tv Geraldo at Large FOX News July 1, 2012 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT
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captioned by, closed captioning services, inc. >> i am harris falkner. we are live as fox reports tonight. the polls now close in mexico as the country with a huge drug war going on with which we share a border chooses a new president. how will he whom ever he is deal with the war. and are you ready to decide what happens next with healthcare? this country? some people arguing it is in fact your turn. >> four-days after the u.s. supreme court decision to uphold president obama's affordable care act the big focus turning to what happens in four months. >> one last chance to defeat obama care we can do that in the
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november el dex. >> anybody who wants to repeal is going to have to explain to people who will lose the benefits they are already getting. >> fox reports on the intensifying war of words. also egypt's new president making a pledge that could complicate relations with the u.s. he is calling for the release of a terrorist. this is the same sheikh tied to the team who blew up the world trade towers the first time. in minutes the reaction is getting here at home. and voters heading to the polls south of the border. how mexico's presidential elections could affect our national security. >> we begin with the oppressive heat and still no electricity for air-conditioning or refrigeration. it is the nightmare combination for millions of americans tonight. the temperatures in triple digits.
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utility officials say it could be days before it is restored in the nation's capital in 7 states. we showed you the damage home destroyed trees up rooted power lines ripped down without the power. we are learning the tet dodeath in the last few minutes has risen to at least 14. the punishing hot weather making it difficult to restore service and for people to hang on until they do. officials asking people not to drive until all deeof the debris cleared. they are preparing ahead of time for the aftermath. fema and partners working closely with state officials. president obama issuing an emergency disaster declaration for virginia and ohio. they are requesting disaster relief right away. they need generators help setting up shelters and they need more fresh water. live with the news at a red
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cross cooling shelter in maryland. how many people are staying at that shelter tonight? the red cross tells me they had about 100 people here last night. more than 100. they are expecting probably that number again tonight. most of the people at the shelter were here because a very large tree fell on their apartment building roof. and it is uninhabitable. there is a good chance they may be in need of shelter even long after the power has been restored. the american red cross says it is willing to accommodate. >> the red cross will be here as long as we are needed. what we are doing right now we not only have this emergency shelter, the other thing we are doing is helping to staff cooling stations, and we are doing some emergency feeding and some of the more stricken areas where there is sill no power. maryland governor martino mal me made a visit to this shelter this afternoon. occupants telling reporters
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recovery efforts have been hampered by the forewarni forewarning. people can forecast it as much as 3-4 days in advance. precondition equipment and crews there was no such opportunity in this storm. representative dominion power some people should expect to be without power for days to come. the millions that were originally affected, we expect to restore 80 were 85 percent by tuesday night, 90-95 percent by thursday, and a lot of hard work happens in the last 5-10 percent. we expect to have nearly all remaining service restored saturday and restoration complete on sunday. >> so that's next sunday. that means it will have been nine days since the storm hit for a lot of people how the power. some people are using shopping malls as de facto shelters. one of our colleagues says there's a still picture from
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montgomery mall in bethesda maryland where they were using picnic plain kets to relax and charge their electronic devices. it is as crowded as december 24th with most people browsing not shopping. harris? there were a lot of people in that picture that our colleague sent us. i was reading earlier. i hadn't thought about this really. in the district of columbia with all of the power outages there was a question the federal government offices would be open. what about that? when will the feds go back to work? >> they are planning on opening up tomorrow. this is a huge concern, harris. from my travels around the grart washington region over the last 24-hours i would estimate perhaps as many as half of the traffic signals are still nonfunctioning. the federal government opens tomorrow with unscheduled leave or unscheduled teli work. we encourage people to stay home
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if you possibly can. it will be tremendous gridlock tomorrow. >> the storm system still affecting so many people including our nation's government. meteorologist djim dickey with accu-weather is joining us now. it is still 100 degrees at this hour in some places. what is the forecast, jim? it is still very hot out there in many spots tonight. many spots toppled all time record highs including knoxville, tennessee, charlotte, north carolina. good news and bad news we have storms those are cooling things around. they dropped temperatures from the triple tdigits down into th 70s. abo with this, 80-90 per hour winds. downing more trees, more power outages with that. temperatures soaring again on monday. the core of the heat from this section plains into missouri. eastward once again into rai
