tv Red Eye FOX News July 18, 2012 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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thank you. >> bob: you have been great. thank you. >> dana: 19 years. >> eric: you are a hare for being camera three on your friend bob. >> dana: he is the one that calls you know what on certain things. >> eric: leave it there. that's it for "the five." thank you for watching. see you manana. >> bob: who is it is like transformers by by formers you mean gender. andy levy is off. filling in is michael moinahan. michael, what is coming up on tonight's show? >> thanks, greg. our top story, mitt romney knocks president obama for 8 -- for saying u.s. businesses owe for their success. and peta opposed to humans humans and delicious food is paying homeless people to care for stray animals.
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when reached for comment, a homeless man threatened to eat my baby's face. and finally, a recent study says that 80% of new jobs created since 2009 have gone to men. this confirms earlier research suggests that women are hopelessly lazy. >> wow. >> back to you, greg. >> terrible. >> it is true. it is a study. >> i don't believe you. go away. let's welcome our guests. she is so hot that rolexs pawn her when they need the extra cash. i am here with lauren lauren sivan, reporter for kttv in los angeles. and he had a staring role in "titanic" in which his lips played a life boat. it is paul mccurio. and in florida he is considered a fan knee pack. my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and if he were bongos i would bang him in a coffeehouse. sitting next toe gavin
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mckinnis. it is disgusting. his latest book is how to bleep in public. and he has always denied he liens to one side. our new york times correspondent. good to see you, pinch. >> hey-ho. i have much bally-ho over ms. sullivan as our mu editor. she will be moderator of an on going conversation. one thing she and andrew levey have in common is they are both ambuds woman. did you see what i did there, intern porch? >> me make doo-doo on keyboard. >> sigh. >> i think that sigh is universal. did they change the name because of who they blame? the host committee for the democratic national convention has been sending out e-mails referring to charlotte bank of america stadium as panthers
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stadium. obviously named after the animal found in kenya, no doubt. it will be the site of president obama's closing speech for september's convention. you like that, lauren. but they want to play undo the name bank -- play down the name of bank of america because they hate banks and of course america. mitt romney hammered the plez for his remark that, quote, if you have a business, you didn't build that. >> the idea is to say that steve jobs didn't build apple, that henry ford didn't build ford motor, that papa john didn't build papa john pizza. that ray croc didn't build mcdonalds and bill gates didn't build microsoft. that joe and his colleagues didn't build this enterprise. to saying say something like this is not only follow lish, but insulting to every on entrepreneur in america. >> somebody finally turned on
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the emotion chip. let's see how the duck community is reacting to this. >> i worry about those ducks. gavin, or i don't know if i should call you sir at this point. >> okay. wherever you are from, what do you make of this wharf words over rugged individualism between our candidate? >> are you talking about bank, the stadium or the romney talking about entrepreneur? >> pick one, the bank. >> the problem with the bank thing is america is all about the race. race this, race that. when romney come it is called black panther stadium. where i am from i say we don't
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care about muslim or gay. we don't neighed a stadium after some -- we don't name a stadium after some 60s radical. >> it is not about the black panthers. >> it is black panther with the beret and olympic uniform and the strange wicker chair. >> it was a panther like an actual -- what is it a cat? >> like a cougar. now you hate old ladies. >> i don't hate old ladies. >> focus on the issues. who is a man who is a [bleep]. who gets the fish? who brings in the net? not who is a radical. this is from the 60s. >> that's right. lauren, isn't this just like president obama changing the name of his birthplace from kenya to america? >>- q. i is he single? >> of course i am.
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i will make love to you and your whole family. >> so inviting. >> you are welcome. >> soirks greg, what was the question? >> i don't remember. pick one. what do you think of the name changing of the bank? >> the name changing of the bank? first of all, let's be honest, panther stadium sounds more exciting than pang of america stadium. -- than bank of america stadium. they should take it a step further, cougar stadium sounds sexier. >> you can stop there. >> i don't know. >> you are focused on some air air -- some areols right now. >> i am a fan of the eastern block for some reason. >> you go to party and meet chicks. >> paul, you had to change your name from mccurio to mccuro.
