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tv   Huckabee  FOX News  June 24, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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♪ >> tonight on huckabee. >> if you'll stand with me and fight with me, i promise you, we'll win this election, you and i together, we'll change the country. we'll change the world. >> campaigning for president in 2008 barack obama energized the youth vote. >> fire it up, ready to go. >> he's just so awesome and i love him. >> and i've never seen a politician who seems to care for us. >> we're less than one day away from bringing about change in america. >> over 2 million young people registered to vote the first time in the election, a record breaking amount. president obama won the white house with 66% of voters under the age of 30. and on election night 2008,
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many young people felt it was a victory for their generation. >> yes, we can. yes, we can. now, nearly four years later, is the millennium generation still as excited for president obama with college tuitions, skyrocketing and many graduates are finding themselves buried in debt with no job prospects to help dig them out. nearly 6 million have moved back in with their parents, putting their lives on hold. will these future leaders of america get the opportunity they need to be successful and what matters to them most in the 2012 election? . ♪ >> tonight, a huckabee special. millenials speak out. >> ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applause] >> this is huckabee from the fox news studios in new york city, now, in our studio tonight we've got a great group of folks, we're filled with millenials, young people
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ranging in age 18 to 30 either in college or maybe who have graduated in the past few years. and i'm going to say thanks to all of you for being here because it's your future that's really on the line in this election and we're delighted to have all of you here. [applause] >> now, our audience of mi millenia millenials, democrats, republicans, undecided voters. some will be voting in the first election in november and others voted the first time four years ago. tonight we're going to give them a platform to speak out and i think it's going to be a fascinating opportunity for you to hear from them. [applause] >> now, when i speak to college students or audience consisting of millenials, i try to remind them that the consequences of this election are far greater for them than for baby boomers like me. you know, i'm much closer to the finish live and many of the big decisions in my life have already been made. i've completed my formal education, i'm on the back
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side of career choices and my children are grown. now they're having children of their own. those of the millenial generation are either still in college or work force training and many decisions with marriage, career and life are still pending. if they inherit the debt of our current government, they're going to spend much of their adult lives paying for the excesses of spending for which they will receive virtually no benefit and have nothing to show for it. it's like having to pay the bill of a restaurant for people who a have very expensive dinner years before, but they never paid for it. tonight we're going to do something that hasn't been done before, present an entire show for and about the generation of young americans who have hopes and dreams, but who also had some of their dreams shattered by staggering education debts. the lack of decent jobs available and the fear of what lies ahead for them. and recent surveys indicate he that 77% of millenials are
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delaying major life decisions because of economic restraints. for those of us who are baby boomers, our parents sacrificed themselves for their children. unless something dramatically changes soon, we will have sacrificed our children for ourselves. that's not just a money issue, that's a moral issue. tonight, the millenials speak and we listen. we better listen, and washington must listen. [applause] well, joining me to set the stage on the pulse of this generation, two millenials, both of 24 years old and both work at fox news. peter doocy a correspondent for our washington bureau and calely one of the producers for our show here at huckabee. peter, you came up with this idea. first time we've ever done a show that, anyone has done on a show. >> like a huckabee flash mob.
