tv FOX and Friends FOX News June 27, 2012 3:00am-6:00am PDT
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this word this morning. hi, brian. >> how is it going? i'm going to need some help. >> yep. >> let's open it up. >> ok, brian, you should get this because it involves a woman's sport. >> grunting? >> grunting, do you grunt? >> i don't. i'm anti-grunt. >> i'm not a woman! >> really? >> bye! have a great show, you guys. >> you guys get under the couch. >> good morning. everyone. today is wednesday, june 27th, i'm alisyn camerota. the contempt clock is ticking for attorney general eric holder as the last ditch efforts to clear his name fall through and now more major developments passing today and what am i doing back here behind the sofa. >> you can go to your place now. look out, there's a demplosion in charlotte. another powerful democrat said she's skipping that little thing called the democratic national convention. she's not going! brian kilmeade, you're up. >> hi, everybody. they're out to force protests.
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could the protests karl rove? don't ask them who karl rove is. >> who is karl rove? why are we marching against him? >> basically -- oh, god! >> think newt gingrich and work your way backwards. "fox & friends" starts right now. >> ♪ dynamite >> thank you, jimmy j.j. walker who is going to be on this hour. i think that's the first time we've done a multiple head shot. >> i'm getting the sense it's the last. >> no, i liked it. i am going to do the cold open from behind the sofa every morning now. >> right. hopefully. above the sofa. >> all right, meanwhile, let's get to your headlines. we have a lot of news to get to this morning because we're getting some incredible new images out of colorado.
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you can see entire neighborhoods there literally burning to the ground at six different wildfires spread throughout the state. the governor describing this as like looking at a military invasion. the fires are being fuelled by record high temperatures and 65-mile-per-hour winds. right now, at least 3200 people are being forced out of their homes in the colorado springs area. that's just there. also, the air force academy north of colorado springs is shut down. a fire is burning less than five miles away. the academy is now trying to decide what to do about 1,000 new cadets scheduled to report tomorrow morning. and debby is turning roads into rivers and yards into lakes. even after being downgraded to a tropical depression, the heavy rains have forced thousands of people out of their homes and closed portions of florida's main highway, i-10. driving is barely manageable, as you can see. the winds apparently so strong, they flipped over this small plane.
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meanwhile, soil erosion has opened up dozens of sink holes sucking homes and cars literally into earth. debby has left at least one person dead. two long time lawmakers on capitol hill surviving primary challenges last night. disgraced democratic congressman charlie rangel winning the toughest race of his career. he's held the new york congressional seat since 1971. the house ethics committee convicted him of 11 ethics violations in 2010. utah republican senator orrin hatch also victorious. hatch beating the tea party candidate and former state senator. it was the first time in 36 years hatch faced a primary challenge. not a good night for the republican congressman from oklahoma, john sullivan. tea party candidate and navy pilot john bridensteen pulling off the upset. remember this outrageous look-alike in hbo's "game of thrones"? the network took major criticism for this head on a pipe that
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resembled former president george w. bush. now they're changing it. take a look at this new one on the right, it kind of looks like a cave man. while it was being fixed, d.v.d. shipments were shopped and the episode was pulled from itunes when directors say it wasn't a political statement. that was only a prop. they and hbo have since apologized for that incident. >> w stands for weak in as weak explanation. >> believe it or not, it is highly rated and doing pretty good. 4 minutes after the top of the hour. >> you know what? in a couple of hours, the house rules committee will be holding an emergency meeting over the contempt vote tomorrow against attorney general eric holder. >> this after another last minute meeting last night failed. peter doocy live in washington with the latest. peter? >> brian, today at 2:00, the house rules committee is going to get the ball rolling on tomorrow's contempt proceeding and the reason it's starting a day early in committee is because there are actually going to be two votes tomorrow. one is going to be on the contempt -- criminal contempt
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resolution, the house oversight committee approved last week. if that's approved, the citation gets sent to the d.o.j. and it asks them to have the u.s. attorney many to indict the attorney general for not responding to congress and there's going to be a vote on a civil contempt resolution which was not approved by the house committee but which would let the house of representatives ask a court to force the d.o.j. to hand over fast & furious documents they want. and the reason none of this was avoided is because in two meetings yesterday at the white house and at the d.o.j., the justice department only offered 14 documents totalling 30 pages reflecting the time between february 2011 and december 2011 and that was not enough for the g.o.p. staffers present because they want it all. >> make it very clear. the subpoena was valid and legitimate. comply with all of it. quick asking us to negotiate in the dark or buy a used car over the telephone. we're not going to do it.
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the votes are coming on thursday. comply with the subpoena or you'll be on wrong side of history. >> well, the white house says that congressman issa and his committee should stand down because the white house tried to make a deal and because the president is going back to ronald reagan have asserted executive privilege as well with a spokesman for president obama saying "this was a good faith effort to resolve this while still protecting the institutional prerogatives of thexecutive branch often championed by these same republicans criticizing us right now. unfortunately, republicans have opted for political theater rather than conducting political oversight." tomorrow will be a big day in d.c. two votes to hold the attorney general in contempt of congress and one huge supreme court ruling on the president's health care law. back to you in new york. >> thank you very much. let's talk a little bit about this. how many times have we heard that democrats have said, well, look, this contempt thing is all political. it's a political thing. >> yeah, exactly.
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there's a problem with that argument now because we know of at least one democrat, democrat from utah, a six termer in congress by the name of jim mathis mathisen. it looks like he's going to vote for the contempt charge. keep in mind, last year, 31 democrats sent a letter to the president of the united states saying they had grave concerns about fast & furious. "the hill" newspaper polled them and of those 31, only four said they would vote against it. there could be a whole bunch of democrats voting yes with the republicans. >> of course that would not be in keeping with the narrative that this was just pure partisan politics, that's what's causing this vote. here's what that utah democratic congressman jim mathisen had to say. sadly, it seems it would take holding the attorney general in contempt to communicate the evasiveness, that evasiveness is unacceptable. >> we'll see what's going to happen. i'll tell you, the seriousness of the charges definitely
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reinforced for me when i heard last night during greta's show, wait a second, it was an emergency meeting, it was concerned and then you had the congressman on saying i don't know the details of it but i don't think anything got resolved and it didn't. we'll see if they happen today. it's important to point out that steny hoyer when asked say i don't know how many votes i will have. >> he's the official vote counter on that side. >> on the democratic side. he does not know so this could be really -- i like the fact that we could get some resolve to this maybe before the vote. maybe the documents will be given up. people can look and move forward because soon, we're going to have that vote tomorrow, we're going to get the obamacare verdict tomorrow and it might be too much. my head might explode. >> it's funny because they do -- some pundits say that because the obamacare health care decision is coming down from the supreme court, that could end up eclipsing what happens with the vote for eric holder and that it shouldn't eclipse it. that's newsworthy but, you know, obviously, there's only so much network news time so having him on the same day might actually overwhelm the system. >> did i say my head might
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explode, alisyn? it might be a demplosion in the end. >> that particular word has been used now because of -- there's claire mccaskel, the senator from the great state of missouri. she was barack obama's biggest surrogate in 2008 and using your word, it looks like there's a demplosion because it sounds like she's not going to the convention in charlotte this summer. they're calling it a demplosion because a whole bunch of top ranking democrats will not be in attendance. look at all those faces of men and women who don't want to go to their big party for a variety of reasons. >> we're going. >> it is a variety of reasons. you're right when you say the big party. that's what slowly has been happening. more and more, and i remember going back to 1996, i believe, when ted koppel -- >> i was in fourth grade. >> when you were in fourth grade and ted koppel refused and said abc should not cover the d.n.c. because it's not newsworthy. it's just parties.
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there's nothing necessarily that is happening. >> it's a big tv show but it's the official launch. >> it's the official launch but they spend a lot of money. they spend a lot of time and frankly having covered it several times, you go from party to party to party much what the head of the d.n.c. is saying, be in your home district. don't go to this. >> that's steve israel. >> he said be in your home district, that's where people need you most. >> when you look at all the democrats not going to the official crowning of their nominee, that's just not good for the -- >> did you notice when you were yelling to me in the rehearsal, i wasn't paying attention? you know why? i was doing some research. i asked the brain room. find out what other prominent democrats and republicans missed their conventions in 2006. david vitter missed it in 2006. colin powell missed it in 2004 but there wasn't a big roster of names to miss the conventions despite the controversy with the
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iraq war and 1996 in impeachment. >> someone i'm pretty sure is going to be at the republican convention, simply be a pundit for fox news is karl rove. karl rove, of course, he's got that crossroads g. gps, a bunchf protesters were protesting against karm -- karl rove. when asked by, i believe, it was "the daily caller" who karl rove was -- >> it was actually the blaze. >> the blaze, they didn't know who karl rove was. watch this. it's blazing. >> basically, a guy. >> would you mind telling me why you're marching today? >> team obama -- >> who's karl rove?
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6 >> keep in mind, i believe that was a rally against karl rove. all those people rallying against karl rove but some of them didn't know who karl rove was. >> organizers must have had some real powers of persuasion to get hundreds of people out -- they described it as a sweltering hot day to get people out to march against somebody they don't know. >> fantastic. we did hear, i think, last week where a number of showed up to protest mitt romney and as it turns out, those people were being paid. >> what's second on your things to do list if you show up in 100 degree day to march against somebody you don't know?
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what's number two? i don't know, milking a cow. >> i guess so. >> that's udderly ridiculous. >> i heard that. what's more important than keeping things safe at one of the nation's busiest airport? how about a good nap? t.s.a. workers caught snoozing on the job. >> and a sign of the times that no one wants to see, while you were sleeping, the one california city becomes the largest u.s. city to file for bankruptcy. is this the new normal? stuart varney is on deck to talk about it. >> hello, stu! [ male announcer ] introducing a powerful weapon
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in your fight against bugs. ortho home defense max. with a new continuous spray wand. and a fast acting formula. so you can kill bugs inside, and keep bugs out. guaranteed. ortho home defense max. as part of a heart healthy diet. that's true. ...but you still have to go to the gym. ♪ the one and only, cheerios ( dog barking ) this is the plan that revolves around you. introducing share everything. unlimited talk. unlimited text. and a single pool of shareable data that powers up to 10 devices. the first plan of its kind. share everything. only from verizon.
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the largest u.s. city so far so ever file for bankruptcy. >> so what does that mean and can we expect more cities to fail like this? stu varney is here to talk about all this. stu, what happened in stockton? >> ok, the city spent big when times were good. >> right. >> it then went through an awful real estate crash. gave 15% unemployment in the city. it then cut back its budget dramatically, a quarter of the cops were fired. a third of the firefighters laid off. 40% of the employees all gone but still, not enough to meet that pension obligations. yet again, this is another city in a state where they've got a huge pension problem. and they made promises and they simply cannot pay. the unions wouldn't give back on pensions and they pushed them to the brink of bankruptcy and now they're over the cliff. >> what does this mean -- ok, so stockton, california, 300,000 people in that town. their city is going bankrupt. what does it mean, first of all, for california which is also bankrupt and the united states
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because this could, perhaps, be a preview of coming attractions? >> the writing is on the wall for other cities and states in the same situation. that is pressed by obligations. this could push other cities over the brink into bankruptcy. >> like chicago? >> i'm not going to name names because i don't know their precise financial condition. suffice it to say that other cities are on the brink. now, if you're a retired state worker in a city or a state which is really under the gun financially, the writing is on the wall and it's not pretty because you are going to have, either your cost of living adjustment gone or you're going to have your medical benefits taken off you or in worst case, the pension that you're now being paid reduced. >> so is there a way to right this ship? now that they're declaring bankruptcy, do they blow up the contracts and start over? >> that's up to the bankruptcy court judge. the bankruptcy court judge has the power to rearrange who gets what of the pot of money that's available. he or she decides who gets what.
