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tv   The O Reilly Factor  FOX News  July 5, 2012 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> thank you andy. >> a little hiccup there. >> thank you very much. you hotter me and i won't forgive you for that. >> special o'reilly factor is on, tonight. >> >> bill: special edition of the factor. were you crying in cheney's office. >> not tears were in his eyes. >> bill: what does marco rubio think of obama -- >> bill: everybody is in elective office if their country calls and asks, you have to. what would donald trump do to get america back on track? >> you don't start behaving 25% tax on every item you sell in this country, 25% right now. >> bill: plus former president bill clinton, former secretary of state condoleezza rice and cardinal timothy dollan all
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join us tonight. we can't back down from this fight because it's about religious freedom. it's close to the very heart. >> we have the best wrapped into one right now. >> bill: caution, you are about to enter the no spin zone, the factor begins right now. >> hi, i'm bill o'reilly. thank you for watching us us tonight. special edition of the factor. top story, florida senator marco rubio widely considered to be vice presidential option. we asked the senator about that as well as many many other things. >> everywhere you go, people ask you about the vice president deal: i asked you a few months ago when we had you on about that should i continue to ask you? is it getting boring now?
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>> bill: convention they have got to have something to get people toen watch. >> that's h why he deserves for us to be respectful of that process. so journalists like you are going to ask. e of us -- >> bill: not going to stonewall. let me give you two things that two guys have said but on this program. you know charles krauthammer? >> yeah. >> bill: smart guy, right? charles krauthammer says if youre are asked that you have to accept. you have to because if you. didn't, youn' would be letting your country down. that's krauthammer. krauthammer predicts if you are asked you will accept. what do you think about that point of>> view? >> i'm not even talking about the whole process and i respect him. >> bill: would it be disrespectful if you for familyes reasons, personal reasons, would you consider that to be -- would you trouble you that your country calls and you can't answer the call? >> ins hate being in the no spin zone. i willn just say to you that i really tried not to even comment on the whole process. i really believe mitt romney deserves to have a process
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where the rest of us sit here and talking about it and giving opinions or by process of elimination making his choice different. >> bill: answer this if you would. that has to be a consideration for everybody. everybody who is in elected office if their country calls and asks, right? you have to. >> look. i have never been in that position. obviously i'm being very respectful of the process they are going through and trying not to comment on it i will say this though mitt romney has made at love good decisions in his life. personal life, business life. political life. going to make a grade decision. >> colorado is a key state in election. if president obama wins florida, i think iss he going to wing the election. the gay marriage thing seems to have hurt him in florida. do you believe that? >> well, we have. >> is that an issue down there? >> it's not the most important issue but it is an important issue to people. we have constitutional amendment in florida that defiance maker as the union between one man and won woman.
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particularic institution. a lot of floridians believe that you will will see that reflected in the polling. >> bill: how about in the hispanic and cuban community where youm? come from? >> i don't think that's the issue that's going to decide the election. >> is there passion behind that issue. >> i think so. i don't want too overstate that it's going to beng the one that decides the election. it's an important issue. you ask people, they will tell you they believe. >> bill: for hispanic americans. >> i think so, h yes. >> bill: because black americans, they don't like gay marriage we saw thatrr in over thea and all place. now, in florida itself, it's a split. it's like four different states, florida. you have got the north. you have got dade county which is like a universe unto itself. you have the central part of the state in the east and west coast. is it going to be a dogfight or do you think of the republicans are going to pull away? >>. no florida is a very competitive state it has t been for two decades. it will continue to be competitive. whoever wins is going to have to earn that. i honestly believe not because i support them. mitt romney is going to win
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florida. >> bill: why do you believe thatth though? if barack obama won last time is the economy going to be the difference? think so. the biggest difference is the same as it is nationally. barack obama in 2008 was an idea. he wasas this post partisan unite. >> not only arrested rorks his rhetoric i think is like anybody else, dividing americans against each other, floridians aren't going to like that. >> they elect a conservative you.ike they elect a conservative governor.le theyat being floridians, interesting state. i think it will go to romney he has got to be on his game. disaster. tough border stance. you have got to go home if you are illegal alien. you have got to self-deport if you want us to consider, you know, giving you working papers permanently. i don't know how is he going to turn that around. >> couple things. first of all, don't underestimate the fact that a lot of hispanic americans are democrats. they have been. they live in newin york. they live in california.