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>> mike: i think so, but a good one. what made you think that this was going to be an important topic for us to talk about, to really focus on the needs, the hopes of the millenials. >> it's important, governor, because nobody really in in age bracket actually talks to each other. they e-mail or they text or they message or facebook message and it's a social media generation so when people have a good idea, a lot of the the people in this room, they'll post it, but just because you post something doesn't mean anybody's actually going to read it. a lot of time it's glossed over. so this is a chance for a social dialog instead of a virtual monologue. and 20-something's have changed a the lot since the last election. 2008 the big concern with this age group was ending the war and national security and now, fast forward to this election, security is still a concern, but it's financial security. people that i hear from in this group are, are worried about jobs and they're worried about their parents' jobs and so it's important to listen to them. >> mike: what you've said about texting, i'm going to
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text my questions to you from this point forward. kaylee what is at stake in this election. >> we grew up in the 1990's relative peace, prosperity, a balanced budget for a portion of the years and now, you know, i never imagined-- i didn't look at my adult life with nearly a 16 trillion dollar debt if i had a child they'd owe $50,000. i'm paying into a system set to go break in 2037. and double digit unemployment for my generation, we're worried and scared, and takes me back to 2008. i was in school when i got a question that really disturbed me, does american exception exceptionalism exist? >> at the time i thought, of course it exists. and here i am four years later, is the american dream for my children? it's scary. >> mike: peter, what do you think as we have a
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conversation with an outstanding group of millenials. >> good looking group. >> mike: that's pandering, go ahead. many times myself. >> governor, you saw in the package na in 2008, so many millenials were so excited to vote not only for president obama, but also for senator mccain and since that election i can really only pinpoint one time that the young folks have rallied around any one thing, may 1st, 2011 when we found out that osama bin laden had been killed and there were huge celebrations all across the country that were coordinated with social media. and i ended up, because i saw something on twitter, i ended up in front of the white house, a great moment. people were chanting and flags were waving, and with this group, it's rare to get this many young people together in a room. it's really rare unless there's like a keg involved and i don't-- >> no kegs here tonight. >> and i don't-- tell our audience, thank you for clarifying. and not all the 20-somethings
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have the time or the desire to go occupy wall street or go to a tea party rally so we're going to listen to them and if mitt romney and president obama are smart, and listening, too. >> mike: i'm smart and going to be listening, and america as well. coming up we're going to hear from megan, a law school graduate who's got $200,000 of debt in student loans, we'll ask her was the law degree worth it. and meet megan and other millenials with their stories when we return. . >> i'd love to hear from you, go to my website and click on fox news feedback or facebook page and follow me on twitter, find a link to that and more at esn't have to slow you down. with better car replacement, if your car is totaled, we give you the mone for a car one model year newer. liberty mutual auto insurance.
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but not for long! your very own four course seafood feast for jt $14.99. start your feast with a soup, like our hearty new england clam chowder. next, enjoy a salad with unlimited cheddar bay biscuits. then get your choice of one of 7 entrees. like new coconut and pineapple shrimp shrimp and scallops alfredo or new honey bbq shrimp. then finish with something sweet. your complete four course seafood feast jus$14.99 come into red lobster and sea food diffently. >> mike: time to (applause) >> well, it's time we hear from the millennials who are with us. we're going to speak out and in our audience, they've got
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personal stories. peter, start with you, and see who you have to tell their story. >> governor, first, let's meet megan. governor huckabee. >> governor, nice to meet you. >> mike: great to see you. tell us your situation. >> well, like you said before which made it sound much more real than it is, i have 200 grand in student loan debt all from law school. >> mike: was it worth it? $200,000 a lot of money. >> it's a lot. it's a lot. >> mike: was it worth it, would you do it over the same way. >> people have asked me that question before. right now, i think i -- i don't know. right now, it's so daunting, it's terrifying. i think, you know, will i ever be able to own a home. i'm 25, i have friends putting down payments down. will i ever be able to do that? i don't know. and even on a smaller scale, every weekend, you know, do you want to go out to dinner. sure, i want to go out to dinner, but i have these loans and i may always have them. 200 grand is not going anywhere that quickly. >> mike: a tough, tough
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situation. and kay lee you're going to visit with sam. >> sam, voted for obama last time around. >> and 18 days before the presidential election and i voted for president obama. i went to denver, i worked on the campaign, i was so excited. and went away to college, i was from san francisco originally so you kind of grow up in that climate where there's no other choice, you're either democrat or you're nothing. >> mike: yeah. >> and i kind of came to my senses and i also, it was changes on my part, but changes in what i saw of what my expectations were from the obama administration and came to the the profoundly disappointed and long story short i'm here today as an actively engaged college republican, romney supporter and i couldn't be more thrilled about the prospect of romney running obama out of the white house in 2012. >> mike: you realize you may be the first person that went to georgetown as a democrat and came out as a republican. >> a miracle case i guess, but it really made sense for me.
