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tv   Housecall  FOX News  July 8, 2012 7:30am-8:00am PDT

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♪ >> jamie: i'm glad i woke up this morning, and i could be here for "sunday house call." because, joining us this morning, dr. david samadi, the vice chairman of the department of urology, chief of robotics at
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the mount sinai. >> eric: and dr. marc siegel, author of "the infer pulner pul unlocking the secrets of health... >> jamie: i want to unlock some secrets. >> eric: researchers are developing the first of its kind injection they say could save the lives of people who cannot breathe. an injection, that delivers oxygen directly into the bloodstream. dr. samadi, what is it about. >> it is very very, handy. we have a lot of patients out there with airway obstructions and may have asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia or like, in the field of trauma, you may have a real obstruction and what is the first rule of medicine, eric, get access to airways and what we do is intubate the patient and the ventilation machine is going to breathe for the patient. now, what this technology is, which is really, really smart, what they've done is they've created the oxygen bubbles and, you can actually inject it into the blood, directly and, what it
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does, it introduces options for the patient and it will buy up some time to get the patient stable and how is it going to be really helpful, if you are doing cpr and the operating room the oxygen level drops and trauma situations, every minute is a big deal and it was published in the science translation minute recently and it is very very, effective and it will take a couple of years, and it is being tested in rabbits now and, we will be in touch with the author and he mentioned that this is not to replace the ventilation machine but to provide some time. >> eric: dr. siegel, i mean, an ambulance could have it for example and rabbits now, not yet for us, but... >> it could be in an army situation in combat and and operating room and, especially, intensive care unit where you are not getting enough oxygen and actually, the author of this had a dramatic event where he lost a young child because she had pneumonia and developed fluid in the lungs and couldn't
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get enough oxygen and it got them working on this, dramatic. and here's the most important thing here, which is, this is never going to be a do it yourselfer at home, oxygen clogs the arteries and you could have a gate embolus, which is a stroke and what is genius about this, they took the oxygen and tied it up with a fat molecule and you combine the oxygen with fat and it gets through the capillaries, and is able to reach where you need it to and give oxygen to organs that are starving because they are not getting enough oxygen. it is really, really important. >> high level of oxygen to the vital organs, the heart and the brain. and, that can prevent any irreversible damage that can be done and it will save many lives. once it comes through clinical... >> eric: hopefully it is out there in a few years. >> jamie: unskilled hands, doctors, thank you and the first ever over-the-counter hiv test approved by the fda, which allows people to test themselves or someone they care about in private at home and you get the
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results in less than 30 minutes. does it really work. >> i'm very impressed with this, jamie. the research seems to show it works in 11 out of 12 cases. meaning that 11 times out of 12 if you have hiv they'll find it and, very rarely will they tell you you have it and you don't. but, let me tell you the first problem is, you anticipated. if you are testing at home for hiv and this is literally swabbing the gums and the fda is approving it you better have someone in line to talk to about this. if you actually find out you have hiv. it is a startling discovery i deal with in my practice all the time and it is traumatic and difficult. here's the good news and why i like it. it takes 15 to 30 minutes to work and 20% of those in the u.s. are hiv positive and they don't know it and are spreading it without knowing it. you really have to know, patients come in and i hand them something that says hiv negative and the next day people who are
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single want to know if they are hiv negative. if they are positive we have treatments to offer you, retroviral treatments and again the virus attacks the immune system and we want to get it before it overruns the immune system. >> jamie: but you don't hear about hiv as much, dr. samadi. it has become a chronic illness where it can be treated. is that something you should ask someone you are seeing, whether or not they have it? >> you don't want to directly ask them, but, you know what, the f dchda with this test you in the privacy of your home, that is a good point and the fact is now, a chronic disease, once you get the treatment early on you can beat this one. i like this. i like the fact that the name of the company is ora-sure and the test will be ora-quick, a kit, and it is available in october and you can get it from pharmacies and, there is an age limit and you have to show your i.d. and be 17 years or older to get this. similar to the pregnancy test. it takes about 30 minutes, as marc mentioned and you can get the test done and it can be done
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with blood or saliva. if you are going to go with the saliva, don't eat or drink anything for half an hour before. what i don't like about this, the fact we don't know what the price will be, between $70 to $30, you know, will be like discussed in the future and the other, more important thing is, besides a false negative, marc mentioned, if you have exposure today, jamie, you can't get the next morning, get tested. it takes three months for you to develop an antibody. so if you get tested the next week and it is negative, three months after you have to get tested again and if there is any question you talk to your doctor. >> always have your physician in the loop. >> eric: when is it available. >> october. and i'm sorry, jamie, fda brought in something good with this, the counseling line, a phone line of people who will be available to you to... >> jamie: and that is important, i want to ask you, dr. siegel when you go to a hospital or doctors office and you are tested for hiv if you have a positive, i believe they used to have to report it may be to the department of health. what happens with this?