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that's what they're registered. he they're not going to change. >> bill: bush gotgo 45%. >> a lot of it is historical. cuban americans in new jersey register democrat even though in florida they register republic. part opaf that is reflected in the polling. part of it they know barack obama better. first of all, hispanics don't support illegal immigration. i think thatl hispanics -- no they want humane that kind of thing. >> tone matters. and republicans need to do a better job of talking about what we are for. we are for a legal immigration system that works. governor romney has begun to do that h all americans want to see legal immigration. >> he has got to come up to 30 to 35%. that's going to be tough for him to do. i'm going to see new tampa. >> i hope so. >> bill: if you are the v.p. guy. >> i want to do the first interview anyway. >> bill: you heard t it i got him. coming up former president bill clinton sits down with the factor for a variety of cop topics including the border and immigration. >> nobody was upset about it
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then. people were moving back and forth across the rio grande. >> i was upset. >> i know you were. >> >> bill: later, former service
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>> bill: in the impact segment tonight, a first for the factor, one-on-one, no holds barred interview with former president bill clinton. he took the plunge into the no spin zone recently to talk about president obama's handling of the economy. the border. and his book back-to-work why we need smart government for a strong economy. >> what i want to do here tonight, mr. president, is solve the nation's problems here. you and me. we can do it. >> all right. >> bill: are you up for it. >> i'm up. >> bill: what's this class warfare business the democrats are hoisting on the country? what is this? we didn't see this during your administration. >> well, you know, i don't look at it as class warfare. i think if you look at what's happened over the last 30 years the middle class has
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lost ground even before the collapse, before the financial collapse, median income was $2,000 a year lower than it was after inflation when i left office. so, i don't mind paying more taxes but because i think i got the benefit of the tax cuts under president bush, and the benefit of being in the top 1% so my income went up. that won't solve the problem. that will help us balance the budget when there is growth again. but we had to change the whole job structure of america. we have got to basically reorient our economy toward the future. that's the real answer. >> that's not being discussed. what's being discussed by the occupy wall street people and by some elements on the far left is the 1%ers, me and you. i think i am paying my fair share. i didn't mind paying what you had me at. you know between obama and bush who had the tax receipts of all three of you?
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bush. so under prosperity, the tax cuts under bush more money flowed into the federal government. so irskin bowls comes back and says let's cut the corporate tax from 35% to 26%, what does obama say? what does the president say? no. >> but, if you look at what the bottles simpson commission recommended i think there are a lot of great things this n. that report. >> why didn't the president take them? >> i don't know the answer to that but i think the -- what bottles simpson did is what i think should be done. some variation of it they said this long-term debt is going to kill us. we have to deal with it adopt short-term strategies. have a long term debt reduction package. that's what i think we should do. i think it will work. >> i was surprised that the president didn't embrace t because t gave him a pathway out of the mess and that's where we are right now. now, one more question about the class warfare. are you really convinced the democrats aren't playing this card because that's all we hear is tax the rich, tax the
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rich, tax the rich. i don't mind paying 40% and that was the high under you. all right? and bush cut it back down to 34%. but i don't want $500 billion going to solyndra and it's bankrupt. am i crazy? >> no. but i think the idea of moving to a cleaner energy future and doing more energy efficiency. >> bill: love it? >> makes smart sense. and what happened to solyndra was a unique case. with the chinese producing more and subsidizing more and with americans in the business doing more, the price of the traditional cells dropped so much that it became uneconomical thing. i prefer tax credits for the people who produce it because then if you and i have a different technology we are on even footing. >> bill: in your book you say the key to getting the economy started is to get the banks to start lending money. how are you going to do that? you can't force the banks to lend money. >> no. well, first i say there is two big pots of money that don't
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run up the deficit. banks and corporate treasuries. i recommended in this book that we essentially let corporations repatriot their money with no tax if they hire more people with it if they pay the capital gains rate, they can do whatever they want to and we should take that money and infrastructure and do like other countries. most other countries let private investors and from all over the world invest in their infrastructure and just use their government funds as the base to attract a private capital. >> bill: right. >> i think that makes a lot of sense. >> bill: i have got to give you a hard time on the border. are you ready for hard time on the border you? took off 1993 about 4.5 million people were coming across the border. you left office 7 million people a year coming across the border. why couldn't you screw secure is it? >> because the economy got better. it's a long border. we had a fence you know in san diego. >> bill: it worked. >> it worked pretty well.