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i was totally caught up on hope and change sells, when you're 18 years old. a lot of energy behind it and when your friends are doing it all the more. when you start to think about 50% of college graduates not being able to find a job, unprecedented spending and expansion of government, it really makes you think seriously about the issues. >> mike: sam, thank you very much. peter. >> good morning, and christopher. >> hi, chris. >> i actually have the inverse of the problem of most college students, i have multiple jobs, three in fact. me i supported barack obama in 2008 and one of the things that is going to cause for me to vote for him in 2012, affordable care act. and many in my age group. 6.6 million americans covered under that mandate that allows people to join their parents insurance policies and also because a lot of young people like myself have multiple jobs that are the not full-time, they're temporary, they're not eligible for insurance, lots of my friends, they have medical insurance, but it's not offered by employers.
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so, now, being able to stay on parents plan until 26 and find something stable, that really provides a sense of security. because walking in the street every day, thinking that you could trip and fall and break your leg and be instantly bankrupt is not a way to live your life. and honestly, like i was a staunch supporter in 2008 canvassed for obama in pennsylvania and i plan on supporting him again. >> mike: all right. chris, thank you very much for your perspective. we're going to try to get as many as we can. kaylee, next one. >> bob from rutgers. >> all right, governor, thank you so much for inviting me and rest of my teammates from the rutgers debate team, an honor and privilege to sit on this stage. [applause]. >> mike: and i was once, once on one myself debate team, i am so i'm very sympathetic. well, i'm going to go on a little bit of a tan gent compared to what some of the other folks have said. i was born and raised in new jersey and spent about six, seven of my years growing up overseas, i lived in nigeria,
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where my parents are originally from, and sri lanka, uganda and kenya where i graduated high school, and what i see, kaylee talked a little about american exceptionalism and we talk a lot about china in this day and age in terms of the united states and burgeoning middle class and growing economy. what i don't see, however, is a real discussion about china's involvement in africa, where they've been making huge inroads and investing billions of dollars to build the future of africa's infrastructure and many african military, both le gait mat and sometimes shadowy forces i'll say and now, would i just like to say that i think more than anything, the united states should focus on china, not in a whimsical sense, but in the sense that they're making serious geopolitical inroads into a large continent. >> mike: very interesting perspective of the international front. it's not all just economics for sure. all right. peter. go to you next. >> governor, secretary row here, ethan thorpe. >> hi.
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>> hi, ethan. >> in 2008 i voted for obama under the belief that he would change many of the policies from the bush administration. things like detentions at guantanamo bay or abuse of executive privilege and disappointed he hasn't come through, but more than anything i'm disappointed in myself to be so naive that one man could effect so much change and it's tough not to give into apathy or cynicism when so many elected officials from both sides constantly make promises they won't keep. >> mike: you know, i hope you don't give up. because the fact is, the only way to really make the changes in this country is for you to decide you're not going to let people just make promises they don't keep, that you'll keep pushing and pressing, until people keep their promises or you throw them out. that's really what it has to come down to. [applause]. >> mike: we're going to hear from more of our millennials when they speak, laboring like derrick, earned a masters in
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economics, sent out 300 job applications, never got a single offer. those stories and more when we return. [applause]. hey. hey eddie. i brought your stuff. you don't have to do this. yes i do. i want you to keep this. it'd be weird. take care. you too. [ sighs ] so how did it go? he's upset. [ male announcer ] spend less time at gas stations.
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let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students. let's solve this.
