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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  June 26, 2012 6:00am-8:00am PDT

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create to do promote gun control. our position is consistent with legal precedent for the past three decades. so responds the white house. >> brian: anna, thanks for filling in. >> anna: thank you. >> brian: stay tuned for the after the show show. bill: here we go again. there is massive new fallout from the supreme court's decision on arizona immigration law. the feds say they are pulling their deal with arizona to enforce federal law. that's not setting well with arizona's governor. >> they said, drop dead, arizona. we are going to ignore you. bill: how you doing today? jamie is here for martha. jamie: i'm jamie colby.
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arizona is confused what they can and can't do after yesterday's decision. many are saying they won't change their way. bill: what is the white house response to this? >> reporter: the obama administration is taking some direct steps in response to all this. a spokesperson from homeland security tells us dhs officials in arizona are being directed to respond to a state or local traffic stop only in cases when the person under suspicion of illegal immigration is a convicted criminal, has been removed from the u.s. previously or reentered unlawfully or is a recent border crosser. i.c.e. has also rescinded its 287g task force agreement with arizona and the justice
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department set up a telephone hotline and email for the public to report potential civil rights concerns. president obama says the supreme court's decision is a victory for his administration. but he adds, what this decision makes clear is congress must act on comprehensive immigration reform. a patchwork of state laws is not a solution to our broken immigration system, it's part of the problem. bill: the give in arizona is declar all this. how does law enforcement respond? >> reporter: law enforcement is very upset with the president in arizona. governor jan brewer says she is ticked off with the president. she says the administration has failed to do its job and she is prepared to fight. >> arizona did not ask for this fight nor did it seek the task of having to confronts illegal immigration.
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we cannot forget that we are here today because the federal government has failed the american people regarding immigration policy. has failed to protect its citizens. has failed to reserve the rule of law and failed to secure our borders. >> reporter: sheriff joe arpaio went on to say we are going to continue to lock up the human smugglers hat raid businesses, crime suppression. he says he's not stopping anything. he has state laws at his side he can enforce. this case, this narrow portion has been sent back to the 9th court of appeals so this fight will continue. bill: more with jamie on all this. jamie: arizona congressman ben quail says his state won. he says it puts arizona and the country on a path to a credible conversation on immigration
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reform. >> it's a victory in one sense that they are upholding the major portion of 1070. but it casts confusion with the things coming out of the administration lately. jamie: congressman quayle accusing the president of behaving quote as an emperor. homeland security secretary janet napolitano his court jester. he wants to bring her before congress to answer questions about the new law. bill: governor mitt romney who was in arizona at a fundraiser near phoenix saying this. given the fail university immigration in this country i would have preferred to see the supreme court give more latitude to the states, not less. there are states under this decision that have less
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authority, less latitude to enforce immigration laws. a can't-miss interview next hour. governor jan brewer to talk about the supreme court's decision. as you know, she does not minutes -- does not mince words. jamie: tropical storm debby packing a punch. it's a slow-moving storm that's lashing the florida panhandle with massive rain. on st. george island, the storm has sparked power outages. there are mandatory evacuations underway and that has a lot of folks nervous. >> the water came up over the wall where i live. i'm in a two-story on still its.
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it came to a point i didn't know if i could get my things out or not. >> the best i could not to get stuck. jamie: forecasters saying the flooding and rain is far from over. they have seen storms before, but debby is so slow moving it's amazing how much water has come down. >> reporter: it's not the strength as far as the wind goes, but it's how slow moving it is and how much moisture it's dumping over florida. over a foot of rain in and. ' there is widespread flooding across parts of northern florida. right now a lot of dry air has
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made it way near the center of the storm system which is located 85 miles to the west. it should remain as a tropical storm system with maximum sustained winds of 40-45 miles an hour. right now it has sustained winds of 45-mile-an-hour and it's moving east at 3 miles an hour. then it will weaken. it's expected to be a tropical depression by thursday. it will regain tropical storm status and intensify by sunday. it could have sustained winds of 50 miles an hour. but at this point it will be over open waters. but we could see a foot of plain some areas in northern florida. jamie: thanks so much, maria. bill: extraordinary story.
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a florida toddler found alive in the arms of her mother who was killed by the storm. the storm ripping through a trailer throwing the mother of three into the air. the mother held on tight to her little girl. >> she held on to that baby and saved her life. that's the type of person she was. that shows it all. you could see the shape of the trailer. there is nothing there except the frame. she held that baby so tight and i think that's what broke the baby's wrist. >> she was a brave woman and she loved her kids more than anything. bill: >> reporter: police say the mother and daughter were found in a dense section of the woods. the baby has broken ribs and a
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broken pelvis. she is expected to be okay. jamie: i'm so sad for that family. exhausted and fighting to save his marriage. those words from a friend of democratic illinois congressman jesse jackson jr. he cast his last vote weeks ago and has not returned to his office. he has an active ethics case with allegations tied to the rod blagojevich case. bill: we are just getting started, facing crippling debt and the highest foreclosure rate. one major city faces a decision. should it file for bankruptcy? where this is happening and how it might affect other big cities
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facing the same choice. jim ring congressman darrell issa challenging president obama on the use of executive privilege. the white house responding. we have the very latest and a fair and balanced debate. >> if the president and attorney general holder would simply start producing the documents they know they can produce to us that will not be covered by executive privilege this could be delayed or eliminated. t but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you.
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good afternoon. chase sapphire. (push button tone) this is stacy from springfield. oh woah. hello? yes. i didn't realize i'd be talking to an actual person. you don't need to press "0" i'm here. reach a person, not a prompt whenever you call chase sapphire. jamie: voters in five states head for the polls today. perhaps the biggest race is taking place in new york's 13th congressional district. that is the seat congressman charlie rangel has held for 32 years. he's coming off a tough term
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where he is under investigation for ethics violations. it could open the door to challengers. bill: when get this from supreme court justice anthony scalia saying the court's decision on arizona and president obama's decision doesn't add up. justice scalia pointed to the president's decision to stop deporting young illegal immigrants and what he calls the government's decision not to enforce its own laws. he says it boggles the mind. there are other states that have acted similar to arizona.
