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tv   FOX and Friends First  FOX News  June 29, 2012 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> good morning everyone. i am patly ann brown. >> i am ainsley earhardt. it's friday june 29th. thank you for watching fox and friends first. two big ruling the supreme court's decision to uphold the healthcare mandate and members of congress voting to holder rick holder in criminal contempt of congress. >> first your 5@5:00. the canyon fire raging for nearly a week now in colorado has claimed a vifirst victim. a body has been found in a home in colorado springs. the victim's name hasn't been
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released. 346 homes have been destroyed this week. president obama declared it a disaster. he will be visiting today. a deadly scooting killed an army battalion commander then turned the gun on himself. that soldier in serious condition and police custody. it happened after a safety briefing. a third soldier was also hurt. the soldiers were assigned to the 525th battlefield surveillance brigade. >> lie about serving in the military that is protected free speech by a vote of 6-3 they ruled the stole den valor act which made it unconstitutional stolen valor act rule. his first public meeting he safdz a retired marine who had
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been wounded many times. >> the man who shot and killed trayvon martin could walk free today. george zimmerman will go before the same judge who through him in jail lying about his finances. zimmerman's attorney says he is not a threat to the public. the bulk of the money raised by a web site he put it into a trust leaving him with no control over those funds. >> oot weather is expect to do cooperate in florida after tropical storm debbie delayed the launch of the heavy rocket from cape canaveral. the rocket will lift off at 6:30 eastern time carrying a security payload for the national recognizance office. the supreme court upholding obama care in a landmark ruling. president obama and mitt romney already making the ruling a central focus of their campaign. today's decision was a victory for people all over this country whose lives will be more secure because of this law and
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the supreme court's decision to uphold it. >> i disagree with the supreme court's decisionnd i agree with dissent. what court did not on the last day of session i will do in my first day if elected president of the united states. which is i will act to repeal obama care. >> dog luzader has more on th-- luzader has more. >> it is a clear one win for the white house. it creates unease for the president. >> the court's majority determined it is within constitutional bounds. the vtricky part was the individual mandate forcing all americans to get health insurance or pay a penalty. the reason congress can do that, here's what roberts himself wrote. it is reasonable to construe that congress has done increasing taxes.
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such legislation is within congress' power to tax. there in lies the problem for the president who repeatedly insisted this was not an effort to raise taxes. hearse his response to that argument back in 2009. >> for us to say you have got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is not a tax increase. what it's saying is we are not going to have other people burd. any more than the fact right now nefsh america has to get auto insurance. nobody considers that a tax increase. the court does see this as a tax increase. that falls right in line with republican mitt romney's pitch. obama care raises taxese by approximately $500 billion. obama care cuts medicare by
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about $500 billion. even thouwith those tux obama c adds trillions to our deficit and national debt and pushes those obligations on to coming generations. the republican led house will likely vote on a full reteal next month. the pack issue. that's the big question. is it a tax or not a tax. the president and supreme court last night sarah palin give her opinion on "t "the record." >> the terrori -- it is a penal tax on the people. a tax on state. it's a raiding of medicaid funds which will result in states having to find other funds to supplement their medicaid budgets. overall this is about a trillion dollar more tax put on the
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american people. do people think, greta, there really is anything such as a free lunch? there is no such thing as a free lunch. 50 percent of americans who are paying their taxes today are going to get hit with even more tax to pay for now this mandate of obama care. the other 50 percent who are thinking perhaps they are going to get a free ride frae healthcare. they are not. they will have less availability of healthcare fewer choices lessee sufficient more bureaucrat -- less ee spi efficient more bureaucratic programs. people who are thinking this will be a free ride for them, 50 percent of americans who aren't paying taxes today they have got another thing coming. >> later on dick morrison house majority lederer rick cantor weighing in on the repercussions that healthcare ruling will have
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on the up coming election. yesterday eric holder is the foirns general to be held in contempt of congress. what is next for the attorney general? let's go to peert dter doocy. >> eric holder is the first sitting cabinet member to be held in contempt of congress on a criminal citation 465 yeas to 265 nays voting in criminal contempt. about an hour later congress vote to do hold him in sil contempt as well 258-95. 21 democrats voting yes as well. no rae pub canon civil charge voting no. holder says this is all just a show. >> today's vote is the regrettable culmination of what became a misguided and colcally
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mot -- politically motivated investigation. the last year and a half congressman issa and others have focused on politics over public safety. >> members of congress on goet sid both sooidz of tides of the i'l terry family takes no pleasure in the contempt vote of eric holder. such a vote should not have been necessary. the justice department should have released the document related to fast and furious a month ago. >> i have no statement for the attorney general. my statement is to the terry family, that we will continue to the investigation to try to get the people responsible for their son, their family member's death. we will let the courts and the rest of the process play out for
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the attorney general. >> after the criminal contempt vote congress must wait for a u.s. attorney who works for holder to move forward with this citation as a criminal matter or they can appoint a special prosecutor or since they also voted in favor of a civil contempt charge they can leave it up to a court to decide if the president's assertion of executive privilege was valid. patti ann and ainsley, back to you. >> border patrol agent brian terry's mother appeared on the o'reilly factor and responded to the contempt vote. >> i think what happened today was rather very good and i was happy about it. i think it was a step forward to justice for my son. >> the criminal con tem the vote 17 ended up voting with the republicans. we had a number walk out. many democrats left without cast ago vote for criminal contempt.
