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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 3, 2012 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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here, live tomorrow. we have alan west with us. we have the former commander of the uss bolt. we honor our independence looking at the dollar and the sense of it as well. have a great fourth. >> kimberly: hello, everyone. i'm kimberly guilfoyle, with bob bob, eric bolling -- bob beckel, eric bolling, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city. this is "the five." ♪ ♪ >> kimberly: the fall-out from the supreme court obamacare ruling is still being absorbed. critical question has emerged. has the individual mandate dictating that everyone buys health insurance a tax or a penalty? my good friend eric bolling asked new jersey governor chris christie about it this morning on "fox and friends." >> is obamacare a tax? >> sure. yeah.
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i mean, i've thought all along it was a tax. i don't think it's exclusively a tax or penalty. it's both. it's meant to penalize people and is it a tax no, doubt. >> kimberly: you heard from the man himself. bolling asked the question. the obama administration is having a hard time figuring out what to call it. because they promise there wouldn't be a tax at all. gregg jarrett a senior advisor and close confidant to the president is now saying they will take it any way they can get it. >> we will take it any way we get it. the court ruled that it was a tax, we really look at it as a penalty. but whatever they want to call it, the fact of the matter is, it was a historic day for the united states. a country as wealthy as ours is going to provide health insurance for everyone. >> kimberly: ah-ha. any way they can get it. >> eric: what are you trying to say there? >> kimberly: i'm trying to say i told you so.
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>> eric: governor chris christie, amazing. that is how you answer the question. yes, it's a tax. it's a tax that has a penalty associated with it. he covered all bases. by the way, mr. romney you may want to consider mr. christie as the vice presidential nominee. or maybe some people that work with him. he knew exactly where to go with it. exactly. >> bob: how come romney didn't know what it was? romney calls it a penalty, right? >> greg: it's both. penalty and a tax. tax on all of our houses. >> bob: romney said it wasn't a tax, right? i got your joke. but i understand the romney campaign yesterday said it was not a tax. >> -- >> dana: you didn't know that until eric brought it up on the show. >> bob: not true. i knew it yesterday. beg your pardon. are you suggesting i wasn't studious? >> dana: yes. >> greg: you don't know what
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that is. >> bob: it is -- it's july 4th. >> kimberly: tomorrow. >> bob: listen, here is the good news. abc news/"washington post" poll out hot off the presses, obamacare 43% favorable, 42% unfavorable. first time it's more favorable than negative and it will get better. >> dana: 43% is nothing to write home about. >> bob: excuse me. have you done your study? >> dana: i have, as a matter of fact. >> greg: the gallup poll found only 6% view healthcare asen important issue -- as an important issue. why is it out there? we have been playing with the numbers about who is uninsured. we inflated that. we haven't prioritized the numbers if we take out illegals and the temporary. not a big number. >> eric: how about the 41% who didn't know that there was a decision? not sure if it's court rules, 18% said the court did not rule. 6% weren't aware that -- >> bob: if only 6% of the people care about it, why are
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we making it lead of our show? >> greg: if the left were brilliant at exaggerating the numbers. making it in to a catastrophe. i will give valerie jarret some credit, though. at least she was admitting when she said a country as wealthy as ours should do this, she was saying this a socialist endeavor. the left has been treating this like a hickey. denying what it is. you're working hard for that. that thing on your neck is socialized medicine. >> kimberly: the curling iron did that. >> greg: is that what you used to say? >> bob: she said it's right. i don't care if you call it a tax or a penalty. it is what it is. we now have insurance for every american and it's about time. it isn't socialized. >> greg: a country as wealthy as our, means we're paying for it. why you give blanket coverage for everybody, state-of-the-art stuff is far more expensive and you will hurt a lot of people. >> bob: you are paying for
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it now. >> greg: not as much. >> dana: they will all be eating crow. >> greg: good for your skin. >> bob: we'll see. >> kimberly: crow sandwich? have you seen me moving? in motion. five in motion i want to talk about the conservative movement an how it coalesces behind this. different interpretation. how it's viewed and how the conservatives should take this in terms of campaign going forward in 2012 for the november election. we have sound here that repeals some of the other conservative. >> bob: speak for yourself. >> the washington new york media runs the supreme court of the united states. they run the chief justice. they can intimidate and they did. >> he thought that by overruling such a sweeping piece of legislation, he would be exposing the court to the charge from democrats, that the court was acting politically and n a partisan way. i thought he was intimidated. >> last time i check, he
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didn't swear to uphold the legacy or the legitimacy of the court when you were sworn in as chief justice. he swore to uphold the constitution. i am personally concerned that the pressure did get to him. >> kimberly: all right. we want to remind viewers at home that greg gutfeld did say it first. >> eric: you saw three conservative voices saying what we said all along that the court may have ruled based on the media pressure, wanting to make the court look more statesmanship, statesman like. look more fair. contemplative. the problem is by doing so, you ignore what really mattered, which was the constitution. mark levin points out, the constitution is trashed. rush will tell you the same thing. why would the court rule on something that would make the court look better but not on what the actual law was? >> bob: it's been trashed for a year.