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one is the attorney general. sir, good morning to you in alabama. does this law impact what alabama is doing in any way? have you changed anything in the past 21 hours? >> well, since it came out yesterday we have not changed anything. we are reviewing the laws. our case is currently pending in the 11th circuit court of appeal. that court notified us they would like to hear our comment and the plaintiff's comments. so we are preparing those now. we have a week and a half to submit them. at which time the 11th circuit court of appeal will rule based on what the supreme court told us yesterday. bill: your law is tougher than arizona. it includes a provision if you do not carry your registration papers, that's a crime in alabama. it's unlawful for unauthorized
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aliens to solicit or perform work. do you now have a bigger challenge based on what the court hand down yesterday? >> i think you make a good point. i was pleased that the court ruled law enforcement has a role to play in this. the stop and ask and report. the coordination with federal law enforcement is an important victory for us. on the other side there are a lot of provisions that are now in question. it's premature to say. the problem for states is the federal government and the court is saying the federal government is saying they are not going to enforce the laws. it puts the states in a tough position. what will come out of this ruling is a mandate on behalf of congress to do their job and pass comprehensive immigration
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reform and the federal government will enforce the laws that are already on the books. that's what i'm hoping to see. bill: it doesn't appear congress is ready to act on that. by you sounds like justice scalia. he went on to say in his opinion, if citizens feel themselves under siege, talking about arizona, by large number of illegal immigrants who invade their properties, strain their social services and place their lives in jeopardy, federal officials have been unable to remedy the problem and have recently shown they are unwilling to do so. what is the prook cal impact of illegal immigration and alabama today. >> the practical impact and i couldn't agree more with justice scalia's phrase, the federal government not only not cooperating with the state but is affirmatively saying they are not going to enforce the laws on the books. the practical impact on illegal
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immigration is the burden on our state services. it takes away jobs from our legal citizens. in these days of high unemployment we need to make sure we are providing jobs for people here legally who are following the rules. we respect the supreme court and respect its authority, and of course we'll be able to issue as it unfold. bill: i appreciate the answer on that. what the other side would argue is their fear is all this leads to racial repro filing. what would you say to them -- racial profiling. what would you say to that. >> we are going to respect everyone's civil rights. there will be no profiling allowed in the state of alabama. i have great confidence in our men and women and law enforcement that they understand the rules and they will follow the rules. i'm sure there will be an attempt to find some random case
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somewhere. all we can do is make sure our officers are well trained, they don't profile and they enforce the law. bill: jan brewer is coming up next hour. some of these issues we go over with her as well and see what the main differences are. thank you for your time. >> thank you very much. jamie: today there are new concerns about an al qaeda terrorist that can blend in near the united states and may already been waiting for his target. there is an effort to track him down before he strikes. bill: locals say for [bleep] sake. how a local ban on swearing is a violation of the constitution.
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bill: big snafu for a crook caught on camera. a crook smashing in the door of a washington state smoke shop. his cover is blown when the bandana on his face slips off. busted. police say the crook made off are several pipes $700 each. but they have an idea what he looks like. now thanks to the tape, so do you. jamie: on a much more serious
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note. u.s. intelligence and homeland security are on alert over potential attack. three european security agencies are being warned of a man trained by al qaeda awaiting orders to carry out attacks on the west. any significance to the fact that he's norwegian? >> reporter: because he does not come from an immigrant background, he's norwegian he can easily travel internationally. european officials say the suspect has no criminal record, not so much as a parking ticket according to one of those officials. he did travel to yemen where officials believe he received terrorist training and that's where he remains. even though authorities are aware of the man they have not arrested him because he has committed no crime.
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it's not a crime to travel to a foreign country for terrorist training. jamie: are they tracking his moves and have they said how serious the threat is? >> reporter: he's considered to be operational which means he's completed his training and is waiting instructions on his target. but yemen of course remains most dangerous stronghold for al qaeda and u.s. authorities have long worried just such a scenario would unfold. someone of european descent, training in yemen and being deployed to attack a western target. they won't say how they know he's operational. it could be martyrdom videos or the severing of contact with friend and relatives to avoid detection. bill: darrell issa calling out
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the white house on executive privilege, sending a letter to the president saying you can't have it both ways. our white house is reacting. our panel debates that. jamie: the arizona wildcats winning their first national title since 1986. the college world series win toppling a two-time defending champion. [ male announcer ] eligible for medicare?
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and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. jamie: there are new developments in the operation fast & furious showdown in washington. the white house responding to a letter written by congressman darrell issa. here is what issa wrote, just a portion. unfortunately your assertion raises more questions than it answers. a white house spokesman says, quote, your position is consistent with legal branch executive precedent for the last three decades spanning administrations of both parties. let's take a look at this with bob beckel, former campaign manager and andrea tantaros.