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it is private in home and is there an obligation to report that you tested positive? >> not yet. what you have to do if you have the test and it is positive, is see your physician. this -- unfortunately, jamie, if you do it in the privacy of your own home, nobody but you will know it is positive. and it's not so much we want to report people, we want to track things, because of public health risks here. so, i think it is really important and i agree with david, this is a greatest. it is really important that you have a positive on this, you see your physician right away. and maybe even let he or she know you are doing it. >> jamie: and it is treatable. >> eric: a discussion people should have. and coming up, a potential break through in the fight against parkinson's disease. how a new voice test can help doctors detect the disease over the telephone. >> jamie: are you having trouble sleeping? maybe the diet is to blame. which foods to avoid to get a good night's rest. next. [ male announcer ] this is rudy.
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his morninstarts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pil. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brin more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve. it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels.
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♪ >> eric: back now, "sunday house call" and the doctors. an incurable disease that affects 1.5 million people in our country and researchers have created a voice test, a voice-based test to discover parkinson's, dr. samadi, it is fascinating. how do they do it, over the telephone. >> you notice how i got all the subjects with the technology. michael j. fox made the disease very popular in the media. parkinson's disease is the most common degenerative disease, of the central nervous system and everyone knows it as the tremor they have when they sit still and when they walk it gets better and it usually starts on one side of the body and overtime causes rigidity and
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they have a stooped posture and guess what? it affect their voice and they have a soft spoken and monotonous kind of voice and they are coming up with a computer software, the way you speak to your... they have a data bank, the computer can decide whether you have parkinson's or not. so it is amazing, you can actually call in through remote without going to a doctor, call and speak for three minutes and the computer says you have early parkinson's or not. why is it important? most of the diagnosis today is clinical. we look at the patient and their symptoms, but, now with the computer you can actually see the diagnosis. >> eric: before you get any symptoms. >> for screening it is important and once you are treated it can be used as a follow-up to see how great though treatment is. >> eric: is it available now? >> it is not available yet. let me talk about that part. a doctor in israel, haifa, look
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at this two years ago and it is studied in germany and now it is coming totty states and they are amassing in the initiative, 10,000 people to see what it is about their voices that are different when they have parkinson's and that is a movement disorder and as david said it affects the voice and speaking, most of the time, before you get that rigidity and tremor and you can make a diagnosis, but everyone has the variability in terms of that your voice, it has to be scientific and that is why when the database is amassed we'll see what is different about someone with parkinson's, versus someone who doesn't have it and you will be able to make the diagnosis early. we don't have the early treatments we need, though. we are looking at early mris and dying kno-- diagnosing it early >> i think it will be a few years before we get there but they look at 50 blind patients
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and didn't know who had it or not and 86% of the time the computer was right about this. not bad. quite exciting and when you catch it early, jamie, the stre treatment is there and you can slow down the progression. >> eric: the book, lucky man, fabulous and he goes through what he went through, michael j. fox and it was hard to diagnose him. >> he has contributed a lot to this disease. >> a courageous guy. >> jamie: our viewers are courageous, too, you write en about the medical issues you are having and we really appreciate it. house call@fox, this viewer rights and, dr. colby, got this, i i've idiopathic neuropathy and is so bad, i can hardly use my hands and have lost most of the feeling in both feet and hands. do you have in a answers? dr. siegel frngs h, how did i d. the first word, idiopathic. >> that means we don't know where it comes from and
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neuropathy, on "sunday house call" we explain what something is to people. it is easy. simply damage to the nerves in your hands and your feet. the peripheral nerves, those that are way out there. that part of the body. now, what is damaging them? that is the first question. and the answer has to come from a neurologist. i see patients with neuropathy, with stocking glove where they literally lose sensation in their hands and feet but it could be weakness as well and i see those patients i think, vitamin b 12 deficiency which we talked about on the show and diabetes, enormous cause of this. sometimes the neuropathy comes before the diabetes and the blood sugar problems and i think of an immunological problem and your body could be attacking the nerves. >> jamie: like lupus. >> and we have treatments for this but one thing i do first is involve a neurologist and once i make the diagnosis that it is a neuropathy, some treatments are lifestyle. you have to lose weight. when you are overweight you are prone to this and you have to
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cut down on alcohol and smoking and the medications we have don't work that well. we use santa seizure medications an anti-depressants and sometimes we use basic pain medications. they don't work that well, but if you can get rid of the underlying cause, or treat it like with diabetes, which we get the blood sugar under control, then you do much better with this. >> jamie: the viewer doesn't say what medication they are taking. >> they've ruled out everything. they've look at everything and that is the -- why they gave this person, idiopathic meaning the doctors really don't know and they've checked the diabetes and everything else and, the person is devastate and my advice to you, if you are smoking you should quit today because this is the first rule of circulation, that is going to be affected. don't wear anything tight. no tight socks, no tight shoes, anything that is going to slow the circulation, to the fingers or legs, that is important and here's a great secret.