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>> >> bill: why didn't you put one in brownsville all the way through. >> for one thing even the texas republicans didn't want it. >> bill: you could have done it by executive order who cares what they wanted. >> i don't know if i could have or not. people weren't upset about it then. people were moving back and forth the rio grande. >> bill: i was upset. >> i know you were. it's a mistake. build a whole fence. >> bill: i think the whole government has lead us down since 1984 in the sense they didn't secure the southern border and they could have and they didn't. you and push the elder did humanitarian work and you and president bush the young err rallied people to give millions of dollars after the haitian earthquake. i said on the air that you guys did a noble thing. but i didn't believe that that money was going to be used for anything other than day-to-day services but nothing was going to improve in haiti. what i said was correct. if you go there now, it's just as bad now as it was before
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the earthquake. >> i have seen a change this last time that i was there. and i have been working there. i go there every month you know. >> bill: i know. >> the money president bush and i raised we are set up to invest in businesses. and we raised 20 million more dollars through carlos slim and canadian philanthropist to set up the small business loan fund because the banks down there don't lend money to small business. we have tens of thousands of more kids in school. i'm as optimistic. >> bill: guantanamo bay should we close it? >> i don't know if i know enough to be there. i don't believe i would have opened it if the first place but i would like to he see it closed. >> bill: where would have you put all these captured terrorists overseas? >> i think there are places think could be kept in america. >> bill: as soon as they go on american soil they have the rights of the american people under the constitution these are not --
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>> -- that's not necessarily true. i have a big difference about what the law should be. i might have tried to change the law on that. >> president obama, his chances to be reelected are 50/50. >> i think they are better than that. >> bill: why would you say that when most of the polls show 50% of the country is on the wrong direction. >> this payroll tax cut where it looks like he is for it and the house may not be. energy policy, i this the the president has done a good job with foreign policy and i think we have got a better economic strategy now going. >> you work with newt gingrich. you respect him? >> i respect his ability to think and do and i eventually hammered out a really productive relationship with him. >> bill: do you respect him as a man? >> i don't disrespect anybody
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who works with me in good faith. i think he is way more political than i would have been. he has defended what he calls scorched earth politics and i certainly was the beneficiary of it. >> bill: did he use unfair tam particulars on you? >> it depends on -- you know, not in his mind. >> bill: in your mind? >> i don't think about it like that. i either liked it or i didn't. >> bill: was he an enemy of yours while you were in the white house. >> until he got to be speaker and the government shutdown changed the public mood. >> bill: then daytime. >> we worked together for five years. when we were working together i enjoyed it and i think he has a lot of knowledge and i think he comes up with some quite creative imrds. >> bill: now, when your wife is running against barack obama in new hampshire and this must bring back memories
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to you, the press favored obama, correct? >> i think, yes. >> i don't think there is any doubt that the american press favored president obama over hillary clinton in the primaries. is that going to happen again in is going to favor barack obama over the fellow republic candidate. >> we'll have to wait and see. >> bill: you know why does the liberal press favor the more liberal candidate? >> i think it was more to an-to-it than that the last time. >> bill: tell me they didn't like your wife because of what reason? >> i'm not going there. she is a secretary of state. nothing i say can be helpful on this. and i respect that. >> i have an opinion and i'm going to keep it to myself. >> bill: i respect that. you have handled i respect the
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fact that you don't want to burn any bridges here. you are in the fox news channel now. you are in the no spin zone. this than was corroborated bay of the labyrinth that the media sat up largely liberal. you were some of that too bush the elder. still there to this day. generally speaking why is it any more liberal than conservative? >> i don't know that it's always been that way, for example, in 1992 when i ran, i was hardly the -- i was hardly the beneficiary of it in the primary. >> bill: not in the primary buff in the main you was? >> i was the flavor of the day. so, you know, they always like what's new. and they always like conflict and they always like a stoble but nothing i can say will contribute to anything good happening in america. [ laughter ]
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>> so i'm not going to contribute to that. >> bill: already. coming up, secretary of state condoleezza rice says her relationship with secretary mums feld was not very chummy. and later how