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are you kidding me? i don't care what rush and laura whatever her name is says. the fact of the matter is that obamacare has been beat up and trashed in the main stream media and every place else. it's not got an break and yet it made it. >> eric: because john roberts changed -- >> bob: look, he said it was a tax. if he wants to call at it tax, call it a tax. fine with me. all i know is that we now have insurance for people who desperately need it. >> dana: it's actually a monsterrous fabrication to say now everybody has insurance. this is going to take years to implement. taxes are going to go up immeasurably and our care will get worse. so there is that. i've had root canals in the past two weeks that were less painful than going through this machination of trying to figure out what happened. while people were skeptical at first, bewildered how did you get to the decision. one of the most insulting things across the board on the left and the right legal
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scholars say the poorly reason and poorly written opinion, which surprises me. having had a chance to get to know them and work on the confirmation. when he was going to a confirmation he said judges are like umpires they call balls and strikes. you don't -- i don't watch a lot of baseball but not a lot of replays, right? where you send it upstairs to figure out how to review? it doesn't mean he couldn't change his mind. if it's true what on the merits, but if he changed his mind because of the political pressure, that bothers me. >> greg: says balls and strikes. he didn't have the "b"s to strike it down. see how i edit myself? i want to go back to chris matthews when he said, when he compared john roberts to was it roger hainey? incan't remember. the judge who upheld the fugitive slave act. the media was acting as mafia muscle. they were telling roberts if you know what is good for you, if you ever want to be popular, you bet dore the right thing. roberts chose cocktail parties over the constitution. i hope the weanies were worth
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it. >> bob: what are the people you talk about saying anything but this would go down? none of you said anything about taxes until it happened. >> greg: because they said it wasn't a tax, bob. >> bob: where were the threats you talk about? i haven't seen any. the main stream media bet it would go down. >> greg: they said if it goes down it would effect him negatively. >> dana: the president himself started the attack. then you followed suit. a lot of other people. >> kimberly: exactly. >> dana: on the left. everybody hedged saying this is a right wing court. especially after the oriole arguments that did not seem to go well for the administration. then all of a sudden now today it's such a brilliant court. >> bob: roberts is a brilliant guy. the other four -- >> dana: that's not what bob said the last three months about robert. >> eric: the day after the arizona ruling came down, they were a right wing hack court >> bob: four of them are hacks and a swing, maybe not a hack. look, the point is, the point is you've got to get over it. >> greg: i love that!
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you want to us get over it because you just got the largest tax increase in history. we're not getting over it. >> bob: not the largest tax increase in history. >> greg: you just said it's a tax. >> bob: for people who don't have health insurance. >> eric: i have it. what about the, what about the $24 billion on the paper industry? what about the $60 billion tax that health insurers and $3.8 million investment income tax. this has nothing to do with people who aren't buying health insurance. >> bob: if you don't have health insurance you don't sign up -- was wrong. if you don't sign up then you pay a penalty/tax. so what? taxes on health insurance. it should be taxed. they have been getting free ride for a long time. take it up with the health insurance industry. >> greg: do you know what the profit margin are for health ininsurance fraction of
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the overall profit. it's like.5% of the total health industry. >> bob: when did they start brainwashing you? >> kimberly: we're going to take this up during the break. he likes it like that. by the way, for those at home want to read a great op ed by keith hennessey about how to repeal obamacare. coming up, filmmaker set out to expose religious intolerance over controversial mosque. but what he found out about radical islam and liberals changed his mind completely. eric has the story next. ♪ ♪ building pass, corporate card, verizon 4g lte phone.