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>> mike: we are >> we're back and we have a huckabee special tonight. millennials speak out. now, megan is a 22-year-old graduate from virginia tech, since graduating moved back in with their parents. every day she heads down to the computer in her parents' basement looking for work and she sent out for more than 80 applications, she's dedicated just not employed. and hi, megan. >> hi out of the the basement. >> lighter out here than in the basement. >> yeah. every day i wake up and i set
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up an office in my basement, and i apply for jobs, not only do i apply for jobs, call and follow up and set up employments to speak with people in the fields that i wish to be in. i have he' sent thank you notes and keep linked in updated and a website to speak more about me and i haven't been able to find a job. >> mike: what do they tell you, megan, when you call or e-mail? what kind of responses and what specifically do they say? >> i've had a lot of people say, oh, well, thank you for calling, we have 60 applicants and we're expecting 200 plus by the end of the deadline. and that, i have a lot of competition. i only have an undergraduate degree in that, in the d.c. metro area i'm competing with people who have higher degrees and i've had a couple of people say you're a recent college graduate, we don't want to talk to you, you don't have the experience. >> mike: are you willing to relocate if you have to. >> at this point i've given myself a 90 day period since the day i graduated to find a job with certain criteria, if by the 90 days i don't have a job then i'm going to reassess
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my situation and broaden my search. >> mike: okay, great. let's go to cale lee and your standing there with derek. >> thanks for having me, governor. >> mike: thank you. >> my story is similar to most people's, i have a master degree in economics from university of florida and at that point i was feeling pretty good from a good school and 3.8 gpa, pretty confident about finding a career in something i wanted to do. >> so you've applied to over 300 jobs. >> yep, that's correct. >> mike: and none of them that you've applied for have really come through. >> you know, i heard back from only five. >> mike: wow. >> with any response at all. and that were, you know, we would be interested in speaking to you. the other issue i find in the economy is that, you know, the people with the jobs out there, the companies that are hiring, they have so much power now over us, because there are so many applicants, as the other guest were saying, string us out for months. i had one i interviewed and a month went by and called them back, oh, we're still going
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through the applicants and four or five months later they were never seriously interested in me, but kept me in the applicant pool and hoping. it's been a tough journey. >> mike: tough stories all the way around and we want to get to as many as we can. let's go back to peter. >> and kirkland. >> nice to see you, governor. >> mike: nice to see you. >> university of alabama. >> go hoggs. >> and in alabama, a small factory mill town, my mom is a teacher, my dad is a small business owner and so i had an interesting experience growing up, searing the positive effect of the democratic party on my town and its inhabitants and negative effects of the republican party and i came out of that experience, went to college and that excitement that president obama instilled in me in high school was still present in my college career and what's concerns me frightens me. i'm a 20-year-old girl and social issues, i'll pick up a
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picket sign to support marriage equality, tax reform. so, social issues are important to me, so that sort of drag knee into 2008 is still present for the election 2012. >> mike: that may change once you're into the job market and the economic issues may become more important to you. >> maybe, i'm sort of into magazines and that sort of thing and that industry is going well and so i'm feeling confident, but yeah, i'll see, maybe. >> mike: all right. thank you, kirkland. all right, caleee you're visiting with neil. >> hello, governor, i consider myself a goldwater libertarian republican. >> mike: what do you mean by that. a goldwater republican, you weren't born when goldwater was around. >> i believe na government should be limited, limited. [applause] i believe that the purpose of government is to protect individual rights not dictate our lives. [applause] >> no, i think that's great.
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go ahead. >> so, i believe that the government's purpose-- purpose is to protect individual rights, obama is not doing that, but looking at romney's records, records, he supported, he supported romney care which was a model for obamacare, and in the end, i've decide today vote for gary johnson, johnson, who has a wonderful fiscal record and going to fix the most important issue that's facing our country right now, the national debt. it's taken down europe and we're next. >> mike: neil, i appreciate it very much. i'm glad that you knew that goldwater was in fact a senator and candidates for president and not one of the villains in early james bond movie. thank you very much. pete your you're up there with ashley. >> two masters degrees. >> yep, i have two masters degree, first undergraduate degree, came out, bright, great prospects, hey, my first masters degree is fully funded and totally paid for, went got it, came back to the u.s.
