tv Huckabee FOX News June 30, 2012 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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several tagged last summer by scientists who are studying their movements and we are told they prefer to sink their jaws into seals rather than people and seals are in a good supply in that area. let's hope so. that is our fox report on this june 30th, saturday, 2012, huckabee is next. >> tonight on huckabee. >> president barack obama: today's decisionea lives will be more secure because of the law and the supreme court's decision to uphold it. >> reporter: the attorney general who sued the federal government challenging obamacare and, ken cuccinelli and oklahoma's scott group on the legal and political fallout of the landmark ruling. and... >> perhaps the most troubling of all obamacare puts the federal government between you and your doctor. >> doctors siegel and boone on how it affects their patients. >> the health care law hurts our
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economy, making it harder for small businesses, to hire new workers. >> reporter: small business owners on what it meaps for their business and their employees. ladies and gentlemen, governor mike huckabee. [applause]. >> thank you. thank you very much. welcome to "huckabee" from the fox news studios in new york city. the big thud heard across america thursday morning was the sound of jaws dropping. from coast-to-coast, chief justice john roberts lined up with though most liberal elements of the supreme court to decide that obamacare was constitutional. but not on the basis of what the president's lawyers actually argued. in fact, they had to find a creative and convoluted way to declare constitutional the 2300-page monstrosity congress members admitted they hadn't even read. chief justice john roberts had to reach into the big blue sky and say the fine wasn't a fine
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and the commerce [applause] argument really had madge jelly disappeared and the tax the president swore so convincingly was not a part of the bill, suddenly materialized to make the big smell like perfume. now, not since the magic bullet theory from the quoed assassination are the swearing of simon peter three times before the rooster crows have we seen such amazing twist of material evidence or adamant a denial as to what was actually in the bill. now the issue that has doomed many a democrat in 2010 is going to hangover them like a sharp sword. republicans clearly lost the legal battle. and may have won the political war. the ruling ignited many americans as if the electoral equivalent of a political pearl harbor, shot from lethargy and indifference, and conservatives are, to borrow a phrase from president, fired up and ready to go. the democrats got what they wanted. but, they didn't really get what
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they wanted in the sense they didn't get what they got. -- what they got was the responsibility for the largest tax increase in american history and not just on nasty old millionaires and billionaires, oh, no, it is going to bust the budget of americans of all income levels. middle class, buckle up. you were promised no tax increases. but, you got 'em. 21 tax increases in all, 12 of them will hit the group that supposedly was shielded, those making less than $250,000 a year. the court handed the president a island of victory, but has given mitt romney a complement of campaign material. it is clear, if you want to repeal obamacare, you have to repeal obama and the democrats and the congress on election day and if you are an employer, you are going to have to explain to your employees that they can vote for obama, but, if he keeps his job, it will be a lot harder
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for them to keep theirs and if you would rather give, maybe obama the opportunity to give you medical advice, rather than your own doctor, then vote for him bit your doctor may quit practicing medicine if obama keeps practicing his brand of spreading the wealth around. if this election was lacking clarity and urgency, that all changed on thursday. so, curse the court if you want to, i have to think the most frightened people in america tonight aren't the mitt romney campaign team but the democrat candidates who now get to explain to you, the voters why their party is popping you with the largest tax hike in history. while the unemployment rate is at a record sustained high with the largest number of people in our history, eligible for food stamps. as dr. phil might say, how is that going for you? [applause]. >> well the supreme court ruling is going to affect every american in some way and we'd like to hear from you, send us
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your comment and send them to and, our first republican presidential forum featured three elected attorneys general, and some of the question to the candidates focused on the president's health care now and now we have a final ruling from the supreme court, we wonder when what do they have to say, joining us oak owing attorney general scott pruett, attorney general pam bondi from florida, the lead state in the litigation, and, virginia attorney general ken cuccinelli, who joins us from washington. [applause]. >> and, ken cuccinelli is also running for governor in virginia. let's get underway, first of all, attorney general pam bondi, you were the lead ag in the lawsuit and sat in the front row of oral arguments when they were going on a few months ago yet you were as blind sided as anybody, when the ruling came down on thursday on the basis of