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can the president have it both ways, say the white house had nothing to do with the operation fast & furious program and at the same time exert executive privilege over document that dealt with as jay carney had said, the operation? >> a president's executive privilege extend to the entire executive branch of government. it doesn't matter fit' the white house for the justice department. darrell issa is playing politics. he has overreached on everything. he has been -- i have never seen a chairman of the government operations committee who has been quite as political as he has been. he knows a lot about law because he was bought before a grand jury for stolen cars. jamie: eric holder says he complete with issa he offered up, but you offered -- 7,000 document turned over, 130,000
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pages. and he said if i give you a few more pages you have got to drop the investigation, you have got to drop the contempt ruling. is that a compromise? >> he said he would make the document available as long as is a cancel the contempt vote and other stipulations. but in the letter holder wrote to the president asking him to use executive privilege to protect these documents, he said the consequences could be quote damaging if they were to be released. if these document were so damage he needed the president's executive privilege why is he hiding them. what are in those documents. the president does have a right to exert executive privilege in the deliberative process. in the nixon ruling it says it doesn't have to include the president or his advisers. it could include a decision that
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will affect the president. so obama doesn't have to technically -- jamie: bob, talk about how expansive. this president only exerted executive privilege once regarding this. in his mind what he thinks is executive privilege seems broader than other president's executive precipitation. >> bush did it 9 times. this is the first time he has exerted it. congress has no right to internal negotiations within the executive branch. every congress asks for a lot more than they know they are going to get. it's like overreaching for anybody. you ask for the world and you will end up with 7,000, 8,000 document. >> part of that is true. congress can ask for those documents. and i would point out executive
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privilege has been used by many presidents. but this is rare to invoke the deliberative privilege which means just discussions that could have taken place outside of the white house that eventually have some influence on a presidential decision. that is sort of rare. >> they have no right to that any more than the executives have a right to know what the congress talks about in the men's room. >> of course they do. and of course the courts will have to figure this one out. for us by the time we get answers on this thing it could be years or even months. >> is there any risk of issa and the party pushing for answers? even the terry family wants to know. >> i think we have a right to know. politically speaking i think there are risks in an election year when the number one issue is the economy, to make this the
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number one issue. i have a feeling president obama will eventually come out and say i'm focused on the economy, i have got some jobs bills. and they could overreach. >> the country could care less about it. it helps us when the economy doesn't get on the front page. also darrell issa who was almost in jail himself. >> the second amendment voters aren't going vote for him anyway. jamie: andrea you wrote a great piece on this. thank you for weighing in. bill: beware the wrath of turkey. those words direct at syria after a fighter jet was shot down by the syrian military.
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the violence in syria could escalate again. what has been the reaction at this jet being shot down, gregg? >> just in the last couple days officials are flatly saying it was an act of aggression on turkey's part for its plane to enter syrian air space and that's why they shot it down. no reaction to officials from nato and the condemnation of the act and from turkey's word they will be tougher on the border between turkey and syria. those neighbors have had hot feelings for each other, tensions there, and they are ratcheting up now. bill: what is the latest on the fighting? >> reporter: the fighting is getting worse and worse from everybody we have been talking to. the syrian military escalating their offensive against rebels, bringing it to the suburbs around this capital city. we heard sit overnight.
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that kept the u.n. mission observer ground the past few days. we went on a humanitarian run to a major hospital and that's about it. we asked bluntly, the norwegian general whether he thought he was disappointed in the way the violence is going. >> i come from a position in which more violence leads to more silence again it's a circle we have to break. for all the stakeholders inside syria and outside syria that's the main challenge. >> reporter: he told us patrols could resume in the coming days. but looking at the violence around this country including homs, that rebel hotbed we spent a couple days in the past few days, the idea that the u.n. could get out there again might be a long shot. the red cross wants to get into
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homs and save the civilians caught in the crossfire. so far no word on whether they have been able to do that. it is rare to get a reporter inside there, thank you, gregg palkot on the ground. jamie: there is new controversy over the swearing ban we told you about in massachusetts. protesters are forming spa swear-in rally by the steps of the middle borrow town hall. >> government is a bully. in this case it's a bully in the form of 183 voters and a police department saying we are going to bully a town of 20,000. but in this case they have a particular target which are young people in this town who have a reaso cuss.
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>> it's unconstitutional. you could even say it's unpatriotic and it's [bleep]. jamie: the town has 30 days to submit the law to the attorney general's office. then the attorney general has 90 days to determine whether it's constitutional. they must have a lot of time on their hands. bill: i wonder what that sign says. jamie: that's a [bleep], the whole thing. bill: a major american city weighing a major decision. will it become the largest city to declare bankruptcy? a party? [ music plays, record skips ] hi, i'm new ensure clear. clear, huh?
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jamie: developing right now in america's newsroom. european bureaucrats release a grand vision for the currency, calling on the countries that use the euro to allow them to change budgets. police say someone firing a gun hit a bin of fireworks. it started explosions on the ground and several nearby vehicles. who could forget the spice girls reuniting to announce the launch of their new musical. they are all joining forces more than a decade after splitting. viva forever will hit the stage in london. 40, scary, ginger, posh, and baby. bill: it's going to be big.
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this is big time. facing a $26 million defend city. stockton, california is set to become the largest u.s. city to declare bankruptcy. stockton's mayor is hoping for the best. >> when you run out of cash, you run out of cash. it's never over until it's over. we keep hoping with our fingers crossed we'll have some kind of settlement or the basis of a good settlement that could take us into chapter 9 filing. bill: this is a big, big deal. how you doing, steven? the reason why this is such a big deal is you make the point that if stockton goes bankrupt, it will be the first of a wave of bankruptcies across the
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country. >> especially in california. there is a couple things going on here. one is as you know, this is the public sector pension crisis. when i talk to people in stockton and other cities a few years ago, vallejo had this problem, i asked the city manager, what's going on, "can't you pay your bills. he said for every policeman we have on the payroll, we are also paying two that are retired. the pension crisis that's over a trillion dollars nationally. but the california cities, bill, are the ones that are most vulnerable because what's happening in california is the california state government is broke. it has a $12 billion deficit so it's not sending as much money to the cities. when you talk about this domino effect i think you will see other major california cities doing what stockton is doing and filing for chapter 9.
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bill: california has the largest economy in the u.s. and the most indebted state. its deficit has gone up 70% since january of 2012? and 20% of cities in california could be teetering on the edge of bankruptcy by the end of this year. that's the larger point you are making, right? >> it's important to understand why cities like stockton are looking at the bankruptcy option. one of the things that happens -- a lot of these cities are looking like general motors did. they don't have the cash to pay their bills. one of the things that happens under bankruptcy and you will see the unions fight against bankruptcy. once you declare bankruptcy either as a city or a corporation, it null guys and invalidates existing contracts. so what the cities like stockton could do is go back to the unions and say we can't pay our bills. we'll have to renegotiate some
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of these evenings and health benefits and salary benefits. that's why you will see the unions fight against this. bill: to show you how severe things are in just this one town, it has cut $90 million from its budge net three years. it reduced its police department by 25%. cut the fire department by 30%. slashed pay for 22% for a lot of the city workers. still it's in the hole it's in today. >> because so much -- a lot of these cities, 35 to 40 cents of everything they raise is not going for schools, it's not going for roads, it's going for paying retirement benefits. this is why this public employee pension crisis is such a big deal. you will see this in many, many cities not able to pay their bills. having to lay off teachers and policemen because they have legacy costs. this is one of the largest
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fiscal crises we have faced in a long time. bill: $417 million is the projected liability. that's a big number. >> this is why bankruptcy -- they are either going to have bankruptcy of cities or the city managers are going to go to these unions and say we have to renegotiate. we can no longer financially afford. are they going to lay off teachers and policemen or pay exorbitant pensions for people who have been retired 20-30 years. we'll see which way they go, and steve we'll bring you back on, too. bill: there is a bya box at you can fire a question online or also email, if you like this. fire away. because you asked.