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and no jobs. what do i do? okay, now what? i can get a second masters degree, i have, you know, greater aspirations than the first one. i'll get a second masters degree, i went to school, and no jobs. still going to school. found a part-time job, thank tli-- >> what is your job by the way. >> i currently work in retail management. >> are you worried about your future, ashley. >> i am worried. i thought i would be, married, maybe thinking about starting a family and here i am, just going, okay. i have a job, i'm thankful i have a job and get up and go 0 work, but i have greater aspirations in life and i'm not sure i'll be available to achieve those. >> mike: don't give them up. one thing you told me that's important, i think that everybody hears, you took what was available and not what you wanted because it's a lot easier to move up from something than it is to move up from nothing and that's your story. and i think that's. >> definitely. >> mike: an important one. thank you very much. [applause]. >> mike: well, coming up, we have a democrat who will try to appeal to the millennials. former congressional candidate
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will take questions from our audience. you've heard their stories and now let's see what kind of questions they've got. [applause]. have a few bills with interest rates that make you go like this? come talk to regions about a personal loan to consolidate your higher interest debt into one lower monthly payment. it could mean you go from this to this. in here, great food demands a great presentation. so at&t showed corporate caterers how to beer collaborate by using a mobile solution, in a whole new way. using real-time photo sharing abilities, they can create and maintain high standards, from kitchen to table. this technology allows us to collaborate with r drivers to make a better experience for our customers.
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>> live from america's news headquarters in new york, i'm harris falkner, tropical storm debby causing trouble along the gulf coast, the warnings in effect now for parts of florida and alabama as well as tornado warnings and fearing the slow moving storm can dump dangerous amounts of rain, and in the west, completely different picture. not much good news for the people fighting the wildfires, crews in colorado fighting the fire the largest in state history. now we're seeing it spread to resort areas. and egypt has the first president, morsi the winner, in the first televised speech, reefi reaching out to those muslim
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extremism: meanwhile, questions whether or if the military ruling generals will pass over power to the new president. now let's get you right away back to huckabee. [applause]. >> mike: 60% of millennials voted for barack obama in 2008. recent polls showed that that age group is not a slam-dunk for the president. joining us now is a former deputy public advocate for new york and ran a democratic congressional seat campaign in 2010 and hopes to run for another office, why i have no idea. good to see you. >> good to see you. >> mike: we're going to let some of the millennials ask you questions, and hope they really, since you're a democrat, hope they really, really do. i'm just kidding, okay? peter you've got a question. >> and this is-- hi. >> hi, i'm gnomy, and i
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recently was a congressional candidate in arizona running to be the youngest democrat woman in congress. [applause] >> and my question is regarding something that came up on the campaign trail, it was a recent race, now, we all know about the union issues that have been going in wisconsin and the recall effort. can the fktic party continue to be as loyal to unions with the memorial generat millennial rising up? and seem to be more democrats and can they with the unions and will the unions survive? >> well, look, i think that unions are so important to the middle class, right? and regardless of what party you're a part of, unions have put forth policies that benefit all of us. for example, the five day work week, that's because of unions. right now in the past decade there are very few americans that are doing super well, right? but the majority of us, we're seeing our paychecks decrease and household expenses increase and we need unions to continue to fight for the middle class and make sure
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that they protect voters, and really, it's not about unions. it's not the issue, right? it's about getting americans back to work. [applause]. >> mike: you've got our next question. >> one thing i'm really concerned about is the voter equality issues that we're seeing in florida with governor scott and i wanted to know what your opinion is, do you think that america's being aggressive enough in the context of enfranchising minority voters and in the context as a progressive, i think that's important that we see participation of everybody in our electoral process, that's what democracy is about. do you think that the democratic party is aggressive enough in ensuring that the enfranchisement of everybody is always assured in our democratic process? >> great question. they're absolutely be aggressive and we need to do more. what's happening in florida is not about voter fraud, it's about voter suppression. >> mike: you believe that. >> come on, florida sends a letter to a world war ii vet