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leshg ig -- raleigh north carolina. same part of the week pattern rebuilding. hot air mass build up in the nation's midsection and spread its way eastward on the forth of july. in the northeast staying on the cooler side. >> hopefully not triggering any more storm systems like we saw. >> there will be thunderstorms like we saw tonight where we have the heat and humidity. really easy to pop the strong thunderstorms. keep an eye on the sky for the next couple afternoons for sure. >> jim dickey, thank you very much. we will bring you back if the news warrants it. a growing number of you may have negative feelings about the u.s. supreme court since the healthcare decision came out thursday. the rasmussen poll conducted on friday and saturday shows americans who think they are
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doing a poor job raised from 28 percent to 17 percent. this as the political fight goes into over drive. on the sunday talk shows promising to push ahead with efforts to repeal the affordable healthcare act. calling on voters to make sure they have the final say in november. steve centanni with the news. >> there are two powerful political weapons they can use in this presidential campaign. one is a rallying cry to repeal the act whatsoever. the new tax has been imposed on the middle class. it was brought to the sunday airwaves by republican leaders including the peeker of the house. >> they don't want the government telling them what kind of insurance policy they are going to buy. if you don't like it they are going to attack you. >> the vvoters.
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they ruled the affordable care act, obama care, is constitutional with taxing powers. while they plan to make it a new campaign issue the chief of staff said very few people would actually have to may -- pay it. >> the only thing in this bill that puts a burden on to pay more is a penalty for those who can afford insurance but choose not to buy it. in plass mass where this was tested in in the plan that governor romney put in place one percent of the population ended up paying the penalty. >> also said the tax what he calls a penalty will not be a burden to the middle class and it's time to focus on the economy and jobs and move ahead with implementation of the affordable care act. >> something tells me the conversation will continue on
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the political lines. with a conti living through a drug war. we are awaiting the results for mexico's election results. we should be a few hours away from finding out which of the three candidates running takes his place. the ever expanding war between the 2k3w069ment and the drug cartel. the impending doom we feel in america on occasion as we see the violence stipill over the border. how does the president address it? that will be a big impact on our national security. in western mexico. they are filled in almost exclusively in pencil and counted. they are at the polling place by officials are each party. excuse me.
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unlike the last two elections this one is relatively quiet. in 2000 voters toppled 70 years of one party rule. 6 years ago the republican candidate came a fraction from winning. how the winner will govern that remains unanswered. >> a major gathering place for social and political causes. it appears the frontrunner will become the next president of mexico. there is an uncertainty if he can shake the baggage of the party he represents. >> in the end it is all the same thing when he went into power in 2 2000 we all thought it would change. we are start to go realize it's the same thing. >> he is the face of a party known for corruption oppression
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and dirty politics. he says those days are over and wants closer ties to the u.s. another blocked the streets of mexico city six years ago when he narrowly lost. many have not forgiven or forgotten. another represents the current political party. ran an infective and unfocused campaign and never lived up to her slogan of being different. basically, harris, by midnight we expect to find out who cis te next president of the country and third largest buyer of oil. >> any indication what people in mexico want a new president to do whoever he or she would be about the expanding drug war? do they see any role for the u.s. to play for example? >> they do. all candidates pledged to continue the drug war but to reduce the center lines. the question is how do you confront the cartels and reduce the bloodshed.
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they have brought in the columbians who did successfully over concern by american officials is this party will negotiate with the cartels to reduce the center lines. that's the fear. he says no he wants u.s. help. >> william lajeunesse. >> new details about a helicopter crash. new video coming into our newsroom the helicopter had been missing. we will show you the aftermath coming up. egypt's new president wants him to set free people americans wanted to see slaughtered. a blind sheikh in prison for plotting to kill. he was the spiritual leader of the men who try to employee up world trade center. this former marine on a request to help injured veterans.