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what kind of power congress will have in taxing. was this really that much of a -- part of the case before the court, the whole issue of the tax? we thought it was the commerce clause. >> governor we were totally blind sided and i'll tell you even the lower courts, who went against that, rejected the taxing power argument. so, no other court ruled that way, even in the -- even in the federal government's briefing, they didn't even start talking about the taxing power until page 52 and it was only 63 pages long, i mean, do any of us really believe that congress intended to tax the uninsured? of course not. and, president obama and the democrats never, ever pitched this as you said as a tax. this was pitched as a penalty. and, what happened, what we saw happen in front of the supreme court, was they chose to rewrite the law, not interpret it, in my opinion. >> ken cuccinelli we often hear
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the term, judicial activism. the fact that the court reached out and grabbed something that really was not on the table, is that judicial activism in action? >> well, it is actually worse than that. governor, the earlier version of the bill had the word "tax" in there, describe the fine you have to pay, as a tax and they amended that out and changed it to penalty and the chief justice went in on that part of the bill and rewrote it and rewrote it to be a tax and of course he had to dramatically expand the definition of what constitutes a tax under the constitution. that is what the dissent of scalia and kennedy and alito and thomas said, the chief justice had to rewrit the law to even plug then massive tax theory to uphold the portion of obamacare
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that was upheld. >> and, scott, let's talk about the tax issue. to repeal obamacare, we always thought that it would require 60 votes in the senate. because that is typically what it takes to get past the filibuster problem, the senate has, so, a majority would pass the house and the senate is a tough nut to crack because of the 60-vote water mark. however there is a court, because the court defined it as a tax. explain why that high water mark may have been lowered. >> as you said, there was always a great concern about the repeal effort and the reason there was so much focused on the court case, we were hopeful the court would get it right and take it out entirely in the legislative process and now that the court issued their decision it is focused entirely on what you said in your opening comments, you need to repeal obama another law to be repealed and now the court called it a tax the 60 votes are no longer necessary because it is a -- budget
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reconciliation and the senate can take up budget reconciliation and deal with those types of issues, with a simple majority and actually is encouraging those folks that are seeking to lead the repeal effort in the senate now have something they didn't have before the court decision. a court saying the tax and consequently can use budget reconciliation to pull the individual mandate out. >> so, just to be sure, right now, the democrats control the senate and that will not happen before november but if republicans were to take the senate, if there were a couple of free votes switching over and therefore trepublicans are in majority and harry the contrary reid goes to the minority status and mitch mcconnell, majority, and, they repeal obamacare, it requires the signature of a president which means, probably obama wouldn't sign that bill, but, a mitt romney would? >> that is exactly right. and what is i think more encouraging is that many say how
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could you repeal the entire act. can you get them to do that, and would require 60 votes but now that it is a tax you can do it weather the budget reconciliation, and if you take the individual mandate out, the tax it is called, guess what? the funding mechanism of all the regulatory change goes away, and the entire thing is collapsing, all they have to do is focus on the individual mandate through budget reconciliation and what we saw through the court case, can... >> i think that is a point we want to make to the audience, a lot of people didn't understand why so much focus on the individual mandate, because it is in essence a concrete foundation upon which the entire thing stands. if it goes out, you can say, well the rest of it is there but it has nothing to stand on. it collapses like a house of cards because the individual mandate was the funding mechanism upon which everything was predicated. if it goes, you can pretend it is there but it isn't there because there is no money for it and no basis for it and that is why it becomes a huge issue. did the supreme court decision
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open the door for the government to tax you on anything it wants? well, that is what i'm going to pose to these three attorneys general when we return. i'd love to hear from you, go to my web site, and click on the fox news feedback seconds or sign up for my facebook page and follow me on twitter. you can fiend a link to that and more at [ male announcer ] don't miss d lobster's four course seafo feast,
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just $14.99. start with soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. recently, students from 31, countries took part in a science test. the top academic performers surprised some people. so did the country that came in 17th place. let's raise the bar and elevate our academic standards. let's do what's best for our students-by investing in our teachers. let's solve this.