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bya. just need one line with a question mark. jamie: you want name and state? thousands of folks in the american west have been forced from their homes. wildfires are threatening to turn their houses into charred rubble. there are new fears extreme weather could spark new fires. bill: arizona governor jan brewer vows to fight illegal immigration. we'll talk about what she does at the moment and why she believes president obama abandoned the people of her state, arizona. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement or annuity over 10 or even 20 years? call imperial structured settlements. the experts at imperial can convert your long-term payout into a lump sum of cash today.
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bill: an alert on home prices in america. there is a measurement called the standard and poor's home index. it measures the average of home sales over 20 major cities. it found an increase for march. up 1.3%. so if you own a $100,000 home. the value of the home could be $1,300 higher than it was a month ago which could indicate the slow-moving real estate market is recovering depending on where you live. jamie: they are having such a tough time out west from montana to new mexico. thousands of folks have had to abandon their homes and it threatens the tourist destinations near the height of the tourist season. an area dotted with vacation cabins in utah threatening
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homes. many escaping the even coaching flames with just the clothes on their back. >> we got nothing. just a pair of jeans. >> we have the memories, we just don't have the paper they are on. jamie: alicia kuhn yeah is live with the latest. tell us more about the folks out of their homes. >> reporter: 4,000-plus people remain evacuated in colorado. with triple digit temperatures expected, we are talking about conditions for firefighters and people chased away from their homes. >> our whole life is up there. this community is just beautiful people that live up there, and
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everyone is suffering. it's a torture right now. >> reporter: c-130 military tankers are being used to battle some of the fires in colorado. the fire west of colorado springs is 4,500 acres so far. we also talk about the high park fire north of fort colins. that's 55% contained right now. jamie: those in the business of tourism will lose out. it's the summer. >> reporter: colorado has a $5 billion tourism industry. when we talk about a lack of snow in the winter, what that does to the tourism industry. when we talk about vacation cabins up in flames it's very bad for business.
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this couple from kansas city decided to hold their wedding at barn of the guards. they say they barely made it through the "i dos" then they were told they had to get out by the authorities. they took pictures of the church as the smoke was building. >> it was only that big. when we left the garden of the gods it was huge. you could see it across the hills. >> reporter: there wasn't even time to sign the mayor's license. they are keeping some of the local newspapers to tell stories to the kids in the future. bill: fox news just obtained a letter signed by 30 republican senators on the intel leaks. the leaks reportedly originating out of the executive branch in recent months have been stunning. what does this mean when you are
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bill: top of the hour here and fox news alert in a recent fallout over the white house security leaks. we are learning from 30 minutes from now a group of top republicans will announce a letter to the attorney general calling for a special investigator, and in that letter, in a letter withhold hold's pressure to call for an independent counsel to investigate the intelligence leaks that have tkreub el dribbled out for the past month. the letter also calls out national security adviser tom done lan who they say may be the source of the leak. it is set to be released during a news conference. this is part of the letter. the numerous national security leaks reportedly originating out of the executive branch, in
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recent months have been stunning. if true they reveal details of some of our nation's most highly classified and sensitive military and intelligence matters, there by risking our national security as well as the lives of american citizens and our allies. catherine herridge is working through this. we'll talk to her. peter brooks will analyze as well. all of that many cog up in a few minutes here on "america's newsroom." and that is all "happening now" as we look at what has to be a tense week for the white house, a perfect storm of events happening in 48 hours. the supreme court ruling on healthcare, a contempt vote in the house against the attorney general eric holder. and the weekly jobs numbers, all one extremely busy day and potentially weak. i'm bill hemmer,. jaime: including that catherine herridge story we'll hear more about. incredible, there have been a
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lot of leaks. i'm jaime colby in for martha maccallum. whatever the outcomes, good, bad or in different thursday could be a pivotal day for this country, the white house and the 2012 campaign. bill: stephen hayes is here to size it up. most critical day for the presidency, is that an overstatement or accurate. >> i think that is right. if you look at the fact that this is the president's signature development policy achievement, it's something he invested a tremendous amount of time and energy pushing to get past and you look at its implications not only on the long term way that we handle healthcare in this country, but the shorter term, four-month term, impact on thee the elections i don't think it's an overstatement to say this is most important. bill: you hear so much talk about the mandate and the questions handled down in march
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and the arguments back and forth, what if it wi wins? >> i think it's hard for the white house to win on this. i think the white house can certainly win on policy. you look at books that have been written on the way president obama pushed forward with healthcare, because he thought it was so important to possible something. on the policy side if it's upheld that is a big win for the white house. you're looking at polls from the american public that suggest that as little as 24% want to see the supreme court uphold the healthcare law as it's currently constituted. that is a tough number. for the president to have to run and fellow democrats, in races have to run supporting that making the argument on behalf of healthcare for the next four months, through november i think puts them in tremendous political difficulty. bill: let me get to a point you made with one of our producers earlier today. the silver lining for the administration specifically on healthcare, if it's invalidat
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ed, and many would argue that a job killer for many businesses, especially small businesses as they try to figure out what the rules are today and what they could be in the future. you believe you could see a mini hiring surge this summer in jobs? explain that logic. >> this is the one real unknown. if you believe the argument that republicans have been pressing now for not only months but really years, and if you believe the surveys such as the ones by the chamber of commerce this past january that suggest that small businesses in particular as well as other businesses have been reluctant to hire with the uncertai uncertainty of the healthcare and how the regulations are going to play out. if you believe that is a damper on hiring. if the law is invalidated or struck down could you see some of the businesses that have been reluctant to hire say, okay, i now feel free, i feel like i
