tv The Five FOX News July 12, 2012 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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call. thank you for being with us tonight. we'll see you again tomorrow night. go to greta there are a couple polls about condoleezza rice and questions about jeans being made overseas. good night from washington. l's . tonight at 8:00. >> greg: hello. i'm the leppy leprechaun, greg gutfeld. kimberly guilfoyle. more bypasses than the 405, bob beckel. stolen bases to campaign races, eric bolling. he is drives to work in a big we'll. it's dana perino. it's 5:00 in new york city. 3:00 a.m. in eric's chest hair. the show is packed tighter that a chipmunk's cheek. let's do this america. ♪ ♪ guest according to a new poll. among single women, president obama has a 2 to 1 edge over
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romney. so why does obama rate among those without mates? well, he is adorable. give him that. single people like social issues, married, the economy. having a job to protect the paycheck means more than public nudity, dana, which is why obama's julia campaign that promised government as husband spooked married women. they realized being married to the government means have them creep further in your life and your pocket. one who makes rules for every aspect of your life. what size drink you can buy, what car you drive. this is a spouse you can't divorce. this isn't a hubby that sends flowers on the birthday. a stalker who stares at you while you sleep. kimberly understands and i've stopped since. if you can't meet someone you want support. government makes you think it will be okay because you won't be alone and the got doesn't leave the seat up. liberal women want to be strong and opponent they want
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government as a fallback. marriage sees government as the dude you don't when it's time to find rough mr. right. roughly translated, they grow up. >> kimberly: good. >> greg: you are a single gal making it in the city. our carrie bradshaw but hotter. does obama speak to you because you're sing? >> kimberly: i get a headache that can't go away with a bubble bath. persistent and troublesomedy. didn't like him when i was married and i don't like him now i'm single. >> greg: you're consistent. bob, is this why you are a liberal because you know it works on single women? >> bob: that is a consideration, sure. i want to be careful when i say. this understand this. when they had the constitution and women were not allowed to vote, the sexist arguement is they vote the way their husbands do. we know from poll after poll, like political people said marriage together.
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obama does terribly among particularly white men. i'm not surprised in a household like that, the same political persuasion they will vote against obama. single women tend to be more democratic. simple as that. >> kimberly: husbands brainwash their wives. >> bob: i didn't say that. i am just saying if you look at the polling data -- i said if you look at polling data, like minded political people tend to marry. >> eric: take it further. married women vote republican, right? so therefore they are influenced by husband's politics who are republicans. >> bob: or the woman has her husband's vote. very unusual to have a split vote out of a household. >> greg: when my wife was single she was liberal. she married me as she has i brainwashed her she is a conservative. >> kimberly: you brainwashed thor marry you.
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>> greg: i had to drug her. >> dana: 50% of marriages end in divorce so maybe more split households than you think. dig deeper in the polls. >> greg: married women married women show up single women. >> dana: this is an interesting thing. the same number of women registered to vote, those reporting voted was 54.1% married. 31% single. now there are a lot more single women in america now than there were maybe ten years ago. those numbers rise. but married women show up at polls more. >> greg: why do you think that is? >> dana: because their husbands told them to and draged them by their hair. >> bob: i knew it would be hard to get through. i was trying to make it serious statement.
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in most households you will find people are the same political party and persuasio persuasion. for a long time women vol -- >> dana: for a long time, women volunteer on campaign but they didn't write checks or donate. >> greg: they volunteer and then they get hit on by a kennedy. >> bob: there are so many dogs men out there, single women find it hard to find good men to marry. particularly true in the african-american community. there is a decided distinction. not a large pool for women to go to for marriage. >> dana: bob is right. no, no no. he is right. this is true. >> bob: i'm just making a point. >> dana: in the atlantic, a long article i thought was fascinating about the choice now that women have more of a choice over the years about
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their security isn't necessarily tied to a mate, of whatever source the mate would be, that if you are going to make a decisio you tend to weed out people quickly if you take care of yourself. you look at the young people i know that still are not married. they would like to be. or in a committed relationship. hard to find. >> greg: basically the idea of julia is self-fulfilling privacy. we have a government to replace the man or partner in your life and no more partners. >> kimberly: how is that working out? >> bob: some men get lucky. eric, his wife is charitable. but face it, look at new york city. you are right. men in this place -- i looked em them and watched them. they are lame brain. blunt instruments. they think about only one thing. >> eric: your are a shark type? there?