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this is the pursuit of perfection. [applause]. >> governor huckabee: the government can tax you for not having health care, what else can it tax you about? how far can taxing power go? we'll get into that, this seg must be with our three attorneys general, pam bondi, scott pruett and ken cuccinelli. i want to ask the question, though, pam is there any other legal means that the states have to challenge obamacare? or is it over. >> well, first, you know, let's believe -- there is no inevitability that this is ever going to be fully implemented, because again the main parts take place 2014 and we have an
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election that can take care of that before. it is massive and complicated and needs to be fully digested by they'll states as to what we do next and also, don't forget, governor we also havelawsuits o one i am involved in, involving religious liberty and sterilization and the abortion pill and there is no way they'll prevail on that issue, forcing us against our religious liberty, churches, to provide things they don't believe in religio religiously. >> governor huckabee: was there a little bit of a silver lining in the cloud because of the medicaid ruling, at least states can say they will not do the expanded medicaid. >> right. there were two limitations put on the federal government that have not happened since the new deal and one was the commerce clause ruling went our way, but, of course, the bill was up head anyway and the other which you are referring to is the spending power for the first time since the new deal, the federal government had limits but on its
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ability to use the spending power and it is historical to use that power, basically this club the states. if you don't take this money, and do this new thing, we want you to do, in this case, the expansion of medicaid, we are going to take all of your medicaid money, and let me tell you how that work out for virginia. we have over $7 billion medicaid program, a little over $3 billion of that comes from the federal government, and, what they said was, if you all, virginia, won't expand your medicaid program, massively, under obamacare, then, we'll take all three million of those federal dollars and wipe your whole medicaid program out and that is what the supreme court said the federal government may not do, so now virginia gets to make the decision, without the threat hanging over its head and given what a budget-busting program, the biggest growth part of our budget, medicaid, has been for some time now, i think it is unlikely that our
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legislators and governor are going to try and swallow what, for virginia would be another $200 million a year, approximately, once it was fully phased in. we don't have the money and unlike the federal government, we have to actually balance our books. and we're pretty serious about that in virginia. >> governor huckabee: i want to get to the tax question, the supreme court said essentially they can punish you for not doing something. is it a very new approach to taxing, we tax you because you didn't do something? >> what is interesting about the opinion, the chief justice gave little attention to what type of tax and said the government has the taxing power and it can be constitutional under taxing power and there is really only four types of taxes congress can lay and collect, excise tax, tariffs, income tax and direct tax and a direct tax has to be what, apportioned among the several states. if this is considered a direct tax which the justice said, there is a concern there for folks in the future when the tax is applied to them and they can
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argue, look it is a direct tax and violates the constitution and as applies to me, we'll challenge this and there are opportunities in the future, depending upon how the tax is labeled, which of the four is it? we don't know, the court didn't label it but it is a tax related questions on a go-forward basis. >> governor huckabee: i haven't heard anyone bring up that argument. no one. is it the grounds for yet another legal challenge to the valued lid tt tty -- va lidty o obamacare. >> yes. >> and we were surprised about the ruling and why no one expected it is because it's a bad ruling. no one expected a ruling this bad. from the chief justice and, scott is absolutely right, of course about the limited number of taxes available to congress. now, they are very broad, but, that is one of those areas that was not investigated to the level and briefed at the level the commerce clause was.
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so that is one of the things we'll go back and look at, for future opportunities. >> governor huckabee: we want to continue this discussion and -- more with our attorneys general general and one question is, was chief justice john roberts being clever? or being liberal when he made his decision? we'll ask our panel what they think about it and talk more about the tax implications to your life. when we return. hey. hey eddie. i brought your stuff. you don't have to do this. yes i do. i want you to keep this. it'd be weird. take care. you too. [ sighs ] so how did it go? he's upset. [ male announcer ] spend less time at gas stations. with best in class fuel economy. it's our most innovative altima ever. ♪
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[applause]. >> governor huckabee: chief justice john roberts getting criticism from the right because he stood with the liberal justices on the supreme court. we'll get into that in this section and try and figure out what was behind it. i want to begin, i want to go back to ken cuccinelli on something.