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have the sort of leeway and go and make some of the hiring decisions that i've not made to that point and would that result potentially in a mini hiring surge that could benefit the president? bill: it's interesting it would be a twist in logic. it's all possible. when you consider how many companies are sitting on cash because yet again they don't know what the rules will be, whether it's now, or six months from now or two years from now. thank you, stephen we will talk to you on thursday. stephen hayes. jaime. jaime: we have heard from former secretary of state condoleezzaa rice saying she has absolutely no interest in being mitt romney's running mate. shear here is. >> i don't see myself in any way in elective office. i love policy, i'm not particularly fond of politics. there is no way that i will do this. because it's really not me. i know my strengths, and governor romney needs to find someone who wants to run with
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him. there are many people who will do it very, very well. jaime: she jokingly admits she's never held elective office even passing up the chance of student counsel in high school. rice says she will proudly support the romney ticket in november. fox news weather alert for you a soggy mess in the south. tropical storm debby parked off the gulf coast of florida moving so slow it is flooding parts of the panhandle and ripped past the tampa bay area. there are reports of twisters ripping through and tkpo demolishing homes. >> it was a gri straight line, it was over in five seconds. >> i'm alive, i'm fine, than that you. >> that is the best part. you can always replace your home. jaime: we are glad to hear they are okay. but phil keating who has seen
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his share of storms is joining us live from cedar key, florida. how is it looking there, phil? >> reporter: right now we are in the break of what have been throw rep torrential repetitive squalls. right now tropical storm debby is 80 miles due west of here, that decks. typically there would be a bunch of charter boats, clammers coming back this place bus lynn with activity. bustling with activity. debris all over this place. the docks totally destroyed for the moment right now. cedar keys has been around for a longtime. there are 1815era buildings just a few miles in. basically this place has experienced a lot of hurricanes and storms over the past and things are shut down right now.
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jaime: the folks you introduced us to seem pretty relieved that they were spared the worst. are debby's winds going to intensify? are they still on alert. >> reporter: they don't expect the winds to strengthen much if at all before and after land wall. debby sustained maximum sustained winds of 45 miles per hour, and really this is much more of a slow-moving three mile an hour storm, a rain event. people get very creative just to wade through to get back to their partially flooded homes. jaime: looks like cleanup will take a while, phil, thanks. bill: what a mess down there. jaime: it is. bill: debby downer. freak storm in virginia tearing up a baseball stadium in the middle of a game sending thousands running for cover. the diamond stadium in richmond hood about 4500 people inside, winds up to 50 miles an hour blue out the sky box windows and
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knocked out part of the out field wall. no one was injured there. you start to see the storms pop up as they roll across the eastern seaboard. jaime: i was at a yankee game, three foul balls came my way, i didn't catch one. it started with nancy pelosi. >> it is no accident, no coincidence that the attorney general of the united states is the person responsible tore neighboring sure that voter suppression does not happen in our country. jaime: voter suppression. african-american leaders saying the fast and furious investigation, the whole thing has nothing to do with gun running. we'll get reaction from a leading republican in the house next. bill: what now for arizona after the u.s. supreme court's decision on its immigration law? the governor there, jan brewer is less than pleased.
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>> is this not america? is this not the united states? do i not as governor have the right to protect the people of arizona? it just is incomprehensible to think that this is all taking place today, and the ticks me off. bill: there is a lot more from that. today she joins us live today, governor jan brewer ahead live in "america's newsroom" on this. the day after. [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, "what's next?" introducing the all-new rx f sport. this is the pursuit of perfection. t introducing the all-new rx f sport. but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company
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bill: we now know the name of the police officer killed at a concert and sunday night. celina hollis was trying to break up a fight after the city park jazz concert when someone pulled a gun and started shooting. she was 32, was a single mother of two and a seven-year veteran of the police force. she was struck in the head and later died at the hospital. >> it is our hope that what we are seeing in our community today with young people carrying
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weapons, young people firing indiscriminately into crowds or on people standing on corners. we don't believe that we are seeing evidence of another summer violence, but we certainly aren't going to sit back and to allow it to continue to grow in that direction. bill: a total of three shots were fired. one suspect under arrest charged with murder. the detectives still combing the park for more evidence. denver, colorado. jaime. jaime: bill, thanks. new allegations from democrats that thursday's impending contempt vote against attorney general eric holder is actually just a ploy by republicans to suppress minority votes in the upcoming election. house minority leader nancy pelosi first expressed that concern last week. >> it is no accident, it is no coincidence that the attorney general of the united states is the person responsible for making sure that voter
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suppression does not happen in our country, that issues that relate to the civil liberties of the american people are upheld. these very same people are holding him in contempt and are part of a nationwide scheme to suppress the vote. jaime: here now to respond to that accusation is illinois congressman and chief deputy whip peter roscum. glad to meet you. >> great to be here. jaime: how do you reconcile what nancy pelosi is saying, let's say florida wants to purge the rolls of people who shouldn't be voting, they are dead, illegal, whatever it is. eric holder and the justice department says not so fast. >> i think the important thing is to look at the timing of most of these things. this is an investigation that predated house republicans. house republicans are coming in and want to focus in on jobs and the economy and healthcare. as the speaker has said we've
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sworn an oath to uphold the constitution. if that requires us to keep a coequal branch of government accountable we will do so. i think former speaker pelosi is short of -- she just doesn't disappoint. she is making this up. i think this is a line of scrimmage audible that they are calling, it's not well-founded. the easiest remedy for all of this is for the justice department to be forthcoming with the documents, for president obama to recede from his executive privilege claim. jaime: what do you think that they have they don't want to turn over. >> i think they have a major problem. they are invoking a privilege -- to assert executive privilege is now to insert the president of the united states and his senior staff into this whole miss adventure that cost the life of a border patrol agent, very, very significantly, and up until now they've said, look we've had nothing to do with this. this has strictly been a