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>> greg: bob, be careful where you are going. you only think about one thing. >> bob: true. >> dana: that's what i don't understand about the "50 shades of gray" phenomena. women talk about what we heard for years, they want to be independent. then this book about dominating somebody is a best seller nobody stops reading. >> greg: i'll get it back to you. sorry, i left it at home. >> bob: did you buy products in there? >> greg: no, but i look forward to it. couldn't it be about age. that married people are older? >> eric: i don't think so. bob hit it on the head and won't admit it. he's right. single women gravitate toward obama and married women gravitate toward romney. they didn't have an epiphany. they are influenced by the husband's who are favorable of romney. >> bob: i admit it. >> kimberly: earning a paycheck and see tax dollars stripped away for solyndra. maybe you wise up.
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>> bob: if that were the case it'd be the same for single women who make money and tax as much. why are they not breaking off? >> kimberly: if you did smaller sample size you might find it true. >> dana: unspoken thing here we have to talk about is women being afraid that should $is perpetuated, should republicans the right to choose. woman's right to choose to be taken away? >> greg: you have women -- women's groups are also, extremely partisan. very liberal. now a big surprise endorse barack obama. like mice endorsing cheese. no surprise. but they also endorse bill clinton. >> bob: blue collar men -- obama is at an all-time low among blue collar men in polls. democratic presidential candidates never broke 40% with the group.
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you have a phenomenon of a household voting in the same way. obama needs 40%. his base has grown but his numbers are falling amongst single women. a close election. delane is a household income now. women look at that. you hear people, anxiety of people for their children. and the debt their children are going to inherit. they worry for them. they want to change because they don't think the last -- >> kimberly: game changer for politics. i was thinking about all the time, the young little honeys on the jury that are like wide-eyeded and innocent don't know anything about the stress of what happens later with the kids and bills and mortgages and all of that. >> dana: maintaining a relationship. >> kimberly: absolutely. i kick them off the jury. you want to keep people married, homeowners in
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neighborhoods that really care and see where their money is going and want to protect the neighborhood. >> bob: that is why people like you perpetuate stuff about your grand kids and kids will be in debt. it's obama's debt, blah, blah, blah. married people buy into that. >> eric: unbelievable, beckel. we found out today that per taxpayer, we are now racking up $64,000 per taxpayer. thank president obama. i'll bring this tomorrow. i will brook it in tomorrow. show you by president how much annual debt they rack up. president obama is blowing away this and more than $1 trillion of average of george bush. >> bob: he needs to spend money to get us out of recession. >> dana: how'd that work? >> greg: all right, coming up. tom cruise is threatening to sue. upset over "national enquirer" that claim his house is a hus of horrors. does he have a case?