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that he we were not greeted at liberators? >> correct. i knew that the iraqis were irwas cybil people. i knew they were tough people and didn't much like war and intervention. i thought we would be welcome by some who had suffered under saddam hussein. frankly i didn't expect flowers to be thrown at our feet, no. >> bill: therein lies my problem as american citizen not as a factor guy. i believed dick cheney when he said that i believed colin powell when he said weapons of mass destruction. i made my editorial decision based upon what those two men said and what i read in the "new york times" of all places on the front page that confirmed what colin powell said that saddam hussein had weapons of mass destruction. so i told the millions of people who watch this program we have got to go in there and, you know, cheney is right that once we overthrow saddam. iraq will cooperate with us. we will try get a democracy up and running and i was wrong. i was wrong. that hurts me not only with the audience but personally
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because iraq didn't greet us as liberators. and you say you had some misgivings. i never heard those misgivings. >> no, look. some iraqis did greet us as liberators. >> bill: not many. >> tough people. let's review why we went into iraq. we did think through the intelligence briefings that we were getting and the briefings given to the congress that saddam hussein had reconstituted his biological and chemical. >> bill: absolutely and so did colin powell when he made that. >> absolutely. we thought he might be a from nuclear weapon. remember, saddam hussein and weapons of mass destruction was not a theoretical proposition. he has used weapons of mass destruction before. >> bill: no doubt if he had that stuff could have wound up any place. >> he had used it before. >> bill: turned out to be false. it turned out not to be true. >> it turned out that he did not have stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction. >> bill: he didn't have a delivery system at all. >> what he had was the capability through scientists through infrastructure. and i'm really glad today that we're not talking about an
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arms race between iran's mahmoud ahmadinejad for a nuclear weapon and saddam hussein's iraq for a nuclear weapon. >> bill: but the blood and treasure we expended a trillion dollars and all the people that were killed and maimed over there, it seems to me that t wasn't worth it in the sense that our military performed heroically but right now iraq could dissend into chaos easily. >> saddam hussein in the middle of the middle east was a security threat. we have been to war against him a couple times. still shooting at our aircraft every day as a result of that. >> bill: could have handled him differently though. >> we tried to strang gill him. he was breaking out of those constraints. we tried to strangle him. he tried to assassinate. george h.w. bush. he continued to threaten kuwait. yes i wish we had been right or the intelligence agencies had been right about the state of the weapons program. the middle east without saddam hussein and a chance at a more democratic much better place. >> what are you going to say
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not moms and dads and husbands and wives whose loved ones are dead or maimed,iraq is in a civil war which is absolutely possible because poment is withdrawing all the american troops now. and then it's just a mass chaotic situation. what are you going to say to them? >> i'm not going to deal in a hypothetical had call because right now we have an iraq that that is is trying to build. >> shaky. >> it's shaky. all young democracies are shaky. >> bill: this is a civil war. >> we have an iraq, bill, that isn't in' contra distinction to the iranians seeking weapons of mass destruction. we have an iraq that is about to be the ninth largest purchaser of american military equipment in the world. fourth largest in the region. we have an iraq that has a chance to stand up to iran because. >> bill: that's what you would say even if it goes south you gave them a chance? >> you know as well as i do the iraqis hate the iranians. that will be a good buffer against iranian power which is the real problem.
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>> bill: you have these shiite presence that doesn't hate mahmoud ahmadinejad and the mullahs. >> let's put it this way. maliki spent his exile in syria because he hated the iranians so much. >> bill: do you understand or acknowledge that the iraq deal ruined president bush's presidency. that american people turned on him. in fact, when obama announced that he is telling -- i don't think he had any choice because they wouldn't indemnify american troops from prosecution over there and you couldn't leave american troops in there if the iraqis are going it try them most want out of iraq and why bush got hurt so bad. >> were wars to end. president bush was eelected in 2004. after the iraq war had been prosecuted because i think the american people do understand that when there is a security threat, you need to deal with it now, as to the immunity clause, we actually did manage to negotiate an immunity clause with the iraqis so that our forces could stay.
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>> bill: they wouldn't give obama the same clause. that's what he says. is he lying. >> all i know, i have no idea. i wasn't inside the negotiations. a residual force would have been preferable. >> no doubt but he said he couldn't do it? >> for the reasons iraq wasn't going to be saddam hussein's iraq. iraq can stand up to iran and fight back against al qaeda terrorists. i will tell you something, the bottom line, i'm very very regretful for all the lives that were lost. you can't help be a part of that but i'm also. >> bill: wish we had done it another way. >> i'm also not regretful that saddam hussein is gone. >> bill: nor am i. >> sometimes you only have choices how can you do something. saddam hussein was leaving no other way. >> bill: timothy dollan enters the no spin zone factor exclusive. donald trump has a few things to say about how he would get america back on track. >> we have to take care of our country from the inside. and we have to fight the people from the outside.