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now, whether they can abrogate a union contract that says we promise to pay you this, we have to pay you. whether the bankruptcy court judge can do that or not, i'm not sure. it depends on the city, the state, the bankruptcy filings, etc., etc. but somebody is going to have to bite that bullet because you simply cannot afford to pay those pensions. the city of stockton has an $800 million unfunded pension liable. the average payout to retired firefighters in stockton is $157,000 a year. they can't do it. >> they're relying on property taxes and now sadly that town is one of the highest foreclosure rates cities in america. we'll be watching you on fox business exactly three hours from right now! >> thank you. >> thanks. >> next on the rundown, you fought for our country and we promised to manage your money but now it's missing. congressman who says the d.a. is robbing our veterans and leaving them penniless. >> that's not good. and then he loves it and wants some more of it! this hungry hound helping
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himself over and over. or not the frozen pizza. not the pizza! with the spark cash card from capital one, sven's home security gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! how does this thinwork? oh, i like it! [ garth ] sven's small business earns 2% casback on every purche, every day! woo-hoo!!! so that ten security gators, right? put them on my spark card!
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why settle for less? testing hot tar... great businesses deserve the most rewards! [ male announcer ] the ark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? here's your invoice. there it is ! there it is ! where ? where ? it's getti away ! where is it ? it's gone. we'll find it.
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>> fox news alert out of syria for you right now. gunmen storming a tv station overnight leaving three employees dead. this station was demolished and the gunmen reportedly detained security guards and set off explosives there. the station is a strong supporter of president assad's regime and a photo from a fallen soldier's obituary posted on craig's list as part of a scam to collect cash. sergeant shawn fenery died in iraq in 2007 after being hit by
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a roadside bomb but the ad claims he lost his legs in battle and needs money for his medical bills. a friend saw the ad and alerted the soldier's father. craig's list removed the post but no one has apologized. brian? >> thanks, alisyn. it's a disgrace to their service. some of the folks responsible for looking after our veterans caught stealing their money to pay their own bills. what's worse, most veterans never suspected a thing. i'm joined by somebody who wants to stop it, ohio congressman bill johnson going after the v.a. to make sure this never happens again. you spent 26 years in the air force and you're taking this personal. how do we stop caregivers from stealing the people we're supposed to be taking care of. >> the v.a. has a long history of fiduciary problems. the bill that we're introducing this week is called the veterans fiduciary reform act in 2012 puts some teeth in the program and it requires, for example, that the v.a. conduct a credit
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and background check on fiduciaries each time they appoint them. it requires that the veteran themselves have an appeal process to regain their competency if they think they can manage their own finance and to have a fiduciary replaced if they see problems with them. it limits the amount of money that a fiduciary can earn while performing those duties and probably most important, it requires the fiduciary to give an annual accounting to both the veteran and the v.a. >> so when our veterans come home, some of them can't get around on their own and some have head injuries, oftentimes, a family member takes over these responsibilities. how can the v.a. crack down on a -- on a duplicitous family member that has ulterior motives? >> the same standard applies to family members than fiduciaries. there are many fiduciaries that do a great job and in many
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cases, family members are the right people. you're right, brian, there are instances where family members have ulterior motives for trying to get access to their family members' veterans funds and that's just not right and these -- these principles , the conditions in this bill that we're addressing this week, they're going to help stop that. >> here's the v.a.'s response. "although the v.a. does not support this bill, the v.a. does recognize the need for better oversight of the fiduciary program." and that's from the director of the pension and fiduciary service. so in the big picture, i cannot see much of a fight on this. and the good news is you told me before, you don't need to hire more people. you just need to make sure they're doing the right thing. >> this is something, yeah, the v.a. should have been doing all along. >> congressman, thanks so much. >> thanks so much, brian. >> i'll toss over to steve so he can do something important. >> yeah, brian, thank you very much, brian and the congressman. how many cups of coffee have you had so far this morning? we got a new reason not to overdo it.
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plus who is leaking national security secrets to the newspapers? well, former advisor to president bill clinton, dick morris has a theory of what's really going on and joins us live next but first happy birthday to one of the guys singing right there. beach boy bruce johnston is 70. ♪ [ engine turns over ] [ male announcer ] we created the luxury crossover and kept turning the page, this is the next chapter for the rx and lexus. this is the pursuit of perfection.
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>> brian? >> ok, steve, let me tell you, it's time for the shot of the morning. don't bother begging at the dinner table, fido, go straight to the sewers! this dog opening the freezer and it's not a budweiser ad and raiding it for food. the whole thing caught on camera, obviously. dog seeing the publicity the bears got a couple of days ago and wants a little bit of that sunshine. he pulls out several shelves and drawers before going on his way with a bag full of goodies. i'm getting the sense that animals don't need humans anymore. >> you mentioned budweiser. a couple of years ago, it was a super bowl, the commercial stroh's beer had a dog that would go to the refrigerator and get it out. the dog wasn't actually drinking, don't worry, folks. >> they could be now given this. i looked at doggie cam set up, certainly they knew something was amiss that last night's
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dinner was all over the floor the next morning. >> my dog doesn't understand frisbie. i throw the frisbie and he looks back at me. >> stop thinking frisbie and start thinking leftovers. >> i should. >> start thinking headlines because we got them right now. brand new documents released in the trayvon martin case showed george zimmerman passed a lie detector test the day after martin was shot and killed. the documents show zimmerman failed to tell martin he was the neighborhood watch captain. detectives say that may have prevented the shooting. zimmerman maintains he shot martin in self-defense, as you know. he'll be back in court on friday trying to get released on bond. >> another embarrassment for the t.s.a. according it a new report, you have nine security screeners at newark airport in new jersey getting the axe for serious security lapses. for example, another 30 are also under investigation. internal t.s.a. memo revealing screeners were caught sleeping on the job and failing to screen
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bags properly. on>> could two cups of coffee a day keep the heart doctor away? a new study published in the circulation heart failure that two cup moderate coffee drinking may significantly lower the risk of heart failure. don't overdo it, steve. the study found excessive coffee drinking may increase the chance of getting major heart problems. so keep it at two cups. >> fine. so long, big ben, say it ain't so. >> there it is. there it is. >> i know. i can't seem to get over the lift, honey. >> regarding big ben, the iconic tower losing its nickname. soon, it will be known as the elizabeth tower. lawmakers in great britain have decided to rename it in honor of queen elizabeth and her 60 years on the throne.
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it wasn't called big ben anyway. big ben was the name of the bell inside of the tower. >> that's what everybody referred to it as. >> i would like to know if it tells time. it still works, right? >> what was the name of the clock on "back to the future". >> the one there in city square. i don't know. >> i'm going to read sports right now. i'm not going to get a toss from you two. the president sacking the current bowl championship series and approving a 14 team playoff. the teams will be selected by a committee and not by secret votes. it starts in 2014. there will be a rotation through the bowl system. i think it's great. meanwhile, tennis fans, there's a court order. no grunting! see? the women's tennis association muzzling the common practice of tennis stars grunting, shrieking and shouting.
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umpires will get devices to major sound levels from the court. meanwhile, serena williams and maria sharapova of the notorious grunters on the court. by the way, venus williams now out of wimbledon. finally, the expected number one pick in tomorrow night's draft set to cash in on more than just basketball. kentucky's anthony davis known for his unabrow has trademarked the phrase, fear the brow and raise the brow. davis and meister brow is still up for grabs. the move is so no one tries to make money off his unique feature, the unabrow. if you want to hear more about unabrows and other parts of the body, go to keeping score, fox and score. i talk about three things in sports every day outloud. >> if you want more about unabrow go to >> there's an easy way to solve that. he could wax that. >> if you wax once, you have to keep waxing. >> dick morris is joining us
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right now, not for any grooming tips. he'll talk politics with us. >> i'm going to wax eloquent. >> good one. >> let's start with this, wax on, wax off. there are a number of senate republicans that have suggested regarding all these national security leaks winding up on the front page of the "new york times" that they've got a pretty good idea who it could be. it could be the national adviso what do you make of that? >> my friend suggested that. it makes a certain amount of sense because really he's a political consultant and no more qualified to be national security advisor than i am. we both are in the same business and so the suspicion would fall on him. but there's something really interesting going on here. the reason holder appointed two attorneys to investigate this is that that way, the guys who may have done the leaking like donnelon can take the fifth if
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they're called before a committee. they say we're not going to talk about this. it's an ongoing criminal investigation and the issue that's being investigated is did they leak classified national security documents, classified. now, we all know that the information itself was classified. or should have been, the cyber attacks on iran and the landings of the aircraft and the kill list for the drones but that material may have been declassified before it was leaked. and the question then is who declassified it? very possible that the president himself declassified it. i doubt that donnelon would leak classified material because that's an invitation to imprisonment. and they really prosecute this stuff. what may have happened is somebody may have declassified it and said, hey, now it's declassified, do whatever you want with it. and then it found its way into the newspapers. >> it sounds like -- sorry, brian, what you're saying is you think we could get answers
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better with the special prosecutors that eric holder has set up rather than outside special counsel which is what all of these 30 republican lawmakers are calling for. let's listen to what john mccain said about this and get you to respond. >> to think that two people appointed as prosecutors from mr. holder's office overseen by mr. holder's is also offensive. we need a special counsel. we need someone who the american people can trust and we need to stop the leaks that are endangering the lives of those men and women serving our country with valor and courage and they deserve a lot better. >> so can the two u.s. attorneys that holder has appointed get to the bottom of it or not as mccain says? >> i think that the goal of appointing those attorneys was to punt this thing off until after the election. and what we don't need is a
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conviction or a prosecution in 2013. what we need is answers before election day. the only way we're going to get that is not a special prosecutor and not holder's prosecutors. it's a congressional hearing. and in order to make people testify at that hearing, they should be given immunity, drop the idea of criminal prosecution and instead expose it because the real issue here is not who leaked it but who declassified it. >> yeah, i don't know who will benefit from the valerie plame investigation, it went on and on and on. >> there was no national security issue with plame. >> exactly. >> i have to bring you to this. by tomorrow about 10:00 we'll find out if obamacare lives to see the light of another day and what happens with president obama's re-election fate if it does indeed happen? you think the president will run against the supreme court regardless? >> i think he'll try. i don't think this -- that's going to work. if this were roe v. wade being reversed, everybody would say, ok, this is moral question.
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it's a personal question. it's ideological but it sure isn't legal. and what we need is new judges on the court if you didn't agree with the ruling. this, however, is so clearly legal it hinges on the interpretation of the interstate commerce clause. and i believed that -- that fundamentally, the whole issue is so legalist, so legalistic, that nobody is going to say this is based on ideology. what they're going to say is we have a constitutional law professor in the white house who tied us up for a year and a half to debate a bill that turns out to be illegal. and by the way, would have been so simple to make it legal. all he had to do was say this is all about the power to tax. that clearly would be constitutional. the reason he didn't -- he didn't want to say that he was raising taxes. >> maybe he should have been working for the other side. all right, dick morris who joins us today from connecticut somewhere. >> somewhere. >> hidden undisclosed location.
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>> congratulations on the success of "screwed". >> that's my book, not anything else. >> exactly. >> on your book. >> what is he talking about? >> thank you very much. >> remember this guy? >> there he is, your favorite son! dynamite! >> who could forget him? good times jimmy walker is back and he's got a heart for mitt romney that is worth hearing. >> i got to hear that. what's the better place to buy paper products? that grocery store or big warehouse store. buy here, not there. we have answers straight ahead. who needs bounty towels? hi, i'm phil mickelson.