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♪ ♪ >> eric: welcome back, everybody. stockton, california, the all-american city. $26 million in the hole. and now, by the way, bankrupt by way the largest american city to file bankruptcy protection ever. mammoth lakes, california, beautiful lakes, fishing, skiing, hiking, fishing. little town, big problems. $43 million in the hole. now bankrupt. san bernadino, california. the anchor of california's inland empire. $46 million in the hole. and the latest, bankrupt. one more. america. once the most prosperous country in the world where freedom and opportunity thrive. four years of obamanomica, $15.8 trillion in the hole. and now --
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bob, this is a scary, scary thing going on in california. cities going bankrupt. >> bob: it is. >> eric: other thing to point out because of the pension problems -- >> bob: let me make a point. the united states is not bankrupt. you included that, that was cute to do that. as usual, that was a bankrupt statement. look, the cities were in trouble before obama got in office. the big question in my mind who covers the debt when they go under? you got pension, right. is there a federal group -- >> dana: the pension control board. that is more -- i don't think it covers cities. this, i think one of the reasons that some of the cities are doing this is because it allows them to break their previous contracts and renegotiate the pension going forward. so one of the reasons you saw this week in scranton, pennsylvania, the unions suing the mayor, saying we don't want you to take to us minimum wage. what this does is a city is like what it does for person. ruins your credit score and
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makes it expensive to borrow money later. you will see more of this. all of them realizing the only way out is to declare bankruptcy and start over. >> eric: 26 american cities have had the credit rating lowered because of this fe non-na. >> kimberly: this is working for the corporation and municipalities. there is no way to get out from under it. they are able to break the contract they have. they could renegotiate the pension fund and outsource contract. under the preexisting union contract. why wouldn't you do it. it would be irresponsible not to do so. >> eric: not so much what the daily operations is putting them in to bankruptcy. over the intention. >> bob: you make it sound if it's obama. the contracts were signed years ago.
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>> eric: may not be only obama but two of the three biggest in the history are in california with the same policy of obama. are you okay? guest i feel a tortured med forecoming on. >> kimberly: work it out. the union contracts remind me of when i go to dave reed and buy shaving cream. i am so excited and because it's full and every day i use a ton of it. after three weeks i feel the shaving cream and only a little left. i only use a little bit. i make less of shaving cream last as long as previous three weeks. let me finish, bob. >> bob: sorry. >> greg: this is how the unions treated the funds. they couldn't see what was in it. every day they squirted it out. now they are left with a little bit now. you have nothing in there. moral of the story is grow a
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beard. >> bob: moral of the story that was not a tortured metaphor. waterboard metaphor is what that was. >> greg: if you can't see what you are spending you will spend more. >> bob: somebody signed the contract. democrat, republicans. >> greg: i agree. >> eric: the republicans in california and scranton, they have democrat mayors for breaking the contract. >> dana: the unions will say that the cities have been mismanaged by the politicians. you will see more of this, this is the only way out. if you have to declare bankruptcy and scale back on services, say one is safety. so people decide they don't want to live there because they worry about their safety that erodes the tax base further and complicate the problem. you will see cities suffer from many.
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>> greg: look how hard is it to do anything in california. the film industry is filming the canada. you are losing the industry. >> eric: california is horrendous. >> dana: there was a retir retirement. >> eric: it's mismanaged. if they manage it, they manage to sign contracts and deserve responsibility for being mismanaged. >> eric: your tortured metaphor is fantastic. i would have done it with beer. >> greg: unless there is a stein. >> dana: what is the one -- >> greg: lager. >> eric: i don't shave with shaving cream. >> dana: what do you use?
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over this. apparently, now if i could do my segment. the olympics, everybody loves it. every four years. brings america together. today there is a big controversy that blew up about where the uniforms were made. they were designed by america's favorite designer ralph lauren but made in china. there is outrage about this. before we get greg's outrage, harry reid who had the same opinion four years ago. >> i am so upset that i think the olympic committee should be ashamed of themselves. they should be embarrassed and take all the uniforms and put them in a big pile and burn them. >> dana: that is patty murray. you are not as outrageded as senator reid who want to burn uniforms. what do you think? >> greg: this is crazy stuff. this happened before. i think america should outsource part of the olympic
