tv Red Eye FOX News June 23, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> dana: they're usually not puns. that is the problem. if it was a real pun it would be okay. >> eric: we have to go, you guys. have a great weekend. tonight it is spiraling out of control. the economic crisis in europe and it is slamming the u.s. too. what do europeans need most right now? you guyed it, more vacation. that jawat dropping story coming up and the u.s. relationship with pakistan is not just chilly, it is now ice cold. the u.s. says it needs to kill the terrorists hiding in pakistan. soil. now new information, the u.s. might do it anyway. the latest in minutes. but first, it's getting worse, the fast & furious scandal getting scalding hot, move from this justice department, straight to the white house. president obama invoking executive privilege, minutes before a contempt vote against attorney general eric holder.
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dick morris says that claim could cost president obam at election. why does he say that? he joins us. nice to see you, dick. >> good to be here. >> greta: why do you think the assertion will be fatal for the president, come november? >> fatal is going far. i think it hurts him and it's a big mistake. until he acted, first of all, nobody was covering this scandal, except us, fox news. the rest of the media largely ignored it. now they can't. secondly, it's obama assuming the scandal on himself. he is saying in effect, no, it isn't holder concealing these documents, it's me because executive privilege is the president telling the cabinet officer, i am asserting my privilege, which is that i forbid you to hand these documents over because doing it would compromise the central communications between you and me. so what obama's basic doing when he asserts executive privilege
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is admitting to play egg role in the coverup of the fast & furious scandal and does not want the documents released, or at least that he was in touch with them. that moves the locust of the scandal from the justice department to the white house. you want to move it the other way. >> greta: i used the word fatal, i overspoke. i speak loosely. but let's move ahead to next week. let's assume in advance of a vote by the entire house of representatives, that it is resolved. does that change your view? do voters have a short-term memory and this will put this aside and come november, people will be saying, "executive privilege? what?" >> i think it's probable they will come to a conclusion. i would say in my best german accent, spare yourself the pain and suffering. they all turn over the documents in the end. and they all do. but if he turns over the
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documents, there is obviously something he doesn't want issa to see. this probably gives that scandal more and more legs and more and more vict. but for the moment, it's political and the impact is in the context of next week's likely supreme court decision. if the court throws out obamacare, he will be repaid piewdiated by congress, will hold him in contempt, or a committee will and the court will throw out his signature legislation. it is want good for a president who is trying to convince the american people that his administration is succeeding. >> greta: all right. suppose they work out an agreement and the documents are turned over, suppose there is nothing in the documents, but that the white house was asserting a privilege, an executive privilege in fear that somehow the privilege would become watered down if presidents didn't stand up for it. then what? >> no impact. but i don't think four months before an election day, assert
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executive privilege to preserve their constitutional prorogative. >> greta: what do you think can be in the documents? >> obviously, evidence that obama was in touch with holdener encouraging him not to turn over documents. and encouraging him to -- or talking about how to shift blame to the fast & furious scandal. i think that could be -- could be very damaging. and also, there is the same time the national security leak scandal is taking place, which leads directly to the president. >> greta: you hit me for using the term fatal loosely, let me hit you for saying, obviously the president knew something about it. i don't think so. i think they assert privilege for all sorts of reason, other than obviously -- >> only a lawyer would think that, gret a. but listen, i want to -- >> greta: lawyers look at the facts, as an aside, we do have a commitment to facts. and so, you know, that's why i hit you on the "obviously."
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>> okay. today. hillary is in rio at the u.n. environment conference, giving away $2 billion of our mon tote third world for climate change. and they are negotiating and i mention this because i cover it in my book "screwed," a global epa that would have global rule-make mandatory authority over the member nations. she is currently negotiating that agreement. it's -- it's a very serious step. it would transfer jurisdiction over much of our environmental legislation on climate change and global warming and cap-and-trade and carbon, to the united nations. very scary. >> greta: what does that have to do with executive privilege? >> it has to do with what is going on in the world today. hillary is there today, negotiating that. i would like your viewers to know about it. >> greta: the viewers have had you say that.
