really, really important to keep dog cool when it's hot and humid of the dogs rely on pant to go get rid of heat. the water evaporates off their tongue. if it's really humid, they can't evaporate the water and can't cool off. >> brian: what about soaking the dog? >> if your dog gets overheated either from playing too aggressively, cool it off with cool water. not cold water. cool water. >> brian: is there a difference between a dog with thick hair as
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opposed to short? >> for sure. this dog, goose, goose is a golden retriever with a big thick coat. and he's also a big dog. big dogs with fur coats can't get rid of the heat well. >> brian: this is basically the same type coat, right? >> this coat is a bit langer than that coat. >> brian: that dog could be handled any differently? you said easy no matter what kind dog you have with strenuous activity outdoors, even if they jump around. >> on a day like today, keep them indoors. if you have air conditioning, put it on. if you don't have air conditioning, get where there is air conditioning. >> brian: don't give them gatorade or parade. good for human, not dog. >> exactly. don't use sports drinks. those can cause die real estate and vomiting -- diarrhea and vomiting. >> brian: also you got to keep an eye on your dog. if it's throwing up, he's sick. >> get him to a vet if your dog has brick red gums or starts vomiting. if it looks like it's exhausted from the heat, get to a vet.
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>> brian: special thanks to petco for putting this cage into place. thank you to you coming out. >> my pleasure. >> brian: take these tips down because you guys have dogs and i also know that you want to make sure they don't get sick. >> alisyn: thank you so much, brian. >> steve: that dog looks like my dog. >> alisyn: it's not just the economy, stupid. >> steve: are you calling me stupid? >> alisyn: that's just on expression. the man who has predicted every single presidential race correctly says there is a wild card that could determine who becomes the next president. >> steve: he's gotten them all right back to grover cleveland. let's check for a preview of what happens in ten minute. >> coming up on "america's newsroom," it has come to this, we expect the house to vote this morning to move on contempt charges for attorney general eric holder. we'll take you there live on "america's newsroom." reports of yet another administration intel leak. a woman who says tsa crossed the line and she gave it right backm
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>> steve: it's that time again with the struggling economy, president obama faces an uphill battle for reelection. but if you think the economy is the only factor influencing the 2012 race, think again. so says dr. and professor larry sabato, political analyst. he's here to break down this and other key issues this morning. thank you for joining us today from virginia. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: it's not just the economy, stupid. although that's the number one predictor this year. who can handle it? there is other things. for instance, health care is probably going to have a big impact on who is elected, right? >> that's absolutely correct. look, here is the surprise on health care. whoever loses the court case will end up getting a boost
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politically. so if the individual man it is date is struck down, democrats are going to be angry, that motivates them, gets more out to the polls. if obamacare is upheld, republicans are going to be angry. enthuses them, they see the only way to change obamacare is win the white house, keep the house, win the senate. boom, more of them show up in november. it's exactly the opposite of what you might think. but then this is politics. things are always upside down. >> steve: absolutely. and then speaking of politics, on friday afternoon, the president changes his policy on immigration. >> yes. you just had senator marco rubio there. he won a plug for his new book, i understand that. and senator rubio, of course, has a plan that i think eventually in one form or another governor romney is going to have to adopt. he has to do something to attract more hispanic voters. he's doing very poorly in that category as opposed to alt other categories. so this is an opportunity for
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him to attract more hispanics. >> steve: right. on the card you also had gay marriage, social issues could play a big impact, plus a wild card. what is larry sabato's wild card? find out two minutes, right here on "fox & friends." larry, stand by. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool
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>> steve: before you go, you say a wild card issue could impact the presidency. >> i think the most likely wild card, steve, is foreign policy. god forbid, in this world you could always have a war and we could be involved in a war with iran that we might not start. we might provide air cover to israel. it would have a major impact because it would drive up gas prices if nothing else. >> brian: with iran, the talks broke down, sanctions kick in in two weeks. you have no idea of their reaction to the two viruses we have evidently sent into their nuclear program. >> steve: thank you for making a house call. we'll see you next time. >> thank you. >> brian: tomorrow, dr. john


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