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you want to save money on car insurance? no problem. you want to save money on rv insurance? no problem. you want to save money on motorcycle insurance? no problem. you want to find a place to park all these things? fuggedaboud it. this is new york. hey little guy, wake up! aw, come off it mate! geico. saving people money on more than just car insurance. >> got brand new video in from san marco, florida, streets looking like lakes this morning. a ver down the middle of town. tropical storm debby leaving a
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trail of destruction and going strong there. joining us from middleburg, florida is amanda warford. good morning again, amanda. >> good morning, debby has dropped as much as 26 inches of rain on to parts of northeastern florida and shut down major highways including i-10 and caused major flooding in our area. take a look behind me. this is black creek in clay county south of jacksonville. the waters here will crest this morning and when it does, we should have a new record that exceeds 25 feet. it's nothing like we've ever seen before in this area. hundreds of people have been forced from their homes today. some are staying at local shelters and others are actually stranded in their homes because this water rose so quickly. they just didn't have time to evacuate. debby is expected to move off shore sometime this afternoon. right now, we do have a break in the rains. of course, the cleanup will probably start today but likely take many, many months after this. i'm told that we've seen everything in these waters from
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refrigerators to couches and, of course, officials are worried about the wildlife here and we've got snakes and alligators in this part of florida and, of course, some of them are being pushed up on to shore and closer to many of the homes in this area as well. debby causing a huge mess in clay county, florida. we are live in middleburg, florida, amanda warford, fox news. >> ali, save us some money. >> that's what i'm here to do. rising food prices are hard to swallow these days. knowing where to buy which product is the key. who's got the better deal? the grocery stores or those big warehouse stores? regino novikus of promotional is here. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> i would say always go to the warehouse. you say not so fast. what's best to buy at the warehouse? >> one of the first things is laundry detergent. it doesn't go bad and you can get that extra stock and have it in your house. over a course of a month and a half of laundry, you'll save $15 if you buy it at mega stores. >> batteries. >> batteries a huge one.
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never buy them at the grocery store. you're paying 70% at the grocery store if you buy them. it's because they put them at the end cap, you kind of see it. impulse purchase. definitely get those at the warehouse store. >> charcoal, that's obviously barbecue season. >> it is that time of year. even if you don't need quite as much as you will get at the warehouse stores, go in with a friend or family member, get two bags and you'll save $4. >> it's summer, we're buying sunscreen. don't you just buy that at the pharmacy on your way out, too? >> you would think so. that will cost you a lot of money. you don't need to necessarily stock up on a bunch but almost a dollar an ounce is more expensive at the grocery store and buy an extra one and put it wherever you want to carry it around. >> this pet food, you'll save at the warehouse. >> you'll get 22 pounds of food for free if you buy it at the warehouse store. depending on the size of your dog, that could be a month's worth of food so just buy it at the warehouse store. >> what are the top tips to remember for the warehouse? >> dent give into the impulse purchase mentality and before
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you start shopping at a warehouse store, try out a trial membership so you make sure you're actually using it and saving that much money. >> now, you'll surprise us with what's actually cheaper at the grocery store. let's start with produce. >> produce is one of those things where you have to buy in bulk at the warehouse store and you may not go through it. it will go bad and you'll end up throwings away. 40% of food is thrown away by american consumers typically. you'll see seasonal sales at the grocery store. better deal to do it there. >> i was surprised to hear that paper towels and paper products are cheap are at the grocery store. >> toilet paper, you can buy at either place. but paper towels themselves about 50% without any sales going on at the grocery store, you can get them for about 50% cheaper. >> how about this? >> another great one. but recent grocery store sale with a coupon from coupon, 10 tubes for $10. stock up. that's almost a year's supply for a family. >> canned goods and soda is better at a grocery store than
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the warehouse. >> soda especially around seasonal opportunities and big events, definitely get it at your grocery store. better sale there. >> top tips for shopping at the grocery store are what? >> always look for those deals and those savings. you can use coupon apps or go on line and download those coupons. if you are not typically a couponer, worth checking it out. >> you can look at the tips on the web site. she will be back tomorrow and friday with a variety of other consumer tips for us. you are from thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. >> did you know that taxpayers shelled out more than a million dollars to help tax cheats buy their homes? how the heck did that happen? remember this guy? >> your favorite son! "dy-no-mite!" >> jimmie walker is back and he's got some advice for mitt romney and brian and steve.
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>> your favorite son! "dy-no-mite!" dynomite. and it all belongs to kids. "dy-no-mite!" >> that's how jimmy walker made a name for himself as j.j. evans on "good times" and "dy-no-mite!" is also the name of his brand new book. jimmie walker joins us now on the couch. good morning. >> thank you, guys, for having me. i watched so i feel like i'm right in the right place. i'm always here. >> you are in the right place. and i thought it was so interesting, your book talks about dynamite. i can't believe your cast did not embrace that phrase by a long shot. >> you know, our cast, i think more norman lear and it came out of the blue and it was like
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michael buffer's let's get ready to rumble. all of a sudden, something happens and it's insane. it took on a life of its own and norman didn't want to do it in the first place. john rich who was our director said we're going to do this and we did it. and when i did it, i went -- they really pushed it and i said john, do you think anybody is going to go for somebody just saying dynamite for no reason? he said they'll go for it. you know, john, people are not that stupid and he said, yes, they are. >> do you still do the dynamite? >> i don't d -- "dy-no-mite!" is in the smithsonian institute and the norman lear wing with the hat. carol o'connor's archie bunker chair is there. he did nine sitcoms and they were all considered classic whatever. >> don't mess with it. >> i don't mess with it. >> let's talk a little bit about the economy because i know you still do stand-up all the time. >> all the time. >> and you talk about things in
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the news. i know in real life, you grew up in the projects. >> right in the bronx. >> what do you think about what's going on with our economy? >> i think that people are fibbing to us now. people are talking tax cuts and people are talking this. my reality is there are no jobs. there's nobody walking around, mitt romney or barack obama say i have these 14 million jobs, i'm not giving them out right now. i'll save it. we've been automated. we've been moved out. a lot of jobs are gone. we're dealing with -- this is like having a heart attack and then recovering but you'll never be the same. and this is what this economy is like. and we have to get used to a new reality. this is a scott walker time in our financial lives. and it happened so fast that most of us are not ready for it. >> we need some dynamite to blow up the system. >> and politically, have you changed -- has the spectrum of your views changed over the years? >> i think what happened is i was more of an independent. i worked in talk radio in this
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town with abc and mca so you learn a lot about being an engineer. local will know what i'm talking about and you listen to a lot of political stuff, you know, so you really pick up a lot of things. >> do you have advice for mitt romney? >> i think mitt romney is running a horrible campaign right now. if i was mitt romney, i would almost run a donald trumpish campaign and say, you know what? i am rich! you know why? because i live in america. i took advantage of the system that worked for me. and i'm not saying i'm one of you guys because i'm not one of you guys, ok? but i'm a man of your people. >> talk about how rich you are. we know this is a special week for you. you celebrated a birthday. take a look at what we've got for you, j.j. >> oh, my goodness! >> thank you very much! >> look at that. >> anti-black plot, i have diabetes, what the hell are they doing? they're doing -- >> anti-black plot ever.
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>> all right. check out his brand new book called "dy-no-mite!." >> "dy-no-mite!." i also have a new app which is jimmiewalker something at "dy-no-mite!." whatever. check out jimmy walker's app. get out of here. people are ready to do things. >> get out of here. >> order his app. [ gargling ] he drinks green stuff. he says he's from albuquerque. i'm not buying it. i mean, just look at him. and one more thing -- he has a spaceship. [ whirring ] the evidence doesn't lie. my dad's an alien. [ male announcer ] the highly advanced audi a6. named to car and driver's 10 best. ♪ with being fed on. we demand k9 advantix ii. it not only kills fleas and ticks, it repels most ticks before they can attach and snack on us. frontline plus kills but doesn'repel. and a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach
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>> good morning, everyone. it's wednesday, june 27th. i'm alisyn camerota. another one bites the dust. one by one, democrats back out of this year's convention saying so long, mr. president, i'm staying home instead? what's going on? >> hey, want to know why we're broke? this is why. a shocking report shows the government just gave out $1 billion in tax credits to tax cheats. >> that's not right! >> i'm angry. >> meanwhile, does this sound familiar? your wife's family cannot function without always being together. so who is nuts and who's normal? dr. keith ablow has heard this complaint before and he's here with a diagnosis. >> he's heard it from you! >> was in your family!