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the global ready one ? yeah, but you won't need... ♪ hajimemashite. hajimemashite. hajimemashite. you guys like football ? thank you so much. i'm stoked. you stoked ? totally. ... and he says, "under the mattress." souse le matelas. ( laughter ) why's the new guy sending me emails from paris ? paris, france ? verizon's 4g lte devices are global-ready. plus, global data for just $25. only from verizon.
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♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back. eve of america's birthday, time to give thanks for freedom and time to think of threat to the freedom. what is america's biggest threat? it radical fundamentalist dictators like ahmadinejad, putin or chavez?
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or terrorism? after all, america is despiseed for who we are and what we represent. so many hate-filled groups, or should we worry about militaristic threat about government like korea or china? eric allen bell is filmmaker filming mosque in tennessee, he saw something that changed him from hollywood liberal to a very concerned american conservative. >> this is a radical savage religion. the people aren't all radical, thank god, but the religion is the most deadly idea idea in the history of the world. we immediate to make sure we keep a close eye on it in this country. >> eric: what do you think? what is america's biggest threat? >> greg: that hair! go ahead. >> kimberly: not mine. >> greg: his. >> kimberly: thank you. just reading in that introof what you wrote all of those things are considerable, credible threat to the united states. the concerns over the domestic
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policy and concerns at home we have turned away from what is going on. we lost ground to radical islam. there have been successes along the way. what little allies we had, saudi arabia or kick of jordan they no longer trust to us be the ally. that is a mistake. we'll see the aftermath >> bob: the long-term threat is china. the chinese don't like us. they want control over pacific region. we're not going to give it to them. it's not north korea. where islam worries me is not in the middle east. iraq is falling apart. here we allow the mosque build to use to funnel money to people who want to do ill to
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the united states. i want to think mosque are places of worship. >> eric: there is the mosque he was investigating. doing a documenting film. they got approval to be 53,00,00 square feet. there are only 200 members of the mosque. >> eric: the question is where did the money come from? >> bob: a lot of that money came from overseas. no question if you look at detroit and other cities, congregation of muslims. there are people who want to do ill to the united states. >> dana: i think iraqis are doing better. they don't get enough credit for challenges they had. they have a lot of them but they do fairly well. my biggest concern for america is complacency. are we comfortable that al-qaeda is decimateed we can turn a blind eye?
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i don't think we necessarily are. but the biggest threat is complacency. not just terrorism. it's true for education. in las vegas, 50% of high school students don't graduat graduate. are we okay with that? are we okay with 8.2% unemployment rate? or okay with really bad manners? across the board, complacency is my biggest enemy. >> greg: the biggest enemy to america is childhood obesity. i can't believe none of you brought that up. the biggest enemy is america. we can handle any country out there. the greatest appeasement is within our borders. how did stallin exterminate people? there was a pulitzer in "washington post" for whitewashing genocide. now you look at islam and media who had no idea who the muslim brotherhood was? they choose not to look at the end. that is the problem. >> bob: apiec appeasement stalln
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or here are you? >> greg: we have guilt over our success. that guilt drives to us see us as the fault of everything. we allow the enemies to grow, too scared. >> kimberly: apologists. >> eric: later in the interview, listen to what he said about the left and the treatment of islamists and radical islamists. >> the liberal media i didn't believe existed before this. i thought it was invented by rush limbaugh. there is a liberal media and they have a bias. they're not interested in this story. >> eric: the point was they were all over him when he was going to do a pro-mosque, pro-islam documentary. when he found out where the money was coming from, they turned their back on him. >> bob: only thing to say about that, what dana said is exactly right. particularly in education. chinese send their best students here. they get educated. we by far and away have the best system in the world.