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asking him to prove his citizenship. now, that's absolutely wrong and we know florida's going to be incredibly close and the minority vote is critical to obama winning in that race and so, what's happening out there is absolutely wrong and i think every one of us in this room need to get activated and need to get engaged on this issue. >> mike: but, i mean, the issue was dead people, illegal people. >> they weren't. they called some of those, they weren't dead and weren't illegal and hundreds of people stepped up and said i'm actually a citizen. >> mike: and still get to vote. let's move on on go to peter. >> and jonathan, governor. >> thank you. my question is about the deficit. deficit spending isn't free money. do you agree it's a practice that unfairly burdens young voters and what steps can you take to stop it. >> it's a great question. look, i think that we have to get our arms around spending and domestic spending and obama has, you know, recently signed a bill that reduced spending by 2 trillion dollars, the lowest amount of domestic spending since
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eisenhower's administration. he is basically making sure that all of us pay our fair taxes, which includes millionaires and billionaires, who continue to benefit from this republican congress. and he's also making sure that companies continue to get tax breaks to create jobs here and not abroad. >> hi, i'm concerned with high unemployment rates among millennials, why should i vote democrat in the election? >> three reasons, number one, the president's position on student loan reform. you how many of you think that college is too expensive. all right. and so, when you graduate, you not only get a diploma, but almost $26,000 in debt. and that's outrageous, and we cannot-- we cannot outprice college education. the president has reform, basically reduced 60 billion dollars in bank subsidies, increased the amount of pell grants, provided families with a $10,000 tax credit, and this past week, you know, he's been
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arguing that for 7.5 million students that their student loan rates should not double and the republicans have stood in the middle of that, that's wrong. and this issue was raised earlier, because of president obama's 2.5 million young people have health care. third, i was so proud of my president last friday when he signed the executive order for dream act, for dream act students. there are-- (applause) >> thousands and thousands and thousands of kids who have been brought here by no act of their own, who turn around, who want to be doctors and engineers and the next steve jobs, instead they're he not able to go to college and that's wrong. we've got to make sure that we are educating everybody at their fullest potential and i believe that immigrants are our best import. you know, half of all startups that were created in it country were created by immigrants. and that's why you should vote for obama. >> mike: all right. thank you very much. and also, all of those who have brought questions to us.
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now, we have heard from some folks from the left and we'll hear from folks on the right and we will have illinois republican representative member of congressman erin shock. at 31 the youngest member of congress, he'll take questions from our audience when we return. [applause]. $14.99. start with soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. but they haven't experienced extra strength bayer advanced aspirin. in fact, in a recent survey, 95% of people who tried it agreed that it relieved their headache fast. visit today for a special trial offer.
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generation, 31 years old. been in congress since he was 27. illinois republican aaron shock. good morning. . >> (applause). >> mike: i'm going to turn you over to this group and i believe the first question comes through peter. >> right, governor. >> hi, governor, my question is in regards to immigration reform and i'm personally invested in immigration reform because i come from a family of immigrants and some of my closest friends have been directly affected by obama's recent executive order. so my question is in regards if romney, i'm sorry, were to win the 2012 relex, do you believe that he would repeal obama's order and if not, and if he did, what actions or steps taken to address giving work to people that were brought here at a young age from other countries? >> well, first of all, i think a president romney would uphold the rule of law, and like president romney, i believe a balance of powers.