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a tough week for the white house for the fast & furious scandal, first coming under attack for the way it's dealing with congress. and now it is under attack for the way it's dealing with the media. jay carney going several rounds with the mede yaism everything has been provided to congressional investigators. and that is really the issue, isn't it? it is how did this operation come about? it originated in a field office during the previous administration. it was ended under this administration by this attorney general -- >> 2009. the operation fast & furious began i. the tactic began in the previous administration. >> but the operation i. okay. the tactic began in the previous administration. and it was ended under this one when this attorney general discovered it and believed it was a flawed tactic. he referred it to an inspector general. >> greta: is the white house losing the p.r. war? dana perino is the co-host of fox news "the five." nice to see you. >> nice to see you, too. >> greta: all right. is it fair to say that the white
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house gets an "f" in p.r.? because this is exploding. >> one of the difficult things for the current white house is that fast & furious has been an issue that the justice department has dealt with almost solely, it wasn't something that bled into the daily white house briefing. so it was not something you were answering questions about every day. i don't know if president obama has ever gotten a question about it at a press conference. but now, having asserted executive privilege on behalf of the attorney general, now that comes to the white house. one of the things is, for somebody who has covered this more, like here at fox, then you know that actually, the operation they are talking about was different from the previous administration to this one, in that the previous administration worked in direct contact with mexican authorities. under fast & furious, a 2009 initiative, it was not. those are little things that can add up and chip away at your credibility when you are trying to talk about it. >> greta: i think a bigger problem, most people didn't know what fast & furious was. >> absolutely not.
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>> greta: most of the media didn't cover t. now that the president has stuck his nose into it, it is now a huge story. and you have the fact that -- you know, people when you hear about documents subpoenaed by the government and the government doesn't want to turn the documents over and the president says he has a transparent government. this is the most explosive p.r./voting issue, come november, at least right now. >> other media not having covered it, up to now, most of what viseen, they look at it through a partisan lens, that there is a witch-hunt. that it's political, instead of being something where people in congress and the american people are trying to get answers to what happened? what did you know, when did you know it? when there was a nine-month period between when you said you knew nothing and retracted that in a letter and said, we did knowing something about it. okay. is it not unreasonable to find out in the intervening months that made you know about it.
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>> greta: always, there is an element, people in politic, back and forth on all things. >> sure. >> greta: congress has the right to ask for documents, don't get documents, you have a right to subpoena. you expect that the subpoena will be answered. and the president of the united states has a right to assert executive privilege. but at the same time, you can't do so to shield wrongdoing. have you to provide a log that shows why each document should be privileged -- >> greta: but what the justice department will say is that these documents are deliberative process and that follows within the umbrellav executive privilege. it is not just conversations between the president and his aides, but it extends out farther. that's what they say. that's a harder thing to prove. >> have you to prove that with each document. i know about it because during the u.s. attorney scanl scandal in the bush administration when seven u.s. attorneys were asked to resign, democrats on the committee at the time went crazy. so it's hard to swawl oh the white house press corps not
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asking specific questions like when i was the white house press secretary. in that issue, no one died. no u.s. agents were killed because of guns allowed to walk into mexico that we lost track of. i don't think it's unreasonable for the american people and the congress to be asking for those answers. >> greta: if you dig into it, you get way into the weeds and do the hair-splitting and why this is different. but the bottom line is that congress has asked for documents and subpoenaed them and the justice department is saying no. and the president says executive privilege. so, you know, it does nothing but raise suspicion. it is completely rational to be suspicious. even if they have an air-tight, legitimate reason, especially when you have the justice department recalling the letter for having false information, republicans say it was deceitful, they say it was a mistake. there is enough smoke for people to be suspicious. >> you would imagine they could reach an accommodation where
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issa could look -- >> greta: justice claims they offered that. >> issa said they wanted the log and they weren't allowed to get the log. >> greta: that's right. >> i think what might happen is that the congress will sue the executive branch and ask for an expedited review. they may or may not get it before the election, but you are right. either they are covering up something major, or they are protecting executive privilege at the cost of looking like they are protecting something major. and it might be minor. >> greta: of course, the overriding promise is that the president -- which the president brings on himself that he would have the most transparent presidency. and he is in the business of shielding documents, it looks suspicious. >> democrats in the bush administration demanded attorney general alberto gonzalez resign over the attorney general -- the u.s. attorney issue. and some other things that they complained about. he ultimately did and was cleared at the end. >> greta: talk about jay carney.