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they send engineers here and then they go back to china. they used to stay here. now china is a big economic power. that worries me. china, china, china. watch them. >> kimberly: i agree with the china effect as well but i'm concerned with the deep cuts in the military. with the army and navy, et cetera. those are not going to be something to sustain our force as world power. >> greg: that is important. sacrifices strength for entitlement to become weaker countries. we're doing that. radical islam hate us. look at socialism. all the european countries are crippled from it. we're lurking toward it. >> eric: we worry about the external threats. they're live external threats. coming up, he was a conservative wonder boy. at just 13 years old. but now he is turning to the dark, gloomy westland that beckel occupies.
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called liberalism. what happened to him? ♪ ♪
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glad to be here again. for the record, i'm not using any teleprompters today. it loaned them to president obama.
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>> it's for the american people to understand conservative is not, is ideology of feelings, romanticism as some people like to say. it isn't ideology of protecting the people and the people's rights. [ applause ] >> kimberly: oh, my gosh. >> greg: he's taller than me? remember him? jonathan krone, the amazing right wing whiz kid? he made rounds like carnival freak. right wing bearded lady, the dog face baby, and i've heard before about myself. he was almost on "red eye" but i'd rather have a pygmy horse. who didn't see him coming? he validates assumption of the left. right winger who opens his eyes gaining strange new respect from the media. but that's not real life. normally start out idealistic and stumble to wisdom.
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occupy wall streeters are young, tea partiers aren't. that's why he was odd. i call it crohn's disease. justice john roberts might have a case. once you got past his novelty of reward with attention you see he is doing it now. answering the adolescent age and with acne that brings leftism. it's normal. not his fault. it's the right for being taken in by a ventriloquist dummy. it's been around forever. precocious child oppressing adult through mimic tri. children should be seen and not heard and rare cases abandoned in a forest. it worked for me. yeah. he was actually -- you have to give him -- you ran into him. he's a nice kid. you shouldn't do it on 13. >> eric: i bit hook, line and sinker. put him on an internet show.
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i listen to a conversation about the founding fathers for half an hour and i'm like wow he is smart. we all did. suckered by him. you point out acne and left him. those things go away. don't they? >> greg: he did the reverse. >> greg: he is only 17. puberty trumps politics. >> dana: now he is like it's not cool to be a conservative when you're 17. all the girls like me more -- >> greg: listen to beck. not glenn beck. >> kimberly: now that he is older and 17 he wants to be liked by his peers and fell in the main stream media and the dating world. >> dana: ten years we'll do a where is he now segment? >> greg: it's not healthy for a kid either way, whatever political ideology to get into that. you end being a prop. >> bob: if you want him back, we'll be happy to give him back to you.
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>> kimberly: he is yours now. >> bob: but say this, having a 13-year-old address major conservatives in america is the intellectual level they need to understand. this kid figured out i'm going to college. nobody thinks it's cool to be conservative. it might as well be liberal. kid, you'll get it either way. don't worry about it. >> greg: he learned and they learn if you want to be immune from criticism have a kid say it. have a kid talk about the earth you can't make fun of the earth. the kid talking about how the earth is in trouble. if you make fun of a kid you're a bad person. >> eric: he will never come back. i saw an interview and he's quoting philosophers. you can be smart and you can read and read philosophy, rambling off the top of your head, he is done.
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>> eric: out with you. >> bob: talk like this? >> greg: more important to read philosophy than political -- >> bob: read "playboy" not philosophy. >> greg: i'm just saying it's healthier to read philosophers than >> dana: he showed aptitude to be a great speaker. we love great speakers. >> eric: i just now realized -- >> bob: let me repeat. >> eric: when you did that. >> bob: what? >> eric: he is erkel. >> bob: the kid ought to read "penthouse" and "playboy" at 13. >> kimberly: that is not good advice. >> bob: great stories. >> greg: it's a coincidence that his attention as the fox faded so his politics?