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>> back off, pal. hour two for a wednesday starts right now. >> so it's kind of exciting for me right now as we go through the guest list which includes representative allan west will be here live. dave ramsey, elizabeth banks. last night when i saw denise richards tweeted, i tweeted back to her and she'll be on our show tomorrow and she tweeted back to me. >> what? >> and? >> direct tweet? >> and i just stared at it for like 10 minutes and i go wait a second, am i working this right? >> you said i'll never wash this tweet again. >> right. i personally have not washed since i've gotten it. >> there you are, it's late at night and you're tweeting directly to denise richards. she's tweeted back to you. is that something you share with your wife because normally a guy would want to share that with somebody. >> just with you guys. i didn't want to tell anybody else. is anybody else watching? >> she'll be with us very
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shortly. >> stay tuned for that. let's get to the headlines and lots to tell you about because we're getting incredible new images out of colorado. you can see entire neighborhoods literally burning to the ground at six different wildfires spread throughout the state. the governor describing it as looking like a military invasion. the fires are being fueled by record high temperatures and 65-mile-per-hour winds. right now, at least 32,000 people are being forced out of their homes into colorado springs area and also the air force academy north of colorado springs is shut down. a fire is burning less than five miles away there. the academy is now trying to decide what to do about 1,000 new cadets who were scheduled to report tomorrow morning. and there's brand new video out of san marco, florida, for you showing the destruction of tropical depression debby. she flooded streets and they looked more like rivers. take a look at this, a 25 foot section of a road in baker county completely washed out. but not before someone got hurt. an a.t.v. rider did not see it was missing and landed right in
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the water. >> just kept on going. he was flying. >> he was going so fast that actually made it all the way across the road. >> they landed about 5 foot in front of the road. >> man fractured his hip and suffered a concussion. soil erosion opening up dozens of sink holes sucking homes and cars into the earth. debby leaving at least one person dead several incumbent lawmakers on capitol hill going down to defeat this year in primaries but two high profile names avoiding the trend last night. disgraced democratic congressman charlie rangel surviving his party's primary. it was the toughest challenge he's faced since taking the seat in 1971. the win, despite the fact that the house ethics committee convicted him of 11 ethics violations in 2010. and utah republican senator orrin hatch coming out on top last night. it was the first time in 36 years he faced a primary challenger. hatch beating tea party kanld -- candidate and a former state senator. the republican congressman not
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as lucky. jim bridensteen scoring a surprise win there. new york city mayor michael bloomberg does not like getting into a hot car. instead of sucking it up like the rest of us, he does this. you're looking at the cover of "the new york post." it shows an air conditioner rigged to the window of his chevy suburban cooling it down while he is inside city hall. you may remember he took flak a few summers ago when reporters spotted his s.u.v. idling, basically, outside with the air conditioning on, full blast. his camp says this method is much more ecofriendly. ok. >> does he drive around town with that? how long is the extension cord? >> not really sure. hey, they liken it to cutting off an arm to save a body. that's what they're saying now in stockton, california, they are desperately trying to keep that city afloat. hardest hit by the housing bubble bursting. >> that's right because
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stockton, california a few years ago, the housing was -- they were building these track homes and then the bubble burst and suddenly all that tax money, the property tax money stopped flowing in in stockton, california, had a gigantic negative cash flow in the last three years, they've cut the police by 25%. they've cut the fire department by 30%. last night, they had a dire city commission meeting where they decided they would seek bankruptcy protection in the courts. this is the largest city in american history to declare bankruptcy, 300,000 people live in a town that is out of cash! >> it's just a shocking cautionary tale for how to get into so much trouble. we had stu varney on earlier in the show and i'm just looking through here, through our notes because i was trying to confirm the number he said because it was so astronomical. >> he makes stuff up. >> that basically, a retired firefighter still gets 157,000 dollars a year once they retire because that was the union
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contract. a deal is a deal. >> unless you declare bankruptcy. >> exactly. so now, because of those astronomical, the astronomical payouts the city has had to do. if they actually file bankruptcy since they just voted on it, then a judge can blow up all these contracts and redo them and people may be out scads of money that they now count on. >> they got this law 8506 in california that allows them to get together with mediation and decide who gets paid and how much they get paid and how to spread out the revenue that they have. they call it death by 1,000 meetings. these go on and on and they're endlessly tedious and they completed on monday at midnight and sadly, it doesn't look good. but they got to go in there and try to pay off their loans while keeping this -- keeping the city afloat somehow. >> if you're sawing saying it's a cautionary tale for other cities in the same predicament. at times, the unions have not wanted to negotiate at all banking on the a deal is a deal
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and what happens if they blow up all the union contracts, they may end up with less. >> i know, california -- los angeles in particular is going after the teachers union saying we have to get a new deal and chicago, the same thing. those are two democratic mayors. >> the democrats are going to have their big convention coming up at the end of the summer in charlotte and that woman right there who was president barack obama's biggest surrogate in 2008 who is facing a tough race for the u.s. senate in missouri says she's going to skip their convention. now, a couple of years ago, she did skip the convention, i think, in 2004 she was running for governor but she was in attendance in 2008. she joins a growing list of democrats who for one reason for another in many cases political, they are simply distancing themselves from the president of the united states and the nominating committee. >> and the cold state of west virginia is one of the reasons that joe manchin will stay home. he's not happy with some of the laws passed there. not very popular in his state. he's going to stick around west virginia. don tester of montana will stay
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home. we mentioned claire mccaskell and we have steve israel, congressman in new york in charge of getting the house back to nancy pelosi and the democrats, he's recommending you stay in your district that first week in september and work the phones and work the streets. because independents will not like you going to a democratic convention. what kind of statement is that? independents understand you belong to a party, don't they? >> sure. >> except it makes sense on a different level where he's saying it makes sense because there's more trouble at home than it's worth. going to the d.n.c., it is just party after party. >> but it's the party -- it's where they all gather together and they say ok -- >> dancing and drinking. >> they know politicians are reluctant to turn down a party but in this day and age, it might be the right thing to stay at home and try to fix things. also had some venue changes, by the way, at the d.n.c. because of logistical problems and the speedway, they didn't know if they would be able to fill it. thought it would be too hard to cover. it's getting complicated. >> they're moving into the heart
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of the city from the outskirts which is the speedway which they thought they would probably sell out but charlotte, north carolina, one of the reasons they put it there, obviously because they're lucky to get it last time and thought they would lock it in this time like the republicans tried for colorado with john mccain, they're not going to get north carolina. and i think they have to rue the day they chose that state. >> one other component to this dem-plosion where democrats are not showing up at the president's nominating convention. how many times have we told the story over the last month or two where we have heard that democrats who are running for congress or something like that or the d.n.c. in general, the white house isn't helping them raise money. >> sure, they make that statement. >> so suddenly, he needs their help. look, i'm busy! sorry. >> meanwhile, here's a story that will no doubt outrage you. >> hold on, pause for this animation. >> what's that -- >> now it's over. >> listen to this.
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$1.4 billion in tax credits. this was under the economic stimulus. ended up going to help back mortgage loans to tax cheats. >> yeah. it's crazy! senator tom coburn, senator from oklahoma said in the name of stimulus, we gave thousands of people we knew were tax cheats and had bad track records of paying their debt. according to the -- what we're now finding out, the f.h.a. insured $1.4 billion in federal loan mortgages for 6,000 borrowers who collectively owed $77 million in unpaid taxes which averages out to 12,000 dollars per tax cheat. >> what i don't understand, this is the fact that it's a stimulus plan that the president got passed, it's one of the first things he did along with the auto bailout. why isn't governor mitt romney saying tell me a little bit about the story and leadership? because all this stuff stems from the president and the
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system he put up to take that money and it doesn't go to the right people and doesn't go to the right cause. >> you make a fair poin, we talked about this earlier on the show, earlier this week that peggy noonan said the same thing, it's time for mitt romney to stop speaking in sort of generalities and that that would be a great story to tell on the campaign trail. that drives it home because people understand, wow, stimulus didn't seem to work but they don't know the exact details of what went so wrong. >> but we do know at the time it was coming out, wasn't it the president who said, look, there could be waste, there could be fraud so i'm going to deputize joe biden to keep an eye on the stimulus. joe biden was in charge of making sure there was no fraud or waste. >> and he told us he wouldn't want to get on an airplane with his family. >> so anyway, plenty of tax cheats got some money at our expense. >> all right, straight ahead on this show, this is coming up and it's free. now there's new proof that that
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was a really bad decision. colonel allan west here to explain about what happened with hasan and wheats happening with the 100 would-be terrorists inside the military. >> the company promised to create 70 green jobs in exchange for a $100 million handout. how many jobs did they produce? >> i hope it's a big number. >> it is. it's three.
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delivering mail, medicine and packages. yet the house is considering a bill to close thousands of offices, slash serve and layoff over 100,000 workers. the postal service is recording financial losses but not for reasons you might think. the problem ? a burden no other agency or company bears. a 2006 law that drains $5 billion a year from post office revenue while the postal service is forced to overpay billions more into federal accounts. house bill 2309 is not the answer. our cloud is made of bedrock. concrete. and steel. our cloud is the smartest brains combating the latest security threats. it spans oceans, stretches continents.
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and is scalable as far as the mind can see. our cloud is the cloud other clouds look up to. welcome to the uppernet. verizon. >> welcome back, everyone. more than 100 terrorists may be working inside the u.s. military as we speak coming from a newly released study that claims several suspected islamic extremists have worked their way into the ranks and at least a dozen of the cases are classified as "a serious threat". how does this happen? what are we doing about it? colonel and congressman allan west joins us right now. he served in the army for 22 years. your reaction to that number, colonel? >> well, it is quite shocking and alarming. but i think that if you go back
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to the 1991 exploratory memorandum that was found just right across the potomac here in northern virginia, it was a muslim brotherhood document that really talked about their goals and objectives for the united states of america. this is not surprising. you are witnessing an infiltration of not just our defense systems but our financial systems, our cultural, religious, political systems so this is a whole hearted jihad type of attack. >> hasan kills and wounds so many in fort hood and we call that workplace violence. now they're calling the islamic extremists inside our military insider threats. we're mislabelling it again. >> this is somewhat like calling sharia compliant finance insider trading, you know, there's a recals trance that we have here in the united states of america and i think it emanates from this current administration and the previous administration shows signs of not wanting to identify and clearly articulate who this adversary is and they
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continue to use that to their advantage because they're showing tolerance that will lead to our cultural suicide. >> i want to finish up on this. is it possible in a unit that you functioned in for 20 years to not know the guy next to you is a terrorist because you're so close, you share so much and train so often? >> well, i think that you have instances where you may want know anything about someone but mostly, we would know what was going on in our barracks and if we have soldiers that live off post, the platoon sergeant has the opportunity to go off and inspect their quarters off post and talk to them. i believe you have a military that's turning their head because there's a lot of retribution against standing up and saying something about someone as we saw in the hasan case, he never should have been transferred from walter reed to fort hood. >> tell you about this other story that we're familiar with but i'll share with the audience. there's a norweigian evidently that's been training in yemen essentially waiting for the go sign to attack a western target. this is a big fear among terror
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-- counterterror experts so he's gone over there and it's got radicalized. your reaction? >> well, it's no different from what we saw here in the united states of america when the young, black male by the name of carlos bledsoe converted to islam. he received terror training and came back and shot two u.s. soldiers at the little rock recruiting station killing one of them. we have to be very concerned about these lone wolf type of attacks, these one man terrorist cells that will be planted anywhere and this is all about terrorism. this is all about making you very afraid to go to the mall. you remember john lee muhammad, i believe that was his name, the d.c. sniper. so those are the types of things that we can expect. we're a long way from being finished with the "war" against islam islamic totalarianism and it comes back to securing our borders as well. >> that makes it impossible to do something we shouldn't be
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doing anywhere and that's profile especially when the next guy trying to kill you suddenly is norweigian. >> i don't call it profiling. i call it trend analysis. that's what we have to start doing and get away from these divisive terms. >> ok. you got it. congressman colonel west, you're a busy guy. thanks so much for sharing quality time with us this morning. >> you got it. take care. >> all right. 19 minutes after the hour. don't wait for tomorrow's obama care ruling. dave ramsey says you need to get your own health care now or you'll wind up bankruptcy! he's here next and he looks like that. this girl would really impress at your next backyard barbecue. 24 carat solid gold. how hot is the price tag? or high is the price tag? also, get a free flight.
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you know that comes with a private island? really? no. it comes with a hat. see, airline credit cards promise flights for 25,000 miles, but... [ man ] there's never any seats for 25,000 miles. frustrating, isn't it? but that won't happen with the capital onventure card. you can book any aiine, anytime. hey, i just said that. after all, isn't traveling hard enough? ow! [ male annncer ] to get thelights you want, sign up for a venture card at what's in your wallet? uh, it's ok. i've played a pilot before. what's in your wallet? every communications provider is different but centurylink is committed to being a different kind of communications company. ♪ we link people and fortune 500 companies nationwide and around the world. and we will continue to free you to do more and focus on what matters.