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competitors to china. can we get chinese athletes to compete for us? we'd save on gym fees and training. >> bob: that is very good. >> dana: not only made in china but do you like the beret look? >> kimberly: it's very frenchy i'm not sure if it's keeping with the olympic tradition and the uniforms we have had in the past. we should be happy for any endorsement -- >> bob: we haven't gotten to that in the segment. 'canes perfect transition. >> bob: what about the chinese? >> greg: all right. >> bob: i would not let them -- they are so competitive. they would put downers in the fabric to hurt the athletes. i don't trust them and i wouldn't let anything be done over there. industrial sabotage. they hate us. people have to get -- the
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biggest threat to united states is not islamists but the chinese. >> kimberly: that is what trump says. you know that? >> bob: well, good. >> dana: i want to ask about -- >> eric: sports? >> dana: no. four years ago in 2008 the uniforms were designed by raffle lauren and made in china. a little dust-up. having known that wouldn't you find american manufacturer here to make uniforms? >> eric: let's remember -- by the way, the uniforms are really -- >> dana: you can talk about whatever you want to talk about. >> eric: the taxpayer money doesn't go to the olympics. >> bob: it does. >> eric: no it doesn't. they raise money independently from the taxpayer. if they get it cheaper and want to, go ahead. i get the patriotism thing and
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try to get the same price from american manufacturer, but not get outraged. >> bob: you are saying a great capital system go where the cheapest labor is. >> eric: make it cheaper here. >> don't overregulate to export all of america. >> bob: chinese. great idea. >> greg: or make it so people make affordable goods here. why can't we do that? anyway -- >> dana: eric blew my segment. mcdonald's and -- jeez. mcdonald's and coca-cola, big sponsors of the olympics. they were under fire from the international economic committee president that said there is a question hanging over it because they sell unhealthy products. had to back track this next day since they are the biggest sponsors. why is the business on the defense? >> bob: coke has done this sinc.and why we have anything to
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make us look like the french. i'm for, as a liberal, more mcdonald's and coca-cola doing this. they are big sponsors, and a right to be over there. invited to do it and they give money. i'm not surprised. >> dana: greg, what do you think? if you are in london where you lived for a while, people like a good burger over there. mcdonald's is a good brand. >> greg: the food in england tastes like soiled food. mcdonald's is stand-in for american. people make fun of mcdonald's because it's big and successful, symbol of america. that's why they like to make fun of it. they should incorporate it to die and dash. you sprint to a quarter pounder. >> kimberly: without paying for it? >> bob, oh, you pay for it. >> bob: remember, bill clinton the first day in office went jogging and then
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to mcdonald's. >> kimberly: you can relate to that. there are salads. a lot of families can afford to go there -- >> eric: head of the ioc, who said we are not sure mcdonald's and didn't realize how much money they put up. >> dana: clarify remarks the next day. eric is not listening to me today. we're going to have a talk in the break. coming up, tom cruise blowup over an unflattering story about a marriage and n the tabloid. not happy. his lawyers is making threats. kimberly is on the case. next on "the five." ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] if you had a dollar for every dollar
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♪ ♪ >> kimberly: hard to believe but the rolling stones have been around for 50 years. on this day in 1962, mick, and the boys, played their first gig together in london. rolling stones or beatles? >> eric: the who. >> kimberly: dana said elvis earlier. >> eric: never got in the beatles. >> kimberly: what about the stones? like them better, right? bob, what about you? >> bob: i never understand the yellow submarine thing. white album of beatles even when you were stoned you couldn't understand it. >> greg: you hated the white album because you couldn't do lines on it. >> bob: i hadn't thought
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about that. stones enduring obviously, i read keith richard's autobiography. the dudes have lived -- talk about being ridden hard and laid up wet, and mick jagger lays claims to having sex with 2,000 women. do you believe that? >> greg: it's 4,000. >> bob: 4,000? what a lucky guy. >> greg: and david bowie. >> bob: he did? >> greg: yeah. he did. david bowie. who hasn't? >> eric: that is a legend, is it not? >> greg: what guz a legend mean? allegedly he did. i love pinball wizard and i like rolling stones but then beatles, davy jones, beautiful part of the band. >> kimberly: rolling stones went out with angelina jolie, carly simon and -- >> bob: he did? good taste. >> greg: a rock star. women sleep with rock stars.
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>> bob: i saw a movie called "ted" about the animated teddy bear. that's what i think they are. they figured out -- they are too old, too stoned stoned and toody bill tated out there. how do they do it? >> dana: i am a country music fan. i like the stones. i like to read about people in the bonds. the other one said he had to, he was forced to earn his living playing bigs in pugs. he lived in a two bedroom semi-detached house. >> greg: what is interesting about the guys, as they age, i direct this to you, they look like upper east side elderly women with scars an little do dogs.