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that's the truth. >> i was albanian at one time and no longer. my nipples would push through my fish net top, and i did not know what to do with myself. look, first of all, i think the democrats made a mistake to even point it out. they should have put the name of the stadium in as bank of america stadium. obama bailed that bank out with $45 billion. he can name it whatever he wants. he can name it [bleep] stadium. >> america bailed that bank out. >> and he is america because he is the president, right? >> if you say so. i am willing to believe that. >> your tie is crook cede. crook cede. >> don't you think it was foolish to bring this up, drawing light to it by bringing it up. >> that's what they were doing. they almost create problems by trying to avoid a problem. >> the only problem they have the republicans have a problem with is this is what they will seize on? >> this is what we seized on.
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this is the one i chose to do. paul you often receive charity last for your horrible, horrible jokes. i suppose you agree with obama. >> first of all, look, he is ashamed of success, yes. this is a guy who is theirst black president. he is a harvard laurie view. >> harvard? wow. >> he wants all -- >> harvard eh? >> they took that out of context. i am not defending it. the government and the business work hand in hand for success in this country. >> wait a minute. who are you? you are the evil twin. a little less gay, but still the evil twin. >> i have a confession to make. i was wearing a silly shirt and doing a funny voice. >> what is your point? >> the government does nothing but thwart success. >> oh come on. >> success is the ability to go from failure to failure. >> you cannot live on that.
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>> the government does nothing but take away jobs by getting in our way. the only way to create wealth in jobs is to be independent -- >> you know anybody on unemployment? >> you talk to a guy who planted trees in northern canada, a bike messenger in montreal. i have done nothing but work my ass off. >> and a gay stripper. >> you sit there and say the government does no good at all and has no business, you have no credibility because you can't say it is all government and no business. >> every time the -- >> the government does no good ever, no government ever? the history of man kind has done no good. >> so it takes half of our money. >> what do you want government to do? >> a man in the moon happened a thousand years ago. >> what do you want government to do other than fund gay mesh shirts, what do you want the government to to? >> get out of entrepreneurs' way? >> they are not in entrepreneurs' way all the time. >> i worked on wall street and i know what i am talking about. >> how long does it take to
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register a business in new york city? >> it takes about a week. >> okay, how long does it take in hong kong or singapore where all of the rich people go or all of these other countries ? >> are we not fast enough for you? >> you just paint it yellow and write taxi on it and you have a taxi. now how much is a medallion? $100,000? >> you have a guy in hong kong with a chicken in the front seat driving you around. >> the irony of your statement, hong kong is so advanced they drive around in -- the taxis are probably saabs. >> hong kong could get you the business quicker, but you can't talk about the government. >> can i make a bigger point here, a civil point, when you look at movies about people who are successful, they never could talk about how the government helped them. it is not mentioned because people are ashamed of it. they don't want government help. they want to be -- they light the boot straps.
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what president obama is doing, is he is saying that it is not so bad to get government help, and then he is saying that actually you can't do it without government which means you could say the same argument for failures. if henry ford was helped by the government, so was charles mann son. >> we are talking about degrees. >> exactly. we are talking about degrees. if you look for example i am a reporter in california, going to texas and going to arizona because there is less red tape. you can start a business easier, faster. >> the president bails out the banks and the automobile industry. why is that a bad thing? >> why is it a bad thing? >> it was a process started by a previous administration. you guys are talking out of both sides. >> i am giving admiration to both of those people. >> your neck veins are as big as your lips. >> put lipstick on them. >> is that all you have?