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>> now your news by the numbers. first, three. a new report says the green energy company created just three jobs despite getting $100 million from the government. later, i'll find out if i said that right. the company promised to create 70 jobs by the end of the year. next, nine, that's how many hours this guy spent stuck under a door. police say he got wedged under the door trying to break into a rent-a-center in massachusetts. finally 24. as in 24 carat gold. that's what this barbecue is covered in. the australian made grill valued at $25,000. get me in the grab bag? i'd like that. >> that would be great because i could still burn things with it. thank you very much. a ruling on obamacare expected from the supreme court tomorrow. but our next guest says law or
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new law, constitutional or unconstitutional, you don't have to depend on the government to be insured. >> personal finance expert dave ramsey says there are low cost options for coverage. tell us about them. hey, dave. >> good morning. >> you say that as we all know, medical bills are the number one cause of people going bankrupt. how can they protect themselves? >> well, you do two things. obviously, you get health insurance. well, i can't get health insurance. yes, you can. there's a lot of things you can do to put that in place and the second thing is you build up the emergency fund to cover your deductibles and cover your co-pays. that takes as many people out as being uninsured takes out. >> let's go point by point on what you just described there. first of all, get as many insurance quotes as possible and don't rush. why is that? >> well, you need to go shopping and you need to understand what's in the market. people get a little bit lazy when they're shopping for insurance because it's not exactly a pleasant experience. so really get five or 10 different options in front of you, learn about what's in the
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marketplace. you'll find you can get insurance. >> you also say something that most people don't think they should do. get a high deductible policy? why? >> well, it keeps your premiums down so you can afford the thing. it's just like with your homeowners and your car insurance if you jack that up to $1,000 a deductible, we see the premiums drop. if you'll carry these ultrahigh deductibles especially if you have pre-existing conditions and things like that, you can get the insurance and cover the big stuff. you want the insurance to avoid bankruptcy and not to avoid a flu shot cost. >> that's exactly right. you know, dave, so many employee health benefits have health savings account options but so many people don't understand them. you say that if you have the opportunity, add an hsa because you save money tax-free? >> well, the hsa is, again, a type of policy and this may have been the best thing george bush did during his presidency. it's the i.r.a. of the health insurance world. it's a huge deductible. and so if you're very sick or
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you're very healthy, it's ideal and it covers 100% after you hit the deductible plus you can save money tax deductible to cover your out of pocket costs. so the h.s.a. is genius. it can solve the whole landscape issue here. >> at last you say to ask hospitals and doctors to make payment arrangements. what do you mean? >> well, if you'll go ahead and talk about paying cash and the fact that you're a cash customer, for instance, you're going in for an m.r.i. that insurance for some reason doesn't cover, instead of charging $500, i had a friend paid $69, he called up in advance and said i'm going to pay when i come. and you just negotiate in advance. same thing with pregnancy on labor and delivery. if you'll pay in full in the second trimester, you can negotiate and cause hospitals to compete with each other and cut it as much as 70% on your costs. >> that's amazing. who do you negotiate with? the person you schedule with? >> absolutely. your obstetrician can set it up
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for you or go into the business office at the hospital. >> i think you might have saved some people some peace of mind and some dough as well. d dave ramsey, always a pleasure. thanks for joining us today from nashville. >> t.s.a. agents caught sleeping on the job? the latest offense takes the cake. what happens to grandpa's ashes? >> oh, no. >> yes. >> and the president would love for you to think he's the underdog when it comes to spending. but what do the numbers say? we're separating election facts from friction! next. ♪
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>> here's a campaign update yesterday in new hampshire, president obama said americans need someone who will wake up every single day and fight for their jobs. then he said until we find that guy, i'm still your best choice. so it's -- >> until we find that guy. he's funny. >> well, polls show the race for president is in a dead heat but the money race is another matter. >> doug lazeder is following the campaign cash in d.c. >> the expectation was it wouldn't be much of a contest
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when it comes to money. that the president would outraise anybody that ran against him. not quite working out that way. it's not like the president is slacking out of the campaign trail, air force one just yesterday got a pretty big workout shuttling him to two states where he attended five fundraisers and he attended more than 100 of them this year alone. why the fever pitch? the president didn't mince words in an e-mail to supporters. i will be the first president in modern history, he says, to be outspent in his re-election campaign. now, republican mitt romney's fundraising effort has come on pretty strong since he essentially clinched the republican nomination and outside groups that back him are doing pretty well, too. the president's campaign has a lot of cash in the bank but the operation is so large and expensive that it is burning through resources. even the september democratic convention in charlotte, north carolina, is facing some challenges. the host committee there had to scale back some of the events and some democrats acknowledge that money is tight.
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>> number one, a bad economy makes raising large sums of money more difficult. number two, it's no secret the president is not as popular in many parts of the business community. >> look at the very least, the president is unlikely to enjoy that huge money advantage that he had over john mccain in 2008 and even though the obama campaign is spending so much money now, their strategy is that that big organization is going to deliver for them on election day. we'll see. back to you guys. >> all right, doug luzader, thanks so much. let's look at these numbers. they are open to interpretation, whether or not the president -->> the president is pretty clear, he said he would be the first president in history outspent in his re-election. that's pretty clear. >> that's what it claims on the web site but the numbers aren't quite as clear as that. the president, as doug just pointed out has raised more money at this point. according to the center for responsive politics. and then mitt romney has also spent more money but where it
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gets complicated is that sometimes when he has these big $30,000 a plate dinners, he's raising it for his campaign and the d.n.c., the d.n.c. then helps re-elect him so again, the money is fundable as to where you can claim it's going. >> first of all, he's raised more money. he's spent more money and he has more money on hand, cash in hand than mitt romney. >> so when he says he is the underdog, maybe that is not quite accurate but it certainly does motive ate the base because they're thinking oh, you know, if he's running out of dough, maybe is the time to kick in the $3 for the george clooney lunch. >> right now, "the wall street journal" does a poll and says he's actually leading by about three points overall in the battleground states, he's got an eight point lead so the underdog is out in front. >> there you go. meanwhile, we have some headlines for you and president obama putting his re-election campaign in the fast lane now. brand new report this morning revealing the president will launch the first official bus tour of his campaign next week. gee, who launched one last week?
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the president is going to visit the key battleground states of pennsylvania and ohio. governor mitt romney went on his bus tour through both states earlier this month. >> brand new documents released in the trayvon martin case showed george zimmerman passed a lie detector test the day after martin was shot and killed. the documents also show zimmerman failed to tell martin he was a good neighborhood -- he was a neighborhood watch captain. detectives say that may have prevented the shooting. zimmerman maintains he shot martin in self-defense and he's back in court on friday trying to get his bond back and get out of jail in the meantime. >> she went down but not without a fight. suspect grabs the woman's purse and throws her to the ground, this happened outside of a liquor store in massachusetts. the victim holds on to tight until a car pulls up and a suspect takes off. the woman and her purse, we're told, are ok. >> put up a fight. >> and talk about adding insult to injury, a man says the t.s.a. agent slipped his grandfather's ashes, spilled them that is to
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say. spilled the ashes. john gross was carrying the remains in a closed jar through orlando international airport. but instead of simply putting the jar through the x-ray machine, he claims the agent took matters into his own hands. listen. >> they opened up my bag and i told them, please be careful. these are my grandpa's ashes. and so she opened it up. she used her finger and was sifting through it and accidentally spilled it. she didn't apologize. she started laughing. >> the t.s.a.'s policy -- not to open human remains under any circumstances. why did they? somebody's got to do some explaining. >> that's terrible! >> that is terrible. >> that's awful. >> on meet the fockers the first time i saw something like that happen. >> that's just a movie. this is real life. you have big news when it comes to trophies. >> and this is real life. a new era in college football and it's finally upon us. way overdue. the bcs president saying i'm tired of having to vote for a national champion.
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let's let them play in a four game playoff to determine the national champion like every other sport, every other league. the president has been calling for it. and he got it. who says it's a do nothing congress? 2014 it starts. tennis fan, there's a new court order. no more grunting! >> grunting, a turnoff all of a sudden. the women's tennis association muzzled the grunting shrieking and shouting but in the studio, it's a-ok. they will get devices to measure sound. serena williams and maria sharapova two of the most notorious grunters and they're also very good. finally the expected number one pick in tomorrow's night draft is set to cash in on more than just basketball. he's anthony davis known for his unabrow and has trademarked the phrase "fear the brow" and "raise the brow". davis saying the move is done for one reason.
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it's done because he wants to make money. yes. saying the move is no one tries to make money off his unique feature which he was born with and embraces. some people run from their god given unabrow, he embraces it! >> do you think there could be a whole new generation of kids who want to do that? >> who will not be cool because their brows don't meet. and go -- >> start pencilling them in. >> only kids with unabrows get the girls. we'll hear that over and over again. >> that's right. this will be a whole new fashion trend. don't wax the brow. >> trying to make money on it. >> straight ahead, the reverend al sharpton says republicans are going after eric holder, our attorney general because he's black! really? peter johnson jr. says there's more to that than meets the eye. he'll be right with us. who is he talking to? >> he's in the green room right now. keith ablow again. >> who is normal and who's nuts in that picture? >> having a doctor like that someone cares about him.
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so i could meet with and really be myself. >> right, you have people. if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... ...and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪ want to hop in the back and get weird? no. family vacation... vegas. ♪ no. no. give it a big yank! really? yeah! [ knock on window ] no! no. ♪ ugh, no! [ sighs ] we can have hotdogs for dinner?! yes. [ male announcer ] in a world filled with "no," it's nice to finally say "yes." new oscar mayer selects hotdogs. made with 100% beef and no artificial preservatives.
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>> update on an extreme weather alert. she's drenched the sunshine state so far, tropical depression debby now forcing these men to get around by boat because their cars can't make it through the rain. tracy collins live in columbia county, florida. hey, trace. >> hey, how are you? i know it looks like i'm standing in a lake but i'm actually on the eastbound lane of i-10. i'm going to give you an idea of just how deep this goes over here. this is about a one mile stretch that is draining from the eastbound side to the westbound side. if we can get a shot of the median over here, you can see it looks like a lake and take a look around it, all the debris they'll have to end up cleaning up around here. by the time we get to the westbound lane, that looks like a river and that's blowing right into the forest.
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we talked to f.h.p. and they told us it's probably going to be about two, possibly three days before they end up opening up these lanes again. and again, this is just a one mile stretch but the damage is so severe that there's no way they can open this up. in fact, my photographer and i went from that one mile stretch on the westbound side that you just saw and it was only about two to three inches there but i'm telling you, it feels very dangerous and again, this is a closure from u.s. 90 to i-75 and commuters are having to use u.s. 90 which is a much smaller 2 lane road but we've been told by f.h.p. that they haven't had too many problems making sure that erybody gets to where they need to be. i'm tracy collins live on i-10. >> thank you very much. we'll keep up with you as we find the latest with debby. let's go to stevie. >> as house lawmakers prepare for the contempt vote against
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eric holder, they are condemning the vote that they call politically driven. >> this reckless and morally reprehensible act that's being proposed on thursday is certainly engineered and motive ated by politics. >> this is motivated by politics, base politics, base anti-civil rights politics, the men who are persecuting eric holder in this way are the same men who have attempted to tie the hands of his department, to protect our voting rights, to stop racial profiling and to protect the rights of workers. >> joining us right now is fox news legal analyst peter johnson jr. and you saw a picture of the attorney general and brian terry who died as a result of fast & furious. >> i think that's appropriate and it puts into our minds what the real question of the day is, who is the real victim of fast & furious? brian terry? or the attorney general.
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if you listen to mr. reverend around -- sharpton, they will tell you that mr. holder is a result of racial injustice. there's no credibility to that charge whatsoever. when you say something like that, it delegitamizes real instances of racism in this country which has no place in our society but what we have now again is the white house doing kind of the shuffle here saying, ok, we'll show you 30 pages of stuff. we'll show a little leg and stuff that's probably, as i said before, privileged but back off on this. they've kind of reached a melting point. the contempt is going to go forward. it will be sent to the u.s. attorney in washington, d.c. for prosecution. congress is -- has moved on this. >> let me ask you this -- i'm
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glad you address the racial component. >> it's important because it e pollutes the national dialogue. >> absolutely. people hear that and wonder what's behind it. you've answered that question. let's say tomorrow they find mr. holder in contempt and they'll do criminal contempt and also civil contempt, then it goes to the u.s. attorney in washington, d.c. essentially, he works for eric holder. >> he not only works for eric holder, he's contributed moneys to president obama's campaign in the past and apparently part of vice presidential selection team. >> he's not going to prosecute him! >> that's an interesting issue. at that point, what if the department of justice through the u.s. attorney says we're not going to take the reference. we're not going to go forward. we're not going to present it to the grand jury as a law from the 19th century dictates that you must. what we're seeing now in my view is the white house saying, well weeks -- well, we're going to enforce some laws while they're
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in our favor. we're not going to pay attention to other laws when we find them politically unfavorable, like immigration and voting rights in florida where they're trying to take people off the ballot so there's a double standard. and so to bring in shock troops at this point in effect to say, well, the race car is being played with mr. holder when there's a legitimate inquiry over whether there was a cover-up over 10 months to say this is really about race, that helps the white house in one sense in that it excites the hardest left movements of the democratic party. but it also says to the american people and especially the independents, listen, what are you trying to hide? give the documents over. are you trying to get to an election? and then we have a surprise there after as we did with richard nixon when the documents and the tapes were hidden for so long? give the stuff up. >> it's that easy. >> it's not about racism, it's about reality. >> there you go. >> it's not just politics because some -- at least one democrat, maybe more, are
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planning to vote -- >> looks like bipartisan, yeah. >> it does. peter johnson jr. good day indeed. meanwhile, straight ahead, does this sound familiar? your wife's family can't function without always being together. so who is normal and who's nuts? dr. keith ablow here on another couch. you feel like they're cheating on you? >> don't tell them everything. >> he's next. first on this day in history in 1970, it is love you save by the jackson five. number one in america. [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up.