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male spirit present.trong it's the priceline negotiator. >>what? >>sorry. he wants you to know about priceline's new express deals. it's a faster way to get a great hotel deal without bidding. pick one with a pool, a gym, a great guest rating. >>and save big. >>thanks negotiator. wherever you are. ya, no. he's over here. >>in the refrigerator?
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crying in cheney's office? >>. no. >> he made that up? >> i don't know why he thought i was crying. maybe the tears were in his eyes. no. i was not crying. >> bill: that never happened. >> no. >> this is hyperbole on the part of the vice president. >> maybe it's hyperbole. i cried when i saw wounded soldiers. i cried a couple days after september 119. i cried when i was victims of rape. in the vice president's office because of a press report, no. >> bill: he didn't like you because you didn't agree with him on a lot of things. north korea terrorism watch list. you wanted them off, he didn't. then there was the controversy over sheikh mohammed, khalid shamed mohammed. you wanted, what, to stop the
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waterboarding at that point. >> no i wanted to bring khalid sheikh mohammed to guantanamo out of the shadows. tell the people we had the mastermind of 9/11. the united states doesn't disappear people. >> bill: he didn't want that because he wanted to do it secretly. thought he would get more al qaeda. >> khalid sheikh mohammed was pretty much past his intelligence value we were told. >> bill: why didn't cheney in your opinion when you had this difference of opinion. i'm sure you listened to his point of view. >> i did, of course. >> bill: why didn't he want a public exposition of what mohammed had done and where he was going. >> i don't know. >> bill: he never told you. >> his view was once started down that rude would begin to unravel the entire operation. we still had some of the people that we needed for intelligence value. but my point to him and the president ultimately agreed is that we had done nothing to be ashamed of. >> okay. so he didn't want any exposition of what the u.s.a. was doing at all. >> that's my recollection, yes, right. >> bill: okay. is he a hard guy, cheney. is he a tough guy. all right? and he wanted north korea to
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be terrorism list. you wanted to engage them, hope you could bring them into some kind of rationale. >> no. rationality and north korea should never be in the same sentence. >> bill: all right. >> what i wanted was to get inspectors on the ground. north koreans to begin to dismantle nuclear capability for plutonium bomb. i know more on the ground. >> bill: disagreement that happens. >> it's a substantive disagreement. these things happen all the time. not personal substantive. >> bill: it was personal in cheney's book and rumsfeld book. he talked down to you. said you were academic. you wanted to have meetings and all of that you said that your joint appearances with the secretary of defense were disastrous. so what was the beef there? >> well, don is irwas cybil. grumpy guy. -- irascible.
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grumpy guy. he had championed my career. we had substantive disagreements not personal disagreements. >> don't you think that both guys were a little torqued off that you were challenging them? that you were intruding on their turf. >> oh, i think both of them understood that i was national security advisor. i had a close relationship with the president. i think sometimes don thought that i was putting the president's words or my words in the president's mouth. that absolutely wasn't true. >> bill: was this just a power thing like who can get the president's ear and they thought you were a threat? >> that's washington all of the time. >> but i think that's what t is. >> it's washington all of the time. fortunately, we were able to mostly make it work. i had my job to do when i became secretary of state. i was no longer the honest broker. i was no longer coordinating them. i could make my own views known. i think from the vice president's point of view he didn't like that i won most of those arguments but i did. >> bill: i can't imagine that he would like that. from reading the book it seems
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that you are glad you are out of it? >> i am. >> bill: mayor mike bloomberg has a few eye ideas what to do about illegal immigration. >> every person has a graduate degree in science and engineering who is here they generate 2. a jobs americans. if you want to have more jobs. we need more immigrants. it's plain and simple. >> bill: later, the always animated donald trump enters the no spin zone. right back with it.