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how much supervision does he have? is he getting marching orders? >> i am assuming he is talking to a lot of lawyers. the press secretary, have you to be a mile wide and a mile deep on every issue. you are not necessarily a lawyer. the rules of executive privilege are quite complicated. there are rings around satern for who is protected and who isn't. one of the best things to do if you are not exactly sure of the law is to say, i will get back to you or invite a lawyer it come up and answer questions. >> greta: but he is getting directions from above, i assume? >> esure. i am sure he is looking for a lot of information and facts to provide information accurately. >> greta: they are not doing too well in the p.r. area. thank you. now to the campaign trail, governor mitt romney and president obama courting latino voters. tell make a big difference in battleground states. how are the candidates doing? dough schoen is here. you agree that the latino vote
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will be the deciding factor? >> absolutely. could decide the whole election. >> greta: break it down for me. >> absolutely. florida, tied in the polls now. obam aaccording to the latino decisions poll has a 15-point lead. nevada, colorado, virginia, even ohio and pennsylvania have a big enough hispanic vote that it could make a difference. given that president obama is sinking nationally and holding a 66-25 point lead with hispanics says that the president is counting on hispanics for a victory. >> greta: that's not a foolish i think -- thick of to do. romney and obama tied nationally. but if there are a few states that make the difference and if you are winning in the big states because have you the demographic that really likes you, with a 15-point lead, that looks favorable to the president? >> it looks favorable and
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rational, but it's a narrow strategy. he's counting on getting all african-americans and two-thirds of latinos and 40% of the whites, it's a tough way to run, moving away from the center and independents, counting so heavily on latinos and african-americans. >> greta: in light what have governor romney has said up to the nomination, it is not official yet, how does governor romney attract latino votes? >> he has to do what he began doing yesterday. he has to move to a comprehensive immigration policy where he offers the hope that illegals can move to citizenship and offers a legislative approach to respond to the president's initiative last week. >> greta: you are a lawyer. so go to your legal background. i thought it was interesting about the president's immigration policy that they were not going to go after people within a particular age group who came to the united states before they were 16 and aren't 30 yet.
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if you look at it, it's fascinating because it's only a two-year program. so if you go and apply for work papers, saying you fall within the area. number 1, you confess to a crime, saying i am here illegally and you get a two-year reprieve. in two years, they have jure address and name. any lawyer who is advising someone to do that is committing legal malpractice, sending your client to the wolves. confess to the crime and tell them where you are going to be in two years. >> any lawyer doesn't rely on prosecutorial discretion, which could change in six months with a new administration. this was to me, greta, pure politics, designed to try to win the hispanic vote. >> greta: i don't know why the hispanics would like t. it's like a gps on someone. you admit to a crime and we have a gps to find you. >> it was done superficially and to put the onus on governor
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romney to look like a flip-flopper or intransigent. >> greta: virginia is in increasing the latino population. this race will hang on virginia? >> right now, the president is leading by 3, 4, 5 points in virginia. the but is he is relying on a huge turnout in northern virginia and swing voters in the central and southern part of the state have moved away from the president and given a very competitive senate race. i think it is state's a tossup. >> greta: florida -- would picking marco rubio who is apparently back on the list, as a vice-president, runningmate, does it matter who the vice-president is? is that going to attract the latino vote? he's cuban and he may appear -- appeal to the cuban americans, but to the other hispanic population? >> i think there is a limited, but distinctive appeal. obviously, cubans in florida. is he too new, untested,
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questions about his background? i think that governor romney will decide he can win florida without him. >> greta: does the vice-president really make a difference? >> it doesn't really make a difference, but it sends a message about you who are. i suspect that governor romney will do the opposite what have senator mccain did and pick somebody tried, dispriew well known. >> greta: doug, thank you, nice to see you. >> thank you. >> greta: straight ahead, if you don't like your company's vacation policy, there is somewhere you can go to get a much better one. where is it? there may be a giant down side. we will tog tell you about it next. is the u.s. at its breaking point with pakistan? is our military considering launching secret raids like the one that killed bin laden? >> who is that behind the funky shades? secretary of state hillary clinton. why is she wearing sunglasses and those sunglasses to an official event. see the story behind this one.