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bill o'reilly said they walked out on your son's memory. what is your reaction to those who walked out without voting? >> i was totally shocked. but you know what? i think it was a disgrace to them and not to my son. brian terry's cousin bob hair appeared on the factor. his only family's desire is get answers truth and justice for brian. >> things are heating up for the weekend. >> it's the weekend. she is right time for the first degree weather update with janice dean. >> if you like it hot you will love this forecast. 2 dozen states under a heat advisory. it will feel anywhere from 100 to 115 degrees through the u.s. the plains the ohio val leap and coast as well. the heat is moving eastward. there are your eyhighs today.
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104 in rale leig rale looe /* / rale leigh ch if you get inside the air-conditioning that is the best thing. it will condition through the weekend. not much relief as he head into saturday and sunday. to give you an indication of how hot we are talking chicago average high 83. saturday 95. atlanta 88 this time of year. by saturday 106 degrees. that is one of the big stories. we are also looking at the threat of severe weather across the northeast. quick moving storms hail and damaging winds then we are looking for the threat of severe weather across the central plains today. keep you up state. >> happy friday. >> the woman who said bill clinton crashed her wedding she says she has the truth.
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>> will voters think the supreme court decision to uphold the healthcare mandate could do serious damage to the campaign. what you might have missed if you didn't watch jay leno last night. supreme court ruled the healthcare mandate is constitutional you get a chest x-ray. you get a chest x-ray. you get a prostate exam. why not make lunch more than just lunch? with two times the points on dining in restaurants, you may find yourself asking
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why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred.
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>> it is 15 after the hour. a helicopter that can recognize nuclear device.
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it costs $8.9 million and loaded can 4 million of high-tech equipment. the victims of the world's biggest ponzi scheme are outraged. they want his brother to pay for the crime. he will head directly to jail today for his role in the scam. he is expected to spend the next decade behind bars. this morning many people discussing the political implications supreme court healthcare ruling will have the presidential election. here is dick morris. >> obama won in the battle today and lost the war. won a bure victory a victory that is so expensive that is goings to kill the reelection. had he gave up the mandate to defeat obama retake the senate and margin on the house and repeal this law. a sleeping giant has been
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awakened. and i believe that today will be the worst day not the best day in the obama campaign. the house majority leader telling hannity what it will take for republicans to repeal obama care. >> i respect the court i disagree with this opinion that we ought to have obama care the law of the land at this point. by the supreme court's ruling that court said that the law is legal, but it doesn't mean it is just or it is the right policy. that's what this election is going to be about. the only way to stop this trajectory lord knows others we will have to win the election. >> eric cantor will be appearing on fox and friends at 7:50 eastern time. >> now to stories you can bank
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on this morning it was a volatile day in the markets after the supreme court ruling of the healthcare law. joining us is lauren simonetti. >> which company saw a boost after the decision? >> hey, patti ann. good morning. healthcare companies did really well particularly at hospitals. up almost 9 percent. the big winner is universal health. we s it was a pretty good day for some healthcare related stuff. in other big news new car prices are down. >> believe it or not they are. this one is from kelly bloomberg. consu consumers buying cars can save 500 on their purchase this year compared to last year. the japanese brands has the best savings. toyota prius you can expect to save 425 bucks if you bought a prius this year compared to last
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year. you got the scoop on the best chain restaurants. >> don't say you don't go to the chain restaurant patti ann. you need to stop into tgi fridays or something you do. when you have to you do. consumer reports ranked these as the top restaurants. you have biaggis black angus, bob evans bravo, first watch but they did rankings in terms of where you get the best and worst tips. we will show you the worst tipper first the worst tippers would be applebees, didn't do so well. buffalo wild wings as well as lone star steakhouse. the best tippers capital grill and ward donees. the worst for family value
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friendly's and waffle house. to keep people alive without breathing. >> no more fun in the sun for kids living in a certain neighborhood. a city ordered their swimming pool to be torn down to make the lawns look better. the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. experience life well lit, ask for transitions adaptive lenses.