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department of justice operation. jaime: sounds like you're in favor of full and free disclosures, you should have abscess to whatever you need to get to the bottom of it. healthcare and the ruling that is coming, congress will have to react one way or another. first, what do you think will happen? and second, let's say it's struck down. what about all the money that's been spent so far, taxpayer money on the regulations that are part of the overhaul president obama ordered. >> i was able to go to one of the healthcare debates, or one of the supreme court -- jaime: the arguments. >> yes, the arguments. it was fascinating. it was there on the debate surrounding severability, that part of it is unconstitutional. coming away from that i think the court will strike down part if not all. the question becomes, how do you unwind all of this. to your point, what happens to the money that's been appropriated and spent? how do you reclaim things? i would argue that this doesn't help president obama as he's
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moving into a re-election this fall. if it's upheld in it's entirety it's wildly unpopular. women are not pleased with the act. jaime: it's expensive. >> it's expensive. women make 85% of healthcare decisions. it's a key demographic that president obama needs in his re-election. the democratic party lost the woman's vote in 2010, they are desperate to get it back but this is not a pathway to do that. jaime: if it's struck down any part of it and it comes back to congress do you think it will be a distraction for you to deal with the economy separate and apart from business owners not knowing what they need at this point and also the cost of the overhaul? >> i think the looming nature of the healthcare law is part of the impediment to job creation. if you're an employer in suburban new jersey, and you're saying i don't know if i'm going to bring somebody else on because of the cost of the healthcare law and the mandate
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that is on me at least there is a little bit of clarity to move forward. the house will revaluate that, but we will not jam through a big proposal that is not well thought out. this is a process by which you open things up, and i would argue focus in on two things, driving costs down, and dealing with preexisting conditions, and i think that we can do that. jaime: we're going to check back with you after the vote and see how it goes. >> thanks, jaime. bill: 19 minutes past the hour now. cracking down on the recent intelligence leaks republicans in the senate just sent eric holder a letter. in that letter they name names on who they think the leaker in chief could be now. catherine herridge, peter brooks on that breaking news. and she's fast becoming an "american idol." ♪ [singing] bill: she is a military wife. she is live today on america's
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newsroom, kimberly morlino. ♪ [singing]
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jaime: another fox news alert. a big one, turning up the heat on the white house. there is a group of leading republicans just writing a letter to attorney general eric holder, and they are urging him to appoint an independent counsel to investigate recent intelligence leaks, even calling out a possible source of the leaks. catherine herridge live in washington with that report. hi, catherine. >> reporter: jaime foxx news obtained this draft copy of the letter to attorney general eric holder demanding an outside special counsel to investigate the national security leaks. more than 30 republican senators have signed on to the letter drafted by lindsey graham. no administration should be expected to investigate itself
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impartially on such a griff and sensitive matter in the midst of an election. we are not talking about a single and isolated incident of a leak, rather we were looking at and avalanche of leaks. they call out tom don donalan for revealing classified information. we are waying on a news conference. it calls out then senators owe bottosenators owesenators obama andxden. a short time ago the head of the national counterterrorism center who was speaking here in washington at csis says the biggest tragedy of all may be information sharing since 9/11. >> the challenge is to take on the leaks, work to prosecute
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those that we can prosecute, but at the same time to sort of guard against a reaction that would limit information sharing. >> reporter: former senior intelligence officials told fox that the leak related to the cia mol inside al-qaida in yemen was probably the most devastating, jaime. bill: we will wait to hear from the sevens on the hill. meanwhile peter brooks is a former cia officer and senior fellow of national security affairs at the heritage foundation. i'm especially interested in tom donalan here. he wrote a book, david sanger wrote a book called confront and conceal, and it was reviewed in "the new york times" n. this letter it says mr. sanger clearly has enjoyed great success to senior white house officials, most note lee to tom donalan the national security adviser.
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mr. donalan is in effect the hero of the book as well as the commenters on the record of events. they are calling this guy out, aren't they, pet peter? >> it certainly sound like it. he would certainly have access to all the tpofrplt he i information. he is the president's right hand man. he's in all of these meetings. all that information would be known to him. whether he is the source of the leaks, the only source is not clear to me now. i think what the senators are saying makes perfect sense, i'm no not a lawyer, i'm not an investigator. as grave as these thins are i think it makes sense to have somebody independent look at the questions. bill: that's what they asked for an outside special counsel with appropriate independence and authorities is what the letter states. that camera by the way is on the senate side of the capitol building. we'll await the comment from the sevens on the republican side.
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you're a cia guy, you understand the leaks as well as anyone. you think about yemen and al-qaida and on and on it goes. what do you think of these leaks. >> i'm also a veteran. we are focusing a lot on what is going on with the supreme court this week. we can't forget that we have young men and women going in harm's way for our intelligence agencies and military in battle today in afghanistan and other places around the world, and they rely on this intelligence, and the quality of the intelligence they are getting, and if these leaks undermine tint national cooperation on intelligence issues, undermines information sharing among our own intelligence agencies. makes people reluctant to work with the united states as an asset and impinges upon the quality of the intelligence that these brave young men and women are getting that is shameful and it's a damage not only to us as a nation, and our national security but to us at a very
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individual level because of the young people that are going in harm's way in our national defense. bill: you remember everything that surrounded the valerie plame matter and the aftermath of the beginning of the iraq war. whether these senators get their wish? will they get an outside investigator to look at this? >> it's hard to say. you know, obviously this is a very political year. it seems to make sense that that happens. there may be enough pressure put on them, put on the administration to appoint somebody independent to look at this. but the really important thing, bill, is that these leaks have to stop. and this pressure right now may be enough of a deterrence to make that stop. bill: do you think there is more to come, or can you say at the moment? >> i certainly hope not. but i'm shocked on a daily basis by the sensitive intelligence sources and methods that are not only leaked to the american people but to others around the world who may not wish us well.