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another vacation. really? already, the europeans take 4 to 6 weeks vacation. >> they don't work really, nearly hard enough. when we went through an unprecedented job growth in the 90s, they barely created many jobs and now we see why -- because of rulings like this one. this came from a complaint in spain -- >> greta: with 25% unemployment. >> right. and it's the center of the next meltdown, now that we maybe have greece cauterized. furthermore, when you go on vacation and get sick, can't you say, hey, do me a favor -- can i use my sick time? >> greta: maybe you are vacationing too hard that you get sick. >> right. why should this be in the purview of the courts? the international court over all of these members of the european union there shows why europe
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will never be an economic power. they united years ago to challenge the u.s. as the biggest developed market in the world. they are never going to get there. they don't work hard enough and the courts are pampering people. >> greta: the practical matter, 4 to 6 weeks that they do routinely, forget the sick and you can take more. but the economy depends on productivity, if you are take away more than 1/12 of your opportunity to be productive by a month or 6 weeks, you are putting the brakes on the efforts to rev up the economy and get it going. >> when you give at this time force of law, instead of letting employees decide whether to work, based on benefits and letting companies decide the benefits and vacation to lure the best employees. when you give vacation, the force of law, you create a pampered, self-entitled generation that feels like it doesn't have to work that hard at all. i think the reason we have the most vibrant economy in the world -- yes, we are hurting --
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is because we work harder than anyone else in the world. china -- they work really hard, right? caller: right. is there anyone scandalized? it's part of the culture to take a long vacation. we look at it differently here because we, you know, 4 to 6 weeks annually is a lot of vacation. >> their proposals now, to add to their vacation time. this one, the european entire region is in terrible economic crisis. what happened to the idea of hard work, you can work your way out of this, if you push harder. they don't have that intensity. we do, that's why we will come back. one day. >> greta: i wonder with what germany thinks about this? she is taking on the huge role to try to stabilize and help greece, italy and spain and get the europe up and running because that is where their products are sold. i mean, the germans have a lot of interest in the economies doing well. >> germany has had to always
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play the heavy in the debate and say, we have to cut spending. we can't overtax the population. she must be so frustrated, when she sees this ruling, it has to drive her bonkers. >> greta: does this affect nuts united states? >> it gives us something to laugh at europe about and it makes us feel better about ourselves. i am in favor of that. >> greta: unless europe does get up and running, this is a global economy, as much as we can sit stateside and laugh -- oh, my god, 4 to 6 weeks of vacation and they want more -- but you know, we are so interlocked with them, that to the extent that the euro zone is not successful, there is a biproduct that it does come back to haunt us -- for better or worse. >> but let's remember, all of our exports to all of europe, lesthan 3% of our gdp, when europe stumble, asia and china, which were never were there before, are there to make up the difference. but you're right, our economy
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would improve if europe were working harder. >> greta: you are usually the optimist? >> it is so mixed. but i do think we are coming back. i think it will be too late to affect the election or help the re-election of about the obama. that's not going to help him. people have to vote for him because they like him. but there is more fear than there was in '08, yet, we are in much better shape than we were in '08. >> greta: business people don't know, you know, whether to expand, how many people to hire or not. people who have savings don't know where to put it -- in gold, bonds or land and or put it in the bank. nobody know what is to do. everybody asks. >> all of this uncertainty, but the two touch points, one is the price you pay when you fill up at the gas pump. that's going way down and could go below $3 in the next few months, even. some people of are saying for the first time. and the other touch point is the
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inflation rate. you worry that the prices are going up. and they are not here. those thing, i think will ogre well for us. >> greta: thank you. >> thanks so much. >> greta: coming up, target practice and the u.s. is considering launching secret commando raids. why? that's next. and tom delay is hitting the dance floor. he doesn't have red pants. did you -- but he does have the dance moves. we will show you. [ male announcer ] let's level the playing field. take the privileged investing tools of wall street and make them simple, intuitive, and available to all. distill all that data. make information instinctual, visual. introducing trade architect, td ameritrade's empowering web-based trading platform.