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olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet?
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>> city officials could not reach a deal to restructure hundreds of millions of dollars of debt from years of fiscal mismanagement and the housing market crash. the sumer heat got more unbearable in parts of pennsylvania. officials are enforcing a 50-year-old ordinance that bans inflatable pools.
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it only applies to people's front yards. >> we should be allowed to put it right here. it's not hurting anybody. it's fenced in and we kept it covered. >> that man was fined $375. he has a corner lot so it is tricky. a judge dropped the fine but did tell him not to put the pool back up. >> it is if i am for the new segment calling it fox health fit. a roundup of medical stories you need to know about. joining us is anna kooiman. >> we are going to start with smokers. if you are a smoker out there and you are watching there is now a vaccine that can prevent you from being addicted. c they have developed a vaccination that has been effective tore mice that keeps them from being addicted. it blocks nicotine from going to the brain. it stops the pleasurable effect.
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this will be tested in humans over the next couple years. hopefully it will be on the market. so many people suffering from smoking also it say lous the body to build up its own immunity against the nicotine which is different than other vaccinations in the past making it more consistent and more reliable. >> that is huge. that will be big. >> what about the next story. they injected rabbits in this next story and brought them back to life. what happened? >> this is pretty interesting, too. this is a medical break through some boston researchers are reporting that allows people actually, possibly to survive for up to a half hour without breathing. they say it could save millions of lives each year. yes, this has been tested on rabbits. so essentially it's a new material infused with oxygen particles injected into the bloodstream that allows people to breathe. this is more effective than some of the other types of things
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that have been used in the past like the breathing mask and tubes because those rely on the lungs to continue functioning. it can take a little while to administer it. the idea is they will be on crash carts in hospitals and in ambulances even if transport helicopters to try to keep them alive. >> you are at risk of a heart attack and even death, brain injury if you aren't able to breathe. this could save millions of lives every year. >> electronic records better than the paper charts for doctors. >> this is an ongoing debate. the pros and cons over using these there's a new study out by united states researchers who say doctors who are using the e records are 84 percent less likely to be involved in malpractice as opposed to the people using the traditional paper route. they say one of these reasons is that they are able to have the
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drug interaction alerts come out from these. there are fewer issues that will come about. >> fewer problems. >> on the flip side they are concerned on the long-term effect of these things in a courtroom these medical decisions may be under more scrutiny. >> thank you very much ann. good job. for more on these health stories go to fox news still to come the president's healthcare mandate survives the supreme court but can it survive what the president will do next. a lye report from washington, d.c. if you think flight delays are frustrating image experiencing them every day. cameras roll as a flight aid attendant loses his cool. to being a different kind of communications company by continuing to help you do more and focus on the things that matter to you.