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>> first i was skeptical. he is 71 years old. then he said i am a former marine. i am a former marine. i am sure we can make it happen. >> what he accomplished moves you can make a -- man: there's a cattle guard, take a right. do you have any idea where you're going ? wherever the wind takes me. this is so off course. nature can surprise you sometimes... next time, you drive. next time, signal your turn. ...that's why we got a subaru. love wherever the road takes you.
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our cloud is the cloud other clouds look up to. welcome to the uppernet. verizon. trick question. i love everything about this cotry! including prilosec otc. you know one pill each morning treats your frequent heartburn so you can enjoy all this eat land of ours has to offer like demolition derbies. and drive thru weddings. so if you're one of those people who gets heartburn and then treats day after day, block the acid with prilosec otc
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andon't get heartburn in the first ace. [ male announcer ] one pill each morng. 24 hours. zero heartburn. >> right now, wreckage found >> right now wreckage found in arizona confirmed to be a helicopter that never made it to its destination. they took off from scott dale last night with four people on board heading to sedona. when it didn't show up someone reported it missing. a private pilot spotting it near sedona. from the looks of what is left we can only hope they are okay. federal officials are looking into it. new concerns about the relationship between the united states and egypt following a
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pledge from egypt's newly elected president mohammed more see promising to release the sheikh serving to plot to blow up a u.s. landmark. he's the spiritual leader behind the world trade center bombing. we are getting a lot of reactions from home for his remarks. >> michael bloomberg said he was convicted to life in prison after trying to kill so many people. he is serving a life sentence in north carolina line faw for his role in notiplotting a string o bombings targets included the united nations lincoln and holland tunnel and george washington bridge. prosecutors also allege he was the spiritual leader of the men that bombed the world trade center in 1993. peter king says they need to
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make it clear that he and his rhetoric is not acceptable and he shou he should stop. the muslim weathbrotherhood to believe that but when he makes a remark like this in his inaugural address this shows me what his real feelings are. he is sending a signal to the region. he is throwing out a challenge to the united states. what does it mean for the relationship in america? it was pretty bold an aggressive move in egypt. as long as the first freely elected president long time ties to the muslim brotherhood especially playing to his bhiers anti-american sentiments among the people. this could lead to strategic
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weakening of the position and domino effect if anothother cous follow suit along with their leadership. >> i only read we would have no intention of freeing this man. >> exactly. with you haven't heard a thing about considering this. >> coming up a report from the ground in the middle east. the new president and how the transition of the government is going. we will check in with arlene. their most valuable possessions gone in an instant. wildfire evacuees returning to a place they once called home some may not find them when they go home. we have the latest developments. stay close. >> i won't rebuild here not on this spot. too many memories and who wants to be reminded of it every day. >> god has his reasons for doing things. i wish i knew what they were in this case. i could talk about it today
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>> massive wildfires posing dangers to areas across colorado, a situation we're cong to s>> massive wildfires in colorado. but tonight some of the evacuees can finally return home. others roughly 3,000 people still ordered to stay away. the fire near colorado springs the largest in the state's history already destroying nearly 350 homes leaving chunks of landscape. for those fortunate enough to have a home to go back to is not the flames but bears and burglars that pose a new threat. adam housley in colorado
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springs. >> the smoke has begun to settle. the area behind me basically the only area still evacuated on the western end of colorado springs. 32,000 people at one point were evacuated. that is down to 3,000 one of the neighborhoods hard hit as the pier raced down the hillside. one home still standing firefighters did some amazing work in some of these areas. we have video as well of people returning to their homes seeing the rubble having a chance to go through some of the ash. fire crews have to get in there and utilities and shut down some of the gas lines for example. firefighters had a chance to talk about the firefight with this fire the headway they made. take a listen. >> firefighters made good
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progress. there will be smoke and there will be firefighters. we have eyes in the sky. we have not lost sight of any part of this fire at any time. there are reports of bears coming into the area and homes have been evacuated. food has been left out in garbage cans or outside. these hill sides are now basically bear. there's worries about mud slides. as the crews get back to the areas the widow makers the trees that have been burned out are sitting there with a stick stuck in the ground. a lot of those areas to be cleared as well. firefighters have made significant progress on this fire, but a number of fires continue to burn across the western states. we know the drought situation out here is extremely difficult. one point i am noticing that for the first time i have seen you reporting in days your shirt is not blowing in the wind. i can only hope and pray the