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>> greta: is the united states fed up with pakistan? defense secretary, leon panetta says the u.s. is reaching the limits of its patience. why the frustration isn't u.s. insists pakistan is not doing enough to stop a deadly terror network that uses pakistan as a safe heavien and crosses into afghanistan to attack americans. now the u.s. is considering launching secret raids to hunt them down. raids like the one that killed osama bin laden. will that enrage pakistan even more? then what? bob cagan worked in the state department and is an adviser to mitt romney. >> nice to see you, thank you. >> greta: before i ask you about the specific raids, i am
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curious, is pakistan a failed state? if so, what is a failed state? what does it mean? >> it's a failed state in one sense for sure. it is not controlling the territory to prevent terrorists from attacking american soldiers in afghanistan and elsewhere or is actively abetting them. i think a country like that loses in a way, its legal right to sovereign control of its territory because it's allowing the attacks. we do have to think of it as a failed state and if you look politically, the country has enormous economic trouble that it is not dealing with. it is fixated on india and supporting terror networks against americans. i think we have to think of it less as an ally than as a failed state. >> greta: recent news that the prime minister has been dismissed because he won't seek corruption charges against the president and they have the military. all right. now, suppose that the united states conducts these secret commando raids that pakistan
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reacted very poorly to when we did to kill osama bin laden, which of course, america was very grateful that our seals did that. but we have a situation where pakistan is essentially very disenchanted with us? >> well, that's unfortunate. but, you know, they are the ones who, again, are actively supporting and tolerating forces that are attacking and killing americans in afghanistan. and the consequences that they are not going to do anything about it, then the united states does. i think the administration is right to be taking this action, as far as far as the fallout, they have already stopped letting us use pakistan as a trans-shipment point into afghanistan, forcing us to use russia. i think we have to recognize that we have reached rock bottom with pakistan and reorient our strategy, tilting toward indzia, seeking india's help in afghanistan as i think the administration is already starting to do.
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>> greta: the civilian government of pakistan is very weak, seen as very corrupt, people are very unhappy with it and the you have the military side of the government. if we continue to conduct these raids eye am not saying we shpt, but tell make the military look for feckless, if we can bypass and sneak in and they have no power against that. that will create further problems in the country. i am not saying that's not necessary, but are you in agreement that that will cause more problems? >> i am sure it is. but pakistan is causing its own festering problems, without our help, i think this is an extra add-o. i think we have hit rock bottom. pakistan has struck moves a country, it's a like a guy who holds a gun to his own head and says, do what i say or i'll shoot. it's a very odd country. density is wrapped up in fighting india and islamic radicalism.
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i don't know that there is much we can do about that. but we have to look after our own strategic interests and our soldiers in afghanistan. >> greta: all right. they are a country with nuclear weapons. everyone always says that they are secure. i don't know why people of believe that or have such confidence. however, add that into the mix, a military that looks feckless, a falling civilian government and have you these nuclear weapons? >> lthe nuclear weapons are used by the pakistanis in essence, to blackmail the united states. i think that the pakistanis themselves, the military, which controls the weapons, doesn't want them to fall into terrorist hands because they might be used against pakistan. so i think that they try to keep them secure. but we have to be ready for contingencies. i am sure the pentagon does a lot of planning about what to do in the case of the nuclear weapons falling into the wrong hands. but that doesn't mean we can't support the strategy we have in the region.