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>> bill: thanks for staying with us. i'll bill o'reilly in the unresolved segment tonight. catholic church vs. the obama administration. the arch diocese led by timothy dollan joined dozens of archdiocese in a lawsuit against obama care. they are suing to block the mandate requiring catholic
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employers to provide health insurance that covers birth control. now, we talked to cardinal doll lynn just dollan just before the lawsuit was filed. >> i don't want to act like i'm judging the president. i don't know. there are those who tell me that i was mislead. there are those who tell me that you simply misunderstood. >> bill: they haven't backed off and you have a number of options that you can challenge. however, the church basically is in a position now of promoting an unpopular concept. the ban of contraception. >> you are right on target. it's a tough battle because of that and our opponent is very shrewd because they have chosen an issue that they know we are not very popular on. and that's why, bill, we have to be -- we have to be very vigorous in insisting that this is not about contraception. it's about religious freedom. and i don't want to judge people but i think there would be a drift in the administration that this is a
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good issue. and ifni we can divide the catholic community because it's already divided and if one can caricature the bishops as being hopelessly out of touch, these bullies who are trying to achieve judicially an legislatively what they have been unable to achieve because their moral integrity has been compromised recently, there is that force out there trying to caricature us. all right? but we can't back down from this fight because it's about religious freedom. it's close to the very heart of what the democratic enterprise that we know and love as the united c states of america is all about. >> bill: does the catholic church want to be a player in american politics? >> yeah. the well, the catholic church wants its people to be a player in american politics. 28% of the population of the united states are catholics. okay? andhe the catholic church through them, you bet, wants to have a say in the direction of our beloved country. to think that there is a berlin wall between one's religiouens convictions and
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one's political activity is crazy. it's ludicrous. it's not only non-catholic, non-christian, non-biblical, it's also unamerican. you're a better historian than i am, bill. you know that every great movement in american history has been driven by people of religious conviction. and if we duct tape the churches. i'm just not talking about the catholic church. if we duct tape the role of religion and the churches and morally convince people in the marketplace, that's going to lead to a huge deficit, the huge void and there i are many people who want to fill it up. which would be as doctrine narrow and consider itself as infallible as they caricature the other religions doing. so to see that morally driven, religiously convinced people want to exercise their political responsibility, ily think that is not only at the heart of biblical religion, the at the heart of american enterprise. >> i want to get into one more
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thing beforeig i let you go. you a said the religion of secularism, all right? so it's basically the catholic church and other faith based people, other religions against the american media and entertainment industry. um-huh. >> that's how i see it all right, the american press very secular, would you agree? >> yeah. and the enpertainment industry poundingan secularism all day long. >> yes.nt so you find yourself on the defensive. >> yep. >> scus as you are in the now in the intrusion by the obama administration into how you operate your faith. , prior to that bill, there was a remarkable unanimity among catholics saying this is the time for the church to stand up. this is unwarranted radical unprecedented intrusion into the life of the church andcan't. >> bill: you think t might be uniting. >> that could be uniting. that's been fractured a bit since february 10th because there are some who say okay, now the administration has seen our point, we can back off. we bishops don't think we can i'm wondering if this is the
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issue that will bring us together. >> maybe. would you say to american catholics don't vote for president obama based upon intrusion? would you say that? >> i wouldn't say that. never myself say don't vote against or don't vote for a particular candidate. for one it's counter productive. i probably would be doing the opponent a big favor if i would because even our -- even very faithful catholics, bill don't like their bishops or priests telling them how to vote person or even on a particular issue. they like us to speak about principle. they like us to get clear and cogent and compelling. they don't like us to get very personal. so i wouldn't say that no. >> bill: next up, two new yorkers with two big plans to help america to get back on track. donald trump and mayor mike bloomberg. >> bill: are you the most sensitive guy in the world? you want to kick somebody's butt. you dish it out. you have to take it. >> okay. fine. i don't think i'm that
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sensitive. >> bill: you are sensitive. all right? come on.