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our enemies read these things, and they will use them to their advantage and to our disadvantage and that's what really concerns me, bill. bill: peter brooks, thank you. we have the letter at the fox news channel, we are awaiting the press conference on the hill. jaime: brand-new fallout from the supreme court decision we reported yesterday on the arizona immigration law and governor jan brewer is vowing to keep fighting. governor brewer will join us live next on her plans as she moves forward. bill: a 13-year-old, girl staying calm and collected and cool in a situation that would terrify most of us. the neve nerveracking911 call. >> 911 what is your emergency. >> me and my brother are home alone, and these two guys in our backyard are trying to break n. y irregular heartbeat
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put me at 5 times greater risk of a stroke, my first thoughts were about my wife, and my family.
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bill: arizona governor jan brewer instructing police agencies to start immediately enforcing this controversial, show me your papers provision, in the state's immigration law. alg from the supreme court yesterday. at this hour voting to uphold that part of the legislation. senate majority leader harry reid says, all of this in arizona will lead to racial profiling. >> i just say to you, mr. president, and anyone within the sound of my voice, someone with my skin color or yours, i
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don't think you're going to be carrying your immigration papers with you every place you go, but if you're in arizona, and you speak with a little bit of an accent, or your skin color is brown you better have your papers with you. that's unfortunate. bill: that from harry reid, now the governor jan brewer is back with us today. good morning to you governor out there in arizona. >> good morning, bill. bill: i have -- let me get to harry reid's point in a moment. i have seen a number of interviews you've done yesterday and again last night, you call it back door amnesty. you say the administration is saying, drop dead, arizona. you said it ticks you off and it should tick off all americans. do you want to take that any further today? >> right. absolutely. i think it's very clear that the heart of senate bill 1070 was upheld by the highest court in the nation, and then to see what the federal administration did three hours later was a little bit disturbing, and it was
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disgraceful. you know, the highest land of the courts enacted and upheld the law, and how the administration moved forward the way that it has done -- it doesn't surprise me. bottom line is they've been down-playing our border problem. they sued arizona for trying to protect her citizens. they did back door amnesty, and now they rescinded the 287, the ability for our law enforcement to call in to the database to get the information to enforce the heart of the bill. something is wrong, and i think america should be upset. bill: let me just update our viewers on what happened late yesterday afternoon. basically the feds said they are not going to cooperate with your police officers, even if you make a stop and you have suspicion that someone is here illegally, unless they are responsible for a felony. so that was what was announced after the supreme court came out yesterday. let me get back to harry reid. what he and others argue is that if you allow the arizona law to
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continue as is it only leads to racial profiling. what do you say to that? >> wrong. you know, harry reid is wrong, the people who want to go down that path, they are wrong. we believe in the rule of law, and the rule of law applies to it's unlawful to racially profile, and i think extreme steps to make sure that that wouldn't happen. we amended the bill. we -- i have total confidence in the law enforcement here in arizona to eupl phra me implement the way it's intended and racial profiling will not take place and it will be upheld. they will be held to the same letter of the law that we expect everybody to be held to the letter of the law. bill: to that point, what have you told your sheriff's departments and police officers? how have you told their instructors train them on how to interpret the law now. >> the ab post which is the train section of law enforcement
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in arizona has done exteps i havextensive training with all law enforcement. they have put it online for all officers to review. disks are made available. they tell them exactly what they can and can't do. let me remind you. this is a refresher. we started this two years ago and prior to that racial profiling is of course illegal, but we wanted to assure that everybody had it very clear in their mind that there would be zero tolerance against racial profiling. it's not racial profiling. it's a sad day when they want to bait everybody, because that is their come back is racial profiling. bill: but with regard to the question i just want to be specific about this. when will police officers either be able to or in strubgted t or in strubgt towed carry ouor instructed to carry out these
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orders? a week or a month down the road. >> the instructions are there will be no race alprofiling. when we had victory on the heart of 1070 it will be implemented immediately. it is really disturbing after we received the rule of law and the 10th amendment for the state of arizona and other states is that then the president, homeland security puts out a hotline, a hotline for people to call in and complain. complaining about racial profiling. bill: why do you think they did that, governor? >> well on the same day that they tell law enforcement that they can't call in and get the data regarding people's immigration, then they tell the people that maybe they might be investigated that they can call into the hotline and complain about racial profiling? now we've got what might be surmised as being illegals
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calling in to report our law enforcement but law enforcement can't access the data to see if they are illegal. now is that right? no. it's absurd. bill: what do you think the motivation is behind that decision, though? >> i think that it's probably pretty obvious, love is in bloom, it's politics. it's political all the way around. it's been political for a longtime. you know, when we see what has taken place in the last few months here in arizona, and to single out arizona, he's looking for that large hispanic sroefplt i don't know if he's going to get it or not but what he's doing is unconscionable. bill: so you think this is all about the election in november. >> i do, and i believe the majority of the people in america believe that also. bill: one more specific question, okay. if you know the federal government is not going to cooperate with your police officers, unless you can prove that they are wanted for a felony or have a felony on their record, what will an enforcement then accomplish in arizona now?
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>> well, you know, we're going to have to move forward and see just exactly how we'll implement it. bill: i'm trying to figure out what your plan is now, governor, what will you do? >> we are working on that plan. we'll first see how it actually works. they are not going to accept phone calls from area 602 because that's arizona. so, you know, are we going to get the information back to us from ice? i done think so. i think that they are just not answering our phones. basically what they've said, bill is drop dead, arizona, we are going to ignore you. you do it on your own. they've done everything -- i was going to say in their ability but the bottom line is they don't even have the right to do it and i think they overstepped the boundaries. bill: governor, thank you for your time. jan brewer the republican governor in arizona. we will be in contact with you and your office, and the police officers, and the sheriff's department throughout your state and try and figure out what happens next.
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governor, thank you. out of phoenix today. >> thank you. jaime: very honest interview and analysis. i wonder if it will be a disincentive for the officers now that they know the hotline is set up to actually do what the court has ordered them to do, ask for papers? bill: good question. but there is so much we don't know right now. and what she said, based on her understanding is that this can be implemented as of je as of yesterday afternoon. jaime: the court is supposed to give clarification, it sounds like confusion. we have all done it, enemy, belted out a ear splitting version of your favorite song. what about this military wife? she may have turned karaoke into a recording career. wait until you hear kimberly morlino, opening up for rascal flatts. she is going to join us here right here in "america's newsroom," standby.