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ken, if congress can tax us, in this way, is there anything for which we cannot be taxed? >> i'm sure the answer to that is, there is something but, sitting here, given the incredible breadth the chief justice put on the tax definition under the constitution, it is hard for me to conceive immediately of what that might be. along the lines of scott's comment, one of the things i might have thought was, it couldn't be an excise tax on doing nothing. they've supplied excise taxes to work before, for instance, for social security. but, for doing nothing, the failure to do something, this is, itself, brand new and it is part of why the chief justice has expanded the taxing power to a point never imagined by the founders in his opinion here. and, it is very unfortunate, it could cause a serious problem in the future, but i will point out, the one power that congressman and senators are most afraid of voting on is the
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tax power. >> governor huckabee: because the political ramifications... >> right. >> governor huckabee: of a tax, especially in the middle of a recession. >> right. >> governor huckabee: let me ask attorney general bondy and attorney general pruett from a legal standpoint what do you look into the future and say, wow, we better buckle up and brace, because if congress can do this, here's what else they can do. what do we ned to be afraid of. >> unfortunately, what is referred to, there's a consequence of voting for a tax. and it is normally a legal process but in this situation, justice kennedy said from the bench the court stated a statute congress didn't pass because it was not a tax -- they applied it retroactively and the penalty, you said, the largest tax increase in our nation's history, perhaps. they didn't vote for it, and they said it wasn't a tax and it was a penalty. and, that is what is unfortunate about what chief justice roberts
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did, that he wrote and salvaged the statute congress did not pass. >> he rewrote it and look at congress's intent, if the democrats and congress, and the president, ever pitched it as a tax, it would have never, ever, ever passed. ever. and, at least we can look at the portion that we did win under the commerce [applause], because i fully believe that if we had lost under the commerce clause, there would be absolutely no limits to the federal government's power. none at all. >> and then the question about, is there any limits on the executive power and, in itself, it says that if you don't put energy efficient windows in your home, they can tax you $50. and i think the question of -- truly, what you are doing is you can tax away, to compel conduct like with the commerce cause and that is unfortunate about the
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outcome snoond ca outcome. >> call it a penalty and you can get away with it. >> governor huckabee: in a crime trial, you are on trial for murder and your prosecutors prosecute you for murder and the defense lawyer defends you against murder and the judge says, no, you are not guilty of murder, but we'll get you for bank robbery. something that wasn't even on the table, i feel like it looks like that to me. >> bank robbery is a good choice, governor, because... you know, that is a lot of what happened here. [applause]. >> governor huckabee: instead of robing a bank, you are being robbed. >> and are stealing from the future, because one of the differences between the states and the feds is we have to balance our budgets and they don't and they don't heavy this money to spend and as you pointed out they passed one of the biggest budget busting bills in history, and, the supreme court let it stand up that way. >> governor huckabee: what is your view of the mind of john roberts, and i know you are not clairvoyant here, but you are an
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attorney, an attorney general. look into his head, and tell us, what happened? >> you know, i can tell you, i still believe john roberts is a man of great integrity and i don't think he did it for personal reasons. i fear that he was frighten because we all knew president obama and the democrats were going to demonize the u.s. supreme court. if they struck it down in full and so i fully believe that he was concerned about protecting the integrity of the court, perhaps. you know, he's a brilliant man and i frankly don't think he can possibly believe his opinion is persuasive. >> governor huckabee: any in sight. >> when you look at chief justice roberts' confirmation hearing he talked about the modesty of the court and that is a conservative ideology, to say courts ought to be humble and modest and let the legislative branch legislate and he talked
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about that for a number of years and you look at the opinion he gave way too much deference to the legislature branch and the executive branch. >> governor huckabee: well, one other thing... >> the constitution, in the hands of this president, is a dangerous thing. [applause]. >> and we need to make sure, the executive and legislature branch are held accountable and that is where he failed. i think as strict instructions goes, he got the commerce clause right and the powers right but he didn't get right the humility, he talked about in the confirmation hearing and will give great deference to the legislative process because in this instance it was abused by the executives and congress. >> governor huckabee: get a last word in here, ken. >> not a positive one. remember the president's intimidation attempt the week after oral arguments and how everyone across the spectrum reacted to that. well, whether it is true or not, one reasonable interpretation
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consistent with my colleague's comments is that the chief justice crumbled like a dry cookie here, and, in some desperate attempt to preserve the court, has, instead, made them look foolish with an unsupportable ruling that is only the law of the land because five justices on the supreme court said it is. not because it is backed by any good rationale or any intellectual history that traces itself back to the founding vision of the country. >> governor huckabee: well, i want to tell you, two things, first, i appreciate the candor of your view and, secondly, i hope you don't have any more cases before john roberts any time soon. >> we all do. >> we all do. >> governor huckabee: well, good luck with that. i really appreciate your in sight. it helps us to have this perspective from state attorneys general on the front lines of the legal issues, that really form obamacare, pam bondi, scott pruett, ken cuccinelli, delighted to have you back and thank you so much. very helpful. coming up, doctors will tell us
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how the supreme court ruling on the obama tax will affect them and remember, e-mail us, tell us how does it affect you? you can send your comments at we'll be right back. with the spark cash card from capital one, olaf's pizza palace gets the most rewards of any small business credit card! pizza!!!!! [ garth ] olaf's small business earns 2% cash back on every purchase, every day! put it on my spark card! [ high-pitched ] nice doin' business with you! [ garth ] why settle for less? great businesses deserve the most rewards! awesome!!! [ male announcer ] the spark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? or double miles on every purchase, every day! you know how hard if yit can be to breathedo, and what that feels like. copd iludes chronic bronchitis and emphysema. spiva helps corol my copd symptoms by keeping my airways open a full 24 hours. plus, it reduces copd flare-ups.