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we ask ourselves that all times, sometimes and all the time on this show and it's a question we ask dr. keith ablow because he went to college. >> joining us to answer your e-mails is fox news contributor and psychiatrist dr. keith ablow. great to see you, doctor. let's start with this first one. a curious one. my daughter, our e-mailler writes, just gave birth to a healthy son. she ruled that anyone who wants to visit needs a flu shot. i'd love to see him but i don't plan to get a shot. i understand new mama drama. is this normal? >> look, you know, is it a little aggressive? you know, a little obsessive, perhaps? sure! but look, she's mama bear. she's trying to safeguard the baby. it's a little over the top but it's normal. moms can get very possessive. now, this guy that's writing in is a little nuts. why wouldn't you give a flu shot if your daughter just gave birth. go get one, buddy. >> write a prescription and a
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little bit of history there and we can't get that into now. >> probably inherited it from him. he won't get the shot! >> don't yell at me. >> i'm riled up. i don't know if i can take another e-mail. >> can i ask you, alisyn? sometimes when i'm on a high balcony, i picture myself tossing my wedding ring over the railing. i love my husband so why would the idea purposely losing something special to me cross my mind? >> because she's normal. right? i've done this work so i've had the privilege of talking to many marriage couples. 90% something have ambivalence of a life long contract. who wouldn't? people are tough to live with. i can't tell you the number of people who have shared with me the fantasy, maybe my husband -- the plane could go down, you know. i'm telling you! >> wow. >> and i say -- >> if it does go down, you'll be -- >> that's normal.
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the idea of you throwing the ring over the balcony, absolutely normal. you still love your husband. you're even worried about this thought of yours which is normal! >> another normal? >> normal. >> here's the next e-mail. my wife's family can't function without always being together. any holiday, birthday or reason they think of, they get together, plus my wife always spends weekends with them. it's hurting my marriage! is -- >> what's your reaction? >> normal or nuts? >> that's italian. >> that's italian. i call it nuts! you call it italian. his wife calls it a family. i call it crazy! they don't have a marriage. she's married to her family of origin and these people are using any excuse to have another anniversary party together. look, decide, do you want to be with your husband and have a marriage or do you want to stay in your house, go back and live in the little bedroom that you grew up in and let everybody see that you're not normal. that's my prescription. marry the guy, wear your ring. don't throw it over the balcony.
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>> all right. so i see -- >> you're having some. >> if you have an hour session, how many problems should someone come to your office with? >> in an hour? we can -- in an hour, this is what i tell people, we have an hour. tell me before you leave this room if i had to describe you to someone and you weren't available, i want to know what made you the person you are? the traumas and the highlights. >> you can do that in an hour? >> you can know someone in an hour. >> that's fantastic. >> that's why the price of admission is high to my office. >> we'll find out. >> that's ok. >> you have a question for dr. ablow, log on to and e-mail him your questions. he will tell you whether you're normal or nuts every week. >> and you'll join me on the radio in a little while. that's pretty normal. >> looking forward to it. a lot longer. very nice watch, by the way. >> why do i need to get a watch? that's the bigger question. >> it's ok. >> 5 minutes before the top of the hour. maybe that's why, my life is run by time. they came out in full force to protest karl rove so they must
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know who he is, right? >> wrong. >> basically a guy -- >> more on that next hour. plus denise richards, larry sabato and elizabeth banks. we have a star studded next hour. ♪ [ instrumental ] [ boy ] i used to hate eating healthy stuff. but badger likes it, so i do too. i used to have bad dreams, but not anymore. [ barks ]
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enbrel can help relieve pain, stiffness, and stop joint damage. because enbrel, etanercept, suppresses your immune system, it may lower your ability to fight infections. serious, sometimes fatal events including infections, tuberculosis, lymphoma, other cancers, and nervous system and blood disorders have occurred. before starting enbrel, your doctor should test you for tuberculosis and discuss whether you've been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. don't start enbrel if you have an infection like the flu. tell your doctor if you're prone to infections, have cuts or sores, have had hepatitis b, have been treated for heart failure, or if, whilen enbrel, you experice persistent fever, bruising, bleeding, or paleness. [ phil ] get back to the things that matter most. ask your rheumatologist if enbrel is right for you. [ doctor ] enbrel, the number one biolog medicine prescribed by rheumatologists. ♪ ♪ [ man ] excuse me miss. [ gasps ]
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this fiber one 90 calorie brownie has all the moist, chewy, deliciousness you desire. mmmm. thanks. at 90 calories, the brownie of your dreams is now deliciously real. our cloud is made of bedrock. concrete. and steel. our cloud is the smartest brains combating the latest security threats. it spans oceans, stretches continents. and is scalable as far as the mind can see. our cloud is the cloud other clouds look up to. welcome to the uppernet. verizon. >> alisyn: good morning, everyone. today is wednesday, june 27. i'm alisyn camerota. thank you for joining us. the contempt clock is ticking for eric holder as the last
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ditch effort to clear his name falls through. now democrats are starting to line up against him. major developments happening today. >> steve: it's not just the fast and furious scandal. there is a dem explosion as some are calling it in charlotte. another powerful democrat backing out of the convention, joining a long roster of them. what's going on? >> brian: should be easy to get a flight. they came out in full protest to protest karl rove. so they must know who he is, right? wrong. >> basically a guy. >> brian: it's true. he's a guy. "fox & friends" starts now. >> steve: there is no actual chicken here in the studio. it's just a sound effect. >> brian: although that was a big story in new york. >> steve: that's right.
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>> brian: the met pitcher brought a chicken into the actual clubhouse. i'm trying to build it up. >> steve: the amazing part about that is somebody from the mets had gone into new york city, manhattan, new york, and bought a live chicken somewhere downtown. >> brian: how is that possible? >> alisyn: and i do have eggs under the sofa. >> brian: that's fantastic. >> alisyn: i actually do. >> steve: did you lay them? >> alisyn: no, i'm eating them. meanwhile, let's get to your headlines. tell you what's happening. there is extreme weather alert for you because the u.s. air force academy just north of colorado springs is shut down this morning as a raging wildfire burns less than five miles off campus. officials are trying to decide what to do about the 1,000 new cadets who are scheduled to report tomorrow morning. as you can see, the same wildfire literally burning entire neighborhoods to the ground. the governor saying it looks like he's looking at a military
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invasion. at least 32,000 people now forced out of their homes in the colorado springs area alone. record high temperatures at 65 mile-per-hour winds, making containment nearly impossible. debby turns roads into rivers and yards into lakes, even after being downgrade to do a tropical depression. forcing thousands of people out of their homes and closed portions of florida's main highway, i-10. driving is barely manageable. check this out. the winds are so strong, they flipped over this small plane. soil erosion is opening up sink holes, sucking cars and homes into the earth. debby claiming the life of at least one person. -two long-time lawmakers on capitol hill surviving their challenges last night. charlie rangel winning. he held the seat since 1971. the house ethics committee convicted him of 11 ethics violations in 2010. and utah republican senator orrin hatch also victorious. he beat tea party candidate.
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the first time in 30 years he faced a challenger. "game of throne" made headlines for the wrong reasons. one was the heads lining the wall looked just like president george w. bush. >> brian: it was. >> hbo issued an policy and pulled the episode from the web. now the episode is back, but bush's head has been erased and replaced with this other one. >> steve: he got a nose job. >> alisyn: yeah. >> steve: brian, i got a curious question for you. during the news, why are you looking at the weather? >> brian: because i think that i one day would like to conquer what you've already mastered. i would like do the weather. >> steve: do you it at the half hour. >> brian: that would be fantastic. >> alisyn: after 14 years. >> brian: find something i'm good at. >> steve: listen to this, there will be a house rules committee meeting at 2:00 o'clock today to figure out the rules for the contempt vote tomorrow in the u.s. house.
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what's going to happen is eventually they're going to bring him up on two different charges of contempt. criminal contempt and also civil contempt. if he's found in contempt of either, it moves to the u.s. attorney who will determine whether or not he will prosecute his boss, eric holder. likely no. >> brian: i have a sense that something is going to get done. last night there was an emergency meeting. that's after the president already used his special powers to try to block the release of these documents and then today there is probably going to be another follow-up meeting. i think they're look to avoid this. congress is giving signs that maybe they're getting together on a few things. the student loan bill looks like it will get signed and the highway bill. maybe there will be resolve. >> alisyn: that's optimistic. yesterday, at least according to one gop insider, they tried to resolve this before the couple vote ask 30 documents were produced. there was a promise to produce hundreds more, but only if the contempt to vote didn't go forward. so clearly they have not hatched any sort of deal because the
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contempt vote and meeting is going forward. here is what congressman tre goudie had to say last night on greta's clear. >> i'll make it very clear, the subpoena was valid and legitimate. comply with all of it. quit asking us to negotiate in the dark or buy a used car overt telephone. we're not going to do it. the vote is coming on thursday. comply with the subpoena or you'll be on the wrong side of history. >> brian: the white house says this through their spokesperson. this is a good faith effort to resolve this while we're still protecting the institutional prerogatives of the executive branch, often championed by these same republican, criticizing us right now. unfortunately, republicans have opted for political theater rather than the conduct legitimate -- to conduct themselves congressional oversight. >> steve: what eric schultz is trying to do there, and others, look, it's political. well, there is one unfortunate bit of news that's popping up today if they're going to
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advance that theory and that is it's not political when members of your own party vote against the attorney general. there is a story out this morning that apparently a six-termer from utah, jim mathison, he's going to vote in favor of contempt against eric holder. he says, he's quoted as saying, sadly, it seems that it will take holding the attorney general in contempt to communicate that evasiveness is unacceptable. for them to show up yesterday with 30 documents when the house asked for thousands, i don't know. >> alisyn: yeah. >> brian: there could be dozens that do defect and vote with the republicans. steny hoyer says i don't have a number. >> alisyn: let's talk about what's happening with the democratic national convention. it's scheduled for this summer. but there are already many snafus. senator mccaskill from missouri says she will not go to the dnc. she's one of several democrats
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who have decided not to go. all they say for different reasons. some pundits suggested that it's because the president is suffering in his popularity right now and that democrats tonight want to be seen there. >> steve: she's in a tough race. >> alisyn: like congressman steve israel, the head of the dcccc who helps democrats get elected. he said the time is right to stay home in your home district. people need you at home more than seeing you partying, going from event to ev dnc. they're having a hard time with that. >> brian: if you have two prominent senators like mccaskill and john tester and senator manchin not showing up, i think that's significant. i went back to my resource machine and i find out in -- >> steve: google? >> brian: yeah. >> steve: my resource machine. >> brian: right. i don't know how it start it. i said who in four missed because the president was in controversy? colin powell did not show up.