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[ male announcer ] you're at the age where you don't get thrown by curveballs. ♪ this is the age of knowing how to get things done. so, why let erectile dysfunction get in your way? talk to your doctor about viagra. 20 million men already have. ask your doctor if your heart is healthy enough for sex. do not take viagra if you take nitrates for chest pain; it may cause an unsafe drop in blood pressure. side effects include headache, flushing, upset stomach, and abnormal vision. to avoid long-term injury, seek immediate medical help
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for an erection lasting more than four hours. stop taking viagra and call your doctor right away if you experience a sudden decrease or loss in vision or hearing. this is the age of taking action. viagra. talk to your doctor. >> not out of the woods yet. surveys show a lot of americans are reluctant to trust their healthcare to an administration that can't even handle a gun running operation. welcome back to "fox & friends first". i am ainsley earhardt. >> i am patty ann brown. two big rulings making big news in washington this morning. the supreme court's decision to uphold the healthcare mandate and members of congress voting to holder rick holder in c contempt of congress. >> making news at this hour and extreme weather to tell you about. the massive wall to a canyon
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fire has destroyed at least 346 houses this week. it is the most destructive fire in the state's history. the fire has claimed its first victim. a body has been found in a burned out home in colorado springs. president obama declared the area a disaster releasing federal funds for the hardest hit areas and will be there in colorado today. thousands of smart phones users will know when a storm will hit. using text messages about approaching torontos hurricanes blizzards and other weather threats. it sends it out to every one in the county. those who don't want to be notified can opt out. new reports ann sinclair booted them from their house in paris. he was accused of sexually
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assaulting new york city made and other sexual allegations other sexual assault allegations against him. thieves in pennsylvania are stealing from graves. 50 bronze memorial plaque holders have been taken. cops say they are worth at least a couple thousand dollars. they think they are being taken to sell for quick cash. >> we put our lives on the line for with a we live for today. and to -- for medictals find another way to make money. the grave markers, it is despicable. it marks a year or war of that. >> a couple getting hitchd in ireland gets an unexpected guest on their special day. bill clinton never able to pass up the photo op.
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they were staying in the east court when he saw they were making their nuptials. they didn't realize when they made the reservations he was going to be there as well. i am sure they were glad. those are your 5 at 5:30. upholding obama care claiming the controversial mandate is actually a tax. >> wasting no time to make a key issue for their supporters. >> this decision was a victory for people all over this country whose lives will be more secure because of this law and the supreme court's decision to uphold it. >> i disagree with the supreme court's decision and i agree with the dissent. what the court did not do on its lay d last day of session i wil do on my first day if elected president of the united states. that is i will act to repeal obama care. doug luzader is live in washington with more on the story for us. good morning, doug. >> good morning.
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if you refuse to buy health insurance under the healthcare law you have to pay the government. is that a fine or is it a tax? that in many ways is what this all came down to, because the five members of the supreme court who upheld the law the answer is clear it is a tax. that is the only reason the law survived. because congress has the authority to impose taxes. chief justice john roberts a conservative wrote the opinion. it is reasonable to construe what congress has done as increasing taxes. such legislation is within congress' pou to tax. it creates a political problem of sorts for the president. in 2009 when he was defending the healthcare act he insisted this was not a tax. for us to say that you have got to take a responsibility to get health insurance is absolute sli notly not a tax increase. we are not going to have other people carrying your burdens for
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you any more than the fact right now everybody in america has to get auto insurance. nobody considers that a tax increase. well, when it comes to healthcare, though, the court said it is a tax increase. republican mitt romney will take that argument and run. obama care raises taxes on the american people by approximately $500 billion. obama care cuts medicare, cuts medicare by approximately $500 billion. even with those cuts and tax increases, obama care adds trillions to our deficit and national debt and pushes those obligations on to coming generations. politically a court's decision will help rally the base on both sides. the romney campaign has raised over $3 million since this decision came down. back to you guys. >> doug luzader, thank you. a lot of reaction from him this
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morning. it will link louisiana one of the states challenging the law. >> on the o'reilly factor governor ginned ellery acting to this ruling. >> extremely disappointed. the court ruling this mandate is constitutional. think about the president what they are saying they are saying our federal government can tax us for not doing something. where does that end? tomorrow can they tax us if we don't eat eat tofu or not buying a number of things. this is expansion of government problem. we have a chance in november. we have a clear joyce. we have a president who wants the government running almost a 6th of the economy you have the government involved in healthcare and banks. we have mitt romney saying enough is enough. this was an ab hurd ruling. the only good thing out of this is the core was mo-- court was more honest than the president he called it what it is just a