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and no matter how passionate you are about any law that you like passed, we have a congress and not a king. and so, what i first say i think it's inappropriate for any president no matter how passionate the they are about a law they'd like to see passed to do something unilaterally like the president did. [applause] >> and that said, if president romney is elected as he has said, he will work to pass a bipartisan dream act or provision to deal with these who are brought here under ne effort of their own, but by their parents illegally so they can stay here, go to school and ultimately get a job. look what senator rubio has been working on in the senate, a bipartisan version of the dream act. there have been very, very important pieces of legislation that have passed throughout our country's history over 200 years, but many of them have taken years to do it, but they've taken presidential leadership and i think on the issue of immigration reform, democrats and republicans have to agree on one thing, for the last
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three and a half years there's been little to no presidential leadership on the issue of immigration reform, and i think it's pure politics, what the president just did a few weeks ago. [applause] >> let's go to the next question for the congressman. >> i'm here with june from rutgers. >> my question is more geared toward education in the new jersey area. currently as a lot of people know, chris christie cut a lot of money pr public schools, especially in the districts. and i currently am from north new jersey and i've seen how the cuts have drastically, you know, hurt public education, especially in my school, so do you think that the federal government should use education cuts as a means of balancing the budget? >> well, as you know, it as our constitution says the primary role of public education is the role of the states, so, i think that's why you're seeing the greatest impact on public education for k-12 specifically at the states. so i'm not sure that the federal government will have as big of impact when it comes to cuts.
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to your point about cutting on education, i started out on a school board actually for four years on public school board. and so, i think funding for public education is extremely important, i think it's the great equalizer in our country no matter where you come from, but if you work hard you can create good things because of our school system in our country. that said, just as businesses have to cut back during down economic times, people have to do more with less, and i don't think public sector positions should be be exempt from that, whether it be schools or universities or the military, any unit of government, i think ought to have to share that burden, so, i think education should be up there with all of the other sacred cows that people might have, in terms of cutting back. when we're in a down time. >> peter, the next question for the congressman. >> my question is concerning the youth vote. i'm a newly registered voter, democrat, you know, i grew up
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in a family that is purely democratic, you know, my brother and sisters are both nine years old look up to obama, especially, you know, the president for being the hope of change, the face of change for america. my quick question is, why should i vote republican? >> why should you vote for the republican candidate this fall is simple. president obama aptally said when he was first installed as our president if he didn't have things turned around in three and a half years, it would be a one term proposition, he laid out his course for how he thought the economy should be turned around. whether it be bailing out the auto industry, affordable care act as one of his magic proposals, the republican offer a different plan, that is we believe we've got to rein in the mountain of debt. you're a young person, the 16 trillion dollars in debt is not going to be paid for by foreigners, it's going to be paid for by american citizens, the next generation. we believe in a free economy
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where people can compete with their own energy and determination will determine their success, not a nanny state government where more government jobs and more government jobs just leads to more debt, and ultimately less opportunity for people of our generation, so, it's really one of government versus the private sector, of one that believes in limited government, versus one that believes in big government. [applause] >> when we come back we'll have some more questions, these guys get to come after me. that ought to be fun. and also some final thoughts. congressman, thank you for being here. we'll be right back. stay with us. [applause]. [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... ...and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites.
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>> welcome back to the huckabee special, millennials speak out. now, peter and kaylee are in the audience and this time
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coming to me. better be good. >> the lead off guy is matt. >> hey, matt. >> how are you doing, governor. >> mike: doing good. the first question is about jon stewart and steven colbert, they have two shows popular with our generation. my first question is, both those shows use satire to slant an issue or a few on a politician. how do young conservatives and independents in the millennial generation bring aware nis to this slant or push back against the slant? >> first of all, keep in mind, they're comedians and the satire is a wonderful reflection and you can only do satire when it has a tinge of truth. i like both those guys and been on both shows many times and find them incredibly entertaining and even though i have a very different point of view than both of them do probably philosophically. i appreciate the fact that they'll illuminate issues and sometimes pick on people on the left.