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winds died down to a teeidegreet it is helping them out. >> last couple days it wasn't windy. this afternoon we had an hour. 9 wind went through here. that is the way it was. nowhere near homes now there is really no homes threatened. we had a couple showers. >> first responders i am sure they are exhausted. they are so much appreciated for their work. thank you so much. let's move on we are going to revisit the storm system that torn up chunks of the u.s. millions of americans thunderstorms that went through several states. the cleanup effort from them. a report from one of the hard ets hit areas. terrified member meant at the
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racetrack. >> clear the way. spectators if we can get the safety personnel in there. >> a truck leaves the track. and goes into the crowd. [ male announcer ] this is the at&t network. a living, breathing intelligence helping business, do more business. in here, opportunities are created and protected. gonna need more woo demand is instantly recnized and securely acted on across the company. around the world. turning a new trend, into a global phenomenon. it's the at&t network -- securing a world of new opportunities. ♪
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pivotal presidential election in mexico. the party that ruled for half a century is making a come back. the double dig get lead in the opinion polls many voters hoping to end the blood war and weak economic growth. iranian oil taking effect today. measure is coming on top of previous sanctions by the united states and the west. they are already hitting iran's economy. the american sanctioning cutting exports of iranian crews from about 2.5 million barrels a day last year to 1.8 million barrels now. utility crews for millions of americans struggling through a heat wave. and enduring the aftermath of storms as you see in these pictures. west virginia one of the state's hardest hit by the sis thaystem moved through the add atlant-- atlantic region. clearing up supplements local
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relief efforts. the power is back on elizabeth pran is in charleston, west virginia tonight. elizabeth. >> we have some brand new breaking news for you. this area of charleston west virginia is under a severe thunderstorm watch. not only will people here be sleeping a hot evening it could be very wet and potentially very dangerous. we are not talking about a small number of folks here. the state itself has about 500 thousand people tonight who are still out of power. that is about a third of the population. what they are telling us is they are here and they can get power back as early as this evening or as late as friday. these particular crews tell us they are going to be working until 11:00 p.m. tonight. harris? >> i know we had the governor on last night. the governor was telling us there are no fuel shortages just a problem of no power to pump the fuel. how are they dealing with that
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now? >> exactly. we initially heard there were fuel shortages. they said there are not steel shortages but there is no power at the pump. all people are going to the same gas stations. there are really heavy lines. one man had been looking for gas for hours before he found one gas station where he waited about 30 minutes. take a listen. >> we have been looking for fuel all day. several of the gas stations we stopped at were -- we stayed in line become empty so we had to go to another station. we are finally here and happy about it, too. >> you can hear it's a very small thing people are in so much need it makes them very happy. to end on a positive note there were no fatalities in west virginia. it is a silver lining. all of the damage can be repaired. >> some of the viewers had a question about how they could run out of gasoline and fuel so quickly. the point is they are trying to
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get to areas that are cooler and they need the cars to get there and they need the fuel to get there. elizabeth thank you very much. appreciate your report. >> getting the story through our viewer's eyes makes us better journalists especially breaking news that touches so many lives like the latest round of vicious storms. appreciate all of the videos and images you shared with us. we want to share them now. from our viewer shane in st. marys ohio a picture of his cabin. shane tweeted this one to me. from our fox news you report page dave in fulton, maryland tells the incredible story of driving home and having a huge tree fall on their car. he and his wife trapped inside trying to call 911 on their cell phones but all of the lines were busy. she was badly hurt she had a fracture in the back of her neck. they finally climbed out of the sun roof somehow got to the neighbor's house for help and spent 36 hours in the emergency
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room. also you can post or tweet video to us like this from mike in washington, pennsylvania. he tells us the 70 foot oak tree that used to sit on the front yard hit their house. you can see the professionals in there picking through the damage and removing the giant tree limbs to see what is left of their home. one more from you report on a viewer sending us this picture a fair born ohio apartment building now missing a roof which slid off the top of the building across the fence line and hit the neighboring property. if you have video or pictur pictures. you report at go to remember stay safe when you snap. >> let's go to the ongoing crisis in syria. they are rejecting a transitional government.