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>> bill: second unresolved problem segment tonight. illegal immigration. i spoke to mike bloomberg about what he he would do to fix the problem in the city of new york. >> bill: first of all, new york city has a reputation and may not be founded of being a sanctuary city for illegal aliens. >> it's an entry city. people from around the world want to come here. we have record population. 8.4 million highest -- biggest the city has ever been. this year we will have auto million tourists come to new york city. this is a place people want to come. >> bill: with a half million illegal aliens you are not doing what arizona or alabama does or other states where
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they are cracking down. saying look we don't really want these people here. you are not doing that in new york city. >> we are not doing that part of the economy i think everybody here undocumented should find a ways to get documented. this country should be in control of its border. this country should not have undocumented but it should be open to people around the world. without that we are not going to stay a super power, bill. >> bill: what do you say to people who say mr. maher, these people cheated? there is a legitimate immigration process. they went around it they broke our civil laws coming in here and you, mr. maher, are -- mr. mayor are rewarding them by allowing them to stay and take part in new york citi' infrastructure which costs money. >> bill, think about how we got here back in 1986 i think it was. we had big immigration reform and congress did what congress always does. they talk tough. >> bill: and did nothing. >> and did nothing. they pass laws but then they don't fund it so that you can enforce the laws. so, yes, all the 11 million many probably down to something much less than
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10,000 because a lot of people have gone home. if you take a look, there is almost nobody coming across the mechanic can border, in any case, people here illegally most of them overstay visas, at the don't run through the desert. >> bill: it doesn't matter how they get here. >> in fact, what's happened here is these people are part of our economy. you can't pick the crops without migrant workers who work -- >> bill: we're looking for solutions, too. but i don't think bad behavior should be rewarded for every person that has a graduate degree in science or engineering, that is here, they generate something like two and a half jobs of americans. if you want to have more jobs, we need more immigrants. it's plain and simple. pleasure. >> bill: all right. i got to trouble a couple years ago when there was a big fire in the bronx that killed a bunch of illegal aliens because they were living in a flop house like 30 of them. and the city knew that there was all kinds of violations in the flop house. buf the city didn't do anything about it and didn't report the situation to ice.
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i said these people would be alive today if the city of new york had done its job and regulated this. that was a harsh assessment on my -- i think, on my part, but i believe it. i believe that it's -- we're not doing the illegal immigrants any favor by looking the other way and letting them live in an underground situation. but you disagree with me. >> no, i think that, number one, i don't know the situation that you were talking about. >> bill: you remember that big fire. >> yes, it was a big fire. tragedies all the time. i don't know how you link that to undocumented, come on. >> bill: you know people jammed into apartments here. >> there are plenty of american citizens jammed into small apartments as as well. only because you want to make a difference. human life is a human life. >> bill: the code violations when you go in, if the person who owns the apartment or renting it is illegal, can you report that person to ice if you so choose. >> yeah, but if they are violating the zoning laws, can you report them to the city government and we'll do something about it as well.
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>> bill: you didn't in that case. >> maybe we didn't in that case, but the bottom line is that has little to do with the fact that we need jobs in this country desperately. the ways to get jobs is to have people with great skills who are entrepreneurs come to this country and create the job. if had you kills skills, can you come and give you a visa to live in that city. you agree to not take any city state oral moneys. you figure out who make a living. we will give you a full citizenship at the end of seven years. >> bill: if you are a good citizen. >> don't break the laws and don't take any federal moneys. those people would use up the housing and create jobs and. >> bill: as long as it's legal, i think you guys have something that the brains around the world could absolutely help this country. >> bill: coming up, the donald has a few things to say about china, the economy, and president obama. >> from the inside, we're not cutting costs. this isn't about taxes. this is about cutting costs. they set up a super committee because we have no leadership
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in obama like i mean zero leadership in o
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>>. >> bill: a news make they're makes as much news as noise. donald trump talks tough. he recently spoke with me about what to do with america back on track and getting tough on
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china. >> who should we kick first and hardest? who should we really go after? >> bill, we have to take care of our country from the inside and we have to fight the people from the outside. if you are look what other countries are doing to us, it's an absolute outrage whether it's india or china or the opec nations or many others, south korea everybody is beating us. they are taking away our wealth. we won't be able to do anything. from the inside we aren't cutting taxes. it's about cutting costs. they set up a super committee because we november leadership in obama, like zero leadership in obama. they put up a super committee and they fail. they are talking about $1.2 trillion and even they can't solve. i talk about it in book. the book is doing great. >> bill: you are always welcome on the show. you have to lighten up.
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if you were elected president, you would have to kick somebody's butt first. you can't kick all their butts at once. who is the biggest offender, biggest target that really ticks you off the most? >> what you would have to do is meet with the politicians, the republicans and democrats and start cutting costs. i would meet with china. >> bill: china number one. >> i would say china number one. i would say opec number would. opec nations, what they are doing with oil is unbelievable. over hundred dollars a barrel in a bad economy. >> bill: let's do something else. >> on the. >> i'm the chinese pree premier and i
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