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a strong anti-oxidant is used in europe, and this anti-oxidant is the treatment of choice for neuropathy. talk to your doctor and find out if it is appropriate for you and i think that is one... >> eric: what is that again. >>... hydrochloric acid... it brings more circulation and blood to the area. and the other thing is, no more crossing legs, anything that will slow down the blood flow, leaning on your elbow, avoid doing those things. >> jamie: easy enough to do. thanks, i hope it helps our viewers. >> eric: you know, up next the doctors will explain what gout is, cases are on the rise. the doctors will explain what it is and how to get help. ♪
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♪ >> dave: back now with "sunday house call" and doctors samadi and siegel and a new study finds out gout is on the rise in our country. you know, the condition is extremely painful and doctors say it is becoming more common as people live longer. dr. samadi, what is gout? and how do you solve it? >> well, gout is a form of arthritis. we talked about it last week and is one of those forms and is really as a result of increasing
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urich acid in the blood. how does that happen? as we get older and live longer, the rates of obesity and high blood pressure is on the rise and those are risk factors for getting arthritis and diseases such as gout and when urich acid in the blood is on the rise, the crystals, it causes crystals that get deposited, usually in joints, such as knees and ankles and mostly the toes, and they wake up in the middle of the night and it looks like someone hit their toes with a hammer, it is gout. and it may be one episode or may go on a long time. there are risk factors, besides obesity and high blood pressure, if you are taking a diuretic and low-dose aspirin, those are risk factors for increasing urich acid and you want to be careful, and it is known as a disease of
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kings. if you eat anchovies and meat and, other things like that, it is something to see your doctor for, it is increasing the rate of kidney stones. >> eric: do you get a blood test to discover the uric acid. >> it is based on dna, it is made out of these things and it is important, we need the pu purines, and they crystallize and the body fights it with red blood cells and you get redness and, you can block the uric acid but if you have an acute attack, other than altering your diet, cut down on organ meats and beer and shellfish and oily fish and
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you look at the diet that is low in purines but in addition i use nonsteroiding drugs and it is powerful and works extremely well and that is my first choice and if there is a reason i can't use that one, i use another anti-inflammatory or some cases a use steroids, prednizone or... >> eric: the bottom line, go to the doctor and get the blood test and see if you have it. >> and see how to mrprevent it well. >> jamie: we want a good night's sleep, we'll tell you what you can pick up at the grocery store to guarantee, ahhh the good night's rest. [ male announcer ] this is rudy. his morning starts with arthritis pain. and two pills. afternoon's overhaul starts with more pain. more pills. triple checking hydraulics. the evening brgs more pain. so, back to more pills. almost done, when... hang on. stan's doctor recommended aleve.
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it can keep pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is rudy. who switched to aleve. and two pills for a day free of pain. ♪ [ female announcer ] and try aleve for relief from tough headaches.
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everybody. dr. siegel, is it what we're eating or when we're eating? >> it's both. here's what i want to say to people, no caffeine, no alcohol. drink plenty of water. don't eat close to bedtime and there are a couple of little tricks you can use. cherry juice, believe it or not has melatonin in it. eric's favorite greek yogurt has a lot of calcium in it that may help you sleep. >> warm milk late at night if you can't sleep. >> anything that increases melatonin, grapes, cherries,
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those are great. anything that increases triptafan. you can have a little oatmeal at night, that's ok. also the best thing is chamomile with ginger and make sure you always eat two to four hours before you go to bed so you leave enough time for digestion. >> no reflux. thanks to both of you. >> for more information about today's sunday house call or previous programs, log on to guess what? house call is on twitter. that's one word. go to tweet sunday house call. weigh in and tell the doctors what you want to know about and, of course, you can tweet them your questions. docs, as always. >> have a great week. >> thank you. >> new signs that the american jobs market may be stalled and facing


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