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>> harris: live om america'head faulkener, widespread power outages blamed on violent storms that lashed virginia and six other states and d.c. and the threat not over yet, as thunderstorms are moving across the region, again, at this hour. 3 million people spending the night without electricity in triple digit heat and it could be a week before power is fully restored and colorado, a different problem, wildfire alerts and national guard troops are helping local firefighters, in colorado springs, at least two people died and more than 350 homes gone and, the high
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park fire near fort collins should be fully contained by tomorrow, sparked by lightning on june 9th and more than 250 homes tonight, evacuation orders have been lifted. updates on the wildfires and the eastern storms, during a special edition of fox report, live, 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> governor huckabee: one of the biggest groups impacted by the affordable health care act and joining us to find out hoi it will hit them, dr. marc siegel and author of the book "inner pulse" and, a urologist from atlanta, georgia, joins us. and doctor, i want to get started with you, a doctor with your own practice, and five employees in your clinic and that makes you a medical practitioner and a business person, having to take care of the business side of medicine. when you think about obamacare what will it mean for you both as a doctor and as a business
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person? >> we were told when we started down this road, president obama, if you had a doctor you could keep him if you were happy with him and happy with your insurance company you would keep them and the first point, you be keep your doctor, reimbursement is down and cost of doing business is up and doctors all over atlanta are getting off of medicare. and, we have had to move our office and get a less expensive location so we can keep our medicare patients and we are definitely being impacted by the financial aspects. >> governor huckabee: and let me interrupt. one thing i don't think most people understand, the doctors are getting paid by medicare. what is the percentage of the actual cost that medicare reimburses in georgia? >> i'm embarrassed to tell you, i'm able to keep my office open because of my private insurance patients and the amount of money to see a medicare patient i'm actually losing money during the time, atlanta is affluent and we
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have large numbers of people with private insurance and i'm able to carry my medicare patients through those private insurance patients. >> governor huckabee: the private insurance patients are subsidizing the government's subsidized patients through medicare and medicaid already, and every doctor in america i've ever talked to tells me if they had to take more government-based patients, they would go out of business and couldn't afford to open the doors. >> i wouldn't make to it labor day. >> governor huckabee: labor day. >> if i had nothing but government-run health care. >> governor huckabee: that is pretty strong. dr. siegel -- finish your thought there. but i think that is very important for people to understand. >> the first part is, your doctor will not be there for you and i'm not certain that is correct and the second part, you can have the same type of health care you had before and i'm very certain that that is not correct and i really want the patients to understand what we're talking about. government run health care is top-down care. and what that means is bureaucrats sit in a room with number-crunchers with scientific articles and decide what is best for you and patient run health
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care is where you sit with your doctor and with your special circumstances, your age, your sex, your family history, and, a decision is made in the privacy of the doctors office and we are seeing that this has already changed and several months ago we had this big announcement from the government that people did not need their psa tests anymore. well, as a urologist, a psa test is extremely important to you, we use it as one of the things in o to decide, how to treat our prostate cancer patients and to help the patient and the doctor make the best decision, the government says, it is a bad test and the average man doesn't want to get his digital rectal exam and blood test... >> governor huckabee: well, why not! something to look forward to. >> and the government tells them you don't have to do it, they will not come in. >> governor huckabee: and this government doesn't have to encourage that, i get it.
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>> yes, so, you know, it is not a joking matter, because there will be deaths from that. i live in atlanta, georgia, predominantly an african-american community and prostate cancer is a bad actor in the african-american population and there will be many men who say, i don't need it, i'm no coming in and what the patients don't understand, is well -- what the patients are starting to understand is that their liberty isbeing taken away. their choices. their personal decisions. for what they want and don't want in their health care, what is going away. >> governor huckabee: and that is something you have written about and talk about. it's not a medical issue, it is the rights of the doctor and this patient, are being infringed upon and you had a government person, you don't know who they are making decisions for you. >> i want to talk actually about patients rather than doctors, but i want to add to martha's point which is once that psa thy
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cover go down and you will see your ability to pay out of pocket go down and obamacare has all kinds of problems with that, and we'll pay less and less out-of-pocket and you will not be able to deduct your out-of-pocket expenses and spending accounts are going down and taxes are going up and it isn't just the funny penalty tax if you don't buy insurance, that is one part of it and there is more medicare taxes added on if you make over $200,000 a year.