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>> it is a lot. >> get in close. >> the fact is every big business started as a small business. you have to give regulations -- the perfect example because it is so obvious as you watch the bankruptcies in san bernadino and you can see it in vallejo and in greece, unions and regulations regulations are suffocating. people are leaving california to go to texas. they are going to oregon. >> it is not on the arm of the government. you are talking about a union. what can you do about the government? >> it is called a public union, you moron. it is government employees who have pensions that we have to pay for. i'm sorry about the moron thing. my point was so well taken i didn't need to call amor ron. >> public unions strangle the economy. >> you realize what we are
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talking about is nothing remotely to what obama said ?r the full thing he said was that somebody invested in roads and bridges. if you have a business you build that and make that happen. the internet wasn't invented on its own. and despite the fact al gore said he invented the internet -- >> this is where we are. the democrats want us to be ashamed of success. republicans want us to be ashamed of government. we are a country with no self-esteem. we need to replace uncle sam with a fat imu girl. >> how dare you make fun of our dating pool. >> i want to make a point. i am going back to what i said earlier. if the government can take credit for part of your success they have to take responsibility for your failures. ted bundy uses the roads, the man son family used the roads, jeffrey domer. >> where are they not taking
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responsibility for the -- >> but not reducing regulations and not reducing or dealing with the peptions. they were be inned hue the whole wisconsin -- they were behind the whole wisconsin slack valiantly and heroically fought. and people were behind him including the unions. 25% of the unions were behind him. >> wait, the argument is ted bundy may have used a state road ? ted bundy ate papa john's pizza. he loved it. >> that's my point. it is a stupid argument. what do you want to say? >> nothing. >> you sounded happy there. >> from banker checks to nervous wrecks. is the u.s. number one at being undone? the latest issue of the atlantic, the magazine, said one in five americans suffers from an anxiety disorder which makes us the leading nailbiter. it is five times the rate of those in third world nation
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such as nigeria and france. when they come here they assimilate like nobody's business. says the author of "nerve." when they emigrate to the u.s. they get just as anxious as americans. count it. sadly human americans are not the only mammals spinning in circles. that was a cat spinning in circles. that's why it fit into the story. paul, you give everyone here anxiety. >> this is an anxious moment. you yell and he has a paper that is talking. >> that's how you get stuff done. you get anxious. >> the bottom line is as far as third world countries are concerned, we have more to
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lose. we have more choices. we have 127 different diet sodas. in third world countries they have two kinds of famine. they have regular and extra famish. when you have a lot to lose you tend to be more about losing it. >> i agree with the options thing. when i was a teenager i didn't have many options. it was lock the door or wait until the parents left if you know what i mean, right? >> i baked in my bedroom. how do you deal with your anxiety? >> i am not a pharmacist anymore. when an anxiety disorder doesn't lied to a prescription for xanax or medical marijuana prescription card you see a lot of people with an -- anxiety disorders. >> the stick is now ruling it is carrot. speaking of carrots, i love your shirt.
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how do you and your beard explain our anxious superiority? >> we are busy explaining things and making things. one in every two eligible workers in puerto rico work. it is 50% unemployment and not stressed out. playing dominoes on a milk crate. columbia, they probably have a little bit more anxiety because of the coke, but they are in party mode. there is more diagnosis of anxiety, but it has always been there. this is more of the stupid culture we think everything is getting worse because we are diagnosing mother. one generation ago when somebody had breast cancer they say she died of -- of course we have anxiety. we love mondays mondays and hate fridays. >> i love fridays. >> although a friday app app is a genius idea for ipad.
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>> you have to be an app to turn a profit, bill. >> because i like ipad. i don't foe what they are. >> bill, you get the last word here. the only cure for your anxiety is i would think death. >> yes, and i welcome it after "the dark knight" not before. everyone has anxiety, yes? >> yes. >> america is the king of it. great, fine. that's good. maybe it makes us better workers. just don't talk about it. if we all have it, we don't want to hear about your problems. either med up or shut up. inward voice, we don't want to hear about it. everyone deal with their own crap and keep their mouth shut. i'm togging to you. i'm talking to you. >> you have to keep it bottled up and end up like him, lashing out at children. >> i think bill is wrong and right. people like me should express myself, but you should never talk, never.
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>> i think people with ocd have a better quality life because they are anxious and they are worried about things. the guy walking around with headphones on. >> i am on a mild form of pro paw fill at all times. >> we have to take a break. >> you are not going to be here for the second part part. >> coming up, what do hot women think about when they are being hit on by paul mccurio? we discuss lauren sivan's new book. you have to be kidding me. and look at that puppy. yes, they are puppies. i'm not a disembodied voice. i'm paul mccurio's poor self-esteem.
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it is believed to be the first of its kind, a funny paul mccurio joke. >> shut up. >> and a program in san francisco that will put at bay panhandlers and stray dogs that would be euthanatized. the project that starts in august is called woof, wonderful opportunities for occupants and fidos. dogs will be given to formerly homeless people who were screened and trained in exchange for a weekly $75. they will surely spend on something. naturally peta is fighting against the launch of the program. said a spokesperson, many chronic panhandlers deal with addiction issues. they are not adoptable, putting these two troubled populations together is likely to result in disaster. let's check in with one of the canines who just joined the program.