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stein tyler walking down the stretch could be janice hickenson. democrat is freaking me out. >> greg: you are freaking me out. >> bob: have you seen the -- sorry. >> kimberly: we're going to tomkat. >> bob: you know they give you to show the ocean with mountain under the ocean. how that is? that is keith richard's face. honest to god. he had bad case of acne or was shooting heroin shot his face. move on. >> kimberly: thank you for that. that was illuminating and educational. talk about tomkat. that is an interesting legal issue. a lot of celebrities with publications have filed a number of defamation lawsuits. they have printed stories that are untrue and it brings costly legal battles. interesting that there is a lot of coverage of tamkat what
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is going on with cruz and katie holmes. this cover of "national enquirer." inside tom's house of horrors. >> bob: house of horrors! >> kimberly: thank you. tom cruise's attorney fired off a letter threatening a lawsuit about the "enquirer" posting falsehood about marriage and what has gone on in their house and saying it's a house hof horrors is not accurate. what do you make of the lawsuits? some of these have succeeded in the past. >> kimberly: if your lawyer fires off a letter do you pay more if they post it in the mail? >> kimberly: yes. a rocket is attached to it. >> dana: everybody blows off the "enquirer" but often likes to look at them. >> greg: they're often right. >> dana: john edwards later on they were accurate. i imagine this is hurtful. i would bet katie homes
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doesn't like this out there either. trying to protect her daughter. >> eric: where else do you see the katie holmes secret breakdown and angelina jolie ready call it off over brad pitt and then demi and ashton secret reunion. >> greg: don't tell me that. what is she thinking? >> bob: she must have the best plastic surgeon in america. if they were at my house of horrors they would have been right and i couldn't sue. i wond ker you get away -- it's public figure and high threshold. >> greg: that is right. the publication and a lot of people read it and it's false. something unprivileged. that there was damage. you have to show malice that you did something specifically to be malicious, versus they talked to a credible source like yourself. what i know that goes on in that house. >> bob: i bet you know.
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remember at 5:00 the other morning. that was -- sorry. >> greg: you -- >> kimberly: what is wrong with bob. >> greg: a defense against liable. truth is a defense against liable. so if he doesn't follow through and sue draw your own conclusions. >> greg: he has the best attorney out there going after him. we reached out to the office and they were polite. the receptionist. >> greg: as an international celebrity dealing with fame every day, i understand the problems. >> kimberly: that is for another segment or not at all. >> bob: you beating up old ladies -- >> kimberly: not that true. coming up, summer, the time when sharks like to attack people in the ocean. but this shark attack involved a woman trying to reel in a little itty, bitty fish. don't miss this take. coming up next. ♪ ♪
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>> bob: that by the way is eric's beach house that you saw there. there is an enterprising young man in the hamptons, for those who don't know where the hamptons are. that is where the richie people go. but they rent their places like $30,000 a month they rent the place out. one enterprise young guy, 25-year-old, together with a real estate agent named leslie rented the places, two of the them. and then sold tickets for $355 each to teenagers to go party there for three days. i think it's a cool thing myself. but it was against the law. this woman ran over a migrant worker and killed them. that's the kind of people they have out there. >> bob: that is not relate -- >> kimberly: that is not related to the story. >> bob: the point they allowed the kids in there and said here are the rules.
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to the security guy. only thing they could bring in is white liquor, which is why eric went. >> kimberly: you know why that is? clear. not white liquor. clear so it won't stain, like red wine or whatever. >> bob: it did damage. would you rent out your beach house? >> eric: no. for reasons like that. the contract when you rent the places, you spend time in hamptons, when you rent them, you are not allowed to have parties to have more than "x" amount of people in the house. >> bob: who should tell you how many people are in the house? >> eric: the owner. >> kimberly: they have a contact. couldn't you like to respect to nice family, wouldn't you? >> bob: or to me. >> dana: it amazes me how many people they allow teenagers to do this but won't let you rent a place if you have your dog. if you have a dog.