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we can't be blackmailed by pakistan in this situation. >> greta: bob, thank you. >> thank you. >> greta: coming up, is it the next back to the future? a brand-new movie with a time machine and jake johnson who, will be here next. caught on camera, a congressman leaves capitol hill for the dance floor. who is this dancing lawmaker? start guessing. ( bell rings ) they remind me so much of my grandkids. wish i saw mine more often, but they live so far away. i've been thinking about moving in with my daughter and her family. it's been pretty tough since jack passed away. it's a good thing you had life insurance through the colonial penn program. you're right. it was affordable, and we were guaranteed acceptance. guaranteed acceptance? it means you can't be turned down because of your health. you don't have to take a physical or answer any health questions. they don't care about your aches and pains. well, how do you know? did you speak to alex trebek?
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denies. outside the courthouse, loud cheers could be heard as word spread that sandusky was convicted. the excoach was walked out and handcuffed after the judge revoked his bail and ordered him taken to the county jail. sandusky will be sentenced in 90 days. now back to "on the record" for your latest headlines go to fox are you watching the most powerful name in news, fox newschannel. girl," but jake johnson is ausone of hollywood's most popular new guys. he has a new summer movie, "safety not guaranteed." we talked to jake johnson about his big-screen and small-screen projects. first of all, congratulations. >> thank you so much, greta. >> greta: all right. here we are going to start with a quiz. what is more fun professionally?
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"new girl"? or "safety not guaranteed"? >> well, that's a hard question to start with because they are both a lot of fun. "new girl" is like working with family members at this point because we are together so often. "safety not guaranteed" is a fun vacation. >> greta: big screen versus little screen. if you had to have a steady diet of can just one, pick, which one? >> uhhh, probably small screen right now. i like the steadiness of the work. i like working under liz merriweather and i like to see the development of the show over time. >> greta: now to the excitement of the new movie. i have seen it. it's got a very unique plot, very unexpected plot. give the viewers a small synopsis. >> the movie "safety not guaranteed" is about a man who wrote a classified adrks that's real. jay leno had it on its show,
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about a time traveler, he was going back in time and was looking for a partner. he had done it once before and your safety is not guaranteed. my character is a journalist in seattle. i take two interns with me and we find this guy to find out if he's real or not. the movie is about what happens in the small town with this guy. >> greta: of course, you find an old fling while you are in town? >> that's right. my character is emotionally time traveling. i was with a woman when i was 18, i am going back to the town because i know she is there and i am wonder figure i can rekindle it. >> >> greta: this is an adaptation of a real story. did you meet this man? is he still living? >> he's a character. colin got to meet him. he is in the movie so much if you saw the post office scene when they are looking for the time traveler, the first
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gentleman who comes in, the white-haired guy is the man who wrote the ad. >> greta: i have to rewatch t. it's like alfred hitchcock appearing in his own movies. >> absolutely. he does i cameo. >> greta: back to "new girl." it's a huge hit. is comedy harder for you or is it equally easy? >> i find them equally hard t. depends on the scripts. you know what is great about "safety not guaranteed," each character had a full ark and a full story and each scene was really flushed out. and so, even though the parts of that movie that are more dramatic, it was there on page. so we had to trust the process. what is really fun about "new girl" is being able to work with zoe and max and hannah, we know each others' rhythm and we step in and keep working that muscle. >> greta: when you pick up the
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script before you got involved in either project, could you tell, just looking at the script that these would be successes? or, i mean, at what point do you think, this is going to be great? >> you know, i wish i could tell. but the truth is, i can't. you know, i read the script for "safety not guaranteed," i know that ira liked this. but this was before mark deploughs came on and aubrey was attached and i saw it for what it was. it's a very interesting story. with "new girl," i read the pilot. i really wasn't sure. i didn't know we had a hit on our hands, really until the pilot aired and we got the response from the fans. for "safety not guaranteed, we screen its at sun dance and we got a big ovation from the crowd and i thought, we might have something with this movie. >> greta: it is interesting, with "new girl," oohs it's an