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and two others did not show up. >> steve: shear a quote from claire mccaskill. quote, i've got a really hard election. if you were in a really hard election and it was after labor day, would you if to north carolina to a bunch of parties? >> brian: make us seem shallow because we're going to do that. >> alisyn: no, but i mean -- >> steve: it's a news event and we're in the news business. >> brian: don't try to explain yourself. >> steve: i got to rationalize why we're going to the big party, both of them. >> alisyn: people have been saying for years that some of these conventions are not as news worthy as they used to be. they're not a contested convention. you'll know who the vice presidential nominee is. >> steve: at the republican convention last four years ago in st. paul when i remember sitting on the set in st. paul where we did not know who the vice presidential pick was going to be 'til that morning and it was like sarah palin? who is that? >> alisyn: that's what they should do. hold it 'til then.
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>> steve: maybe mitt romney will. brian u mentioned a moment ago senator manchin isn't going. look at all those faces of democrats who will not be in attendance. in the meantime, it's interesting, in missouri, the republican party is using her not going to rally support for the republican. and they came out with this. they say, skipping her party's convention will not make missourians forget about her rubber stamped support for barak obama's support on everything from epa and healthcare. >> brian: i will say, this antiwarren will have prominent speaking roles. >> alisyn: meanwhile,. >> steve: somebody has to talk. it's always great lunch pan. it was in 2004 when barak obama was asked to speak at the democratic convention and people suddenly going, who is that guy? we love him? >> alisyn: it can make political careers. you make a good point. >> steve: another good reason to go to the party. i don't know why you're so
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antiparty. >> alisyn: i like parties. >> steve: you're the first one with a lamp shade on your head. >> alisyn: i am. is there anything else you would like to say about the democratic national convention. >> brian: i like to party all the time. party all the time. >> alisyn: thank you. now this, who is karl rove? if you've ever asked yourself that question, as really so many of us have here, it turns out that a whole hundreds of protesters turned out recently marching in the street with their picket signs to protest karl rove. though according to the blades, they couldn't really identify who he actual actually is. >> basically a guy. >> would you mind telling me why you're marching today?
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>> steve: in other words, at the anti-karl rove rally, it's like, karl rove is bad! who is karl rove? >> brian: in washington, it's a weekend. how could you not know who you're protesting? >> alisyn: how could they get them to turn out. >> steve: that's karl rove right there. >> brian: he's all in the eye of the storm. >> steve: yeah. interesting video from the blaze. >> brian: next, only on this show unless somebody else has format exactly like ours. who is the leak? who is the leaker? republicans ramping up the pressure on the attorney general
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to get to the bottom of it. will it work? our panel weighs in. look at them. >> alisyn: can you imagine working with your ex? denise richards is going to. she's co-starring with charlie sheen when she joins us. >> brian: and try it disspell a rumor. >> steve: big news or not. you be the judge ♪ i'm making my money do more. ♪ i'm consolidating my assets. i'm not paying hidden fees or high commissions. i'm making the most of my money. and seven-dollar trades are just the start. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. i'm with scottrade. and i'm loving every minute of it. [ rodger riney ] at scottrade, we give you commission-free etfs, no-fee iras and more. come see why more investors are saying... i'm with scottrade.
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>> alisyn: who is leaking national security secrets? more than 30 republican senators insist the attorney general appoint a special counsel to investigate. in this letter, the senators write, quote, no administration should be expected to investigate itself impartially on such a grave and sensitive matter in the midst of an election. we're not talk being a single isolated instance of a leak. we're look at an avalanche of leaks on national security matters. so here to debate all this is our political panel, former secretary much labor, nominee linda chavez, u.s. political
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analyst, john christopher bua and fox news legal analyst, tamara holder. thanks for being here. the senators went so far as to say they think they know who it is, national security advisor, tom donnellan. they believe this because he's been quoted in lots of articles and he even was quoted in david sanger's book. what happens now if it is, in fact, national security advisor john donnellan? >> that's very serious because he is at the top levels of the white house and it does, you know, implicate whether or not the president knew this or approved of it or encouraged it and i don't think there is any way out of this for the white house except appoint a special prosecutor. i think without that, there will be suspicion and i think it harms the president. >> alisyn: john christopher? >> james clapper has instituted polygraph tests. they should take them. people in the security council areas should take them. it will save the taxpayers million of dollars. in an election year, instead of
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going down this road, why don't we keep the congress responsible because in a couple of days, they're going to be going back home and want to know where the jobs are. >> alisyn: so tamara, you heard that, instead of a u.s. attorney who launches a big extensive investigation or special prosecutor that could take years, just do a lie detector test. >> yeah, great idea. let's criminalize everybody in the house and just make sure that everybody takes a polygraph test before we actually do an investigation. great idea. >> alisyn: it's already instated. >> the problem is that that will set a terrible standard because what they should do is investigate properly. >> alisyn: how so? >> i think that just as long as any other committee or investigation takes. the problem is that it seems like it's a partisan issue. and that is where i think the american people are getting upset, from fast and furious to this is partisan. >> alisyn: let me just say, as somebody who had the highest security clearance when i was in
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the white house, the information that you have, you have abscess to sources and methods of intelligence gathering. what was jeopardized by these specific leaks was exactly that. that is the most severe, most dangerous kind of leak. it really helps our enemy. >> alisyn: stick around. we have more to talk about. stand by because the panel will stick around for this. the main stream media covering the arizona law. abc, though, did it lose its credibility in the things it said about immigration? wait until you hear how they covered the supreme court's ruling and what they didn't cover. then it's one of the most popular diets around. but this morning, more information on how bad the atkins diet is for you. [ mechanical humming ]
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>> alisyn: last month abc news teamed up with univision in hopes to better relate to the hispanic community. listen to what was said about the supreme court's ruling on arizona's immigration. >> i think it's very disappointing and very dangerous. this is a very sad day for the hispanic community. hispanic community did not like the show me your papers provision and it would only create more persecution and discrimination in arizona and in many other states. >> alisyn: was that an objective report by an anchor? we're back with our political panel, linda, you're hispanic, obviously.
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opinion is expressed on news shows, but it's labeled as such. we want to point out diane sawyer didn't push back against that and say maybe there is another side we need to address here. what to you think? >> the biggest problem is he's factually incorrect. by the way, so is janet brewer. it is not the case that the supreme court has said this is constitutional. what they said is the law has yet to be enforced. we don't know whether or not it's going to have a discriminatory impact. tonight take it back to the state courts, lift the injunction, let the law go forward and then we will see how it's implemented and by the way, they shot a -- they issued a shot across the bow of arizona saying it better not result in any kind of discrimination based on race or ethnicity. i hi ramos is wrong. it's not just that he was opinionated. he's wrong. >> alisyn: john christopher, does it surprise you that abc news partnered with univision and they are able to spout opinions without any sort of
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disclaimer? >> nothing surprises me anymore in the media. i will have to say that. but this is an issue that goes back to the founders. this is a state's right versus a federal powers right. we're talking about hamilton versus thomas jefferson. the people who are coming out short here are the law enforcement because there is really no clear, exact guidance as to how they are supposed to perform in doing their duties. >> alisyn: tamara? >> i'm just shaking my head because this isn't a debate about whether or not the slaw right or wrong. your question had to do with commentary versus news. i think it is tragic when people are relying on listening to news, you know, at the dinner table and they're getting somebody's opinion. what makes fox great is that you get crazy people like me on the left giving an opinion and then other people who are giving just the news. there needs to be a separation. but diane sawyer, she specifically asked him and you left that part out. i'm not saying intentionally.
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but i think she tried to bring it back. she said what are people saying on the ground? and he went back, ramos went back, to well, this is a tragic day. that is what is wrong. >> alisyn: speaking of the media coverage action the fast and furious scandal. it's been documented that the networks have net been talk being it. when they have talked about it, other lesser stories have eclipsed it on their evening newscasts. it took them a long time to get around to covering it. yes, john, you look very excited to address this. >> two administrations, the bush administration and the obama administration, put forth something is thank is equal to the movie, "dumb and dumber ." jim carey and daniel, this is something that is absurd and so ridiculous, the only sequel to the dumb and dumber movie would be if they gave away nukes to the underworld and said, why don't we follow them and see if they end up in iran. >> alisyn: linda, is it news worthy? >> of course it is. and the irony is, president
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obama, by invoking executive privilege, has actually now forced this issue on to the major main stream media, the networks. >> alisyn: tamara, that's why we've been seeing more covering of that. >> right. we will continue to see more coverage once there is a vote in the house. right now, remember, of this just a committee vote and there are plenty of committee votes and hearings that never make it to the news. i'm not saying it's right or wrong. but there is definitely a duty to report it as this goes on. >> alisyn: thanks so much for coming in to debate this. it's one of the most popular diets around, but this morning there is stunning new information on how bad the atkins diet is for you. can you imagine working with your ex? denise richards is. she's here with us after brian man handles her shops' 4th of july sale, like...
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say the weak economy is causing less energy use, resulting in falling oil price. so basically the worse the economy is, the lower the price of oil. you know what that means? obama gets reelected, gas could be free. [ laughter ] >> steve: why are we laughing? >> brian: do we have another segment with the panel? >> alisyn: i'll get back to it soon. >> steve: meanwhile, we're one day away from the supreme court's historic decision on president obama's healthcare law. both the president and mitt romney are now gearing up for the ruling. doug mckelway is gearing up and already at the white house on this wednesday morning. good morning to you. >> good morning. asked yesterday if the president is planning any kind of a statement, any kind of announcement in the aftermath of this expected supreme court ruling tomorrow, jay carney said he has no plans to do that, but that may change given the shear magnitude of this expected decision by the supreme court. during campaign appearances yesterday, both candidates offered their very, very
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different perspectives on this expected supreme court ruling, which is almost 24 hours away now. here they are. >> the american people understand that we're not going to make progress by going backwards. we need to go forward. we don't need to refight this battle over healthcare. >> as you know, the supreme court is going to be dealing with whether or not obamacare is constitutional. if it's not, if obamacare is not deemed constitutional, then the first 3 1/2 years of this president's term will have been wasted on something that's not helped the american people. if it's deemed to stand, then i'll tell you one thing, we'll have to have a president, and i'm not one -- we're going to stop obamacare on day one. >> a new poll out finds more americans than not are hoping that the supreme court rules the affordable care act to be unconstitutional.
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27% said they would be very pleased if it were ruled unconstitutional. 10%, somewhat pleased. 5%, somewhat disappointed. 17%, very disappointed. here is a key number. 39% said they would have mixed feelings. that last figure, 39%, suggests a high degree of ambivalence of healthcare, which may be cleared up as individual americans, insurance companies, hospitals, doctors, corporations, small businesses and, of course, the united states congress goes about the business of reworking healthcare. one sixth of the american economy, depending on what the supreme court renders tomorrow. steve? >> steve: all right. a lot on the line. thank you very much. meanwhile, an extreme weather alert. you're taking a look at video from san marco, florida. we know a lot of people down in that neck of the woods watching now. the state continues to recover from extreme flooding as tropical depression debby now moves on through. the heavy rains forcing thousands of people out of their houses and even claiming the
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life of at least one person. she will slowly move away from the united states and may regain tropical storm status as it does later in the week. >> alisyn: now to the rest of your headlines. brand-new documents released in the trayvon martin case show george zimmerman passed a lie detector test the day after martin was shot and killed. the documents also show zimmerman failed to tell martin he was a neighborhood watch captain. detectives say that may have prevented the shooting. zimmerman maybes he shot martin in self-defense and back in court friday trying to get released on pond. >> brian: it's like something out of a horror movie. gunman storm a tv station in syria, leaving seven employees dead. they set off bombs, gutting the building. the state-run tv network, a strong support of president assad's regime. >> steve: the atkins diet, high protein and low carbs has long been praised as a sure fire way to lose weight. a new study just out says it can kill you?