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♪ [singing] [ male announcer ] fighting pepperoni heartburn and pepperoni breath? fight both fast with new tums freshers! concentrated relief that goes to work in seconds and freshens breath. new tums freshers. ♪ tum...tum...tum...tum... tums! ♪ [ male announcer ] fast relief, fresh breath, all in a pocket sized pack. fiber one. uh, forgot jack's cereal. [ jack ] what's for breakfast? um... try the number one! [ jack ] yeah, this is pretty good. [ male announcer ] half a day's worth of fiber. fiber one.
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bill: 15 minutes now before the hour. at least 18 are dead after a landslide in uganda. hundreds of missing. rescue workers say the death toll could climb there. two new studies suggesting vitamin d could be a factor in weight gain in women over 65. more research is needed to determine why. uggie. the little dog from "the artist is calling it quits. he will be an active retiree. he enjoys charity work. the first dog to get his paws in the hall of fame. he's 70 in dog years. ♪
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[singing] jaime: her cd is one we will all have to by. she went from military wife to a singing sensation in the blink of an eye thanks to karaoke. with her husband away on active duty kimberly morlino was belting out "black velvet" with a little help from the band in a can. ♪ [singing] jaime: that is the performance that won her the karaoke grand challenge and the gig as the opening act for rascal flatts. one of her favorite bands. and kimberly morlino is joining us live. i'm so glad we got to hear you sing, kimberly, in a word, wow, congratulations to you. >> thank you so much. jaime: you've already done so much for our country, you length us your husband, he's serving us proudly.
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what was his reaction when he heard that you won this contest, and that you would be performi performing? >> um, well i kind of set it up as almost disappointing at first and then i surprised him and told him i won, and he was so happy, and so excited for me. jaime: how great was the band? >> oh, awesome, we enjoy every time we see them in concert they are so great. jaime: they were a favorite of yours, in fact your wedding song i think was one of theirs, right? >> yes, we danced to goings god bless the broken road" that's always been our song from the beginning. jaime: how long have you been married? >> going on seven years. jaime: that is great. we just appreciate everything that we are doing and we are excited for you. you're actually cutting a cd now. have you heard from recording companies after the latest, after winning the contest? >> no, not yet, but i hope so.
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i hope so. jaime: what? you do not have a recording contract? look at even the cover of this cd, you're a natural. >> thank you. thank you. i'll be going back to digitrax and finishing the album. i'm not sure what will come after but hopefully more great things. jaime: are you writing or working on a song that is dedicated to your husband, or about your husband, and can you sing us a couple of bars if you are? >> um, well we already have one song that i sang "the home to me" you guys played a little bit of it. i could sing the beginning if you want. jaime: i would love that. >> okay. ♪ [singing] i can't believe we're doing this again. i'll keep smiling when i want to cry. and every time that we are back
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here i'll pray, that this won't be our last goodbye. ♪ jaime: you didn't know i was going to ask you, i didn't know i was going to ask you to do. thank you so much. kimberly morlino, keep an eye out for her cd, it's coming out, and recording companies, get on it seriously. nice tow meet you. my favorite segment of the day. bill: beautiful voice. jenna lee is coming up in a few short pheupbg short minutes on "happening now." jenna: before i get started i have a cd to buy. the new fallout on the arizona immigration law is one of our big stories today. what does it mean to the police on the ground right now and the safety of our southern border. big picture look from senator kyl from arizona. we will join us in a few minutes on that. scorching heat that is not helping firefighting efforts out
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west and a tropical storm that simply will not quit over florida. the latest coming up on "happening now" in about ten minutes. bill: see you at the top of the hour. home alone when someone breaks in with a knife. >> they are talking? they are what? they are trying to come into your room? bill: what this 13-year-old, girl did to save her brother and catch the bad guys in the act. are you receiving a payout from a legal settlement
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bill: fox news alert straight to the senate side of the u.s. capitol. this is senator john mccain responding with several other republican senators, pressuring the attorney general eric holder to appoint an outside counsel to investigate the intelligence leaks that have been on the front page of american newspapers for the past month. senator mccain now, listen.
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>> to comment on that, but to somehow think that you're going to get an objective assessment in the minds of the american people, an effective an unbiased investigation from an attorney general who is now on the verge of being held in contempt of congress i don't think sells well with the american people. jon would you -- >> i'd point out again that these u.s. attorneys report to eric holder, and an attorney general has to make a basic decision at the beginning of an administration whether they are going to be the chief law enforcement officer of the country, or whether they are going to be a political arm of the white house. time and time again, given the opportunity to make that choice the attorney general has made the political choice. so there is no credibility here, and that's why we believe an independent investigation is so important. >> senator, if if this is a
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bi-partisan concern why is it that there aren't any democrats -- >> senator lieberman has called for the appointment of an independent counsel, and clearly everything that senator feinstein and several others have said, in my view, lend itself in that direction. but, look, this is a tough town. there's pressures being brought to bear on the democrats not to call for an independent counsel. the fact is that senator obama and senator biden called for an independent counsel in the valerie plame case. now the valerie plame case with us a terrible thing, but when you look at it and its consequences as compared to these, there is no comparison. [inaudible question] >> at the lowest levels. they've done very good with a private in the army. they've done very well in some others. when you look at where this comes from.
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how does a person be brought up to the presidential suite and briefed by, quote, national security personnel, unless they are at the highest level? i mean, a private doesn't bring people up to the presidential suite to brief them on iran. so, all i can tell you is that -- that the level of prosecutions is minuscule as compared to the level of what is obviously where these leaks came from. bill: and the letter calls out national security adviser tom donilon as a possible leak source. this is gaining steam. more on this live from the hill. jaime: we'll monitor the rest as well and there is plenty to sort out in the wake of the supreme court's decision on arizona's immigration law. now will police forces in the state react? what will they do? more on that when we come back other side of the break.
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