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ensemble and it is easy to solo anchor than to have a co-anchor. it's a different project. but if the ensemble works, it's great. >> absolutely. i think what is really nice about, you know, "new girl," in terms of the ensemble, it took a bit to figure out what each of us brings to the table, now it's more fun to have the other people there. >> greta: i went back and looked into your biography, you have been acting an awful long time, in school. you are in the creative end of school. i am curious, if you hadn't gone into acting, do you have a plan "b" -- you have had an enormous success so you don't need tbut what was your plan "b"? >> at this moment, it's working out, i feel relieved because i really didn't have a plan "b." >> greta: you never thought of doing anything else? >> you know, i thought about a lot of things, but i didn't
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pursue any of it. with everything, you have to do all of your homework on things. >> the only thing i got credit for was acting. so when i would think of another field, i would never feel like i was a frontrunnener that field. in acting, i kept getting, you know, credit for it. luckily, for me, it's working out as of right now because i don't know what i would be doing. >> greta: you are a fast-rising star. your dream project or dream person to work with? >> you know, i just sold an idea with a writing partner, max winkler, that really talented writer. but steve corel attached himself. if it happens, we will play opposite of each other. that's a dream project because i couldn't be a bigger fan of his. and then on the dramatic side, i would say joe peschi. so that would be perfect. >> greta: straight, they say weather forecasters get paid to be wrong. if that's the case, one
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weatherman should really get a raise. he gave viewers a big scare in a heat wave. and a police impersonator tries to make a traffic stop. but wait to see who is behind the wheel. you will see. another cup of cof? how long is this one going to last? forty-five minutes? an hour? well... listen. 5-hour energy lasts a whole lot of hours. take one in the afternoon, and you'll feel alert and energized 'til the cows come home. it's packed with b-vitamins and nutrients to make it last. so what's it going to be, partner? 5-hour energy. wise choice. 5-hour energy. hours and hours of energy.
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>> greta: you have seen our top stories, but here's the best of the rest. the east coast feeling a heat wave this week. but how hot could it get? according to a baltimore forecaster, really hot. >> if you take a look at the forecast tomorrow, temperatures will be into the 70s, not 775 degrees -- that's a really hot day. >> greta: 775 degrees. wow! well, that meteorologist taking plenty of heated for that one. the video going viral. but the weatherman had a good sense of humor about his blooper. secretary of state hillary clinton showing her sense of humor, and of course her fashion sense. secretary clinton wearing purple cats-eye sunglasses to an official event, for the swearing-in of secretary of public affairs, mike hammer, also wearing purple beads and rings. why the unusual accessories? secretary hammer loves purple. she joked that i have pantsuits
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in nearly every color -- except purple. >> actors charlie sheen and mel gibson will co-star in a new movie, called machete kills. sheen was cast to play the united president of the united states. no word who mel gibson is playing. it will be an interesting shoot with the two most unpredictable actors in the spotlight. >> talk about bad luck. a maryland man is under arrest for impersonating a police officer. that's not the worst part. he tried to make a traffic stop. he turned on the police lights in his pickup truck and pulled over a car t. turns out the driver of the car he stopped was a real police officer. when he identified himself, the suspect claimed to be louisiana military police officer. the real officer told him he had no jurisdiction in maryland. the suspect took off. but the real officer followed and call forward backup. in the end, the real police won.
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>> greta: 11:00 is almost here. time for last call. these days, almost everyone is trying to find new ways to make money. did president obama come up with something? >> a new report found that president obama's campaign spent $6 million more than it raised last month, which explains why the latest campaign ad said, i'm barack obama and i'm selling old cds on craigslist. the spin doctors...: good stuff. >> greta: that's your last call. we are closing down shop. thanks for being with us, we will see ow monday night. go to and let us know what you thought about tonighs
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