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>> brian: we read this first. >> steve: european researchers studied the diet for more than 43,000 women for almost 60 years. women who consumed at least -- >> brian: that's called stalking. >> steve: a different story. women who consumed an atkins-type diet were at a 5% higher risk of cardiovascular disease. by the end of the study, 1270 women had developed heart disease. so be forewarned. >> alisyn: don't bother begging at the dinner table, fido. go straight to the stores. this dog opening the freezer door and raiding it for food. the whole thing caught on camera. he pulls out several shelves and drawers before going on his way with a bag full of goodies. >> steve: nice. >> alisyn: that is one smart, helpful dog. >> steve: with frozen paws. joining us now? >> alisyn: actress and mother of three, denise richards. hey. >> good morning. >> brian: can your dog do that, yes or no?
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>> no. i'm actual hee really impressed by that. >> brian: i'd be afraid to leave the house. if they can do that to your refrigerator what, else can they eat? >> exactly. >> steve: we've got lots to talk to you about. we want to talk to you about what's in the news right now. charlie sheen. >> he's got an amazing show tomorrow night. >> steve: "anger management." i think it was us weekly had this story that charlie, i think you were in attendance -- supposedly trashed the ritz carlton. >> that i was in attendance. >> alisyn: he was on a trip with you and your kids and they reported he trashed yet another hotel room. >> really? we saw each other -- we swam together, we went to a game together and then we both have been doing our press rounds. >> brian: the ritz says it's not true. that the story is not true. let's hope it's not. let's talk about your new movie. you said right before it is really funny. >> it's really, really funny. we had the premiere the other night, the first time i saw the film. it's hysterical. laughed for two hours. my daughter saw it examine loved
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it. >> alisyn: tell us your part. >> i play eugene levy's wife and our family is put into a witness protection program and we're staying at madea's house and we're fish out of water and all these funny situations hall. >> alisyn: for >> brian: for example. >> part of the funny antics? >> you staring at me? >> no. no. i wasn't staring at you. >> okay. >> i was watching the wilder beast in its natural habitat, though. >> excuse me? >> brian: you think tyler perry is a genius? >> i do. i have a big crush on him. i think -- i was in awe watching him play three characters, directed it, wrote it, and i think he's brilliant. i'm so excited to work with him. >> alisyn: his movies are smash hits. they're so popular. let's talk about your new endeavor that you're doing on television and you are going to
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sing with charlie sheen, work with charlie sheen on the new show "anger management." what is it like to work with your ex-husband? >> it's great. i shot an episode of a show and we have -- we like working together. we have fun and great set. i'm really excited about the show. it's really funny. >> brian: we've seen the movie. how is it like the movie? >> it's loosely based on the movie. >> brian: right. funny? >> it's very funny, yeah. it's loosely based on it. but i think the show is really funny. i think people will be pleasantly surprised. his character is very different from the other show he was on. but it's a great show. i love it. >> brian: wow. we were hoping to be invited on the set because you play charlie's ex-wife, business partner, and possible love interest. >> i play his ex-wife's business partner and yeah. >> alisyn: you're going to hook up with charlie sheen on the show? >> maybe. you'll have to watch. >> alisyn: wow. art imitating life.
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imitating art. >> steve: going back to the movie you're in right now with the witness protection thing, is it true that tyler perry had an idea, i wonder what bernie madoff's family would be going through if they had to go into a situation like witness protection? >> that, i don't know. he just thought it was a funny story to put this family -- we have a lavish lifestyle and take us out of that and with madea. >> brian: can i make a comment about your appearance? your hair is fantastic. >> thank you. >> brian: what is it about your hair that stands out? is it the way you're born or what you use? >> a combination. genetically i have thick hair and also my hair stylist put me together this morning. i developed this line. >> brian: i'm saying, okay.
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christof, one name. >> steve: very famous hair guy. >> yeah, he is. >> steve: there he is right there. >> we teamed up together and developed a line. took about two years. i wanted something that was different, not out there, and really i use it and was involved in creating it. >> alisyn: what's different about it? >> it doesn't have any of the harsh chemicals and it's got a lot of volume for your hair. >> brian: i always look for the harsh chemicals. >> no, no, no. they're bad for you. >> brian: they're taking the hard stuff out. what am i going to do? this is fantastic. how productive are you? you're an actress, you're an entrepreneur, and you're a mom of three. >> i'm a mom of three. i like to stay busy. i love to be creative. i'm very blessed with my three daughters and life is good. >> brian: the good thing is, you've done an interesting experiment. you're trying not to sleep ever.
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so that's what's happening with you. >> you just learn to function on very little sleep with all the kids. >> steve: especially right now 'cause your movie opens nationwide on friday. >> thank you. >> steve: congratulations. >> it's really funny. >> alisyn: coming up from one mom, an actress to another, here is her new movie hits theaters this weekend, actress elizabeth beck isly. do you know each other? >> i don't. >> brian: she was in my favorite movie. >> steve: plus, a sign of the times no one wants to see. one california town becomes the largest u.s. city to file for bankruptcy. is this the new normal? >> brian: it seems mitt romney is laying low and letting the president be his own worst enemy. will that work? dr. larry sabato is out of surgery and will be talking to us. >> steve: he was in surgery? >> brian: he's a doctor. >> steve: not that kind of doctor. >> brian: i didn't know that [ female announcer ] fashion or food, it's all about taste.
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>> alisyn: welcome back. stockton, california will be the largest u.s. city to declare bankruptcy today, sending huge warning signs to the rest of the country. now more from outside city hall. eric, tell us more. >> good morning. this is something that stockton has been dealing with for a long time now, trying to figure out how they're going to work up to this particular time. last night they basically just said, hey, this is what we have to do to make sure we continue as a city, taking a look at the meeting last night. they have a $521 million city budget. $26 million deficit. and last night they basically said we have to stop sop bond payments. we have to cut retiree health
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care now and we have to make sure we can still pay out our employees moving forward. $125 million pension program is something that got the city into this mess. remember, stockton had the second highest foreclosure rate in the country when it came to the housing market. just six years ago, this place was booming. now it's back down-to-earth again. as far as filing for bankruptcy, that may happen today, but we're expected to have that happen sometime at least before the end of the week. >> alisyn: thanks so much for the update from there. steve, let's go to you. >> steve: thank you very much. cue the animation. crystal ball. the president is surrounded by bad indicators, bad poll, bad economic numbers, and several scandals right now. while some say mitt romney needs to pounce now and make some hay, our next guest says the republican candidate should stay silent and let president obama take all the heat. dr. larry sabato is a professor and director of the center for politics at the university of virginia.
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he joins us live from char lotsville. good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: by the way, how did you like that promotion earlier? we featured a menu of who is on the show and there you are, sandwiched between two beautiful blond starlets. but now you're stuck with me. >> well, anyone who knows me knows that that's not realistic. that's not my life and it's also not the kind of advertising the university of virginia needs right now. >> steve: that's true. fine, we'll zoom right into you only. elizabeth banks is coming up. hey, larry, peggy noonan wrote a great editorial at the conclusion of last week where she was talking about mitt romney has done very well right now really not saying anything. is that a good solution for him right now at this point in the campaign? >> obviously he's going to get criticism as did he from peggy for not filling in the details and being responsible and telling us more. but you know, that kind of criticism is probably better than the other criticism he'd
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get by providing the details. your opponent always asks for more. tell us more. tell us what you're really going to do. and the instant you do, they pounce. this entire election really is a battle between romney's insistence that it's a reference on president obama's performance and president obama's insistence that it's a choice between obama and romney. why should romney cooperate with the obama campaign theme? >> steve: so every time that the romney camp is knocked off the hey, are you better now than you were four years ago, and instead, you're talking about eric holder, contempt of congress, or the president with that executive fiat, saying we're not going to deport kids under 30, that's not the message they want to get out there. it's all about the economy. >> that's exactly right. also remember, the more details you provide your opponent, the more attacks you're going to get. mitt romney's new middle name should be mitt, no surprises
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romney. that's exactly the way he's running the campaign. no surprises. that's what i suspect you'll get from the vice presidential nominee as well. >> steve: and some people have suggested, well, he's just not as likeable as the president, the current president of the united states is. do people really vote on likeability at the end of the day, or do they vote on the fact that whether or not they've got a job or relatives have jobs? >> they really don't. in fact, i can think of a number of unlikeable people who won the presidency over the years. we won't mention any names. but no. it's not likeability. it's performance on the big issues, the economy, war and peace, scandal, those sorts of things. that's what drives presidential elections. look, the romney people, i think, have correctly concluded that people may not be in love with mitt romney. they may never be in love with mitt missile but he passes the test of the oval office. can you see him in the oval office making decisions? would he be responsible? as long as the answer is yes to that basic question, and as long
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as they reject what president obama has done over the past four years, they're in good shape. >> steve: all right. we're in good shape 'cause you're a likeable guy who shows up every week. thank you very much. we'll see you next week. >> thank you. >> steve: we mentioned her a minute ago, actress elizabeth banks is here, unless brian drives her away in the next 35 seconds. which bill hemmer, it's always a possibility. >> yes, it is. it's always a chance with kilmeade. always. >> steve: what's coming up? >> a huge 24 hours. the first contempt vote comes today regarding eric holder. then drum roll, please. healthcare hits tomorrow right about this time. also these rip senators ticked off the intel leaks, they want action now. we'll talk to one of them. and new fascinating polling numbers, who is moving in the race for the white house? between the romney team and obama team? we'll see you in ten minutes on "america's newsroom" ♪
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>> alisyn: our next guest stars as a tough talking independent woman in the new movie "people like us." let's check it out. >> shift over? >> yeah. can i get you something that they sell here? >> no, no, no. look, look. i swear to you on my life, i'm not and will never hit on, ever. >> wow, thank you. i'm sure that was meant to reassure me. >> steve: that was the firey elizabeth banks in "people like us" a departure from one of her most recent roles in ""the hunger games." elizabeth banks joins us live. >> hi. good morning. >> brian: is this a slice of life movie? are we going to relate to this
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movie? >> yes, it's a very recognizable bunch of character, very relatable. it's a family story about a brother and sister, the reason that chris, his character there, says he's never going to hit on me is because he's actually my brother. >> brian: does he know it? >> he knows it, but i don't. there's a big family secret that comes out when our father passes away, that the dad had two families and he brings us together and, you know, at the end of this movie, i think everybody can relate to this. we all have daddies. we all want to know our daddy loved us. at the end of this movie, these siblings get that answer. >> steve: it's a straightforward story line, not like "chinatown" >> alisyn: you told me a few moments ago you don't read the reviews. i don't want to ruin it for you, but it's getting great reviews. >> thank you. i'm hearing that. i don't know. it's hard to sort of -- sometimes they're good. sometimes they're bad. you make the movie and hope the world goes to see it.
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>> steve: speaking of great review, this is perhaps the finest thing i've ever had. tell us about this. >> you just devoured this. it's empty. >> steve: i'll eat the rest of it. what is it? >> nestle crunch partnered with girl scouts of america. i am a former brownie and girl scout. >> brian: is that true? >> yes. and i sold these cookies growing up. they have reinvented the girl scout cookie into a nestle crunch candy bar. they taste exactly like the cookies. >> brian: are they good for you? >> are they good for you? they're delicious in your mouth. let's put it that way. >> alisyn: one last thing, you know what brian's favorite movie is? >> i heard it's "fred clause." >> brian: the best movie ever. you were genius in it. >> i wear a very short skirt. thank you for noticing. >> steve: no wonder! stick around, can you? >> sure. >> steve: we'll be back in two minutes. i know i'm not supposed to talk
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