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>> that homeless guy has a huge tongue. >> they all do though. have you noticed that? >> that is you on a first date. >> you can do better than that. >> if you stop talking people can hear it. >> they don't want to hear it. >> gavin, the program calls -- you don't call them dog owners. they call them temporary dog owners. they believe the word pet and owner is de roughing tore. >> that's -- derogatory. >> that's true. i heard where they said pet is derogatory. it is animal companion or something. >> then what do you call your wife? jay hey, get out of town. >> it is that -- >> raise your hands. >> peta has, what, about 40 million dollars budget a year.
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95% of the dogs they kill because though their heart is in the right place they can't kill. they kill 40,000 dogs and cats a year. though i get you don't want them with junkies they will die anyway. worst case scenario the homeless guy eats the dog. that sounds gross, but still better than what was going to happen to him. he is fed. >> i was going to lauren, but you can't shut up. >> maintain focus. hing.want to fit in so i will >> there is definitely a little something. >> somebody answer the question. >> i think america thanks you. >> the weird thing is it was already purple. >> i want to go to lauren. lauren, what do you make of this 1234 you stwo knock it off. >> taste it. it is chocolate. >> i am calling my agent.
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>> all of a sudden gavin's phone rings. >> so peta if i am understanding this correctly, the animal control specialist from peta calls it a lure to keep people from panhandling. so peta is anti-animal finding homes, pro panhandling? >> yes, exactly. but i think they are wrong, bill. panhandlers are just going to use the dogs to enhance panhandling. >> you can make more money panhandling with a dog. >> a guy has a better chance with a chick if he has a cute dog. a hobo or to use a politically correct term, bum, has a better chance to get dollars if they have a cute dog. here is the problem -- >> a guy has a better chance if he has a home. >> absolutely. >> the dog will only get you so far. you can't take me back to your place. the date is over. >> i said he has a better chance of getting a dollar and not a date. >> what if the dog is involved
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with you in the bedroom with the guy? that's a selling point. >> oh my god. >> you are answering a question with a question. >> it is best just to ignore that. >> here is the problem with the liberal brain. they know these dogs are dying, but seeing them with the homeless man makes them uncomfortable because it is not perfect. they say give them to us, but we will try to find them a home. then we will euthanize them. they would rather have death than the ideal. >> i come in and we will get -- [inaudible]. >> you have a back tramp stamp. >> my whole back is tatood. >> by the way, are we allowed to use that camera shot while he is wearing the shirt? >> what does that mean? >> go to commercial. >> have i to take a break. >> don't i smell like powder? >> why do we keep having
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them? >> do you have a comment on the show? e-mail us, red eye at fox and to leave a voicemail on my direct line 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from michael moynaha. >> it is sponsored by cake, the food made from flower, fat, sugar, eggs and other ingredients. thanks, cake. ?60o0o0oo0o0o0o0o
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let's see if we had anything wrong so far. for that we go to michael moynahan. >> considering that was the strangest half an hour of television history? >> i felt like the little old lady on the school bus. >> yes. can somebody start a greg fund to send him on a holiday after that disasterous two blocks of television? >> wow. >> no, no. it was paul's fault. >> i'm right here. >> we will start with gavin. well, we start with gavin who is like this serbian cheech mare rine. you said in your serbian character that it is not about race in s re bia. serbia. you don't hate muslims? you don't remember the 90s? >> what happened in balkan is we said i hate you. i haven't seen these guys for
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900 years. we see them and have a big freak out. we play soccer with people's heads and then it all settles down. now we are cool and america should catch up to the balance balance -- to the balkans. >> lauren when we were talking about -- when you guys were talking about stadium you said there should be sexier alternatives, and then you didn't name any except for maybe maybe -- he said panther, but that was said. do you have any other sexy alternatives ? >> i said a cougar would be sexier than panther. >> but that was it? >> you want me to make a list of sexy stadium names? >> i thought you were going to deliver on that. >> michael, when are you going to realize that i am going to disappoint you every time? >> have you been doing it for 15 years. paul you said among many other things that were of factule con at the present time, and
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actually -- factule content, bill said this, quote, was taken out of context, and then he read the quote which appeared to be completely in context. >> one at a time. i am laying down the law. how is this out of context? it is a cribbing version of what elizabeth warren says. >> i agree with that. the part mitt romney latched on to is not what he was saying at all. >> is it not from both president obama and elizabeth warren a strong argument to say people don't -- they think we should eliminate roads? who is saying this? >> it is a tin man argument. it has nothing to do with the straw man. >> it is all about hearts and not brains. >> we have established it is a strong man argument. paul, you said you started yelling at the guy in the mesh shirt who i believe is called gavin. you said that he said the government does nothing. but do you know anyone on
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welfare? i am confused. we were talking about businesses and stuff. >> we were talking about government and the context of government and business. when somebody says government does nothing and serves no purpose whatsoever, as much as i respect gavin, they lose credibility with me. >> as william f buckley says, you are a pie pie row -- piromaniac. the government does president do anything. >> he just said that, where were you? in the bathroom? >> i had the thing in my ear. >> you were not listening. >> if you point out half of the salaries you will find a man on the moon 50 years ago. congratulations. >> five minutes later they say nobody ever said it. where are we going with this
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conversation? don't sit there and tell me you didn't say government goes no where. the government does nothing. >> government hinders business. >> you didn't say it that way. >> i screamed it that way a thousand different times. >> i got here on a road. the road was built by the government. >> it was between the opening and back. >> i don't think that was the argument. >> gavin said we talked about taxing and it was a good example. they said they are selling for upwards of $100,000 and two sold for $1 million because the government creates an artificial shortage. let's move on. unbelievable, you people.