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one group calling it a waste of time because of the possibility syrian president could remain in power. all of this as more than 800 people reportedly have died in just the past week making it the dead list week since the up rising began more than a year ago. gregg palkot has more now from ma' damascus, syria. >> we have seen the violence build and build and gruesome attack on a funeral procession the latest example. it happened in an area of damascus not far from where we are. reporting sto show the blast th aftermath 40 people were killed more injured. the opposition claims syrian security was responsible. we went into that neighborhood on sunday the muslim workday shops were closed in protest. few people were out on the street except a lot of syrian security. they claim terrorists did it. victims of the attack had their
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own mass burial on sunday. u.s. observer missions went out on limited humanitarian patrols the fighting rages on elsewhere. the military said to be mopping up in the batter of rebels strong hold of duma. as for the peace plan unveiled saturday both the syrian government and opposition appear to be shooting it down calling it a failure. all the while president assad hangs in. harris? >> greg, thank you. a day at the races nearly ends in tragedy. a veteran goes the distance to help our wounded warriors. two stops as we go across america. >> wisconsin, mud bog racing in owe claire goes horribly wrong. a racer leaving the tracks landing on top of five spectators. >> he was bouncing up and down and we looked over and we saw the front end of the truck lift
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up and it went over the guardrail. >> several witnessesable to lift the vehicle off the victim. no serious injuries but a broken ankle for one of them. >> washington a mysterious looking flame captivating onlookers in the skies in seattle. >> it's massive super gup tee a training plane for space shuttle astronau astronauts. an exact replica of the inside of a space shuttle set to go on display at seattle's museum of flight later this year. california, going the distance. 71-year-old former marine cycling from south carolina to san diego. the entire journey lasting 100 days. he relied on the kindness of strangers for shelter and supplies. his goals raising money for injured veterans and just to have fun. >> mrooin to have fun enjoy life.
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if you don't have good health and you are not in shape it is difficult to enjoy life. >> new york, a soldier surprising his fiancee with a trip home from iraq. he proposed to his girlfriend over the phone to keep it interesting he poses a pizza delivery guy to pop the question again in person. they move to texas now with their 1-year-old daughter after the wedding. that's the fox watch across america. family and friends m loss of a utah state trooper. the final act of heroism that cost him his life. [ creaking ] [ male announcer ] trophies and awards lift you up. but they can also hold you back. unless you ask, what's next?
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the side of a cliff outside salt lake city. he had helped locate the missing hikers and was waiting along with them for the rescue helicopter to reach them all. but he couldn't hang on. his body found about 45 minutes later at the bottom. beasley leaving behind a wife and three young children. the chopper did however rescue the hikers. egypt's new president beginning his first full day in office today. mohammed more see now sworn in getting the work. the military has a tight grip on national security there. the general's ruling egypt says former president must be bar re mubarek was kicked out. the transition could be a bit of a power struggle. we are in the middle east bureau with the latest. >> mohammed's leadership in the brotherhood has a lot of people in israel and washington very nervous. the big question is how much power president more sees going
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to have especially when it comes to foreign intelligence cooperation, tact kel control of the army and then egyptian foreign policy. the army formally handed over power yesterday and at one point we are told the country's leading military figure saluted the new president. the question remains is egypt's army will take orders with moresy of the outlawed religious group. they received 1.2 billion of u.s. military aid and has close ties to the united states. the top generals run by committee. that committee will be in charge of rewriting the constitution and deciding how much power the new president gets. it will likely breakdown to morrissey -- that might not sit well with the tens of thousands who packed up on friday to hear morrissey take
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the oval office and take to the crowd. they swarmed morrissey when he got out of the limo. there was a tense moments he told security guards to back off so he could wave at the massive crowds. >> right now it appears the army has the upper hand. they won the first turf battle over where president morrissey will take over the office. in t short term it doesn't look like short things such as the egypt israeli peace treaty is going to change. he said that almost during his speech. in the long run the concern comes from what happens when this round of army generals retires and the brotherhood has the option of putting his generals inside the army and a muslim brotherhood controlled presidency a muslim brotherhood controlled egyptian army is something that could change the strategic map of the muddle east. harris, back to you. >> so much to watch for. legal land thank you. a graduate student nearly mauled to death by wild chimpanzees.