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nobody calling so he became a liberal. that happens a lot. coming um, gandhi, mandela, gutfeld. all people protest for worthy cause. now add post offices to the list. if you leave now you won't get any more long-winded postcards from my aunt ellen. ♪ ♪
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while some fiber ads use super models, metamucil uses super hard working psyllium fiber, which gels to remove unsexy waste and reduce cholesterol. taking psyllium fiber won't make you a model but you should feel a little more super. metamucil. down with cholesterol.
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i'm john roberts in for bret baier in washington. the big story here today pakistan reopeneopened the boarr with afghanistan from nato convoys. tonight on "special report," obama administration apologized to pakistan for killing two dozen troops in november. that set off the month-long supply route blockade. the latest move in war of nerves with the west. we look at the response from the united states and the international community. the rollout of obamacare newly blessed by the supreme court means more government employees overseas support and enforcement of the law. that cost is considerable. high the deck gun boats.
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and grapevine rising star in the g.o.p. defected. "special report" from washington starts at 6:00 eastern. now back to "the five." ♪ ♪ >> dana: almost a dozen post office workers are upset, all the post office workers are upset over a mandate requiring the agency with benefit 25 years in advance. a dozen of them launched a four-day hunger strike to protest the upfront payment. take a look. >> people think about hunger strikes they think about gandhi strikes on behalf of untouchables. mandela striking on prison conditions. where does your hunger strike match up in pantheon of hunger strikes? >> to symbolically show that the postal service is starved
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the way we're being starved. $15 a day is what post office is starved from because congress is not acting. >> dana: sorry, the interviewer there, nick gillespie from reason tv and reason magazine and coauthor of a book called "declaration of independent." he found out about this. which is amazing because last week when they had the hunger strike, they didn't -- a body p.r. but maybe not great timing because that was the week that the supreme court was going to release all of their opinions so nobody heard about this. what they are asking for is not held to obligation they agreed to in 2006 to have more money now. >> greg: this is not a wise use of a hunger strike. i understand striking against totalitarianism. i should do a hunger strike about you bringing up your dog. it has more legitimacy. hunger strikes aren't sustainable the same way the postal service isn't. it's not sustainable.
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reverse hunger strike and gorge. >> dana: interesting point. take a listen to the sound bite about the saturday delivery. it's almost the opposite of what you would think somebody would want to do at this point with the postal service. >> as far as saturday delivery, the postal service needs to continue to deliver on saturday because if they don't private competition will jump in and diminish it further. >> dana: that is the point? >> eric: opposite of what would happen. the way the postal service last year lost $5 billion. year before lost $7 billion. on pace to lose $7 million. they need to drop saturday delivery. raise prices. the forever stamp. what genius came up with the forever stamp? cost go up everywhere. price is forever! are you kidding me in these people can't get out of their own way. >> dana: the postmaster general has a lot on his plate. he is blocked by the union who
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agreed to something in 2006. now they don't want it. they have trouble. they don't think the internet is having an impact on the mail volume. >> kimberly: they have a problem with the money they are losing. $14 million projected to lose in coming year. it's not sustainable. i like the idea, postman and the dog chasing him but get over the novelty and streamline. we can't afford to have this waste. >> dana: i find this post office to be reliable. one of the things they're so resistant to change. is the world going to change for them? >> bob: that is the point. if they did away with saturday delivery as they ought to, nobody would step in. it's junk mail on saturday. close down post offices around the country that are protected by members of congress. >> eric: you're right.