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tax. >> it was not a good day tore supreme court rights. attorney general eric holder is a first sitting cabinet member ever to be held in c contempt of congress. >> we go to peter doocy following in washington. >> late yesterday the house did vote to make attorney general eric holder the first sitting cabinet member to ever be held in contempt of congress. they did it twice first with a criminal citation then a civil citation. the attorney general so far isn't sweating either vote and said dismissing the con sem president citations as purely political. >> today's vote is the regrettable culmination of what became a misguided and politically motivated investigation during an election year. by advancing it over the past year and a half congressman issa
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focused on politics over public safety. >> border patrol agent brian kerry's death is part of a gun running sling. those he left behind now say quote the terri family takiar - terry family takes no pleasure in the vote. such a vote should not have been necessary the justice department should have released the documents related to fast and furious months ago. the chairman who initiated the precedings issa will let the it speak for itself. >> we will continue with the investigation to try to get to the people responsible for their son, their family member's death. and we will let the courts and the rest play out for the attorney general. but now things get tricky, because experts tell us that if the u.s. attorney in dc who received the citation against holder thinks the attorney
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general had the right to withhold these documents through the president's assertion of executive privilege he doesn't have to bring the matter before a grand jury. they can still move through the courts thanks to the civil criteria also voted in favor yesterday. have a good weekend. another big warm-up on the way for this weekend. >> let's check in with janice dean for your first degree forecast. >> hello. it will be warm. we have a couple of little showers and thunderstorms that are moving across the map. let's take a look. northwest seeing a little unsettled weather. across the central northwest and northeast. we have a rock show later on what's happening they are saying. this cell that moved through the new york area is moving quick lyes ward. we have a severe thunderstorm watch south of the new y area until 8:00 local time. these are all severe thunderstorm warnings jersey up
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toward philadelphia that's where we are dealing with hail damaging winds and heavy downpours. we will keep that in mind. also looking for the severe threat across iowa down toward ohio. hail damaging winds even isolated tornadoes. ladies the big story will be the heat. the heat index what it feels like. it will feel like 108 in dc, 109 in ral raleigh. keep track of the pets and the kitties and the elderly. back to you. performing without michael the jackson 4 took the stage in new york city. ♪ >> jackie, tito, jermaine and marlin singing for a sold out crowd at the apollo theater launching the unit tour of 2012.
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miley cyrus's boyfriend talking falling in love and marrying cyrus. he immediately corrected himself. remember this song? ♪ 80s pop star pat benatar we love her she is here for the summer series performing that song love is a battlefield live on the show this morning. >> i will be there. can't wait to see that. front row. >> what library is sending people to jail for over due books. >> a flight attendant flips out after a 4 hour delay on the runway. want to see this? we have the tape.
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>> it is now quarter to the top
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of the hour. let's span the globe to see what stories are making headlines overseas. london with julian assange is being ordered to surrender to police. if he doesn't show up he will be subject to arrest. he's seeking asylum in an attempt to avoid extradition to sweden in a sexual assault case. a march for education reform turned violent. more than 100,000 students took to the streets of the capital where they began hurling stones at police and set ago car on fire. officers firing back with tear gas and water cannons. incredible lightening strike caught on camera. the flash hit newcastle's time bridge. the man who took the video said the flash was so bright he had to back away from the window. patti ann? >> get a load of this. an american eagle flight attendant loses cool with passengers who are angry with a five hour flight delay at laguardia airport. >> i don't want to hear
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anything. we will not hear anything once we close the door. >> this cell phone video shows jose serano daring people to get off the plane this after the flight headed for north carolina didn't even let passengers on board until 4:00 then the plane was stuck behind 20 planes to takeoff then it turned around to refuel. tensions flaring over delay after delay passengers refused to take off with him on board. cops had to step in and remove him for questioning and the flight was canceled about 7 hours after it was originally scheduled to take off. it is now 47 after the hour. tsa agents responsible for keeping you save in the skies. who is checking up on them? shocking reports coming up. a city de criminalizes marijuana. if cops can't charge people does
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that eopen the door for more serious crimes? bad news. if you are going to go outside it is beginning to rain. i p want you to stay inside for now. by the time the sun comes up i am sure the rain will go in because we have the summer concert series. in terms of news on the show healthcare the day after. republicans respond to the supreme court's ruling. we have eric cantor, geraldo rivera on tape, the concert series with pat benatar comes with a question for you. your favorite pat benatar line, runing with the shadows of the night. take my hand it will be all right. heartbreaker dream taker don't you mess around with me? twitter me. i will share. back in a moment. why not make lunch more than just lunch?
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with two times the points on dining in restaurants, you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. see life in the best light. [music] transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. experience life well lit, ask for transitions adaptive lenses.