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>> what do you mean by you people? >> i actually mean paul. >> somebody explain that to paul. >> you said al gore never -- that is a myth. it is kind of a myth but he is responsible for this mess. he is a guy that used to have a television show him how. he clarified later. according to websters it would fall under a line of creating legislation. >> yes. i am going to get emmanuel lewis to confirm that. let's move on beyond this stupid story. greg and paul both said you have too much choice.
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you are both idiotic. move to havana. choice is awesome. >> it is awesome. but i guess what they use as a cliche anxiety is a first world problem. anxiety isn't an issue when you are in cuba fearing for your life or trying to find food. >> that's right. once you have something the fear of losing it is -- it creates a lot of anxiety. if you never had it, you don't know what you can lose. i think that -- >> it is like a career for you. >> it is like you in a relationship with a woman. >> as gavin .ed out, we have become better at diagnosing these things. and in that story one of the guys said the average high school kid has the same level of anxiety as the average psychiatric patient in the early 1950s. that my friend is a pile of nonsense. >> no, it is not. my son in two or three years will go to high school. two or three years he will have to go two or three years
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to high school and take a battery of tests to get into a decent high school. there is a lot more stress on kids in this era than when we were young. >> let's clarify here. somebody else mentioned this in the story. this is the bias of people writing stories and discussing stories that live in manhattan. this happens in manhattan. it does president happen in other places. >> people living in the suburbs, same issue with kids these age. >> testing to get into schools? >> american schools have the lowest standards. >> you just have to show up to get an "a." >> it is to have a perfect record to get into college and all of that. >> but they don't have food. it is a simple existence. >> they look amazing. >> i have the last one here. let me tell what you gavin said.
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he said pet was a derogatory term. this was the oxford center of ethics and he said the term is critters. you can call them critters. >> and then you eat them. >> no one pointed out all of the homeless people in san francisco that are gutter punks already have dogs. >> that's true. the dogs seem to be doing all right. the dogs don't know. >> minus the rope, the leash. >> the dogs don't know. somebody said it far more ella qebtly than me, but a dog doesn't know if they have a rich owner. >> did i not mention that churchill quote, he never said it. much like every churchill quote, i don't think he said anything, actually. >> i believe the famous quote he said i am f-ing loaded. >> and hugely overweight. >> if you are conservative when you are young have no heart.
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>> not churchill. >> that was emmanuel lewis. >> that was the guy who played the football player. back to you, greg. >> who was that? >> alex. >> and his lovely wife susan saint james. >> he was kicked out of the nfl for infractions. >> we can talk about this forever, but we will take a break. stories so jarring that if they were schools they would crush their head under your boot. but first, let's do a story on medical marijuana. whatever, dude. that's the last time i get high with a tease.
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a study finds little or no evidence that medical marijuana is an effective treatment for migraines, anxiety, depression and ptsd. it will allow for uses of the drug in arizona. said one official, do the benefits outweigh the risk? and there is not much research to form our policy decisions. meanwhile, researchers proved that medical marijuana is high in treating funyon apathy disorder or fad. why don't we discuss this in the -- >> lightning rooouuu nu nnndd. lightning round. >> gavin, didn't we already know that medical marijuana was a giant scam? we kind of knew. >> it is like arizona where they say you can't profile illegal aliens. you don't know when someone is an illegal alien. >> we all knew it was total horse poo.