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it is a bad situation and 85% provide bells and whistles to the 15% and it takes away from everybody's basic services. >> governor huckabee: and we'll see less innovation because taxes will be on this innovators and on the people who attempt to try things that are different and out of the government mold, and, doctor, that does not bode well for the future, not so much of the money side, but, the delivery side, of quality innovative health care. >> you are exactly right, i belong to an organization, called docs for patient care and our sole purpose is to try to keep the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship and if we don't heavy the financial support from the companies and innovators, i mean, what can we provide? do 1950s, medicine. >> governor huckabee: i'm afraid that may be where we are headed. we'll be paying, however, 2012 costs for 1950s medicine and that is the real worry. dr. siegel, dr. boone, thank you
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very much. two brothers say the obama tax may force them to layoff employees or shut down their business. we'll find out why, when we return. [applause] [ male announcer ] don't miss d lobster's four course seafo feast, just $14.99. start with soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently. four perfect courses, just $14.99. high schools in six states enrolled in the national math and science initiative... ...which helped students and teachers get better results in ap courses. together, they raised ap test scores 138%. just imagine our potential... ...if the other states joined them. let's raise our scores. let's invest in our teachers and inspire our students.
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>> governor huckabee: my next guest agree with the speaker. joining us from st. louis, owners of macarthur's bakery, the family-run business, and, dave macarthur has been with us before and his brother, randy. thanks, guys for being here. randy, let me begin with you. like a lot of small businesses you've got fewer people coming in the door and buying things because of the recession and business is down and obamacare is going to cows more money, at least -- i want to you explain to me how will it cost you more money and what does this mean for you staying in business. >> it already cost us more money, and, since the mandate started taking effect, in 2010, we have had a lot of things that have been mandated as coverages that used to be options, and we have had no cap on premiums, so we have seen in the last two years, two subsequent increase proposals for our health insurance for our 50 lives in our small bakery of 22% the
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first year and 28% last year. and that has forced us to do our whole policy changes and had to raise deductibles and increase co-pays and the out-of-pocket for our small bakery employees is drastically increased. >> governor huckabee: will it affect the kind of quality care your employees can get? obviously, if the costs keep going up. that is staggering. in the cost of doing business. not a single person buys a loaf of bread you have fixed cost you have to take care of. how do you handle that? >> you know, it is great to be here again, and, it's not oh, poor me, what people have to realize, it is poor you. we have the policy in place for employees but the problem is, the employees cannot afford the policy. you know, we watched this recently with this change, like emergency room, emergency room went from $75, to $300. urgent care, $25 to $100.
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i have a good friend that works for a small government municipality, and hers went from 125, i think it was, and it went to $500. now here, is a mom, she said my son, 20 months old, he's sick, midnight, sunday and i call the doctor and they say take him to the hospital, he has a 104° fever and i'm going, $500? 104° fever, $500, 104 fever and she feels like a terrible mom but she has to make a financial decision suddenly and it isn't good for the people that paid their bills and people that never paid their bills, could care less anyway and they'll use the emergency rooms as free daycare. >> governor huckabee: this is something we are not hearing much, the impact on business owners. [applause]. >> governor huckabee: dave, like you and randy, what you are describing, is your costs are going to continue to go up. if you raise the price of your products, you are selling out retail bakery goods and you raise the price too much what happens, if you are trying to
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meet those increased costs the government put on you? >> well, we have already seen what happened. we went through the worst recession in history but food costs over the last four years have gone up over 38% in our market and our prices have gone up about 13 to 14%. in that period, and, every time we have seen a price increase, what we have seen is, we seles of our high-dollar items and people are forced to buy less expensive products. so, our gross profits, sales dollars have gone down from 2008, about 2 to 3% while our gross units have gone up 3 to 4%. so you have a good idea what that does to the bottom line, there is no price elasticity left for small businesses. >> governor huckabee: is there a point you bring the employees together and say, here's the deal, if obama keeps his job you may not be able to keep yours? >> governor, my wife says, do
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you ever talk anything but politics and religion? you know? all the time. but, you know, this is what small business people better be doing, we better be educating or employees, exactly what happened. i bet you 40% of our employees, voted for obama. the last -- were hoping for hope and change like a lot of people were and didn't read the fine print. and, you know what? they are the ones carrying this health insurance card now with that deductible. and that -- you know, all of that stuff. you don't have to talk to them real hard about it. because it hit their wallets and hit 'em hard. >> governor huckabee: well, guys i think it is very important to have the perspective of people who are actually in business trying to make things work. dave, randy, great to have you here. hope to see you continue and, remembers, bring samples from the bakery when you come. >> always a pleasure. >> governor huckabee: e-mail us, how is it affecting you? send your comments, and as you get ready to host or attend a cookout, to celebrate the fourth of july, how like to
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know how to help our troops who defend or freedom? there is a special way to help them and have a pizza party. we'll tell you about it when we return. what can i get you ? cheeseburger. you know what, got any salads ? b-ball, anyone ? and then take your leg wide out to the side. you can do it, dad ! thanks, girls.