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>> a missouri student who was >> a missouri stew sdhoenting signs of improvement after being attacked by wild chimpanzees. he is no longer in critical condition stable enough for them to clean his stitches and wounds. he was giving a tour at the sanctuary in south africa. it is a huge place. officials say two chimps reached underneath an electrified and grabbed him by his feet pulled him into their enclosure. to give you an idea of how big this place is witnesses say he was dragged a half mile in a
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frenzied attack bitten repeatedly. the attack will likely not deter his son. >> i am sure if he is able to do it that he is probably going to be right back there when he can. that's just -- he's put a lot of work into it. i just don't think he wants that to go to waste because that is what he wants to be doing. >> andrew oberle is getting his degree and has been working there at the sanctuary for a month. deadly attacks on two churches as we go around the world in wi80 seconds. >> gunmen killed two policemen who were guarding it and attacked the congregation with bullets and grenades. 50 people killed some 40
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wounded. militants from somalia suspected. china. >> heavy rainfall led to a land slide. then that massive slide created this. a lake. roads and bridges and higher villages downstream taken over by the muddy waters. 200 people evacuated until they could drain it. japan... froese protestors outside of a power plant, they don't want it turned back on. but the reactor set to go back on-line. it's the first one to be operational since the fukushima nuclear disaster triggered by the earthquake in tsunami. many are against nuclear power because of safety fears. kazakhstan. textbook landing. the space capsule touching down
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safely. crew from u.s., russia and the netherlands. after 193 days on the space station astronaut saying it's good to be home. soccer fans going crazy. probably not news. but in spain a very one-sided ending to the euro cup tournament. peter slei schrager with sportsg up. up. and micced up right next to me. our cloud is not soft and fluffy. our cloud is made of bedrock. concrete. and steel. our cloud is the smartest brains combating the latest security threats. it spans oceans, stretches continents. and is scalable as far as the mind can see. our cloud is the cloud other clouds look up to. welcome to the uppernet. verizon.
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the last three big soccer competitions. they won the euro cup in 2008 world cup in 2010 and this one in 2012. we have the woreuro cup coming 2014. they are the best soccer team in the world and they put on a show. >> look at us in our tir could yous. >> tiger woods surpasses jack nicklaus in the all time winning list 74th victory. sam smede has 82 he is in first place. there's no reason to believe he can't win 9 more and get that one. the question is can he win the majors? he has not won won since his accident back in 2008. >> you don't want me to say it. >> i won't say anything about the sex scandal. >> major league baseball all star game a. few weeks away it will air on big fox.
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>> july 10th. we have the rosters today. we found out all of the players that will be in it. best stories major league baseball all star game. it is his 109 year in the major leagues. he throws a knuckle ball. goes 85 miles an hour tops. might start in the all star game. >> only a sports guy would say 80 miles an hour isn't fast. >> go at least 90. >> i can drive fast. we have a new member a special member of our fox news team. >> aaron andrews is making it to fox news. he is investing big in college football. he will be the studio anch hire. we are excited. big fox will be airing college football games every saturday night during the football season. erin is one of the most talented in the entire world. we will take her. >> her contact and knowledge of
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college sports fantastic. >> every coach and player respects erin and her work. i am excited to work with her. >> we have her and you. what else could we ask for? >> look ahead to some of the big stories coming up this week. on monday iran will start three-days work of war games. news agency reporting revolutionary guard will run drills with surface to surface missiles. wednesday the 4th of july stock markets will be closed for independence day as well as the post office federal state and local government offices. on friday the labor department will release employment numbers for the month of june. that is how fox reports on this sunday july 1st, 2012. i am harris falkner. thank you for watching. "huckabee" starts right now. have a fantastic week.
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