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and main thing, i recognize they're comedians. the sad things, sometimes i get better information from comedy central television shows than i do from certain blogs or supposedly legitimate news sources, so what i'm saying is sit back, enjoy the ride, but remember this, always be your eneditor. because, when i was your age, there was an editor between me and the source of the news. somebody that asked tough questions of the person who wrote the story, how down this is true, the veracity of the sorry, today there are no editors, everybody is a journalist, everybody can blog and make up stuff and you have no idea that's true. don't ever believe something is true because you saw it on the internet. ask yourself where the story comes from, if it doesn't have two and three sources don't worry about it, dismiss it as probably a bunch of, you know what. i'll leave it at that. >> and now tossing the mic to kenneth who graduated from columbia. >> how are you doing, governor. >> good, how are you. >> great. >> i don't see a huge difference between romney and
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obama and i'm more inclined to vote for gary johnson, but i wanted to ask you, do you think that romney is the real champion of change that this country needs? >> i think he will be a very different president from president obama because he's managed in the public and private sector. my big problem and disappointment with barack obama is not just partisan. you know, i actually celebrated that-- i was glad that i lived to see this country elect a person of color to be president. i said it on this very television show. and so, there was a part of me as a child of the deep south, who thought i would never see that, that celebrated that we had come past that moment of race, in our politics in electing a president. but i have been overwhelmingly disappointed policy-wise, not party, policy. i think a lot of it is because of the lack of executive experience and understanding how do you move things from point a to point b. and what i had seen in mitt romney, is that he's not only been very effective in the
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public sector as a governor, but in the private sector, not just in capital markets, but the taking over the olympics, when they were in the tank. [applause] >> and i think he needs to talk about that a lot more because i believe that may be one of his most amazing success stories, was the olympics. very good question. >> and another good question coming governor, from sam. >> hi, governor. >> hi, sam. >> thanks for having me on the program. my generation is the least partisan to come around in a very long time. i, like many people my age, am in the registered with any party affiliation. my question is why does your problem and others like yours only bring on democrats and republicans to talk about the issuings, where are the independent voices, the libertarian voiceses the dream voices and third party voices? why do you only bring on the two parties that have so consistently in the past. >> we've had independents, had libertarians, i think it's a matter of proportion, there's a harsh reality is the ewilkes for president, for example, is going to be decided being, like it or not, between a
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democrat and republican f a libertarian, a green party candidate gets more than single digits in the ballot they'll get more attention and it's really that simple. i'd like to say, gee, i would love to have more attention four years ago when i ran, but you know, you only get attention when you're getting traction and only traction when people are paying attention and they don't pay attention if you don't have enough money. it's frustrating, but can i say one thing, i think it's a good thing that you aren't automatically aligning with a party yet. because the fact is, you ought to make politicians earn your vote. don't sign up for the party unless you're willing to go in and you really believe ideologically and philosophically with that party. in the meantime, make them earn your vote. don't ever let them take for granted that you're going to vote for them. and i've often wondered, why is it an automatic that a union member or an african-american or a latino would vote democratic. or corporate ceo or small business owner vote
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republican. make them earn your vote, i don't care who you are, keeps the politicians on their toes and makes them work harder. well, i hope you've enjoyed our visit tonight with the millennials. you know, this is a great opportunity for us to talk about what matters to them. and i often truly believe that we fail to recognize that the election is going to touch their lives, so much deeper, than it's going to touch mine or perhaps yours. and if a politician makes a decision and i live out my life expectancy, the impact that a politician might be having on me, 25, 30, it may be 60, 70 years of the lives of the millennials and that's why more than any other age group in the country. more than any other group of voters, this group of voters needs to make their voices heard and they need be to be listened to, because the consequences for them are greater than for any other americans among us.
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i'm glad they were here and i'm glad you joined us and glad you lisped. from the fox news studios in new york city, good night and new york city, good night and god bless. captioned by closed captioning services, inc. imagine living your life with less chronic low back pain. imagine you, with less pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can help reduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if your mood worsens, you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. antidepressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta is not approved for children under 18. people taking maois or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin, or blood thinners may increase bleeding risk. severe liver problems, some fatal, were reported. signs include abdominal pain and yellowing skin or eyes. tell your doctor about all your medicines, including those for migraine and while on cymbalta, call right away if you have high fever, confusion and stiff muscles
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