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♪ [applause]. >> governor huckabee: okay, enough pizza to feed an army. i mean, literally but, observing not just the army, we're talking about all the branches of the military serving in afghanistan. an organization called pizza for patriots, helping our troops celebrate the fourth of july, get this: sending 30,000 pizza pies at 90,000 troops in afghanistan, would you welcome the founder of pizza power patriots, sergeant mark evans and ethan who will deliver the pizza in 30 minutes or less, i think, right? >> takes a little bit longer.
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>> governor huckabee: you are one of my heros. you know why? you had a vision to do something nice for our troops and started a few years ago and it has grown to massive proportions. this is historic. >> yes, sir. mike, it certainly is and thank you so much for having us, you are always kind to me when i see you and it has been five years, five years when my son and i were at the dinner table, at a friday night's man's night, fresh man in high school and he said can we deliver some and general david petraeus said yes. and, e-mailed dhl and the president and ceo responded and said, let's do it and, what started with 3,000 pizzas now, we have delivered over 70,000 pizzas. >> governor huckabee: over five years and if you were going to deliver 30,000 pizzas in one great big delivery, the logistics of that have to be challenging. >> you are talking about 57,000 pounds of pizza an 48,000 pounds of dry ice and the equivalent of
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150 pallets, as tall as i am, four feet wide by four feet wide, three different flight segments from chicago to cincinnati and had to be reiced because of the temperature, could camp bagram and camp leather neck and the operating bases and, they go into their storage facilities and prepare it for the troops on the fourth of july. >> governor huckabee: and, you probably set it in the sun and it would almost cook itself. >> yes. >> governor huckabee: so, you will deliver this actually to where the soldiers are, there are 90,000 troops now, roughly in afghanistan, so every one of them, theoretically are going to get a piece of pizza on fourth of july. how can people help and be part of the effort. >> and we are blessed. the average person can be involved and on the morning you wake up on the fourth of july, you will be drinking your coffee and looking forward to the birth of out country and think of --
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the cold air goes down your spine and someone over there is eating it and these are young people over there, average age is 20 years old and two years ago they were in high school, playing soccer or football or theatre, or just being kids and it is all about pizza when you raise kids and, here they get pizza out in the desert, hard-core pizza. >> governor huckabee:, and i'll do that and we'll have a little bit as we leafment let me say, the last rite, about the final days of music lend hank williams, it is a fantastic movie and you have to see it, especially if you love music and we planned to have on today's show hank's daughter and her performance of his classic hit, "hey, good looking" and because of the news and obama care we had to postpone it for a couple of weeks and i promise we'll have it on and in the meantime, i hope that you will see the movie "the last ride" and find out more about it go to
5:57 pm this week is fourth of july, help the soldiers have pizza. let's eat one for them right now as we say good night from new york. god bless. [applause] [ male announcer ] wouldn't it be cool if we took the nissan altima and reimagined nearly everything in it? gave it greater horsepower and best in class 38 mpg highway... ...advanced headlights... ...and zero gravity seats? yeah, that would be cool. ♪ introducing the completely reimagined nissan altima. it's our most innovative altima ever. nissan. innovation that excites. ♪ just $14.99. start with soup, salad and cheddar bay biscuits then choose one of 7 entrees plus dessert! four perfect courses, just $14.99. come into red lobster and sea food differently.
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