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therein lies the problem. >> bob: in the end the american people would go crazy without united states postal service. >> greg: everybody print out e-mail and mail your e-mail. >> dana: look at one thing. nick gillespie asked them what they'd eat at the end of their hunger strike and what they'd most want. >> first thing you are going to eat when you end the hunger strike? >> cobb salad. >> justice. >> soup. >> broth or a gum bobo? >> two people were on message and the other two were not. >> wanted to eat justice. i hope that is not the name of their dog. >> dana: no. >> eric: point out that the postal service says they don't lose money. accrue losses. we will eat --
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>> bob: 75 years is a long time to project this out. but there are some cases -- >> dana: they came up with the idea. >> bob: i didn't buy the forever. it thought rates went up forever. >> eric: best investment is put money in the forever stamp. >> bob: forever means you use it forever? >> eric: forever, robert. that's the name. >> bob: i never knew that. >> dana: bring up one last thing. national occupy wall street. going to philadelphia tomorro tomorrow. 1,500 protesters. that's what the city needs. >> greg: the tea party has picnics. people bring relish. occupy wall street has a picnic and they bring rave. as long as it's philadelphia they leave the rest of us alone. >> bob: go occupy. go occupy. >> eric: over the weekend, the protesters had a hashtag,
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conservatives got together and hashtag to disrupt their thing. >> bob: go occupy. >> greg: they would mug you and roll you in your sleep. >> bob: they would not. >> greg: they're criminals. >> kimberly: anarchists. >> bob: yeah, sure. so was george washington. c'mon. >> greg: you're comparing george washington to occupy wall street? >> bob: he blew up the british. he should have. >> greg: that was a war. >> dana: we'll let this continue -- >> greg: war against americans. >> dana: why are some town banning fireworks on the fourth of july celebration? we'll explain. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> bob: well, that song has to do with the fourth of july. it's okay. listen. fourth of july, a lot of
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people set off fireworks. firework displays. let me tell you where they came from. john adams in 1776, john adams said about the fourth of july it ought to be sell prized with pomp and parade, game, sport, guns, bell, bonfire and illumination from one end of the continent to the other from this time forward. but the problem is a lot of places are not having fireworks. three-quarters of the country in a drought because of global warming. >> greg: lies, lies, lies, lies, lies! >> kimberly: security. >> bob: excuse me. please, you are interrupting my block. >> greg: you can't get away with that. >> bob: excuse me. get your camera off of greg, please. fireworks have started a lot of forest and brush fires around the west. there are other people who are banning it for safety reasons. some are banning it because they don't have the money to put it on. certain towns in new jersey, which is no surprise it's new
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jersey. there is one show canceled because of sea birds. reluctantly canceledegon. the illumination, fireworks, because of a certain bird. that doesn't like the sound of fireworks. let me ask a question here. >> eric: are you done? >> bob: you tell me about why jersey canceled fireworks? >> eric: i think we should talk where they should do it with the heat wave is going on. it's too dry. one year to step back and not light things off that end up in a field. >> greg: do it inside. just kidding. >> dana: on capitol hill and d.c. one thing i didn't like -- i love the fireworks over the monument and when i got to be at the white house, it was amazing. but i couldn't stand it when you got home and you watched some of the neighbors allow their children to lighting these off. one of the articles i read,
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letter to the editor for "wall street journal" to prevent blindness association said that 9600 emergency room visits last year on the fourth of july were due to illegal fireworks. >> bob: it's terrible. >> dana: use of fireworks. that's what they said. people say. >> greg: here is the equation. fun minus risk. divided by safety equals boring. when i was a kid, there had to be a risk. there was always the kid that sold you barrel balls and firecrackers always missing a finger. he had fun. you to be careful. you have to be careful. all i'm saying. >> bob: all you should say. kimberly? what do you think? >> kimberly: i like fireworks. i like sparklers. >> dana: what about the snakes in the black dot thing. >> bob: this is my -- the third of july i put cherry bomb down the toilet in my high school. >> greg: that was necessary. >> bob: don't follow that.
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did i cut you off? >> dana: no. don't worry. >> bob: the fourth of july special by "the five" is going to be tomorrow. there will be for example the dunk tank. one of sus going in the dunk tank. do we have a picture? one of us is going in dunk tank. kimberly and i had a chicken wing chew off. once again i choked and eric saved my life. other thing, we had west point cat playing for us. they were great. >> dana: they were patient. it cannot wait to see in slow motion the chicken wing eating contest, because you are going to be really surprised at the strategy and tactics of our girl kimberly guilfoyle. >> bob: absolutely! one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ building pass, corporate card, verizon 4g lte phone.