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they talked about anxiety and how it is a pain reliever. it feels like your skin is being torn from your body with an exacto knife. >> say you have to fight in the parking lot and you hit a bowl before the fight, you would be explosive diarrhea in your pants. >> but you can take the bong and beat them with the bong. >> maybe i am high. >> if you are going to interrupt me, have a zinger. >> but if you had a bit of whiskey you can see it taking away the ang anxiety. >> i am having nightmares about the war. >> i smoked a huge joint and i say, whatever, dude, you died. >> it is a good point. whole, -- actually it is the argument for alcohol, paul. i am posing any kind of question to you that you might be prepared to answer. >> i was with somebody in san francisco and she said, well i
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just went and said i had something wrong with my back. this is a 55-year-old woman. it is abused and probably will be legalized. what i am curious about, benefits outweigh the risks. what risks are there? a dorito famine? >> let's make it clear we want it legalized, right? >> absolutely. >> the people against it will be outdated. they will be like the japanese who are still hiding on islands. >> pow's mia's. >> should we be surprised by this study? >> yes. if we all think it will be legalized we should be surprised they are looking for reasons it is not working of the am i the only one not stoned here? i live in california where it is legal. let me tell you it makes for some amazing man on the street interviews so i am for it. >> the thing that drove me
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crazy about the dispense res is they don't bother with dosages. it is like, i have a problem. i will have a giant cookie. or i have some issues, now there is a casserole. take the casserole. they were frauds from the start. if you go to a pharmacy -- >> now they are unionized. >> that is true. >> is that hurting you? >> does it bother me? >> yes. and they can't eat. they are sick and dying. >> i probably don't have an anxiety disorder. >> by the way, of course it doesn't hurt an swrai tee. pot hurts anxiety and makes it worse. unless i have a joint and looking at one of the awesome things i put up, i will eventually have some anxiety. >> there is also a karma
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thick. by fighting for legalization of marijuana and abusing the system by lying, i don't know -- >> i am starting to feel like an uncle tom here. >> they almost made it illegal. it is like home visits are massages. >> you are not really a masseuse. >> i feel like a tattle tale. >> we are snitches. >> we can get high and get over it that way. >> more stuff to talk about when we return.
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next topic and it is earth shattering. it is a little bit of heaven at 7-11. for a buck or two you could get mashed potatoes and gravy from a machine. apparently 7-eleven in singapore has these slurpee-type machines and they are showing up here. more proof that we are the greatest country the world has ever known. gavin, where were you when you heard this news? >> you see after a night of
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drinking everybody goes out and you get a kabob or something. what that does is it lines your stomach and gives you a little material to work with. you eat the next day and feel relieved. you have added a buffer zone, a wee air bag. and i am glad it finally comes here. you can drink late and line yourself. >> nice. lauren, how would your mother react to this? >> that's disgusting a mashed potato. why mashed potato first of all? is that what everyone is craving? you go to 7-eleven? it looks very oliver twist. it looks like a buell of gruel. disgusting. >> i want to do an accent too. i want april accent. ready? i am going to put another shrimp on the barbie. wait, wait! mate. >> have i a point -- i have a
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poimt. >> why i did know he was going to do that. >> when 7-eleven gets a soda with cranberry sauce that's where i am spending my thanksgiving. >> i don't know what that means. >> mashed potatoes and gravy with the cranberry. i played along with your scottish gay thing, but you can't help me out. >> nobody will help you. we will close things out with a post game wrap up with michael moynahan. for more goes to fox eye.
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>> back t michael moynahan for the post game wrap up. >> can i do a funny voice gnaw? >> no. >> lauren? >> michael? >> tell us about this pod cast of yours. >> it is our shared project with bill schulz, sun phos sun fox >> are you familiar with him? >> quickly. come on. is this an opera? >> this is why america is anxious. >> paul,. >> yes i will be performing at the comic strip. >> let me ask the question. >> you are so unprofessional. you lie, you -- >> whatever. >> are you still talking? >> gavin? did i hear it is your birthday? >> it is my birthday. also i am going to be doing my one man show at the apolo. white know flake and a pile of chocolate. i wouldov
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