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>> spying on employees that's going too far. spinning talks of mississippi and sheila jackson calling for the tsa to scratch plans to buy software that keeps tabs on a wide range of employees electronic communications. they are worried the software would give the agency a powerful tool to track and to catch the whistleblowers. lance armstrong urging the review board for the u.s. anti doping agency to refuse a new round of doping charges he is facing. armstrong's attorney sending a letter where he says the agency violated protocol by waiting to provide information about two witnesses. well the city of chicago has voted to no longer rays people caught carrying 15 grams or less of marijuana. instead you will just get a
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ticket. mayor ram i emmanuel taz it is make sure they go for the serious crimes. arthur eye daidala and josie ja a -- >> nine out of ten of the pot cases are thrown out anyway. making the changes will add 125 police says to the year. what say you? >> nonsense, patti ann. in new york city we have a mayor. think of him as you will. rudy giuliani. he based it on the premise of little things mean a lot. what does it mean? if you root out the big crime you root out little crime. in any city we want law and order and unit. we want to get people smoking marijuana or carrying it off the streets fear i don't do. >> arthur critics say it sends the wrong message to kids as
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well. what about that? >> i was making a joke with the glasses before. that's what the theory is if we only write people up a ticket and they go to court and pay the ticket as opposed to locking them up. what are you doing when you take cops off the street. chicago is a mess right now with their crime rate. it is soaring through the roof. they don't know what to do. what giuliani did he grabbed everyone for the smallest offense cross examining them if you don't tell me about another crime you are going to jail for life. he found out the crimes. if someone is being robbed or someone's car is being stolen -- >> arthur, there's another way. what's that other way? streamline the process. in the paperwork is too much cut down on the paperwork. have administrators deal with the paperwork and have police on the streets. don't say to police it's not that important we will fine people. >> whether we agree or disagree the governors of the major states in the country are disagreeing with you.
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andrew cuomo of new york had the same idea in mind. he is trying to basically have tolerance with the marijuana law. >> keep crime down get marijuana off the street. >> it will bring in $7 million a year in revenue. money might have something to do with it. we to leave it there. joey jackson, arthur aidala, thank you very much. coming up one of the most bizarre 911 calls you will ever hear. >> our word of the day all scrambled up. we will put it on the screen after the break. >> there it is. >> quick look down rather than later. rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back
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or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? that's a good thing, but it doesn't cover everything. only about 80% of your part b medical expenses. the rest is up to you. so consider an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company. like all standardized medicare supplement plans, they pick up some of what medicare doesn't pay.
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and save you up to thousands of dollars in out-of-pocket costs. call today to request a free decision guide to help you better understand what medicare is all about. and which aarp medicare supplement plan works best for you. with these types of plans, you'll be able to visit any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients... plus, there are no networks, and you'll never need a referral to see a specialist. there's a range of plans to choose from, too. and they all travel with you. anywhere in the country. join the millions who have already enrolled in the only medicare supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an organization serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations... and provided by unitedhealthcare insurance company, which has over 30 years of experience behind it. call today. remember, medicare supplement insurance helps cover some of what medicare doesn't pay -- expenses that could really add up.
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these kinds of plans could save you up to thousands in out-of-pocket costs... you'll be able choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. and you never need referrals. so don't wait. with all the good years ahead, look for the experience and commitment to go the distance with you. call now to request your free decision guide. this easy-to-understand guide will answer some of your questions, and help you find the aarp medicare supplement plan that's right for you. >> time now for the good, the bad and the ugly. first we'll start with the good. a match made in the ocean? this dolphin caught on camera jumping up to a boat and planting a big, wet kiss on the family dog. how cute is that?
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and next the bad. a new mexico woman got arrested and thrown in of overdue library books. they say she checked out a book and d.v.d. two years ago and ignored the late noticesment a sense cincinnati man apparently so upset about his order he called the restaurant 10 times. >> i called them and said i paid for the meal and they asked me to leave. >> police eventually did come but not to check up on his chili. they put him in handcuffs. no real surprise here. they say he was drunk. >> and it's time now to get scrambled up. and looks like we've got arthur here behind us. steve doocy to help us out with our word of the day. >> come on! >> something we talked about. >> good job! >> and you're twins this morning. di


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