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the global ready one ? yeah, but you won't need... ♪ hajimemashite. hajimemashite. hajimemashite. you guys like football ? thank you so much. i'm stoked. you stoked ? totally. ... and he says, "under the mattress." souse le matelas. ( laughter ) why's the new guy sending me emails from paris ? paris, france ? verizon's 4g lte devices are global-ready. plus, global data for just $25. only from verizon. ♪ home of the brave. ♪ it's where fear goes unwelcomed... ♪ and certain men... find a way to rise above.
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this is the land of giants. ♪ guts. glory. ram.
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>> kimberly: there was dancing and it wasn't me. across. >> greg: dana dancing to the one more thing theme song.
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>> kimberly: i love it. i want to put out a big special that is on. check it out. tonight, 9:00 p.m., it will be a little bit of the fox business folks occupying fox news channel in the 9:00 p.m. slot. it will be a great special. called "out of work." hosted by lou dobbs and it will feature john stossel, ge geri willis, sandra smith, it will be outstanding. take the time to check it out. take a look. >> the government is everywhere. this is the jersey shore. the real one. life is good. some seasonal workers work for the summer and stop. thaw collect unemployment the rest of the year. bill quinn worked as a lifeguard for 20 years. after the summer what is his jobs plan? >> enemployment. it ample averages $500 every two
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weeks. >> i want to be paid to hang out on the beach. >> kimberly: check it out. 9:00 p.m. on fox news channel followed by greta van susteren at 10:00 p.m. eastern. >> eric: it will be a great special. i saw pieces of that. today we lost an american icon. take a look. ♪ ♪ >> eric: can we whistle it? >> bob: i can't. >> dana: i can't whistle. [ whistling ] >> eric: anyway, andy griffin. adefine taylor, mayberry, north carolina. a fictional town. great american hero. maybe we didn't have the same politics but that's okay. great actor. funny guy. freddie he played a good bad guy in tv movie "prayer for the wildcat." look that up. he is amazing. he terrorizes hippies. it's awesome.
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>> bob: is this your one more thing? >> greg: no, it could be. here is your one more thing. >> bob: i'm scared. >> kimberly: dana perino. >> dana: some one i never met but have respect for. evan longoria, a wonder -- eva longoria. she was in colorado, my home state. she said to the women gathered there i don't think it's a hard choice if you are a woman. if there is a woman there is no way you can vote republican. absolutely, a lot more women are vote increasingly for republicans. a young one i met last week. not able to vote yet. she is 17. eleanor bush no, relation to george w. bush. at cranbrook school in michigan and runs the teen republican club. i wanted to sec rise her -- recognize her and thank her for her efforts. >> greg: she is taller than you. >> kimberly: i had five-inch heals on. >> bob: she will change. freddie i want to touch on fireworks they were never able
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to figure out what happened when you got a dud. you could never return it to the fireworks stand. last month, 6200 residents in alaska got hopes up. hoax that taco bell was going to arrive but it was a hoax. they were let down, devastated. taco bell is a great american, they sent -- 10,00,000 durry toe loc -- doritos loco tacos to make them. that makes america great. about pie wall street if you gave them 10,000 years and all tin gredients they couldn't make one taco. >> bob: thanks, greg. >> eric: quickly, you know what? how old was she? >> dana: 17. eleanor bush is 17. >> eric: who sales 17? >> eric: come back. come back to republicans. >> bob: two more one more thing. i want to thank greta van susteren who sent us a nice
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note about the fact that this show, "the five," was the number one and what we call the demo yesterday in all of cable news. we're happy about that. we thank you for watching. number one. number two -- no, number one in the demo. that's right. now, then, the other thing is i want to thank the fellow outside of fox today who was protesting somebody. take a look at the tape. >> he is liar, he is the punk, he is the hypocrite. bob beckel! i'm waiting for bob beckel! do you know bob beckel? he is on "the five" at 5:00 on this network. he is soiling my network. [ laughter ] >> bob: i don't mean the steal your network, pal. but steal another shirt. listen, thank you for the protest. i get protested all the time. >> kimberly: he wantous in the dunk can. >> greg: did he say you are soiling the network? >> bob: yes. i soiled a


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