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>> greg: always back to the dog. >> bob: they made $60,000 to $80,000 in profit on the weekend. >> greg: i rent out my basement and invite young people, makeshift gym. i call it activity pit. like camp. unique exercises i incorporated in the machines i built myself. >> bob: the weather gets messed up. >> greg: it's a problem. >> bob: when i was a kid, i lived near a beach in connecticut. we took over a house of people who were gone for the weekend and partied. had a great time. the house was never the same after. that i don't find anything wrong with this except for the alcohol. >> greg: you only find something wrong with the story if you disagree with it?
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i have a problem with the alcohol. >> kimberly: minute left. >> bob: i burned the neighbor's garage down. brother and i did. the old lady had the stinkiest garbage in the world and wouldn't get rid of it. so we were over the garbage can on fire. but her car was in it. she died a year later. it was all right. >> kimberly: what do you mean it was all right? >> bob: one more thing is next. ♪ ♪
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>> greg: welcome back. time for one more thing. bob? >> bob: yes. myrtle beach, south carolina, sort of a nice place. charleston is better. ife lands are better. myrtle beach has good well places you might want to visit if you're single. anyway, there are people at the beach house, woman by the name of sarah breem, her fiancee william moore went fishing off the dock and they found a little surprise in the water. take a look at that. >> got on the line. oh! [bleep] oh, jesus.
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[bleep] >> it's a shark! a shark! it's a big shark! >> oh! >> bob: okay. >> greg: what happened there? they were trying to catch fish and what happened? >> bob: they caught a fish and the shark came to eat the fish. >> greg: what kind of shark was it? >> bob: big. it was bigger than you. could have eaten you. bull shark. look at the size of this thing. >> greg: bull shark. not a great white. >> bob: if you ever wanted to hear southern swearing you heard it there. that would have scared a lot of people. you, too. that's my one more thing. >> greg: my one more thing we were interviewed for our anniversary by tv newser and they asked me a question and i brought up an incident that involved dana perino. about dana perino in if green room and children were there and one of the children asked her to have their picture
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taken. dana said i don't do go to your school to ask to get my picture taken and the child started crying and dana went on her merry way. i want to make it clear that never happened. a lot of people wrote in and were disgusted with dana's behavior. it wasn't a group of students. it was actually sick orphans that you offended. dabs they couldn't go to school. >> greg: you are a disgusting person. >> dana: a guy who said he is so disappointed in me, he thought i was better than that. >> bob: you have to be careful if you start rumors, because if you don't get your facts right, you can get in trouble. >> dana: my lawyer might fire off a let every. fire a letter off. return my call if i call him. >> kimberly: call. he didn't call me back. >> dana: truth is the best defense. >> greg: tom cruise loves mentioning that. dana, what is yours? >> dana: mine is something i
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thought interesting. chart based on information that engaged, a friend of mine is there and trend setter got. campaigns are getting so sophisticated they are getting down to, they will be able to tell what websites likely voters went to. if you an obama supporter you are likely to visit buzz feed, google, zappos which surprise me because i buy a lot of shoes, too. if you are a conservative you are likely to go to commerce about personal finance like paypal, ebay linked in and things like this that. that is interesting. go to the website. >> bob: four years ago it was magazines. >> greg: eric? >> eric: we found today that the usda is spending money on radio ads to help people get food assistance.
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>> man! [speaking foreign language] >> eric: there are 3 million for this spanish. >> bob: food stamps, food stamps, food stamps. got it on his brain. food stamps because he uses them. >> kimberly: i eat everything in the green room. >> bob: you're up. >> kimberly: fantastic. i want to give a shout out and highlight three of the girls one from "the five." andrea tantaros. we did the "a" block and i think where have i heard this about obama sugar dad day? andrea did a call in march talking about single women loving obama. he is their sugar daddy. they like free birth control and extra stuff that he promises them. now i have a girlfriend who is a democrat. she is married and she had a baby boy today. weston
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